the hinckley legacy chapter 17: they're alive!!!

The Hinckley Legacy, Chapter 17: They're Alive!!! Written by: hippielayla86

Upload: hippielayla86

Post on 22-Nov-2015




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The Hinckley Legacy has finally returned after an unintentional 5 year hiatus. Get reacquainted with generation 5 heiress Lana, her husband Don and their five children. Thanks for reading!


  • The Hinckley Legacy, Chapter 17:They're Alive!!!

    Written by: hippielayla86

  • After years, yes years of hiatus, the Hinckleys are finally back! I had thought this family was lost when my previous computer bit the dust. I had purchased an external hard drive case though that I wanted to try and use to recover them. Time passed, and I was nervous of a virus passing from my old computer to my new one with the drive, until one night I finally said enough is enough, and hooked the thing up.

    I was very relieved that not only was I able to access all of my old sims files, but my new computer was fine after the connection. (An irrational fear looking back on it, but oh well). I have since added my old Apocalypse Challenge The Peters family to the apocalypse challenge I had started in the meantime, Apocalypse Please! And I revived the Opus Book joint legacy that Katie/ilovereecee and I started years ago, and discovered I had the Encore family too, but I haven't had the amount of time I've wanted to dedicate to my beloved Hinckleys to get them started again. I think I really just didn't know where to start after losing them 5 years ago now. In fact my last Hinckley Chapter, Chapter 16: Reflections on an Era was put out on 7/15/09, so over 5 years ago! That chapter was a recap chapter to reintroduce all of the extended family, I will do a short character introduction, but if you're looking for more depth, I would recommend re-reading that chapter. I will reintroduce the many Hinckleys as we go. So without further ado, thank you so very much for coming back to read about the Hinckleys after all these years!

  • First things first, let me reacquaint you with our current position in this legacy. We are just over the halfway mark, our current heiress is now an elder and she has 5 lovely children. But let me review the previous heirs...

    Founder 2nd Generation 3rd Generation 4th Generation Cheyenne Madison Gavin Amelie

    It was surprisingly difficult to find pictures of them as adults where they weren't holding babies, smustling or smooching their spouses... I think if I ever finish this thing, I will have to do a smustle face slideshow. I stumbled upon some good ones!

  • And of course we can't forget their spouses that either made the nose worse or, in Peter's case, wiped it out.

    Jace Gen 1 George Gen 2

    Joanne Gen 3 Peter Gen 4

  • And here we have pictures of our current heiress Lana. And since she's ridiculously cute as a child and then beautiful as an adult, you get to see her in all the stages of her life so far.

  • Can you tell that I was over the moon to have an heiress without the nose? Well, here's a few more of Lana with her husband Don and their children when they were young.

  • And here's Lana now, she's been denying that she has grey hair and has been dying it.

    She's a family sim who's LTW is to have 6 grandchild, since this is her original LTW she isn't permaplatinum yet. With her eldest a teen, she's getting there. :)

  • Lana's husband is Don. He is a fortune sim who has completed his first LTW to be a criminal mastermind. He hid his career from his family though for fear that they wouldn't understand.

    He quit that career path and now wants to top the entertainment career. Which, coincidentally is Lana's current job, maybe he just wants to spend more time with his wife.

  • Ed (short for Edmund) is their eldest son. He is a family/romance sim with the LTW to become the Education Minister. He is pictured left as a child meeting Nikki, who he now is not only best friends with, but they are going steady as teens.

  • Cass is Lana and Don's eldest daughter. She is a family/popularity sim and has the same LTW as her older brother, Education Minister. Cass loves all things music, playing violin and piano especially and gets along really well with all of her many cousins.

  • Corin is Lana and Don's middle child. He loves to help out with the family's garden and spend time with Risa, the family cat.

  • Darrin is Lana and Don's youngest son. He has a twin sister, and since he was born first, he is their 4th child. Because of this, Lana picked him as her heir, being the 4th child in her family as well. I'm excited to see this little guy grow up.

  • If you haven't noticed, I had an impromptu naming theme this generation The Chronicles of Narnia. Everyone's names should be obvious, except maybe Cass, she was named after Price Caspian.

    And last but not least, is the youngest, Bree. She is a sweetheart who will steal your heart in a second.

  • Remember how I said Corin loves to play with the family cat? Well here she is, Risa. She is the 2nd generation of pets for the pettacy. :)

  • And this is the current legacy home. I've had to move the poor Hinckleys so many times its a bit ridiculous. They are now living in Hinckley Cove, a subhood of Pleasantview where all of the Hinckley spares live. But they have lived in Pleasantview and two different houses/lots in the shopping district Bluewater Village before this.

    The moves had been prompted by lag or bugs. This last one was prompted by a crashing game. I am quite happy with the new house, it reminds me a bit of the first house in Bluewater Village.

