the hinckley legacy chapter 10 kharma attack

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  • 7/30/2019 The Hinckley Legacy Chapter 10 Kharma Attack


    Hinckley Legacy Chapter 10: Kharma Attackby


    The long awaited Chapter 10 is finally here! Join Lana and Don in their whirlwindplans...

    Originally uploaded to Exchange on February 18, 2008

  • 7/30/2019 The Hinckley Legacy Chapter 10 Kharma Attack


    Welcome back to the Hinckley Legacy! We are currently in generation 5, and Lana--ourheiress-- has just graduated from college. Since I had such a great response to the style ofwriting last chapter (which was out some time ago), I've decided to stick with the style for

    another chapter :) I want to thank everyone who reads, rates and comments on my legacy, andespecially all of the wonderful people over at SiMania ( --and now, let's continue on with our story!

  • 7/30/2019 The Hinckley Legacy Chapter 10 Kharma Attack


    I was so happy to be home, I had missed my parents in the worst way. They all seemed reallyexcited to see me, well, except for Lizzie. She told me she had a letter to give me from Elyse.Mom also handed me an envelope from Luke and Ivy, it's probably a wedding invitation. I

    decided to open Elyse's letter right away, no sense in leaving the bandaid on for much longer.

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    Dear Lana,There is some news that you had ought to be aware of, and I figured, being involved in thenews myself, I should be the one to tell you.

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    After you transferred to SSU Hunter and I became, how should I put this, really close. Oh hell,let's not tip toe around the matter, we're both adults, Hunter fell madly in love with me.

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    Without any coaxing on my part, Hunter took our relationship to the next level.

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    Life had become a dream come true! Over a romantic dinner, Hunter proposed to me,confessing that he had never really loved you, and that he and I were soul mates.

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    After our engagement, I invited my sister Nadia to move into the rental, she's been living in myold room since Hunter and I now share everything, including a bed. Yourold bed come to thinkof it.

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    Hunter and I decided that college life wasn't for us, so we both withdrew from college, and areheading back to Hinckley Cove to make a new life for ourselves. Oh, and I hope you didn't wantany of the things you left--because they're gone now. Hunter and I celebrated our relationship

    by burning everything that reminded us of you.

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    I'm enclosing this picture of the two of us so that you know what you have given up! Hunter andI will be married soon, it'll be a private ceremony with our friends and family--don't expect to getan invitation.Your Cuz,Elyse

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    When I looked further in the envelope, I was surprised to find another letter from my cousinNadia.Dear Lana,I'm getting ready to graduate from college, so I've been cleaning up the rental. I just found thatletter you just read, Elyse wrote it to you when she was still here at college. Thankfully sheforgot to mail it to you before she dropped out not "withdrew" from college like she called it. Ifigured I should let you know through that letter how you made a wise decision transferring toSSU. Elyse and Hunter have been in Hinckley Cove for going on two years now, andunfortunately being Elyse's sister I've had to attend "special" occasions. Since Hunter nor Elysehave contacted you--which they boast about-- I'll fill you in a little bit so that you won't have tohear it elsewhere-- like from Lizzie. That poor sister of yours has been so manipulated, youreally oughta give her a chance to shape up. She used to be such a sweet little girl!

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    But to continue on: Hunter and Elyse got married shortly after moving home, they didn't invitetoo many guests, just immediate family, and Lizzie of course. Everything eventually went howElyse wanted it, contrary to what she wrote in her letter, she practically had to beg Hunter tomarry her.

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    Unsurprisingly, Hunter is still obsessed with grilled cheese, I don't know how to the two of themaren't grossly overweight by now. From what I can tell from Elyse, home life is pretty mundane,she says Hunter barely ever speaks to her anymore. I heard he's started playing Final Fantasyonline and she can never get him away from it.

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    It seemed too shortly after the wedding, Elyse began to show. She was pregnant with twins.Mom is thinking that Elyse got pregnant still at school on purpose so as to force Hunter to dropout with her and marry her-- the sad thing is I wouldn't put it past her.

