the grapevine january week 1– january 7, 2019 · week 1– january 7, 2019 january event details...

THE GRAPEVINE Week 1– January 7, 2019 January Welcome The Grapevine is your weekly newsletter published by the SBA for law students. The Grapevine features a weekly calendar of events as well as news from the SBA, and announcements from various on campus clubs. Submissions The Grapevine is produced by your SBA Secretaries, Nicole Zimmerman and Kimberly Sparrer. Submissions must be e-mailed to the [email protected] by Friday at 5:00 PM to be included in the following weeks newsletter. Your 2019 SBA Board Members Mikaela Burkhardt & Kayleigh Chevrier Presidents Trisha Sandhu & Ozzy Hidalgo-Otamendi Vice Presidents of Full Time Students Katerina U & Sharine Xuan Vice Presidents of Part Time Students Angelica Leo & Seralyn Fields Vice Presidents of External Affairs Caitlin Mitchell & Heim Kirin Grewal Community Service Chairs Sean Phillips Director of Internal Communications Jonathan Abrouk & Brittnie Panetta Treasurers Kimberly Sparrer & Nicole Zimmerman Secretaries

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Page 1: THE GRAPEVINE January Week 1– January 7, 2019 · Week 1– January 7, 2019 January Event Details Wednesday, January 9th Project Linus Providing Security through blankets @ The Lounge



Week 1– January 7, 2019 



The Grapevine is your weekly newsletter published by the SBA for law students. The Grapevine 

features a weekly calendar of events as well as news from the SBA, and announcements from 

various on campus clubs.   


The Grapevine is produced by your SBA Secretaries, Nicole Zimmerman and Kimberly Sparrer. 

Submissions must be e-mailed to the [email protected] by Friday at 5:00 PM to be 

included in the following weeks newsletter. 

Your 2019 SBA Board Members   

Mikaela Burkhardt & Kayleigh Chevrier Presidents 

 Trisha Sandhu & Ozzy Hidalgo-Otamendi 

Vice Presidents of Full Time Students  

Katerina U & Sharine Xuan Vice Presidents of Part Time Students 

 Angelica Leo & Seralyn Fields 

Vice Presidents of External Affairs    

 Caitlin Mitchell & Heim Kirin Grewal  

Community Service Chairs  

Sean Phillips   Director of Internal Communications 

  Jonathan Abrouk & Brittnie Panetta  


Kimberly Sparrer & Nicole Zimmerman Secretaries 



Page 2: THE GRAPEVINE January Week 1– January 7, 2019 · Week 1– January 7, 2019 January Event Details Wednesday, January 9th Project Linus Providing Security through blankets @ The Lounge



Week 1– January 7, 2019 


 Special Announcements 

 Welcome Back Everyone! 


LSO Superdraft  Saturday, January 12th 

Charney 101  10:00 AM  


Mark Your Calendars February 1st is the last day to file: 

Pass/No Pass Option  Individual Research Form  

LL.M. in US Law, Grade Option Petition Form (if applicable) LL.M. in US Law, Writing Form (if applicable) 






Page 3: THE GRAPEVINE January Week 1– January 7, 2019 · Week 1– January 7, 2019 January Event Details Wednesday, January 9th Project Linus Providing Security through blankets @ The Lounge



Week 1– January 7, 2019 


Monday  Tuesday  Wednesday  Thursday  Friday  Saturday  Sunday 

7  8  9  10  11  12  13 

  9:00AM SCU Eats-Farmers Market Fruit @ Charney Student Lounge     

  9:00AM SCU Eats- Noah’s Bagels @ Charney’s Student Lounge  

  1:00-2:00PM Howard’s Hour  1:30PM SCU Eats- Stone Soup @ Charney Student Lounge   

  9:00AM SCU Eats- Breakfast Club @ Charney Student Lounge  12:00-1:00PM & 5:00-6:00PM Charney Chat 

  10:00AM Super Draft @Charney 101         



Monday  Tuesday  Wednesday  Thursday  Friday  Saturday  Sunday 

14  15  16  17  18  19  20 

9:00AM SCU Eats-Farmers Market Fruit @ Charney Student Lounge     

9:00AM SCU Eats- Noah’s Bagels @ Charney’s Student Lounge    9:30AM Coffee Talk with Jill           

12:00-1:00PM  Summer Abroad Info Session  @Charney 104  9:30AM Coffee Talk with Jill   1:30PM SCU Eats- Stone Soup @ Charney Student Lounge       

9:00AM SCU Eats- Breakfast Club @ Charney Student Lounge  





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Week 1– January 7, 2019 



 Event Details  Wednesday, January 9th  

Project Linus Providing Security through blankets @ The Lounge Spread a little warmth during these cold months and help W&L make blankets for those in need.  

Saturday, February 9th 

18th Annual Bay Area Asian Pacific American Law Students Association Conference Featuring Keynote Speaker Justice Ming W. Chin, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of California.  

Friday, February 1st 

Last Day to file… Pass/No Pass Option  Individual Research form LLM in US Law, Grade OPtion Petition form, if applicable  LLM in US law, Writing Form, if applicable  




Page 5: THE GRAPEVINE January Week 1– January 7, 2019 · Week 1– January 7, 2019 January Event Details Wednesday, January 9th Project Linus Providing Security through blankets @ The Lounge

Student Services Notes January 7, 2019

Wishing you a year of health and happiness.

