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  • 7/29/2019 The Fit Buzz Lifestyle Diet



    By Shaun SinclairFounder/

    Be sure to stop over on where you can track and upload your dietprogress and more.
  • 7/29/2019 The Fit Buzz Lifestyle Diet


    Legal Disclaimer

    Any application of the recommendations set forth in this book or in personal consultation

    by phone, email, in-person, or otherwise, is at the readers discretion and sole risk. Anyonewith medical problems of any nature should see and consult a doctor before starting anydiet or exercise program. Even if you have no known health problems, it is advisable toconsult your doctor(s) before making major changes in your lifestyle. By using theinformation described in this ebook, you recognize that despite all precautions on the partof Budget foods for abs, there are risks of injury or illness, which can occur because ofyour use of the aforementioned information. You expressly assume such risks and waive,relinquish and release any claim which you may have against Budget foods for abs, or itsaffiliates as a result of any future physical injury or illness incurred in connection with, or asa result of, the use or misuse of the program. The material contained on Budget foods forabs is provided for educational and informational purposes only and

    is not intended as medical advice. The information contained in this book should not beused to diagnose or treat any illness, metabolic disorder, disease or health problem.Always consult your physician, doctor, or health care provider before beginning anynutrition or exercise program. Use of the programs, advice and information contained inthis book is at the sole choice and risk of the reader. All rights reserved. No part of thispublication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic ormechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any other information storage andretrieval system, without the written permission of the publisher.
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    Table of contents


    Chapter 1 - The Stay-Fit Buzz lifestyle dietChapter 2 - You are what you eatChapter 3 - FBA lifestyle diet How to rate your foodChapter 4 How to improve your foods ratingChapter 5 - FBA lifestyle diet ALL foods with their ratingsChapter 6 - GI Index chart foods (carbs)Chapter 7 - Crap but good foods (For left over nutrients)

    Chapter 8 A day in the life of a Fitbugger part 2 DONE FOR YOU ALL FOOD TYPES
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    For those who are new to Stay-Fit Buzz, my name is Shaun Sinclair. I am a former trackathlete, Founder of and current key team member on StayFit BuzzAmerica on our Facebook fan page for those who follow.

    Am I the right person to write this ebook?

    I would say yes, I am. After all, I have successfully built and maintained a healthy set of

    abs for the past 13 years. And initially going from 0 abs to a full set in the space of 3months (At the time). However, in regards to the exercises that I would choose to buildabs, I wouldn't do millions of sits ups every night like I used to. Right now, I would focus on3 x 10 reps of full hanging leg raises every workout and 3 x 30 reps of hanging knee liftsevery workout (As a base start). That is still only 30% of the journey to building a rock solidset of abs. The other 70% will be obtained via your diet, and the following guide will showyou how to build abs on a budget without breaking the bank and without having to starveyourself or eat tasteless food in the process. As that is a proven way to help you quit!Which is what we don't want.
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    Chapter 1 - The Stay-Fit Buzz lifestyle diet

    OK, so this is a brief explanation of how to live your diet as a lifestyle. Something which Italked about on video HERE. This is the base of how you will use the following informationthroughout your fitness journey.

    Let's begin. The FBA lifestyle diet

    The concept is pretty simple and is easy to follow...

    Eat the foods that you need based on how much body fat percentage you want tolose. And then consume what you want from the remaining left over calories.

    Why is this effective?

    Because this way, you don't have to worry about whether to eat that random snack, or notthroughout every minute of the day. You you design your diet as a lifestyle, then you won't

    have to diet at all, let alone even think about it.You can simply say

    ''OK, my goal is (My new reduced intake) and this is the type of food I need to consumethis week (Remember, it's total calories per day with the help of nutrient specific timing-Chapter 8). Throughout that period I can typically eat what I want from the left overcalories I calculated''

    How to structure your lifestyle diet

    #1 You currently weigh 180lbs with a body fat percentage of 20%. Your goal will naturallybe to want to reduce body fat and build more lean mature muscle. Because that's how youkeep it off... right.

    #2 In order to move forward, you will first determine what your current daily maintenancecalorie intake is . For examples sake, let's say it's 2800 calories per day. What we then dois create a caloric deficit. A base start could be 15%. And we work out your new dailycalorie intake as follows...

    2800 x 0.15 = 420

    2800 420 = A new calorie intake of 2380
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    The core rule of fat loss is to cut intake and perform the most effective exercises, in theright way. Which you can learn all about in the 2 free bonus ebooks you would havereceived.

    1. Cardio for fat loss Program

    2. The Little Black Book Of Six Pack Boosting Exercises

    #3 Now what we do is workout the minimum calories to consume from the fats andproteins from your food sources. As a general rule, the average amount of each youshould be consuming is as follows:

    Protein contains 4 calories per 1 gram

    1.5 grams of protein per pound of lean bodyweight

    In this example that would equate to:

    180lbs (current weight) x 15% = 27lbs.

