the impact of land use change on the carbon stocks associated with soil and vegetation in south...

0<3<'3<'35 Roe nh|cmr fj icgb u}e mocgke fg roe Roe nh|cmr fj icgb u}e mocgke fg roe mcp `fg }r fma } c}}fmn cr eb { n r o }fni cgb mcp `fg }r fma } c}}fmn cr eb { n r o }fni cgb z ekercr nfg ng z ekercr nfg ng ]furo ] furo Afpec Afpec Mocg \CPA$) BfgkAug IEE$) H~ugkA~ffg IEE$$ $]efui Gcrnfgci Ugnzep}nr~) $$Aenh~ugk Ugnzep}nr~ Emfgfhnm} fj Minhcre Mocgke cgb If{ Mcp`fg Kpf{ ro ]rpcrekne} ng Gfproec}r C}nc Pe|u`inm fj Afpec„} 0 gb GCRNFGCI [FPA]OF\ 35 Fmrf`ep 0<3< Kpcgb Ch`c}}cbfp ]efui) ]efui) Afpec 3

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Page 1: The Impact of Land Use Change on the Carbon Stocks Associated with Soil and Vegetation in South Korea

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Roe nh|cmr fj icgb u}e mocgke fg roeRoe nh|cmr fj icgb u}e mocgke fg roe

mcp`fg }rfma} c}}fmncreb {nro }fni cgbmcp`fg }rfma} c}}fmncreb {nro }fni cgbzekercrnfg ngzekercrnfg ng ]furo]furo AfpecAfpec

Mocg \CPA$) BfgkAug IEE$) H~ugkA~ffg IEE$$

$]efui Gcrnfgci Ugnzep}nr~) $$Aenh~ugk Ugnzep}nr~

Emfgfhnm} fj Minhcre Mocgke cgb If{ Mcp`fgKpf{ro ]rpcrekne} ng Gfproec}r C}ncPe|u`inm fj Afpec„} 0gb GCRNFGCI [FPA]OF\35 Fmrf`ep 0<3<Kpcgb Ch`c}}cbfp ]efui) ]efui) Afpec


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@cmakpfugb * F`demrnze}

]hnro er ci'/0<<?.


Icgb”u}e mocgke}/IUM}. cjjemr gfr fgi~ kpeegofu}e kc} ehn}}nfg} `ur

ci}f roe mcp`fg }rfma} c}}fmncreb { nro }fni cgb zekercrnfg

Nr n} nh|fprcgr rf cmmfugr jfp roe b~gchnm} fj IUM ng mcp`fg }rfma

mocgke hfbeingk

Mfugrpne} hc~ mocpke mcp`fg u|rcae rf roe Icgb U}e) Icgb U}e Mocgke

cgb Jfpe}rp~ /IUIUMJ. }emrfp c} mcp`fg mpebnr}

Ng }|nre fj cg ngmpec}e ng crregrnfg

rf mcp`fg(}nga hcgckehegr ng

minhcre mocgke gekfrncrnfg} cgb ng

cmcbehnm }rubne}) roe pfie fj jurupe

IUM ng mcp`fg }rfma} n} ugmeprcng ng

]furo Afpec

E}rnhcrngk roe ejjemr} fj IUM fg

mcp`fg }rfma} ng ]furo Afpec

`er{eeg roe ~ecp} fj 0<<5 cgb 0<=<=

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Tceoie er ci') 0<<;

]nhuicreb icgb”crhf}|oepe M

jiux /G@E. pe}uir} jpfh roe

bnjjepegme ̀ er{eeg reppe}rpnci

ger |pnhcp~ |pfbumrnfg /G\\.)cgb M peiec}e} jpfh

oerepfrpf|onm pe}|npcrnfg /Po.)

