the b2b content creationist bible

C ible B the reationist Content

Upload: squaredot-inbound-marketing

Post on 13-Apr-2017




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Creationismis the belief that

the universe and life itself originates

from specific acts of divine creation.

is the belief that the universe and life itself originates

from specific acts of divine creation.

is what earns sales leads.ontentC

is the belief that earned sales leads originate

from specific acts of…


Content Creationism

…Content Creation.


There is no God

(Well there might be,

but He doesnt write con



orn houseI

utsource bO

Content is King

QueenKnight in Shinning Armour

Hipster ScholarBikram Guruinder Match

Starsky &HutchLaurel &Hardy

Sliced Brea b

It's a big deal because it leads to leads...

and leads, lead to sales...

and sales leads to profits...…

and profits lead to growth...…

and growth leads to bigger budgets...…

and better content...…

completing the lifecycle.…

Amen, brother!

Now for the …

Content reationistC’ommandmentsC

93% of B2B marketers are using content marketing.


!U.S. companies will spend in the neighbourhood of $50

billion on content marketing this year.


Top Challenges B2B Content Marketers Face: !69% Lack of time 55% Producing content 39% Lack of budget 38% Content variety

(Top Rank)

Top challenges B2B content marketers face: !49% Measuring content effectively 32% Outsourcing to specialists 30% Integration across marketing 20% technology challenges

(Content Marketing Institute)

Content Marketing for Kraft generates the

equivalent of 1.1 billion ad impressions a year

and a four times better ROI than even targeted

advertising. !

Julie Fleischer (Kraft Director of Data, Content, and Media)

Which B2B content marketing tactics are outsourced? !64% writing 54% design 30% content distribution 22% editing 13% measurement & analytics !

(Top Rank)

Original content creation trumps licensed content,

with 68% of marketers backing original content

over licensed. !


Leaders in data-driven marketing are more than six times more likely than

laggards to report competitive advantage in

profitability and five times more likely in customer retention.


(Forbes) (Hubspot)

Only 28% of content sharing happens through the big

social networks. The other 72% is shared through “Dark

Social,” the private sharing that happens behind closed

private communications such as emails, chats, and

mobile apps. !

(Social Media Today)

(Top Rank)

Trailing only retail and brand sites, blogs rank

as the third most influential digital resource

guiding purchasing decisions. !!

(Marketing Magazine)

Top Challenges B2B content marketers face: 

!54% Creating engaging content 50% Producing content effectively 49% Measuring content effectively 42% Content variety  41% lack of budget 34% Knowledge gaps 32% Outsourcing to specialists 30% Integration across marketing 29% lack of buy in 20% technology challenges !(Content Marketing Institute)

Companies who blog receive 97% more links

to their website. !

B2B marketers that use blogs receive 67% more

leads than those that do not. !


58% of B2B marketers plan to increase their content

marketing budgets, and of this group, 10% plan to increase

it significantly. !!

Adopting an inbound strategy doubles average website conversion rates, from

6% to 12%

!(Forbes) !(Hubspot)

63% of B2B marketers rate

LinkedIn the most effective

social media platform.

!(Content Marketing Institute)


63% of B2B marketers rate LinkedIn the most effective

social media platform. !!

(Content Marketing Institute)

Inbound marketers who

measure ROI are more

than 12 times more likely

to generate a greater

year-over-year return.


Inbound marketers who measure ROI are more than 12 times more likely to generate

a greater year-over-year return. !


80% of business decision makers prefer to get

company information in a series of articles versus

an advertisement. !

( !

Top Goals for B2B Content Marketing: !82% Brand Awareness 74% Lead Generation 71% Customer Acquisition 68% Thought Leadership !

(Top Rank)