the awakening clan


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The first book in the Awakening series. Ingrid Barendse lives a normal life, working as a maintenance administrator in Holland. Unknown to her colleagues, Ingrid secretly yearns for a deeper understanding of the universe and after a message appears on her powered down computer screen from the mysterious POWAH, she starts on a journey to achieve Ascension and be awakened to her true self.


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The Awakening Clan

This novel is not just a fac tual guide line to im mor tal ity, but a beau ti fuland in trigu ing ro mance. It is one of those grip ping tales that urge one toquickly read the next page in or der to come closer to the con clu sion. Attimes I have found my self read ing rather quickly through the pro foundmes sages of POWAH, a Higher Con scious ness Guide, whose ex cerptscan as sist all to re turn Home in a more con scious way, just to get to thepages filled with pas sion, sus pense and love. The two in ter wo ven sto ries,a ro mance and a guide line to our awak en ing make in ter est ing, ed u ca -tional, in spi ra tional and en ter tain ing read ing. 

Rev. Marietjie VenterI found your novel to be a truly in spi ra tional read and thor oughly en -

joyed it. What a pow er ful tool from which oth ers can ben e fit.

Linda de Villiers, Spir i tual Healer & In tu itive

Con grat u la tions! I loved the story which had me awake un til the earlyhours of the morn ing as I could not put it down. I was also amazed thatyou man aged to make all the in for ma tion about as cen sion so ac ces si ble.Apart from the fact that it was a great read, I have been cap ti vated by thein for ma tion con tained in the book. I re ally just wanted to sa lute you andrec og nize how deeply your book res o nated within me. Thank you.

Tracy Dunley-Owen

Nadine your fas ci nat ing vi sion ary novel is truly a em pow er ing fu tur is -tic pro jec tion of a pos si ble fu ture for the hu man spe cies. Al though writ -ten as fic tion, you have again pre sented it in such a way that it could eas ilybe true and hap pen ing right now on the planet. Not only was the storygrip ping, but it also of fered to me as a reader, a pos si bil ity of par tak ing ina spir i tual jour ney that could lead to full con scious ness. Da vid Wicock : Au thor

of ar ti cles on the sci ence of as cen sionThis book is a fan tas tic piece about a life within a new fu tur is tic di -

men sion. love, mys tery,brav ery and cour age are many other as pects ofthis book . a new look at what our fu ture could be if only we look to HIM /


Ka ren L. Mclaughlin "AKHNATON" (NEW HAMPSHIRE, USA)

The Awakening Clan

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A story over view.

Ing rid Barendse is dumb founded by bold text that ap pears on her

switched-off com puter. She knows of no tech nol ogy that can dowhat she wit nesses. The mes sage from POWAH, a mys ti cal voice

from Cyberspace, is both un nerv ing and in spir ing; en cour ag ing her

to join a group of peo ple who are in ves ti gat ing the sci ence be hind

im mor tal ity. POWAH’s twenty two ex cerpts start to con firm as ton -

ish ing facts about hu man ity’s or i gin. Through ge netic de cod ing ex -

er cises in Annelies’ as cen sion work shops, Ing rid starts to

un der stand why age ing, dis ease, and a short ened life-span was never

in the orig i nal blue print of the hu man spe cies.

Ing rid’s newly found tele pathic com mu ni ca tion skills awaken

mem o ries from other life times. At the time the global com mu nity

breaks out in a caul dron of in trigue be tween the en er gies of dark

and light, Ing rid’s life’s pur pose is awak en ing. At work Ing rid is

shown close ap er ture ra dar foot age of an cient tun nels un der a con -

struc tion site in France. It turns out to be long for got ten tech nol ogy

from an an cient civili sa tion which starts to be re ac ti vated due to the

in crease of fre quen cies of the earth. The awak en ing has started for

the peo ple who be come known as the Jaarsma clan. They must now

stick to gether through great up heav als un til the year 2012.

Other books by Nadine May:

My Love We Are Go ing Home – Ing rid's jour nal (2001)

Or phan age of Soulmates – Rich ard’s jour nal (2003)

The Lan guage of Light – Mind-draw ing through the higher self. ( 2003)

Med i ta tions on the Lan guage of Light – On our Soul Qual i ties (2004)

The As tral Explorer – Rich ard’s jour nal (2008)

The Cos mic Trav el ler – Rich ard’s jour nal (2008)

Van ish ing Worlds - Annelies' jour nal (2011)

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Published by:

Kima Global Pub lish ers50 Clo velly road, Clo velly 7975P.O.Box 374 Rondebosch 7700Cape TownSouth Africa

Contact Details:

Publisher: [email protected] web site

Author: [email protected]'s web siteISBN 978-0-9802561-5-4

Pre vi ously pub lished un der the ti tle: My Love We are Go ing Home.

© Nadine May 2007

All rights reserved. With the exception of small passages quotedfor review purposes, no portion of this work may be reproduced,translated, adapted, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or through any means including electronic, mechanical,photocopying or otherwise without the written permission of thepublisher.

Made and printed in South Africa

Cover Art by Author Nadine May

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This visionary novel

is dedicated to

My Parents Mientje and Tjalling van der Veen. They both leftour physical world before this first visionary novel was

envisaged but their unconditional love for their stubborn,sometimes controversial, daughter will always linger in my


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Preface by Tulanda

2008 — 2012 — 2020

I was rest ing in my fa vour ite place, high up in the moun tainswhere the bril liance of planet Earth was finely re in stated in its fullglory — where all plant life was once again in har mony with the lawof ONE. I felt an oce anic unity with ev ery thing around me, wheremat ter and en ergy moved in an eter nal dance, and life and deathwere but chang ing states of both. I sensed that be neath that puls ingma trix of mat ter and en ergy lay some thing deeper. Some thing in mecraved knowl edge of the un der ly ing or der, and in that mo ment I be -gan to see as I had never seen be fore…

…Then my thoughts went back to my never to be for got tenevent of ex pe ri enc ing a life in a hu man body on planet Earth. Theim mense de vi a tions of emo tions and men tal thought chat ter havebeen dif fi cult to over come. I have a gen u ine ad mi ra tion for the im -mor tal spir its that have been trapped for so long in this il lu sion ofthe lower di men sions. I feel very priv i leged to have been part oftheir awak en ing, even if it was only for two life times.

Look ing around me now, it is very clear that a tre men dous trans -for ma tion took place when the gal axy of planet Earth was re lo catedin its new po si tion in the uni verse.

My Soul Part ner has made prep a ra tions for our ‘pickup’ as hecalled it. The ver bal com mu ni ca tion has rubbed off on us both. To -gether we will travel multi-dimensionally to our home planet where I will of fi cially hand over my awak en ing as sign ment.

With the help of my fel low soulmates the fol low ing visionarynov el has now been col lected to gether and pro jected on an as tral ho -


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lo graphic screen for my el ders to eval u ate; so I could trans late

Ingrid’s jour nal into a novel rather than a di ary. I know that I can

travel back at any mo ment and be come once again part of a cos mic

plot. My con scious ness can eas ily en ter into the hu man dream and

relive with many oth ers this first awak en ing level of the Jaarsma Clan

.....when the transformation started dur ing spring time of the month

of April 2008.......

Preface by Tulanda

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1888 – 2012 –2020

It is early Spring on Earth, the winter haspassed. The change indeed shows the magic of elemental creation in action. The warming rays ofthe sun are gently stroking many hearts in order to awaken and prepare its inhabitants to a newevolutionary cycle.

My mission started in the year 1888. I wasgranted permission to act as a Guide, and activateindividual consciousness, just as the Sun with itswarmth is activating a new day in this time zone.

Times are changing rapidly now. You the readerchose to be present here on earth in order toexperience the most significant opportunity of allyour many lifetimes.

I came from the dimensional realm, which somecall the Power of One. This primal void or source of One that cannot be named surrounds all creation. In this realm time does not exist and I observe your reality as a happening in only just one moment.

The part of you that exists in a physical formseems cut off from the source therefore I have adeep admiration for the many billions of SpiritSparks that have had the courage to incarnate overand over again through the ages.

However, through that process many have fallenasleep to themselves.

I have been given permission from the inner realmof soul consciousness to ‘nudge’ you all throughlove. Because you are all part of me, the feeling from many that have a need to return home has been noted.

You are still somewhat trapped in the patterns of human activity, which is part of the resistancethat attracts you to the outer tonal, thirddimensional world. The five senses are still


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preventing the full flow of soul energy from beingmanifested into the physical.

I AM the love, the light, and the life ofcreation, penetrating into this earthly densityexternally expressed through your technologies,activating the WHITE LIGHT within all.


The Jaarsma Group Soul incarnated as an idea onEarth in 1888. My Oversoul's energy explored thepossibility of full awakening through manyincarnations. The I AM's of many individual soulsneeded to be nudged to awaken, for they had chosento partake in the transformation — which becameknown as Programme Planet Earth. The followingstory was the result of what happened when actionis taken before the events leading up to the year2012. Ingrid's story happened in the same momentit was created, and you, the reader, are part of it.

Soon you, the reader, will enter space, thein–breath of your evolution; taking back with youall that you have learnt into the oneness andconnectedness. Feel the presence of this light asan aspect of the real you.

Let Ingrid's journey awaken your memories andcall forth the remembrance of being eternalomni–dimensional beings. Every embodied soul knows the connecting link with the manifested and theun–manifested and as you walk through the embodiedstate of existence in your life cycle, know thatyou are a creation in motion.

Beloved, it is all a matter of consciousness,therefore, think no more that you are separatedfrom other spiritual beings.

