the broadcaster various issues from 1924-1925

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  • 8/20/2019 The Broadcaster Various Issues From 1924-1925


    Th e  Br o a d c a s t e rVol. I, No. 3 Th ursday, Au gust 28, 1924 Oakland, Calif.

     A ppli ca ti on f o r E n try as Sec ond Cla ss M att er at the Post Office a t Oak land, C a li f. , Pendin g .



    ELECTRIC LIGHTSA Jersey peach grower is ridding his or-

    chard of moths by lighting the whole or-

    chard brilliantly with electric lights. On

    dark nights the moths are attracted to the

    lights and fall to their death in kerosene

    cans placed beneath. The moths are thick-

    est at eleven o’clock at night. The scheme

    does not work on moonlight nights.



    In place of the mankilling twelvehourday and sevenday week formerly prevail-

    ing in the steel industry, there is now,

    thanks to ExPresident Harding, an eight

    hour day and a sixday week throughout the

    works of The Carnegie Steel Company,

    Pittsburgh, The Illinois Steel Company,

    Chicago, The National Tube Company,

    Pittsburgh, and The American Steel and

    Wire Company, Cleveland. Changing ov-

    er from the longer to the shorter day add-

    ed 9,000 men to the Carnegie Steel Com-

     pany’s payroll.


    BECOME UNRELIABLEThe president of the largest wrecking

    concern in the United States declares that

    since the war the barometer, the cloud for-

    mations, the direction of the wind, the

    humidity, the heat of summer and the cold

    of winter can no longer be depended upon.

    This is the verdict of the seamen of hiscompany who have spent their lives study-

    ing the weather. To our way of thinking,

    this is another proof that conditions in the

    earth are changing—getting r eady for the



    SPARES THE PLANTSMichigan and California have been in-

    vaded by forms of insect life which feed

    only upon thistles, burdock, nettles, plan-

    tain and other weeds, and will not feed up-

    on plants useful for human food unless

    driven to it by starvation. M r. R. P.

    Pet tit, professor of entomology of the Mich-igan Agricultural College, says tru ly : "The

    coming of this creature in Michigan is real-

    ly a Godsend." This socalled “thistle

    worm” attacks the thistle near the seed

    heads, thus destroying the seeds first.

  • 8/20/2019 The Broadcaster Various Issues From 1924-1925


    The Broadcaster   August 28, 1924

    Preparing Earth’s New Kings


    HE Book of Revelation was writ-

    ten by St. John while serving a prison te rm on the Isle of Patm os,which message came from the Lord ofglory a fte r His resurrection. It givesa brief history of the Christian Churchfrom its beginning until now. I t pointsout that a time would come when theevil powers would be arrayed againstthe Lord in opposition to the establish-ment of His kingdom of righteousness.

    The evil powers will be , ensnared.For a time they will seem to be vic-torious, but their triumph is short-lived; for they are to be overcome.Jesus is the Lord of lords and Kingof kings, and they that are with Himare called, and chosen, and faithful.(Revelation 17 :14) This is proof tha tthe Lord Jesus is the great King, thatHe must come into His kingdom, andthat He will have with Him otherswho, by His grace, will serve withHim as kings.

    Identification of the Kings

    In another part of the Revelation,

    Jesus said concerning those who will be with H im : “They shall be prie stsof God and of Christ, and shall reignwith him a thousand years.” (Revela-tion 20: 6) This is another proof tha tthey will be kin gs; for only kings reignwith power and authority. The oneshere referred to shall occupy the mostexalted positions in all God’s universe,

    Jehovah alone excepted. I t followsthat if these have such an exalted placeJehovah would take much time and

     pain s in preparing them; for theymust be exceptional characters.

    By what means is it possible to

    identify those who will compose this

    class of kings? They are designa tedunder different titles. They are mem- bers of the body of Christ. St. Paulsays that Jesus is the Head of the

     body, which is the Church. (C olossians1 :18 ) St. Pete r says concerning thisc lass : “Ye are a chosen generation, aroyal priesthood, an holy nation, a

     peculiar people; that ye should showforth the praises of him who hathcalled you out of darkness into hismarvelous light: which in time pastwere not a people, but are now the

     people of God.”—1 Peter 2: 9,10.It follows that whoever is a member

    of this class must measure up to thestandard laid down by the apostlePeter. The Jews thought tha t theywere the ones because God had pre-viously promised that they should beunto Him a peculiar people and akingdom of priests. Bu t today no Jewclaims to be of that class.

    Confusion in the Churches

    There has been great confusion in

    the minds of the people as to whatconstitutes the Church of Christ. Thosewho are the lightbearers of truth, andwho at heart measure up to the re-quirements, compose the true Churchof Jesus Christ; and these are thekings, the priests, the members in pa r-ticular of His body.

    After our Lord had ascended on

    high, men organized bodies which theydesigna ted the church. Many Catho-lics have long thought that their or-ganization is the one mentioned bythe apostle Peter; but when we cometo apply the stand ard it can hardly be

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    The Broadcaster August 28, 1924

    said th at the Catholic church is a holynation or a royal priesthood.

    Then came upon the scene the Prot-estant church denominations, each in

    turn claiming to be the chosen peopleof the Lord who should constitute thespecial associates in His kingdom. Weapply the divinely given standard;and we see that none of these systemsorganized by men meet the require-ments. You may ask then: Whatearthly organization answers the de-scription and comes up to the require-ments? The answer is: There is nosuch earthly organization, nor did Godintend for any to have this honor.

    The apostle Paul speaks of the trueChurch in these words: “The churchof the firstborn, which are written[margin, enrolled] in heaven.” (He-

     brews 12:2 3) He does not say thattheir names are enrolled on someearthly church book; nor does he saythat they are designated as clergy orlaymen, or that they have any peculiardress or marks visible to man. TheLord deals with His people accordingto the secret intent of the heart.

    How Selection is Made

    Since the members of the trueChurch are to be associated withJesus as kings and priests, we shouldexpect to find the qualifications re-quired and the manner of selection setfo rth in the Bible. St. Paul says tha tthe Lord did not lay hold upon angelsto make them kings, but that He laidhold on the seed of Abraham , meaning

    those who possess the faith like Abra-ham, whether Jew or Gentile.

    Abraham is known as the father ofthe faithful; and the first essential to pleasing God is to have faith, faiththat God exists, and that He is a re-

    warder of them that diligently seekHim. (Hebrews 11 :6) None othersare to be considered. Faith means (1)an intellectual understanding and ap-

     precia tion of the Bible as God’s W ordof tru th given for the guidance of manrelative to his salvation, and (2) aconfident reliance upon that Word.

    The terms of acceptance are laiddown by the Lord in these wo rds : “Ifany man will come after me, let himdeny himself, and take up his cross,and follow me. F or whosoever willsave his life shall lose it: and whoso-ever will lose his life fo r my sake shallfind it.” (Matthew 16:2 4,25) To denyoneself means to agree to do what an-othe r would direct. One surren deringhimself to the Lord, seeking the Lord’sfavor and turning away from theworld, agreeing to do the Lord’s will,may consider himself consecrated.

    The real desire of one who thusmakes consecration is that he may bein harmony with the Lord and in linefor the enjoyment of the blessings oflife everlasting. Justifica tion followsthe imputation of Christ’s meritorioussacrifice; and spiritbegetting (James1:18) then is necessary before one is

    a “new creature in Christ Jesus” anda prospective heir to a place in thekingdom with Jesus as a member ofthe glorified royal priesthood.

    —  Judge J.  F.  Rutherford 

    THE BROADCASTER Published weekly at 257 Sixth Street, 

    Oakland, Cal., U. S. A., by

    V. R. MOLIN, Publisher   Yearly Subscription, 75c. Per copy, 2c.

    Contributors:' J u d g e   J . F. R u t h e r f o r d   . Pres. I. B. S. A.C. J. W o o d w o r t h   . . Editor Golden Age J . H . H e m e r y   . . . British CorrespondentC. C. Bin k ele . . European Correspondent

  • 8/20/2019 The Broadcaster Various Issues From 1924-1925


    The Broadcaster   August 28, 1924


    Despite the roar of his motor which pre-vents conversation in the airplane, an avi-

    ator flying a mile high over New York, and

    out of sight of the receiving station, carried

    on a lengthy conversation with a receiving

    station located in Central Park, which con-

    versation was relayed to the public from

    one of the radiocasting stations in New



    Chaulmoogra oil, useful in the treatment

    of leprosy, and formerly obtainable at great

    expense only from the west coast of Africa,

    is now produced on the grounds of UncleSam’s $1,000,000 leper colony at Carville,

    Louisiana. At this institution, lepers are

    frequently dism issed as cured. The re-

    lapses of cured patients are extremely rare.

    The Carville colony is large enough to

    take care of the entire 1,000 lepers now in

    the United States.


    During the past season 3,500 Hungarian

    children have been entertained in Belgian

    homes, all of their expenses being paid by

    the Belgian people. After staying in Bel-

    gium for six months these little folks retu rn

    home having gained from sixteen to twen-

    tyfour pounds in weight and being quite

    accomplished French scholars. No one can

    read of these tales of generosity and love

    without having their hearts warmed toward

    the common people who are trying to wipe

    out war hatreds.


