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<Insert Picture Here> The Enterprise class SOA Program: The Enterprise-class SOA Program: Case Study and Best Practices JW Hong, YC Lee, Oracle Technology Consulting

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Page 1: The EnterpriseThe Enterprise-class SOA Program:class SOA ... · •SOA의가시적인효과를위한Target 영역도출 • 전사적 서비스 Engineering Framework (ESEF)Engineering

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The Enterprise class SOA Program:The Enterprise-class SOA Program:Case Study and Best Practices

JW Hong, YC Lee, Oracle Technology Consulting

Page 2: The EnterpriseThe Enterprise-class SOA Program:class SOA ... · •SOA의가시적인효과를위한Target 영역도출 • 전사적 서비스 Engineering Framework (ESEF)Engineering

Presentation Agenda

<I t Pi t H ><Insert Picture Here>

• Overview• ESEF• Reference Architecture• Infrastructure practices

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SOA 를위한 Base 구축

• SOA 를위한표준구축

• SOA 를위한기본가이드구축

• SOA 실사례구축을통한 Enterprise-wide 확산

• SOA의중요성및당위성에대한 consensus확보

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• SOA에대한표준을구축서비스및 에대한 및가이 축• 서비스및 Architecture 에대한 Base 및가이드구축

• 서비스도출을위한기본적인접근방법수행및경험SOA구축을위한사내공감대형성을위한방법• SOA 구축을위한사내공감대형성을위한방법

• SOA의가시적인효과를위한 Target 영역도출• 전사적서비스 Engineering Framework (ESEF)및• 전사적서비스 Engineering Framework (ESEF) 및

Reference Architecture 를구축• ESEF 및 RA를기반으로 SOA 구축모델을위한S 및 를기반 SO 구축 델을위한

Reference 시스템구축

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전사적 SOA 도입토대마련


요구사항 수집 부터 서비스 식별 까지

기존 서비스 재사용 여부 식별

서비스 우선순위 도출 전사 SOA도입에

Best Practices 구축

도입에영향력이 큰


ESEF와 Reference

Architecture 를 기반으로 한

선도 SOA 구축

전사 SOA 확산을 위한 Best

SOA 확산을위한

Best Practices 구축

전사적 SOA 구축 토대 마련전사적 SOA 구축 토대 마련

Practice로 활용

SOA Standards

전사 Reference Architecture

Reference Architecture

표준 기반의SOA 구축 환경


SOA 도입 Roadmap 구축SOA 구축 환경도입

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Presentation Agenda

<I t Pi t H ><Insert Picture Here>

• Overview• ESEF• Reference Architecture• Infrastructure practices

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ESEF• ESEF is a methodology for delivering SOA projects and services• ESEF introduces the discipline required to effectively deliveryESEF introduces the discipline required to effectively delivery

projects and services within a SOA

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• Service Identification요구사항수집및관리• 요구사항수집및관리

• 서비스도출• 서비스정의

S i D i• Service Design• 서비스디자인가이드라인• 스키마설계가이드라인인터페이스설계가이드라인• 인터페이스설계가이드라인

• 서비스 Layer 가이드라인

• Service Implementation• 서비스 Technical 디자인• 서비스작성및테스트

• Service Deployment & ManagementService Deployment & Management• 서비스배포• 서비스관리및모니터링• 서비스 Retirement

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Service Identification


서비스도출 서비스정의




•서비스계약서작성• IT 적요구사항고려시참고사항


•서비스 Granularity•서비스Autonomy•서비스분류체계서비스재사용성





•기존서비스목록•기존서비스의변경•기존서비스의평가항목서비스 Scoring



서비스 Scoring •도출된서비스의우선순위


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Service Scoring

Service candidates scoring matrixService candidates scoring matrix

Service Roadmap

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Service Design


• 서비스도출가이드라인서비스 G l it• 서비스 Granularity

• 서비스 Autonomy

• 스키마설계가이드라인• 스키마작성고려사항• 스키마작성기술적가이드

• 인터페이스설계가이드라인터페이 설계가이 라• 인터페이스고려사항• 인터페이스포함내용

• Service Layer Architecture• Service Layer Architecture• 각서비스 Layer 의정의• 분류화고려사항