Soon you will abide in the impersonal realm,where all power, all wisdom and all love aremanifesting as the threefold nature of the idea ofour creator that expresses through all of us.

With love and light.



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Cast of CharactersIng rid Barendse

POWAH: Spiritual GuideSascia: Daughter

Jeroen: Son Debbie: Daughter

Quincy: SisterEd: Brother in law

Toon: LoverHarry Brinks: BossCarla: ColleaguePiet: Colleague

Marijke: ColleagueUla: Colleague

Liesbeth: FriendCrime scene

Nick du Toit: GamblerThe boss: Criminal

Bruce: CriminalIris: Criminal

André: The detectiveAnnelies Zwiegelaar

Fred: BrotherBen: Husband

Hans: Adopted sonOtto: Half brotherJill: Otto’s wife

Peter: Otto’s adopted sonHelen: Peter’s wife

Yolanda: Niece.Connie: Yolanda’s Daughter.

Tieneke: Harry Brinks’ daughterRoelof de Beer: Tieneke’s husband

Gerrit: Class participantNiels: Class participantZola: Class participantWim: Class participant

Richard de Jong: Class participant

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Preface by Tulanda. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VII

Prologue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VIII

Cast of Characters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XI

1 Mental Telepathy?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

2 The Body Codes of Light. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

3 The Sound and Colour of Numbers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

4 Soul Connections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

5 The Keepers of the Evolution Game. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

6 The Balance of the Two Polarities.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111

7 A Dream not Interpreted is a Letter not Read. . . . . . . . . . . 131

8 It’s All in the Eye of the Observer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149

9 Nine Character Vibrations of the Individual Soul. . . . . . . . 167

10 Is the 3rd Dimension a Hologram?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190

11 Releasing Addictive Attachments.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211

12 Releasing Co-dependancies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233

13 Fear-based Thought Forms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255

14 The Imbalance of Narcissism. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275

15 Emotional and Mental Addictions.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296

16 The ‘Lower will’ and the Higher Self . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316

17 Beliefs and Judgments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337

18 The Higher and Lower Aspects of Intuition.. . . . . . . . . . . . 359

19 The Heart Chakra.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381

20 The Rules of the Fourth Dimension. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400

21 Becoming Aware of Being Unaware. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421

22 ‘The Eye of the Observer’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 444

Acknowledgments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 466

About the Author. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 468


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P0WAH's Excerpts

The Awakening Game. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

The Dimensions and their Densities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Sound & Colour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

The Symbol of Consciousness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

The Eye of Horus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

The Balance of The Two Hemispheres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129

Time–Zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146

The 1st level of the Awakening Card Game . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152

The Nine Character Vibrations of the Individual Soul. . . . . . . 174

I AM that I AM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202

Acknowledging The One Source of All That Is . . . . . . . . . . . . 222

Releasing Co–dependencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238

Releasing Fear–based Thought Forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257

Releasing of the Imbalance of Narcissism. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279

Becoming Aware of Emotional and Mental Addictions . . . . . . 311

Handing over the Lower will and Surrendering to the Higher Self 335

Mastery over Beliefs and Judgments about them. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344

Mastery over the Higher and Lower aspects of Intuition . . . . . 374

Mastery over the Compassionate Gateway, the Heart Chakra. 391

Awakening to the Rules of the Fourth Dimension. . . . . . . . . . . 403

Becoming Aware of Being Unaware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438

The Awareness of the Power of Words. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462

The Jaarsma Tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 470

The Jaarsma Tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 471

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Chapter 1

Mental Telepathy?

Apeldoorn - Holland.

Are you awake?” The popular song on ‘The Awak en ing’ play -ing on her car ra dio was ask ing. A hid den smile dim pled her cheek as she re called the mys ti cal en coun ter from the pre vi ous night. Thewords ‘Are you awake?’ made her heart soft, re in stat ing her en thu si -asm for life that crisp Tues day morn ing. Strong, res o lute handshold ing the steer ing wheel started to drum with the beat. Ing rid’s silk blouse un der her el e gant suit por trayed a grace ful, sen sual woman,ma ture but still youth ful.

Apeldoorn’s busi ness cen tre hummed with ac tiv ity. Af ter park -ing her car for the day she no ticed a big sign in a newly-opened book shop called ‘The Power of Words’ ad ver tis ing: As cen sion work -shops Start ing Soon!

Good grief how in trigu ing. The word ‘as cen sion’ raised her spir -its even more. She dashed around the cor ner through the wide glassdoors of Plea sure Parks mod ern of fice build ing. The tall palms inthe foyer half-hid the re cep tion ist. As the el e va tor door’s in fra redde tec tor re sponded to her body heat, her col league Carla, wholooked like she’d just fallen out of bed, called out…

“Hi! Stun ning suit! Try ing to daz zle some one?” Carla, was both clever and fun-lov ing with a good sense of hu mour.Ing rid loved her job. She ad min is tered the main te nance of twelve

hol i day re sorts through out Eu rope, out lined ar tis tic im pres sions fortheir new de vel op ments and did some PRO work. All this kept her


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Mental Telepathy?

from be ing bored. The chief at trac tions of Plea sure Parks re sorts

were the ex otic fan tasy gar dens with a wide-range of bath ing and

suntanning beaches com bined with wave pools, gym na si ums, health

clubs and shops ga lore. These ex ten sive fa cil i ties were sit u ated un -der one big glass geo de sic dome that as sured a sub trop i cal cli mate all

year round.

She had been look ing for the right job for some time. Then eigh -

teen months pre vi ously this po si tion be came avail able and her three

grown-up chil dren en cour aged her to ap ply for it.

Her move to the out skirts of the town ‘Apeldoorn’, af ter her hus -

band Jan’s death, had been very dif fi cult. Leav ing the har bour city of

Rot ter dam she had shared with him for 23 years, closed a chap ter in

her life.

Ing rid glanced through the glass par ti tion of her of fice. Marijke,

her down-to-earth as sis tant, who pro grammed and in voiced the hol -

i day book ings from the ANWB VVV of fices all over Hol land into

their da ta base, was late.

Marijke had lost her lit tle boy, Kees, in a car ac ci dent four months

pre vi ously and she had great dif fi culty com ing to terms with her

loss. Her grief still hung around her like glue. Think ing about Kees

made Ing rid rec ol lect her own griev ous times af ter Jan’s death, but

her mys ti cal en coun ter the pre vi ous night marked a turn ing point.

She was about to switch her com puter on when sud denly shefroze... A mes sage had ap peared on her screen! The ques tion was

very bright and clear!<Would you like to take part in the Awak en ing Pro -cess?>

How weird! Her com puter! It was NOT ON! How was that

pos si ble? She sat for a mo ment like a statue. No body took any no -

tice of her. Marijke ap peared, apolo gis ing for be ing late as she

popped her head round the door. Look ing back at her screen the

words were still there, very bold and clear, but her mon i tor was

NOT ON! She grabbed the mouse and at that mo ment the screen

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went blank! HOW WEIRD! Hearing the song on the ra dio ‘Are youawake’; see ing the new book shop that ad ver tised a work shop on as -cen sion, and now this. Was this a co in ci dence?

The loud mel ody of her desk phone jolted her back to the re al ityof the work place. It was some one from the Tree Fern Land scap ers &Con struc tion firm. Her thoughts were still som er saulting while shestared at her dark screen.

“To whom am I speak ing?” she asked, since a man’s pen e trat ingvoice brought her back to the pre sent.

“Toon Haardens. This firm has changed hands, I see that we do alot of busi ness with your com pany.” In a self-as sured man ner hecar ried on speak ing to some one in the back ground who had justwalked in. When he handed her over to Nel, his re cep tion ist, shepicked up on his ir ri ta tion with Nel. Glanc ing at her desk phone thedig i tal time dis play said nine twenty, Ing rid felt the man was jus ti fied. Af ter giv ing Nel the in for ma tion Mr. Haardens wanted she wasabout to switch on her PC when her screen lit up again, like it didwhen a fa tal er ror oc curred. But the words!<I asked you a ques tion? Do you want to take part in the Awak en ing pro cess?>

She jumped off her chair as the adren a line surged through herblood stream. Were the words meant for her? Slowly she sat downagain, star ing at the large yel low let ters on a blue screen.

<Who are you?> With trem bling fin gers she typed in re sponse,see ing to her amaze ment her own text ap pear ing un der neath theques tion. Some one must be play ing a trick on her, surely? Or her PC must be on!<No. No body is play ing a trick on you. I asked aques tion! And... I am you: a mul ti di men sionalspir i tual be ing.>

That re mark! With whom was she...? Ev ery one was work ing attheir com put ers as if things were nor mal. Well, things were, butwhat was go ing on in her mind? Then the text changed.


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<I am your mind.>

That stunned her! Who was read ing her mind?

<Ex plain to me what you mean by: my mind?> Her own text

showed again un der neath the large bold caps.<Your mind and the mind of the col lec tive mind areall the same!>

<Oh, sure! Mean ing what?> Her heart was pound ing.<You live in an in tel li gent and be nev o lent ho lo -graphic uni verse. Have you for got ten?>

What did that mean, ho lo graphic? Who was this?<Truly, I speak be cause you are al ways ask ingques tions; and you are en ti tled to be told thetruth. You asked to live this life to your full po -ten tial, did you not? The time is crit i cal!>

She stared spell bound won der ing how on earth some one could

know her thoughts? Her heart raced, with shak ing fin gers she ...

<Are you real? Let me know HOW you can ex press your self

on my com puter when it seems to be switched off>

Marijke stuck her head around the of fice door.