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    After a difficult pregnancy, Elyse spent quite a while in labor.

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    She gave birth to twin girls, Tabitha and Starla.

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    Hunter had a hard time leaving his video games and grilled cheese to take care of Tabitha andStarla, I think the birth of my nieces was a rude awakening for both of them. Elyse has foundout that using offspring solely to get a spouse has its major downside. Speaking of my nieces,their first birthday is tomorrow, I think it'd be a good time for you to show up there lookingfabulous. One look at Hunter and Elyse, and you won't regret your move at all!Call me!-Nadia

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    Mom could tell I was down after reading those letters, so she decided to show off what she andDad had been busy with while I was off at SSU. They had decided to remodel the house yetagain.

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    I was really impressed with how everything looked.

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    I even didn't mind the new shape of the pool and the pleasant little pond in the backyard.

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    I was practically in tears with excitement when I saw the new gigantic, greenhouse and the largeorchard Mom and Dad had planted. I guess Mom did her research and had been asking Ivy andLuke what would cheer me up when I got home. I couldn't be happier! Mom told me that Leahwas really excited to see me, and had told Mom to send me over after I saw the surprises at

    home. I really wanted to just veg out and be numb after finding out Hunter married that wonder he hasn't called me... what does he even see in her?

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    I didn't have too much time to dwell, I felt my phone ringing in my pocket. It was Leah, she wasasking me in person to come over."I wanted to make sure Mom passed along my invitation to you, I have some things that I wantto give to you. You should grab a quick bite to eat and then head over!" - with that she hung up.

    I turned around and saw Dad holding a platter with PB&J sandwiches on it. They were really in arush to get me on my way! I guess it's sort of flattering that they're all grouping together to helpme out...

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    The next thing I knew I was at Leah and Kaylynn's front door. Leah invited me in, and we satdown at the table where the twins were having an afternoon snack. I can't believe how big Mayaand Natalie have gotten!"Lana, darling! I was talking to Nadia the other day and she said that our deceitful cousin Elyse's

    twins were having a birthday party today. I must admit that this call, and a call from Mom aboutwhat you came home wearing from college sort of inspired me in my shopping the other day.""What do you mean?""Well sweety, green is definitely your color... but a teddy bear shirt is much better suited on oneof my girl's bibs."I was slightly offended, but realized Leah had a point... a teddy bear wasn't exactly a maturechoice of clothing."So you know how I love to shop, well I was out with the twins the other day buying some moreclothing and diapers for them when a huge sale over in the women's department caught my eye.Needless to say, I found some great bargains!""This includes me how?"

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    Leah finished her story saying that Kaylynn hadn't been too happy with her when she hadbrought home all of the new clothing and that she said she had to get rid of it. She said she andKaylynn had talked it over and said that I would benefit more from the new clothes than either ofthem would. Leah handed me a huge stack of clothing including some nice spring dresses. She

    picked out this green one and told me it was the winner for today's party."Lana, you look fabulous, go knock 'um dead!"

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    "Nothing that isn't good is more like it!"

    I'm jealous! I wish my sisters would go shopping and then give me all of the clothes!" - with that Nadia chuckled.

    "Yeah, I guess there are benefits in being the same size as Leah."

    "So, what are you up to now?"I didn't know..."Well, I don't have any plans yet.""You should think about what I said at the end of my letter, you know, show up unexpectedly and gorgeously to Elyse andHunter's"".... I'm not so sure that would be a good idea..."

    As I left with my new wardrobe my cell phonerang, it was Nadia on the other line."Hey Lana! Your Mom just called me and told

    me that you read both of the letters I gaveLizzie to give to you, are you okay sweetie?"

    "I'm much better now than I was after readingthem, I'm just now leaving Leah's with abunch of new clothes."

    "Anything good?"

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    "Come on Lana, what time is better than the present? It's not like Starla and Tabitha havebirthdays everyday, besides, I'll be there.""I guess I could do that..." I mean, I was wearing the perfect dress for such an occasion Ithought to myself.

    "Great! I'll meet you over there in a half."