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Service Implementation


요구사항수집및관리서비스설계 서비스구현 서비스테스트

•서비스인터페이스설계 •기술설계 •서비스테스트•프로그램개발•테스트케이스개발





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Service Deployment & Management






Service Deployment Change Management Service Retirement

p y g

p y• Service Scope• QoS Requirement• Security• Service Enablement

g g• Update of Service• Versioning• Minimize Influence to

Existing consumers

• Service retirement planning

• Service consumers to be notified


Runtime Monitoring• Dependency tracking and

impact analysis

• Service never be retired

impact analysis

Consumption of Services• Discover the service• Consumption of service• Consumption of service

has to be approved• Dependency information

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Presentation Agenda

<I t Pi t H ><Insert Picture Here>

• Overview• ESEF• Reference Architecture• Infrastructure practices

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Reference Architecture 구성

• SOA Standards현 IT표준현황• 현 IT 표준현황

• SOA 표준선정원칙• SOA 표준정의

I f t t A hit t• Infrastructure Architecture• SOA Infrastructure• Functions of Service Layers

• Architecture Patterns• Types of Architecture Pattern• Service consumer Interaction Patterns• Service Implementation Patterns

• Service Layer ArchitectureSecurity Standards• Security Standards

• Authentication, Authorization, Confidentiality, Integrity, Audit

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SOA Standards

현황분석 / 평가

SOA 표준초안개발

피드백수렴 SOA 표준개정평가 개발

•현황분석의범위 • SOA 표준선정기 정의

• SOA 프로젝트로 •이슈/문제검토정의

• SOA 표준카테고리정의






• SOA 표준개정 / 보완


• SOA 표준을위한

• SOA 표준개발

• SOA 표준공유세션마련



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Infrastructure Architecture SOA I f t t- SOA Infrastructure

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Infrastructure Architecture F ti f S i L- Functions of Service Layers

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Infrastructure ArchitectureSOA Platform

Service Bus

S i R ti Message Message Project B

Project A

Service Routing gTransformation


Backend IntegrationSecond Quarter Third Quarter Fourth Quarter Next YearFirst quarter

Project C

Project D

Service Management

Application Adapter

Usage/State MonitoringService Repository

Service Management

Service Bus

• Versioning based routing functionality

Service Registry


Exception Management Second Quarter Third Quarter Fourth Quarter Next YearFirst quarter

Service Managementrouting functionality

Service Register Service Taxonomy Service Discovery

Service Lifecycle Mgt Versioning Project F

Service D

Service A

Service C

Service b

Service E

: Existing Capability: Partially existing

Capability: To-Be acquired

Second Quarter Third Quarter Fourth Quarter Next YearFirst quarter

Service E

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Architecture Patterns

End Service Consumer

Portal Applications BusinessProcesses



‘Service consumer interaction Pattern’

Service Bus

Service Adapter/Connector

WebT MQ Adapter JMS MQ

‘S i i l i P ’

MQ WebT Packageprotocol JMS MQ WS JDBCWS WS

‘Service implementation Pattern’

Service Provider (Existing Systems)

Tmax CustomApplications

PackagedApplications J2EE .Net Database

© 2008 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential 20 SOA Methodology Workshop Rev 3.0

( g y )

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Service Implementation PatternService Bus

I-1 I-2 I-3 I-5 I-6 I-7I-4

Service Adapter/Connector



Adapter JDBC




WebT JMS MQAdapter



Tmaxprotocol WS JMS MQ JDBC



Service Provider (Existing Application)