“Ing rid, are you busy? Have you got a min ute?”

“I’ve got my self into a mud dle; I’ll be with you soon.” She re -

pressed her tone in a soft, calm voice, but in side she felt elec tri fied

with cu ri os ity. Ing rid was good at view ing life ob jec tively, but this!<I am the wind, the ocean and the air; If you have a need to call me by a name, you may call me P–O–W–A–H.>ap peared on her screen.

It was real! Her com puter was off! ...There was no task bar, no

icons, just what looked like a test screen. Was she the only per son

see ing it? She was not in a trance. She could hear all the noises

around her. No body had taken any no tice of her. Was she ex pe ri -

enc ing a higher fre quency of thought? What was go ing on? Her be -

wil der ment was once again in ter rupted by Marijke.

“Sorry, Ing rid, but I have a cli ent on the line. She wants to book

her hol i day bun ga low in Tilburg for July but she wants to know if

Mental Telepathy?


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there are any but ter cups or cup of gold creep ers grow ing at the newcom plex in Tilburg. She’s very in sis tent. She read some where thatthose flow ers are very poi son ous and she’s wor ried about her smallchil dren.” She would have to find that out from Nel, whom she hadjust spo ken to and whose firm han dled the landscaping.

“Marijke tell the cli ent that you will look into it and phone herback. That will keep her happy.”

Ing rid peered at her now blank com puter screen. The text had clearly stated that she had asked to live this life to her full po ten tial. Now who would know her own pri vate thoughts? She turned thecom puter on and af ter a mo ment her fa mil iar taskbar and icons ap -peared. She re sumed typ ing on her key pad to who ever it was whileher blood was pul sat ing in her throat.

<POWAH? Where are you from? You say you are me! Doyou mean you are my own mind?> This was so silly! What wasshe do ing? Noth ing hap pened! That felt even more un nerv ing. Was she talk ing to her self ? Was this all hap pen ing in her own imag i na -tion? Gosh, while staring at the ter mi nal she recalled the ex traor di -nary ex pe ri ence of last eve ning.

<How do you know what I want?> she typed again. If some -one was play ing a trick on her, she had fallen for it big time.<Do you know what you want Kitty?>

<YES, I do! did you know my nick name?> Heramaze ment in creased…thinking…<Mmm ...What ex actly do you want to know, and why?>

Af ter that ques tion she just sat there trans fixed. Why? Shewanted to know the truth about life! She would then un der stand lifebetter and why things hap pened. Her mind raced as new textjumped sud denly back onto her screen:<Kitty, you have the right in ten tion, and that isev ery thing in life. You want to ex pe ri ence things, to know things. From now on we will have a work ingre la tion ship. You will grow in aware ness with the


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‘cod ing sys tem’ we are work ing on to gether. It’stime to pre pare you and oth ers for your awak en ingpro cess Love P–O–W–A–H>

Her screen now re verted back to the screen saver.

Who was read ing her mind? That was how it felt. What could

have been meant by ‘a cod ing sys tem’? What was she get ting her self

into now? Who was com mu ni cat ing with her on her com puter?

How? From where?

Ing rid won dered who POWAH was. Could the five let ters re ally

be a name? Was it all hap pen ing in her own mind? Had she gone

schizo phrenic? Her whole body was in turmoil. She found it dif fi -

cult to con cen trate on work for the rest of the day. Ing rid keptthings to her self a lot and al most for got to phone Nel about the but -

ter cup flower de tails Marijke was wait ing for. She di alled Nel’s of fice

before going home.

“Tree-fern Land scap ing.” The same res o nant voice she had spo -

ken to be fore re plied. Where was Nel? She cleared her throat, as

if...why was she so ner vous?

“Hi, I’m Ing rid from Plea sure Parks. May I speak to some one in

con nec tion with the type of plants you use in the land scap ing of our

re sorts?” She had never heard of ‘but ter cups’ grow ing in Brabant’s

heather fields, where Tilburg’s hol i day re sort was built.

“I spoke to you this morn ing. What would you like to know?

Per haps I can help?”

“We have re ceived a query from one of our cli ents. She asked if

there are any but ter cups or cups of gold creep ers grow ing in our

new Tilburg com plex. Ap par ently they are very poi son ous. Do you

have any idea?” She won dered if he knew any thing about plants.

There was a si lence....Did she ac tu ally hear...or feel... him chuck ling?

“Ing rid, I have my doubts whether this firm has used ei ther ofthese plants in the past, but I will in ves ti gate the mat ter. Shall I come

back to you on this?” His mas ter ful tone sounded amused. Ing rid

was very re cep tive to emo tional un der tones in peo ple’s voices, and

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with this man she was pick ing up a lot more than with most peo ple. She re pressed a stir ring feel ing of...what?

Be ing nat u rally cu ri ous she asked. “This cup-of-gold creeper,what plant is it? I have never heard of it.”

“I am not sur prised, Ing rid, some spe cies of but ter cup flow ersgrow in the moun tains. But the cup-of-gold creep ers are sub trop i cal, very spec tac u lar, with yel low flow ers in a cup-like shape. The bigsub trop i cal types could have nar cotic prop er ties. Your cli ent is prob -a bly mix ing it up with a large shrub called an gels trum pets, which ispoi son ous,” he voiced in a knowl edge able way. Mr. Haardens wasvery in for ma tive, charm ing but some what im pos ing. They seemedto have an un der cur rent men tal con nec tion. She thanked him forhis en light en ing chat about the flow ers, ask ing him to phone back sothat she could give the cli ent an an swer.Some thing about his voicewas al most fa mil iar. But what was it. Why did he make herfeel...what, in ter ested?

“That I will Ing rid,” She was puz zled by his change of tone, al -most play ful, when she heard mu sic play ing in the back ground, itwas the song from the ra dio that morn ing with the ti tle ‘Are youawake?’

Ing rid longed for the sum mer to ar rive but in stead heavy cloudswere build ing up. Her floor-to-ceil ing of fice win dows looked out over Apeldoorn’s main shop ping street. Many peo ple hud dled up in raingear, which re minded her that Beekbergen had a mar ket on a Tues day. On the way home she would make a de tour to buy fresh gro cer ies.

When she closed her of fice, an in ner joy... a sense of rap ture wasstill with her due to the rather baf fling di a logue with POWAH.

She was the last to leave. When step ping out of the lift Ula, the re -cep tion ist re marked on her cheer ful am bi ence with a spec u la tiveglance, ask ing her if she had a date as she ti died her desk be fore go -ing home her self. If only Ula knew! She did feel dif fer ent. Would n’tany one, af ter what she had ex pe ri enced to day and last eve ning?


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“Ing rid! You just missed a very creepy caller, ask ing af ter you, he

re fused to give his name.” Ula’s frown showed dis com fort. She did -

n’t know any one you would call creepy.

“I’m sure, he’ll phone back if it is im por tant.” Ula proudly showed her ring , smil ing again. She was go ing to meet her fi an cee’s mother

for the first time. Ula’s boy friend was a de tec tive like Marijke’s hus -


She de cided to visit the new book shop to gather more in for ma -

tion on the but ter cup flower and to in quire about the as cen sion

work shop.

The young girl be hind the coun ter in formed her that it was their

open ing day. The shop had a big se lec tion of books and an es o teric

sec tion. Post ers of the Dutch painter Anton Pieck were dis played at the


“I’m Con nie. My mom went out for a mo ment, so I’m stand ing in

for her. What can I do for you?” Con nie looked as if she was ex pect -

ing her.

“I would like to look up some thing in a plant book if I may.

And... about this as cen sion work shop you ad ver tised, do you know

any thing about it?”

“Some thing to do with ge netic de cod ing of your blue print

through sound. Have you been asked to write the first jour nal?”

Con nie spec u lated. “What jour nal are you re fer ring to?” Ing rid’s mind leaped in amaze -


“Oh, I over heard my aunt Annelies in form ing my mom. She said

that a lady of your de scrip tion would ask about the as cen sion work -

shops while brows ing in our book shop to day. This lady would write

the first awakening jour nal.”

“Who’s Annelies? I have no idea...what ...” Ing rid was per plexed.

More cus tom ers en tered the shop so Con nie at tended to them. She did

not in quire any fur ther but would re mem ber the name ‘Annelies’!

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As the rain hur tled down re lent lessly it cut her vi sion to al mostnil.The drive way of the Prinsengracht Ho tel was upon her so fastthat she did not see the BMW in time. In or der to avoid it she droveinto a ditch.

She rested her head on the steer ing wheel because her heart waspound ing. The knock ing on the win dow broke her shock.

“Are you all right?” A tow er ing fig ure asked as he stood there get -ting drenched. Peo ple from the ho tel who had gath ered around the carhid her guilty ex pres sion as she low ered her win dow to re as sure him..

“I’m so sorry, I’m re ally fine, please go in side. You will all getsoaked.”

“What a beauty”When the man asked where she was head ing for she was

tongue-tied ... was she tele pathic? ....All she saw, was his mouth....She dis missed her thoughts and re as sured him once again. His con -cern re ally touched her.

“Yolanda” He called to his com pan ion. “Go in side. I’ll drive be -hind her to see if she is okay, you go on.” His dy namic voice causedan up roar in her mind, jolt ing her back to to day’s phone call...whatwas go ing on with her?

He got back into his BMW and fol lowed her. When she parkednear the mar ket and waved at him, he paused, look ing at her, asif...did he re call some thing too? Then he hooted and drove off...

At the food mar ket in Beekbergen, the rain had stopped, the fishseller cried tune lessly “Fresh her ring.” His voice lunged at the min -gling crowd hop ing to at tract a buyer. Ing rid re flected on all that had hap pened that day, and the pre vi ous night.....