`nfhc}} ̀ upgngk) if}}e} jpfh

icgb(u}e mfgzep}nfg}) cgb

ouhcg c||pf|pncrnfg fj 

`nfhc}} bue rf mfh`ngeb

ejjemr} fj minhcre zcpnc`ninr~)

minhcre mocgke) ngmpec}ngk

crhf}|oepnm QMF0X) cgb icgb(

u}e mocgke}

Jfmu}ngk 4 ejjemr fj icgb(u}e mocgke fg mcp`fg }rfma}


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Icgb(u}e mocgke }megcpnf}

Ex|epr Pezne{

Icgb(u}e mocgke hfbeingk

Icgb mocgke hfbeiep

Icgb(u}e mocgke}

0<<5 z} 0<=<

Mcp`fg }rfma mocgke}

Zekercrnfg/@nfhc}}.) ]fni


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IUM }megcpnf

Roe IUM }megcpnf} u}eb ng ron} }rub~ cpe

`c}eb fg roe jfup N\MM ]PE] }megcpnf}

@c}eb fg roe }fmnci emfgfhnm

c}}uh|rnfg} c}}fmncreb {nro roe ]PE]

}rfp~inge}) {e hfbnjneb cgb

mfh|iehegreb fup IUM} }megcpnf}

cmmfpbngk rf }fmnf(emfgfhnm mfgbnrnfg}

ng ]furo Afpec

[e pemenzeb mfhhegr} jpfh ex|epr}

ngmiubngk ngbnznbuci} {of ocb rcaeg |cpr

ng c }rub~ fg minhcre mocgke /r{f

emfgfhn}r}) r{f ex|epr} fg icgb(u}e

|finm~) cgb cg ex|epr fg IUM hfbeingk.


Herofb} jfp Bezeif|ngk ]megcpnf}


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IUM }megcpnfHerofbfifk~


]megcpnf} ]rfp~inge}

C3 ]megcpnf

( Mpf|icgb cgb jfpe}r cpe hf}r inaei~ rf `e up`cgnteb( Pekuicrnfg} |pfremrngk kpeeg`eir cpec} cpe injreb rf cmmfhhfbcre emfgfh nm

kpf{ro cgb roe ex|cg}nfg fj |pnzcre |pf|epr~( Roe mfgrpfi fj mpf|icgb bezeif|hegr n} peicxeb bue rf roe nh|pfzehegr} ng

ckpnmuirupci |pfbumrnznr~

C0 ]megcpnf

( Up`cgntcrnfg |pfk pe}}e} cr roe }che iezei( Kpc}}icgb cgb jfpe}r cpe hfpe inaei~ rf mocgke ngrf mpf|icgb /jffb }emu pnr~.( Jfpe}r cpec bempec}e c} roe~ mocgke ngrf kpc}}icgb) up`cg cpec) cgb mpf|icgb( Kpeeg`eir cgb ckpnmuirupci bezeif|hegr peknfg} cpe ae|r cr |pe}egr iezei

@3 ]megcpnf

( Up`cgntcrnfg |pfkpe}}e} cr c if{ ep iezei( Hfpe mpf|icgb cgb kpc}}icgb cpec} cpe mocgkeb ngrf jfpe}r /C& P MBH.( Kpc}}icgb cgb jfpe}r cpec} cpe mocgkeb ngrf mpf|icgb /`nf(egepk~.( Bezeif|heg r mfgrpfi} |pe}epzeb kpeeg`eir) cgb mpf|icgb cpec} cpe ae|r

cr |pe}egr iezei

@0 ]megcpnf( Roepe n} inrrie ge{ up`cgntcrnfg( Icgb(u}e mocgke} ngrf jfpe}r fmmup hcngi~ fg hcpkngci mpf|icgb cpec}( Bezeif|hegr pekuicrnfg jfp |pfremrngk mpf|icgb cpec} cpe ae|r /jffb }emupnr~.


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IUM Hfbeingk

[e u}eb Icgb Mocgke Hfbeiep /IMH. mfh|fgegr fj roe NBPN]N 35'<

[e e}rc`in}oeb Icgb(u}e rpcg}nrnfg |pf`c`ninrne} `~ cgci~tngk

mfppeicrnfg} `er{eeg |c}r icgb u}cke cgb }u}|emreb bpnzngk jcmrfp}

[e |pebnmreb jurupe icgb(u}e mocgke} `~ c||i~ngk roe}e jcmrfp} rf

exn}rngk icgb(u}e |crrepg}

[e ci}f u}eb roe huirnic~ep |epme|rpfg /HI\. geupci ger{fpa herofb

rf kegepcre icgb(u}e rpcg}nrnfg |pf`c`ninrne}

Roe}e rpcg}nrnfg puie} {epe uirnhcrei~ c||ineb rf exn}rngk icgb(u}e

|crrepg} `~ eh|if~ngk c meiiuicp curfhcrfg remognsue

Ron} herofb fj IUM hfbeingk ocb behfg}rpcreb c kffb |epjfphcgme ng

|peznfu} peknfgci }rubne} fj ]furo Afpec


Herofb} jfp IUM hfbeingk


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IUM Hfbeingk

Kpf}} Peknfgci Bfhe}rnm \pfbumr /KPB\.

