the flelbourne athenreum. - · thol\ison e • the vice.president, mr. 1\1. j....

1 THE flelbourne Athenreum. ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1922 .. : J. O. 'rHOlVIS()N, ESQ. IDice- : M. J. l\1cN ALLY, "f)on. UreaSllrer : Ctlf\S. IrENNI E, ESQ. Urustees : ?\IEssRs. G EOI(G L USI-I, \1\1. A. CALLl\ \Y A Y, j\R.I-JES REN N IE. rvIR. E. DH .. J. rvi 1\. I). , , E. . , /\ . ,, C. (tOll11ntttee : H. C()()I(E .. M , '1' . \ \T. 13 () '1' 1-1 I{ 0 YD. j\. I(f:NNISON. " C RT' 1<1 C;G. 1\1 A I( l' IN. " c; . 13. H A IJ L. Ii -' . ]. A. DIIJLON. fvf j\S'fE I<S. 'l'O.PP. ])R. A. N. , , G. Ii. \ \r I C; (; . D IL A .\\11" . l( I N I) I( . MR. J. II. I) . 131{ E}\ H LEY. lVlcA.RI' H lJ 1\. jLtbra ria 11 : 1\1. Secretar}1 : I{. \iV. E. \\1 I L M 0' r . .I!.I.- - :II: =---- __ ' ! .

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~i' ~~ ?i~ THE

flelbourne Athenreum.


~resi"ent : J. O. 'rHOlVIS()N, ESQ.

IDice-n~resi()ent : M. J. l\1cN ALLY, ES~J.

"f)on. UreaSllrer : Ctlf\S. IrENNI E, ESQ.

Urustees : ?\IEssRs. G EOI(G l~ L USI-I, \1\1. A. CALLl\ \Y A Y,


rvIR. E. DH .. J. rvi 1\. I).

, , E. . , /\ . , , C.

(tOll11ntttee : H. C()()I(E .. M I~ , '1' . \ \T. 13 () '1' 1-1 I{ 0 YD.

j\. I(f:NNISON. "

C lJI'fI.Bf~ RT' 1<1 C;G. 1\1 A I( l' IN. " c; . 13. H A IJ L. Ii -' . ]. A.

DIIJLON. fvf j\S'fE I<S. 'l'O.PP.

])R. A. N.

, , G. Ii. \ \r I C; (; . D IL A .\\11" . l( I N I) l~ I( . MR. J. II. I) . 131{ E}\ H LEY.

lVlcA.RI' H lJ 1\.

jLtbra ria 11 :

1\1. D£ PLEDG~-=.

Secretar}1 : I{. \iV. E. \\1 I L M 0' r .

~t~======--===============================:~===== .I!.I.- - :II: =----__ '

! .

\tbe melboll rIle Btbcl1relllll.

, i ,


January 10, 1923.

NOTICE is hereby given that-

rrhe ANNUAL l'vIEE,!'ING of the In-

stitution will be held in the Library

on Wednesday, January 31,

at 8 p.m.

Your attendance is requested.

BlJSINESS .. -Annual Report and Balance Sheet.


" R. VV. E. WILi\10T, Secretary.

[Copy of Annual Report and Balance Sheet is attached.]


, -

. ," J', .. , I •

, " I".




To be 8ttb?n'itted to ;the Jl e1nbc'J'8 at the Ge'nelJ'al At eeti?~g

Wed'nesdcty, In'u/n(~ry 31, 1 !J23, CGt 8 1). ,,~ .

T HE COlllluittee of the Nlelbolll'ne Athenreum subrnit their report ,of the tl'ansactions of the year :I 922,

which is the e,ig,hty-third since the toundation of the


rfhere have been 12 Ineetings of the Genel'aJ COIUlnittee.

The Pres ident., :NIl'. J. O. THOl\ISON e •

The Vice.President, MR. 1\1. J. l\fcNATJLY

'11he 111'easlt1'er, :NIn. CHARLES RENNIE§

Trustee, MR. GEO. LUSH ••

111'ustce, Mr. 'V. A. CALLAWAY

Trustff, MR. HENRY l\IEEl{s*


C'O:i.\Il\IlT'l'EE :

attended 10 , Mr. Hothl'oyd

· .