Tmax C/S J2EE .Net DatabasePackagedApplications

Custom ApplicationsService Provider (Existing Application) Custom Applications

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Service Layer Architecture



Biz Processe Layer

Infra Services

Presentation Service Layer

• Require different skill and role for

Reasons for Service Layering

Biz Service Layer

Task services

Require different skill and role for different layer

• Communication tool between business and IT (business service

Information services


• Different design guidelines to different layer

Access Service Layer

• Contain the change impact

Existing applications / systems



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Security Standards


SOA 보안가이드초안작성


SOA 보안가이드개정가이드라인파악 초안작성 의한검토 개정

•현황파악의범위 • SOA 보안가이드의적용범위정의

•이해관련자들에게 •이슈/문제검토정의







• SOA 보안가이드개정



• SOA 보안가이드작성•이해관계자인터뷰 작성

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Security Guideline types

Internal Users Partner/ other Group SOA보안가이드라인타입


Internal Users


Partner/ other Group Users

SOA 보안가이드라인타입

G SOA 보안을위한일반가이드라인

End users


Applications Application


End Service Consumers

ServiceAService AG

SOA security guideline

B 타그룹조직으로부터의접근또는회사그룹외부의파트너로부터의접근Services


ExistingA li ti

C DcoverageC 기존데이터베이스에접근하는서비스

Existing DB/Apps


DB Application D 기존어플리케이션에접근하는서비스


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Security Guideline types

Required : Required for the given scenario. Refer to the previous pages for details.

Recommended : Not strictly required for the scenario. But it is recommended. The final decision is up to the service architect. Refer to the previous pages for details.

Optional : Not required at all. The decision is up to the service architect.

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Presentation Agenda

<I t Pi t H ><Insert Picture Here>

• Overview• ESEF• Reference Architecture• Infrastructure practices

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Project background• Phase I - SOA Entry Point

CIO and Architecture Team members ha e er strong moti ation for SOA




Business-LedProjectshave very strong motivation for SOA.

LOB IT project members haven’t SOA and Web Services knowledge.


ss S


ors Projects

CIO and Architecture Team want to prove importance of SOA against LOB IT project members.






• Phase II - SOA Entry PointArchitecture Team has a roadmap of

Low HighSOA Complexity

Architecture Team has a roadmap of SOA and made Reference Architecture and ESEF foundation thru phase I.They want to extend SOA to enterprise-They want to extend SOA to enterprisewide.

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Project Schedule - Phase I

• Phase I Project was performed by two part – SOA Governance Consulting for establishing SOA Guide and Roadmap, and SOA Infrastructure for establishing SOA Pl tfSOA Platform.

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Procedure of Project - Phase I

• Services were found thru Service Discovery Workshop of Architects.y p

• Candidate Services were defined by Service Candidate Scoring System.

• Scope Scorep• Reuse Score• Agility Score• Compliance Score• Enablement Score• Skill-set Impact Score• Toolset Capability Score• Project Impact Score• Project Impact Score

• In Initial Phase, Simple and Strong impact services were defined –SMS Service E-Mail ServicesSMS Service, E-Mail Services, Employee Information Services etc.

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Procedure of Project - Phase II

• A project defined by SOA Roadmap is assessed by SOA CoE.

• SOA CoE assess the project with predefined SOA Guides by Phase I.y p y

Service Identification

Service Modeling

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Project Review• Phase I – Establish the SOA Infrastructure

Simple and Strong Services made is ali ation of SOA Capabilit

Dev. TimeHigh

Dev. & M/A Cost

visualization of SOA Capability.Established SOA Governance Foundation (ESEF) As-Is

As IsEstablished SOA RoadmapEstablished Reference Architecture for other SOA project






Verified SOA Standardization, Guide, and SOA Skill set

Low HighSMS Service

• Phase II – Performed by the SOA CoEPerform a SOA project based Phase IR i SOA GRevise SOA GovernanceExtend Services based on Roadmap

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The preceding is intended to outline our generalThe preceding is intended to outline our general product direction. It is intended for information purposes only, and may not be incorporated into anypurposes only, and may not be incorporated into any contract. It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions.The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described for Oracle’sfeatures or functionality described for Oracle s products remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.

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