]megcpnf(}|emnjnm |f|uicrnfg

Rf|fkpc|onm eiezcrnfg) }if|e) bn}rcgme jpfh pfcb}) cgb bn}rcgme jpfh

`unir(u| cpec}

Kpeeg`eir}) gcrnfgci |cpa}) roe Behninrcpnteb Tfge) roe `ceabubcekcg)

{ericgb}) mfg}epzcrnfg jfpe}r}) {crepjpfgr}) ckpnmuirupci bezeif|hegr

peknfg}) jfpe}r pe}fupme mfg}epzcrnfg cpec}) {crep }fupme mfg}epzcrnfg

cpec}) cgb { nib cgnhci cgb |icgr |pfremrnfg cpec}


Bpnzngk Jcmrfp}

Mfg}rpcngeb Jcmrfp}


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Mcp`fg }rfma mocgke}Herofbfifk~

]nga cgb ]fupme

]fupme]fupme Bejfpe}rcrnfg) Bemfh|f}nrnfg

]nga& ]fupme]nga& ]fupme Ger mocgke ng }fni mcp`fg }rfma}

]nga]nga ]reh zfiuhe ngmpehegr) Cjjfpe}rcrnfg


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Mcp`fg }rfma mocgke}

Mocgke} ng mcp`fg }rfma { epe mcimuicreb `~ mfg}nbepngk roe mocgke} ng

`fro roe `nfhc}} c}}fmncreb { nro jfpe}r zekercrnfg cgb mcp`fg ng roe


[onie `fro cpe cjjemreb `~ IUM) roe jfphep cpe ci}f cjjemreb `~ gcrupci



Mcimuicrnfg herofb}

]fni }rfma mocgke 8 }fni mcp`fg }rfma /0<<5. ” }fni mcp`fg }fma /0<=<.

@nfhc}} }rfma mocgke 8 }reh zfiuhe ngmpehegr ! cjjfpe}rcrnfg

” bejfpe}rcrnfg ” bemfh|f}nrnfg fj inrrep

]rfma mocgke 8 }fni }rfma mocgke ! `nfhc}} }rfma mocgke


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Mcp`fg }rfma mocgke}Herofbfifk~

Mcimuicrnfg herofb}

Cgguc i kpf{ro pcre fj } reh zfiuhe /AJPN ) 0<<:.

/㎥ & oc.Mfgnjepfu}


jfpe}rHnxeb jfpe}r

Cgguci kpf{ro pcre fj ]reh zfiuhe 5':? ='25 2'5:

Mfej jn mnegr jfp mcp`fg }rfma mcimu icrnfg `~ zekercr nfg r~|e /AJPN) 0<<:.

]reh Beg}nr~ /rfg&㎥.@nfhc}} Ex|cg}nfg

JcmrfpMcp`fg Jpcmrnfg fj 


Mfgnjepfu} jfpe}r <'2; 3':53 <'5

Bemnbufu} jfpe}r <'?< 3';0< <'5

Hnxeb jfpe}r <':=5 3':?5 <'5


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Mcp`fg }rfma mocgke}

Rf e}rnhcre mcp`fg cmmuhuicrnfg ng }fni) roe herofb} fj Iee er ci' /0<<3.

{epe eh|if~eb {nro bn}rngmrnfg} bpc{g chfgk jfup r~|e} fj icgb u}e


Mcimuicrnfg herofb}

]f ni mcp`fg } rfma `~ icgb u}e r~|e /Iee e r ci') 0<<3.

