· the evening times washington wednesday may 22 1901 r i 7 help 1vaxtei...

THE EVENING TIMES WASHINGTON WEDNESDAY MAY 22 1901 r I 7 HELP 1VAXTEI KE3IALEW- ANJCED Co houocjnaid and general worker JifcseJBeat 821 ISth st aw l WANTED At once eat girl for light house- work 736 5th st me cl WANTED A reliable white woaw for general Itowsewock must stay nights Call at 61S II at 33 el WANTED GirL white or colored io nurse children attd assist in housework no kitchen work Mr twstuje Apply lit 45 TIlE DKISCOLL- 1st iB jats w el- WANTEB At once one good skirt hand mwt lie good machine operator 214 T st nw cl child two reacs old and do light charaberwork stay at aat Apply at ma 7th st aw el WAOTED- WAXTSO Capable cobxtd laundry waitress cook stay nights good wages Maasachwetts family Hme fare MIS New York awe cl- cr Bi store Aapiy 38 IL st w to take orders S8 week Call Ttair d y W a m 515 12th st nw el- WANTE Twenty cooks two waitresses three one atnse HASRELLS GUAR- ANTEE OFFICE 303 4 st BW ml WANTED Coed cook 1S ook tor two 16- ptain wok 14 otter LADIES EX CHANCE 614 13Ui st ml WANTED Cook and ladys ad for seashore leave with family way paW Enquire 1635 Ilth st nw ml WANTED Esperieced waist and skirt hands good pay to right parties IKS 17tk st nw JH22S WANTED Y mj lady Jr ore cirl and others fcr cafe 5H F st nw second flour ml- u ANTED Apprentice girl for dressmaking 141S Pa ave nw ml WANTED 100 lady agents both locally and to travel to introduce a new book oa Tokology exclusively for ladies SSif per week easily earned i d we teach you how to do it DINSMORE PUB CO 621 7th st nw m222 WANTED Young lady for massage and manicsH in parlors also one for confectionery store IfKX New York are nw ml CANTED Settled colored woman about a faun house Apply 1525 7th at n 28 TVAXTKDA good cook Tilling to de laHftdry- wtsriea B go to cotstry near city rhu references te MM S st mr nfii3 RANTED YOBBS lady for oSe abo Traitress and chambermaid Soc swimner resorts 61 F st willing te work regularly ax JMWTS per day to earn 35 per week CATHOLIC LEAGUE Boem 5 621 7th it aw m222 pfein cooks 12 also hamb riHtd and general bousewerker Enquire 1252 9th st nil WANTED Halfgrown girl to assist housework J4SS DAVIS 1 W 5th sc WANTED SeliaWe white wcasan for Hght JwOse work with ak e lady good herae 7th st- nw ml- rANTE Cook and general honseworker so home nights sa U faaaty must good cook 320B U st aw l2 girl to assist with general Iwuseworfc and wait m table good home for girL Address Box 744 this office e213 RANTED White girt for general housework Keasiajton JWL home good Traces somali Isuailf Apply Boom SSI Poatoffice Department en2 WANTED Respectable white girl to do cooking cod light owuewerk no washing small family WANTED Lady waiters CO Pa ave nw e212 WANTED OfrL- lunefcroom 13 that imderstaads working in WANTED He n coats L KOENIC5BERG 3 7 Pa nw o21S WANTED FinUbers oa fine castoaR 506- 9tfe st HW room 16 Hia3 RANTED A lady who con t ach Car maR aad FnEneh or Spaniah gBcceJirfuPy may d a position for next year by addressing with particulars BOX 7 this o ce a 21 WANTED Ladies to know that on account of the new and dress and skirt cutting ma- chine be is compelled to remain one week longer at K Sth st aw opposite Patent OfSee trhere lie teaches uptodate French dress cttttisg drnijiiialriBg ladies deagn- ine transfeninc and reproducing directly on the doth without the we of patterns This is the only BUMhtae that cuts lumdrcd yanb of bias Hag our width in five ts cot hoSed or made of patterns art to fity j opea day awl evening WANTED White girt t small family stay night Il 9th st aw WANTED Female timbers OB cuslom te Apply at oboe H Tth nw eco d goor- C903 WANTED A young white girl fur housework 15 3d st ne m33 WANTED Cook white or colored Call on QUEEN DEBORAH Cabin John Bridge ml96- TVVXTEIl AGEXTSn- VANTED By a savings bank a te seH savings accomU reference required salary and commriBioa Apply UNION SAVINGS BASK 14th st and New York ave mii- mjATIOXS WASTED FEMALE WANTED By three colored women housemaid cook and acres 934 lath et nw el- ED At a first iaag cock woman t S3S aw Cl- JVANTED B eoiered woman place as firstclass B rn H or nurse good reference 1717 Vermont ave aw ml to mondees and 3717 SeatoB at aw- 1VANTED By respectaMe colored girl place to do general homework 1WO 5th at nw ml WANTED Place as chambermaid w nurse no ob jection to leaving city 1319 13th st aw- W21S WANTED Shirt waists made 75c sumiaer drones skirts rebound and pressed SOc at 3IODEL SKIRT BINDING CO 60S Stfc at nw SITUATIONS WAXTED 3IALE 11 ANTED By neat young polite colored man week arouBd store bar or restaurant or any lit fct work 1st st RW WANTED By young colored jiiace in private family drive for doctor or hotel work atrsteiaa- eclir references CaR or address G C aw d- WANTE1J By ycoRg man place as jani- tor or work of any kiad iii or out oj city ref o tc e 1147 16th st nw ml man position pMker Addras BOX S this ml- SA3CTED By experienced bart jd place i city or cowrtry good mixer Addree 74S Out office ia223- OH any kind of work Address WM STAKE SITUATIONS FEMALE WANTK0 SH tJ ms help furniA d until suited by HAKBELLS GUARANTEE OFFICE 3K 4 WANTED By ettted men sod wife car of Soc MMMBer best reference A Mf a BOX SIB rHa o oe ml- 3fE RAVE all kinds of help on hand white and Can or write SS Gth t nw ml- WAXTED ROOMS WANTED PnmniMd rosin by lady nwst b bit Addroc BOX 757 this o c ml- WAKTEO Two or hues rooms for H it bousefceepiujc mar Capitol terns must l Moderate re eceaces exchanged Address BOX 1 this j 2- AfAXTKBBy single jrenilemac bedroom whore and location immaterial Addreas BOX X this office teOZ3 WANTED By mother and son three uafumi ted rooms for light housekeeping central reference Address BOX 38 this onlt e m213- JV Small shady roon aii furnish own B d AJJress BOX 711 this ffic o213 two a WAT1iA wbite gid to take full charge o a kzkEa 2t on ci general house- work 1iEflLt girl tc beip disker Apply IQ- Ost siw ci- wAcTED Wbtk tt Icw a wa1rc iaan ice ci- WATEDYoun 1dy fcc oce aces said eere city ai god cook Enutre 1 11 iOtlt d cc sill 1VANTEDSetted won co stay nights 1- Oa mnoctk 4th st aw mi also pantry m- ci1tiDisie entec Catboie 1aes who are wAlt 4rhree in iigbt see ml SOT W4NTED White Gall 3ftZ 4 ci aw ooe at ow cil ice pants young lorge of pupile to learn Prof Livingstona onderfui stjgbt Ot theular neiBHtes iive yo do geaero hoeeaeek in T at man nce can that WANTED riace work aseninge 3 i3 beet roference Irma last pIac IO man ill colors cu ec add WANITOity exeneed young a uoni WANTEDBy a syllable mechanic position as- periidendent or foremen coa give beat of references li C t ow n14 WANTED3LLE AND stow ml laoe i aesondator once parties orcupy their own house size > ¬ < ± < > ¬ ¬ ¬ < HELP VVATfTED 3IALB WANTED Bor with bicycle to carry Tunes route Call at 14 WANTED Sign painter iMMenp aD around man steady job year round JAC J GOLDSMITH SIGN CO 314 Sth st aw 1 WANTEDOrpeHter JAC D GOLDSMITH SIGN S14 StU st nw el WANTED Laundry wagon driver and solicitor Box 1 thIs office 223 WANTED Yoniu man with experience at plnmWsc 112i 7tl st aw 222 WANTED Hotel baker fifteen waiters for resort j today BURGESS HOTEL AGENCY 663 19th St el WANTED Several firstdans phnabers steady work to good uses Apply CHARLES G THORN j 1527 G st nw c2 3 H ANTED lon hoc as dishwasher pet month Apply at once with references TRW LOGS Circle 1 WANTED At once experienced colored waiter to assist at receptions Call 509 7th st sw cl- aw between Slst SOd 22d ala W A COVET el WANTED Bar porter married couple for coon try bellboys two waiters cook four dMiwasJters SUACKLEFORDS 935 E st nw ml WANTED Firstclass badrcr Apply to YIN CENZO TOZZOLO 41 H u WANTED Yenns man iroa the country Apply with reference Wednesday 9 to 12 tEl F st- nw ml WANTED A firstclass barber white or colored Apply Hh and C sic ne ml WANTED Waiter in barroom and assist two ho- tel waiters Enquire 1683 Ilth st or 1211 10th St ncr ml WANTED A to wash dishes 473 Pa ave nw TO I WANTED A young aaaa in lunchroom SIT G st nw ml WANTED7YOHBC for store also one for j brokers office 510 F st nw second floor ml WANTED Two white or colored barbers guar I noire good wages 719 7th st uw m223 WANTED Barber 1 a slay guaranteed 2d and j F sin nw ml WANTED Two solicitors new proposition and coramissMn omen making from 5 te 10 day Apply UNION SAYINGS BANK 14th st- and New York ave m22 WANTED Good sober barber for Friday and Sat inday W12 Pa ave nw ml WANTED A stuart honest boy and elderly roan to assist in lunchroom 4S1 Pa are ml I WANTED Driver for feed wagon boy for gro- cery store also white porter for hotel 1200 WANTED Youap wan lee office week per- manent position Call quick basement 515 12th st nw ml WANTED A man to drive and snake Mia self generally ii f i Apf4yi tri742 Oregon ave nw after G oclock pau ml WANTED Five tin aufi fi galvanized iron cornice hands M B FLYNN 651 Pa ave se is 4 WANTED Several good pointers at once to M F HOBSON 1916 G st nw ml WANTED Two firstclass picture salesmen for giKetfcje Pennsylvania territory to work with WANTED Local manscer collector and four acent for Alexandria Falls Church and Vienna Va also four lady agents DINSMORE PUB CO 1 Tth st nw m222 WANTED Experienced markers and sssorters ELITE LAUNDRY CO iaOa G st nw ml not over 17 to assist in mens fnmisiriB departateat Address BOX 7W this eSce i 25- WANTEDStronR with bicycte white or colored references HAYWOKTII 512 Sth st WANTED Good barber 11 H st ne c- WAXTED FIrstclas allround graduate tit Call at once VEHO DENTISTS 12th and Pa ave e212 WANTED An experienced bookkeeper for the re- tail business references required Address Boo 746 this office e l3 WANTED Steady barber guarantee given 121S- II st ae m213 WANTED HMT apply at once 321 7th st sm m lr2 WANTED Tw barbers at once 71t 7th st n WANTED Man fr B insist be good milker and handy with horses and tools QUACK ENBCSU DAIRY Broaklsad M3W- AXTED Baier at once aid shop boy J M KRAUS 1882 7th At ra9 l- WANTEDSfct casts HOE hALL BRICK CO 30th and B sts se e7- THE OLD HEL1A3L5 CAPITAL CITY BENEFIT SOCIETY 453 LOUISIANA AVE a home institu- tion eitbotit a doubt the best sick accident and death society in ibm District of Columbia wants firstdasa solicitors for industrial insor- ance a chance for live men to make money INVESTIGATE mylSrn WANTED HORSES AND VEHICLES HASTED To exchange my npnght grand piano that cost me last year for a good sound horse weighing from 12W to 1KX pounds and 160 cash Address BOX 713 this other BICTCXES WANTED Ladies old bicycles cheap for cadi Address BOX 755 this other iaii3 WANTED Bicycle for cash CO X st ne soilS VAXTEDB O ARD WILL GIVE job printing in exchange for hoard Address BOX 72S this office mH3- TVAXTED 3IIS CELLASEOUS WASTED Hljhpst cash prices paid for ladies and gents casto clothing drop postal PH raiL B TA8SHES 1383 7th st nw mllmo WANTED Typewritten copy work GLASS MILLER Typewriters 1S Hth- st H3223 WANTED At SINCLAIRS S La ave fBrai ture show cases stock of groceries for oasis storage SI per load m23 WANTED To purchase Eastman pocket kodak particulars and price Address BOX 758 this of- fice ml WANTED Latest revised secondhand dictionary give price Addresg BOX 751 this office miJ3 WANTED Diamond oW gold silver dentist gold platinum teeth plates watches U S coins liili st cash prices paid LOUIS ABRA HAMS Removed to 433 Sth st nw- WAXTED Two safes one lassie soil one Tnall give size and nriee Boa 745 this other el 2 for cask AddreiK BOX 73 this office m213 TEAMS TEAMS TEAMS wanted to haul brick rates of haxlm fixed so that i per day can be nude stable room free for 30 head of stock NEW WASHINGTON BRICK CO Arlington Alexandria Co V m217- WANTED To buy a set of blacksmiths tools Address BOX 727 office mtl3- WANTED rait ire contests of houses bought also stoves store tbctwres showcases coffee mills FRIES fe HOPWOOD 6t and K aw e 8S INCREASES BUSINESS Prinifnr better and cheaper than elsewhere 1000 business cards 75c HAYS 3 I t nw nsltfr3- WANTE1V Several kindred large 8 Ad sirens NATIONAL WATCHMAN 12 Pa ave mfOS- WAXTED AH kind of Reynolds tobacco tags will pay 35c per H0 19 and 632 D aw- my7lmo for ladies and gents easton clothing drop postal Ill call S KEBESKY 1305 7th st nw mS39 FOR ItEXT KLATS FOR RENT Flat unfurmsh d five rooos sec- ond floor with bath gas SIS ISIS 7th H- taw 81223 FOR BENT Flats an excrpJonal secure all improvements both gas hot and cold water and heater neat bricks very cheap to desirable tenants applying at once 1357 L C se J Q171NCY