    In the mining town of Slovan, Pennsyl-

    vania, in the home of Judge Tennyson, at

    midnight, his little fouryearold daughter

     became frightened and sought her parents ’

     bedroom. A little la te r during th e nightvillians who desired to kill the judge blew

    up his home. The bed in which the little

    Miss had been sleeping was blown to atom s;

     but although the home was destroyed, none

    of the judge's family were injured in the

    least. We think it reasonable th at this de-

    liverance may have been brought about

    through the ministrations of one of the an-

    gels of the Lord.

    BUSSES TAKE THEPLACE OF STREET CARSIn London and Paris, busses take the

     place of street cars. The same system is

    almost in sight for New York. Jo hn Hoitz,

    a Chicago man, has paid $20,000,000 forthe Fifth Avenue coach line and its fran-

    chises and proposes to give New York a

    really uptodate surface transportation.

    Mr. Hoitz seeks to operate thirtyfour new

    routes, adding 116 miles to the present’

    Fifth Avenue system . The chairman of

    the executive committee of the Interbor-

    ough Rapid Transit Company has resignedfrom the Interborough to become chairman

    of the board of directors of the coach com-

     pany. The north and south lines will op-

    erate on a ten cent fare and the crosstown

    lines on a five cent fare.

  • 8/20/2019 The Broadcaster Various Issues From 1924-1925


    Vol. I, No. 4 Thursday, September 4, 1924 Brooklyn, N. Y.  Entered as Second, Class Matter August 14, 1924, at the Post Office at Brooklyn, N.  Y., under the Act o f March 3. I879



    IN CHINA FLOODThe known dead in China’s flood are

    13,115, with many times that numbermissing. Some day, when the worldhas stopped making and using armsand warships, the scientific use ofsheet piling will make China’s riverstame and prevent these oftrecurring

    scenes of desolation. Sheet piling isof steel and locks together in such away as to be absolutely water proof.


    Colonel William M. Haskell who ac-complished such extraordinary work

    in the relief of 35,000 d istric ts ofRussia when the famine was at itsheight, in an address at the Instituteof Politics urges America to send acommission to Russia with a view toending the economic blockade of thatcountry. With ra re common sense heargued that Russia has a natura l ma r-ket for America’s present excess of

    goods and that it is impossible to bluffa nation of 150,000,000 people. BothPrance and Britain endeavored tooverthrow the present Russian gov-ernment by force of arms. Now theyare recognizing the Soviet, and leav-ing the United States to hold the bag.

    IF CHINA GOES TO WAR If China goes to war, one of the

    heavy contributing reasons will be thetons and tons of morphine and heroinwhich go from India to England, fromEngland to the United States, fromthe United States to Japan and fromJa pan to China. China at one timealmost completely blotted out theopium traffic; bu t the accursed stuffgrown in India is now finding its way

     back into the Celestial Em pire withdevastating effects. Some provincesremain clean but others have aban-doned the fight, and the poppy nowflourishes where only human foodshould be raised. W ar and debaucheryfollow as a matter of course and mayset the world afire.


    Somebody with a nose for statis-tics has ferreted out that since thewar the European world is only frac-tionally living, and he gives the frac-

    tions. By actual weight of flour con-sumed per person Europe has only 77 percent as much bread to eat as form -erly, only 75 percent as much butterand 72 percent as much sugar. Ofcotton clothing only 60 percent asmuch can be w orn : of coal only 75 per

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    The Broadcaster  September 4,  1924

    God’s Promise to Bless Mankind 

    FOE many centuries the land ofPalestine has been sacred to the

    hearts of Jews, Mohammedans, andChristians. I t is known as the HolyLand. The reason for this is that it isthe land where God foreshadowed theoutworkings of H is grea t plan. ButJews, Mohammedans, and Christianshave long been unable to see the full

    significance and beauty of the w onder-ful things pictured in Pa lestine. Thegreater majority have regarded theland as sacred solely because of itsancient history . The Bible disclosesthat there are yet things to transpirein Palestine which will endear it to thehearts of all people. jA great deal of that which occurred

    in the Holy Land in centuries pastforeshadowed even greater things tocome. I t . is exceedingly interes tingand important to refer to the thingsthat happened in the past and, in thelight of prophecy, to see what is to beexpected there in the near future.

    Promise Made to Abraham

    Approximately 4,000 years ago th erelived in the land of Ur of the Chal-dees a man by the name of Abraham,which means “Father of a multitude.”Jehovah used this man to foreshadowthings that will yet thrill with glad-ness all the peoples of earth . WhenAbraham was seventyfive years ofage Jehovah said to him: “Get thee

    out of thy country, and from thy kin-dred, and from thy father’s house,unto a land th at I will show the e: andI will make of thee a grea t nation, andI will bless thee, and make thy namegreat; and thou shalt be a blessing:

    and I will bless them that bless thee,and curse him that curseth thee; andin thee shall all families of the earth

     be blessed.”—Genesis 12:13.When Abraham reached Canaan, the

    land now known as Palestine, Godmade a covenant with him, in whichcovenant He said: “I   will give unto

    'thee, and to thy seed after thee, theland wherein thou art a stranger, allthe land of Canaan, for a n everlasting

     possession.”—Genesis 17:8 .Abraham pitched his tent in the

     pla ins of Mamre, south of the presentsite of Jerusalem. It was there thathe sat in the door of his tent whenmessengers appeared unto him, whomhe recognized as servants sent from

    the Lord. In fact, they were angelsfrom heaven.

    God Pictures Coming Blessings

     Notw ithstanding th e promise Godhad made to him, that in his seedshould come the blessing, Abrahamhad no children. Concerning this were ad : “Now Abraham and Sarah were

    old and well stricken in age; and itceased to be with S arah af ter the m an-ner of women.” (Genesis 18:11) TheLord’s messenger told Abraham thatSarah , his wife, should bear a son. Atthe appointed time a son was born,and they called his name Isaac, signi-fying laughter. Laug hter means joy.

    God was making a p icture of coming

     blessings. Abraham here representsJehovah God (Romans 4 :16 , 17);Isaac represents God’s only begottenSon, Jesus of Nazareth; and Sarahrepresents the covenant. (Galatians4:2226) As Isaac caused rejoicing at

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    The Broadcaster  September 4,  1924

    his birth, so his antitype, the LordJesus, at His birth caused great re- joicing in heaven and on earth . I t wasthen that a host of angels sang:

    “Glory to God in the highest, and onearth peace, good will toward men.”

    It is exceedingly interesting to fol-low the type and the antitype, and tom ark how marvelously the Lord fore-shadowed the great redemption and

     bless ing of mankind. When Isaac wasabout grown God said to Abraham:“Take now thy son, thine only son

    Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get theeinto the land of Moriah; and offerhim there for a burnt offering uponone of the m ountains which I will tellthee of.”—Genesis 22:2.

    Moriah is one of the mountains uponwhich the city of Jerusalem was a fte r-wards built. Mount Moriah is the siteof the temple. The Mosque of Omar

    is now built upon the site, and the place is sacred to the Mohammedans.But the day will come, no t fa r distant,when it will be even more sacred toMohammedans, Jews, and Christians.

    Abraham’s Test o f Faifch

    Abraham journeyed from Mamre toMoriah, his son with him. Isaac hadno intimation that he was to be thesacrifice. Reaching the place indicated,they built an altar; and then Isaacsaid to his fa th e r: “W here is the lambfor a burnt offering?” (Genesis 22:7) Here was a supreme test of faith.Abraham bound Isaac, and laid himupon the altar. God had promised that

    through Abraham’s seed the blessingshould come; and now He asked A bra-ham to take the life of his only son.

    Abraham believed th at God was ableto raise his son out of death. He tookthe knife, and raised it for the fatal

     blow, when an angel called unto him :“La y no t thine hand upon the lad, . . .fo r now I know tha t thou fea res t God,seeing thou has t not withheld thy son,

    thine only son, from me. . . . By my-self have I sworn, saith the Lord; for because thou hast done th is th ing, . . .that in blessing I will bless thee, . . .and in thy seed shall all the nations ofthe ea rth be blessed.”—Gen. 22:1218.

    Promise Certain o f Fulfilment

    When the perfect man Adam sinned

    he began to die, and all his offspringare under sentence of death. Godcould not change His judgment; butHe could make a provision that Hisown law’s requirements could be met by another. Jesus was sent into theworld to redeem mankind from death.(John 3:16 ,17) The “seed” of A bra-ham is the Messiah, which, according

    to St. Paul, is Christ and His Church.When the Church is glorified in. thefirst resurrection, the longdeferred blessings of life, lib erty , and happi-ness will be showered upon humanity.

    God’s determination to bless all was pic tu red in His oath to Abraham,which was an unconditional promiseon the pa rt of God. Everlasting lifewill not be forced upon any, but the

     promise guarantees that the opportu -nity for the blessing will be grantedto every one.—1 Timothy 2:36.

     ____________  — Judge J. F. Rutherford 

    THE BEOADCASTEEPublished weekly at 18 Concord Street, 

    Brooklyn, N. Y., U. S. A., by

    P. E. HOUSTON, Publisher Yearly Subscription, 75c. Per copy, 2c.Contributors:

    J u d g e   J. F. R u t h e r f o r d   . Pres. I. B. S. A.C. J. Wo o d w o b t h   . . Editor Golden Age J. H. He m e b y   . . . Br itish Correspondent C. C. B t n k e l e   . . European Correspondent,

  • 8/20/2019 The Broadcaster Various Issues From 1924-1925


    The Broadcaster  September 4, 1924

    cent can be burned and of oil only 67 percent as ranch may be used. More-over, 3,000,000 men are out of work

    and the sum of their consequentmental misery is immeasurable.


