the governor lied

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  • 7/30/2019 The Governor Lied


    The Governor lied. Big time. But, why did he?

    byKv Dhananjayon Saturday, January 28, 2012 at 6:36pm

    Date: 28-Jan-2012

    The Hon'ble Karnataka Governor didn't endorse the appointment of Justice S.R.Bannurmath

    as the Lokayukta of Karnataka. This much you already know. As to reasons for the refusal, the

    media and the noisy kind of people in society were led to believe that the displeasure of the

    Governor was simply based on the allegation that Justice S.R.Bannurmath had participated in

    the judicial housing scam.

    But then, a week ago or so, another retired Judge of the Karnataka High Court came to be

    appointed as the Upa-Lokayukta of Karnataka. And, reports poured in that this particular

    appointee had also participated in the judicial housing scam. At which point, the Governor

    told the media that the reason for his refusal to appoint Justice S.R.Bannurmath had nothing

    to do with allegations concerning the judicial housing scam! Surpise came, all around. And

    rumour mills ensued their overtime work.

    Now, a person by name Kulkarni did apply under RTI to uncover the back and forth

    communication between the Governor and the Hon'ble Chief Minister on the issue of

    appointment of Justice S.R.Bannurmath as the Governor. I do not know anything about

    Mr.Kulkarni. His friend who introduced himself yesterday evening to me gave me these

    documents. Of course, I do not think that anybody would want to forge documents purportingto be a Government document and give those documents to me. So, I am telling you that I

    think that these documents are all fine and proper.

    Whats in these papers? Interesting stuff.

    The Hon'ble Chief Minister of Karnataka calls the allegations against Justice S.R.Bannurmath

    concerning the housing scam as reckless. This is what he states:

    It is also my responsibility as the Chief Minister of the State of Karnataka not to act on the

    basis of vage and reckless allegations made by one or the other including the press..

    OK. You, the media, just received a nice drubbing in a private correspondence between the

    Chief Minister and the Governor.

    What did the Hon'ble Governor say to all of this?

    Well, the Hon'ble Governor sang all praises for the media. He then said that no answer was

    forthcoming on the allegations concerning Justice S.R.Bannurmath. Interestingly, he said that

    the Chief Minister should look at the media reports concerning the housing scam allegations

    against Justice S.R.Bannurmath. And then, the Governor says that the Chief Minister should

    look for other persons. Do you know a funny thing here?

    The Governor seems to be a collector of press reports. Because he enclosed a large number of

    press reports concerning housing scam allegations against Justice S.R.Bannurmath and asked

    the Chief Minister to read it all. So, the Governor is clearly a fan of press reports.

    Now, what does all of this say about the media in Karnataka?

    Truth be told, the media here is far more powerful than the institution of the Governor and ofthe Chief Minister. No less than a private correspondence between the CM and the Governor
  • 7/30/2019 The Governor Lied


    will evidence you of that. Congrats. You now enter the - power corrupts and absolute power

    corrupts absolutely territory.

    Is power there is all?

    Actually, no. The Hon'ble Governor probably thinks that the media is just a bunch of fools.

    While he specifically told the Hon'ble Chief Minister himself then that Justice S.R.Bannurmath

    is not desirable simply because of housing scam allegations against him, he told all of themedia just this week that housing scam allegations were never the reasons for his refusal to

    appoint Justice S.R.Bannurmath. This means, the Hon'ble Governor, though a fan of press

    reports, might not be having a high estimate of the media's intelligence in this State. Did he

    not wonder if somebody would peep into his own correspondence with the Chief Minister?

    The RTI document is here:


    If you discover it to be inauthentic or forged in any manner, call up your nearest police station

    to complain about forgery. But, if you ask me, I would say, I do not think that it is forged.

    Why? Because those who might forge documents would have thought of a better courierperson than me.

    So, the Governor lied here. Big time. But why? Why did he just not say - I just don't like

    Justice S.R.Bannurmath. Thats all?

    Btw, I am not a relative, friend or a pushy well wisher of Justice S.R.Bannurmath, the

    Governor, the Chief Minister, Upa Lokayukta or this Kulkarni. In case you are wondering if

    somebody is paying me fat money to write this, don't bother. I don't take money to express

    myself. And neither should anybody, in this world. I haven't received any bribe to put this out.




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