While soaking in the bath the pre vi ous night, she had had a strange ex pe ri ence of hear ing a voice! She had looked around but knew shewas com pletely alone in the house. She grinned as she re called look -ing ev ery where af ter her bath to sat isfy her self that she was alone.


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The words: “My be loved, can’t you re mem ber me?” still rang in her ear.

“Who are you?” She had re sponded, but of course there was no an -

swer. Hear ing her self speak ing to no body made her grin to her self.

Her fa ther used to tease her about it.... But the voice was so real! Then she heard clearly;“Kitty! Wake up, be still and lis ten!” Ex cept that

it was dif fer ent! Both phrases had been as clear as if some one else

was speak ing in a nor mal way. That is, if one ac cepted con vers ing in

ver bal sounds as stan dard.

“Lis ten to whom?” Her heart had skipped, spec u lat ing that if

some one was in the bath room with her, why had she not seen any thing.

Ing rid could still not ex plain to her self what had hap pened, but

the feel ing of rap ture, of be ing in love, as if she had never ever been

alone, was pro found. Go ing to sleep af ter this most mys te ri ous ex -

pe ri ence had been dif fi cult....

A sud den cloud burst brought her mind back just in time to reach

her car with her gro cer ies. The traf fic was heavy driv ing home andher car ra dio was in ter rupted by a voice say ing;....

“This is Apeldoorn ra dio, Rob speak ing. We are in ter rupt ingthis mu sic for an im por tant bul le tin. We re ceived a mes sage thatbe cause of the dra matic in crease in the elec tro mag netic x–rayflux of the sun, this boost of so lar ac tiv ity can cause poor trans -mis sion. The pos si bil ity of an elec tric ity fail ure or a black out for an ex tended pe riod of time can not be ex cluded. We are for tu nate tohave some one with us in the stu dio who is pre pared to ex plainwhat is hap pen ing. Mr Haardens, can you clar ify to our lis ten ers

what is go ing on?” The broad caster asked.....

Ing rid was im me di ately struck by the name ‘Haardens’!

“There is no im me di ate cause for panic at all. This has beengo ing on for a long time. The ef fects of Global warm ing is start ingto show. We know that our earth’s weather has been greatly af -

fected for aeons by the in crease in elec tro mag netic ra di a tion,” ...a deep, so no rous tone re plied.

That voice! Had she not just heard the same....?

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The tall fig ure in the BMW was, in a hurry...why? To give this in -ter view. The new owner of Nel’s firm’s name was Haardens. Buthow would a man, who had just taken over a con struc tion firm, becon nected to in ves ti ga tions in weather pat terns.

“Was that the only rea son for our hot weather, the global warm -

ing the ory? ” the an nouncer asked.

“Yes, and we know that the shift ing of earth’s mag netic field isdi rectly linked to this in creased so lar ac tiv ity. In Aus tra lia and NewZea land where the ozone hole is ex pand ing, the ef fect on bird life,

plant life and ma rine life is very pro found.” Mr. Haardens statedwith con vic tion.

“You are say ing that the sun is also af fect ing our warmweather?”

“There are var i ous changes cur rently tak ing place and we needto as sess their full im pact on a global scale and look at what spe -cific prep a ra tions are es sen tial. Any one who still doubts the on setof global warm ing need only look at what's hap pen ing in the Arc ticand Ant arc tic, where gla ciers are re treat ing and ice bergs calv ingat a scary rate.

“So the ris ing of tides has to be taken se ri ously?”

“Yes, but even more so we need now to plan for al ter na tive liv -ing strat e gies that might be nec es sary when we are faced withblack out con di tions, meaning no elec tric ity soon.”

Ing rid won dered whether this could be the same man. He cer -tainly seems knowl edge able, but what con nec tion would a con struc -tion guy have with global warm ing is sues.

“That does sounds alarm ing. Which co mes first, flood ing of ma -jor pro por tions or hav ing no power. What prep a ra tions do peo pleneed to make when there is no elec tric ity, not to men tion the wa terlev els?”

The im pli ca tions of what the in ter viewer called alarm ing madeher sad. How many peo ple lis ten ing would won der where to go ifthe sea lev els rose; es pe cially in a coun try where the sea lev els werehigher than the ground they all lived on.

“We have pre pared a web site on the Internet for any one who

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wants to find out more, and fur ther lec tures on the ef fects of thisso lar ac tiv ity will start soon.”

Mr. Haardens con tin ued in the same knowl edge able tone as theman who had de scribed the but ter cup flower. The ra dio an nouncerthanked Mr Haardens and told the lis ten ers that a programme on the sub ject would be sched uled later.

When Ing rid ar rived at her drive way, she stretched her still youth ful

curved body full length. She was try ing to get her sta bil ity back and re -

called the mu sic that had played in the back ground when she spoke to

Mr. Haardens. There was some thing about his.... Was she sud denly

see ing and hear ing things? Gee, first the voices, then the mes sage on

the com puter screen to day! Could it all be in her imag i na tion? She

could n’t tell any one, be cause who would take her se ri ously.

“Guess what, I am com mu ni cat ing out loud with a voice in my

head,” she mum bled, grab bing her gro cer ies from the boot of her car.

“Oh, re ally?” she mim icked when reach ing for her front door.

“Yes, and this voice texts with me through my com puter when it’s

switched off!” She gig gled, can read my mind! Peo ple would

re ally look at her, had she sud denly lost her senses? Ob serv ing her -

self made her feel real silly while scratch ing for her keys.The next-door neigh bour waved while she dumped un wanted

goods at the curb for the gar bage col lec tion the fol low ing morn ing.

She must be spring-clean ing. Ing rid waved back.

Fluffball, her cat, was sit ting at the win dow mi aow ing. She side -

stepped her mail in side the hall way as she opened her front door.

While pick ing it up a smart blue en ve lope

stat ing “Dear Kitty — Ex cerpt one” fell out.

The print ing seemed fa mil iar, so did the

symbols, but not the wa ter mark.

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Programme...Planet Earth

The Awakening Game.

Life has of ten been com pared to a game, not so? And what is the pur pose of any game?Apart from hav ing fun. To evolve the rules ofthe hu man game. The pur pose of Annelies' de cod -ing workshop is to ac ti vate and re-en code yourdor mant DNA strands, so that you can prove toyour selves that YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL!

Kitty, now is the time to pre pare. Changesoc cur ring on a ga lac tic level will soon in flu -ence cli mate pat terns and your ac cus tomed life -styles may never be the same again.

The jour nal you will be asked to write mustre flect the games you all play. Many will be -come aware that they need to re-learn the uni -ver sal rules of life.

Through your daily life, your re la tion shipswith your self and oth ers, through yourdream–travel jour neys, Annelies' de cod ing work -shops, through the re-awak en ing of your 22 frag -mented as pects that are all you; all these willbe of help to you in or der to mas ter a new set ofrules to live by.

Many hid den parts of the real you that werepre vi ously sup pressed will awaken. Be come theob server of your own role–play ing.

You will meet many oth ers who have cho sen a new set of rules to live by, thereby let ting go ofold dis torted pat terns. Soon,when your planet’svi bra tions have speeded up you will be wel comedinto a dif fer ent di men sion where the unity ofyour po lar i ties will re veal the‘Riddle’ of TheProphet's Game.


Dear KittyEx cerpt One

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Wow! The name POWAH she had en coun tered on her screen

had now ap peared on pa per!. The girl Con nie, in that new book shop

had asked if she would write the first jour nal, had she not men tioned

Annelies? POWAH’s let ter was also men tion ing a jour nal! Was shego ing to write about the twenty-two frag mented parts of what?

Her self ? Ing rid needed to know who she was, and why she was

here. She un der stood very well that the peo ple in her life were of ten

re flec tive mir rors of her self. Not easy to grasp how, but… had she

asked for this? She knew she had an in ner de sire to at tract in di vid u -

als who felt as she did about the real mean ing of be ing alive; but was

this the re sult?

The pelt ing rain grew more in sis tent while Fluffball was purr ing and

whirl ing her self around her legs.

Ing rid’s in ner tur moil cre ated a strong need in her to share her

thoughts, but…she could just hear Jan say ing; “Ing rid, you are get -

ting like your sis ter, Quincy. More up in the clouds than down on

earth!” Had she imag ined it all? Was it all just her own fan tasy? If

only she could speak to her clair voy ant sis ter, Quincy, who was on a

tour with peo ple from a health cen tre in Delft. Quincy had her own

health shop there.

When the phone rang in the hall way, her friend’s face jumped in

her mind’s eye. Ing rid had al ways been good at guess ing who was on

the other end of the line. “So you knew it was me?” Liesbeth laughed.

“Yes! How did you guess? How are you? When did you get

back?” Liesbeth worked as a free lance lit er ary agent and wrote ar ti -

cles for a few sci en tific mag a zines. It had been a while since she’d

seen her.

“Ing rid, can I meet you to mor row af ter work at the Pannekoek,

near you? A friend gave me a pam phlet about a work shop that is

start ing soon. I’m sure you’ll be in ter ested. It is all about awak en ing

to unity con scious ness.” Her voice car ried an ex cited tone.

“You’re kid ding? You mean these ascension re lated work shops?

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I’ve seen it ad ver tised as well, in that new book shop close to my of -fice build ing. Gosh, what a co in ci dence?”

She was tempted to share her ex pe ri ences with Liesbeth ,thereand then, but be cause she still couldn’t re ally be lieve it her self shekept quiet.