    Oregonhas found a way to kill offits surplus rabbits, which have beendevastating' wheat and watermelonfields. The method pursued was todust alfa lfa with strychnine. About125,000 rabbits were killed in twocounties by this method. By onemethod or another ways will be dis-covered to dispose of all enemies ofthe human family until eventually, asthe Bible assures us, there shall benothing to hur t or destroy in allGod’s holy kingdom. This earth isGod’s footstool and God has declaredHis purpose to make it glorious—tohave His will done here as fully as itis done in heaven.


    The National Association for theAdvancement of Colored People hassent out letters to the newspapersstating that although the Negro pop-ulation of that city has tripled since1914 there has been no improvementin housing, with the horrible condi-tion resulting that there are now

    scores of cases where there are eightor ten families living in the samehouse. Anybody with a bra in can seethe crime and sickness which such acondition is sure to bring.


    B ritain has launched her first dreadnaught airplane. W ith a roar thegiant plane, which can carry threetons of bombs, and which has an en-gine of 1,000 horse power, went aloftas easily as a bird, from the airdomeat Brough. The machine is so largethat two of them could not be placedon a lot 50 feet wide and 150 feet deep.


    Fortythree members of the Pente-costal church at Pomeroy, Ohio, have been arrested because of complaintsthat even young boys and girls dancedall night in the church to hymns

     played in ragtime and in one instancea couple were found on the floor kick-ing their feet and shaking their shoul-ders in time with the music but too ex-hausted to rise. Anybody ought to beable to see that this is not religion: itis demonism, plire and simple.


    Three different correspondents ofthe London  Daily Express,  one fromLingfield, south of London, and twofrom,Cardiff, Wales, have written de-scribing visions of Christ in the sky,surrounded by angels. One of thesevisions was at midday and the othersat midnight. A recto r writes and ex-

     pla ins that these are confirmations of

    spiritwriting to the effect that thereare “grave events in the almost im-mediate future, and lasting un-til 1928.” W e doubt not th at evil,spirits are back of these visions.

  • 8/20/2019 The Broadcaster Various Issues From 1924-1925


    Th e  Br o a d c a s t e rVol. I, No . 5 Th urs day, Septem be r 11, 1924 Oa kland, Cal;f.

     A pplic a ti on f o r E n try as Seco nd Cla ss M att er at the P ost Office at O ak la nd, C a li /. , Pendin g.



    SPEECH AT GENEVAPremier Ramsay MacDonald in a great

    speech before the League of Nations at

    Geneva made a sterling appeal for a new

    era in world, affairs based on righteousness

    and justice. Concerning militarism, these

    greatest of curses burdening mankind, he

    said: "Our position is this: We don’t be-

    lieve a military alliance is going to bringsecurity. We believe a military alliance is

    an agreement; like the mustard

    seed, is small to begin with, and that this

    seed with the years will grow and grow,

    until at last the tree produced from it will

    overshadow the whole heavens and we shall

     be back exactly a t th e military position in

    which we found ourselves in 1914.”


    The reason has been discovered why so

    many of the first children born to immi-

    grants after they arrive in America are

    criminals. The mothers are disturbed, ev-

    erything is new and strange and difficult,

    and they have to work too hard. To make

    the lot of these mothers easier is an act of

    trues t charity and truest sentiment. Ev-

    ery discovery of science proves that moth-

    ers cannot do more than care for the home

    without danger to the next generation.


    A UNITED IRELANDAll friends of Ireland will be interested

    to know of a plan already received with a

    measure of approval by all parties interested,

    which proposes a permanent division of

    Ireland into two parts, No rthern and South-

    ern, with a joint AllIreland Council com-

     posed of representatives of the North and

    of the South in equal numbers and with

    equal rights for deciding all matters affect-

    ing the whole of Ireland. The plan pro-

     poses th a t neither the Southern nor North-

    ern Parliament shall make any law to en-

    dow or proh ibit any religion, or impose any

    disability on account of religious belief.

    This plan seems to have splendid possibility.


    The United States government is trying to

     pick a president for Honduras, who has not

     been entangled on either side in the revolu-

    tions and counter revolutions so frequent in

    Honduras of late. I f the United Sta tes feelsthat it must interfere in Honduras affairs,

    we think this policy of encouraging only

    the noncom batan ts is a most excellent one,

    and should be imitated by all governments

    to the remotest bounds of earth.

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    The Broadcaster  Sep t embe r 1 1 , 1924 

    A Desirable Government

    A  GOVERNMENT is a body poli-

    tic, governed or controlled byduly constituted au thority. A desir-able government is one the powers ofwhich are exercised in a just andrighteous manner for the greatestgood to all the people. Such govern-ment would bring a blessing to all people who desire to do right.

    For more than 6,000 years man hasattempted to establish a governmenttha t is satisfactory. Today the lead-ing statesmen of the world freely ad-mit that efforts toward establishing adesirable government have failed.

    Disorder in Present Governments

    There is not a government on earth

    today that satisfies any reasonable proportion of the people. Discontentexists everywhere; selfishness is al-ways to the fore; the nations are prac-tically bankrupt; and many of themare ruled by dictators. Every effortat reformation has proven abortive.The statesmen of the world have at-tempted by leagues and similar com-

     pacts to solve the difficulty. The finan-ciers have made an attempt. Churchdenominations have put forth everyeffort. All have failed. The reasonis that all have ignored God’s way.Man’s extremity should cause him toconsider calmly God’s way.

    In Eden Adam had an ideal govern-ment. When he sinned, he lost i t ; andevery effort since to establish a right-eous government has met with failure.While some efforts at reformationhave made progress, none has suc-ceeded in  bringing the desire of all nations to the people. God promised

    that through the seed of Abraham allthe families of the earth should be

     blessed. This seed is the Messiah, theChrist.

    Expecting Blessings from God

    Orthodox Jews have, for centuries past, expected the Messiah to estab-lish an ideal government. Christians

    have vaguely looked forward to thetime of the second coming of the Lord,the setting up of His kingdom; andall denominations have taught theirmembers to p ray : “Thy kingdomcome. Thy will be done in earth, as itis in heaven.” (Matthew 6:1 0) How,then, could we expect the will of Godto be done thus on earth?

    Is there any hope of reforming thosewho indulge in fraudulent practices, inoil scandals or like schemes to defraudmen? Is it possible to remedy theirwrongs by sending them to prison andholding them up to the scorn of man-kind? No! Long efforts at this havefailed. The reason why men in highofficial positions become unfaithful is

     because of th eir weaknesses inherited by reason of the fall of Adam. Thereis but one remedy.

    God has provided through' His be-loved Son redemption for the humanrace, and has promised that at Hissecond coming the kingdom of right-eousness under Christ shall give toevery man an opportunity to profit inthe dominion of earth which shall thenhave been transferred to Messiah.

    We may know that the kingdom ofthe Lord will not be entrusted to self-ish men. The kingdoms of earth aretottering, an d many have already fall-

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    The Broadcaster  September 1 1 , 1924

    en; the whole world is in distress and perplexity, and the rulers do not knowwhat to expect. The time has come fo r

    the establishment of God’s kingdom inthe earth . We know this because theold order has ended and is being de-stroyed. The Lord is cleaning up theground preparatory to beginning Hisreign of righteousness.

    God’s Declaration is Sure

    God through His prophet, referring

    to this time, said: “And in the daysof these kings [toes of the Gentile im-age, the last rulers] shall the God ofheaven set up a kingdom which shallnever be destroyed: and the kingdomshall not be left to other people, butit shall break in pieces and consumeall these kingdoms, and it shall standfor ever.”—Daniel 2:44; 7:27.

    Referring to Messiah, the Prophetsaid : “The governm ent shall be uponhis shoulder; and his name shall becalled W onderful, Counselor, th emighty God, the everlasting Father,the Prince of Peace. Of the increaseof his government and peace thereshall be no end.” (Isa iah 9: 6, 7) Andwe are plainly told that the overcom-ing Church shall reign with Christ askings and priests for a thousand years.These will be in the spiritual or in-

    visible phase of the kingdom.

    The visible ru lers are to be men whohave proved their loyalty to truth andrighteousness. The eleventh chapter

    of Hebrews enumerates the ancient

    worthies, from Abel to the last of the prophets . They loved righteousness

    and ha ted iniquity. They were not popular in the world. They were des-titute, afflicted, tormented, slain withthe sword. They all died in faith and 

    were pleasing to God; and they have been sleeping in the dust of the earthawaiting the resurrection day.

    Earthly Rulers Made Perfect

    The Apostle in Hebrews 11th chap-ter shows that when the Christ, theseed of Abraham, the royal family ofheaven, is complete, these faithful menof old will have a resurrection. Theywill come forth from the tomb as per-fect men. Refer ring to the progeni-

    tors of the household of faith, God,through the prophet, said : “Insteadof thy fathers shall be thy children,whom thou mayest make princes in allthe earth.” (Psalm 45 :16) And these princes shall rule in judgment.—Isa -iah 32:1.