    180 27 = 153 (Lean bodyweight figure)

    1.5 x 153 = 230 grams

    Fat contains 9 calories per 1 gram

    0.45 grams of fat per pound of normal bodyweight

    In this example would equate to:

    180 x 0.45 = 81 grams

    But do remember, that these fat and protein minimums are just gauges. Just tweak your intake and use the scale and the mirror to gauge your real world results.

    Your fat and protein minimum intake will therefore equate to:

    Protein 4 calories x 230 grams = 920

    Fats 9 calories x 81 grams = 729

    920 + 729 = 1649

    We finally minus the calories from the above minimum intake from the calories too cut,which equates to:

    2380 1649 = 610
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    That last figure equates to chapter 7 - Crap but good foods (For left over nutrients).

    Because this is where the Stay Fit Buzz lifestyle diet kicks in. Because this is where youcan eat what you like, regardless of the food rating (which we discuss in the followingchapters). All you have to make sure is that the foods you consume don't surpass the 610calorie mark. The reason why this works is because of the caloric deficit that you created

    in the beginning.

    Chapter 2 - You are what you eat

    ''Change is one of those guaranteed constants''

    That statement holds true for everything in life. Everything changes. The current becomesthe old. The old die to make way for the new. Sorry to sound like a depressed Bug, but it'strue. And the same holds true to how your body works when you consume food.

    As you read this...

    - Old cells in your body are dying (approx 50,000 cells per second)- New cells are being created from the foods you eat

    There for, as the saying goes... you are what you eat. Which is why when you eat trash,you'll look like trash. And when you eat well, you'll well... look well. Which is why it's pretty

    important to take that fact seriously. Because it's not only the short term affects you haveto worry about. It's the long term affects too. Long term affects from eating 'trash' such as:

    A stroke Cancer Diabetes Enlargement of the heart Erectile disfunction Depression Cellulite Gallbladder disease Heartburn Osteoarthritis

    And many others

    But the question that most people have is ''How to determine what foods to consume andhow to rate them''?

    I've already talked about how today's Supermarkets literally spam your brains withinformation overload in 'Budget foods for abs'. All in order to suck as much money from

    you as possible (I'll talk more about this in just a moment too). For example, you've
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    probably become accustomed to hearing phrases such as:

    - ''30% less fat''- ''All natural''- ''Low fat''- ''100% organic''

    - You NEED to buy ME!!! (Ok, I made that one up. But that's the message the labels wantto scream to the masses)

    Well, you can let your hair down, because here I'll reveal to you...

    Chapter 3 The Stay Fit Buzz - Food Rating System

    A - ExcellentF - Plain bad

    The reason why there's a multiple step rating system, is because food can't be rated fromjust simply 'good' or bad. All foods have come from or have started from somewhere andthroughout that food sources life, it would have been processed in some form along theway. And at each stage of that process, the food source will go through stages rangingfrom being totally excellent to consume, to simply ''I wouldn't even eat that as a cheatmeal''.

    ''I know... you need an example.''

    An Orange = A Rated food source (Grown from the roots of the earth) Also a great post

    workout food source too. (Most fruits are).

    Unsweetened Orange jam/jelly = Tastes great on that sliced bread. But it is now a B Ratedfood source, because the orange has been processed. It's no longer ALL natural.

    Orange juice = Has been processed further, even less natural. Now a C rated food source.

    Orange juice + sugar = Naturally this will lower the once A rated orange to a now D rating.

    Orange mourang = More sugar. More fat. Heck, this once fine orange has now ended upas a F rated food source (Which isn't all bad actually. Remember the rules of the Stay Fit

    Bug lifestyle diet earlier?).

    Now, that's the simple way to rate every single food source that you consume. Just take ahard look at your current diet and trace each food source backwards to it's origin. If youonly end up tracing it back by 1 or 2 stages, then your diet is pretty clean. And if you aren'talready there, it will only be a matter of time before you reach your fitness goals (With thehelp of Stay Fit Buzz of course).
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    Chapter 4 - How to improve your foods rating

    The highest rating food sources are ALL natural foods. So just eat more of that. Which is...

    - Non-processed- Non-refined- NOT man made

    How can you tell? Simple...

    Did this food come out of the ground or off of a tree/plant?"

    If yes = Natural A rated food source.

    Or ''Did this food source walk, swim or fly once upon a time?''

    If yes = Natural A rated food source

    Now, we have mentioned this before. But the majority of your calories should...

    1. Come from A rated food sources2. Come from slow digesting food sources

    However, a diet THIS strict won't be effective in order to get lean and build abs. Because adiet THAT strict is somewhat restricted.

    Because a lot of A rated foods (Green vegetables) lack caloric density, which means you'llfind it difficult to stay in caloric surplus (We'll talk about some 'tasty' calorie dense foods forfat loss later to add to your Stay Fit Bug lifestyle diet).

    And this is why we often say that no food is bad when consumed in the right way whenliving the Stay Fit Buzz lifestyle diet.

    Another Simple and Easy Way to Improve Your Foods Rating

    Now, I talked about how to shop in a regular supermarket in 'Budget foods for abs'. And as

    you know, it's not the way they would like you to shop. But a better method would be to
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    make it a regular habit to shop in a...

    Farmers marketNatural foods market


    Health store.