Ing rid knew that she could fan ta sise peo ple into her life, ratherthan deal ing with real life. She also did n’t cope well with spon ta ne -ous hap pen ings.

Af ter her shower, while she was brush ing her nat u ral styled hair,she sud denly heard the voice again loud and clear …say ing!!

”Kitty! Be still and listen with your heart in order to experience the magic of whoyou really are!"



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Chapter 2

The Body Codes of Light

An Introduction to a Game

Ing rid, I need the orig i nal ae rial view photo, you have it on aDVD.” Piet de Wit whined.

“Why?” She peered into the floor man ager’s shifty eyes. He made her skin crawl. His sal low com plex ion re flected his poor health andhe was very un der weight for his height. His pes ter ing about thedraw ings for the French com plex started to an noy her. Ing rid couldbe very aloof with ir ri tat ing peo ple.

“Never mind why! Have you got it?”

“No, not here in my of fice. Why your sud den in ter est?” Gosh, he

was get ting un der her skin.

“I have my rea sons! What did you do with the disk?”

“Good grief, don’t be so se cre tive! You even gave me the one I’m

now work ing on two weeks ago. Re mem ber?” Her tone flew at him.

“So what did you do with the orig i nal DVD?” he snapped, while

his men tal di a logue at tacked her.

“Look for it yourself ” She was star tled by her own sud den tele -

pathic sen si tiv ity.

“Piet, stop both er ing me. Phone head of fice and ask for the orig -

i nal photo.” Her cool ness dis guised her rage.

“One day you’re go ing to be sorry for the way you talk to me.”

He yelled back and roared out of her of fice. When her phone rang,

Ing rid’s blood was still boil ing with an ger af ter Piet’s out burst. What was he in sin u at ing? She an swered in a pro fes sional but in a slightly

abrupt man ner.


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“Still at the job, are you? I’m im pressed. I prom ised to phoneback with the in for ma tion on the but ter cup flower. Are you al waysthat quick and ef fi cient? ” Mr Haardens’ mas ter ful tone acted as acat a lyst.

Good grief, she’d for got ten to phone back and tell him it wassorted out with the cli ent. She should apo lo gise but felt flus tered byhis undertone.

“I think so. Aren’t you?” she re plied in stead. It was out be fore sherealised! What had made her say that? She was nor mally not soabrupt. Af ter a short si lence she apologised for her tact less ness, ex -plain ing that her re ac tion was di rected to some one else. Rather an -noyed at her self for be ing so ir ri ta ble...she could al most feel histhoughts, as if he were prob ing into her mind. “It must be.....?” That’sim pos si ble! Was he ques tion ing him self? Surely that must have beenher own mind talk ing to it self? She didn’t know this Mr Haardens.Could he be the same man that had spo ken on the ra dio the day be fore?

“You have a lively mind, Ing rid. By the way, I’m glad you were n’tre act ing to me. I will speak to you again,” he laughed, as if he knewsome thing she did not be fore he hung up. What did he mean by alively mind? Oh, well, at least he was not of fended by her man ner.He felt like a rather chal leng ing per son al ity, some one that might nottake ’no’ for an an swer. She spec u lated about his ap pear ance. Apow er ful voice did n’t al ways match the phys i cal form.

As she passed the new book shop on the way to the cof fee house, anew big sign in the win dow now read: Decoding Work shops / Start -ing Soon! Con nie, the sales girl, waved at her to come in side. Ing ridhoped that Con nie’s mother would be there.

“I think your name is Ing rid, is n’t it?” Bit ing her lower lip.“Yes! How did you know?”“My mother asked me to give you this.” The girl handed her a blue

en ve lope that made her shaky all over. She had never given Con nieher name. Other cus tom ers were wait ing be hind her so she left.


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The Pannekoek cof fee shop was across the street. She spot ted

Liesbeth through the win dow wait ing for her at a cor ner ta ble. As

she was about to greet her friend her mouth gaped in ab so lute as ton -

ish ment: Liesbeth’s ap pear ance! She looked at least ten years youn -ger since she had last seen her four months pre vi ously!

“What has hap pened to you? What artefacts did you find on that

dig you joined? A re ju ve nat ing tonic?” Her voice leaped in amaze -

ment while hug ging her. Liesbeth was tall with an ath letic fig ure. Her

smile ex pressed a warmth that was dif fi cult to de scribe. She was the

most com pas sion ate woman Ing rid had ever known.

“Hi! Rich ard will join us, and I’ve or dered two cap puc cinos.”

“Who’s Rich ard?” A new boy friend? She ad mir ed Liesbeth’s

stun ning but slightly fuller fig ure, that gen er ally did not make peo ple

look youn ger, so what was it.

“Ing rid! I’ve heard all about you.” a man in his late thir ties, quite

at trac tive in an in tel lec tual way, re marked, while serv ing them two

steam ing cof fees. His lively eyes con vey ing an alert mind. His long -

ish wavy hair was ca su ally held back with a rub ber band.

“Well, you have me at a dis ad van tage for I know noth ing about

you.” Ing rid liked him on the spot. He was quite char is matic but far

too young for her.

“Ing rid, as you know, I joined a group of ar chae ol o gists in Egypt.

They were in ves ti gat ing some very new, se cret sites at Luxor. It wasmy job to write a re port on their find ings for the spon sors of this

dig. Rich ard was with this group of archeologists.”

Rich ard ex plained how he took over the ex pe di tion from his late

brother; who had been the or ga niser. He knew about all the prep a -

ra tions his brother had pro cessed two years in ad vance, mainly han -

dling the au thor i ties, mean ing the red tape.

“Rich ard is a part–time lec turer at the uni ver sity of Utrecht,”

Liesbeth voiced proudly

“Oh! What sub jects do you lec ture in?” He looked very young to

be a lec turer.

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“Egyp tian my thol ogy, mainly on the trans la tions of their Hi ero -glyphic scripts.” When it be came busy, Rich ard ex cused him self, say -ing that he would join them later.

The Pannekoek was a pop u lar cof fee/snack bar. It ad ver tised the many hol i day at trac tions of Gelderland on the walls. Cus tom erscould write their re marks in a large elec tronic key pad that was dis -played at the entrance.

“Rich ard is man ag ing this cof fee shop for the owner.” Liesbethcar ried on. Ing rid raised her eye brows spec u la tively, but Liesbeth ig -nored her glance.

“His aunt, who is vis it ing her chil dren in South Af rica owns thecof fee shop. He needed the money. The pass ing of his brotherTheo has been a fi nan cial, as well as a trau matic or deal. You’re won -der ing if he is my boy friend but he is not; so stop schem ing, I canread your mind. He’s just a very good friend.” Liesbeth pushed herplayfully.

“Re ally?” Liesbeth ig nored Ing rid’s teas ing un der tone.The pam phlet that Liesbeth men tioned on the phone about the

‘as cen sion work shops’ looked in trigu ing. It cov ered many cre ativework shops where one would cre ate one’s own deck of cards. Thede cod ing of your ge netic blue print seemed to be trans lat able due tothe 22 spac ings one oc cu pied on the ho lo graphic grid.

Mak ing your own 22 in di vid ual cards prom ised to be a cre ativead ven ture. It read that by mak ing these cards, hid den po ten tialswould be re vealed, even the mem o ries of the pos si bil ity of phys i calim mor tal ity! Ing rid re called Con nie tell ing her about this ge netic de -cod ing that had to do with sound.

“Are you both in ter ested? I know about Annelies through Theo.” Rich ard queried while bring ing them their fa vour ite snack, two veg e -tar ian loempia’s. Ing rid jerked at the name Annelies! Rich ard sharedwhat he knew about the decoding work shops be tween help ing cus -tom ers. Ing rid had dif fi culty not let ting her in ner tur moil get thebetter of her. She was so to tally un pre pared.


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“Rich ard’s brother had known Annelies when she as sem bled the

ma te rial for the work shops and the card game with the help of a

‘guide.’” Liesbeth added, peer ing at her frowning.

“Re ally?” Ing rid’s voice leaped in as ton ish ment while think ing of POWAH, know ing that her friend was prob ing her mind.

“Yes. That’s how I re acted at first, doubt ful.” Rich ard leaned

over to clear the ta ble.

“Annelies is look ing for par tic i pants who are will ing to write a

jour nal.” He added.

“What for, why?” Rich ard shrugged his shoul ders. “I guess, it is

writ ing a jour nal about your own awak en ing while cre at ing your own

cards. I‘m very in ter ested and I im me di ately thought of Liesbeth

who told me that you might be as well.” They both waited for her re -


“I’m very keen to find out more about it,” Ing rid swal lowed her

real be wil der ment while her palms started to sweat, think ing about

the en ve lope Con nie had given her.

“Good, I’ll phone her now.”

Rich ard worked hard. The cof fee shop’s buzz was hum ming be -

cause all the eight ta bles were oc cu pied. He looked like an in ter est -

ing man, youn ger than her friend but... why had Liesbeth de nied the

boy friend part?

Rich ard re turned to their ta ble tell ing them that Annelies hadapparently been wait ing for his call!

“She is look ing for ward to meet ing us and asked if one of us was

called Ing rid.”

“Re ally?” Liesbeth arched her eye brows.

She ig nored her friend’s nudge for her to speak up. She could n't

share her en coun ter just yet. She was n’t ready to dis close the rather

bi zarre com puter in ci dent with POWAH. Even the ex cerpt she

mys te ri ously had re ceived held her back. Rich ard was un known to

her and she was still rather wary to ex plain some thing so airy fairy.