• •

• •

a.ttended 11

." 0)


" 7

" 10

" 8


•• nttended Mr. Mal'tin .. Mr. Cooke Dr. Kenllison

Mr. Masters Mr. Topp

" 10 Mr, Cuthbert Rigg "

Mr. G. B. Hall Mr. Dillon

. .

• •


" " '" , .

10 11




* Mr. Meeks died Oll August 7 .

Dr. Hin(ler

Mr. Brearley Dr. ~IcAl'tburt l\tIr, \Viggt

l Dr. lVlcArthnr resigned ,on July 5. t Mr. G. H. Wigg resigned on )Ial'ch 3.

§ MI·. Rennie was -appointed a Tl'llstee on Sept.!.

" • • "

" "

11 7 7 4 1 1

I ,I


Your COlll 111 i ttee l'ecl)l'(ls W" i til dee p re'gre t the death of the senio}' Trnstee, ~'II'. llelll''y ~leek~, who lUld been associated \vitll the Iustitutiol1 {'Ol' ;)1 veal's. 1\,1 1'. ~leek:s


first joined the Institution ill I S6-t.Elc \va~ fol' 1l1any

years one of tbe Andi tors, was :u t act)j ve lnen\ l)(31' of U;e COInln i ttee since 18GG, fil1ell the P1'8sidell ti al cllai 1', and \vas tinally appoint-ell H, Trllstee ill 1801. 111'. ?\leeks" experience and advlcP \va.s invnlnnhle to tl1f' Tnst,itntjoll.

111'. Oharles :ReHllie was nnallilHollsiy appoilltc{l to the vacant rrrusteeship cClllsecl -b,Y tllP de:Lth of Mr .. Meeks.

The Fillance ConlIn i ttee-~lc~:sl's. ItCH}} ie (cha,i 1'111 an ), (lnlla \vn,y, ltig-g, IVI <lRtel'S, ThoUISOll, Dr. Itillde1', and the Presl( len t; tlleI~ibnll''y Connnittec- Messrs. 'fopp (chail'­ulaH), Lush; i\lal'till, OaUaway, Bothroyd, I )1'. Ril1c1el', and tilC President; the House C,())1l1nittee-l\iessl's. J\'lartin, Cooke, lVlcNnl1y, llall"Drs. l\.ellllisoll; Itilldel', ancl the Presi(lellt~ held tllc nsnal lueetillgs, and thus a,ttellded regulHrly to the various depal'tIllGllts of tIle Institution.

The Presidenfl, Vice-President, rrl'casul'el', and the follow­iug' lllcnlbeJ's of the Coullnlttec, \vho £1;1'e eligible f(}l'

re-electioll, retire fronl ofiice, Vi7;., ~[essl's. l\ial'till, Cooke . , Ha,ll, and ltigg.


The gross l'ecei})ts for the veal' alllount to i25 524 lq~ 6d eJ ,,-.• ~. '-,

an incl~ea,se of £582 168. ] d. over 1921, and the gross expendlture to £5,220 4s. 2<1., an increase of £745 lIs. 9d. over 1921, but this alnount jncluded t-wo special i~en1s,

i?2fj7 2s. 6cl. for inlpl'OVenlcllts, and £] 38 lOs. lOd., the • I

alUollnt recovered fi'01l1 the Illsul'ance Cornpanies, and paid awa,y ill COHneetion \Vitll the fire in the l11illiner's: shop in

• J~Ull1al·.Y last,. The net increase in expenditure tllllS beIng (033() 18) .... -1 rl'}' .. f'· . . ' :r..;.,. 8. DC. _ 1e l'evenuu rom subscrIptIons, £1,707

68. 6d., is an incl'ease o££233 12s. gel. over tbe. ,previous year, and, is the hU'gest ever recei ved fl'orn this SOUl'ce in the


history of the,ution. The previons record \vas £1,591 19s., in 1888. rrhe return f1'OIH other SOHl'CCS has also been satisfa.ctOl',T.