    “When thy [God’s] judgments arein the earth, the inhabitants of the

    world will learn righteousness.” “Withrighteousness shall he judge the poor,and reprove with equity for the meekof the earth: . . . righteousness shall

     be the girdle of his loins, and faithful-ness the girdle of his reins. . . . Theyshall not hurt nor destroy in all myholy mountain [kingdom]: for the

    earth shall be full of the knowledge ofthe Lord, as the waters cover the sea.”(Isaiah 26 :9; 11 :4,5 ,9) Thus will

    come the desirable government.

     — Judge J. F.  Rutherford 

    THE BROADCASTERPublished weekly at 257 Sixth Street, 

    Oakland, Cal., U. S. A., byV. R. MOLIN, Publisher Yearly Subscription, 75c. Per copy, 2c. 

    Contributors:J u d g e   J. F. R u t h e r f o r d   . Pres. I. B. S. A. C. J . W o o d w o b t h   . . Editor Golden Age J. H . H e m e r y   . . . British Correspondent C. C. B i n k e l e   . . European Correspondent

  • 8/20/2019 The Broadcaster Various Issues From 1924-1925


    The Broadcaster  September 11, 1924


    When Alfonso was recently in Italy he isreported by the Italian paper “Iltestimeno"

    as having offered to the Pope “the solemn

     pledge of the secular arm in Spain to com-

     bat heresy, and the promise to begin a cru-

    sade against the enemies of the Church

    when the Pope thinks it necessary.” What

    must be the hopeless benighted condition

    of the Spanish people when their king couldgive expression to sentiments so opposite to

    education or even to common sense ?


    You can get your sins forgiven during

    1925, and also receive "the fullest indulgence,remission and pardon,” if, during that time

    you pray once a day for the Pope for twen-

    ty days and visit four churches in Rome,

    which he has been good enough to name.

    There is another way also recorded in the

    Old Book. It reads: ‘‘If we confess our

    sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us

    our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrigh t-eousness."—1John 1:9.


    France has four commercial aviation

    companies whose routes cover most of Eu-

    rope. Last year the planes of these companies

    made 9,720 trips carrying about 1,200 pas-

    sengers, and a thousand tons of merchan-

    dise, with only six accidents. The French

    mails to the west coast of Morocco now re-

    quire about a day as against three and one

    half days by boat. Moreover, the planes

    go every day and the boats only twice aweek.


    Western Greenland, warmed by the Gulf

    Stream, is freer now from cold than former-

    ly, because the Labrador current has everdiminished its speed or has been submerged

    to the bottom of the ocean caused by seis-

    mic disturbances or earthquakes. The Lab-

    rador curren t normally flows through D avis

    Strait and coming in proximity to the Gulf

    Stream swings east and then northeast. If

    the change is permanent the G ulf Stream

    may warm the Scandinavian shores, andthe submerged Labrador current may cool

    the lower Atlantic waters.


    There is an increasing tendency to sui-

    cide on the part of welltodo and highlyeducated people; and there is no increase

    among o ther people, says Fred. L. Hoffman

    of the Prudential Life Insurance Company.

    The Pacific States lead the country in this

    respect with San Diego ignominiously show-

    ing up in front with 50 per 100,000, an ex-

    cess of 29 percent. While nearly all cities

    show increases, it is notable that the Great

    Lake Region shows a decrease, as Chicago,

    Buffalo, Cleveland, Detroit, and Milwaukee

    are below the average.

  • 8/20/2019 The Broadcaster Various Issues From 1924-1925


    Vol. I, No. 6 Th ursday, Sep tem ber 18, 1924 Oakland , Calif. Ente re d as Sec ond Cla ss M att er A u g u s t  1 4 , 1 9 2 4 at the Post Office at Oakland, Ca lif., u nder the Ac t o f  M arch  3 , 1 8 7 9 •



    All the papers nowadays contain stories

    of troubles in Honduras. Pa rt, a t least, of the

    troubles are due to the fact th at the United

    Fruit Company has been importing West

    Indians into Honduras so th at it could con-

    trol the labor situation there. The Hon-

    durans do not like it, and have threatenedto resist by force. This makes a difficult

    situation for the Honduran Government to

    meet, as it has to reckon with the British

    Government and the United States Gov-

    ernment before it can do anything.


    Cardinal Mercier is reported in the New

    York Times as having written to a gentle-

    man of this city saying in part, “The world

    at this hour is a great invalid. All eyes are

    turned to the physicians, all lips anxiously

    asking: Is there hope of recovery? Have

    you a remedy, the remedy ? The physicianshave no concrete answer or rather, they

    give diverse answers all a t once. The more

    the consultations and remedies multiply,

    the more we realize that we are at a stand-



    OF A DICTATOR Following the examples of Mussolini, De

    Rivera and other Dictators, General Alta

    mirano, military head of the nation, has

    virtually seized the go vernm ent. This

    seems to mark the end of the Chilean Re-

     public, for the present. The attempt by

    the Militarists to seize the government of

    Brazil did not succeed as yet, but is still



    In an address before the League of Na-

    tions the Premier of Albania, Bishop F. S.

     Noli, said that everything the League saidor did was bound to come to nothing, and

    th at the Dawes Plan is ‘‘a tortuous, compli-

    cated, diabolical, infernal combination of

     bubbles, th e most colossal superbubble

    modern history has produced.” The Pre-

    mier, who is a graduate of Harvard Uni-

    versity, described Boston as “a city in Ire-

    land full of O'Connors, O’Connells, Fitz-

    geralds, all of them good talkers, and with

    other Irishmen do all the talking in Amer-

    ican electoral campaigns.” I t was his hope

    th at some of these Irish orators might come

    to Geneva and talk the Assembly to death.

    Bishop, we are surprised at you.

  • 8/20/2019 The Broadcaster Various Issues From 1924-1925


    The Broadcaster  September 18, 1924.

    God’s Promise to Bless Mankind 

    FOR many centuries the land ofPalestine has been sacred to thehearts of Jews, Mohammedans, andChristians. I t is known as the HolyLand. The reason for this is that it isthe land where God foreshadowed theoutworkings of H is grea t plan. Bu tJews, Mohammedans, and Christianshave long been unable to see the full

    significance and beauty of the wonder-ful things pictured in Palestine. Thegreater majority have regarded theland as sacred solely because of itsancient history. The Bible disclosesthat there are yet things to transpirein Palestine which will endear it to thehearts of all people.

    A great deal of that which occurred

    in the Holy Land in centuries pastforeshadowed even greater things tocome. I t is exceedingly inte rest ingand important to refer to the thingsthat happened in the past and* in thelight of prophecy, to see what is to beexpected there in the near future.

    Promise Made to Abraham

    Approxim ately 4,000 years ago therelived in the land of Ur of the Chal-dees a man by the name of Abraham,which means “Father of a multitude.”Jehovah used this man to foreshadowthings that will yet thrill with glad-ness all the peoples of earth . WhenAbraham was seventyfive years ofage Jehovah said to him: “Get thee

    out of thy country, and from thy kin-dred, and from thy father’s house,unto a land that I will show thee: andI will make of thee a g rea t nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy namegreat; and thou shalt be a blessing:

    and I will bless them that bless thee,and curse him that curseth thee; andin thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.”—Genesis 12:13.

    When Abraham reached Canaan, theland now known as Palestine, Godmade a covenant with him, in whichcovenant He said : “I will give un tothee, and to thy seed after thee, the

    land wherein thou art a stranger, allthe land of Canaan, fo r an everlasting possession.”—Genesis 17:8 .

    Abraham pitched his tent in the plains of Mamre, south of the presentsite of Jerusalem . It was there tha the sat in the door of his tent whenmessengers appeared unto him, whomhe recognized as servants sent from

    the Lord. In fact, they were angelsfrom heaven.

    God Pictures Coming Blessings

     Notw ithstanding the promise Godhad made to him, that in his seedshould come the blessing, Abrahamhad no children. Concerning this werea d: “Now Abraham and Sarah were

    old and well stricken in age; and itceased to be with Sarah af ter the man-ner of women.” (Genesis 18 :11) TheLord’s messenger told Abraham thatSarah , his wife, should bear a son. A tthe appointed time a son was born,and they called his name Isaac, signi-fying laughter. Lau ghter means joy.

    God was making a picture of coming

     blessings. Abraham here representsJehovah God (Romans 4:16,17);Isaac represents God’s only begottenSon, Jesus of Nazareth; and Sarahrepresents the covenant. (Galatians4:2226) As Isaac caused rejoicing at

  • 8/20/2019 The Broadcaster Various Issues From 1924-1925


    The Broadcaster  September 18, 1924

    his birth, so his antitype, the LordJesus, at His birth caused great re-

     jo icing in heaven and on earth . I t was

    then that a host of angels sang:“Glory to God in the highest, and onearth peace, good will toward men.”

    It is exceedingly interesting to fol-low the type and the antitype, arid tomark how marvelously the Lord fore-shadowed the great redemption and

     blessing of mankind. When Isaac wasabout grown God said to Abraham:

    “Take now thy son, thine only sonIsaac, whom thou lovest, and get theeinto the land of Moriah; and offerhim there for a burnt offering uponone of the mountains which I will tellthee of.”—Genesis 22: 2.

    Moriah is one of the mountains uponwhich the city of Jerusalem was a fte r-wards built. Mount Moriah is the site

    of the temple. The Mosque of Om aris now built upon the site, and the

     place is sacred to the Mohammedans.But the day will come, not f a r d istant,when it will be even more sacred toMohammedans, Jews, and Christians.