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    Those 30 minutes flew by and before I knew it I was standing in front of Hunter and Elyse'shouse. I was really glad Nadia was there with me though.

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    I was a bit surprised that Hunter and Elyse didn't make a big deal about my being there, andeven more surprised to not see any grilled cheese sandwiches.

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    Both Tabitha and Starla were adorable little children. There was no mistaking who their parentswere.

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    As I headed for the door with Nadia, Elyse showed her true colors. She pulled Hunter in for themost disgusting kiss I've ever witnessed. It's a different thing entirely to imagine the two of themtogether, but to see it with my own eyes broke my heart...I ran for the door, I heard Elyse laughing, and Hunter call out my name, but I didn't turn back.

    I was so humiliated... I know it's for the best that I saw this and realized there was never goingto be a future for me and Hunter... but it just hurts so damn much!

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    As you can imagine I wasn't in the best mood of my life when I got home from the "party." I wentupstairs, changed back into my "lounge clothes" as Leah calls them and joined Mom in thegreenhouse. She has decided that she wants to learn how to garden in her spare time. I admit Ireally wanted some alone time, but having Mom around has allowed me to think about things

    other than Hunter and that horrid Elyse!In other news tomorrow is Ivy and Luke's wedding! I'm actually really excited for it for a fewreasons, 1. My best friend will finally be family 2. I get to dress up and 3. I finally get to see Don!He's finally scraped together enough money for a bus ticket from SSU to come and visit me.

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    I arrived early the next day to help Ivy with the finishing touches-- she looks simply stunning.

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    Before the ceremony started, Don and I had a nice little catch up chat... Even though he wasn'tsaying so, I could tell he was exhausted... I think he was working way more than he told meabout over the phone. I don't know why he doesn't just fess up, I'm fine with the fact that he hasa side job.

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    Everyone was there that day, Mom, Dad, Leah, Kaylynn, Lacey, Sam, Great Great Great.... uhUncle Hunter, Lizzie, Don and myself. Nobody had any reason not to be there, Luke and Ivy arepractically friends with everyone.

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    Everyone hushed while Ivy and Luke exchanged their vows... and my family being quiet, nowthat's a miracle in itself!"Ivy you're a dream come true, I really am the luckiest man living to be here with you today, andhere with you forever."

    "Luke, you're only the luckiest man, because I am so happy when I'm with you. I couldn'timagine any other way to spend the rest of my life than with you."Then they exchanged their rings.

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    And Ivy is officially part of the family, finally I can quit saying "she's like a sister to me"

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    The reception consisted of lovers chatting...

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    Pillow fights (of course!)...

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    And poor Uncle Hunter realizing that he's permanently stuck in a time warp. I feel for the guy,that must be a lot of elixir he's chugging.

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    Ivy and Luke of course fit in their first married dance.

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    Later on as I walked into the kitchen for some water, I saw Ivy and Don chatting at the table. I'ma bit curious what they were talking about...

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    I guess Ivy could tell that I was trying to listen in, so she stood up quickly and gave me a hugehug. As we hugged, she whispered in my ear "Lana, you've found someone really special, don'tlet him go.."And now I'm really curious what she and Don were talking about!

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    As Ivy and Luke rushed away on their honeymoon, the rest of the party headed home.

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    We had a quick dinner that night after the reception. I'm really sad that Don is already back atSSU, I miss him terribly!I had a feeling Mom was going to start an interesting conversation, I caught a twinkle in her eyefrom a quick side glance.

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    "Lizzie, isn't it great to have your big sister home with us?""Sure... it's great to have a cheater around" she said as she rolled her eyes."Lizzie, that's no way to act!""Mom can you just drop it..." I whispered.

    "No, I'm not dropping anything my dear, this young one has got to be informed of the truth."