    Doing so would mean that you'll have access to much more A rated foods. But anothergreat benefit is that you'll automatically turn into a modern day cave(wo)man. Because likeour cave(wo)man ancestors, you'll have the ability to add a great variety of food sources toyour diet. Because unlike your regular supermarket, you'll find shelf after shelf of differentwhole grain and natural food sources.

    Super markets are mostly shelf stacked with boxed, canned, or packaged and highlyprocessed foods.

    In your typical high street supermarket you're only going to find a few brands of 100%whole grain boxed cereal. Shredded Wheat being one of them. If you look at theingredients list in Shredded Wheat, youll see only 100% whole wheat.

    If you look at most of the other brands, youll see refined grains and a lot of sugar.Yes, most of these foods will taste boring. But that's just how it is. Most A rated foods willtaste boring. A long term strategy you can take while living the Stay Fit Bug lifestyle dietwould be to slice up berries (all kinds see budget foods for abs) to sweeten your meal sothat you don't become bored. Because that will surely encourage a binge further down theroad. Nevertheless, visit a health food store for variety, and a lot of it.

    Chapter 5 Stay-Fit Buzz lifestyle diet ALL foods with theirratings

    Stay Fit Buzz food rating Almighty Stay Fit Buzz great to Stay Fit Buzz baaad (Well,not all bad, we'll explain)

    Ratings A - F

    A Rated foods

    Which for the most part means you can eat a whole load of them throughout the daywithout worrying about piling on any unwanted calories. The only issue with doing thatwould be the taste factor. Which is almost none. (Which is not cool for a Stay Fit Buzzlifestyle Fitbuzzer).

    Some dieters are afraid of starchy carbohydrates because theyve been led tobelieve they are fattening. However, starchy carbs are not fattening or unhealthy,refined carbs and other man made foods are the enemy. The A rated starchycarbohydrates like yams, brown rice and old fashioned unsweetened oatmeal are
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    completely fine for people that want to get into lean and mean shape. That rules applies toboth, Fitbuzzer muscle builders AND Fitbugger fat loss losers. Other A rated starchesinclude:

    Black eyed peas (The food, not the pop band :-D) Lentils

    Beans Navy Pinto Kidney Garbanzo Barley

    Most of which I covered in the special foods for fat loss video. Just remember, yams andbrown rice and other starchy carbs aren't bad carbs. Why?

    - Low/moderate Glycemic Index (Perfect for fat loss and ab building)- 100% natural (Remember what we spoke about earlier)- A good balance of proteins and carbs

    Carb sensitivity may be an issue for you (Well, not any more, as you will soon know whatthe other low/moderate GI foods are along side your budget foods), but just focus on theStay Fit Buzz lifestyle diet basics.

    1. Eat mostly slow digesting carbs (Other than when you workout - Eat fastdigesting carbs at this time)2. Only eat foods with a higher GI for your left over calories when following the StayFit Bug lifestyle diet (The foods you 'want' to eat part)3. Calories in vs calories out, (Based on your new maintenance calorie figure)

    Fruit is also an A rated food source. Yes, fruit may not be ideal to eat all of the time, whenfat loss and ab building is the goal (other than post workout). But fruit is natural and high innutritional value. And that's why it makes the A rating.

    And now for the list of A rated foods

    1. Complete proteins2. EFA's3. The types of carb food sources

    A-rated fibrous carbs

    Spinach Kale
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    Broccoli Cauliflower Brussel sprouts Green Beans Asparagus Collard greens Green and red peppers Mushrooms Tomatoes Onions Cucumbers All other fibrous carbs, green vegetables or salad vegetables

    (You can pretty much eat endless amounts of these foods and you won't be affected)

    A-rated starchy carbs

    Yams Sweet potatoes Barley Oatmeal (Old fashioned unsweetened) Kidney beans Canned beans

    Pinto beans Black eye peas Slow cooked brown rice (long grain/basmati/steamed) Lentils White potatoes Red potatoes Carrots

    A-rated fast digesting carbs

    All fresh fruits (not including canned, sweetened, or juice) Bananas, slightly unripe Oranges Pear/raw Peaches/raw cherries /raw Grapefruit/raw Apple/raw fresh strawberries

    A-rated fats
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    Flaxseed oil Udos Choice essential oil blend Fish Oil Fatty fish (salmon, trout, herring, sardines)

    A-rated proteins

    Chicken breast Turkey breast Extra lean ground turkey Ostrich Buffalo/Bison/lean game meats Fish, all types Shellfish Egg whites Non fat cottage cheese

    Top round steak (leanest cut of red meat) Protein powder supplements (whey, casein, or combination)

    B-rated foods

    ''B-rated foods. Why should I go for B-rated foods? Shouldn't we be shooting for thatperfect A each and every time?''

    Well, in a logical thinking sense,yes. But this is something that most fitness competitorstend to do near contest time. And the reason why it's not encouraged is because it's not anideal long term approach (Which I talk about in detail here).

    You won't maintain it It's not ideal when living fitness as a lifestyle And your diet will lacks variety because of it

    And that last point is why you would include B-rated foods into your diet.