    Abraham’s Test o f Faith

    Abraham journeyed from Mamre toMoriah, his son with him. Isaac hadno intimation that he was to be thesacrifice. Reaching the place indicated,they built an altar; and then Isaacsaid to his fa th e r: “Where is the lambfor a burnt offering?” (Genesis 22: 7)Here was a supreme test of faith.Abraham bound Isaac, and laid him

    upon the altar. God had promised thatthrough Abraham’s seed the blessingshould come; and now He asked A bra-ham to take the life of his only son.

    Abraham believed tha t God was ableto raise his son out of death. He took

    the knife, and raised it for the fatal

     blow, when an angel called unto him :“Lay not thine hand upon the lad, . . .for now I know tha t thou fearest God,

    seeing thou hast not withheld thy son,thine only son, from me. . . . By my-self have I sworn, saith the Lord; for

     because thou hast done th is th ing, . . .that in blessing I will bless thee, . . .and in thy seed shall all the na tions ofthe earth be blessed.”—Gen. 22:1218.

    Promise Certain o f Fulfilment

    When the perfect man Adam sinnedhe began to die, and all his offspringare und er sentence of death. Godcould not change His judgment; butHe could make a provision that Hisown law’s requirements could be met by another. Jesus was sent into theworld to redeem mankind from death.(Joh n 3:1 6,1 7) The “seed” of Abra-

    ham is the Messiah, which, accordingto St. Paul, is Christ and His Church.When the Church is glorified in thefirst resurrection, the longdeferred blessings of life, liberty, and happi-ness will be showered upon humanity.

    God’s determination to bless all was pic tu red in His oath to Abraham,which was an unconditional promiseon the pa rt of God. Everlasting lifewill not be forced upon any, but the

     promise guarantees that the opportu-nity for the blessing will be grantedto every one—1 Timothy 2: 36.

    —  Judge J. F.  Rutherford 

    THE BKOADCASTEK Published weekly at 257 Sixth Street, 

    Oakland, Cal., U. S. A., by 

    Y. E. MOLIN, Publisher Yearly Subscription, 75c. Per copy, 2c. 

    Contributors:J u d g e   I. F. R t j t h e e f o b d   . Pres. I. B . S. A. C. J. W o o d w o b t h   . . Editor Golden Age J . H . H e m e r y   . . . British Correspondent C. 0. B i n k e l e   . . European Correspondent

  • 8/20/2019 The Broadcaster Various Issues From 1924-1925


    The Broadcaster  September 18, 1924


    RECORD ON WARPATHThe Manufacturers' Record says that,“Organizations representing, or purporting

    to represent, religious interests or the

    churches should be extremely careful in the

    wording of the statements which they send

    out to the Press, bu t we regret to say th a t the

    Federal Council of the Churches has issued

    many statements which do not convey theexact facts, bu t which do serve to create an

    entirely erroneous impression, and in this

    respect that organization so words much of

    its propaganda as to mislead newspaper

    readers who are not thoroughly posted.”

    After going that far the editor of the Rec-

    ord seemed to feel there was still something

    lacking in what he had started out to say,

    so he wound up with the observation that,

    "Our contention is that absolute truthful-

    ness in statements on the part of the Fed-

    eral Council of the Churches is important,

    unless it intends to bring about a reaction

    in which intelligent people will not accept

    as thoroughly truthfu l any statem ent issued by it .”

    BOSTON TO NEW YORKIN LESS THAN AN HOUR An army flier, Lieutenant R. C. Moffat,

    who was in a hurry to deliver some photo-

    graphs, flew from Boston to the Mitchell

    Aviation Field in New York in 58 minutes,

    recently, and returned again to Boston in 67

    minutes flying against the wind. This is

    more than twice as fast as the fastest train

    ever operated between the two cities.


    Down on Cape Cod the State of Massa-

    chusetts is preventing the spreading of

    drifting sand by the planting of Scotch

    Pine. The planting of these trees not only

    has the effect of holding the sand in place,

     but th e trees first planted are now nearly

    ready to be cut, and what was first intended

    as an emergency measure to protect the

    city of Provincetown will doubtless in the

    end be a profitable business venture.


    The London Daily Express reports a

     building boom all over England, but espe-

    cially in the South. The houses which are

     being erecte d are alm ost en tirely of

    moderate size, and are sold as soon as

    they are finished or while they are still

     building. This has resulted in a call for

     bricks so great tha t British brick yards are

    unable to meet the demand, and millions of bricks are coming in from Germ any and

    other countries.


    Helena, M ontana, reports tha t this sum-

    mer jus t as the grasshopper pest was becom-ing acute, swarms of flesh flies came into the

    fields and killed the hopper, by depositing

    listing maggots which ate into the vital or-

    gans and caused its death.

  • 8/20/2019 The Broadcaster Various Issues From 1924-1925


    Th e  Br o a d c a s t e rV oL 'l, No. 6 Thurs day, Septem ber 18, 1924 Brooklyn, N.Y .

    Entered as Second Clast Matter August 14,  1924, at the Post Offic* at  Brooklyn, N. Y., under  the Act o f  March 3.  1879



    CAUSES WARSAll the papers now-a-days contain 

    stories of troubles of Honduras. Some at least of the troubles are due to the fact that the United Fruit Company has been importing W est Indians into Honduras so that it could control the labor situation there. This the H o ndurans do not like, and have threat

    ened to resist by force. This makes a difficult situation for the Honduran Government to meet, as it has to reckon with the British Government and the United States Government before it can do anything.


    Cardinal Mercier is reported in the New York Times as having written to 

    a gentleman of this city saying in part: "The world at this hour is a 

    great invalid. All eyes are turned to the physicians, all lips anxiously ask

    ing: Is there hope of recovery? Have you a remedy, the remedy? The 

    physicans have no concrete answer; or, rather, they give divers answers aU at once. The more the consulta

    tions and remedies multiply, the more 

    we realize that we are at a standstill.”


    OF A DICTATOR Following the examples of Musso

    lini, de Rivera and other dictators, General Altamirano, military head of  the nation, has virtually seized the gov

    ernment. This seems to mark the end of the Chilean Republic, for the pres

    ent. The attempt by the militarists to seize the government of Brazil has not 

    succeeded as yet, but is still active.


    In an address before the League of  Nations the premier of Albania, Bish

    op F. S. Noli, said that everything the  League said or did was bound to come 

    to nothing, and that the Dawes Plan is “a tortuous, complicated, diabolical, infernal combination of bubbles, the most colossal super-bubble modern history has produced.” The premier, who is a graduate of Harvard University, described Boston as a city in Ireland “full of O’Connors, O’Connells and Fitz-Geralds, all of them good talkers, who with other Irishmen do all the talking in American electoral campaigns.” It was his hope that some of these Irish orators might come to Geneva and talk the assembly  to death. Bishop, you surprise u s !

  • 8/20/2019 The Broadcaster Various Issues From 1924-1925


    The Broadcaster  September 1 8, 1924 

    Preparing Earth’s New Kings

    THE Book of Revelation was writ

    ten by St. John while serving a prison term on the Isle of Patinos, which message came from the Lord of  glory after His resurrection. It gives  a brief history of the Christian Church from its beginning until now. It points out that a time would come when the evil powers would be arrayed against the I iOrd in opposition to the establish

    ment of His kingdom of righteousness.The evil powers will be ensnared. 

    For a time they will seem to be victorious, but their triumph is shortlived; for they are to be overcome. Jesus is the Loi’d of lords and King  of kings, and they that are with Him  are called, and chosen, and faithful. (Revelation 17:14) This is proof that the Lord Jesus is the great King, that 

    He must come into His kingdom, and that He will have with Him others who, by His grace, will serve with •Him as kings.

    Identification o f the Kings

    In another part of the Revelation, Jesus said concerning those who will be with H im : “They shall be priests  

    of God and .of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.” (Revelation 20: 6) This is another proof that they will be kings; for only kings reign with power and authority. The ones here referred to shall occupy the most exalted positions in all God’s universe, Jehovah alone excepted. It follows that if these have such an exalted place 

    Jehovah would take much time and pains in preparing them; for they must be exceptional characters.

    By what means is it possible to

    identify those who will compose this 

    class of kings? They are designated under different titles. They are members of the body of Christ. St. Paul says that Jesus is the Head of the body, which is the Church. (Colossians 1:1 8) St. Peter says concei'ning this class: “Ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light: which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God.”—1 Peter 2:9,10.

    It follows that whoever is a member of this class must measure up to the standard laid down by the apostle Peter. The Jews thought that they were the ones because God had pre

    viously promised that they should be unto Him a peculiar people and a kingdom of priests. But today no Jew claims to be of that class.

    Confusion in the Churches

    There has been great confusion in the minds of the people as to what constitutes the Church of Christ. Those 

    who are the light-bearers of truth, and who at heart measure up to the requirements, compose the true Church of Jesus Christ; and these are the kings, the priests, the members in par

    ticular of His body.After our Lord had ascended on 

    high, men organized bodies which they designated the church. Many Catho

    lics have long thought that their organization is the one mentioned by  the apostle Peter; but when we come to apply the standard it can hardly be

  • 8/20/2019 The Broadcaster Various Issues From 1924-1925


    The Broadcaster  September 18,  1924

    said that the Catholic church is a holynation or a royal priesthood.