ElTON Washington Loan and Trust e2I7 FOR SALE SUnrniBAX FOR SALE Lot at Deanwood ShIll one square from Columbia one fare 75 cash or on monthly payments GASCH BHOS 1307 nw mltl FOR SALE Houses on easy terms E W PIERCE Vienna Va ap21lmo nt ow ci 1Q Iowa aW WtTEDRriek layers at G st sLoe boy moan sal- ary a poly New York ave iso nil young rooters Ap- ply e just gone tare DLNSMO1IE PUB CO 621- I 7th et ow- I WANTEDA youn moan boy w 101 den mew oleaainiand press in O3 country twelve good men MON It big tEl rates reason- able WANTEDFw secondhand pool table cheap this gold WAbTEDfligheat cash prices paid and opportunity tn modern range East cars p- at = > ± >> ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ f OR RENT KOO3IS FOR RENT Two rooms second floor furniished or unfurnished light housekeeping north and south exposure Sot E st nw c 3 FOR KENT Two rooms and basement for keeping CIS 13th st nw FOR RENT Furnished front and b t7r sec- ond floor gentlemen 932 L st nw aSZS FOR RENT Front rooms with piano 6 and ap 721 12th st nw ra2S rOll RENT Two firstfloor fhfeneB roon for offices 18JB Mast ave nw m 27 FOR RENT Large furnished roowssloV light hoDsekeepine 1130 Sth et nw tollS FOR RENT Two rooms communicating front and back single or eusuite with or without board one 23 two in teens G S22 Main ave FOR RENT Two communicating rooms house j keeping second floor 70S I it nw 51 FOR RENT Flat Soar rooms and beth thirst floor gas range hot trater heat 15 adiKs only 653 Pa ave se c21S FOR RENT Tvn large secondstory rooms TMihetl for light houSekeeping 1412 9th tavc- 2is FOR RENT Two cheerful airy rooms second floor next door Driscoll Hotel bath same floor triH rent together or separate 309 Itt st nw FOR RENT Furnished three rooms feat deer I southern cxiiosurc 925 L st nw soIlS I FOR RIIXT Nicelyfurnished front hal room S125 week 434 H st nw m213 FOR RENT Two newlyfurnished rooms and one unfurnished parlor room con be wseu as bed- room 4 I st ne m21S FOR RENT Two or three unfurnished rooms bath gas light housekeeping one large fur- nished room closet 1711 13th st nw m2I3 FOR RENT Two front and lack connect- ing furnished or unfurnished with gas for cook- ing 12 0 55 H st rw m213- a0 GrIt ST N W Furnished large and cool from 2 per week up c303 FOR RENT Furnished room on second Seer 7 month 421 6th st nw er203 FOR RENT 313 New York ave cool comfort able furnished rooms transients accommodated solOS FOIL RENT One large room on second floor with four windows front room on same floor nod parlor roots on first floor 401 Cth st nw tollS FOR RENT Two pleasant rooms for two ladies with or without board with use of parlor and piano convenient to four lines of cars terms reasonable Address 3216 Prospect are nw eOHx- S88 K ST N W Furnished or unfurnished rooms good Borne table 023 FOR RENT Nice rooms with board one Mock from Capitol 105 2d st ne c 5 FRONT ROOM and board for two 3 rooms 4 1103 6th st nw BEAUTIFUL BOOMS and firstclass board 1032 M st nw m23 FIRSTCLSS BOOStS with hoard prices rea- sonable 1514 13th st nw m22M TIlE TREMONT Colt 2d AND JIB AVE NW Reduced rates for summer room and board most pleasant summer hotel in city large porches on both sides m2214 RENT Fumislied room on first floor with hoard for two 538 1007 Kh st nw cl3- L VRJE rooms good home cooking near Congressional Library 210 lit st ne c21S FOB RENT FHrnJjihetlroonK c Htl i with or without board pleasant rooms nicely located 20 E st nw niQ3 FLATS FOR RENT also rooms and board 40i G st nw 2 J j l3 LARGE ROOMS suitable er three young men or couple with board 1012 12tfa st nw- m213 FOR RENT Newlypainted and papered with or without board everything first splendid location 412 Sth ft nw c20t BUSINESS CHASCE3 j TEXAS OIL STOCKS judiciously bought are safe investments The Home Oil Company of Beau- mont offers safest proposition now on the mar ket It controls 15000 acres of oil land in proves oil fields of eastern Texas part of its property only 4500 feet from the Beattv Gusher which sold for 1250000 Limited issue of stock is offered at 25c per shore par value 1 PW nonassessable Capital 1000000 Actual work of development now in progress Send for pro spectus investigate standing of our officers in Eradstreets or Duns Rake drafts payable to W S Davidson Treasurer Pr j sni fc Nat kinMi Bask of Beaumont C JL ELUSWO D Secretary Beaumont Texas THE 50 CENTS per share copper stock as pre- viously advertised for vale up to Monday last has been soW I now offer tide week a new block at one dollar per share This stock is soar- ing Keep on it C A SWANN eHS FOR SALE Cigar candy and notion store good location doing good cask business object ill selling out iHl ealth Call from Tff t to IS oclock a m 414 O st SZ3 FOR SALE By W J DUCAN Business Broker C17 La ave Saloon ck e to Avenue 3000 saloon and completdy ferrated 1500 saloon 7th st nn 5000 saloon close to city 2906 wood and coal yard feed store grocery eaBfectionery m22S FOR EXCHANGE A fine grocery store line stock and trade for house and Jot Southeast preferred Address COX 75S this olBce niS WANTED Man to invest ndiri- Washiitgton oifice of satery and in tereet in business Address BOX tSA tfcis office m223 tIll BUYS a nice little general store on the south side of H st ne oW stand present owner doing well good reasons for selling Set qaick be sold this week O JL BRYANT Warder Building 9th and T e213 Foil SALE A wellpaying iuselweMn excellent location 340 Address BOX 737 this oilier 213 FOR SALE Saloon near baseball park line bar gain CAPITAL BUSINESS EXCHANGE At- lantic Building inS3S Poll SALE Installment busin books 500 stock repair shop clears SW weekly price S10X casi Address BOX 73 this ef m213 FOR Sl CUrar stationery and confectionery store 1002 I st nw call after 5 pm soIlS BELGIAN MARE partner wanted lave owe stock Box 721 this office e20S FOR SALE Cadi register diningroom fixtures license 312 Sib st nw dO3 FOR SALE Grocery northwest good stand ac- cept invoice lbs 725 this office rIOS FOIl SALE Cigar store clearing 100 monthly DCNLAP 805 F st mS63 FOR SALE Grocery will fine locution DUNLAP Soil F st solOS FOR SALK Dressmaking psrlors and rooming honor DUNLAP 00 F st w20 FOR SAIJJ Dairy lunch arid diningroom DUN LAP 906 F st mSO3 FOR SALE Coal yard cheap quick DUNLAP C08 F st m2 3 FOR SALE Coal yard cheap at once section Address BOX 718 this office I CAN sell your country property for cash rest deuces farms general stores notete etc IKJ matter where located tend description and sell jag price and my wonderfully successful plan W M OSTKANDER lIlt Filbert St PhHa Pa mh7 2JISCELLANEOC3 FOIL window shades address or call at 509 and 511 71h t sw J SONDHEIJIER cS28 SPECIALTY made of shirt waists and hats lists trimmed for lie MISS GONANS 715 Ilth at WHITES ASHING sicily done GEORGE WALKER 2423 JI st nw e2l2 LOVES IfSS Sth nt nw c20S PRINTING CARDS tOe 1000 billbMds 1 LOOO envelopes 125 1000 aluminum and leather card lxs FRIEDMAN Sit 4 aC w c20 F JANEH American ansi Spanish typewriter will give lessons in panisli at any address in ctiy 1228 New York use nw e203 MATTRESSES made over OH premUes 150 J FEENEY 218 4th st nw solOS SEWING MACHINES repaired nod warranted 1 machines for rent by week or month at OIIEx- HEIMERS NEW HOME AGENCJ 5H Sth t nw RICHEST prices for gentlemen castoU garments musical instruments guns and re volvcrs drop postaL S ATLAS 327 D gt nwJ- OO envelopes SIC 500 Etatcmcnts 500 bill heads floe all other printing equally as ep magazines bound 75c books of all bound OR the shortest notice WILLIAMS S615 7t Ji st- nw Chas W Dowdcn Manager jjjjo ANY ORDINARY CLOCK cleaned SOc jewelry music boxes accordingly charged satij faction Guaranteed send postal will call for and deliver free to all parts of District CAPITAL CLOCK REPAIRING COMPANY 1131 ILlS t nw FULL DRESS SUITS 1 Ior hire fl JULIUS COHEN U 7th rt nw laser ow fur soIlS miens rooms ROOMS 450 BOtflD ether FOIl airy rooms clam full Address for your eye 930 Fat dwelling wholesale liquor steer 50 ebargo corporation must 1000 on lice invoice investigate North- west solOI get intlS cheap SEWING MACIIINItS cleaned and Tep3irei1i the solO paid iiiiic AND BOOKUINDING500 rardse The kinds Watch ¬ ± > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < ¬ < FOR RENT UXFCKXISHED HOO3IS FOR RENT Two large communicating rooms newly papered and pointed sec- ond floor 22S 9th st se e22S- 90S F ST XW Cool room bath 4 m S FOR KENT Three unfun isttfid rooms also three i rni hed rooms 70 Sth St nw i 8 FOR RHST Three pleasant rooms second Seer adults J127 Sih st nw M22S- FOU RENT Two unfurnished communicating rooms on second floor modern conveniences U California st ne near Government Printing Of- fice EK223 FOR KEKX Three Qi FOR RENT Three Hnf rnSSd rowi iand bath Second BOOT 1919 9th st nw t e203 FOR RENT Unfuniisheil ratire second floor Joe light housekeeping tliriaMroetos anu bath pri- vate family 6S7 JM i 6 Si I C203 FOR RENT TJiree i oor beth gas light 3- OBabJe 1721 New Jersi rooms second ng reas r eaO3 FOR RENT Unfurnished finr reoras soil one extra large room cheap 0 1 s w ra203 FOR SALE HORSES AND VEHICLES FOR SALE Road outfit grey mare tight years old can trot in 250 kind and pleasant driver Bailey Whalebone runabout harness com- plete DRAINEYS PORTLAND STABLES 5 New York ave nw el FOR SrE Three large work horses hesvy enough fcc any work and two small drivers lId I St ne C223- COGSWELiS s tin most reliable and cheapest place to buy Ww and secondhand hornets traps surreys runabouts phaetons daytens and de livery wagons 209 lith st nw m227 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Handsome bay cob highgrade rubbertire runabout cheap COGS WELL 200 Ilth st nw m23 FOR SALE One fancy bay driving snare with black points six years oW one treed sorrel driv- ing horse five years old from Virginia Apply to ADRAIN at SULIVANS 1212 Ohio ave nw ml FOR SALE Fine set russet pony harness also pony pole cheap COGSWELL 209 Ilth st FOR SALE Nice driving mare two cheap horses trap runabout and harness Stable rear 1225 10th st nw tollS FOR SALE For want of use buy horse eight years oW 1SOO pounds 35 also bay mare LOOO pounds seven years old 35 Rear of 511 M st ne m f3 FOR SALE Fiae matched pair of horses both six years ojd good travelers and stylish ales three buggies 645 II st no soIlS FOR SALE G od phaeton cheap A WALTER 1412 12th st He e213 FOR SALE Cheap r ys wheels SULIVANS 1216 Ohio ave FOR SALE Cheap three secondhand dirt wagons Apply t 8305 ave ml3 FOR SALE Trap in good order SOW ISth st nw TBl3 FOR SALE Good horse saitaWe grocery or milk wagon price 00 Apply 104 lId st nw mullS FOR SALE A trot in three minolta steel mixed color lady can drive him price 150 Address 1300 H st- ne ntSl3 FOR SALE A twohorse wagoaotl will hold six inside and two with driver needs little up bolstering otherwise in good condition will sell cheap STABLE BOSS THE SPRINGMA NS EXPRESS CO South Capitol and D sts sw C2O5 FOR SALE A good mule HILL Bethesda JW place F c233 FOR SALE New single platform feed wagon Address 4 K t aw c 3 FOR SALE Owe 3008 driving horse Apply pri- v e staM il n L ave ci8S FOR SALE Hotel passenger bus In pester condition for 50 700 315 tli st nw BIG SALE NOW GOING ON dllTAP r PLACE IXTHBClTir i TIES BUGGtfiS SURREYS PUAKTON3 RUNAHOOTS- STANHOPfiS BIKE WAGONS TRAPS W HOB1XSOS CO 332 N J AVE N W PHONE EAST D LOST Masonic watrh chantt Charles E Young and Columbia Chapter rapared an borIc Finder retain te 317 F et s and receive sofia We reward el LOST Maltese cat on Sunday evening from lIE lth ct nw answers t name had Woe ribbon with bells around neck Reward LOST BriwJle bull pup female white feet and breast dipped ezra and tail Return to F A DODGE ISM 7tb st and receive reward e223 LOST In Academy of Music 9th ansI D Stay 21 chatelaine purse containing S50 Finder kern money and return posse to 3001 7th st nw- for more reward as purse is valued as a gift el- LOST Monday pocketbook containing 303 and key Reward if returned to 1111 I st ne re223 LOST Between March 1 sod C certificate for forty shares stock in Area Mineral Spring Water Company Fire dollars reward if returned to ROBERT S HART Room 1 501 Ilth st nw- e218 LOST Saturday afternoon steel rawc round wooden handle umbrella possibly on Pennsyl- vania Avenue 8th or 7th six nw article highly valued by owner Liberal reward at 713 SIns st- nw e203 LOST Friday huckster license No 317 on B st Reward return to 1125 37th st nw e203 LOST Stinday rubber hansom tire reward 31th and T sts nw e205 LOST Saturday evening on 7th