the beauty of heart-nature

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Post on 02-Jun-2018




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  • 8/10/2019 The Beauty of Heart-Nature


    The Beauty of Heart-Nature

    The flutter of a Butterfly, the swoop of an Eagle, the cry of a Hawk, the step of a

    Panther.....the natural world is littered with sound, smell, voice and movement. There is

    synchronicity, fluidity and timing that is innate. You could say its instinctual. Nature is

    made up of that which is physical and tangible and yet there is a mysteriousness to

    nature. The rhythms, the cycles, the synergy of dynamic movement and change that

    humans are yet to master. Why is it that when you retreat to nature it calms and bringsus back to center? I have often asked myself this question. Nature with all the intricate

    details within a web of multiplicity is coherent (has order), is harmonic and aesthetically

    pleasing all at the same time. All is taken care of. Birth is followed by great abundance

    and death by recycling again for the great abundance to be restored. What is offered is

    always given back. There is enough for all creatures. It seems that each creature is

    guided by their inner knowing of their habitat and what they are permitted to do. Every

    filament delicately combines to bring ecosystems together. Enlacing the different

    species one to the other, in a cooperative dance that affects one, the other, the all. The

    microcosm sending a ripple effect to the macrocosm which in turn feeds back to the

    microcosm. A veritable biofeedback loop that is more complex than humans


    They say that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, this may be true, however, beauty is

    the ability to see with an open mind and heart. It is more than seeing the outside, it is

    more than seeing colors, shape or form. Beauty is seeing with the heart. It is not

    seeing with emotions, for emotions cloud true beauty. They murky the waters. Beauty

    from the heart is about letting the heart see without the ego. Without the mind dictatingand finding meaning. For when we dictate and interpret we lose that moment of beauty.

    We limit it with our thinking, we send it up in smoke. The smoke signifying the beauty is

    lost. Lost to the thinking mind. You see the thinking mind can only see what it knows,

    the heart sees differently. The heart senses the essence of beauty. As you look at a cat

    and examine the cats beauty. You see the chiseled features of the face, the familiar

  • 8/10/2019 The Beauty of Heart-Nature


    shape of the ears, body and snout. The coat its colors. Perhaps you touch the soft

    silky fur. With the thinking mind the experience stops there. When you engage the

    heart and we look deep into the liquid eyes of the cat....therein lies the beauty. For the

    beauty is in the windows to its soul. The eyes observe you as you observe them. They

    move, they are alive. They are real. They are not a figment created by the mind basedon the expectations and knowns of feline shape and behavior. They are alive. They

    show depth, feeling and being. Nature is reflected in the eyes of all creatures. The

    reflection from their perspective, their ecosystem, their experience. They show us

    through their experience the beingness of the natural world. They express it collectively

    in their species behavior and individually through their personal stories. For stories are

    a way to share feelings, experiences and beingness. Stories are the way we

    understand the world around us. Stories are a way of life. We hear them, see them

    and feel them. They are rhythmic, fluid and dynamic. To each of us they are real.

    Nature has her own collective story. As do the individual creatures within each

    ecosystem. We identify, categorize and label creatures, flowers, plants, stones, soils,

    bacteria, clouds to help our conscious minds to make sense and add interpretation. We

    have forgotten the inaudible sounds, rhythms and fluidity of the natural world. They

    seem illusive because we are clouded by the labels and categories and the expectation

    that behavior is fixed. They seem illusive because we see what we want to see and not

    what is. They seem illusive because our minds are fixed on the known. They seem

    illusive because they are until we are still, silent and calm. Until we sense, feel and

    allow the rhythm, cycle of coherent flow of nature to pass through us. Until we look into

    the cats eyes with respect, without pushing and pulling, without force. In this way the

    beauty of nature will unfold before us as a blooming flower, it will share its inner beauty

    with us, with you.

    Next time you go into nature, be still, be calm and wait....what do you sense? Let

    nature teach you a new way of being....listen with your heart.Photo Acknowledgement: www.freedigitalphotos.netannankkml

    Chiara Marrapodi. All Rights Reserved. No reproduction is permitted without prior author approval.

    Wild Voices Talk

    Chiara Marrapodi - Animal