    Then came upon the scene the Prot-estant church denominations, each inturn claiming to be the chosen peopleof the Lord who should constitute thespecial associates in His kingdom. Weapply the divinely given standard;and we see that none o f   these systemsorganized by men meet the require-ments. You may ask then : W hatearthly organization answers the de-scription and comr\s up to the require-

    ments? The answer is: There is nosuch earth ly organ ization, no r did Godintend for any to have this honor.

    The apostle Paul speaks of the trueChurch in these words : “The churchof the firstborn, which are writtenfmargin, enrolled] in heaven.” (He-

     brews 12:2 3) He does not say thattheir names are enrolled on someea rthly church book ; nor does he say

    that they are designated as clergy orlaymen, or that they have any peculiardress or marks visible to man. TheLord deals with His people accordingto the secret intent of the heart.

    How Selection is Made

    Since the members of the trueChurch are to be associated withJesus as kings and priests, we shouldexpect to find the qualifications re-quired and the manner of selection setfor th in the Bible. St. Pa ul says tha tthe Lord did not lay hold upon angelsto make them kings, but that He laidhold on the seed of Abraham , meaningthose who possess the faith like Abra-ham, whether Jew or Gentile.

    Abraham is known as the father of

    the faithful; and the first essential to pleasing God is to have faith, fa iththat God exists, and that He is a re-

    warder of them that diligently seekHim. (Hebrews 11 :6) None othersare to be considered. Faith means (1)

    an intellectual understanding and ap- pre cia tion of the Bible as God’s W ordof tru th given for the guidance of manrelative to his salvation, and (2) aconfident reliance upon that Word.

    The terms of acceptance are laiddown by the Lord in these w or ds : “Ifany man will come after me, let himdeny himself, and take up his cross,and follow me. F o r whosoever will

    save his life shall lose i t : and whoso-ever will lose his life fo r m y sake shallfind it.” (M atthew 16: 24, 25) To denyoneself means to agree to do what an-othe r would direct. One surren derin ghimse lf to the Lord, seeking the L ord ’sfavor and turning away from theworld, agreeing to do the Lord’s will,may consider himself consecrated.

    The real desire of one who thus

    makes consecration is that he may bein harmony with the Lord and in linefor the enjoyment of the blessings oflife everlas ting. Jus tifica tion followsthe imputation of Christ’s meritorioussacrifice; and spiritbegetting (James1:18) then is necessary before one isa “new creature in Christ Jesns” anda prospective heir to a place in thekingdom with Jesus as a member of

    the glorified royal priesthood.

    — Judge J. F. Rutherford 

    THE BROADCASTER Published weekly at 18 Concord Street,  

    Brooklyn, N. Y., U. S. A., by

    F. E. HOUSTON, Publisher Yearly Subscription, 75c. Per copy, 2c. 

    Contr ibutors :Jud ge J. F . R uth ebf oiid . Pres. I. B. S. A. 

    C. J. W oodw orth . . E ditor Golden Age J. H. H e m e e y   . . . British Correspondent C. C. B in k ei.e . . European Correspondent

  • 8/20/2019 The Broadcaster Various Issues From 1924-1925


    The Broadcaster  September 18, 1924.

    “MANUFACTURERS’RECORD” ON WARPATHThe "Manufacturers’ Record” says 

    that “organizations representing, or purporting to represent, religious interests or the churches should be extremely careful in the wording of the statements which they send out to the press, but we regret to say that the Federal Council of the Churches has issued many statements which do not 

    convey the exact facts, but which do serve to create an entirely erroneous impression, and in this respect that organization so words much of its propaganda as to mislead newspaper readers who are not thoroughly posted.” After going that far the editor of the “Record” seemed to feel sure there was still something lacking in what he had started out to say, so he 

    wound up with the observation that “our contention is that absolute truthfulness in statement on the part of the Federal Council of Churches is important, unless it intends to bring about a reaction in which intelligent people will not accept as thoroughly truthful any statement issued by it.”

    BOSTON TO NEW YORKIN LESS THAN AN HOUR An army flier, Lieutenant R. C. Mof- 

    fatt, who was in a hurry to deliver some photographs, flew from Boston to the Mitchell Aviation Field in New  

    York in. 58 minutes, recently, and re

    turned again to Boston in 67 minutes 

    flying against the wind. This is more than twice as fast as the fastest train  ever operated between the two cities.


    Down on Cape Cod the State of  Massachusetts is preventing t h e  spreading of drifting sand by the planting of Scotch pine. The planting of these trees not only has the effect of holding the sand in place but the  trees first planted are nearly ready to be cut, and what was at first intended as an emergency measure to 

    protect the city of Provincetown will doubtless in the end be a profitable business venture.


    The London Daily  E xpress   reports a building boom all over England, but 

    especially in the south. The houses which, are being erected are almost entirely of moderate size, and are sold as soon as they are finished or while they are j t il l building. This has resulted in a call for bricks so great that British brick yards are unable to meet the demand, and millions of bricks are  coming in from Germany and other 



    Helena, Montana, reports that this  summer just as the grasshoppers pest was becoming acute, swarms of flesh 

    flies came into the fields and killed the 

    hopper by depositing living maggots which ate into the vital organs and 

    caused its death.

  • 8/20/2019 The Broadcaster Various Issues From 1924-1925


    Th e  Br o a d c a s t e rVo l. I, No . 7 Th ursday, Sep tember 25, 1924 Brooklyn, N .Y.

    Entered as Second Class Matter   August 14, 1924, at  the Post Office at Brooklyn, N .  V., under the Act o f  March 3. 1870



    SEIZED CHILEThe reason why the militaristsseized Chile and drove out of the coun-try the only president who ever repre-sented the common people of thatcountry, is that he demanded separa-tion of church and state, the reductionof the a rmy and navy, and the placingof proper income taxes upon the rep-

    resentatives of the socalled one hun-dred “first fam ilies” of Chile, who have practically all the wealth of the coun-try in their hands. From the timeAlessandri assumed office, all the

     power of the Roman Catholic Church,the militarists, and the grafters, wasised aga inst him. At the time he wasohased out, he had only eighteen dol-lars in his pocket.


    Two generals of the Greek armyare under arrest for having attempted

    obtain a revolt of the Grecian

    4rmy aga inst the newly established 

    treek Republic. I t was the ir hope brin g in anoth er Royalist form of

    government ; bu t they did not succeed

    iii their attempt, as the soldiers re-vised to follow their advice.


    OF JAPANJapan probably looks upon theAmerican recent “Defense Day” testas an unnecessary affront. Pe rhap sshe feels the same way also about theconcluding paragraph of the speech ofSecretary of the Navy Wilbur at SanFrancisco, which is believed to haveled the Pre siden t to summon him to re-

    turn to W ashington immediately. Mr.W ilbur said: “It has been a grea t personal satisfaction for me to comedown the coast with 14,000 sailorswearing the American uniform inships adequate for their own protec-tion and fo r the protection of ourcoasts, both east and west, fromthe aggression of any people in-fluenced, as all people may be, bysome extension of the mob spirit, someoutburst of passion or some real orfancied insult. There is nothing socooling to a hot temper as a piece ofcold steel. There is nothing so con-ductive to calm and cool deliberationas the contemplation of adequate

    means of defense of our opponent.”


    In order to do something to cutdown the tremendous and rapidly in

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    The Broadcaster  September   25 , 19*4

    The End of the World 

    THE meaning of the phrase “end ofthe world” has been greatly mis-

    understood. For generations peoplehave been taught that the end of theworld meant that the earth and every-thing in it would be burned up amidstsuffering beyond description. Neces-sarily this caused dread in the mindsof the people. Since unpleasant things

    are not desirable to listen to, few havecared to hear anything about the endof the world. When pro perly under-stood, however, it is a theme to bewelcomed with joy.

    Bondage Superseded by Liberty

    The human race has long been in bondage to evil influences. I f the peo-

     ple can understand that the end of theworld means release from this bond-age, bringing to them happiness and

     peace, health and strength , th is mes-sage would be received witli gladness.

    The word “world” as used in Scrip-ture does not mean earth. I t meansthe social, political, and ecclesiasticalorder of things controlling the general

    course of man. Everyone will bear .witness to the fact that the history ofthe world is written in tears and hu-m an blood. I t has been a long, suffer-ing and toilsome way; yet man hasever hoped for something better. Theend of the world means the end ofsuch suffering and the beginning of  a better way.

    The earth is the mundane sphereupon which man resides. The ear thwill never be destroyed. (Ecclesiastes1 :4 ; Isaiah 45:18) God formed theearth that man might have a homesuitable to his nature; and when man

    is restored to perfection in the Mes-sianic kingdom the earth will be a fit

     place in which to spend eternity. Whileman has been going through tryingexperiences, the earth has been incourse of development, and by thetime that man is restored to a perfectcondition the earth will be like thegarden of the Lord, an Edenic Para-

    dise. I t will be Para dise restored. TheBible gives us to understand thatheaven is God's home, but the earthhath He given to the children of men.

    The Worlds Are Dispensations

    The period of time from Eden untilthe flood is described in the Scripturesas the “world that was.’’ “Whereby

    the world that then was, being over-flowed with water, perished.” (2 Peter3 :6 ) Noah and his family were inthat world; and they were carried overto the new world, which began whenthe flood ceased. Noah had warned the people of the end of that world and ofthe coming deluge. A parallel is foundat the end of the present world, when

    some are w arning the people now th a tit is about to end.