st car a gents hunting ease gold watch with fob monogram M- M M Liberal reward if returned to M M MERRILL SSS Plo ave nw solOS FOUND Small female foxterricr Ug and collar 831 New York ave cl ICE CREAM 70c gallon not Trade in a cellar but above ground for sewer gas abounds in cel- lars ansi breeds typhoid diphtheria etc moral Cont cat that kind LACEYS i pure and delicious C07 N Y ave Phone 20SL LEGAl NOTICES IN TIlE SUPREME COURT OF TIlE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA HOLDING A SPECIAL TRItE FOR ORPHANS COURT BUSINESS IN RE ESTATE OF LUCIUS B BOVJIAN DECEASED No 1017S Administration Docket 23 Application having made to the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia hoMing a special term for Ornltan Court business for probate of the last will ansi testament and for letters testamentary on said estate by The Union Trust and Storage Company of the District of Cotanbia it is ordered this list day of May 1SOJ that notice is hereby given to Albert Row roan S M Kowman Julia 15 Castleberry Joanna Barnes Virgil Bowman Katie le n l Bertha 1 Boner and to all others concerned to appear in said court on MONDAY TUB 24TH lAY OF JUNE A D 1901 at 10 OCLOCK A M to show cause why such application should not le granted This notke shall be published in the Washington Law Reporter ami The WashiTij ton Times once in each of three successive wee ss before the return day therein mentioned the first publication to lie not less than thirty slays before said return day By the court T ANDERSON Justice Attest LOUIS A DENTlJegister of Wills HAMILTON A COLBKRTi Attorneys for Applicant Filed May 34 1901 I YOUNG Clerk IN THE SUPREME COlHtT OF TIlE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA LOUISE JONES vs CHARLES E JONES Equity N- On motion of tht complaiiwnt by Edward I Gins her solicitor it day of Slay A D 1 KM ordered that the Charles E Jones canoe lilt app Brawce to be entered herein on or before the first rule day occurring forty after this da otherwise the cause will be proceeded with a in case of default The object of this suit is to obtain an abso order to be publkdicd once week for three suLcesstve weeks priw tT AH rule Jay in the Vahix toH Law The Washing ton Times seal A B 7IAGXEIJ A swuite Justice A true copjTc J It YOlNfJ Clerk By JI A CLANCY Asist nt Clerk unfur- nished only FOR RENTTwo lmhwniobed 1000w With gas Suiiiuier rates lOll 20th st ow v elIS- yOst 1UUiTtecelv 5 aec- oor 630 I st ow nih bha- ecmiui lioor to wduItslSlS4l WA5t nw- 620I rent out ow mItS buggy several wagons buggies yer lot sntl3 lightwoed fine drivfegberse leer yeare old work any cost intoI STEEfORpiUBBER TIRES U myll 93 LOST please Malts ci IOUND been IL defendantS days lute divorce upon the grMitsl of desertion Thu ti Reporter and ± ± ¬ > ¬ ° ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > FOR SALE OR RENT HOUSES Ron Estate Brolfcr nod Auctioneer 917 F Street n W FOR SALE NORTHWEST 917 Sth st fh 6r lot 19x100 ft 3003 4 II bh Ur bath ami 57 1116 lOs h lOr and bath a n i 4500 Il 9 to HIS Sfith fcr bath and a m i each S009 Sib f h 5r lot 15x 9 ft io alley 2SOi 2253 b Mi 7r lot 30x112 ft 200rt 2122 P fh rented for 3 per month lSi 1387 otfc et fh 5r lot 124x30 ft 17W SOUTHWEST 41S 10th bh r and back S27 0 342 and Sl J f is 5r each stable both 2 J NORTHEAST 117 C b h or feja am j 35fl05- I b h r a HI i 4500 J ye Sr and h Ut am i 3830 3 FVanklin b hall water 19 j 7i7iCtkstfhfc lot SSS I7W 55 O i a 9r and bath lot 25x150 1400 SOUTHEAST 113 B st t h Mr bath awl a IB I 100W 203 A 1 h Ur bath and a m i 8500 Intersection of Va ave and I 5574 so ft with rented for Si2 per Month 5030- S10 N C ave bh r bath a m i 5 K30 233 E b a 6r and a n I 20 L fh 6r lot 25x65 ft 1 VX 1112 K f h 5r lot 2teM ft 15K 1131 N J are bh 4r 1500 FOR RENT Nc 1021 H 4r 15 00 Ne 1153 O large lot 9r and bath 10 Ne 70 6r S 00 e iO Brewers Court 4r 8 00 Ne 1113 Q 600 Se 1011 E Capitol 6r 15 59 Se 1254 Ilth or 12 ffi Se 1252 Ilth 7r 1 50 Se lIe 12 O- Se 1101 9th 7r Se 819 Ga ave 6r 3 30- Se 1343 C 4r SCO Se 11 Anacostia 4r 7 Se Iii S C ave 4r 7 00 Apply at Officj for Weekly Bulletin OCEAN STEATJISHira NEW YORK SOUTHAJIPTOK LONDON St Paul June 19 10 am i St LonisJnly 1710 arn BED STAR LIE NEW YORK ANTWERP PABIS- KensgtonJIay 29 noon SouthwkJune 19 noon 5 noon Vaderrd June 26 noon FrieslandJune 12 noon KensingtonJuly 3 noon New twinscrew steamers raIling at Cherbonrg INTERNATIONAL NAVIGATION COMPANY Piers 14 and 15 N R New York Office 73 Boadny WASHINGTON OFFICE 13fl F ST NW Or G W Moss 1111 G St N W FOR SALE HOUSES AS A HOME or investment sevenroom ansI bath brick front anti rear yard located in heart of the city convenient to all car lines price 100 J D W D SULLIVAN 707 13th at FOR SALE Stop paying rent WO each and 35 per mouth both interest and principal 303 Ky ave close to Lincoln modern new twostory brick ready to snore into only 3030 lot 17 feet front and suns through to B St Act quick O M BRYANT Warder Betiding flth and F Sit ra22S- SDBURBAX PROPERTY FOR RENT Q SALE In and about Hyattsrille several beautiful homes with lots and small acreage suitable fcr chicken runs price moderate and terms ROUSES ROGERS Hyatti rule m23 FOR bALE BICYCLES FOR SALE Boys bicycle riding order S 1421 chopin st Fort SALE Gents nickelplated Liberty wheel in good condition price 003 Brewers court between 6th and 7th G and II ala ne ml FOR SALE Ladys wheel almost new S12 coaster brake will teach beginner Address BOX 736 this other m213 FOR SALE Cents bicycle also ladys fine condition 7 each Address BOX 717 this of- fice r 208 BICYCLES TIRES ansi sundries them out at greatly reduced prices investigate LBO FISH 717 Oi L me ravlSlao- COITNTRY BOARD WANTED One to four summer boarders in coon try sparioos rooms electric tars pass the door t n minutes ride to Aqueduct Bridge tare and board reasonable sear Fort Jlyer Arlington Cemetery Call or address I B COX Arlington Vlezander county Va e22S TiLE WASHINGTON COLLEGE formerly Eck la ton lintel 3d and F ate ne to sum- mer boarders Jsne I rooms may cow be selected ml30 SUBURBAN BOARD TWO YOUNG MEN or married couple can have a wellftirnished s idstory front room with board MRS LOUIS SCHNEIDER Tenleytown rood near Georgetown and Tenleytown power- house ml FOR SALE 2IISCELLA7fEOn9 FOR SALE Large ke box or chest cheap suited for grocer or dairyman 924 9th st nw ro22 3 FOR SALE Nearly new S12 cooking 7 motor tricycle cheap SH3 New York ave rn223 FOR SALE Sewii machines 5 7 10 and S15 attachments and live yeare guarantee at FUNKS 3S1 C st se e21S FOR SALE Cheap one carpet one wardrobe one sideboard Call between 9 and 11 a m at 2411 Pa ave nw e213 FOR SALE Diamond cost 63 win sell for 350 cash Box 743 this office eSl3 Foil SALE Cheap complete baking outfit also Aowease candy and jars a bargain 1S16 5th st nw m213 the Ideal Rabnitry no telephones cjerks typewriters or agents to pry E L BARCLAY Proprietor 12 lIst stnw member Southern Belgian Hare Association XL L BARCLAY JR Manager c206 FOR SALECots some slightly used also 250 cot mattresses cheap special price in lots PItIES 1IOPWOOD Sth and K nw C20S FOR SALE Two coffee wr s good as new FRIES k IIOPWOOD Sth soil K nw rIOS FOR SALE OW bricks and lumber at 1305 B st sw c303 FOR SALE Ice box suitable for meat store or titlEs k HOIMVOOD Sib and K nw- cSOS FOR SALE Folding beds slightly used FRIES k HOPWOOD Sth and K nw c2C3 BAD BILLS collected or no charge U D COR- DON Lawyer 615 litli st nw m20C FOR SALE Mans 24in Remington bicycle in best condition 12 ladies elegant nickel trim- med Remington bicycle 29 as good as new F- G SJHTH 1225 Pa ave mylStf 21 bottles deliv- ered in unlettered wagons FIbS R BEAVERS I7 4 st sw Phone 1551 my5lmo FOR SALE One curly maple antique bed t cheap to quick purchaser 2216 Prospect arc nw e9tf FOR SALE 250 for gocarts KEDJIOND 3H ill 7th st storage etc eRtf FOR SALE goods silks mens and boys clothing ladies suits skirts waists matting edfurnishinp5 etc weekly paymsnts Drop pos- tal I call JOSEPH CAllS S37 Pa ave nw FOR SALE Slosp yacht Eleanora will sell cheap to a quick purchaser yacht anti all equip ments in good condition lAS A t SON 1312 F st nw mUtt FOR SALE Fresh lawn grass flower garden cad bird tools also flowering bulbs of all kinds fancy poultry esgs for SCHMIDTS BIRD STORE 712 lith st nw e5tl FOR SALE Good quality jtintless matting 12Vi- cjard floor c cloth lIe 4Sc square yard reduced prices on all stair aol carpets ELEEBLATTS Ilth and II tts se- mhl FOR S A 2 Good quality opaque Ebades fitted to your windows only lie the best quality oil opaque shades 50 cents hung free will call with samples ELEEBLATTS tills and II sts- ae FOIl SiiE for hatr roattess in two parts lounges 2o stoves and reirigeratorj parlor and ledoom suites 1 per week will snore anti store your Roods cash or credit RED MOND Ill and 313 7th st nw Pianos SI Weekly Clearing sale of rquire pianos and organs at j AT own rjnes Mat have tli room Good ttstmments 33 low as i3 on SI weekly payments cl4tf F G SMITH 1 5 Pa aye J THOS E1 WAGGAMANI t 1133 building Suit bath Irk ill Hot 9th so 0 AIiEBICAN LINE St PauLAlay 29 10 am St LooiiJtmoSO 10am SI 5 10 am St PauLJuly 10 10 nm June including Park easy soIlS 1 close opens range ring TIlE CIIEAPFSE place to buy Belgian hares Is rentS grocery LOOKOne box of lager beer tIc eL lmo mod batching gasoline a > = < > > ¬ ¬ = ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ± RVILltpU3a Washingfton Alexandria en a- Mount Vernon Railway From Station Pennsylvania Ave and 2 St In effect May 1 190L For Aleiaitdria Week days 630 7rf J Jfl- EOO 8 9 S e 925 1003 11 50 1130 a s 3 0 8J 3415 4c3S 4 4 503 x3rt t40 603 6 t 7 7 0 S X S45 830 u JO- H59 p ra Sundays 745 8 0 45 10d li 3 1130 a m 12HX noon 1 0 J K 1 9 2 2JO 3OJ 330 4OO 4SO SrfX ISO 6 70 7SO SK 845 930 1015 U n 8 p m For Meant Temon Week days 630 S X 3003 1100 a m i2 B xl S 200 S02 8 9 3- XJJ5 x523 703 9 M p m Sundays 803 s a lISa noon 200 400 700 S30 p in For Arlington and Aqueduct Bridge Week slays 630 704 730 8rfO 829 8 9 935 MHXJ 110 a ra 1205 12 O 12ifi I S 1 5 SH 230 302 3JO 3 9 4 5 3 608- CSO 709 80 p m Sunday 745 9 0 945 1030 1100 Ml30 720 noon 12 100 130 23 230 300 SSO 40 4 0 50 550 600 SSO 70 730 SO p m Parcels carried Baggage checked To Arlington only J COMTN G E ABBOT Superintendent President Seaboard Air Line Haitej Florida and West India Short Line Leave Washington Prom R K Station 835 A W FLA AND ATLANTA FAST DAILY JIAIL Through Pullman Sleepers to Jacksonville comectlnc at Hamlet with Pullman Sleeper to Atlanta 655 P W FLA AND METROPOLITAN DA I LY UJirrED ThrooKh Pullman Sleep- ers tc Jacksonville and Atlanta These trains offer excellent schedules and service to Petersburg Raleigh Southern Pines Pine Camde1 Columbia Savannah Jackson Atlanta Orleans Chattanooga Nashville points West and Soathwp- st43O A KI LOCAL Ta Petersburg Raleigh DAILY SoTrthem Pines Pinehurst Ham- let and intermediate OSes tiM N T aye and Retina R R Offices K EL BUNCH W H DOLL General Pats Acent General Agent SXEAJHDO- AT3fforfoli Washington Steamboat Go Every day In tUs year for Norfolk N o liars Nora and all points South by the Newport News and Wash injrton xia the followIng schedule Lv WashinstonlL30 pa LY Portsmouth500 pm- Lr Aleiandria700 LT Norfolk 6JX pm Ft JfonrpeJOOam I LT Ft JIonroe703 pia Ar Norfolk 800am Ar AIexandrU620 am Ar ParUBhoutlua15 am Ar Wadiinston7W sm- Tlcktta u at 17 Penn aye B and- O ticket office hiP Penn are and corner 13th st sod N Y are C O ticket of flees at 513 Penn ave Slid 609 Uth st S A L ticket office 1434 N Y are and on board steamers aSTFor further Information apply st yen offices 7th t wharf D CT Phone 760- no2Stf JOII TIT T T WASHINGTON D C POSTOFFICE NOTICE Should be read daily as chanres may occsr at any time FOREIGN MAILS are forwarded to the of toiling daily and the schedule of closings is ar- ranged on the presumption of tfacir uninterrupted overland transit For the week ending Jlay 25 the last concreting closes wiU tts made froin this office as follows TransAtlantic Malls WEDNESDAY b At 715 p m for EUROPE per s s Aug Victoria from NcrfYork Ply mouth and Hamburg Mail for FRANCE SWITZERLAND ITALY SPAIN PORTUGAL TURKEY EGYPT GREECE BRITISH INDLV and LORENZO MARQUEE via Cherbourg must be directed Per s Aug VictorIa c At 915 p m for FRANCE SWITZERLAND ITALY SPAIN PORTUGAL TURKEY EGYPT GREECE BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO lIAR QUEZ per s s LAiruitainc loom New York vii Havre Mail for other parts of EUROPE roust be directed Per K s LAqaitalne