  • The second floor will be where the children sleep with two bedrooms, a hall for skilling and two bathrooms. As you can see, I like to have at least 1 bathroom per two sims living in the house. No fighting over bathrooms in this house.

    And here's the aerial view of the first floor before I had all of it decorated. Once I have finished decorating the home it will have three bathrooms on the first floor, the dining room/kitchen a hallway, two master bedrooms and the living room.

  • In the backyard is Lana's greenhouse and a pool for those long summer days.

  • Let's see if the Hinckleys like their new home... For those of you who are used to my writing style, you know that I like to write from the heir's perspective and add any additional comments I have at the bottom of the slide. I will continue with that style for the Hinckley legacy, so you will be reading things from Lana's POV. She is the elder sim, generation 5 heiress, holding the generation 6 heir Darrin in her arms.

  • We are all getting settled into our new home nicely. We've decided to move closer to my siblings into Hinckley Cove, aptly named as the only people living here are Hinckleys. I'm loving the new spacious nursery. Its making things a lot easier with raising Darrin and Bree into childhood. Their birthdays are right around the corner, and while I'm sad to see my youngest babies grow up, these old knees are happy to have a bit of a break from crouching and kneeling.

  • Little Bree loves the new activity table in the room, and I'm excited for them to play with their new boat.

    ---I love this boat toy that I got from Taube/Roxy's game

  • Corin was happy to see that we took our grand piano with us on the move. And he was even more delighted that Cass wasn't hogging it for the time being.

    ---Corin's older sister Cass is maxed out in Music and Dance enthusiasm

    and usually monopolizes the musical instruments.

  • It seems my teens are more interested in lazing about these days.So Ed, I have to admit something, I'm a bit jealous of you and Nikki. It

    seems like all of the guys I'm meeting are losers...What do you mean Cass, you looking for a hot date? Ed likes to

    tease his sister, this habit has never gone away.

  • Ed, seriously, I am jealous. And yes, maybe I do want to find a good date. Maybe not a 'hot date' but at least someone who doesn't bore me to tears.

  • Ed, I've been thinking, isn't it about time that we move out and go to college? Bree and Darrin are almost 5, and Corin is almost a teen, I feel like it's a good time. If I bring it up to Mom and Dad will you have my back?

    Cass, I'll have to think about itWell, let me know, think it over. One way or another, I will be moving

    out soon.

  • Meanwhile, since we're new to the neighborhood, a few of our neighbors came over to meet us. One of our neighbors that visited us is our niece Lily that we have never met. She's grown up very quickly since she is a plantsim after all. Apparently Don thought that she needed to learn how to hang loose.

  • Our other two visitors are Brandi Broke and Dina Goth. The three of them spent time chatting to each other instead of us. It was a bit odd really.

  • Cass, I've thought it over, and I want to talk to Nikki. If she's on board with moving away to college, I'm on board.

    Ed! That makes me so happy! Thank you, I just know she'll be ready.

  • My sweet husband Don felt he would be much better suited to a different job. So he's decided to join the entertainment career, which is my current field of work as well. Don's last career was hiding from the spotlight he finally confessed, he was a criminal mastermind so he's had to work a bit on his publc speaking for his new job as a Master of Ceremonies.

  • Apparently Corin's new found interest in music hasn't gone unnoticed. This afternoon a nice woman named Noelle came over to invite him to join the Art and Music club here in town. Corin says he hopes that we'll take him soon.

  • So Ed, have you talked to Nikki yet? What did she say?Cass-a-nova wanna be, don't be so impatient, I will get to it!

  • With the new house, I've noticed something we're a bit lacking in, and that's snapdragon bouquets. Over the years my aunts and uncles have taken a few with them here and there, and we only have 5 now in the house. I decided to remedy that, and I'm starting to learn how to arrange flowers. I will say it is a nice way to spend your day!

    ---Lana has a bronze badge in floral arrangement now.

  • We weren't able to throw them a birthday party. Ed and I feel terrible about it. We're currently coming up with a way to make it up to them.

    ---On a side note, Bree's

    resemblance to Lana is uncanny.

    With everything that comes along with moving, we sadly overlooked the closely approaching birthday of the twins.

  • Darrin and Bree are such sweeties. They both look more like me than their siblings. But I think Darrin looks like a good combination between Don and myself.

    We didn't throw a party, but there were a lot of us there to help Bree and Darrin age up.

  • One of the first things Darrin did after growing up was find me for a big teddy bear hug. He's such a Momma's boy, and I love it.

  • Now that Bree can hold up her end of a conversation, she and Cass are becoming very close. As the two girls in the family, I suspect they feel a strong need to be able to have girl time.

  • We were happy to show off the room to the kids that night as a birthday surprise.