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    "Your mother is right Lizzie, you've been pulled into your cousin's petty games. We've felt awfulthat we didn't know what was happening until after Lana lost her boyfriend over it.""What... what do you mean?? Lana cheatedon Hunter""You've been misinformed darling. That's what Elyse wanted you to believe. The truth is, your

    sister was nothing but generous and nice to Hunter and everyone else for that matter.""I don't get what you're saying... you're lying... you have to be lying"

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    "I'm sorry dear, you are in the wrong, Elyse has filled you up with lies, and for that we feel likewe have failed you. Lana here never cheated on Hunter, she didn't deserve any of what Elyseschemed. Although it's worked out in the long run, Lana had to suffer for a while regainingherself."

    "I'm... I don't... I don't know what to think... Mom, why didn't you tell me this sooner!" -- Lizziewas starting to speak faintly now."Like Dad said Lizzie, we didn't know until it was too late."

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    "I'm--I'm really embarrassed.."I couldn't believe that everything that all of the drama from the past 2 years was coming aroundand resolving itself so quickly! I knew I had to say something -- "Lizzie, I don't hold anythingagainst you. I had a feeling that Elyse had put you up to everything."

    Lizzie started to cry -- "I'm so, so so sorry Lana... I - I didn't know... I'm sorry..."Lizzie left the table without finishing her dinner. I felt really badly for her, she locked herself inher bedroom that night. She went back and forth between crying and calling Elyse on the phoneand yelling at her.

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    I was really exhausted as I made my way to my own bedroom that night. I barely had enoughenergy to pet Coda before passing out for the night.

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    It's been only a few weeks since I got home and it's hard to believe how much has happened.While I don't mind having my family around constantly, it's nice to have breakfast to myself--especially today. It's my first day at Simco and I have to admit I'm a bit nervous and stillsurprised that they hired me in as the company President! I mean I know I graduated with

    honors, but it's still a shock. Here's hoping I don't fall flat on my face getting out of the elevator!

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    Well, no escaping it now... they didn't mention sending a limo! But I don't mind it ;)

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    It isn't hard to tell that Lizzie is still feeling pretty miserable about being led on by Elyse. I hopein time we start to get along again. Especially since Lizzie has only a few more months until sheheads off for college.

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    Mom and Dad are always quick to remind me that they'd love to have babies in the houseagain, and that they are just contenting themselves with giving Fante and Coda attention. I wishthey'd just go visit Maya and Natalie more often--Leah's twins.

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    I walked in the door after a great first day at work and found Mom on the phone."Hi Mom""Oh, she's home now--do hurry over! She'll be so happy to see you... yup... bye now!""Mom, who were you talking to?"

    "Oh, someone who will be joining us for dinner. You will want to get out of those work clothesand into something... well, nice."

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    I looked around and noticed Lizzie was in a dress and heard Dad in the kitchen cooking away. Iwonder who the heck Mom invited over... all I want to do is relax after a long day at work, butMom dragged me into her bedroom with her.

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    After rummaging through the extra clothes from Leah, she picked out an outfit for me to wear."Now then, you look splendid, this will all be wonderful!""Are you going to let me in on this secret at all Mother? Who's coming to dinner?""No--I daresay I won't."With that Mom hurried me into the living room smiling and said she needed to change too.

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    "You're right on time, dinner will be ready shortly. Lizzie has taken Lana upstairs pretending sheneeds some homework help, so that gives us time to head into the kitchen and sit down--although... we should really get you dressed up first young man! Now Peter was -- and still iscome to think of it -- quite your size if not exactly, one of his suits should do!"

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    I must admit, I'm a bit nervous to see Lana tonight, she has no idea that I'm the "dinner guest."It's a bit strange to be seeing Lana's childhood and present day home without her knowing, but Ican't wait to see her anyway and give her my good news.

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    As I walked into the kitchen, I practically walked into our dinner guest ...I can't believe it!"Lana, darling.""Oh Don!"

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    "I had no idea you were our dinner guest! I'm so happy to see you!""As am I sweetheart, and I have some wonderful news I wanted to deliver in person. But let's sitdown to eat first, I'm starving."

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    "So Don, what was that news you had for me?"I was suddenly finding it hard to chew. I took a deep breath and began...