All three would join the ‘in tro duc tory class’ the fol low ing eve -

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ning. They made ar range ments to meet again the next day at thePannekoek af ter work. They would drive to gether to Annelies’home on the Veluwe where she gave the work shops.

Ing rid was about to open her um brella as she step ped out into therain, when a tall strongly built man bumped into her.

“Uh–huh. We are in a hurry.” His voice trig gered an im me di atesen sa tion. For a mo ment their eyes con nected and for a split sec ondthe depth of his glance over whelmed her like a tidal wave.

The rain was pelt ing down when she ar rived at her drive way. Shefelt re ally shaky af ter that con fron ta tion. His pen e trat ing gaze hadmade her heart jump.

A damp and clammy Fluffball came rub bing up against her legs,as if to say: “Where have you been? I have missed my sup per.” Af ter pre par ing cat food, she checked for tele phone mes sages. One wasfrom Deb bie, her youn gest daugh ter, to say she would be com inghome for the week end. Ing rid still missed her three chil dren. Shehoped by now to have heard some thing from Jeroen, or Sascia forthat mat ter. Her twins were very in de pend ent. They both were headstrong, not like Deb bie, who was the softie of the fam ily.

Jeroen worked for the fam ily’s steel con struc tion firm dur ingJan’s ill ness. Af ter Jan died, Jeroen went back to com plete his stud ies in Eindhoven. He then sud denly had taken his last se mes ter off andwent back pack ing! To ‘find him self, as he called it. Ing rid real isedthat Jeroen had taken the role of the man in the house very se ri ouslywhen he knew his fa ther was very ill. She won dered if he would have cho sen to fol low in the fam ily busi ness. Jan’s dad, Den nis Barendse,who still ran his steel com pany, had been very glad about Jeroen’s de -ci sion to fin ish his stud ies.

The mu sic from a CD brought her back into the pre sent, while re -vi tal is ing her en ergy field. What a shower or bath did for her phys i calbody, mu sic did for her whole be ing.

Ing rid was re lieved that it had stopped rain ing. She opened the slid -


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ing door lead ing onto the ve randa. Ev ery thing smelled fresh and ready

for sum mer to ar rive. Her thoughts went back to what the girl had said

in the book shop. She opened the blue en ve lope from Con nie in great

an tic i pa tion, won der ing if it was ex cerpt two?

The Body Codes of Light


Programme...Planet Earth

The Di men sions and their Den si tiesThe pri mary pur pose of this in car na tion is toex pand your aware ness to full con scious ness.

Only by awak en ing and trans form ing parts ofyour per son al ity as pects, can you raise yourcon scious ness to a higher fre quency. Thishigher vi bra tion will al low for your in di vid -ual soul to fully merge with your phys i calform.

Your ge netic blue print will be re vealedthrough the sound of your pres ent vi bra tions. By es tab lish ing the spac ings of your soulqual ity as pects within your en ergy field, andby mak ing your 22 con stel la tion cards, you will be able to play the awakening card game and re -dis cover the mul ti di men sional be ing you haveal ways been but have been un aware of. This will pre pare you for your as cen sion if you so in -tend.

The five lev els of the awakening card game are:

1DESIRING TO BECOME AWARE by ac ti vat ing men -

tal te lep a thy with your soulmates.

2BECOMING AWARE OF BEING UNAWARE by trav el -ling con sciously into for got ten ter ri to ries.

3LETTING GO OF THE OLD by let ting go of theper son al ity as pects, your veils are liftedand a clair voy ant in ner vi sion is ac ti vated.

4INTEGRATION by em brac ing the bi o log i cal as -cen sion path, your soul can chan nel throughyour phys i cal form.

Dear KittyEx cerpt Two

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She was spell bound. It was ex cerpt two, it was def i nitelyfor her. This awakening card game ob vi ously had a con nec tion withthe book shop. Was ev ery thing al ready planned with out her know ing about it? Oh, she needed to talk to some one about all this. Why her,of all peo ple?

Now she wished she had con fided in Liesbeth and Rich ard aboutPOWAH. Her fear of mak ing a fool of her self had stopped hershar ing. She’d been on her own for over two years since Jan had diedand it still felt lonely at times. She would be turn ing 45 this year butdat ing did not in ter est her. Most of the in ter est ing men were mar -ried anyway.

Ing rid had learnt a lot about her self dur ing their twenty-four year mar riage. Some friends had de scribed their relationship as stormy. At least she’d be come emo tion ally and men tally in de pend ent.

When Jan was gone, it was as if she had lost a soul mate that hadbeen her best teacher, her best friend and just be fore he re ally got ill,her best lover. Those mem o ries had blocked her for a new re la tion -ship. She liked be ing on her own. When she joined Liesbeth at func -tions, she did not re ally an tic i pate meet ing any one. No bodystim u lated her and she hated idle chitchat.

She had met Liesbeth at a party that she had been per suaded toat tend by her sis ter, Quincy, just af ter Jan died. It was the first out -


The Awakening Clan

5FREEDOM by liv ing in full con scious ness ex -press ing ‘The Power of ONE’. Your mul ti pleDNA strands have been ac ti vated again in or -

der to as cend

That is your Oversoul’s full po ten tialdur ing this in car na tion.


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side ac tiv ity she had at tended, and she had fun af ter all. Liesbeth had

ap proached them both be cause she needed to write about the health

shop for a mag a zine. They clicked im me di ately.

Liesbeth owned her own house on the out skirts of Apeldoorn. When Ing rid told her of the job of fer, her friend en cour aged her to

take it. To gether they looked for a place for her to live. Meet ing up

with her again Ing rid could still not get over the no tice able change in

her. Not only did she look youn ger but it was also some thing else

she could not put a name to. It was a change that took away the look

of any age!

When the phone rang in the hall way...she knew it was Deb bie, her


“Mom, my train ar rives at 11:15 on Fri day eve ning. I want to

come di rectly af ter my late shift in stead of Sat ur day morn ing. Is that

all right?”

“Great! I’ll be at the sta tion,” Ing rid bub bled. Deb bie was a fully

qual i fied nurse at the Ac a demic Hos pi tal in Utrecht. It felt that life

was tak ing a turn so she de cided to pam per her self with a de tox i fy -

ing treat ment.

Af ter she had ar ranged ev ery thing around her bath tub, she set tled

lan guor ously into the warm soapy bub ble bath, al low ing all the ten -

sions of the day to ease out. Her feet just reached the tap while her

head was rest ing on a towel. Her short wavy au burn, brown hair fell

play fully about her oval face cre at ing an ef fect of age less ness. Her

well shaped firm body had not lost its youth ful ness, even af ter giv ing

birth to three chil dren. She rev elled in hav ing this time to her self

and con tem plated what POWAH had writ ten. Pon der ing on the five

lev els of the awakening game, start ing with the first level. POWAH

said that the de cod ing would awaken her to her soul’s full po ten tial.

Or was it her Oversoul? And what about …the ‘Rid dle’ of The

Prophet's Game. Oh, how weird…was it all for real?

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“Hello, Ing rid, what time is it?” Carla called out as they both ar -rived by car at the park ing bay near the of fice. The dull over cast skyheld an as sur ance of rain again.

“It’s 08:15, five min utes to browse in that new book shop.” Shehad to buy a pres ent for her sis ter’s birth day. Ing rid spot ted Marijkesit ting in side, on her haunches, in the cor ner en grossed in a book. They were both very aware of Marijke’s si lent despair.

Carla in quired what she was read ing while Ing rid ap proached avery fa mil iar ar tis tic look ing woman at the coun ter. When her blueeyes met hers, Ing rid re cog nised that she was a friend of Tieneke,the lady who gave mind draw ing work shops. She re called hav ingmet her at Tieneke’s Art–an a logue Sym bol ism classes a year ago.

“You’re Yolanda, aren’t you?”“Ing rid! I’m so glad to meet you again. Did you get the en ve lope

yes ter day?”

“I did, but I was very sur prised that it was for me. ”... Yolanda was about to ex plain when both Carla and Marijke re minded her aboutthe time. Yolanda said that she would see her at Annelies that eve -ning.

Ing rid’s phone in her of fice was blar ing its mel ody. The air wascharged with ten sion be cause the hol i day book ings had started. Be -fore she could say any thing, a fa mil iar man’s voice que ried; “Ing rid,we spoke about but ter cups the other day.” She tried to imag ine what he would look like. His voice re minded her of the man she bumpedinto at the Pannekoek.

“Ing rid, can you ar range a meet ing with your Di rec tor, MrBrinks, in Am ster dam? This com pany that I took over last weekseems to do a lot of busi ness with your firm.” He sounded as if heex pected an im me di ate an swer. She looked up the list of sub con -trac tors on her com puter. Ing rid saw that the Tree–Fern land scap ing


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di vi sion did most of the main te nance. She was think ing of the new

complex in France.

“Yes, that’s cor rect. Most of the land scap ing and main te nance of

our com plexes are han dled by your firm. No meet ing is sched uled forthe sub con trac tors for the new site. Can I come back to you on this

mat ter?” She asked in a firm man ner, while her heart was beat ing.

“I’ll wait for your call.” As she no ticed the chuckle in Mr.

Haardens’ voice, again he re minded her... It was...As if....No, that was -

n’t pos si ble. She had better snap out of her sud den fan tasy world.

She was get ting an noyed with her self. What was go ing on with her?

Af ter work, she met Liesbeth at the Pannekoek for din ner. The

three of them would drive to Annelies’ house. Con nie had of fered

to run the cof fee shop so that Rich ard could join them. She never

told them about POWAH, in stead she pon dered over Mr. Haardens.