Jfpe}r \cbb~ jneib U|icgb jneib Kpc}}icgb Froep

]fni mcp`fg/Mr& oc. :;'> :<'5 25'> 25'> 33'5

@ejfpe Mfgnjepfu} jfpe}r Bemnbufu} jfpe}r Hnxeb jfpe}r

Cjrep Mpf| Kpc}} Froep Mpf| Kpc}} Froep Mpf| Kpc}} Froep

@nfhc}} mocgke /& oc. (=2 (23 (2> (;2 (;> (?> (5= (5? (:?

[oeg roe jfpe}r {c} mfgzepreb rf froep icgb u}e}) {e c}}uheb rocr

zekercrnfg { nii mfh|ierei~ bejfpe}reb cgb :<% fj inzngk `nfhc}} inae

inrrep cgb pffr} {nii bemc~'

Cmmuhuicreb bempec}e ng `pcgmoe} cgb pffr} mcp`fg }rfma} /Iee er ci') 0<<3.


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IUM pe}uir}Pe}uir

C3 C0 @3 @03>>>

/C3. Up`cgntcrnfg fmmup} |pnhcpn i~ fg if{) jicr icgb) fmmc}nfgcii~ pe|icmngk

ckpnmuirupe' Cipecb~(up`cgnteb cpec} cr roe fur}anpr} fj ]efui cgb froep hcdfp

herpf|fi nrcg cpec} cpe e}|emncii~ }u}me|rn`ie rf up`cgntcrnfg

/C0. Bezeif|hegr regb} rf fmmup ng roe }u`up`}

/@3. Je{ ep mpf|icgb cpec} gecp ]efui cpe up`cgnteb) cgb up`cgntcrnfg jfmu}e} fghcdfp mnrne} ropfukofur roe mfugrp~

/@0. Up`cgntcrnfg exregb} jpfh `fro icpke mnrne} cgb }hcii rf{g}) {onie

up`cgntcrnfg ng hfpe pupci cpec} regb} rf mocgke ngrf mpf|icgb fp jfpe}r


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Mcp`fg }rfma} mocgkePe}uir

Cmmuhuicreb mcp`fg }rfma ng i nzngk `nfhc}} ng jfpe}r icgb pehcng ngk jfpe}r icgb /0<<:w0<=<.




jfpe}rHnxeb jfpe}r Rfrci

C3 Cpec /3<<< oc. 0)50; 3):3? 3)55= 5);<<

]reh zfiuhe ngmpehegr /3<<< ㎥. =5?)>;= 3=>):<? 3;;)303 :;5);<0

Cmmuhuicreb mcp`fg }rfma /3<<< RM. 3=>)0>= >:)<:3 >2)>05 ==<)0;>

C0 Cpec /3<<< oc. 0)5:= 3):0> 3)5;0 5);:2

]reh zfiuhe ngmpehegr /3<<< ㎥. =:=)><3 32<)55: 3;>)0;? :?=);=5

Cmmuhuicreb mcp`fg }rfma /3<<< RM. 323)0<5 >:);32 >:)<?3 ==2)<<<

@3 Cpec /3<<< oc. 0)52= 3):0> 3)5:3 5);=2

]reh zfiuhe ngmpehegr /3<<< ㎥. =:3)02< 32<)5=3 3;;)>25 :;>);3:

Cmmuhuicreb mcp`fg }rfma /3<<< RM. 32<)3;= >:):>; >5)=:: ==0)0=:

@0 Cpec /3<<< oc. 0)5>0 3):=> 3)5?: 5)?3?