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    "Lana, there's no sense in drawing this out any longer, my good news is- I've finished mydegree, my better news is-I have saved up enough money to move home from college, and thebest news of all is that I asked your father for your hand in marriage and he gave us hisblessings... and now I... well I need yours."Mom, Dad and Lizzie smiled and left the room while Don led me outside.

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    "Lana, I've wanted to ask this for so long-will you marry me and make me the happiest man whoever lived?"

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    I drew Don into me.."Yes Don, I love you so much!"

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    Of course Don is moving in now and has brought quite a bit of money with him, $18,000! I'msort of curious about what his side job was...

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    As if Fante knew he came running outside after our engagement and "introduced" himself toDon.

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    Don and I had spent a lot of time outside catching up and by the time we came back in for thenight everyone was asleep. We were as determined as ever to save our first time for ourwedding night, but as I kissed Don goodnight and we headed off to separate beds I knew weneeded to get married soon!

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    I woke up early the next morning to continue my daily hunt for a job in education but ended upemptied handed. I guess business will have to continue to be tolerable for me... for now..Tonight after work we're all heading over to Leah and Kaylynn's for the twin's birthdays.Unfortunately Don can't make it, he said he wants to get started on honeymoon preparation.

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    When I got home from work, Mom told me that today she feels that she really got a grasp ongardening. We all had a quick dinner and then headed over to Leah and Kaylynn's house fordesserts and celebration.

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    Maya and Natalie, Mom and Dad's first grandbabies are turning 5 tonight, Leah and Kaylynn arereally excited.

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    Dad and I looked on as Maya was held by Leah at her cake...

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    While Luke, Mom, Ivy -- who announced that they were expecting that night I'm really excited! --and Lizzie watched Natalie at her cake.

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    Maya and Natalie aged beautifully, but I wasn't expecting anything else since both of theirmothers are gorgeous.

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    Natalie is still a bit tom boy-ish but it suits her.

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    Before we left that night, Maya ran over to me and gave me a huge hug, she's such a sweety."Thanks for coming Aunt Lana... can I be a flower girl?""Huh? Oh.. right... well, let me get back to you on that honey."An ambitious sweety

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    Over the next month, Don got his hair cut and bought some new clothes, but more importantly itbecame increasingly obvious that Mom and Dad couldn't be happier that Don and I were to bemarried. They also had a hard time believing the two of us had separate rooms still seeing asthey hadn't done that themselves."I am so glad that my baby girl has found someone so respectful of her, and so kind. I'm

    honored to have you as a son-in-law.""Thank you sir--or should I say Dad?"Don is really outgoing, and doesn't try to hide it, no wonder he gets along with Dad so well.

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    My job has been keeping me so busy lately! The only time I ever got a chance to talk to anyoneseemed to be during meals, that's why when one morning Mom and I were waiting for Dad'spancakes her topic of conversation was a bit shocking."Darling, do you realize that you've been engaged for a month now and you haven't told anyoneabout it but the family?"

    ", I guess I haven't.""I think it'd be a good idea to spend your day off today going around and telling people in personthat you're engaged instead of doing it over the phone since you've been putting it off for amonth. Just tell them you wanted to tell them in person.""I haven't even thought about a bridal party yet either... I know just the woman to be my maid ofhonor though!"After breakfast I got dressed and headed to Academie Le Tour to tell my best friend from highschool the good news.

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    It didn't take Molly anytime to notice the engagement ring on my finger once I got there..."Lana! Congratulations! How long and to whom have you been engaged to? Sweety, don't tellme it's Hunter...""Oh God no! Hunter's old news with a beer gut and an annoying wife.""Haha! Serves him right! Then who's the lucky guy?"

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    I told Molly all about Don, how we were friends first, then lovers and finally how he hadproposed. She and I talked about Nathan then for a while (her boyfriend, my cousin of course)and she said although he hasn't been skirting around he still doesn't seem settled.

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    We didn't end up talking about Nathan for too much longer and I got the chance to ask Molly ifshe'd be in the bridal party, she accepted and we've set up a day to go look at dresses andanother day for a get together to introduce everyone to Don before the wedding.