FRIDAY c At 915 p m for FRANCE SWITZERLAND ITALY SPAIN PORTUGAL TURKEY EGYPT GREECE BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO MARQUEZ per s La Gaseogae from New York via Havre Mail for other ports of EUROPE Toast be directed Per s a Ls- Gascogne c At 11 5 p m for EUROPE per S a Umbria from New York via Oueen town c At 1105 p m for NETHERLANDS direct per s s Amsterdam front New York Mail must be directed Per s s Amsterdam c At 1105 p m for SCOTLAND direct per s a Astoria front New York Mail must vs dl reeled Per s s Astoria Hails for South and Central JLmcr ice InOic Etc WEDNESDAYrte At 11 p m for BERMU- DA per s s Pretoria from New York c At 1105 p m for INVGUA and HAITI per s s Lauenburjr from New York c At 1105 p m for BARBADOS and NORTH- ERN BRAZIL per s s Granjense from New York from New York Stall for CURACAO VENEZUE- LA TRINIDAD BRITISH and DUTCH GUIANA must be directed Per s s Jeanne c At 1195 p m for NASSAU N P and PROVINCE OF SANTIAGO CUBA per s Saratoga from New York THURSDAY k At 1200 in for JAMAICA per s s Admiral Sampson from Boston c At ll S p m for MEXICO per s s Matanzas from New York via Tampico Mall must tc directed Per a s JIatanzas FRIDAY c At 1105 p ra for PORTO RICO per s s San Juan from New York via San Juan c At 1103 p m for CURACAO and VENE- ZUELA per s s DasRiy from New York via Curacao Mail for 5A VANILLA and CARTHA GENA must be directed Per s s Daggry- c At 1105 p m for LEEWARD and WIND- WARD ISLANDS and DEMERARA per s- Fontabclle front New York Mail for BARBADOS must be directed Per s s Fontabclle- rc At 1105 p m Isle BARBADOS direct per s s Bellaggio from New York c At 1105 p m for BRAZIL per s s British Prince from New York Rail for NORTH- ERN BRAZIL ARGENTINE REPUBLIC URU- GUAY and PARAGUAY must be directed Per s s British Prince c At 11 05 p m for FORTUNE ISLAND JA- JIAICA SAYANILLA CARTHACENA and CREYTOWN per s s Alene irons New York JUH test COSTA RICA must be directed Per s- s Alenc c At 1105 p m for ARGENTINE REPUBLIC URUGUAY and PARAGUAY per s a Kaffir Prince from New York Mails for NEWFOUNDLAND by rail to North Sydney and thence via steamer close here daily except Sunday at 1200 m and on Sundays only at 1130 a in d n- ilaiU for MIQUELON by rail to Boston and thence via steamer close here daily at S15 d CUBA JLVILS close here via Port Tampa Fl- Jlendays Wednesdays anti Saturdays at idfl p m and via Miami Via Thursdajs and at 10 5 a m f Mails for MEXICO ircerland unless specially addressed for despatch by steamers sailing front New York close here daily at 1025 a m and 1 p ra Mails for BELIZE PUERTO CORTEZ and GUATEMALA by rail to New Orleans anti thence via steamer close here daily at 1000 p m the connecting for which being Mondays Fails for Costa Rica by rail to New Orleans and thence via steamer close here daily at 1003 p m the connecting closes for which biting Tuesdays TrnnslnciliC Malls Mails for AUSTRALIA except West Australia whici is forwarded ria Europe NEW ZEALAND FIJI SAMOA arid HAWAH via San Francjscw close hare daily at B p m up to Slay 25 in cluave for despatdt per s s Mariposa o for AUSTRALIA except West Australia which goes via Europe and New Zealand which goes via Francisco and FIJI ISLANDS via Vancouver close here daily at 30 p m up to Slay 25 inductee for despatch per s s War risotto Stall tonal be directed Via Vancou- ver o Mails for CHINA arid JAPAN Seattle olosj here daily at 638 p m p to May 23 iwilosive snail must be directed o Maths for CHINA JAPAN HAWAII and PHIL- IPPINE ISLANDS via San Francisco here daily at 630 p m np to lime 1 inclusive for dcspatrti per s s Peking o Mails for HAWAII via San Francisco close here daily st 6 p m up to June 3 for despatch pr s s Zealand Maih los COCHIN CHINA are forwarded to New York for connection with European steam ers PHILIPPINE ISLANDS Military Mail de- spatched to Sun Francisco at alt closes for that oilier to connect with Government Transports the s K ps of which are irregular same sissy c Resistered maths close at p ra some day i 1 i at s a m some at 1p nu previous Saturday t Itegiitered mails cloc at 1 p nr previous lay li Registered mails close at 12 p m previons Saturday t Ipgistcred mails close at S p TO previous ayio Registered snails close at 0 p m previous uay JOHN A JIERRITT Pdstniaiter oU05 LImb 1245 xlO2 125 200 It11 xOl lOll 1513 xExpreis vOle and nil Florida paints charsotte Athena New superb pOwerful eel palace 62OiIflt3 Norfolk Ar isle era Washington TOREIGN SLaILS vic a a West c At 11515 p in for HAITI pee s s Jeatcrse the a p- in Sun- days dotes is Stalk San rig for tkspateht a Isizumi Main Rngiateraj Via Vancouver now e Is maiLs close at I p is 5 close day e itegiotered maths close > > > > ¬ = > ¬ ¬ < ¬ ° j JIAJBHOAXIX Pennsylvania RAILROAD STATION CORNER OP SIXTH AND B ITS 7 0 A M DAILY pnTSBURG EXPRESS Parid and Dining Oars HarrMmrc to PHtsbars 10 0 A X DAILY NNSVLVANIA LIMITED eervatioB Cars to Chi Clucia- aaa ladiampotii St Louis Cleveland and Toledo Buffet Parlor Car to IferrisUtrg 10 0 A M DAILY FAST LINE PoMmau Buffet Parlor Car to Harrisbug Baffet Parlor Caz- E rria re to 8 0 P 3C DAILY CHICAGO AND ST LOUIS Car WaaMagton te St Louie and Waahfagton to Toiedo SleepIng and DiniRz Clara Harrisborg to Indfonapotft St 15 P if DAILY ST LOUIS EXPRESS Poll man Sleeping Car to St Louis Tt P V DAILY WESTERN EXPRESS Pall man Sleeping Car to Pittabarg and Ctocsfo 715 P M DAILY CLEVELAND AND CINCIN- NATI EXPRESS Tollman Sleeping Cars Ington to Pitteborg and to land and via Ctacinaati and Louis mills Dining Car 1040 P K DAILY PACIFIC EXPRESS Pull- man Sleeping Car to Pittebw 750 A 11 DAILY BUFFALO DAY EXPRESS with through Parlor Car Dining Car and Niagara daily except Sunday 1050 A 1L for and Renoro dally except For daily 339 P M 715 P IT DAILY BUFFALO NIGHT EXPRESS With through BaUet Sleeping Car and COacheS to Buffalo via Junction P M DAILY lot Erie for Boehester Buffalo and except Saturday with Sleeping Gas Washington to Rochester 1040 P 3L for Erie Canandaicuo Roefeester Buffalo and Nissan FaflJ daily Pullman SleePing Lilac Washington to Rochester Satur only 00 P M CONGRESSIONAI LIMITED daily for yes York alj Parlor Cars with DSnics Car from Baltimore For Pilnaelpliln New York nail the Enat- Eiprcs 7 Dining Car 757 815 9 30 10 00 Dining Car and 1100 Dining Car from A U 1245 315 460 Dining Car from Baltimore 6 0 lOrGO cod 11 0 P M On Sundays 700 Dining Car 757 815 800 1100 Dieting Car front Wilmington A 4JL 1215 315 450 Diiing Car from Balti moore 6 0 IOOT and 3150 P iL For Philadelphia only Express 745 A M 2213 P if week days 201 410 and 544 P 1L daily For Boston without 715 JL L week- days sod 450 P 3L daily For Baltimore 020 700 7i5 750 7 7 515- S 10 30 1050 110 A 1L 1215 1245 12 2 1 515 330 4CO Limited 4W 4 3 4 1 450 540 15 CSO 7il5 iriS 1000- lOriO 11 3 and U50 P 31 On Sundays 7 7 0 757 815 S X 9 3 1050 1100 A JL 1215 115 2 1 3il5 330 4 0 Limited 410 420 4 0 5iO 615 6 0 715 745 lOrfXJ 1040 1150 P iL weekdays Sundays 905 A II i For Annapolis 7 0 000 A JL 12tlVnds W P IT weekdays Sunday 800 atAiwl 540 P Express for Florida sod points on Atlantic Coast Line 430 A JL 312 P iL daily Express for Florida and points on Seaboard Air Line 835 A 3L daily Florida and Limited 555 I iL daily Express for only 1141 A JL week- days 500 P JL daily Accommodation for Quantico 748 A H daily and 4 5 P JL weekdays Seashore Connections For Atlantic City via Delaware Diver Bridge all rail route 1245 P JL weetdajss Pullman Buffet Parlor Car 315 400 Con- gressional Limited and 1U50 P iL daily Via Market Street Wharf 101 and 11W A JL 1245 P SI weekdays 1153 P Jt daily For Cape l cy 21rfX A iL week days 1150 P JL daDy Ticket cfficcs corner Fifteenth and G Streets and st the station Sixth Streets where rulers can be left for the checking of baggage to destination from hotels and residences Telephone call 1111 for Pennsylvania Rail- road Cal Service J B HUTCHINSON J R WOOD Ceserel ilaiMwrer C Baltimore OMo RAILROAD Schedule in effect May 19 189L Leave Washington New Jersey Ave tad C St Chicago and Northwest JO5O a ra 5 5 pm Cincinnati St Louis and Indianapolis 1803- a ra 345 p ro 1W night PittAorg and Cleveland lft5 a m S O p- ra and 109 night Columbus and Wlieeling Srf3 p nv- Wiachestw tS a IB 3 and HS p m- Larav i 3i5 p ra r Annapolis S fJS a a m tflSjlS 4 5 and 4 30 p ra Frederick 3 5 900 fil Va ra I15- Irt O 530 p Hagerstown tiW lo a IB and fo O p ro lloyd and way points S35 rf J a m 115I- J4 O 5M 7 5 p m Gaithersbunc sad way points a35 0t1u- jjliae 115 siala irJ e 5 0 Jfe- 7OS 1 15 ll p m Washington Junction and way points RS35 9 a m 1J5 i43 5Jft p Baltimore week days 3i 5 5K 639 sTrfB- n 35 p m Sundays xlcJo s7 5 i715 SJ8s- 9HX a n 3d2l xIW 115 xS O x33ft 4 3- i505 x5B 6 0 xSM ilO0 3ai sll35- P m noYA1 BLUE LINE AH trains iHominated with PHSOB Baltimore Philadelphia New York BostJSi and the East 35 75 Diner 3O B t 900 Diner 1O a i 1 W Diner 1M Diner 3 5 Royal Limited timer 4rf Buffet 5rf 5 Diner S09 and 1130 p m Sleeping car open at 00 ecJeck Parlor ca on all day trains Atlantic City a m IlSSfl noon and ISO and iS0 p m Daily Sunday Sunday only x Express trains residences by Union Transfer Co on orders left at ticket offices 819 Pennsylvania avenue New and Fifteenth Street ants at depot Telephone ticket offices for B O Electric Artoraobile Cabs J B JIARTIN Jf P s Traffic Southern Railway Schedule In effect Slay 13 IDOL S0i a m Daily Local for HarrisonbuiE for Charlotte and way stations 1115 a m Daily U a Fast Stall Sleeping cars to New Orleans Columbis Savannah and Jacksonville uniting at Salisbury with steeper for Asheville Chattanooga and Memphis and at Danville with sleeper for and at Charlotte with deeper for Aa ust Solid train Washington to New Oritans Dining ear Service 1137 a m Daily Local for Charlottesville tCl p m Week Days Local for Frost Royal Strasburg and Harrisosburc 438 p m Daily Local for Charlottesville 3 5 p m Daily IT V t Express Limp ic cars to Augusta with connections for Alkea and Charleston and to Savannah Jacksonville and Port Tampa Through coaches to Jackson- ville and Atlanta at DanviDe with Pull nan sleepers from Richmond and Norfolk for Charlotte Tourist sleeper Washington to Sac Francisco Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays Dining Car Service 1801 p m DOIlY Chattanooga eke Knoxville Chattanooga Memphis and New Orleans Through coach to Dining cay service 1043 p Jn Daily Washington and Southwest cm Limited Sleeping cars to Asheville Knox villa Chattanooga and Nashville and to Atlanta Macon airmiaghaa Memphis Montgomery Je bile and New Orleans Dining car service TRAINS ON BLUEJIONT BRANCH Leave Washington Sd a m lr p av 4K p m and 449 p m weefc days ansi 9L a and 625 p nu Sundays only for Bttteraeat 6 5 p m we days for Leeaborp Returning arrive Waslircgton St a and 8CO p ra daily ad SS4 u m and 445 p ra week days front Bhwcsont tad 657 a ja week days from Leesbwrg Through trains from tae South arrive WasatuK toss 6t2 an 65Z am 7 5 a and S30 PM daily Front UarrisojAtirs 11 7- an week days and 4 pm daily Prose Char lottcsville S2S aju said 9 pau dally and other In formation furnished and baggage called for and checked front hotels and residences by Union Transfer Co an orders left at Ticket Office TBS hut St NW Ill Frosts Ave NW and at Penna Station Phone Ull for P R R Cab Service FRANK CANNON 3d V P and Gen Mgr IL HARDW1CE General Pasgr Agent It S CROWN General Agent CANADIAN fACIFIC RAILWAY Intended Steamship Sailings Irons Vancouver JAPAN CHINA AND PHILIPPINE ISLANDS EMPRESS OF IXDH May 27 July 3 EMPRESS Of JAPAN June 17 Aug 19 EMPRESS OF CHINAmJalv Sept 9 HAWAIIAN ISLANDS AND AUSTRALIA JIOANA May 31 JUOWEIUY J j 23 For rates apply 1222 Penn Avenue AND CONSUMPTIOX By Use Koch Lung Cure 130 Nassau Street Stems York AsiA tiiT E Street Washington FuRman ee Dining finiolsing knd Oh and Louis Louisville via Cincinnati and Cblosco Harrisburg Car to Chicago Wash Clove Coaches to Buffalo sia Rinpesium Junetfon 7050 A SI for Kane Roehester and Falls Sunday Iris i change and For Ppes Ck Line 145 A it andfSi it 5 L Metro- politan Richmond and B Pasesseni Aceo its so in xT15 xSB 591 x9510 xlOOSana xhSh0 in 3215 xihO x300 xI51O xthO 4th x893- xIJO aSSO x620 6iO x0l x0510 ll51O lIght Diner Bagse eslled for and checked from hotels and north- west York Trains leave irons Pennsylvania Station sod Fin Washington and Limited Via Lynchburg Sleeping care t Roan lii ansi in daily tii pm Tickets a2erpmmg car reservations S S 5 ASThMA CUllED ¬ ¬ > ¬ < ¬ < ¬ ¬ ° °