Annelies lived in a very af flu ent part of the out skirts of

Apeldoorn sur rounded by nee dle and birch trees. They scram bledout of the car, run ning through the heavy rain to the front door.

Oth ers were ar riv ing as well. A tall, rather heavily built dark haired

strik ing woman in her late fif ties, very flam boy antly dressed, greeted

them with a big smile, her eyes spar kled.

“Wel come, I’m Annelies.” Her en ergy re flected her strength. She

was a woman that had seen it all. “Come in, this way” she in di cated

in her mu si cal voice. They hung their rain coats up be fore en ter ing

her class room. On a door was writ ten: In tro duc tory class


Very un usual sym bols and colour ful ka lei do scopic wall dec o ra -

tions were on the walls. All eight of them in tro duced them selves.

Each in their own words had to de scribe how they were trig gered by

the word as cen sion. This did break the ice, hear ing some of the

com ments. It was clear to Ing rid that they all had one thing in com -

mon; they were all un will ing to al low me di oc rity in their lives.

Ing rid’s eyes wan dered around the room. There were eight par -

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tic i pants in the class. Rich ard, of course, and three other men, Niels, Wim and Gerrit. The three other women were: Liesbeth, Yolanda,Zola. Zola and Wim were a cou ple in their late twen ties.

“The pur pose of the work shops is to re claim our in di vid ualpower. This means to lift the veil that has kept our real mul ti di men -sional po ten tial hid den for so long,” Annelies’ whole pos ture ac cen -tu ated by the colour ful caf tan re minded her of gypsies.

“Annelies, do you believe that phys i cal as cen sion is pos si ble?”“Ing rid, we’ve all cho sen to in car nate at this sig nif i cant time in

or der to fully wake up. Most peo ple walk ing the as cen sion path willen coun ter the doubt I hear in your voice, because many chal leng ingthought pro grammed pat terns re flect that ev ery liv ing crea ture onPlanet Earth has a cy cle end ing in death. I’ve cho sen to fully wakeup be fore my cy cle is com pleted.”

“You mean you will not phys i cally die?”“Wim that is my in tent, but for now you will all ex pe ri ence your

awak en ing jour ney at the first level. When you have awak ened to the third level, far more facts will be re vealed that sup ports our the o -ries.” “He's not taken it all in. He is re sist ing something.”

For a mo ment Ing rid thought...was she hear ing her own mindspeak out loud? Wim’s ex pres sion was in deed sceptical.

“Annelies, as cen sion be ing the most chal leng ing jour ney by far,will these work shops as sist us in that shift? I mean over com ing thatdoubt? By awak en ing our un imag in able po ten tial, will that en able us to leave this third di men sion phys i cally?” Gerrit’s eye brows archedover his glasses.

“If that is your in tent, then yes. Some call this shift a re birth orres ur rec tion. Many words are used to ex press en light en ment. Ourge netic de cod ing tech niques, with the help of sound fre quen cies;will ex pose the in cred i ble power of your real selves”

That com ment and the sym bols on Annelies’ wall made her re -em ber the mind draw ing work shop she had at tended last year. Thebark ing of a puppy dog in the hall way tem po rarily dis tracted her, but


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Annelies’ fur ther ex pla na tion brought her back.

“Ev ery fre quency res o nates to a cer tain num ber, col our and

sound. The en ergy that forms pat terns, num bers, and ge om e try

sym bols is used to un cover the many per son al ity masks we all wear.”Annelies’ mu si cal voice was fas ci nat ing to lis ten to. Ing rid’s eyes

were drawn to the many un usual but fa mil iar sym bols on the walls,

won der ing if this de cod ing was dif fi cult to do.

“Annelies, while gath er ing and re leas ing all our frag mented parts,

will this ac tiv ity re con nect us with our Oversoul?”

“Liesbeth, I’m glad you asked that. The de cod ing will ac ti vate the

mem ory stored in our DNA/RNA, which re con nects us with the

cos mos. It will trans form our minds, emo tions and ul ti mately our phys -

i cal forms. Our per son al ity fre quen cies have kept us in this vi bra tional

en trap ment. We were greatly in flu enced by the vi rus called “be lief ”.

The ha bit ual need to at tach to any be lief, dogma or du al ity con -

scious ness must be re leased in or der to ascend.” Annelies’ tone ex -

pressed her con vic tion. Ing rid won dered about her age. Would this

af fect their age ing pro cess, she won dered? “Oh yes it will” For a mo -

ment Ing rid thought again...was own mind answering?

“Our per son al ity is the en trap ment of our mind?” Zola, the

youn gest woman in the class gasped.

“Yes, Zola, the masks we wear for dif fer ent oc ca sions are the per -

son al ity en ti ties or as pects of the ego. These ‘masks’ res o nate towave lengths of var i ous fre quen cies, de pend ing on how we are think -

ing and feel ing.”

Annelies first ex plained the five lev els of the de cod ing program,

which re minded her of ex cerpt two from POWAH that Con nie had

given her the day be fore. So it must have come from Annelies!

“Sound cre ates form, which is a vi bra tion, an en ergy. You can say

that we are born into ex is tence first by thought and then by sound.”

Annelies had ev ery one’s at ten tion.

“We all em a nate a sound. We are en ergy ex pres sions in a solid

form. The de cod ing of your 22 spac ings on your en ergy field sheet,

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will re veal what your in ten tions and as pi ra tions are in this life time.These are your Ge netic Body Codes of Light.”

“You’re say ing that all life starts with a thought?”“Yes Ing rid, and thoughts cre ate sounds and col our. In our de -

cod ing we use num bers and let ters be cause they are SOUNDS. Byex press ing them through our voices, we ex pe ri ence dif fer ent vi bra -tions on many fre quen cies.” Annelies’ glanced at each of them.

“You mean, we cre ate our own lives, be cause of the names we aregiven?”

“Yolanda, our daily thoughts cre ate our ev ery day ex pe ri ences. The sounds we have cho sen to ex pe ri ence un con sciously re veal thege netic life blue print. Each time your name is called, this sound,now more than ever, will ac ti vate the power the name re flects.” ForIng rid this was not a new con cept but she never had given it a lot ofthought be fore.

“I see. So if we change our names, we use a dif fer ent sound,which cre ates a change in our lives?”

“Yolanda, any change means a shift in vi bra tion. We’ll go intoeach card to un der stand the dy nam ics of sound and col our. You allwill learn how you re act and re spond in or der to re lease that whichhas held us all back.” Annelies squeezed Yolanda’s shoul der. Ing ridin tu itively picked up an in ner men tal com mu ni ca tion be tween them. Yolanda is go ing through a di vorce. How did she know that?

“On this first level for the next five Fri day eve nings, we de code the22 ma jor spac ings. This is your ge netic makeup that will re flect thereal as pects and soul qual i ties you have cho sen to em body dur ing thislife time.” Annelies pointed at the im age on the wall, pro jected fromher lap top. Ing rid could clearly see a three di men sional grid pat tern inblocks that en cased a hu man fig ure.

“On the next five Fri day eve nings, we’ll make the first five awak -en ing cards. These five cards round off the first level of the as cen -sion card game. The two weeks af ter that are set aside to in te grateyour in di vid ual pro cess be fore we start the sec ond level.”


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“Wow! What a lot of work!” Gerrit had the im age some art ists

have, a bit ec cen tric but still dis tin guished. Peo ple that seem to skip

that mid dle-aged look.

“Ex cept for Liesbeth and Wim, all of you have at tendedTieneke’s mind draw ing work shops not so?” That was it! The nod -

ding of the oth ers took her back to Tieneke’s work shop where she

had found peace with Jan’s death. Through her mind-draw ings she

re leased emo tional mem o ries in or der to come to terms with all that

had hap pened; but she never met the oth ers during Tieneke's work -

shop retreat.

“So we com mit our selves for the first twelve weeks only?” Zola’s

pretty face was flus tered as she looked up at Wim, who was star ing

into space look ing al most... bored?

“Yes, you can, and Gerrit, the real work is pro cessed by all of you

dur ing the full twelve weeks. The Fri day eve nings, those are the fun

times, be lieve me.” Annelies ob served Wim with more than just a

glance, as if...but then she car ried on:

“In this first level you cre atively make your five Pres ent Per cep -

tual Con scious ness Cards that will re awaken your mem o ries. It

also as cer tains how awake you are at this mo ment.” That evoked a

re ac tion from most of them. How awake was she? Sud denly a bond

was es tab lished when they shared in sights from Tieneke’s Art–an a -

logue Sym bol ism courses. She had at tended a week end re treat on the spur of the mo ment, just af ter she had settled in Apeldoorn.

“Please, a warn ing! Any hand outs you re ceive or down load from

our Internet site, don’t in ter pret it lit er ally as ab stract truth. Es pe -

cially if your aware ness is ex pressed in the lin ear way of thinking.”

Some one must have ar rived at the house be cause the young dog

went ber serk, Yolanda got up to take a look. Then she heard her

laugh ing.

“So be gen tle on your selves when you all be gin to grasp that

truth is of ten hid den by those whose ar gu ments are false!”

“Yolanda is that Toon?”

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“You mean we all per ceive truth dif fer ently?” Gerrit asked. Fora split sec ond Ing rid was side tracked, did she re ally hear that men taldi a logue com ing from Annelies.... Did she hear a ques tion?

“Yes, Gerrit you’re right. From a per son al ity point of view wecan never agree on any in tel lec tual in for ma tion to tally. Our ex ter nalper cep tions dif fer.”