    B-rated Carbs

    Foods such as whole wheat bread, pasta and cereal are good examples of B-rated foods.Whole wheat bread is a B-rated food because it's slightly processed.

    B-rated Proteins

    An ideal protein source is one that is low in fat, such as top round steak, which can beconsidered an A-rated food source). To give your diet some variety, you could sometimesopt for a slightly less lean steak such as flank.

    B-rated Carbohydrates

    100% whole grain, unsweetened boxed cereals
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    100% whole grain cooked cereals 100% whole grain pastas (amaranth, quinoa, wheat, etc) 100% whole grain breads (100% whole wheat, rye, spelt, etc) 100% Whole wheat pitas 100% Whole grain, unsweetened muffins Fast cooked brown rice Instant oatmeal (unsweetened)

    B-rated Proteins & dairy products

    Flank steak Extra Lean top sirloin Extra lean ground beef Extra lean red meats, other Lowfat ground turkey Non fat or 1% low fat sour cream

    Non fat or 1% low fat cheese Non fat or 1% low fat cream cheese Nonfat or 1% low fat, sugar free yogurt 1% low fat cottage cheese Whole eggs (See budget foods for abs on how to consume them)

    B-rated Fats

    Extra virgin olive oil & olive oil salad dressings Natural peanut butter

    Olives Avocado Nuts & seeds Reduced fat, reduced calorie salad dressings

    C Grade foods

    Just like the example we gave earlier,

    C-rated carbs are those that are processed or slightly sweetened.

    The cereal 'Special K' from Kelloggs is one example of this. A boxed cereal that is madefrom whole grain oats, yet sweetened with white sugar. Now, if you like cereals such asthis, but are still on the fence about consuming lower rated food sources. You could go to ahealth store and you'll find a variety of generic branded oats cereal with similar names.Doing so will increase your cereal back up to a B-rating. It's simple to understand really.Add refined sugar or a lot of it to a food source and it gets down rated to C or even D, E orF because strips it of it's original nutritional value and turns it into a fast digesting foodsource.

    White rice is the same. Which is why we favor brown rice.

    Fruit juice is another example, like the orange juice we mentioned earlier. In all fairness,
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    fruit juice is actually quite healthy. But it is calorie dense, which is why it's best consumedpost workout (fruit is better). Or just as a part of what you want as part of the SFB lifestylediet.

    C-rated proteins - Proteins are those which contain moderate levels of fat, however, aregenerally unprocessed.

    The recently launched Quorn lean meat is a good example. Low in fat yes, but are stillprocessed.

    C-rated carbohydrates

    Grits Cream of rice Cream of wheat White rice Pasta made from enriched flour (durum semolina) Whole grain, low fat snack foods (pretzels, crackers, etc) Bagels Cheerios Sweetened and /or flavored oatmeal Raisin Bran cereal (wheat flakes, sweetened) Enriched wheat bread Unsweetened fruit juice

    C-rated proteins

    Turkey thighs or dark meat Chicken thighs Ground turkey Lean Sirloin steak Lean ground beef Lean red meats, other Very low fat sliced chicken breast (lunch meat) Very low fat sliced turkey breast (lunch meat) Very low fat sliced ham (lunch meat) Low fat ham or pork Low fat (2%) cheeses Low fat (2%) cream cheese Low fat (2%) cottage cheese Low fat (2%) sour cream Low fat (2%) unsweetened yogurt

    D-rated foods

    Up until now, we've mostly talked about how the addition of fast digesting carbs (sugar)lowers the your food sources grading. But what reduces your foods rating even further is

    the addition of fat. Proteins that are high in total fat to be specific.
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    You want that newly launched Quorn lean meat that I mentioned earlier... right? Sure, gofor it, it might be low in fat, but it is still a processed food source.

    In general, it is a good idea to keep your saturated fat intake low. Only make it a habit toeat these calorie dense foods as a part of your left over carbs which you worked out in the

    SFB lifestyle diet.

    D-rated food sources

    D-rated carbohydrates

    Sweetened boxed breakfast cereals with no whole grains Snack foods made from white flour (pretzels, crackers, etc.) Bleached, enriched white bread (i.e., wonder bread) or white bread products Muffins and baked goods made with white flour, sugar and or hydrogenated oils

    D-rated proteins & dairy products

    Low fat sliced chicken breast (lunch meat) Low fat sliced turkey breast (lunch meat) Low fat sausage Low fat ground beef Cream cheese, full fat Cottage cheese, full fat Sour cream, full fat Butter Cream, half and half High fat cuts of red meat Roast Beef Ham, pork Reduced fat beef jerky Reduced fat Hot dogs Reduced fat Sausage Reduced fat Bacon

    F-rated foods - F For Fit Buzz baaad

    OK, We do say you can eat what you like in regards to your left over calories, but commonsense will tell you to make eating F-rated foods one of those choices for one off occasions(Like Christmas). Because the fact of the matter is that you really are what you eat(Cellular and Physically). And whatever you eat will help or hurt you! Today is the oldestyou've ever been and the youngest you'll ever be. Change is one of the biggest certaintiesin life. Just make sure your body is changing for the better.