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r I7


ANJCED Co houocjnaid and general workerJifcseJBeat 821 ISth st aw lWANTED At once eat girl for light house-work 736 5th st me clWANTED A reliable white woaw for generalItowsewock must stay nights Call at 61S IIat 33 elWANTED GirL white or colored io nursechildren attd assist in housework no kitchen workMr twstuje Apply lit 45 TIlE DKISCOLL-1st i B jats w el-

WANTEB At once one good skirt hand mwtlie good machine operator 214 T st nw cl

child two reacs old and do light charaberworkstay at aat Apply at ma 7th st aw elWAOTED-

WAXTSO Capable cobxtd laundry waitresscook stay nights good wages

Maasachwetts family Hme fare MIS NewYork awe cl-

cr Bi store Aapiy 38 IL st w

to take ordersS8 week Call Ttair d y W a m 515 12th st nw


WANTE Twenty cooks two waitresses threeone atnse HASRELLS GUAR-

ANTEE OFFICE 303 4 st BW mlWANTED Coed cook 1S ook tor two 16-ptain wok 14 otter LADIES EXCHANCE 614 13Ui st mlWANTED Cook and ladys ad for seashoreleave with family way paW Enquire 1635 Ilthst nw ml

WANTED Esperieced waist and skirt handsgood pay to right parties IKS 17tk st nw


WANTED Y mj lady Jr orecirl and others fcr cafe 5H F st nw secondflour ml-

u ANTED Apprentice girl for dressmaking 141SPa ave nw mlWANTED 100 lady agents both locally and totravel to introduce a new book oa Tokologyexclusively for ladies SSif per week easily earned

i d we teach you how to do it DINSMOREPUB CO 621 7th st nw m222WANTED Young lady for massage and manicsHin parlors also one for confectionery storeIfKX New York are nw mlCANTED Settled colored woman about a faunhouse Apply 1525 7th at n 28

TVAXTKDA good cook Tilling to de laHftdry-wtsriea B go to cotstry near city rhu referenceste MM S st mr nfii3RANTED YOBBS lady for oSe abo Traitressand chambermaid Soc swimner resorts 61 F st

willing te work regularly ax JMWTS per dayto earn 35 per week CATHOLIC LEAGUEBoem 5 621 7th it aw m222

pfein cooks 12 alsohamb riHtd and general bousewerker Enquire

1252 9th st nilWANTED Halfgrown girl to assisthousework J4SS DAVIS 1 W 5th scWANTED SeliaWe white wcasan for Hght JwOsework with a k e lady good herae 7th st-nw ml-

rANTE Cook and general honseworker sohome nights sa U faaaty must good cook320B U st aw l2

girl to assist with generalIwuseworfc and wait m table good home forgirL Address Box 744 this office e213RANTED White girt for general houseworkKeasiajton JWL home good Traces somaliIsuailf Apply Boom SSI Poatoffice Department

en2WANTED Respectable white girl to do cookingcod light owuewerk no washing small family

WANTED Lady waiters CO Pa ave nw e212

WANTED OfrL-lunefcroom 13

that imderstaads working in

WANTED He n coats L KOENIC5BERG3 7 Pa nw o21SWANTED FinUbers oa fine castoaR 506-9tfe st HW room 16 Hia3RANTED A lady who con t ach CarmaR aad FnEneh or Spaniah gBcceJirfuPy may

d a position for next year by addressingwith particulars BOX 7 this o ce a 21

WANTED Ladies to know that on account of the

new and dress and skirt cutting ma-chine be is compelled to remain one week longerat K Sth st aw opposite Patent OfSee trherelie teaches uptodate French dresscttttisg drnijiiialriBg ladies deagn-ine transfeninc and reproducing directly on the

doth without the we of patterns This is theonly BUMhtae that cuts lumdrcd yanb of bias

Hag our width in fivets cot hoSed or made

of patterns art to fity j opea day awl evening

WANTED White girt tsmall family stay night Il 9th st aw

WANTED Female timbers OB cuslom teApply at oboe H Tth nw eco d goor-


WANTED A young white girl fur housework15 3d st ne m33WANTED Cook white or colored Call onQUEEN DEBORAH Cabin John Bridge ml96-


VANTED By a savings bank a te seHsavings accomU reference required salary andcommriBioa Apply UNION SAVINGS BASK 14thst and New York ave mii-

mjATIOXS WASTED FEMALEWANTED By three colored women housemaidcook and acres 934 lath et nw el-

ED At a first iaag cock woman tS3S aw Cl-

JVANTED B eoiered woman place as firstclassB rn H or nurse good reference 1717

Vermont ave aw mlto mondees and

3717 SeatoB at aw-

1VANTED By respectaMe colored girl place todo general homework 1WO 5th at nw mlWANTED Place as chambermaid w nurse no objection to leaving city 1319 13th st aw-


WANTED Shirt waists made 75c sumiaerdrones skirts rebound and pressed SOc at3IODEL SKIRT BINDING CO 60S Stfc at nw

SITUATIONS WAXTED 3IALE11 ANTED By neat young polite colored manweek arouBd store bar or restaurant or anylit fct work1st st RW

WANTED By young colored jiiace in privatefamily drive for doctor or hotel work atrsteiaa-eclir references CaR or address G C aw d-WANTE1J By ycoRg man place as jani-tor or work of any kiad iii or out oj city refo tc e 1147 16th st nw ml

man positionpMker Addras BOX S this


SA3CTED By experienced bart jd place icity or cowrtry good mixer Addree 74SOut office ia223-

OH any kind of workAddress WM STAKE


WANTK0 SH tJ ms help furniA d until suitedby HAKBELLS GUARANTEE OFFICE 3K 4

WANTED By ettted men sod wife car ofSoc MMMBer best reference A Mf a BOX

SIB rHa o oe ml-

3fE RAVE all kinds of help on hand white andCan or write SS Gth t nw ml-


WANTED PnmniMd rosin by lady nwst bbit Addroc BOX 757 this o c ml-

WAKTEO Two or hues rooms forH it bousefceepiujc mar Capitol terns mustl Moderate re eceaces exchanged Address BOX

1 this j 2-

AfAXTKBBy single jrenilemac bedroom whoreand location

immaterial Addreas BOX X this office teOZ3

WANTED By mother and son three uafumi tedrooms for light housekeeping central referenceAddress BOX 38 this onlt e m213-

JV Small shady roon aii furnish ownB d AJJress BOX 711 this ffic o213



WAT1iA wbite gid to take full charge o a

kzkEa 2t onci

general house-work

1iEflLt girl tc beip disker Apply IQ-Ost siw ci-

wAcTED Wbtk tt Icw a wa1rc iaan iceci-

WATEDYoun 1dy fcc oce


said eere city ai godcook Enutre 1 11 iOtlt d cc sill

1VANTEDSetted won co stay nights 1-Oa mnoctk 4th st aw mi

also pantry


ci1tiDisie entec Catboie 1aes who are

wAlt 4rhree

in iigbtsee ml


W4NTED White

Gall 3ftZ 4 ci aw

ooeat ow cil



lorge of pupile to learn Prof Livingstonaonderfui

stjgbt Ot theularneiBHtes iive yo

do geaero hoeeaeek inT



ncecan that

WANTED riace work aseninge



beet roference Irma last pIac IOman


cu ec add

WANITOity exeneed youngauoni

WANTEDBy a syllable mechanic position as-periidendent or foremen

coa give beat of referencesli C t ow n14


stow ml




parties orcupy their own house size











HELP VVATfTED 3IALBWANTED Bor with bicycle to carry Tunesroute Call at 14

WANTED Sign painter iMMenp aD around mansteady job year round JAC J GOLDSMITHSIGN CO 314 Sth st aw 1


WANTED Laundry wagon driver and solicitorBox 1 thIs office 223WANTED Yoniu man with experience atplnmWsc 112i 7tl st aw 222

WANTED Hotel baker fifteen waiters for resort j

today BURGESS HOTEL AGENCY 663 19th Stel

WANTED Several firstdans phnabers steadywork to good uses Apply CHARLES G THORN j

1527 G st nw c2 3

H ANTED lon hoc as dishwasher petmonth Apply at once with references TRWLOGS Circle 1

WANTED At once experienced colored waiterto assist at receptions Call 509 7th st sw cl-

aw betweenSlst SOd 22d ala W A COVET elWANTED Bar porter married couple for coontry bellboys two waiters cook four dMiwasJtersSUACKLEFORDS 935 E st nw ml

WANTED Firstclass badrcr Apply to YINCENZO TOZZOLO 41 H u

WANTED Yenns man iroa the country Applywith reference Wednesday 9 to 12 tEl F st-nw ml

WANTED A firstclass barber white or coloredApply Hh and C sic ne ml

WANTED Waiter in barroom and assist two ho-tel waiters Enquire 1683 Ilth st or 1211 10thSt ncr ml

WANTED A to wash dishes 473 Pa avenw TO I

WANTED A young aaaa in lunchroom SIT Gst nw ml

WANTED7YOHBC for store also one for j

brokers office 510 F st nw second floor ml

WANTED Two white or colored barbers guar I

noire good wages 719 7th st uw m223

WANTED Barber 1 a slay guaranteed 2d and jF sin nw mlWANTED Two solicitors new proposition

and coramissMn omen making from 5 te 10day Apply UNION SAYINGS BANK 14th st-

and New York ave m22

WANTED Good sober barber for Friday and Satinday W12 Pa ave nw ml

WANTED A stuart honest boy and elderly roanto assist in lunchroom 4S1 Pa are ml I

WANTED Driver for feed wagon boy for gro-cery store also white porter for hotel 1200

WANTED Youap wan lee office week per-manent position Call quick basement 515 12thst nw mlWANTED A man to drive and snake Miaself generally ii f i Apf4yi tri742 Oregon avenw after G oclock pau mlWANTED Five tin aufi fi galvanizediron cornice hands M B FLYNN 651 Pa avese is 4

WANTED Several good pointers at onceto M F HOBSON 1916 G st nw ml

WANTED Two firstclass picture salesmen forgiKetfcje Pennsylvania territory to work with

WANTED Local manscer collector and fouracent for Alexandria Falls Church and ViennaVa also four lady agents DINSMORE PUBCO 1 Tth st nw m222WANTED Experienced markers and sssortersELITE LAUNDRY CO iaOa G st nw ml

not over 17 to assistin mens fnmisiriB departateat Address BOX7W this eSce i 25-WANTEDStronR with bicycte white orcolored references HAYWOKTII 512 Sth st

WANTED Good barber 11 H st ne c-

WAXTED FIrstclas allround graduatetit Call at once VEHO DENTISTS 12th andPa ave e212

WANTED An experienced bookkeeper for the re-tail business references required Address Boo746 this office e l3WANTED Steady barber guarantee given 121S-

II st ae m213WANTEDHMT apply at once 321 7th st sm m lr2

WANTED Tw barbers at once 71t 7th st n

WANTED Man fr B insist be goodmilker and handy with horses and tools QUACKENBCSU DAIRY Broaklsad M3W-

AXTED Baier at once aid shop boy J MKRAUS 1882 7th At ra9 l-

WANTEDSfct castsHOE hALL BRICK CO 30th and B sts se


THE OLD HEL1A3L5 CAPITAL CITY BENEFITSOCIETY 453 LOUISIANA AVE a home institu-tion eitbotit a doubt the best sick accidentand death society in ibm District of Columbiawants firstdasa solicitors for industrial insor-ance a chance for live men to make moneyINVESTIGATE mylSrn

WANTED HORSES AND VEHICLESHASTED To exchange my npnght grandpiano that cost me last year for a goodsound horse weighing from 12W to 1KX poundsand 160 cash Address BOX 713 this other

BICTCXESWANTED Ladies old bicycles cheap for cadiAddress BOX 755 this other iaii3WANTED Bicycle for cash CO X st ne soilS

VAXTEDB O ARDWILL GIVE job printing in exchange for hoardAddress BOX 72S this office mH3-


WASTED Hljhpst cash prices paid for ladiesand gents casto clothing drop postal PH raiLB TA8SHES 1383 7th st nw mllmoWANTED Typewritten copy work

GLASS MILLER Typewriters 1S Hth-st H3223

WANTED At SINCLAIRS S La ave fBraiture show cases stock of groceries for oasisstorage SI per load m23WANTED To purchase Eastman pocket kodakparticulars and price Address BOX 758 this of-

fice mlWANTED Latest revised secondhand dictionarygive price Addresg BOX 751 this office miJ3WANTED Diamond oW gold silver dentistgold platinum teeth plates watches U Scoins liili st cash prices paid LOUIS ABRAHAMS Removed to 433 Sth st nw-

WAXTED Two safes one lassie soil one Tnallgive size and nriee Boa 745 this other el 2

for cask AddreiK BOX 73 this office m213TEAMS TEAMS TEAMS wanted to haul brickrates of haxlm fixed so that i per day can benude stable room free for 30 head of stockNEW WASHINGTON BRICK CO ArlingtonAlexandria Co V m217-

