the french automobile manufacturers’ … · the...

Download THE FRENCH AUTOMOBILE MANUFACTURERS’ … · the french automobile manufacturers’ association (comitedes constructeurs francaisd’automobiles-ccfa)

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Post on 06-Feb-2018




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  • About CCFA

    Chairman: Patrick Blain - 32 employees.

    Our mission: research, monitor, inform, communicate with institutions, represent and defend French manufacturers and the automotive sector at the national, European and international levels.


    Created under the name of CSCA, in 1909.

    Members: PSA Peugeot Citron, Renault, Alpine, Renault Trucks.

    8 operational departments: International affairs, Environmental and technical affairs, Economics, statistics and transport, Communication, Legislation and tax, Road safety and CSR, Human Resources, Financial management

    1 subsidiary: AAA Data, 1 dedicated entity: AMC Promotion, 2 partners: UTAC-CERAM and BNA

  • CCFA: a major player


    Member of the French professional organizations GFI, UIMM-GIM and MEDEF, as well as many agencies in the field of automotive and transport (such as FSR, FIU, Airparif, GERPISA, GALIA,...).

    Member of the National Commission of Industry (CNI -Commission Nationale de lIndustrie).Commission Nationale de lIndustrie).

    Partner, alongside automotive suppliers, in the Automotive Branch Platform (PFA - Plateforme de la Filire Automobile).

    Associated with ACEA, the European Automobile Manufacturers Association.

    Member of OICA, the International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers (and currently holding the Presidency for two years).

  • The French automobile manufacturers

    Chairman: Philippe Varin

    2011 turnover:

    59.9 billion


    Chairman: Carlos Ghosn

    2011 turnover:

    42.6 billion

    Chairman: Heinz-JrgenLow

    Brand: Renault Trucks, Brands: Peugeot and


    Cars and light trucks

    2011 global production:

    Light vehicles: 3 581 959


    Cars: 3 161 504

    LCVs: 420 455

    Brands: Renault, Dacia, Renault Samsung Motors

    Cars and light trucks

    2011 global production:

    Light vehicles: 2 825 089


    Cars: 2 443 096

    LCVs: 381 993

    Brand: Renault Trucks, acquired by Volvo AB

    Trucks (both civilian and military) and light trucks

    2011 production:

    Trucks: 41 169

  • A global production


    48 assembly sites

    of PSA, Renault

    and Renault


  • Automotive sector in France


    2.4 millions jobs induced by the car in

    TOTAL : 2 468

    9 % of Francesemployed working population works directly or indirectly for the automotive sector

    by the car in 2010

    Total production activities:

    593 000

    manufacturing and energy services industry, automotive, equipment, accessories, body, trailers, caravans.

    Total use of the automobile:


    sale of cars and equipment, repair, technical inspection, rental short-lived, demolition and recyclers, insurance experts, credit, fuel sales, driving school, enabled, press, publishing.

    Total transport:

    1 113 000

    road transport of goods and passengers, services, police, health, education, administration, construction and maintenance of roads.

  • Legislation and Tax Department


    Director: Hubert Perreau.

    Monitors and provides information on legislative and regulatory developments (excluding labor issues).

    Represents and defends the interests of manufacturers in its fields of competence (excluding, in particular, labor and technical issues). technical issues).

    Publishes, exclusively for members, a newsletter about national and European official legal news: LEssentiel de lInformationOfficielle Automobile.

    Follows changes in ministerial offices.

    In charge of the executive secretariat of the CCFA.

    Chairs or is member of commissions, committees, working groups: MEDEF, CCA, CNC, CNAM, CRAMIF, GALIA, GFI,...

  • Environmental and Technical Affairs


    Director: Nicolas Le Bigot.

    Addresses scientific and technological issues related to the environment, mobility and car safety.

    Monitors developments in regulations regarding vehicles and their production. their production.

    Drafts and strengthens the strategic positions to defend the interests of the French manufacturers.

    Represents the manufacturers and defends their interests at every level of decision-making.

  • Communication Department


    Director: Franois Roudier.

    Expresses and spreads the positions of the French automotive industry.

    Releases daily news (at 10.30, 14.00 and 15.30), as well as monthly (news releases, press releases, Automobile et Socit, monthly (news releases, press releases, Automobile et Socit, statistics), quarterly (Tableau de Bord), and annual news and publications on .

    The Communication Department manages the participation of CCFA to the Mondial de lAutomobile, handles with the FIEV the communication of the PFA, and is an active member of the communication groups of OICA, GFI and URF.

  • Economics, Statistics and Transport


    Director: Pierre-Louis Debar.

    Creates and updates short-term/long-term economic information about the automotive sector.

    Handles automotive statistical databases.

    Publishes fact sheets and economic analyses, including the Publishes fact sheets and economic analyses, including the publication Analyses et Statistiques.

    Represents and defends the interests of car manufacturers.

    Monitors and defends the position of vehicles in transportation.

    Participates in commissions, committees, working groups: OICA, GFI, MEDEF, URF, AUTF, TDIE, SOeS/MEDDTL (Ministry), IFSTTAR, COE-REXECODE, INSEE, GERPISA...

  • International Affairs Department


    Director: Laurence Massenet.

    Field of action: market access, multilateral and bilateral negotiations, custom issues (rules of origin, origin marking, ...).

    OICA: international Motor Shows (exhibition committee and selection committee). selection committee).

    ACEA: liaison committee and working groups.

    Other partners: MEDEF, DGCIS, DGTrsor, Ubifrance.

  • Road Safety and CSR Department


    Director: Stphanie de Saint-Germain.

    Monitors, informs, and participates in debates on road safety and CSR (corporate social responsibility).

    Main interlocutors: DSCR, CSIAM, FIEV, INSERR, MEDEF, Association Prvention Routire (road safety association), Association Prvention Routire (road safety association), automobile clubs...

  • Financial Management Department


    Director: Guillaume de Cugnac.

    Prepares annual balance sheets and financial statements.

    Monitors, manages the cash flow.

    Drafts the budget and writes financial reports.

    Works with the organizations associated with CCFA.

    Manages relations with the banks and with the auditor.

  • Human Resources Department


    Director: Julien Billon.

    In charge of human resources and general services management for CCFA, as well as labor relations, recruitment, training and payroll.