    Grade F foods are typically...

    1) Foods containing trans fats,

    2) Foods high in saturated fats,
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    3) Highly processed or refined foods,4) Highly sweetened foods or foods that are pure sugar,5) Foods that are high in refined sugars and fats,6) Processed, high fat meats.

    Foods very high in saturated fats and or trans fats Hydrogenated tropical oils (Palm oil, Palm kernel oil, Coconut oil) Hydrogenated vegetable oils Anything deep-fried Margarine Very high calorie and high fat cuts of pork Very high calorie and high fat cuts of red meat such as porterhouse and prime rib

    Foods made mostly of white sugar or other refined carbohydrates (e.g. corn syrup)

    Candy Sweets Chocolate Cookies Soda (Coke, Pepsi, etc) Sugar Sweetened beverages

    Pastries and Baked goods high in both fats and sugars

    Pies Doughnuts Croissants clairs Cinnabons Cakes

    Foods high in both refined carbohydrates and saturated fat

    Fettuccine Alfredo Potato chips Hot Dogs on white bun Fast food hamburgers on white buns (even worse with cheese, bacon) Sweetened peanut butter Chocolate milk (full fat, whole milk)

    Foods very high in saturated fats and or trans fats
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    Hydrogenated tropical oils (Palm oil, Palm kernel oil, Coconut oil) Hydrogenated vegetable oils Anything deep-fried Margarine Very high calorie and high fat cuts of pork Very high calorie and high fat cuts of red meat such as porterhouse and prime rib

    Chapter 6 Stay Fit Buzz GI index

    Why have we included this here?

    To help you avoid getting zapped aka avoiding Hypoglycemia

    By now, you'll understand how to go about living the Stay-Fit Buzz lifestyle. The fun part ofthat is being able to snack on D-F rated foods because of the caloric deficit you created.However, when doing so, you'll want to avoid getting zapped. Which is Stay-Fit Buzzterminology for the scientific term known as hypoglycemia.

    What is hypoglycemia?

    Hypoglycemia happens when you eat a lot of high GI carbs. This will spike your insulinlevels to above normal levels. Resulting in low blood sugar levels, and this is whereHypoglycemia occurs. If this happens to you, you may experience the following

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    Anxiety Perspiration Light-headedness (delirium), A coma (But this is only in extreme cases)

    Nothing will hinder your progress more than getting zapped, and will affect your ability to

    train insane (Max capacity). If this does ever happen to you (Feel weak and dizzy with coldsweats), just consume some carbs. But in general, you'll want to avoid getting into ahypoglycemic state. What we like to call, getting 'zapped'. Eat mostly low GI index foodsmost of the time to avoid this. That's one of the reasons why nutritional timing is important,and why it's a staple in the Stay-Fit Buzz diet lifestyle. (More on this in a moment)

    Stay Fit Buzz Glycemic Index table

    The following table is a list of all the carbohydrate based food sources mentioned earlier, inthe form of popular brands that you'll find them in. Most of their caloric content comes fromthe carbohydrates and they provide proportionately very little protein or fat.

    1. Eat mostly slow digesting carbs (Other than when you workout).2. Only eat foods with a higher GI for your left over calories when following the Stay-FitBug lifestyle diet.

    And to then, eat a food source that's higher in protein and/or fat (The protein/fat foodsources, with their food ratings are listed above). When these carbohydrates areconsumed with these other foods, they will then have a lower glycemic value. Thefollowing carb foods are broken down into high, moderate, and low GI classes. Keep this inmind when looking up the glycemic index of specific junk foods.Their glycemic index may

    seem suitable from a GI standpoint, but they may fall short in many other areas ,withinadequate protein content and high levels of saturated fat.

    Try to limit your selections to moderate and low whenever possible. It is these foods thatyou can add to your diet alongside the ones we've listed (budget or bad but good foods forfat loss)..


    Foods/Brands with a high glycemic index

    High glyemic food sources Glycemic index

    Maltodextrin 107

    Glucose 100

    Rice cakes, plain 94

    Special KTM 84

    Corn PopsTM 80

    English muffinTM 77

    CornflakesTM 77
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    Total CerealTM 76

    CheeriosTM 74

    Wonder BreadTM 73

    Bagel, white 72

    Golden GrahamsTM 71White bread 70

    Pop TartsTM 70

    Foods/Brands with a moderate glycemic index

    Cornmeal 68

    Shredded Wheat TM 67

    Croissant 67

    GrapenutsTM 67Wholemeal rye bread 66

    Cream of WheatTM 66

    Raw Cantaloupe 65

    Long grain rice, white 64

    Spaghetti, durum wheat 64

    Just Right Just GrainsTM 62

    'Just ripe' Bananas 62

    Couscous 61

    Bran muffin 60

    Blueberry muffin 59

    Sweet corn 59

    Whole wheat, Pita bread 57

    Sourdough rye bread 57

    Baked potato, russet 56

    White rice (boiled) 56Cranberry juice 56

    Foods/Brands with a low glycemic index

    High glyemic food sources Glycemic index

    Spelt wheat-flour multigrain bread 54
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    Oatmeal 54