WANTED To buy a set of blacksmiths toolsAddress BOX 727 office mtl3-WANTED rait ire contests of houses boughtalso stoves store tbctwres showcases coffee millsFRIES fe HOPWOOD 6t and K aw e 8SINCREASES BUSINESS Prinifnr better andcheaper than elsewhere 1000 business cards 75cHAYS 3 I t nw nsltfr3-

WANTE1V Several kindred large 8 Adsirens NATIONAL WATCHMAN 12 Pa avemfOS-

WAXTED AH kind of Reynolds tobacco tagswill pay 35c per H0 19 and 632 D aw-

my7lmofor ladies

and gents easton clothing drop postal Illcall S KEBESKY 1305 7th st nw mS39


FOR RENT Flat unfurmsh d five rooos sec-ond floor with bath gas SIS ISIS 7th H-

taw 81223

FOR BENT Flats an excrpJonalsecure all improvements both gas hotand cold water and heater neat bricksvery cheap to desirable tenants applying at once1357 L C se J Q171NCY ElTON WashingtonLoan and Trust e2I7

FOR SALE SUnrniBAXFOR SALE Lot at Deanwood ShIll onesquare from Columbia one fare 75 cash oron monthly payments GASCH BHOS 1307

nw mltlFOR SALE Houses on easy terms E WPIERCE Vienna Va ap21lmo

nt ow ci




WtTEDRriek layers at G st






New York ave iso nil




e just gone tare DLNSMO1IE PUB CO 621-

I 7th et ow-I

WANTEDA youn moan


w 101


mew oleaainiand press

in O3


twelve good men MONIt



rates reason-able

WANTEDFw secondhand pool table cheap



WAbTEDfligheat cash prices paid


opportunity tnmodern















FOR RENT Two rooms second floor furniishedor unfurnished light housekeeping north andsouth exposure Sot E st nw c 3

FOR KENT Two rooms and basement forkeeping CIS 13th st nwFOR RENT Furnished front and b t7r sec-ond floor gentlemen 932 L st nw aSZSFOR RENT Front rooms with piano 6 and ap721 12th st nw ra2S

rOll RENT Two firstfloor fhfeneB roon foroffices 18JB Mast ave nw m 27FOR RENT Large furnished roowssloV lighthoDsekeepine 1130 Sth et nw tollSFOR RENT Two rooms communicating frontand back single or eusuite with or withoutboard one 23 two in teens G S22 Main ave

FOR RENT Two communicating rooms house jkeeping second floor 70S I it nw 51

FOR RENT Flat Soar rooms and beth thirstfloor gas range hot trater heat 15 adiKs only653 Pa ave se c21SFOR RENT Tvn large secondstory roomsTMihetl for light houSekeeping 1412 9th tavc-

2isFOR RENT Two cheerful airy rooms secondfloor next door Driscoll Hotel bath same floortriH rent together or separate 309 Itt st nw

FOR RENT Furnished three rooms feat deer I

southern cxiiosurc 925 L st nw soIlS I

FOR RIIXT Nicelyfurnished front hal roomS125 week 434 H st nw m213

FOR RENT Two newlyfurnished rooms and oneunfurnished parlor room con be wseu as bed-room 4 I st ne m21SFOR RENT Two or three unfurnished roomsbath gas light housekeeping one large fur-nished room closet 1711 13th st nw m2I3FOR RENT Two front and lack connect-ing furnished or unfurnished with gas for cook-ing 12 0 55 H st rw m213-

a0 GrIt ST N W Furnished large andcool from 2 per week up c303FOR RENT Furnished room on second Seer 7month 421 6th st nw er203FOR RENT 313 New York ave cool comfortable furnished rooms transients accommodated


FOIL RENT One large room on second floorwith four windows front room on same floornod parlor roots on first floor 401 Cth st nw

tollSFOR RENT Two pleasant rooms for two ladieswith or without board with use of parlor andpiano convenient to four lines of cars termsreasonable Address 3216 Prospect are nw eOHx-

S88 K ST N W Furnished or unfurnished roomsgood Borne table 023FOR RENT Nice rooms with board one Mockfrom Capitol 105 2d st ne c 5

FRONT ROOM and board for two 3rooms 4 1103 6th st nw

BEAUTIFUL BOOMS and firstclass board 1032M st nw m23FIRSTCLSS BOOStS with hoard prices rea-sonable 1514 13th st nw m22M

TIlE TREMONT Colt 2d AND JIB AVE NWReduced rates for summer room and board mostpleasant summer hotel in city large porches onboth sides m2214

RENT Fumislied room on first floor withhoard for two 538 1007 Kh st nw cl3-L VRJE rooms good home cooking nearCongressional Library 210 lit st ne c21S

FOB RENT FHrnJjihetlroonK c Htl i with orwithout board pleasant rooms nicely located20 E st nw niQ3FLATS FOR RENT also rooms and board40i G st nw 2 J j l3LARGE ROOMS suitable er three young menor couple with board 1012 12tfa st nw-


FOR RENT Newlypainted and paperedwith or without board everything firstsplendid location 412 Sth ft nw c20t


TEXAS OIL STOCKS judiciously bought are safeinvestments The Home Oil Company of Beau-mont offers safest proposition now on the market It controls 15000 acres of oil land in provesoil fields of eastern Texas part of its propertyonly 4500 feet from the Beattv Gusher whichsold for 1250000 Limited issue of stock isoffered at 25c per shore par value 1 PWnonassessable Capital 1000000 Actual workof development now in progress Send for prospectus investigate standing of our officers inEradstreets or Duns Rake drafts payable to WS Davidson Treasurer Pr j sni fc NatkinMiBask of Beaumont C JL ELUSWO DSecretary Beaumont Texas

THE 50 CENTS per share copper stock as pre-viously advertised for vale up to Monday lasthas been soW I now offer tide week a newblock at one dollar per share This stock is soar-ing Keep on it C A SWANN

eHSFOR SALE Cigar candy and notion store goodlocation doing good cask business object illselling out iHl ealth Call from Tff t to ISoclock a m 414 O st SZ3FOR SALE By W J DUCAN Business BrokerC17 La ave Saloon ck e to Avenue 3000saloon and completdy ferrated 1500saloon 7th st nn 5000 saloon close to city

2906 wood and coal yard feed store groceryeaBfectionery m22SFOR EXCHANGE A fine grocery store linestock and trade for house and Jot Southeastpreferred Address COX 75S this olBce niSWANTED Man to invest ndiri-Washiitgton oifice of satery and intereet in business Address BOX tSA tfcis office

m223tIll BUYS a nice little general store on thesouth side of H st ne oW stand present ownerdoing well good reasons for selling Set qaick

be sold this week O JL BRYANT WarderBuilding 9th and T e213

Foil SALE A wellpaying iuselweMn excellentlocation 340 Address BOX 737 this oilier

213FOR SALE Saloon near baseball park line bargain CAPITAL BUSINESS EXCHANGE At-

lantic Building inS3S

Poll SALE Installment businbooks 500 stock repair shop clears SW weeklyprice S10X casi Address BOX 73 this ef

m213FOR Sl CUrar stationery and confectionerystore 1002 I st nw call after 5 pm soIlSBELGIAN MARE partner wanted lave owestock Box 721 this office e20SFOR SALE Cadi register diningroom fixtureslicense 312 Sib st nw dO3FOR SALE Grocery northwest good stand ac-cept invoice lbs 725 this office rIOSFOIl SALE Cigar store clearing 100 monthlyDCNLAP 805 F st mS63FOR SALE Grocery will fine locutionDUNLAP Soil F st solOS

FOR SALK Dressmaking psrlors and roominghonor DUNLAP 00 F st w20

FOR SAIJJ Dairy lunch arid diningroom DUNLAP 906 F st mSO3

FOR SALE Coal yard cheap quickDUNLAP C08 F st m2 3

FOR SALE Coal yard cheap at oncesection Address BOX 718 this office

I CAN sell your country property for cash restdeuces farms general stores notete etc IKJ

matter where located tend description and selljag price and my wonderfully successful planW M OSTKANDER lIlt Filbert St PhHa Pa


2JISCELLANEOC3FOIL window shades address or call at 509 and511 71h t sw J SONDHEIJIER cS28SPECIALTY made of shirt waists and hats liststrimmed for lie MISS GONANS 715 Ilth at

WHITES ASHING sicily done GEORGEWALKER 2423 JI st nw e2l2

LOVES IfSS Sth nt nw c20SPRINTING CARDS tOe 1000 billbMds 1 LOOOenvelopes 125 1000 aluminum and leathercard lxs FRIEDMAN Sit 4 aC w c20F JANEH American ansi Spanish typewriterwill give lessons in panisli at any address in

ctiy 1228 New York use nw e203MATTRESSES made over OH premUes 150J FEENEY 218 4th st nw solOS

SEWING MACHINES repaired nod warranted 1machines for rent by week or month at OIIEx-HEIMERS NEW HOME AGENCJ 5H Sth t nw

RICHEST prices for gentlemen castoUgarments musical instruments guns and revolvcrs drop postaL S ATLAS 327 D gt nwJ-

OO envelopes SIC 500 Etatcmcnts 500 billheads floe all other printing equally as epmagazines bound 75c books of all boundOR the shortest notice WILLIAMS S615 7t Ji st-nw Chas W Dowdcn Manager jjjjoANY ORDINARY CLOCK cleaned SOcjewelry music boxes accordingly charged satijfaction Guaranteed send postal will call for anddeliver free to all parts of District CAPITALCLOCK REPAIRING COMPANY 1131 ILlS t nw

FULL DRESS SUITS 1 Ior hire fl JULIUSCOHEN U 7th rt nw







ROOMS 450 BOtflD








your eye 930



wholesale liquor steer

50 ebargocorporation


1000 on








SEWING MACIIINItS cleaned and Tep3irei1i



iiiiic AND BOOKUINDING500 rardseThe


















FOR RENT Two large communicatingrooms newly papered and pointed sec-

ond floor 22S 9th st se e22S-

90S F ST XW Cool room bath 4 m S

FOR KENT Three unfun isttfid rooms also threei rni hed rooms 70 Sth St nw i 8

FOR RHST Three pleasant rooms second Seeradults J127 Sih st nw M22S-

FOU RENT Two unfurnished communicatingrooms on second floor modern conveniences UCalifornia st ne near Government Printing Of-fice EK223


FOR RENT Three Hnf rnSSd rowi iand bathSecond BOOT 1919 9th st nw


FOR RENT Unfuniisheil ratire second floor Joelight housekeeping tliriaMroetos anu bath pri-vate family 6S7 JM i 6 Si I C203

FOR RENT TJiree ioor beth gas light 3-

OBabJe 1721 New Jersi

rooms secondng reasr eaO3

FOR RENT Unfurnished finr reoras soil oneextra large room cheap 0 1 s w ra203

FOR SALE HORSES AND VEHICLESFOR SALE Road outfit grey mare tight yearsold can trot in 250 kind and pleasant driverBailey Whalebone runabout harness com-plete DRAINEYS PORTLAND STABLES 5New York ave nw elFOR SrE Three large work horses hesvyenough fcc any work and two small drivers lIdI St ne C223-

COGSWELiS s tin most reliable and cheapestplace to buy Ww and secondhand hornets trapssurreys runabouts phaetons daytens and delivery wagons 209 lith st nw m227

FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Handsome bay cobhighgrade rubbertire runabout cheap COGSWELL 200 Ilth st nw m23FOR SALE One fancy bay driving snare withblack points six years oW one treed sorrel driv-ing horse five years old from Virginia Applyto ADRAIN at SULIVANS 1212 Ohio ave nw

mlFOR SALE Fine set russet pony harness alsopony pole cheap COGSWELL 209 Ilth st

FOR SALE Nice driving mare two cheap horsestrap runabout and harness Stable rear 1225 10thst nw tollSFOR SALE For want of use buy horse eightyears oW 1SOO pounds 35 also bay mareLOOO pounds seven years old 35 Rear of 511M st ne m f3FOR SALE Fiae matched pair of horses bothsix years ojd good travelers and stylish alesthree buggies 645 II st no soIlS

FOR SALE G od phaeton cheap AWALTER 1412 12th st He e213

FOR SALE Cheapr ys wheels SULIVANS 1216 Ohio ave

FOR SALE Cheap three secondhand dirtwagons Apply t 8305 ave ml3FOR SALE Trap in good order SOW ISth stnw TBl3FOR SALE Good horse saitaWe grocery ormilk wagon price 00 Apply 104 lId st nw

mullSFOR SALE Atrot in three minolta steel mixed color ladycan drive him price 150 Address 1300 H st-ne ntSl3FOR SALE A twohorse wagoaotl will hold sixinside and two with driver needs little upbolstering otherwise in good condition will sellcheap STABLE BOSS THE SPRINGMA NSEXPRESS CO South Capitol and D sts sw


FOR SALE A good muleHILL Bethesda JW

place Fc233

FOR SALE New single platform feed wagonAddress 4 K t aw c 3

FOR SALE Owe 3008 driving horse Apply pri-v e staM il n L ave ci8SFOR SALE Hotel passenger bus In pestercondition for 50 700 315 tli st nw





LOST Masonic watrh chantt Charles E Youngand Columbia Chapter rapared an borIc Finder

retain te 317 F et s and receive sofiaWe reward elLOST Maltese cat on Sunday evening fromlIE lth ct nw answers t name hadWoe ribbon with bells around neck Reward

LOST BriwJle bull pup female white feet andbreast dipped ezra and tail Return to F ADODGE ISM 7tb st and receive reward e223

LOST In Academy of Music 9th ansI D Stay21 chatelaine purse containing S50 Finderkern money and return posse to 3001 7th st nw-for more reward as purse is valued as a gift el-

LOST Monday pocketbook containing 303 andkey Reward if returned to 1111 I st ne re223

LOST Between March 1 sod C certificate forforty shares stock in Area Mineral Spring WaterCompany Fire dollars reward if returned toROBERT S HART Room 1 501 Ilth st nw-

e218LOST Saturday afternoon steel rawc roundwooden handle umbrella possibly on Pennsyl-vania Avenue 8th or 7th six nw article highlyvalued by owner Liberal reward at 713 SIns st-nw e203

LOST Friday huckster license No 317 on B stReward return to 1125 37th st nw e203

LOST Stinday rubber hansom tire reward 31thand T sts nw e205LOST Saturday evening on 7th st car a gentshunting ease gold watch with fob monogram M-

