the game plan

The Game Plan

Upload: peggysheehy

Post on 13-Jan-2015




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  • 1. Gam e Plan

2. [email protected] @peggysheehy 3. Its Automatic... 4. Marc Prensky Dont Bother Me Mom, Im Learning! Teaching Digital Natives: Partnering for Real Learning Digital Game-Based Learning 5. WhatVideo Games Have toTeach Us About Learning & Literacy GoodVideo Games & Good Learning By James Paul Gee 6. FUN INC. ByTom Chatfield Why Gaming Will Dominate the Twenty-First Century 7. Stuart Brown Play is more than fun 8. Reality is Broken By Jane McGonigal 9. A New Culture of Learning: Cultivating the Imagination for aWorld of Constant Change By John Seely Brown & DouglasThomas 10. The REAL Experts SMS WoW in School Class of 2012 11. Traffic Light Movie 12. PLAY is POWERFUL! It is paradoxical that many educators and parents still differentiate between a time for learning and a time for play without seeing the vital connection between them. -Leo F. Buscaglia, USC 13. GOALS 14. RULES 15. FEEDBACK 16. VOLUNTARY PARTICIPATION 17. FLOW An optimal state of intrinsic motivation, where a person is fully immersed in what he or she is doing. 18. The Happiness Factor 19. The Game Industry Gets It 20. FUN Form of Play Rules Goals Interactive Outcomes Feedback Adaptive Win States Story Conflict Interaction Problem Solving 21. It is paradoxical that many educators and parents still differentiate between a time for learning and a time for play without seeing the vital connection between them. Leo F. Buscaglia, USC 22. "People give lip service to learning to learn, but if you look at curriculum in schools, most of it is about dates, fractions, and science facts; very little of it is about learning. 23. SOCIAL LEARNING 24. PLAY THE GAMES! 25. Put on your Teacher Lenses 26. Consider Off the Shelf Games 27. GIFTED HOODLUMS! 28. Or, What Happens To School When Learners Become Heroes 29. Blended/Hybrid Course Freely Available 30. Failur Assessment 31. 32. Consider Free Alternatives 33. Keep Instructional Goals in Mind 34. Play will be to the 21st century what work was to the last 300 years of industrial societyour dominant way of knowing, doing and creating value. Pat Kane, author of The Play Ethic ADOPT A PLAY ETHIC 35. Bring your creativity, your curiosity, your collaboration, and your courage! Learning to Game to Game to Learn A Community Awaits! 36. 37. Resource Slides 38. Henry Jenkins Reality Bytes: Eight Myths about Video Games Debunked 39. Globalization is placing new demands on todays corporate leaders. As organizations continue to expand and operate in a more virtual environment, executives are being asked to provide guidance and direction to teams working across time zones and distances. In addition, the competitive environment is requiring leaders to make sense of increasingly disparate sources of information and make decisions more rapidly. In this changing environment, where can organizations turn to see the future of leadership? How can they determine the skills and tools that leaders will need to be successful? We believe that online gaming provides a window into the future of organizations and the leadership capabilities necessary to guide enterprises to success. FROM IBM