From Student Services Staff

Important Dates

January 11 Last Day For 100% Tuition Refund & Late Registration

January 16 Law Student Organization—Spring Super Draft

January 21 Martin Luther King Jr. Day- Administrative and Academ-

ic Holiday– No Classes & University Bursar’s payment

due date

January 18 Last Day For 60% Tuition Refund

January 25 Last Day For 40% Tuition Refund

February 1 * Last day to File Pass/No Pass Option & Individual Re search * Last day For 20% Tuition Refund * Last day to add Individual Research

* Last day, for LL.M. US Law, students to file Grade Op-

tion, if applicable * Last day, for LL.M. US Law, students to file Writing

Form, if applicable


FEBRUARY 1 is the last day

to file…

Spring semester begins

Monday, January 7, 2019! Saturday classes begin January 5, 2019.

Law Student Organization Super Draft

Saturday, Jan. 12, 2019 Charney 101

10:00 AM

This is your opportunity to select

your shielded date for spring semester! At least one repre-

sentative from each student organization must


Rumor Mill: When is the schedule for next year going to be posted and how do I find out who my faculty advisor is?

The summer schedule should be finished soon. Registration for summer will be the first week of April. The fall schedule should be ready by May. Regis-tration for fall will be in June.

In law school, you no longer have a faculty advisor. We assume that you can figure it out for yourself. To assist you with your planning, we will have a

whole week of Academic Advising activities in March – well before you have to register for summer or fall and Student Services Advisors are always here to

help. Keep an eye out for more info soon!

Pass/No Pass Option Individual Research Form LL.M. in US Law, Grade Option Pe-

tition form, if applicable LL.M. in US Law, Writing Form, if


Page 6: THE GRAPEVINE January Week 1– January 7, 2019 · Week 1– January 7, 2019 January Event Details Wednesday, January 9th Project Linus Providing Security through blankets @ The Lounge



12-1 PM & 5:00 –6:00 PM

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F EBRUARY 20 1 9




A s s o c i a t e J u s t i c e o f t h e Sup r eme Cou r t o f Ca l i f o r n i a

J U S T I C E M I N G   W . C H I N

T I M E : C H E C K - I N : R E C E P T I O N :

8 a m - 5 p m 8 a m 4 p m

T H E M E : A T T I R E : L O C A T I O N :

J u s t i c e F o r A l l B u s i n e s s C a s u a l C h a r n e y H a l l

18   Annualth


Bay Area Asian Pacific American Law Students Association Conference

9 th


Page 8: THE GRAPEVINE January Week 1– January 7, 2019 · Week 1– January 7, 2019 January Event Details Wednesday, January 9th Project Linus Providing Security through blankets @ The Lounge

M O C K I N T E R V I E W & R E S U M E W O R K S H O P

A r e s u m e w o r k s h o p w i t h o n e - o n - o n e m o c k i n t e r v i e w s a n d i n d i v i d u a l i z e d f e e d b a c k .

2 PM TO 4 PM

Location: Charney HallCheck-In: Room 101 @ 1:30 pmAttire: Business Formal

A l l l a w s t u d e n t s a r e w e l c o m e . P l e a s e R S V P b y J a n u a r y 2 8 , 2 0 1 9 a t

Q u e s t i o n s ? E m a i l

I f f o r a n y r e a s o n y o u n e e d t o c a n c e l y o u r i n t e r v i e w , a s a p r o f e s s i o n a l c o u r t e s y , y o u m u s t d o s o n o l a t e r t h a n J a n u a r y 2 8 , 2 0 1 9 . A t t o r n e y s w i l l b e n o t i f i e d o n t h e 2 9 t h o f w h o t h e y w i l l b e i n t e r v i e w i n g . C a n c e l l a t i o n s a f t e r t h a t d a t e a n d n o - s h o w s w i l l r e f l e c t p o o r l y o n t h e c a n d i d a t e .

[email protected].

T h e w o r k s h o p i s d e s i g n e d t o g i v e i n s t r u c t i o n a n d f e e d b a c k o n r e s u m e s a n d i n t e r v i e w s k i l l s .

Page 9: THE GRAPEVINE January Week 1– January 7, 2019 · Week 1– January 7, 2019 January Event Details Wednesday, January 9th Project Linus Providing Security through blankets @ The Lounge

Summer Abroad

Info Session

Wednesday, January 16th

12:00—1:00 pm

Charney 104

Can’t make the meeting?

Email [email protected] to set up a 1-on-1 appointment!

Page 10: THE GRAPEVINE January Week 1– January 7, 2019 · Week 1– January 7, 2019 January Event Details Wednesday, January 9th Project Linus Providing Security through blankets @ The Lounge

Make a Difference

Learn Valuable Skills

Gain Real-World Experience


• Help provide pro bono legal consulting services to entrepreneurs and small business owners, targeting underserved communities in San Jose.

• Learn skills of conducting informational intake interviews, legal research, and delivering legal opinions from skilled business attorneys.

• Experience interacting with real clients seeking legal advice on real issues facing startups and small businesses.

Choose Section of Clinic & Session Dates (must attend all dates in Section)


Orientation/Training Session: Wednesday, 1/30, 6:00 – 8:00 PM Clinics: Wednesdays 2/6, 3/6, 4/3 5:30 – 8:30 PM Closing Session: Wednesday, 4/10, 7:00 – 8:00 PM


Orientation/Training Session: Thursday, 1/18, 6:00 – 8:00 PM Clinics: Thursdays 1/24, 2/21, 3/21 5:30 – 8:30 PM Closing Session: Thursday, 3/27, 7:00 – 8:00 PM


Page 11: THE GRAPEVINE January Week 1– January 7, 2019 · Week 1– January 7, 2019 January Event Details Wednesday, January 9th Project Linus Providing Security through blankets @ The Lounge