    Kidney and canned beans 52

    100% whole-grain bread 51

    Durum wheat 50

    Oat bran, raw 50Brown rice (Steamed) 50

    Sweet potatoes 48

    Oranges 48

    Pasta/Semolina 46

    Pumpernickel (Whole grain) 46

    Pasta (White) 44

    Slightly unripe bananas 42

    Chickpeas 41Apples (A rated, from the apple tree) 40

    Strawberries (A rated, from the source) 40

    Pinto beans (boiled) 39

    Whole milk 36

    Yogurt 36

    Pears (A Rated from the pear tree) 33

    Skimmed milk 32

    Peach ( A rated) 28

    Lentils (Boiled) 28

    Barley 27

    Grapefruit (A rated) 25

    Cashew nuts 22

    Cherries (A rated) 22

    Quick buzz tip: When looking up GI values, you may run into conflicting GI values whenlooking at various sources. This may seem very confusing, but there is an accepted andreasonable explanation for this. Different methods of processing used by particularmanufacturers can lead to significant differences in the rate of carbohydrate digestion bythe human body. Also, there may be botanical differences in the type of food being tested.Rice can be from anywhere in the world, and one white ricemay contain more amylosethan another. Amylose is digested more slowly than amylopectin, which is another starchfound in other white rice. The take away? Don't be a fanatic about GI values. Ju st use

    everything as a gauge to understanding how and which foods will affect affect your results
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    when you consume them.

    Why eat carb + protein with every meal?

    Because insulin and glucagon are both influenced by blood sugar levels. High-glycemiccarbohydrates foods such as Poptarts(tm) sugar cause insulin levels to be high and glu-cagon levels to be low. Since insulin promotes the increase in body fat and glucagonmobilizes and burns body fat, this obviously isnt the metabolism you will want. Lowerglycemic carbohydrates, especially when they are consumed with protein, shifts the levelsof these two hormones, lowering insulin and slightly raising glucagon. This is the correctand ideal hormonal profilefor effective fat burning. And of course, for the life of the FBAlifestyle, more lean muscle mass and therefore... abs! Just be consistent by making this ahabit.

    Chapter 8 - Nutritional timing

    Slow digesting carbs all times other than when you work out Fast digesting food sources ONLY around the times that you workout

    Here's the DONE-FOR-YOU day in a life of a Fitbuzzer plan from the budget foods for abs.But this time, we've loaded it up with all of the foods mentioned in the SFB lifestyle diet(above).

    Weekday/Work day

    6.00am - Full (Slow digesting carb based meal + protein)

    A rated (Carbs)

    Oatmeal with flaxeeds Salad vegetables and/or tomatoes , cucumbers, carrots

    A rated (Proteins)

    Fish Egg whites Non-fat cottage cheese

    A rated (Fats)

    Flaxeeds (with oatmeal) Fish oil (In capsule form with your meal)

    B rated (Carbs)

    Shredded wheat (Unsweetened 100% whole grain) 100% whole grain breads (Remember, if these type of carbs affect you in a bad

    way, just avoid them) 100% whole wheat pitas
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    B rated (Proteins)

    The 'whole' egg (Remember, the yolk is where all the good nutrients are. The key iswatch how often you consume it).

    Low fat cottage cheese

    B rated (Fats)

    Olive oil, olive oil salad dressings, reduced calories/fat salad dressings Nuts and seeds Natural peanut butter

    C rated (Carbs)

    Bagels Raisin Bran cereals (Slow digesting but slightly sweetened, just remember that this

    isn't all bad, as variety is a good thing)C rated (Proteins)

    Low fat ham and cheese

    D rated (Carbs)

    Corn pops Special K Cheerios Frosties (All the above are sweetened cereals. Slow digesting, but with refined


    D rated (Proteins)

    Cream cheese Full fat cottage cheese

    F rated foods for breakfast

    These are basically foods that you should never eat for breakfast. Unless you're at yourprime level of fitness and/or you're about to do a morning workout, which of course helpswith a boost of fast digest proteins/carbs. But even then, these foods are a no-no, becausethey contain high levels of fat. That's no way to start your day, regardless of who you are.Because it is at this time of day where your body is 'insulin sensitive. And spiking it withthis much sugar is just trouble.

    Croissants Sweetened peanut butter Chocolate milk or whole milk

    High sugar fruit juices
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    Margarine Full fat ham

    10.00-11.00 am - Small meal = Egg whites (get creative) + apples/oranges

    A rated (Carbs)

    A combination of ALL previously mentioned A rated fibrous carbs (Because of thelarge amount that you can consume due having a low calorie density. Which makesfor perfect light snacking without adding unnecessary extra calories (Remember, Italways comes down to total daily calories consumed).