On the expenditure side it will he noticetl that the alll()Unt spent OIl books, lllagazilles, and lleWSpnpel'B if; £22:3 11 s. ;')d. i 11 excess of last year, or Jt423 48. 3cl. in exce~:-; of 19~O. 'Vith (l gratifying increase in lllembershipr has C()llH-', a COl'l'pspouc1 iug necessity of adeq ufitel y caterlng for the greater call both for and books.

<In the\vhole, tiH:' receipts H,}'e £:304 15s. 4d. in excess of the expellditure. The credit ba.lance of £20.5 17s. ld. at ])eceInl)el' ai, 1921, has heellillCl'eased to j~510 l~s'. 3d.

Your COllll11ittee has pleasure ill reportillg tbat the llegotiations fot' (\. leH~e of the Innin lln,l1, to which referellce \vas Inade ill the lHRt report., h(\ve been elnbol'ated and cOlupleted. The lease t'lltel'ccl into t\velve H10llt.hR ago \vas for tvventy yeal'Sl and IH'()vided that tIle Lessee (NIl'. Frank 'ralbot) ShOllltl expend a.t leHst '£4, noo ill pennn lIell t irn­pl'OVe1l1en ts all(~ decol'ations,\\~ It jell would u I ti nia te]y

becorne the property' of the lll~titnti()n. Sul)serltielltly, 1\1..1'. Talbot found that under his original stLerne i t\vould be ilnpossjble to do all that vvn~ l'eq \I ired. He, thpi'efol'E\ Inade (1, fresll proposal which involved 11l11Cil greater expense. Fresh plans were snlnnitted, and after sevend eOnfel'ellces.

these were appl'ovGc1. III addition to Inatel'ially enhancing the v}due of the property of the Institution, the anleuded scherne will provide increased -t~Lcil ities fot' lHeln bel'S, H,ud ,villinake the reorganised Atitenanlln one of tilt, Inust np­to-uate and cOlnplete places of allluserrlent in A_llstl'alasia. Your COlnlnittee has no hesitation in congl'H tnlati ng lueln­hers on hn v ing ell te'l'ec1 into a, IHost 8atisf~lctory al'l'allg(:~lllell t. In c()n~ideratioll of the la,rge increase in the an10\1 n t 1VL1" . 'ralbot\vill bet ye to expend-the cost of the anlended

scheine being e.-.;tiluH,ted at bet\Veell £ 15,000 auel £20,oOt)

-as against the pl'elirninal'Y estirnate already rnenticHled,

your COHllnittee has extende<l the tenn of tllC lease fron1

twenty to twen tJ'y-tive years.

·A.ll ilnporta,ut result of the anlended scbelne will be t.bat the Library will be open until ten o'clock eaell evening, and it i~ bel~eved that the extrn. facilities thll~ pl'ovirled \vill induce a eonsiderable increase ill the lneln bCl'ship. 1'he al terations provide for i nCl'eased accolllHlodat]OIl in the slnoking-l'OOH1, which since the advent of tIle l\!lelboul'lIe Chess Club has 1ecorne one of' the lno~t popular branches of the Institution.

In OJ'der that yonI' Comlnittee 11light have Hlnple IH)\vel' to en tel' into the aluended lease with l\I r. Ta,] bot, it 'VfiS

ton nel necessary to aJ,ter the l'u]e~. A. Special GCHeral ~leeting of 111embers\vas held on Septenlbcl' 4,\vhen the l'uleswel'e altered and added to.