]reh zfiuhe ngmpehegr /3<<< ㎥. =:?)3=> 323)=50 3?<)?5> :><)=5<

Cmmuhuicreb mcp`fg }rfma /3<<< RM. 320)?5< >;)0:3 >:)>0? ==;)<=>

Mcp`fg }rfma ng inzngk `nfhc}}

\pebnmreb ngmpec}e} ng `nfhc}} cgb mcp`fg cmmuhuicrnfg bue rf rpee

kpf{ro ng jfpe}r) {onmo pehcng} c} c jfpe}r cpec) cpe }of{g c} `eif{

==;'< HrM n} |pebnmreb rf cmmuhuicre ng roe jfpe}r) {onmo pehcng} c} c

jfpe}r cpec) jpfh 0<<5 rf 0<=< ng @0 }megcpnf


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Mcp`fg }rfma} mocgkePe}uir

Mcp`fg }rfma ng inzngk `nfhc}}

Ng cii roe IUM }megcpnf}) mfgnjepfu} jfpe}r} cmmuhuicre c icpke chfugr

fj mcp`fg c} c pe}uir fj `fro rpee kpf{ro cgb kefkpc|onm ex|cg}nfg

Of{ezep) bemnbufu} rpee} cpe hfpe ejjemrnze ng pebumngk mcp`fg

Roe chfugr fj cmmuhuicreb mcp`fg }rfma} `~ cjjfpe}rcrnfg fzep 05

~ecp} mfuib `e mcimuicreb c} }of{ g c} `eif{

Mcp`fg }rfma `~ cjjfpe}rcrnfg} n} icpke}r ng @3 }megcpnf bue rf icgb

mfgzep}nfg rf jfpe}r {c} bfge hcngi~ ng roe @3 }megcpnf

Cmmuhuicreb mcp`fg }rfma ng i nz ngk `nfhc}} ng icgb mfgzepreb rf jfpe}r icgb/0<<:w0<=<.

C3 /3<<< RM. @3 /3<<< RM. @3 /3<<< RM. @0 /3<<< RM.

Cmmuhuicreb mcp`fg }rfma 00)25< 0?);?; =0)52? =3)53>3>

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Mcp`fg }rfma} mocgkePe}uir

Cmmuhuicreb bempec}e ng inzngk `nfhc}}

Mcp`fg ehn}}nfg} pe}uirngk jpfh mfhhepmnci murrngk cpe kpecre}r ng C3

Ng roe mc}e fj }megcpnf @3) mcp`fg ehn}}nfg n} peicrnzei~ onkoep rocg

}megcpnf C0 cgb @0 } ngme roe~ ocze icpkep rpcg}nrnfg cpec fj jfpe}r icgb'

Cmmuhuicreb bempec}e ng mcp`fg }rfma} ng i nzngk `nfhc}} bue rf bejfpe}rcrnfg/0<<:w0<=<.

Mfgnjepfu} jfpe}r Bemnbufu} jfpe}r Hnxeb jfpe}r RfrciC3 Bejfpe}rcrnfg cpec /3<<<oc. =<= ?0 30> 532

]reh zfiuhe ngmpehegr /3<<<㎥. 03)5=; =)55< ;)=:; =0)252

Cmmuhuicreb ]reh zfiuhe /3<<<㎥. 22);5< 3<)352 3>)3=; ;2)<23

Bempec}e ng mcp`fg }rfma /3<<< RM. 3;)=:5 :)>?; 3<)05: =2):<?

C0 Bejfpe}rcrnfg cpec /3<<<oc. 0:? ;3 33< 22>

]reh zfiuhe ngmpehegr /3<<<㎥. 3>)<;= =)<;: :)0?? 0?)2=;

Cmmuhuicreb ]reh zfiuhe /3<<<㎥. =>):=< ?);>? 3:)==5 :2);:=

Bempec}e ng mcp`fg }rfma /3<<< RM. 35)=;? :)<52 ?);52 =<)3?:

@3 Bejfpe}rcrnfg cpec /3<<<oc. 0?; ;0 300 2?3

]reh zfiuhe ngmpehegr /3<<<㎥. 0<)2<2 =)<?? :)>55 =<)22;

Cmmuhuicreb ]reh zfiuhe /3<<<㎥. 20)=>5 ?)?== 3?)<:; :>)0>5

Bempec}e ng mcp`fg }rfma /3<<< RM. 3:)253 :)<;? >):?0 =0)033

@0 Bejfpe}rcrnfg cpec /3<<<oc. 0=> :0 >; =>?

]reh zfiuhe ngmpehegr /3<<<㎥. 3:)>55 0):;? 5)2>? 05)3=3

Cmmuhuicreb ]reh zfiuhe /3<<<㎥. =5)00? ;)::< 32)0?0 5;)3;<

Bempec}e ng mcp`fg }rfma /3<<< RM. 3=):;< 5)0;3 ;):52 0:)5>5


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Mcp`fg }rfma} mocgkePe}uir

]megcpnf C3 }of{ eb roe onkoe}r mcp`fg bnfxnbe }fupme ng inzngk `nfhc}}

inae `pcgmoe} cgb pffr}

Cmmuhuicreb bempec}e ng `pcgmoe} cgb pffr} mcp`fg }rfma} /0<<:w0<=<.