    All fresh fruits (Fruits in their natural form). Lentils Carrots

    A rated (Proteins)

    Egg whites or a whey protein drink (Adding flaxeeds as a good fat works well)

    A rated (Fats)

    Flaxeeds or a fish oil supplement, if you missed it at breakfast

    B rated (Carbs)

    Instant oat meal or instant 'brown' rice (You don't always have to ensure you that

    you eat breakfast without fail. Heck, I know that in the real world, it's not alwayspossible, due to 'life'. Besides, prolonging 'breakfast time' is not such a bad thing inan intermittent fasting sense. As doing so can be a good thing for improving insulinsensitivity.)

    B rated (Proteins)

    Low fat yogurt (With nuts/seeds listed below in B rated fats)

    B rated Fats

    Olive oil salad dressings to add to your fibrous carb snacks

    C rated (Carbs)

    Whole grain snacks (Crackers, Pretzels)
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    C rated (Proteins)

    Low fat ham, turkey, pork, cheese (cottage/cream/sour), unsweetened yogurt.

    D rated (Carbs)

    Crackers or pretzels made from white flour Muffins made from white flour

    D rated (Proteins)

    Low fat chicken, turkey breast, ground beef or sausages Reduced fat bacon or hot dogs

    F rated foods for a morning snack

    Coca-cola and other Soda like beverages Sweets Chocolate Dougnuts Cakes

    1.00- 2.00pm - Lunch = Yams with salad and fish

    A rated (Carbs)

    A combination of ALL previously mentioned A rated fibrous carbs

    Sweet potatoes Yams Beans (All the types previously mentioned) Basmati or long grain rice (Slow cooked)

    A rated (Protein)

    Fish Lean game meats Ostrich Chicken breast (Not the fatty thighs) Turkey breast Extra lean ground Turkey

    4.00-5.00pm - Small meal/snack - Fruits again/ fish related snack6.00-7.00pm - WORKOUT7.30 pm - post workout snack = fruits (fast digesting carbs) Much needed!9.00-10.00pm - Full meal - Potatoes/Fish/green vegetables

    Bed time!
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    Eat 'crap' foods for fat loss (The Fit Buzz lifestyle diet)

    Now, that you understand and can separate what's good from what's bad. It also meansyou can fully understand what foods to consume for your newly set maintenance calories

    for your fitness lifestyle (high rating foods mostly). And of course what foods to consumefor your left over calories (Generally low rated foods) which we'll give you below. But guesswhat? there's even 'good' in those bad, tasty foods. :-)

    **Head back up to chapter 1 to see how the Stay Fit Buzz lifestyle diet works**

    Now, here is where we cover some really calorie dense foods, that are actually good toconsume. So if you are going to snack away with your taste buds desires, it might as wellbe a tasty foods that have fat loss benefits too.... right?

    I've stated this throughout the entire existence of Stay-Fit Buzz, but it's better to treat your

    diet like a lifestyle rather than an actual diet. Doing so will lead to sustainable fat lossresults over time. As a reminder, these are the key points about the lifestyle.

    Maintenance calories Working out how much fat you want to lose Eat what you like with the left over calories

    **Head back up to chapter 1 to see how the Stay Fit Buzz lifestyle diet works**

    That doesn't mean you can just pig out constantly. What it does mean is that you canconsume tasty yet fatty foods. And the ones we discuss below contain not so obvioushealth benefits too.

    #1 Dark Chocolate
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    Throughout the entire Stay-Fit Buzz Lifestyle diet, we've always said that it's a good ideanot to keep your diet too strict, as doing so will encourage a lack of variety in your diet.

    Which is what we don't want. And one of the foods you can add to your 'left over calories'is dark chocolate.

    Dark chocolate is all about the Cacao contained within it. But the short version why Darkchocolate is good is because you can get away with eating quite a lot of it , compared tosay a high GI food such as pop tarts. It maybe calorie dense, with each square containingup to 30 calories each (Which may sound like a lot). But if you choose your dark chocolatecorrectly, you'll find it hard to eat more than a few squares of it.

    Buying a good dark Chocolate

    When buying dark chocolate, there are a few things to keep at the forefront of your mind.

    The fiber to carbohydrate ratio Total fats vs total carbohydrates The types of fats contained within it The cacao content %

    The fiber to carbohydrate ratio

    The more fiber a food contains the better, as this helps regulate fat storage. If you can find

    a dark chocolate with up to 5 grams or more fiber out of 15 grams per serving, then you'reonto a winner.

    Total fats vs total carbohydrates

    The amount that you find of each should be of an equal amount. But if you find one withmore fat content than carbohydrates. Then again, you're onto a winner.

    The types of fats contained within it

    Most of the fat content within the dark chocolate you buy should mainly consist of healthy

    fats, which in this case would come from cocoa butter. Any other added fats will of course
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    down rate your dark chocolate and not be as healthy.

    The cacao content percentage

    Cacao content 70% or higher = Low sugar content (Less tasty)Cacao content 70% or lower = Higher sugar content (More tasty)

    This is a similar rule as discussed earlier about A-rated foods. They'll be good and natural,but will tend to taste quite bland. A god percentage to aim for would be around 75% tobenefit from both a taste and health perspective. But if you are in the early stages of thediet, then do what we did with the A-rated foods by adding organic unsweetened cocoapowder to a dark chocolate that is very high in cacao content. Lindt dark chocolate is afavourite, which has more fats than total carbs.