Your U01l1111ittee has p]easurp. in reporting tllat the cOl'diall'elatiolls \vhich have existed fo), 80 roany 'years with our neighbours, theVietoria Uoffe0 Palace, still eontillue. A conference ,vas held on August 15 b\~tween representa­tives of the Cofiee Palace and a Sub-cOlnlnittee of thi~ Institution (~Ie:ssl's. ~'hornsoll, Lush, J:tennie, Callaway, and Cooke), l1t which various lnatters of interest and ilnpOl't­ance to both pa.rties \ycre discussed, a.nd a lle\V agl'ee­n1ent was entered in to.


During the year the (\Jl'l'angelnent of the Library \vas altered so as to relnove the desk to the sou thel'll end of the rooul. rrh~ result has been Inost ~a,tisfactory. The large increase in the Inetnbers' roll is an undeniable tribute to the

popularity of the Library, and your Conllnittee eOllgratu­lateR mernbel's on having such ~t .colnpeten tLibral'Y staff

The Assistant Libl'aria,n (~i iss Alice Cooper) \vas gran ted t,vo lllonths leave of absence last \vinter Oil account· of ill-

alealth. ~liss Ethel Cerini ,vas a.ppointed telnporarily as Assistant. Your COl1llnittee is glad to say that :Nlis~

··Cooper ,vas nble to rCSUlne j n N ovelnbel', fully l'e8tored to heaJth.

An innovation \vhiel- has proved U10st successful, is the establislunent of a Loan G-allery of vVorks of Art in the Reading Itooln. Artists who hnNe held exhibitiolls in the Art Gl111ery \vel'e jnvited to lend pictures for exhibition in the Iteading Itoorn, and they cordially accepted. Paintings Iby Arthur Streeton, George Coates, .Dora ~leesoll, ])ont "Tilson, ~leynell Withers, H. B. Harrison, .Lrslie \Vilkie, W. D. Knox, John 'Ro\vel1, l~. ~icCann, C ... Asquith l~a.ker, }It J. ~lcNally, It.\V. Sturgess, ~J. O'Connell, T. Latimer,

. .and the late W altel'\Vithers, an etching by Jessie 'rraill,

.anu a black and white sketch by Charles N uttalJ, have ,been hung, and several others have been prolnisecl.

The tollo\villg donations of works 11::\,ve been' kindly

Imade :-

Victol'in.n Year Book, presented by A. ::\1. Langhtoll, Esq., Goverument Statist.

. Penee and \Var, by the P(lflCe Society.

The Christian Science Monitor, from 111irr03t Church 01 Christ Sci'eutist,


The Messenger, by Messrs. Arbuckle, \VaJdell, PLy. Ltd.

The New Zealand Oflicial Year Bool{, by the Government of Ne,,.

New Zealand.

'1'he Theosophist, by the Theosophical Society.

l'11e Church of England }Iessenger, by the Diocese of Melbourne.

rrhe Unitell Empire Proceedings of the Hoyal Colonial Institute

Journal, from the Institute.

The UOlulllollwealth Gazette, by. the COl1nIlOllwealth GoVel'll1nent.

l'wo Copies of Bradshaw's Gnide to Victoria, supplied reguhtrly by Stillwell ana Stephens Pty. Ltd.

.. The proprietors of the principal nletl'opolitan and provincial newspapers have also each contributed one copy of their




The popularity of the Art Gallery-now fully recognised as the art centre of ~1elbourne-haH been lnaintained. Durillg the year exhibitions were held by Messn~. U. Halnpel, .T. Jackson, R; W. _Bugg, M. O'Coflnell,W. D. Knox, Chas. Wheeler, .R. W. Sturgess, A. ~lcClintock, Penleigh Boyd, J oh 1\ ltowell, Max: l\tleldl'lun, :E. Hooton A. Sennitt, E. Latilner, lVTeynell \Vithers, lYIrs. Sheard" ~Ijss J a.nles,~liss Sweatrnall, Miss Bale, 1\118s Traill, Twen ty lYlelboul'ne Painters, vVolnen's Art Club, and the Conllnel'cial ATtists' Association. ]for the current year there is not a vamtnt date, and there are several bookings

already lnade for 1924.