    The world which began at the floodis mentioned as the “present evilworld.” (Galatians 1 :4 ) St. P e te rsays that it is “kept in store, reservedunto fire [destruction] against the dayof judgment and perdition of ungodlymen.” (2 Pete r 3: 7) We are told tha t

    after the second world is destroyedthere is to be a third world, one “wherein dwelleth righteousness.” (2 Peter 3:13 ) Therefore worlds aredispensations or epochs, progressivesteps in the divine plan of the ages.

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    The Broadcaster  September   25 , 1924

    Jesus often spoke to His disciplesabout the coming of the Messianickingdom, which Avould necessitate theoverthrow of the Satanic arrangem ent

    o r evil ord er of things. The discipleswere anxious to know about this newkingdom, and asked the question recorded in Matthew 24:3. The ques-tion was: “Tell us, when shall thesethings be? and what shall be the signof thy coming, and of the end of theworld?” The correct tran slation ismore comprehensive: “What shall bethe proof of thy presence and of theend of the age?"

     Not any longer a man but a divine being, Jesus would be invisible to thehuman eye at the second advent; andafter His arrival Mis kingdom wouldgradually come into p o w e r , and thenremain for one thousand years.

    Jesus Speaks with Authority

    Jesus in His answer shows that itwould be a long time before the endof the world would come. But Hespoke with authority, and His answeris prophetic. He knew tha t by thetime it did come His answer would beforgo tten by all except those who were

    diligently watching the unfolding ofevents in the light of the Scriptures.

    Jesus said that the nations would beangry, and that God’s wrath would bemanifested against them: “Nationshall rise against nation, and kingdomagainst kingdom: and there shall befamines, and pestilences, and earth-quakes, in divers places. All these are

    the beginning of sorrows.” (Matthew2 4 :7 ,8 ) It would be impossible fo rthe physical facts to fit more com-

     ple te ly the conditions fo reto ld thanwhat we have observed to happen d ur-ing the past ten years.

    In 1914 began the World War, theworst that man has ever experienced;8,000,000 were killed. I t was followed

     by pestilences, the like of which were

    never known before; about 32,000,000 perished by influenza. Great faminesswept the earth, the worst that wereever known; about 120,000,000 havedied of starvation. Over twenty minorand nine major earthquakes havekilled hundreds of thousands and de-stroyed much property since 1914.

    Jesus, being familiar with the proph -ecies, said that Jerusalem should betrodden down of the Gentiles until thetimes of the Gentiles should be ful-filled. The “times of the Gentiles” is a  period of 2,520 years, which began in606 B. C., with the overthrow of God’stypical kingdom, when Zedekiah wasdethroned. The prophet Ezekiel said

    that the kingdom would be ove rturneduntil “he come whose right it is,” andit would be given to him.” This is a reference to the kingdom of the Lord.The “times of the Gentiles” reaches

    from 606 B. C. exactly to 1914, and theW orld W ar came right on time. Whenthe present selfishness in the worldcomes to the full, adding greater sor-rows, then Messiah’s kingdom will be

    fully inaugurated and the desire of allnations shall speedily come.

    —  Judge J.  F.  Rutherford 

    THE BROADCASTERPublished weekly at 18 Concord Street, 

    Brooklyn, N. Y., U. S. A., by

    F. E. HOUSTON, Publisher Yearly Subscription, 75c. Per copy, 2c.

    Contrihutors :.Tu i x s e   .T. F. R u t h e r f o r d   . Pres. I. B. S. A .  C. .T. W o o d w o r t h   . . Editor Golden Age J . H . H f .m e r y   . . . British Correspondent C. C. B in k ele . . European Correspondent

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    The Broadcaster  September   25 , 1924

    creasing cost of living in France, theFrench Government has planned toclose the butcher shops and the bak-

    eries one day each week, and is also planning 0 1 1   fixing a price for flour.


     Not long ago we noticed that officersof the United States Government pre-sented the use of United States Gov-

    ernment planes to a Roman Catholic priest who wished to make a tr ip from New York to San Francisco. Nowwe have a word that other governmentofficials are loaning other government planes for the use of an Episcopalclergyman in Haiti. This free use ofgovernment property by preachersleads us to wonder why the officials

    who are so free with airplanes shouldstop there. Why not supp ly yachts,cruisers, battleships, printing presses,

     paper, postage, radio service, meatand drink, especially the latter, free?

    TAX BURDEN GROWSThe tax burden of the people of the

    United States was over threequartersof a billion dollars more in 1923 thanin 1922. In ten years, from 1914, theFederal, State, and Local governmenttax of the country has risen over fiveand onehalf billion dollars or, interms of dollars, over three and onehalf times as much as it was in 1913.


    Fields of Macedonia, which had not been tilled since the days of A lexanderthe Great, have been subjugated this

     past summer by the use of Americantractors. Refugees from Sm yrna andArmenia are being settled on these

    lands. The Grecian Government is borrowing $50,000,000 to assis t in car-rying out its plans of making theserefugees selfsupporting.


    Superior sugar, excellent in sweet-

    ness and preserving qualities, can now be made from corn. I t is said to be a purer product th an sugar made fromeithe r cane or beets. Bu t the su ga rtrus t, according to Alfred W. McCann,wall not let Attorney General Stone orSecretary of Agriculture Wallace giverecognition to the new form of sugarderived from corn. In refining, cane

    and beet sugar go through a “stench'* period which is not necessary fo r th ecorn sugar. But to hinder the marketsing of this new product the Washing*ton officials will not allow it to be la-

     beled “sugar”.


    An inexpensive, safe and simpleway has been found by which wheatstraw may be converted into gas, tar,and carbon residue. The method has

     been developed by the United Sta tesBureau of Chemistry, which claimsthat one ton of sundried wheat strawwill yield 10,000 feet of illuminating

    gas, 10 gallons of tar, and 25 poundsof carbon residue. I t will also sup-

     ply an efficient fuel for in te rnal com- bustion engines. Something like th iswas found a few years ago by acci-dent at Moose Jaw, Canada.

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    Vol. I, No. 8 Thursday, Octobe r 2, 1924 Brooklyn, N . Y. Entered as Second  Class Matter August 14, 1924, at  tfv« Pose Ofiice at  Brooklyn, N, Y., under the Act of  March  3.  1879



    EMBASSY TO VATICANFor years the United States Gov-

    ernment has been without any officialdiplomatic representative among thesixteen different kinds of Methodistchurches, the fifteen kinds of Baptistchurches, the twelve kinds of Presby-terian churches, the twentyone kindsof Lutheran churches, the fimr kindsof Plymouth Brethren, and the fiftyseven o ther varieties of which we moreor less feebly boast. And now, follow-ing this sensible example, the FrenchGovernment has decided to savemoney by cutting off its embassy tothe Roman Catholics. The Vaticanis said to be much grieved over this.


    The school children of Bulgaria ob-tain their clothing, shoes, school books,and medical attention, all at actualcost without a cent of profit to any-one concerned. This cooperative plan,introduced originally at the capital,

    has proven so successful and desirablethat it has spread throughout thecountry. Cooperative activity should become contagious. When the rightspirit animates man, cooperation will

     prove workable.


    GREATEST ASSETThe waters of the Dead Sea have

     been found to lie heavily laden with potash, one of the most essential in-gredients of fertilizer. , It has beenfound, also, that this potash can belaid down on the Mediterranean sea-

     board for onehalf the cost of Euro- pean potash. What a strange conclu-sion confronts us; namely, that theDead Sea, supposedly worthless, isdestined to become Palestine’s inex-haustible ban k!


    Elias R. Dunn, familiarly known as“Farmer Dunn” of the Weather Bu-reau, says that the reason for thecooler summers in the northern andeastern states is the irrigation of vastareas in the southwest. These causethe transcontinental storms to passfarther south than formerly, and intheir passage they draw down upon uscool winds from the north. I t is im-

     possible to transfo rm a desert into awater surface without notable and

     permanent climatic changes. Manyother physical changes are going on inour planet, and all possibly workingtowards its ultimate perfection.

    Th e  Br o a d c a s t e r

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    Th e Broadcaster  October 2, 1924 

    A Desirable

    A  GOVERNMENT is a body poli-tic, governed or controlled byduly constituted authority. A desir-able government is one the powers ofwhich are exercised in a just andrighteous manner for the greatestgood to all the people. Such govern-ment would bring a blessing to all people who desire to do right.

    For more than 6,000 years man hasattempted to establish a governmentthat is satisfactory. Today the lead-ing statesmen of the world freely ad-mit that efforts toward establishing a 1desirable government have failed.

    Disorder in Present Governments

    There is not a government on earth

    today that satisfies any reasonable proportio n of the people. Discontentexists everywhere; selfishness is al-ways to the fo re ; the nations are p rac-tically bankrupt; and many of themare ruled by dictators. Ev ery effortat reformation has proven abortive.The statesmen of the world have at-tempted by leagues and similar com-

     pacts to solve the difficulty. The finan-ciers have made an attem pt. Churchdenominations have put forth everyeffort. All have failed. The reasonis that all have ignored God’s way.Man’s extremity should cause him toconsider calmly God’s way.