    Other benefits include antioxidants. Namely theobromine, which is known to help lowerblood pressure.

    #2 Nuts

    You've heard the phrase...

    To lose fat you have to eat fat'Right?

    Well one of the methods surrounding that phrase is the intake of healthy fats, which is ofcourse the majority of the fat contained in nuts. This is good for 2 reasons

    To maintain a good level of fat burning hormones in your body T o help with appetite control

    And that last point is an important one. Because when it comes to the end of your day, it's

    total calories that you take in that matters most. (As well as nutritional timing of course).And like dark chocolate, nuts are a good source of fiber and protein (Which nuts are morecommonly known for, especially for quick snacks)

    Buying good nuts

    Go raw

    This is using the concept of food rating again. Eating raw nuts will help maintain the qualityand nutrients contained within the healthy fats.

    Go the cave (wo)man route
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    The reason why our caveman ancestors were so effective is because of the variety theykept with their diet. Do the same with the nuts you consume. I've listed most back in the GItable earlier, but here's a few to consider:

    Almonds + Almond butter

    Walnuts Pecan nuts + Pecan butter Macadamias + Macadamia butter Pistachios

    Other benefits of eating nuts include: Antioxidants, vitamins and minerals

    #3 Beef/Bison (The grass fed kind)

    As of now, you will know how the food rating systems works. You will know why you arewhat you eat (literally). And you'll also know that you are what your food eats ( I speakabout this below to, in regards to eating eggs). So it's always a good idea to keep this inmind when living the Stay-Fit Buzz lifestyle diet.

    Now, earlier I mentioned that organic eggs come from chickens that eat nothing but soyand corn. This is great for chickens. But not so great for beef or bison, which unfortunatelyis what typical beef and bison are raised on.

    Why unfortunately?

    Because soy and corn is not the natural diet of cattle and causes the following

    It makes them sick (Think about it, would you eat yourself if you were 'sick') Increases their omega 6 fat levels (The fat that most people consume too much of.

    Remember, the omega 3 and 6 levels you consume should be near equal. Which iswhy it's important to add some variety to your diet. Because there are limited foodsources that contain a decent levels of both or even just one)

    Increases the amounts of e-coli (Which has become a concern for us humans inrecent years)

    This is why you should opt for the harder to find grass fed beef/bison, who eat more oftheir natural diet. The benefits now include:

    More omega 3 fats compared to levels of omega 6 fats An increase in vitamin E A higher level of the healthy fat CLA (Which has become a popular when taken in

    supplement form in recent years) And of course an A-rated protein food source. Remember that word 'natural'?
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    #4 Eggs (The yolk)

    Why are we back to eggs?

    Because there are a few key things I missed out about the egg yolk and that thick yellowmiddle part that you've been told to eat less of, even from me.

    The yolk

    Is where all the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants (such as lutein) are found. The yolk contains more than 90% of the calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, thiamin,

    B6, folate, and B12, and panthothenic acid of the egg The yolks contain ALL of the fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K in the egg, as well

    as ALL of the essential fatty acids the protein of whole eggs is more bio-available than egg whites alone due to a more

    balanced amino acid profile that the yolks help to build.

    The solution

    Stick to the same method of how to consume them (Which I mentioned earlier). Just buyfree-range organic eggs instead of normal grocery store eggs.


    Because you are also what your food eats. Which mostly consists of soy and corn. Whichof course can be classed as grade A foods.

    #5 Avocados

    Intermittent fasting doesn't have too much to do with the Stay-Fit Buzz lifestyle diet. Butone aspect of IF is the encouragement of keeping your appetite at bay, which in the longrun helps you reduce the total amount of calories that you consume. You can do that byeating tasty, yet nutrient and healthy fat stacked foods. Avocados is one of them (Which isa much better trade off than eating F-rated junk food for your left over calories).

    Avocado stats

    High in fiber High in minerals, vitamins and anti-oxidants Hi in healthy fats

    Make it a habit of snacking on an avocado every other day. And then test the resultsyourself (The mirror and the scale).

    #6 Coconut (Milk, oil and flour)
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    This made it's way to budget foods for abs because it's, well... a budget food for abs. Butthat's just a bonus. The main reason it made it's way here was because of all the benefitsthis food source offers. Now, you know you have to eat 'good' fat to lose fat, right. Wellthese coconut food sources contain a mega-healthy fat known as 'medium chaintriglycerides' which is home to a nutrient called lauric acid, which is great for your immunesystem (Something most common foods don't contain).

    As for the coconut flour (used for baking), just make sure you mix it with other flours, as itwill kill the moisture very quickly. The benefits further include:

    Higher in fiber (Literally all fiber and no carbs) High in protein Gluten free

    Be sure to stop over on where you can track and upload your dietprogress and more.
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    Other ebooks include...

    Our FREE 5 Part Video Series

    Build Fit Buzz Crazy Abs

    Build Fit Buzz Muscle

    Stay-Fit Buzz Bodyweight Exercise and Diet Plan

    Shaun and Team Fit Buzz