Jpfh RfC3

/3<<< RM.


/3<<< RM.


/3<<< RM.


/3<<< RM.

Mfgnjepfu} jfpe}r

Mpf|icgb 3);5= 3)520 3)>?; 3);>0

Kpc}}icgb ><5 ?35 =0= 2;3

Froep} ?5< ;52 >;5 =:2

Bemnbufu} jfpe}r

Mpf|icgb ><5 ;;3 ?>0 >3;

Kpc}}icgb 5:= 5=3 0<2 =0;

Froep} 2;: =;> :<? 3??

Hnxeb jfpe}r

Mpf|icgb 3)<=; ??: 3)00= 3)<50

Kpc}}icgb :3; 5:0 0=; ==?

Froep} 5?= 25: :20 003

Rfrci ;):?> :):>2 ;)<>0 5):;<

Cmmuhuicreb bempec}e ng `pcgmoe} cgb pffr}


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Mcp`fg }rfma} mocgkePe}uir

]fni mcp`fg {c} roe onkoe}r ng }megcpnf @0 cgb if{e}r ng }megcpnf C3

Ger mocgke ng }fni mcp`fg }rfma}

Ger mocgke ng }fn i mcp`fg }rfma} `er{eeg 0<<5 cgb 0<=<

Icgb U}eCpec /0<<5.

/3<<< oc.

Cpec /0<=<.

/3<<< oc.

Mcp`fg ]rfma

/0<<5. /3<<< RM.

Mcp`fg ]rfma

/0<=<. /3<<< RM.

Ger Mocgke

/3<<< RM.



\cbb~ jneib 3)250 3)30; ?;)?:; :?)3>0 (3>):;5

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Kpc}}icgb 3?; 0>0 ?)5?? 3=)=>= 2)?<2

Froep} 3)<:0 >=: 30)0<> 3<);5> (3)22>

Rfrci 5>2)3>> 30)::>



\cbb~ jneib 3)250 3)3:; ?;)?:; ;<):<> (3;)05?

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Rfrci :<;)<=; 05)5<?00

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Mcp`fg }rfma} mocgkePe}uir


Roe pe}uir} fj roe mcp`fg }rfma mocgke {epe }rpfgki~ ngjiuegmeb `~ roe

mfgzep}nfg pcre fj c`cgbfgeb ckpnmuirupci cpec} rf jfpe}r

]uhhcp~ fj cmmuhuicreb mcp`fg }rfma mocgke ng roe jfup }megcpnf} /0<<:w0<=<.'

C3 0<=<

/3<<< RM.

C0 0<=<

/3<<< RM.

@3 0<=<

/3<<< RM.

@0 0<=<

/3<<< RM.


]reh zfiuhe ngmpehegr ==<)0;> ==2)<<< ==0)0=: ==;)<=>

Cjjfpe}rcrnfg⑬ 00)25< 0?);?; =0)033 0:)5>5

Bejfpe}rcrnfg④ (=2):<; (=<)3?: (=0)52? (=3)53>

Inrrep① (;):?> (:):>2 (;)<>0 (5):;<

]fni ]fni Mcp`fg ]rfma⑭ 22 30)::> 3?);0= 05)5<?

Bnpemr mcp`fg if}} bue rf IUM /④!①!⑭. (20)050 (02)033 (0<)>3; (33):?3

Ger mocgke fj Mcp`fg }rfma bue rf IUM /⑬!④!①!⑭. (3>)?<0 2)5;: 33)0>2 32)>32

Rfrci cmmuhuicreb mcp`fg }rfma

/czepcke cgguci ngmpehegr ng mcp`fg }rfma.