M M Liberal reward if returned to M MMERRILL SSS Plo ave nw solOS

FOUND Small female foxterricr Ug and collar831 New York ave clICE CREAM 70c gallon not Trade in a cellarbut above ground for sewer gas abounds in cel-lars ansi breeds typhoid diphtheria etc moralCont cat that kind LACEYS i pure anddelicious C07 N Y ave Phone 20SL



Application having made to the SupremeCourt of the District of Columbia hoMing aspecial term for Ornltan Court business forprobate of the last will ansi testament and forletters testamentary on said estate by The UnionTrust and Storage Company of the District ofCotanbia it is ordered this list day of May1SOJ that notice is hereby given to Albert Rowroan S M Kowman Julia 15 Castleberry JoannaBarnes Virgil Bowman Katie le n l Bertha1 Boner and to all others concerned to appearin said court on MONDAY TUB 24TH lAY OFJUNE A D 1901 at 10 OCLOCK A M toshow cause why such application should not l egranted This notke shall be published in the

Washington Law Reporter ami The WashiTijton Times once in each of three successive wee ssbefore the return day therein mentioned thefirst publication to lie not less than thirty slaysbefore said return day

By the court T ANDERSON JusticeAttest LOUIS A DENTlJegister of Wills

HAMILTON A COLBKRTiAttorneys for Applicant



On motion of tht complaiiwnt by Edward IGins her solicitor it day of SlayA D 1 KM ordered that the CharlesE Jones canoe lilt app Brawce to be enteredherein on or before the first rule day occurringforty after this da otherwise the causewill be proceeded with a in case of default

The object of this suit is to obtain an abso

order to be publkdicd once week for threesuLcesstve weeks priw tT AH rule Jay in the

Vahix toH Law The Washington Times

seal A B 7IAGXEIJ A swuite JusticeA true copjTc

J It YOlNfJ ClerkBy JI A CLANCY Asist nt Clerk



FOR RENTTwo lmhwniobed 1000w With gasSuiiiuier rates lOll 20th st ow


yOst 1UUiTtecelv 5 aec-oor 630 I st ow nih

bha-ecmiui lioor to wduItslSlS4l WA5t nw-




ow mItS


several wagons buggies yerlot



fine drivfegberse leer yeare old

work any



myll 93










lute divorce upon the grMitsl of desertion Thuti

Reporter and
















Ron Estate Brolfcr nod Auctioneer917 F Street n W

FOR SALE NORTHWEST917 Sth st f h 6r lot 19x100 ft 3003

4 II b h Ur bath a m i 571116 lOs h lOr and bath a n i 4500Il 9 to HIS Sfith fcr bath and a m i each S009

Sib f h 5r lot 15x 9 ft io alley 2SOi2253 b Mi 7r lot 30x112 ft 200rt2122 P f h rented for 3 per month lSi1387 otfc et f h 5r lot 124x30 ft 17W

SOUTHWEST41S 10th b h r and back S27 0342 and Sl J f is 5r each stable both 2 J

NORTHEAST117 C b h or feja a m j 35fl05-I b h r a HI i 4500

J ye Sr and h Ut a m i 38303 FVanklin b hall water 19 j

7i7iCtkstfhfc lot SSS I7W55 O i a 9r and bath lot 25x150 1400

SOUTHEAST113 B st t h Mr bath awl a IB I 100W203 A 1 h Ur bath and a m i 8500Intersection of Va ave and I 5574 so ft

with rented for Si2 perMonth 5030-

S10 N C ave b h r bath a m i 5 K30

233 E b a 6r and a n I 20L f h 6r lot 25x65 ft 1 VX

1112 K f h 5r lot 2teM ft 15K1131 N J are b h 4r 1500

FOR RENTNc 1021 H 4r 15 00Ne 1153 O large lot 9r and bath 10Ne 70 6r S 00

e iO Brewers Court 4r 8 00Ne 1113 Q 600Se 1011 E Capitol 6r 15 59Se 1254 Ilth or 12 ffiSe 1252 Ilth 7r 1 50Se lIe 12 O-

Se 1101 9th 7rSe 819 Ga ave 6r 3 30-Se 1343 C 4r SCOSe 11 Anacostia 4r 7Se Iii S C ave 4r 7 00

Apply at Officj for Weekly Bulletin



St Paul June 19 10 am i St LonisJnly 1710 arnBED STAR LIE

NEW YORK ANTWERP PABIS-KensgtonJIay 29 noon SouthwkJune 19 noon

5 noon Vaderrd June 26 noonFrieslandJune 12 noon KensingtonJuly 3 noon

New twinscrew steamers raIling at CherbonrgINTERNATIONAL NAVIGATION COMPANY

Piers 14 and 15 N RNew York Office 73 Boadny



AS A HOME or investment sevenroom ansI bathbrick front anti rear yard located in heart ofthe city convenient to all car lines price

100 J D W D SULLIVAN 707 13th at

FOR SALE Stop paying rent WO each and 35per mouth both interest and principal303 Ky ave close to Lincoln modern newtwostory brick ready to snore into only 3030lot 17 feet front and suns through to B StAct quick O M BRYANT Warder Betiding flthand F Sit ra22S-

SDBURBAX PROPERTYFOR RENT Q SALE In and about Hyattsrilleseveral beautiful homes with lots and smallacreage suitable fcr chicken runs price moderateand terms ROUSES ROGERS Hyattirule m23


FOR SALE Boys bicycle riding order S 1421chopin stFort SALE Gents nickelplated Liberty wheelin good condition price 003 Brewers courtbetween 6th and 7th G and II ala ne mlFOR SALE Ladys wheel almost new S12coaster brake will teach beginner AddressBOX 736 this other m213FOR SALE Cents bicycle also ladys finecondition 7 each Address BOX 717 this of-

fice r 208BICYCLES TIRES ansi sundries them outat greatly reduced prices investigate LBOFISH 717 Oi L me ravlSlao-

COITNTRY BOARDWANTED One to four summer boarders in coontry sparioos rooms electric tars pass the doort n minutes ride to Aqueduct Bridge tare andboard reasonable sear Fort Jlyer ArlingtonCemetery Call or address I B COX ArlingtonVlezander county Va e22S

TiLE WASHINGTON COLLEGE formerly Eckla ton lintel 3d and F ate ne to sum-mer boarders Jsne I rooms may cow be selected


SUBURBAN BOARDTWO YOUNG MEN or married couple can have awellftirnished s idstory front room withboard MRS LOUIS SCHNEIDER Tenleytownrood near Georgetown and Tenleytown power-house ml

FOR SALE 2IISCELLA7fEOn9FOR SALE Large ke box or chest cheap suitedfor grocer or dairyman 924 9th st nw ro22 3FOR SALE Nearly new S12 cooking 7motor tricycle cheap SH3 New York ave rn223FOR SALE Sewii machines 5 7 10 and S15attachments and live yeare guarantee at FUNKS3S1 C st se e21S

FOR SALE Cheap one carpet one wardrobe onesideboard Call between 9 and 11 a m at 2411Pa ave nw e213FOR SALE Diamond cost 63 win sell for350 cash Box 743 this office eSl3

Foil SALE Cheap complete baking outfit alsoAowease candy and jars a bargain 1S16 5thst nw m213

the Ideal Rabnitry no telephones cjerkstypewriters or agents to pry E L BARCLAYProprietor 12 lIst stnw member SouthernBelgian Hare Association XL L BARCLAY JRManager c206FOR SALECots some slightly used also 250cot mattresses cheap special price in lotsPItIES 1IOPWOOD Sth and K nw C20S

FOR SALE Two coffee wr s good as new FRIESk IIOPWOOD Sth soil K nw rIOSFOR SALE OW bricks and lumber at 1305 B stsw c303FOR SALE Ice box suitable for meat store or

titlEs k HOIMVOOD Sib and K nw-cSOS

FOR SALE Folding beds slightly used FRIESk HOPWOOD Sth and K nw c2C3

BAD BILLS collected or no charge U D COR-DON Lawyer 615 litli st nw m20C

FOR SALE Mans 24in Remington bicycle inbest condition 12 ladies elegant nickel trim-med Remington bicycle 29 as good as new F-

G SJHTH 1225 Pa ave mylStf21 bottles deliv-

ered in unlettered wagons FIbS RBEAVERS I7 4 st sw Phone 1551 my5lmoFOR SALE One curly maple antique bed tcheap to quick purchaser 2216 Prospect arc nw

e9tfFOR SALE 250 for gocarts KEDJIOND 3Hill 7th st storage etc eRtfFOR SALE goods silks mens and boysclothing ladies suits skirts waists mattingedfurnishinp5 etc weekly paymsnts Drop pos-tal I call JOSEPH CAllS S37 Pa ave nw

FOR SALE Slosp yacht Eleanora will sellcheap to a quick purchaser yacht anti all equipments in good condition lAS A

t SON 1312 F st nw mUttFOR SALE Fresh lawn grass flower garden cadbird tools also flowering bulbs of all kindsfancy poultry esgs for SCHMIDTSBIRD STORE 712 lith st nw e5tlFOR SALE Good quality jtintless matting 12Vi-cjard floor c cloth lIe 4Sc squareyard reduced prices on all stair aolcarpets ELEEBLATTS Ilth and II tts se-

mhlFOR S A 2 Good quality opaque Ebades fitted toyour windows only lie the best quality oilopaque shades 50 cents hung free will callwith samples ELEEBLATTS tills and II sts-ae

FOIl SiiE for hatr roattess in two partslounges 2o stoves and reirigeratorjparlor and ledoom suites 1 per week willsnore anti store your Roods cash or credit REDMOND Ill and 313 7th st nw

Pianos SI WeeklyClearing sale of rquire pianos and organs at

j AT own rjnes Mat have tli room Goodttstmments 33 low as i3 on SI weekly payments

cl4tf F G SMITH 1 5 Pa aye






Suit bathIrk


Hot 9thso



St PauLAlay 29 10 am St LooiiJtmoSO 10amSI 5 10 am St PauLJuly 10 10 nm










TIlE CIIEAPFSE place to buy Belgian hares IsrentS


LOOKOne box of lager beertIc

eL lmo

mod batching

















Washingfton Alexandriaen a-

Mount Vernon RailwayFrom Station Pennsylvania Ave and 2 St

In effect May 1 190LFor Aleiaitdria Week days 630 7rf J Jfl-

EOO 8 9 S e 925 1003 11 50 1130 a s

3 0 8J 3415 4c3S 4 4 503 x3rt t40603 6 t 7 7 0 S X S45 830 u JO-H59 p ra Sundays 745 8 0 45 10d li 31130 a m 12HX noon 1 0 J K 1 9 22JO 3OJ 330 4OO 4SO SrfX ISO 670 7SO SK 845 930 1015 U n 8p m

For Meant Temon Week days 630 S X 30031100 a m i2 B xl S 200 S02 8 9 3-XJJ5 x523 703 9 M p m Sundays 803 s alISa noon 200 400 700 S30 p in

For Arlington and Aqueduct Bridge Week slays630 704 730 8rfO 829 8 9 935 MHXJ 110a ra 1205 12 O 12ifi I S 1 5 SH230 302 3JO 3 9 4 5 3 608-

CSO 709 80 p m Sunday 745 9 0 9451030 1100 Ml30 720 noon 12 100130 23 230 300 SSO 40 4 0 50550 600 SSO 70 730 SO p mParcels carried Baggage checked

To Arlington onlyJ COMTN G E ABBOT

Superintendent President

Seaboard Air Line HaitejFlorida and West India Short Line

Leave Washington Prom R K Station

835 A W FLA AND ATLANTA FASTDAILY JIAIL Through Pullman Sleepers

to Jacksonville comectlnc atHamlet with Pullman Sleeper to Atlanta655 P W FLA AND METROPOLITAN

D A I LY UJirrED ThrooKh Pullman Sleep-ers tc Jacksonville and Atlanta

These trains offer excellent schedules and serviceto Petersburg Raleigh Southern Pines Pine

Camde1 Columbia Savannah Jackson

Atlanta Orleans Chattanooga Nashvillepoints West and Soathwp-st43O A KI LOCAL Ta Petersburg Raleigh

DAILY SoTrthem Pines Pinehurst Ham-let and intermediate

OSes tiM N T aye and Retina R R OfficesK E L BUNCH W H DOLL

General Pats Acent General Agent


AT3fforfoli WashingtonSteamboat Go

Every day In tUs year for Norfolk N oliars Nora and all points South by the

Newport News and Washinjrton xia the followIng schedule

Lv WashinstonlL30 pa LY Portsmouth500 pm-Lr Aleiandria700 LT Norfolk 6JX pm

Ft JfonrpeJOOam I LT Ft JIonroe703 piaAr Norfolk 800am Ar AIexandrU620 amAr ParUBhoutlua15 am Ar Wadiinston7W sm-

Tlcktta u at 17 Penn aye B and-O ticket office hiP Penn are and corner13th st sod N Y are C O ticket offlees at 513 Penn ave Slid 609 Uth stS A L ticket office 1434 N Y are andon board steamers

aSTFor further Information apply st yenoffices 7th t wharf D CT

Phone 760-


WASHINGTON D C POSTOFFICE NOTICEShould be read daily as chanres may occsr at

any timeFOREIGN MAILS are forwarded to the of

toiling daily and the schedule of closings is ar-ranged on the presumption of tfacir uninterruptedoverland transit For the week ending Jlay 25the last concreting closes wiU tts made froin thisoffice as follows

TransAtlantic MallsWEDNESDAY b At 715 p m for EUROPE

per s s Aug Victoria from NcrfYork Plymouth and Hamburg Mail for FRANCESWITZERLAND ITALY SPAIN PORTUGALTURKEY EGYPT GREECE BRITISH INDLVand LORENZO MARQUEE via Cherbourg mustbe directed Per s Aug VictorIa

c At 915 p m for FRANCE SWITZERLANDITALY SPAIN PORTUGAL TURKEY EGYPTGREECE BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO lIARQUEZ per s s LAiruitainc loom New York viiHavre Mail for other parts of EUROPE roustbe directed Per K s LAqaitalne

FRIDAY c At 915 p m for FRANCESWITZERLAND ITALY SPAIN PORTUGALTURKEY EGYPT GREECE BRITISH INDIAand LORENZO MARQUEZ per s La Gaseogaefrom New York via Havre Mail for other portsof EUROPE Toast be directed Per s a Ls-