The Anllual.Meeting wiLl be held ill the Library on

WeanesdnlY, JallUal'Y 31, at 8 p.rn. Melnbel's are l'elninded

that they Inay Inake nOlninatiolls to fill tbe vacallcie~ in

the COl1nnittee fLt the close of the AUllual ~leeting,which they axe e~1rllestly req nested to attend.

,J. O. THOnISON, 1'>ll'e8ident.

It VV. F~. VV ILMOT, Secretarrpu.



~1~.1,,1\a,n·a')\)illCC! 'llt~ ~ r· ~. f ~~ t' h1 ( 'u ~ e. tOu lca, S


BRITISH & FOREIGN Belfast 'Veekl v News Bystander " Ohl'lstian Scienee Monitor Christian \Vorld Church Guardian Church rrimes Dublin \Veekly Freeman Financial N e,~s Glasgow Herald (weekly) Liverpool \Veekly Post Methodist Hecorder New York Herald. Pall lUall Gazette Scot!-.llnttll (weekly) rrimes (London) rrimes Literary Snpplenient \Vestminster Gazette·

AUSTRALASIAN Victoria-Melbourne

Age ArguR Herald Advocate Australasian Graphic

Leader Punch Southern Cross SpectatOl' 1'able Talk Weekly Tillles

Victoria-Provincial Ararat Ad vertisel' Balla,ntt Courier Ballarat Star Bendigo Advertiser Castl.emaine 11ail East Ulml'Holl rr11'ilHllle Geelong Advertiser GippslrLud l\fel'Clll'Y Kormnhul'l'a rrirnes Kynetoll Guardian I .:\lellJolifue Sun ' News of the \Veck (Geelong) I Ovens alic1 l\'[urray Adver- I

tiseI: Port Fllir'y Gaz~tte Rutherglen Sun Stawell News 'Vangal'atta Ullrolllcle

\Vannalnbool Standard 'VimlllenL Star

New South VI ales Daily Tt~legra ph Referee Srnith'8 'Neeklv Sydnoy Hulleti'~l Sydney l\iail Sydney Morning flerald Sydney SUll

South Australia South Australian Hegistel' The Observer

Queensland Brisuane COnriBl" Queellslandcl'

Western Australia The 'Vest Austl'ldian ,Vestel'll Mail Albany Advertiser

Tasmania Hobart l\Iel'Clll'V Illustrated Ta~dtalliall lUail Launceston Exalninel'

New Zealand

Auckla1Hl 'Veekly News Otago \Vitness


Bookman British Anstralasian Building News COUll tr.Y Idfe CorllhilllUnga7Jine ECOllOluist Engilleer Eng1ish l\Ieehaliic Field Graph ic IlllU:;Ll'atml Lowloll K ews Inquirer J e,vish Chronicle Ladies' Field Faslrions Lancet L'Illustrll tiOll London Pnl1ctl Mercantile Guardian

:Milllng J ourllal Nation anel Athenroum, Nature New Church :l\iagazine New Statesman Notes and Queries Public Opinion Queen Saturday Heview Sketch Spectator Sphere Sporting nud Dramatic N ew& Studio Slluday Companion Sunday at Home rl'ablet rratler rrrutlJ (London) VOffue t>

American. Illdepeudellt (incorp. H!:tr­

pen:;' \Veekly) Ln.dies~ Home J onrnal Saturday Evening Post

Australasian. A us tralasiall Ins Ul'anc e and

Banking Record (Melb.)

Australasianl\ianu facture (Sydney)

Australasian Tl'a velIeI' AW-itraliall Br8\viug and'

\Vine Journal (Melb.) Anstl'alian Christian World' (Sydney)i

Au~tl'alian Fa.rming (Melb.) Clull'ch of :England l\1essen­

gel' (l\Ielboul'lle) COlnmonwealth of Australia,

Gazette Government Ga7.:ette of Vie­

toria Industrial Australiall and,

l\Iining St.andanl (1\'18Ih . LadieH' ~pllere l\1 essellger (Pres by iel'iaJl J.