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Mcp`fg }rfma} mocgkePe}uir

Ej jemr f j IUM fg mcp`fg } rfma cgb emfgfhnm zciue

/hniinfg} fj bfiicp}& ~p. C3 C0 @3 @0

Bnpemr ejjemr fj IUM (3> 2 33 32

Ger mocgke fj Mcp`fg }rfma 0:> 0?> 0>3 =<2

Mcp`fg pebumrnfg} c}}fmncreb {nro roe @0 }megcpnf mcg `e esucreb { nro

cg emfgfhnm kcng fj ?05 hniinfg rocg C3 fzep 05 ~ecp}

Rcangk ngrf cmmfugr }fmnci cgb emfgfhnmci mfg}rpcngr}) of{ezep) c

}hciiep chfugr fj M }esue}rpcrnfg { nii hfpe inaei~ rf fmmup

Cmmfpbngk rf roe pe|fpr ̀ ~ roe Hngn}rp~ fj Mfhhepme) Ngbu}rp~) cgb

Egepk~ /3>?>.) cg cjjfpe}rcrnfg |pfkpch n} `emfhngk hfpe crrpcmrnze

hnrnkcrnfg f|rnfg rf bemn}nfg hcaep}

Emfgfhnm zciue


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]uhhcp~ * Pehcpa}Mfgmiu}nfg

Ron} }rub~ oc} behfg}rpcreb roe nh|fprcgme fj IUM c} c hcdfp jcmrfp)

cjjemrngk `fro mcp`fg }fupme} cgb mcp`fg }nga}

@c}eb fg IUM |pfdemrnfg}) {e cgrnmn|creb mcp`fg pebumrnfg iezei} fj 

30'5 HrM cgb 32'3 HrM) ecmo ~ecp jfp }fni cgb zekercrnfg

Roe @3 }megcpnf }eeh} rf `e roe hf}r }unrc`ie jfp roe jurupe if{ (mcp`fg

}fmner~ /IM]. nhcke}) }ngme nr oc} roe onkoe}r mcp`fg pebumrnfg'

Roe onko peiec}e fj mcp`fg c}}fmncreb { nro bejfpe}rcrnfg fj fib(kpf{ro

jfpe}r cgb roe |fregrnci jfp mcp`fg }esue}rpcrnfg c}}fmncreb { nro

mpf|icgb c`cgbfghegr

Ng icgb(u}e |finm~) nr n} geme}}cp~ rf `peca fur exn}rngk |cpcbnkh}

\finm~ }ofuib `e }onjreb jpfh roe ex|cg}nfg fj up`cg cpec} jfp roe

emfgfhnm kpf{ro rf nh|pfzehegr fj czcnic`ie icgb ropfuko pege{ci fj exn}rngk up`cg cpec} cgb ngmpec}e }|crnci ejjnmnegm~


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Cog ] /0<<5. Cg Emfgfherpnm Cgci~}n} fg roe Mf}r} fj Mcp`fg

]esue}rpcrnfg ng Afpec' Afpec Egznpfghegr Ng}rnrure'

Ngrepkfzepghegrci \cgei fg Minhcre Mocgke /0<<;. N\MM Jfupro

C}}e}}hegr Pe|fpr4 Minhcre Mocgke'

Afpec Jfpe}r Pe}ecpmo Ng}rnrure /3>>:. Afpecg |ef|ie cgb Mcp`fg

bnfxnbe) 30:'

Afpec Jfpe}r Pe}ecpmo Ng}rnrure /0<<:. Bezeif|hegr fj KOK} Ehn}}nfg

Ngzegrfp~ ]~}reh jfp minhcre mocgke mfgzegrnfg'

Iee B) \cpa M /0<<>. Roe Cgci~}n} fj \fregrnci Pebumrnfg fj MF0

Ehn}}nfg ng ]fni cgb Zekercrnfg' Dfupgci fj Roe Afpecg ]fmner~ fj 

Egznpfghegrci Pe}rfpcrnfg Remogfifk~' 30/0.4 >5(3<5'

Iee A) ]fg ^) Anh ^ /0<<3. Kpeegofu}e Kc} Ngzegrfp~ ng Icgb(U}e

Mocgke cgb Jfpe}rp~ ng Afpec) Dfupgci fj Jfpe}r Egepk~' 0</3."J5=(:3'

]hnro \) Jcgk M) Bc{}fg DDM) Hfgmpnejj D@ /0<<?. N h|cmr fj Kif`ci

[cphngk fg ]fni Fpkcgnm Mcp`fg) Cbzcgme} ng Ckpfgfh~) >;4 3(2='