    Since we dropped the ball on throwing the twins a birthday party, Don and I stayed up late putting together their new bedroom.

  • We also picked up really cute matching Superman and Superwoman pjs for our youngest kids. Now they really feel like they have their own place in our new home.

  • Don and I felt a lot better about everything once we had tucked the twins into bed that night.

  • The next day I decided that it was time to set aside my silly notions about gray hair. That's right, I'm accepting the gray. I was excited to show Don my new 'do.

    Lana my dear, you look stunning! But you know that I think you look more beautiful everyday.

  • While Darrin looked thrilled little Bree looked less than excited... it looks like its time to invite the headmaster over again for dinner.

    The twins are now old enough to go to school with their older siblings. But they aren't going to the same school.

  • With the kids at school Don and I are able to spend some much needed alone time together. Don't get me wrong, we love our kids, but we loved each other first so some time to rekindle was much needed.

  • Our little Risa had a kitten today! Welcome our newest kitten, Sophie to the family. For now she's all black, but with Risa's coloring and Sophie's Dad Moonshine having white boots, we're excited to see how she grows.

    ---Sophie is a Genius, Lazy and Finicky so a Libra

  • ---To be honest, I had completely

    forgotten Risa was pregnant, this happened right before the move. This is Moonshine the father, Liza's pet cat that Lana had always wanted to adopt.

  • Little Sophie is a very sweet kitten. We're so excited for our surprise kitten. It seems Coda and Fante have a legacy of their own now.

    ---Sophie is the third generation of cats for the Hinckleys, their pettacy if

    you will.

  • But, Ed is having a lot of fun as a teen, so when he met Gordon at school, he asked him if he wanted to hang out after school.

    And what he really planned was for Gordon to meet Cass, and the two are getting along quite well now as we speak.

    Ed leaked the news to me. Apparently Cass is over these Pleasantview boys and wants to move away to college.

  • Now that we're a bit more situated in our new home, I decided it would be a good time to throw a combined house warming birthday party. It's Corin's birthday tonight, and my siblings had been bugging me to see the new house, so I think tonight will be a perfect opportunity.

  • Liza was one of the first people to make it over, and she immediately went to go meet Sophie the kitten. She is afterall the owner of Sophie's father Moonshine.

    Ed's girlfirend Nikki was the second to arrive, maybe Ed will finally ask her about her thoughts on college tonight.

  • Meanwhile Cass was entertaining her cousins Paul, Maia and Nova with a game of Don't Wake the Llama.

    Everyone was there, and was having a blast. A bunch of my family hung out in the kitchen trying to learn how to do the luau.

  • Bree and Deanna are getting along very well. Deanna is Liza and Orion's daughter, I'm happy to see the two bonding.

  • And of course I spent the night talking to my sisters.Lacey, what do you think of our little sis's new house? Pretty snazzy

    don't you think?I can't lie, I was a bit relieved to see Lacey's hair had finally turned

    gray as well... We're all a bit older now, but we still like to have a good time.

  • And while I was happy that Deanna and Bree get along so well, I didn't like that they decided playing catch in a glass walled greenhouse was a good idea! Hopefully the two both have good aim!

    It's nice to see Corin getting along with his cousin Shauna, Lacey's middle child by playing a game of catch.

  • As Corin pondered about his birthday wish, we all cheered him on.

    With the party winding down, we all gathered in the kitchen to watch Corin blow out his birthday candles.

  • Corin looks a lot like Ed and Cass. But he's decided to follow a different path in life. Corin has decided he wants to pursue a life of knowledge, and he wants to do so by going into medicine.

    ---Corin rolled knowledge/fortune his LTW is Chief of StaffHe is attracted to sims with makeup that are also logical, but dislikes

    sims with full face paint.

  • I am thrilled to have such a wonderful family. And while I can't imagine life getting any better, I do secretly hope to have lots of grandchildren one day!

    ---I have to fill Lana's wants quite frequently which center around Don

    and Risa since she isn't able to reach her LTW until her kids start having kids.

  • Don's birthday is in a few days. And while he's not as nervous as I was, I know that he can't get it off of his mind, but I think instead of fretting, he's just soaking life in... literally sometimes.

  • Cass on the other hand is ready to spread her wings. I'm honestly shocked that she hasn't gone to college yet, but she seems bent on going with Ed, and he's dragging his feet a bit.

  • But since she's still at home, she's decided to teach Bree how to play violin. It's been a great bonding activity for them.

  • Ever since our house party, lots of neighbors and family have been joining us for dinner. Gabe, Lacey and Sam's eldest, is a regular these days.

  • ---Sidenote, this drawing cracked

    me up, I had to sneak it in the chapter. Because it made *me* think of Joann.