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    Molly met Don a week later, and she loves him! I'm so glad that my friends and family get alongwith him, it's such a relief! But with the wedding only 5 months away, Don and I are getting alittle restless about incomplete details for the wedding. So when we got a call from Lacey sayingthat she and Sam had finally graduated from Academie Le Tour, had purchased a home inHinckley Cove next door to Ivy and Luke, and were throwing a house warming party this coming

    Saturday-- Don and I realized this was our chance to put Mom and my prepping of him ofvarious family members to use. Don would finally get to meet my extended family.

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    When we arrived the following Saturday we weren't shocked by the turn out at all: UncleChristian and Aunt Audrey's children -- Julia, Melody, Elliot, Nadia and Nathan all were therewith their significant others while Uncle Ethan's second eldest son Murray came with hisgirlfriend Odette. Of course Leah, Kaylynn, and Ivy and Luke were there as well. It was a verypacked house!

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    There were so many people for Don to meet I don't know how he managed! Fortunately he hadhelp from Lacey and all of my other siblings along the way."So you're Elliot? It's wonderful to meet you, my soon to be mother in law speaks very highly ofyou.""Oh really? What did Aunt Amelie have to say?"

    "She said she's surprised you hadn't found love sooner, and that she's very excited for you andCharlotte -- Molly's twin right?""Wow, you sure know your stuff, and yes, Charlotte and I are very happy."As I chatted with Charlotte I was relieved to hear that all of Mom and my prepping had stuckwith Don and that he was able to get along quite well with my extended family. He even gotaround to asking Elliot to be one of his groom's men.

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    Molly and I finally had the same time off to look at dresses the Sunday after Lacey and Sam'sget together. Three stores and 58 dresses tried on, Molly and I finally found a dress that weliked for the bride's maids. I found my dress at our first stop, but I haven't taken a picture in itsince I don't want Don to find it accidentally! Hopefully the girls will be able to re-wear thesedresses, I think they're quite pretty.

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    Speaking of Lacey and Sam they checked out a park in their neighborhood today for me for aplace to hold the ceremony, but Lacey found out that they were only keen on private smallceremonies, and our family isn't exactly small... so unfortunately it was ruled out. I think Donand I may just get married in a backyard ceremony, that's more traditional for our family anyway.We still have some time to plan. Four months to go!

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    A few months later, with wedding plans still going strong we got a phone call from Luke, he andIvy had had their baby!

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    She has Luke's brown eyes, and Ivy's black hair. My third nieces name is named Loralie.

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    Two weeks to go!Molly called me this morning to tell me that the bride's maids dresses have come in and thatNathan agrees that they're gorgeous. That's one more thing taken care of and out of the way.Now it's time for food, drink and decoration final preparations. And not to mention my weddingshower that Mom's throwing this weekend!

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    One week to go!The weekend is here and along with it is the bridal shower! The house looked great, there wasgreat food, and of course great friends and family galore! This is exactly what I need to calm mynerves the week before the wedding!

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    Not to mention, I got some great gifts too!"Thank you so much Molly!""Oh, don't open it here, you may be embarrassed in front of your Mom...""Um, Molly, you've met my Mom before right? I'd be more worried about Aunt Audrey ;)""Touche! But just to be safe, open it later kay?"

    I have a feeling all of the lingerie that was gifted will come in handy on Don and my honeymoon!

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    My cousin Julia was a bit shocked to hear that Don and I haven't been intimate yet."Lana, you and he haven't shared the big woohoo yet? Wow, I should've gotten you somelingerie and not kitchen supplies! Maybe some scented candles and some wine as well!""But Julia, I love the tea kettle and tea cups, they'll be great.""Not in bed they won't!"

    With that Mom butted in--"Well Julia, personally I'm really proud of Lana and Don, they're not even sharing the sameroom. I don't get it either, but I think it's sweet and romantic!""This is some great cake Julia, could I get the recipe?" -- stuttered Charlotte trying to changethe subject.