Gascognec At 11 5 p m for EUROPE per S a

Umbria from New York via Oueen townc At 1105 p m for NETHERLANDS direct

per s s Amsterdam front New York Mail mustbe directed Per s s Amsterdam

c At 1105 p m for SCOTLAND direct pers a Astoria front New York Mail must vs dlreeled Per s s Astoria

Hails for South and Central JLmcrice InOic Etc

WEDNESDAYrte At 11 p m for BERMU-DA per s s Pretoria from New York

c At 1105 p m for INVGUA and HAITIper s s Lauenburjr from New York

c At 1105 p m for BARBADOS and NORTH-ERN BRAZIL per s s Granjense from NewYork

from New York Stall for CURACAO VENEZUE-LA TRINIDAD BRITISH and DUTCH GUIANAmust be directed Per s s Jeanne

c At 1195 p m for NASSAU N P andPROVINCE OF SANTIAGO CUBA per sSaratoga from New York

THURSDAY k At 1200 in for JAMAICAper s s Admiral Sampson from Boston

c At ll S p m for MEXICO per s sMatanzas from New York via Tampico Mallmust tc directed Per a s JIatanzas

FRIDAY c At 1105 p ra for PORTO RICOper s s San Juan from New York via SanJuan

c At 1103 p m for CURACAO and VENE-ZUELA per s s DasRiy from New York viaCuracao Mail for 5A VANILLA and CARTHAGENA must be directed Per s s Daggry-

c At 1105 p m for LEEWARD and WIND-WARD ISLANDS and DEMERARA per s-

Fontabclle front New York Mail for BARBADOSmust be directed Per s s Fontabclle-

rc At 1105 p m Isle BARBADOS direct pers s Bellaggio from New York

c At 1105 p m for BRAZIL per s sBritish Prince from New York Rail for NORTH-ERN BRAZIL ARGENTINE REPUBLIC URU-GUAY and PARAGUAY must be directed Pers s British Prince

c At 11 05 p m for FORTUNE ISLAND JA-JIAICA SAYANILLA CARTHACENA andCREYTOWN per s s Alene irons New YorkJUH test COSTA RICA must be directed Per s-

s Alencc At 1105 p m for ARGENTINE REPUBLIC

URUGUAY and PARAGUAY per s a KaffirPrince from New York

Mails for NEWFOUNDLAND by rail to NorthSydney and thence via steamer close here dailyexcept Sunday at 1200 m and on Sundays onlyat 1130 a in d n-

ilaiU for MIQUELON by rail to Boston andthence via steamer close here daily at S15

dCUBA JLVILS close here via Port Tampa Fl-

Jlendays Wednesdays anti Saturdays at idfl pm and via Miami Via Thursdajs and

at 10 5 a m fMails for MEXICO ircerland unless specially

addressed for despatch by steamers sailing frontNew York close here daily at 1025 a m and1 p ra

Mails for BELIZE PUERTO CORTEZ andGUATEMALA by rail to New Orleans anti thencevia steamer close here daily at 1000 p m theconnecting for which being Mondays

Fails for Costa Rica by rail to New Orleansand thence via steamer close here daily at 1003p m the connecting closes for which bitingTuesdays

TrnnslnciliC MallsMails for AUSTRALIA except West Australia

whici is forwarded ria Europe NEW ZEALANDFIJI SAMOA arid HAW AH via San Francjscwclose hare daily at B p m up to Slay 25 incluave for despatdt per s s Mariposa o

for AUSTRALIA except West Australiawhich goes via Europe and New Zealand whichgoes via Francisco and FIJI ISLANDS viaVancouver close here daily at 30 p m up toSlay 25 inductee for despatch per s s Warrisotto Stall tonal be directed Via Vancou-ver o

Mails for CHINA arid JAPAN Seattle olosjhere daily at 638 p m p to May 23 iwilosive

snail must be directed oMaths for CHINA JAPAN HAWAII and PHIL-

IPPINE ISLANDS via San Francisco heredaily at 630 p m np to lime 1 inclusive fordcspatrti per s s Peking o

Mails for HAWAII via San Francisco close heredaily st 6 p m up to June 3 for despatchpr s s Zealand

Maih los COCHIN CHINA are forwarded toNew York for connection with European steamers

PHILIPPINE ISLANDS Military Mail de-spatched to Sun Francisco at alt closes for thatoilier to connect with Government Transportsthe s K ps of which are irregular

same sissyc Resistered maths close at p ra some dayi 1 i at s a m some

at 1 p nu previousSaturday

t Itegiitered mails cloc at 1 p nr previouslay

li Registered mails close at 12 p m previonsSaturday

t Ipgistcred mails close at S p TO previous

ayio Registered snails close at 0 p m previousuay JOHN A JIERRITT Pdstniaiter

oU05 LImb 1245 xlO2 125 200 It11 xOllOll



vOle and nil Florida paints charsotte AthenaNew

superb pOwerful eel palace 62OiIflt3Norfolk



era Washington






c At 11515 p in for HAITI pee s s Jeatcrse











for tkspateht a Isizumi Main RngiaterajVia Vancouver



Is maiLs close at I p is5

close daye itegiotered maths close







> ¬









and Dining Oars HarrMmrc to PHtsbars10 0 A X DAILY NNSVLVANIA LIMITED

eervatioB Cars to Chi Clucia-aaa ladiampotii St Louis Cleveland andToledo Buffet Parlor Car to IferrisUtrg

10 0 A M DAILY FAST LINE PoMmau BuffetParlor Car to Harrisbug Baffet Parlor Caz-E rria re to


Louie and Waahfagton to Toiedo SleepIngand DiniRz Clara Harrisborg to Indfonapotft St15 P if DAILY ST LOUIS EXPRESS Pollman Sleeping Car to St Louis

Tt P V DAILY WESTERN EXPRESS Pallman Sleeping Car to Pittabarg and Ctocsfo

715 P M DAILY CLEVELAND AND CINCIN-NATI EXPRESS Tollman Sleeping CarsIngton to Pitteborg and toland and via Ctacinaati and Louismills Dining Car

1040 P K DAILY PACIFIC EXPRESS Pull-man Sleeping Car to Pittebw

750 A 11 DAILY BUFFALO DAY EXPRESSwith through Parlor Car Dining Car and

Niagara daily except Sunday1050 A 1L for and Renoro dally except


With through BaUet Sleeping Car and COacheSto Buffalo via Junction

P M DAILY lot Erie for Boehester Buffaloand except Saturday withSleeping Gas Washington to Rochester

1040 P 3L for Erie Canandaicuo RoefeesterBuffalo and Nissan FaflJ daily PullmanSleePing Lilac Washington to Rochester Satur

only00 P M CONGRESSIONAI LIMITED dailyfor yes York alj Parlor Cars with DSnicsCar from Baltimore

For Pilnaelpliln New York nail theEnat-

Eiprcs 7 Dining Car 757 815 9 30

10 00 Dining Car and 1100 Dining Car fromA U 1245 315 460 Dining

Car from Baltimore 6 0 lOrGO cod 11 0 PM On Sundays 700 Dining Car 757 815800 1100 Dieting Car front Wilmington A

4JL 1215 315 450 Diiing Car from Baltimoore 6 0 IOOT and 3150 P iL ForPhiladelphia only Express 745 A M 2213P if week days 201 410 and 544 P 1Ldaily

For Boston without 715 JL L week-days sod 450 P 3L daily

For Baltimore 020 700 7i5 750 7 7 515-S 10 30 1050 110 A 1L 1215 1245 122 1 515 330 4CO Limited 4W 4 34 1 450 540 15 CSO 7il5 iriS 1000-lOriO 11 3 and U50 P 31 On Sundays 77 0 757 815 S X 9 3 1050 1100 A JL1215 115 2 1 3il5 330 4 0 Limited 410420 4 0 5iO 615 6 0 715 745 lOrfXJ1040 1150 P iLweekdays Sundays 905 A II i

For Annapolis 7 0 000 A JL 12tlVnds WP IT weekdays Sunday 800 atAiwl540 P

Express for Florida sod points on Atlantic CoastLine 430 A JL 312 P iL daily

Express for Florida and points on Seaboard AirLine 835 A 3L daily Florida and

Limited 555 I iL dailyExpress for only 1141 A JL week-

days 500 P JL dailyAccommodation for Quantico 748 A H daily

and 4 5 P JL weekdaysSeashore Connections

For Atlantic City via Delaware Diver Bridge allrail route 1245 P JL weetdajssPullman Buffet Parlor Car 315 400 Con-gressional Limited and 1U50 P iL dailyVia Market Street Wharf 101 and 11W A JL1245 P SI weekdays 1153 P Jt daily

For Cape l cy 21rfX A iL week days 1150P JL daDyTicket cfficcs corner Fifteenth and G Streets

and st the station Sixth Streets whererulers can be left for the checking of baggageto destination from hotels and residences

Telephone call 1111 for Pennsylvania Rail-road Cal ServiceJ B HUTCHINSON J R WOOD

Ceserel ilaiMwrer C


Schedule in effect May 19 189LLeave Washington New Jersey Ave tad C St

Chicago and Northwest JO5O a ra 5 5 pmCincinnati St Louis and Indianapolis 1803-

a ra 345 p ro 1W nightPittAorg and Cleveland lft5 a m S O p-

ra and 109 nightColumbus and Wlieeling Srf3 p nv-Wiachestw tS a IB 3 and HS p m-

Larav i 3i5 p ra rAnnapolis S fJS a a m tflSjlS4 5 and 4 30 p raFrederick 3 5 900 fil Va ra I15-

Irt O 530 pHagerstown tiW lo a IB and fo O p rolloyd and way points S35 rf J a m 115I-

J4 O 5M 7 5 p mGaithersbunc sad way points a35 0t1u-

jjliae 115 siala irJ e 5 0 Jfe-

7OS 1 15 ll p mWashington Junction and way points RS359 a m 1J5 i43 5Jft pBaltimore week days 3i 5 5K 639 sTrfB-

n 35 p m Sundays xlcJo s7 5 i715 SJ8s-9HX a n 3d2l xIW 115 xS O x33ft 4 3-

i505 x5B 6 0 xSM ilO0 3ai sll35-P m

noYA1 BLUE LINEAH trains iHominated with PHSOBBaltimore Philadelphia New York BostJSi and

the East 35 75 Diner 3O B t900 Diner 1O a i 1 W

Diner 1M Diner 3 5 Royal Limitedtimer 4rf Buffet 5rf 5 Diner S09 and1130 p m Sleeping car open at 00 ecJeck

Parlor ca on all day trainsAtlantic City a m IlSSfl noon andISO and iS0 p m

Daily Sunday Sunday onlyx Express trains

residences by Union Transfer Co on orders leftat ticket offices 819 Pennsylvania avenue

New and Fifteenth Street antsat depot Telephone ticket offices for B O

Electric Artoraobile CabsJ B JIARTIN Jf P s Traffic

Southern RailwaySchedule In effect Slay 13 IDOL

S0i a m Daily Local for HarrisonbuiEfor Charlotte and way stations

1115 a m Daily U a Fast Stall Sleepingcars to New Orleans Columbis Savannah andJacksonville uniting at Salisbury with steeper forAsheville Chattanooga and Memphis and atDanville with sleeper for and atCharlotte with deeper for Aa ust Solid trainWashington to New Oritans Dining ear Service

1137 a m Daily Local for CharlottesvilletCl p m Week Days Local for Frost Royal

Strasburg and Harrisosburc438 p m Daily Local for Charlottesville3 5 p m Daily IT V t Express Limp

ic cars to Augusta with connections for Alkeaand Charleston and to Savannah Jacksonvilleand Port Tampa Through coaches to Jackson-ville and Atlanta at DanviDe with Pullnan sleepers from Richmond and Norfolk forCharlotte Tourist sleeper Washington to SacFrancisco Mondays Wednesdays and FridaysDining Car Service

1801 p m DOIlY Chattanooga

eke Knoxville Chattanooga Memphis and NewOrleans Through coach to Dining cayservice

1043 p Jn Daily Washington and Southwestcm Limited Sleeping cars to Asheville Knoxvilla Chattanooga and Nashville and to AtlantaMacon airmiaghaa Memphis Montgomery Jebile and New Orleans Dining car service

TRAINS ON BLUEJIONT BRANCHLeave Washington Sd a m lr p av 4K

p m and 449 p m weefc days ansi 9L aand 625 p nu Sundays only for Bttteraeat6 5 p m we days for Leeaborp

Returning arrive Waslircgton St a and8CO p ra daily a d SS4 u m and 445 p raweek days front Bhwcsont tad 657 a ja weekdays from Leesbwrg

Through trains from tae South arrive WasatuKtoss 6t2 an 65Z am 7 5 aand S30 PM daily Front UarrisojAtirs 11 7-

an week days and 4 pm daily Prose Charlottcsville S2S aju said 9 pau dally

and other Information furnished and baggage called for andchecked front hotels and residences by UnionTransfer Co an orders left at Ticket Office TBS

hut St NW Ill Frosts Ave NW and atPenna Station

Phone Ull for P R R Cab ServiceFRANK CANNON 3d V P and Gen Mgr

IL HARDW1CE General Pasgr AgentIt S CROWN General Agent


Intended Steamship Sailings Irons VancouverJAPAN CHINA AND PHILIPPINE ISLANDS


JIOANA May 31 JUOWEIUY J j 23For rates apply 1222 Penn Avenue


130 Nassau Street Stems YorkAsiA tiiT E Street Washington

FuRman ee Dining finiolsing knd Oh


Louis Louisville via Cincinnati and Cblosco


Car to Chicago


Coaches to Buffalo sia Rinpesium Junetfon7050 A SI for Kane Roehester and






andFor Ppes Ck Line 145 A it andfSi it 5




and B

Pasesseni Aceo




xT15 xSB 591 x9510 xlOOSana xhSh0 in3215 xihO x300 xI51O xthO 4th x893-xIJO aSSO x620 6iO x0l x0510 ll51O



Bagse eslled for and checked from hotels and

north-west York

Trains leave irons Pennsylvania Stationsod


Washington andLimited Via Lynchburg Sleeping care t Roan



daily tii pm

Tickets a2erpmmg car reservations








< ¬