Melbourne) New Outlook Photo l1eview (Sydney) Pl'esbyteria.1I (lVIelhollrne) Spectator (l\.relbonrne) 1111e Home (Sytl11ey)


fHE TREASURER IN AOCOUNT cURRENT WiTH tHE MELBOURNE ATHENlEuM6 Fo?" the }Tea'f ended 31st Decen~be1', 1922.

To Balance .. • • • •

• • Subscriptions .. Bent of Large Hall

Small Hall Front Shops Rooms •.

• • • •

· . · .

Sales • •

Fire Insurance Recovered Interest Account for F. Talbot

· . • •

· .

. . £1707 6

1359 10 490 9

1229 10 380 15 208 17

• •

. .

}[ELBOURNE 1 2f;th .J«lluary, 1923.

6 o 6 o o 8

£205 17 1

5,376 8 8 138 10 10 10 0 0

------£5,730 16 7 ---------~.~---.-

By Iuterest on ~Iol'tgage and Overdraft

Salaries anel 'Vages

Books, ~Iagazines,

. .

and Newspapers Gas and Electric Light .. R~pairs, Goods, and Sundries .. Rates • • • • Insurance .. · . Binding ..

£H84 5 6 1222 19 3

1077 - U a 206 12 ~

566 0 5 375 7 6 I3h 0 8 28 4 n

Postage, Stationery and Pett.y CasL - ... 0 0 DD

Printing and Advertising Auditors .. • •

Architects' Fees .. • •

Fire Renovations · . 1m provemellts .. · .

. .

. .

145 13 0 6 6 0

10 15 3 1~8 10 ]0 267 2 6

5220 4: 2 Balance .• •• • • • • •• 510 12 5

£5,730 16 7

Audited and found correct,


.=0<""" 'if'" W' Z 'eRbffle' "

APPROXIr~ATE STATE~IENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES. ----------------------- -------------


Estimated valuQ of the real Property of the Institution n~ per V n.lnatioll fOl' ~\,Iortgnge,

July, 1921 .. Valne of Library

01 • "

Furnitnre .. G naru n te(l Deposi t A leN ew Lease IJftrge II 1111 Bflllk B(~1nnce ..

£ 4;{, 100 0

1~500 0

750 0

500 0 510 12

£46,360 12

._--_. -------


Loan under l\Ioltgage (Rate 7 lWl' cell t., d ne J II]Y 29, 1924) £14:,000 0

0 Deposit. 011 Lease as PPl' contra 500 0 . " 0 F. Tfllhot--Intere3t 10 0 • • 0 Balance 31,850 12 0 ;)

5 £46,360 12



0 0

....... ~







Blackwooll's -:\111gaJ'jille Cassell's ]\Ia,ga~ine Oha,rnbel's' .Tonrnal Contemporary Heview .. Discovery Dublin lteviuw Edinburgh Heview English Review Fortnightly Review Gl'H,ud Magazille Hibbert Journal Hutchinson '8

London 1\Iagazine


IJondon (~l1arterly Review Musical Times


<!Girclt ration:

Nash' H ;\·1 1Lgll '/; i 11 t-)

Natioun,l T{.evi{~w ~O\V

Nilleteenth Centnl'y Pearson'::; .iHa12:iI.zille Qnu,l'terly H\~\'icw JtOlllld rrahle ]{, Iylll Mn.gil7.i 11 e StnLlHl \Vide \VOl'lll \Villdsor \Vodel's \Vorl,


Ad veutnre Atlantic l\L(/l1tbly Bookman Century


C08Hwpolitan 15verybody'H Forum Harper's Magaz iue ~lnllsl-ly Mn.g;IZill(-) Natiollal Geogl'apllienl l\fag-

azme Hell Book Sel'ibner's M(Hl tIlly "'\Vol'ld's "Vork

FRENCH Hevne des Deux 1\1:011<1e8 l1evne de Pll.l'is

AUSTRALASIAN Life Stead's (Melboul'ne) ~rl'iall (Sydney)