    In Eden Adam had an ideal govern-ment. When he sinned, he lost i t ; and

    every effort since to establish a righ t-eous government has met with failure.While some efforts at reformationhave made progress, none has suc-ceeded in bringing the desire of allnations to the people. God prom ised 


    that through the seed of Abraham allthe families of the earth should be blessed. This seed is the Messiah, theChrist.

    Expecting Blessings from God

    Orthodox Jews have, for centuries past, expected the Messiah to estab-lish an ideal government. Christians

    have vaguely looked forward to thetime of the second coming of the L ord,the setting up of His kingdom; andall denominations have taught theirmembers to p ra y : “Thy kingdomcome. Thy will be done in ear th, as itis in heaven.” (Matthew 6 :10 ) How,then, could we expect the will of Godto be done thus on earth!

    Is there any hope of reforming thosewho indulge in fraudulent practices, inoil scandals or like schemes to de frau dmen? Is it possible to remedy theirwrongs by sending them to prison andholding them up to the scorn of man-kind? No! Long efforts at this havefailed. The reason why men in highofficial positions become unfaithful is

     because of th eir weaknesses in herited by reason of the fall of Adam . Thereis but one remedy.

    God has provided through His be-loved Son redemption for the humanrace, and has promised that at Hissecond coming the kingdom of right-eousness under Christ shall give toevery man an opportunity to profit in

    the dominion of earth which shall thenhave been transferred to Messiah.

    We may know that the kingdom ofthe Lord will not be entrusted to self-ish men. The kingdoms of ea rth aretottering, atnd many have already fall-

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    The Broadcaster  October 2,  1924

    en; the whole world is in distress and perp lexity, and the rule rs do not knowwhat to expect. The time has come fo rthe establishment of God’s kingdom in

    the earth. We know this because theold order has ended and is being de-stroyed. The Lord is cleaning up theground preparatory to beginning Hisreign of righteousness.

    God’s Declaration is Sure

    God through His prophet, referringto this time, said: “And in the days

    of these kings [toes of the Gentile im-age, the last rulers] shall the God ofheaven set up a kingdom which shallnever be destroyed: and the kingdomshall not be left to other people, butit shall break in pieces and consumeall these kingdoms, and it shall standfo r ever.”—Daniel 2 :4 4 ; 7 : 27.

    Referring to Messiah, the Prophets a id : “The government shall be uponhis shoulder; and his name shall becalled W onderful, Counselor, th emighty God, the everlasting Father,the Prince of Peace. Of the increaseof his government and peace thereshall be no end.” (Isaiah 9: 6,7 ) Andwe are plainly told that the overcom-

    ing Church shall reign with Christ askings and p riests for a thousand years.These will be in the spiritual or in-visible phase of the kingdom.

    The visible rulers are to be men whohave proved the ir loyalty to truth andrighteousness. The eleventh chapter

    of Hebrews enumerates the ancientworthies, from Abel to the last of the

     prophets . They loved righteousnessand hated iniquity. They were not popula r in the world. They were des-titute, afflicted, tormented, slain with  j

    the sword. They all died in faith and 1

    were pleasing to God; and they have been sleeping in the dust of the earthawaiting the resurrection day.

    Earthly Rulers Made PerfectThe Apostle in Hebrews 11th chap-

    ter shows that when the Christ, theseed of Abraham, the royal family ofheaven, is complete, these faith ful menof old will have a resurrection . Theywill come forth from the tomb as per-fect men. Referring to the progen i-tors of the household of faith, God,

    through the prophet, said: “Insteadof thy fathers shall be thy children,whom thou mayest make princes in allthe earth.” (Psalm 45:16 ) And thes# princes shall ru le in judgment.—Isa-iah 32:1.

    “When thy [God’s] judgments arein the earth, the inhabitants of theworld will learn righteousness.” “Withrighteousness shall he judge the poor,and reprove with equity .for the meekof the earth: . . . righteousness shall be the girdle of his loins, and faith ful-ness the girdle of his reins. . . . They

    shall not hurt nor destroy in all myholy mountain [kingdom]: for the

    ea rth shall be full of the knowledge of

    the Lord, as the w aters cover the sea.”(Isaiah 26: 9; 11 :4 ,5 ,9 ) Thus willcome the desirable government.

     — Judge J.  F.  Rutherford 

    THE BROADCASTERPublished weekly at 18 Concord Street, 

    Brooklyn, N. Y., U. S. A., by

    F. E. HOUSTON, Publisher Yearly Subscription, 75c. Per copy, 2c. Contributors:

    J u d g e J. F . R u t h e r f o r d   . Pres. I. B. S. A. C. .T. W o o d w o r t h   . . Editor Golden Age J . H . H e m e r y . . . British Correspondent C. C. BiNKEr.E . . European Correspondent

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    The Broadcaster October 2, 1924


    A grea t m otor highway now reachesfrom the port of Beirut, on the Med-iterranean Sea, all the way to Te-heran, via Damascus and Bagdad.Over the same route, slowmovingcaravans have traveled for centuries.Over p ar t of this route, Abrahamcame with Sarah into the land of promise.


    In the face of recently publishedclaims that the churches are increas-ing their “membership”, the Instituteof Social and Religious Research de-clares that church attendance all over

     New England, the Middle Sta tes, theMiddle West, and the Ear West is onthe decline. Ministers today are

     preaching to empty pews. The people,are refusing to go to church, because^they do not believe that the preadier\himself believes what he is teaching.


    J. Ellis Barker, a British investiga-tor, has produced evidence to justifyhis contention that cancer is due toimpoverishment and clogging of thesystem by th a t worst of all humanfoods, white bread. The same effects

    are also produced by swallowing tea

    and coffee at temperatures above 150°.Miners and farmers, whose work isof a nature to keep the muscles ofthe abdomen well developed, seldomsuffer from cancer.


    The American Bakers' Associationhas agreed to continue to sell bread fo r10 cents a loaf. I t seems to us that thisis a wise decision. There are 280 loavesof bread in a ba rre l of flour. F or thiswheat the farmer receives about $5;and it would certainly seem as thoughthe millers, bakers, and railroad com- panies, and grocers ought to lie able

    to get along on the $23 per barrel dif-ference. Under a sensible plan of dis-tribution the bread could be sold at5 cents a loaf, and leave a profit.


    The United States Army now pos-

    sesses an automatic pilot that flies air- planes without any one aboard. The possession of these planes makes itcertain that no army can ever invadethe United States, except by airplane.It also makes it certain that in thefuture no lying bankers can arrangefor the transshipment to Europe of ftmillion of our best youths contrary to

    the Constitution of the United States.


    A German scientist, Fritz Haber,has predicted that through eliminationof the causes of death men will live toreach a thousand years of age. The

    Bible beats this estimate all hollow.It shows conclusively that the time iscoming here on earth when death willcease absolutely. Best of all, we haveentered the happy era; and there aremillions now living who will never die.

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    Th e  Br o a d c a s t e rVol. I, No. 9 Thu rsday, Octobe r 9, 1924 Brooklyn , N. Y.

    Entered as Second Class Matter August  1 4, 1924, at the Post Office at Bro oklyn,  N. Y'., under the Act of Kidich   j. 1870



    King Hussein of the Hedjaz, afterhe had spent several hours in prayerand in wireless communication withhis son Feisal, king of Mesopotamia,and his son Abdullah, king of Trans jo rdania , lias decided to give up his jo b ; p artly because w arring tribesmenwere about to capture his capital,

    Mecca; and pa rtly because the leadingmen of Mecca united in a written re-quest to him to please get out. KingIlussein has also resigned as head ofthe Moslem church.


    Details just brought to light showthat in 1919, officers who are still con-nected with the H un garian Govern-ment were responsible for killing six

    laborers without even asking theirnames. In the town of Dunafoldbarthey hanged a number of young people

    without a hearing. In Simontornya,

    victims were first cruelly tortured be-fore being executed, but in the same

    town at least one prominent man who

    had been arrested was given his lib-erty upon paym ent of a bribe.


    After assuring the French cardinalsthat the Catholic faith would not bemolested in any way. Prem ier H erriotsays, and every lover of liberty and progress will applaud his assertions:

    “But we are resolved to protect therights and conscience of individuals.We are entrusted to maintain State

    rights, but we are of the opinion thatit is necessary to distinguish thespiritual from the temporal. Whilerefraining from interfering with in-dividuals we refuse to permit these

    rights to be controlled by others thanthose concerned with our nationalsovereignty.”


    A new and sensible use has been

    discovered fo r the airplane. Loaded

    with a half ton of arsenate of calcium,

    the plane speeds back and forth acrossthe fields, leaving a pa th of dusted cot-

    ton, fully 200 fee t wide. The dustingis much more effectively done from theairplane than close at hand, and onlyabout a third as much dust is needed,

    namely, about two pounds to the acre.

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    The Broadcaster  October 9, 1924

    The Distress of Germany


    EN years ago the German empire

    was the greatest worldpower0 1 1

    earth. Today her pomp and glory aregone. The richest mineral productive portion of Germany is in the handsof an enemy that, for the time being,is a victor. The German people havesuffered great loss therefrom, and theenemy has reaped 1 1 0   real benefit.

    The fields are tilled chiefly by

    women. The men tha t survived thewar have congregated in the citieswith but few exceptions. The farm ingof the soil is done in a primitive way,

     principally with spades and hoes andother hand instruments. Seldom is ateam of horses or mules seen to bedrawing the plow or harrow.