    Now that Darrin is older, his drawings are getting better I can't help but think of stories I've heard of my Great Grandma Joann and her grilled cheese habit when I look at this recent picture.

  • Since Don will be joining me in elderhood soon, I realized I better get to work on a portrait of him to join mine.

  • They have really taken it upon themselves to help out with Darrin and Bree.

    I'm so proud of Cass and Ed.

  • Everyone knows Risa is Ed's number one cat. So now that Sophie is around, Darrin has really taken to her. They are so sweet together. I love that my boys have such big hearts.

  • I think he is having too much fun being a teenager, and isn't ready to give up his freetime for term papers, exams and lots of class. Little does he know, he'll be able to have more fun out of the house, but I'm not going to tell him that.

    I think I've discovered why Ed has been dragging his feet about college.

  • Darrin came home from school with an A+ today. The extra help Ed gave him with his homework must have paid off!

  • Bree, do you think I should listen to Cass, do you think I should head off to college?

    Well, I think- Bree tried to get a word in.I mean, it can't be that hard to ace your classes, I just want to make sure Nikki

    can come with me tooI can see- Bree tried again to speak, but to no avail.Bree you give great advice, thanks!Sure... you're welcome I guess? Bree stammered, amused at her brother's


  • Tonight is Don's birthday. I'm happy that he'll finally be joining me in our old age.

  • A few of my siblings were there to help us celebrate. Lacey and my sister in law Kaylynn cheered Don as he spun around.

  • I am lucky to have such a handsome husband! Old man time has been very kind to Don.

  • That night when Don pulled me close, I thanked my lucky stars for the way my life had turned out. It may not have followed the path I had envisioned as a teen, but it's just the way it should be.

  • Apparently, though Don and I were tuckered out Cass kept partying into the night with her Aunts Leah and Kaylynn. I'm sure she vented about wanting to go to college to them, it seems to be all she talks about these days.

  • Corin stayed up as well and spent his time with his Aunt Lacey. Lacey has her own home business, and since Corin is interested in money and knowledge, the two of them get along very well.

  • I'm excited to meet with the headmaster again tonight to get these two into private school!

    Morning came quickly after Don's party last night, but Bree and Darrin were still up early finishing up homework and playing a game of chess together.

  • So I'm happy to say that I'm getting pretty good at arranging flowers now! I can't wait until I can discover the secret* to the art of making a snapdragon bouquet, but I'm happy with this beautiful arrangement for now.

    ---*Lana has a silver badge in floral arrangement, almost there now!

  • It looks like our timing on getting the kids into private school was perfect. Bree just came home with her own A+ today. I'm glad my children will continue to be challenged in school.

  • But kids will be kids too, the twins still have a lot of fun hanging out together, and spending time with sweet Risa.

  • The headmaster arrived right on schedule tonight. But I had forgotten that I had to work tonight. I haven't been to work in ages, so it caught me off guard.

    ---Yeah, Lana snuck off to work without me realizing it, she has plenty of

    vacation days so I was going to have her make dinner while Don gave the headmaster the tour.

  • Luckily Cass is an excellent cook, so she took over for me and prepared dinner for the headmaster while Don gave him a tour. She prepared our secret family recipe of salmon. Hopefully there will be some left overs for me when I get home, I love Dad's salmon recipe.

    ---Lana's father was Peter, a celebrity chef.

  • Once dinner was made, Bree, Darrin and Cass sat down to eat with the headmaster.

    Bree, you know that we don't watch movies or tv until we've finished our homework. Mom and Dad want to make sure we have our priorities straight.

    My little brown nosing Darrin was saying all the right things, I just hope the headmaster didn't mind his t-shirt with the unicorn pooping rainbows and sunshine...

  • Apparently the headmaster either didn't notice, or didn't care.Darrin, it is refreshing to hear youth have their priorities straight, but I

    hope you do still find time for leisure. We pride ourselves in having well rounded students. Your brother and sister are great examples, Cass with her music, and Ed with his dance, they're both model students. I can't wait to get more Hinckleys at our institution.

  • And Miss Bree, I hope that one day, your studies will help you be a well rounded woman of the world.

    I'm flattered that the headmaster thinks so highly of my children... but maybe he thinks a little too much about them...

  • Needless to say, Don was happy to accept the offer of admission for both Bree and Darrin.

  • Thank you for reading! I hope you have enjoyed the first Hinckley

    chapter post hiatus! For updates while I'm playing and writing my next chapter head on over to the

    SiMania forum


    Happy Simming! HippieLayla86

  • For some reason, Lana loves to play guitar in her nightie at all hours. But her face has a tendency to to get stuck like this... makes for funny pictures...


  • But I think she might actually be a little tired of walking in on her parents hot dates...


    Cass may say that she wants her own hot dates and that's why she wants to go away to college...