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    Originally Don said he wasn't going to be able to make it to the shower because of work, butwhen he arrived home early, I couldn't have been happier."Sweety, you look wonderful.""How'd you get out of work handsome?""Well, Mary found out that you were having your shower today and covered for me so I could

    leave early.""That was sweet of her, tell her I said thanks, but let me give you some thanks first."

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    Yes, Don and I are extremely sappy, but what good is it if you can't be sappy with the one youlove?

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    In the other room Lacey and Lizzie were spending some good quality time together. WithoutLeah there, Lacey had to find someone else to talk too. I'm really glad Lizzie is getting alongbetter with everyone now. I was a little worried she and Lacey would never get along again. Oh,I forgot to mention that Kaylynn and Leah are on vacation right now at Three Rivers, that's whythey couldn't make it.

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    That night after the shower, Don asked me to help him with his training for work. It's great to beable to help him, and it's even better to see him working up a sweat without his shirt on... it'sonly a week away, only a week away.... pardon me while I day dream a little!

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    Today we received a few postcards in the mail today from Leah and family! I think I figured outanother reason why Leah gave me all of those clothes 8 months ago...Dear Lana,I hope this postcard finds you well! Kaylynn and I packed up the fam to go on a vacation to theThree Lakes, and we're all having a blast -- all five of us -- Yes I'm expecting again if you

    couldn't already tell from the postcard! This trip is really helping me relax in my last month whichhas been difficult so far. I love you, and I'll see you soon!-Leah

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    Dear Grandpa, Grandma, Aunt Lana, Aunt Lizzie, Soon to be Uncle Don, Fante and Coda!This is a dual postcard from us -- Natalie and Maya -- we're having a blast on our vacation andwe wish that you were here with us too. Mommy said not to tell you what our surprise is on thispostcard and that you would find out soon enough. Well, we're off to do some more fishing,dancing and eating pancakes!

    Love,The Twins - Natalie and Maya

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    Dear Hinckleys,I am also having a blast on our vacation, and I must say the most shocking and exciting thing sofar has been meeting Armando Bigfoot! Leah had found this map to a hidden park, and there hewas dancing away and loving it. We were a bit scared at first, but Maya was so brave, shewalked right up to him and joined in with his dance! He is so friendly. But Maya broke down into

    tears when we were leaving and so Leah and I talked it over and we've invited Armando to livewith us, a bit of male influence in the house wouldn't hurt we thought ;)Anyway, we'll see you soon, and hopefully you'll be as charmed as we are with Armando!Love you!Kaylynn

    The phone rang not too soon after wefinished reading our postcards, it wasKaylynn.

    "Hello Lana, we've just gotten home fromThree Lakes and it appears to be not amoment too soon. Did you get ourpostcards?"

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    "Green? But how...""You know Uncle Ethan, well, he talked us into saving a baby some idiot guy wanted to abort!So Leah became pregnant again, and Nova has just now been born, he's so precious!""And... bigfoot?"

    "Armando is doing quite fine in our home, he has his own deck with a hammock, he said helikes it that way, but I've got to run, I want to hold our new son!""Congrats Kaylynn!"Bigfoot and an alien baby... Leah just can't have a normal life can she? :)


    "Actually yes, we just finished readingthem, you brought home a bigfootwithyou?"

    "Yes, he's quite charming."

    "And Lana's pregnant again?"

    "Well, not anymore -- no no she's fine!She just gave birth to a lovely... greenbaby we named Nova."

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    Mom is such a little kid at heart! She's been waiting all year to try out the pool slide they put inlast fall. When I met her inside later that afternoon, she told me, "The water's perfect, maybe weshould turn your wedding into a pool party!" She's such a kidder...

  • 7/30/2019 The Hinckley Legacy Chapter 10 Kharma Attack


    One day to go!The only calm to be found in the house the day before the wedding was in Fante and Coda, orshould I say Sir Fante and Lady Coda by the looks of this picture, haha. Well, I'm a bit nervous,but I'm really anxious as well for tomorrow....

    And that is the end of this chapter, join us in Chapter 11 for Don and Lana's wedding, and much,much more!Thanks for reading, and happy simming!