the german empire: the second reich the age of bismarck chapter ix

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Imperial Constitution  Provided for legislative assemblies dominated by Prussians.  Democracy never given a chance.  Power resided in the executive (the Chancellor was responsible to the Emperor)


The German Empire: The Second Reich The Age of Bismarck Chapter IX The Second Reich ( ) Emerged with the creation of German Empire (January, 1871) Unification of Germany a Prussian achievement. Bismarck remains Chancellor (P.M.) for next 20 years. Imperial Constitution Provided for legislative assemblies dominated by Prussians. Democracy never given a chance. Power resided in the executive (the Chancellor was responsible to the Emperor) Design of the German Government German Emperor Bismarck Federal Council a.k.a. Bundersat (Prussians appointed) Had veto power over subordinate Reichstag Reichstag (democratically elected) Budgetary power (power of the purse) Conflict between Bismarck and the Reichstag over military budgets. Bismarcks Domestic Policies Industrialization: Germany becomes the second largest manufacturing nation. Elimination of trade barriers between states. Standardization of measures. Trade barriers against foreign competition (tariffs). Government financed transportation infrastructure. contd Nationalism: Cultivation of patriotism and nationalism to unite Germans. Anti-clericalism: Kulturkampf (struggle for civilization) against international religion ( ) Reduced power of Catholic Church in education. Unpopular; officially ended in 1883 contd The destruction of socialism Assaulted members of Social Democratic Party. Banned meetings and publications. Social Welfare Legislation: To undermine use their ideas taken from their platform. Put Germany ahead of France and Great Britain in terms of social welfare legislation. contd Examples of programs: Workers sickness insurance (1883) Workers accident insurance (1884) Regulated hours and conditions of work for women and children (1887) Old Age Pensions (1890) Disability insurance (1890) Gave trade unions more freedom Bismarcks Foreign Policy Preoccupied with maintaining the post Franco-Prussian War balance of power. To do so, he: Powerful army (400,000) Created alliances to isolate France: 1. Three Emperors League or Dreikaiserbund (1873) Germ/A.H./Russ 2. Dual Alliance (1879) 3. Triple Alliance (1882) Ger/A.H./Italy 4. Reinsurance Treaty (1887) Ger/Russ During this time Great Britain was not a concern: Unlikely to ally with France; policy of splendid isolation The End of the Era The death of William I (1888) William II new Emperor Resented Bismarcks power. Bad relations Bismarck forced to resign William IIs Reign Incapable leader. Unable to maintain alliances. Germanys aggressive foreign policies led to an alliance of Great Britain and France. The Congress of Berlin 1878 Insurrection in Balkans (1875) against Ottoman rule. Sick man of Europe Ottomans. War between Russia and Ottoman Empire. Bismarck seeks a pacific solution. See maps on pp. 163 & 139 Terms of agreement: Independence of: Romania Serbia Montenegro Bulgaria (problems later) Russia back on Black Sea (Batum) Bosnia-Herzegovina to Austria-Hungary (in part) G.B. gets Cyprus. Ended Three Emperors Leagues Bismarck and Colonies 1884 Bismarck felt that the heir to the throne was too liberal. Wanted to create hostility towards Britain. Took lands mostly in Africa; broke up the Cape to Cairo aspirations of G.B. Generated anti-British feelings in Germany Congress on African Affairs (1885)