“Toon be fore you leave can you take the charts for Otto with you?” Ing ridwas dumb struck. Was Annelies talk ing to some one tele path i cally? Yolanda came back in again nod ding to Annelies.

“Your lives will be come an ad ven ture all over again. I hope to see you all to mor row eve ning?” Annelies con cluded her in tro duc tionclass while pass ing a form around.

“An nie, I’ll see you on Mon day, be good” Ing rid’s mind was rac ing. That men tal voice! Then the front door closed with a thump while adog was still bark ing. Annelies smil ingly asked if the three of themwould stay behind.

“I have been told by my guide that the three of you will be ap -proached in time to write your ex pe ri ences. Your jour nals will be -come an as sign ment of the awakening pro cess. Ing rid, you’ve beenap proached to write about the first level have you not?” Annelies’thought ful glance had an in ten sity as if she knew what she wasthink ing! Ing rid was to tally un pre pared for this mind prob ing. Theguide she men tioned must be POWAH, but how come?...then sheheard, or thought she did, the fol low ing sen tence.

“When the stu dent is ready the teacher will ap pear.”“It is all new to you is n’t it? I hope to see you all to mor row eve -

ning.” pass ing a blue en ve lope to her, like the one she had re ceivedbe fore! The oth ers were al ready in their cars driv ing off, whenAnnelies took Liesbeth, Rich ard and her self aside.

“Ing rid read the firsts aware ness level from ex cerpt two care fully, es pe cially when you are writ ing your jour nal. Ex press your mo ti va -tion in a feel ing way for your reader to un der stand about the in ten -sity you need to have, in or der to wake up.”


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“But that is so per sonal! I'm not sure if I can do this.” she al most

beamed at her. Annelies em a nated such warmth that she wanted to

burst out about her en coun ters but Rich ard in ter rupted her

thoughts.“Annelies, I think I speak for the three of us. I’m very ex cited

about your work shops.”

As they walked out into the mild spring eve ning, a young Lab ra dor

greeted them ex cit edly from be hind Liesbeth’s car. Annelies cud dled

the puppy, speak ing softly tell ing him that his boss would be back

soon. Ing rid won dered who his boss was.

On the way home, all of them were oc cu pied with their own re flec -

tions. Ing rid picked up thoughts that went on in Liesbeth’s mind, but

she hated to eaves drop. Both were im pressed that she was asked to

take on the first level for her as sign ment. She was far more shaken

about all the in ci dents of this week, and still trying to come to terms

with her tele pathic abil ity that seemed to get stron ger by the day.

“Some thing hap pened to me a week ago that seems to be re lated.

It’s too in cred i ble to be lieve.” Her voice trem bled from sheer dis be -

lief. They both wanted to hear her story at the Pannekoek the next

eve ning. Liesbeth pointed at the en ve lope Annelies had given her.

“Who’s Kitty?” Rich ard asked

“That’s me… don’t ask. Annelies says it’s all about the five cardspaces that we are de cod ing to mor row eve ning. From now on I

have to keep these ex cerpts for my jour nal.”

“Dur ing our cof fee break Yolanda told me that some of the con -

cepts are also pub lished on her website!” Rich ard shared.

Liesbeth dropped her off at the park ing bay. She waved to both,feel ing so ju bi lant in side that she drove right past her house!

Gosh, that made her re al ize how dis tracted her mind was while

driving. When she turned the car around, an in tu itive voice stated:

“Kitty, stay in the pres ent, more grounded.”

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Chapter 3

The Sound and Colour ofNumbers

The ascension – workshops

Ing rid al ways check ed her e–mail be fore start ing her workday, butever since Tues day she was look ing out for more of the same text fromPOWAH. As she was down loading a let ter from a But ter cup Land -scap ing firm, her at ten tion was drawn to a heated ar gu ment go ing onout side her par ti tion. Piet, the floor man ager, who had a row withCarla, stormed into her office.

“Ing rid, about the meet ing with this Mr. Haardens fel low and Mr. Brinks, this guy only wants to deal with you; he’s very ad a mant aboutit,” Piet’s ag i tated tone flew at her.

“What do you mean? I don’t have to be there!” Oh no! She hassuch dif fi culty with her draw ing. Why this pres sure. Piet was look ingover her shoul der at her draft ing proposal. His en ergy was so neg a -tive, his whole pres ence em a nated an ger.

“Mr Brinks wants you there with your plan. I spoke to him on his cel lu lar phone and he in sisted on your pres ence.”

“When is the meet ing sched uled?” “Next week on Thurs day, two o’clock at the head of fice in Am -

ster dam,” Piet snapped as he walked out. Gee, less than a week toget this lot right! Meet ing this Mr. Haardens trig ger ed feel ings ofcau tion, since her emo tions were aroused by even his name! For allshe knew he was tiny, short, fat and dull. Piet’s hos til ity made herques tion what she was here to learn from it when sud denly her

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screen be came very bright and the fa mil iar text ap peared! Her heart

surged.<Kitty, your job on earth is not to learn, be causeyou al ready know, but to re mem ber who ‘you’ are andwho ev ery one else is!>

Wow! Was it read ing her mind? Piet was gone, so she quickly

typed back:

<I want to ask so many ques tions, like: Who are we? Who

are you? Are you Annelies' guide? You say that our job is not

to learn, but I al ways thought that life it self was a learn ing ex -

pe ri ence, like be ing in a class room?>

She was break ing out in a sweat.......then the text ap peared again:<Kitty, life is not a school. You are here to re -claim who you are. School is a place to learn about some thing you want to know. Life it self is an op -por tu nity for you to know experientially what youal ready know con cep tu ally. You need to learn noth -ing about what you al ready know; you merely need tore–re mem ber that and act on it. And yes, I am yourguide, com mu ni cat ing with your higher self.>

Ing rid was stag gered. How was this hap pen ing on her com puter?

<Why do we not re mem ber who we are? Is my higher self

aware? How do we know that we have to re mem ber any -

thing?> The text re acted again to her ques tion:<Your over soul al ready knows all there is to knowall the time: there is noth ing hid den or un known toyour over soul. But...your in di vid ual soul seeksto ex pe ri ence earth re al ity so that a con cept be -comes an ex pe ri ence. It wants to ex pe ri ence‘ITSELF’ through a physical form.>

Which part of her was read ing all this? Who was re spon si ble for

this...who was she typing to? she was about to ask a ques tion when

the text changed. <Your higher, real self is just an ex ten sion ofyour in di vid ual blue print. Its your cel lu lar mem o -ries that have now been awak ened. Whereas your

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lower self em bod ies many frag mented parts that form your over all per sona, these frag mented parts mustbe dealt with and re leased from your en ergy fieldin or der for your soul to com plete its phys i callife cy cle on this third di men sional plane. Con -tem plate this.


Gee, she re called Liesbeth ask ing Annelies a ques tion, us ing theword oversoul! What was the ques tion? Any way, she fully in tendedto live this life to her full soul po ten tial. This POWAH made it im -pos si ble to fo cus on her work. She needed to drag her fo cus to herdraw ing. Marijke would take her phone calls so that she could con -cen trate on her il lus tra tions for the rest of the day. She was look ingfor ward to this eve ning, their first de cod ing class...won der ing whather soul pur pose card would re veal.....

* * *

“Ing rid, Ula has the same man she told you about on the line again, in sist ing on talk ing to you. Do you want to take this call?” Marijkelooked wor ried.

She had man aged to do a fair amount of work but needed a breakand nod ded. She re called that Ula had in deed told her about a call shemissed on Tues day just be fore go ing home. Her mind was on herdraw ing of the dome po si tion. She was not pleased with her work atall when an un pleas ant squeaky voice in ter rupted her thoughts.

“Are you the woman that draws the ar tis tic impressions of thePlea sure Park com plexes?”

“Yes, that’s cor rect. To whom am I speak ing?”“About the draw ings of the dome po si tion you are work ing on at

this mo ment, are you in ter ested in do ing a job for us?” Gosh, hesounded like a real sleaze bag.

“Who’s ‘us’?” She re gret ted ever an swer ing his call. His re fer ring to the dome po si tion gave her goose flesh.

“A group of busi ness men would like to in ter est you in a lu cra tive


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busi ness prop o si tion.” The man again ig nored her re quest for his

name. What was go ing on with these draw ings?

“I have no in ter est in hav ing a con ver sa tion with any one with out

a name. Who ever you are, please go through the proper chan nelsand con tact Mr. Brinks. He is the owner of Plea sure Parks. The re -

cep tion ist will give you the num ber. Good–day to you,” Ing rid cut

him off. This man emit ted an un pleas ant vi bra tion, to say noth ing

of his tone, which she in tu itively knew con veyed a negative in ten -

tion. Had she picked up on his men tal di a logue? He seemed false.

She phoned Ula and ex plained that if the same man phoned

again to re fer him to Mr. Brinks of fice. She did n’t think he would

phone back. She some how felt the man knew Mr. Brinks.

The rest of the day went so quickly that she al most for got to check

and read her e–mails. ——- Original Message ——-

From: “T Haardens”

To: <Undisclosed-Recipient:;>

Sent: Friday, April-11, 2008 8:21 AM

Subject: appointment

Our Landscaping division: THE BUTTERCUP

Dear Ingrid.

I have made an appointment with your Director, Mr Brinks, for Thursday 24th April at two o’clock and I have requested that you join us. I live temporarily in Apeldoorn. Would you like me to give you a lift toAmsterdam? I will be happy to do so.

Do you like the new name?


Toon Haardens.

He had changed the com pa nies name ‘Tree fern’ to ‘But ter cup.’

How orig i nal! Ing rid was not in ter ested in his lift idea. She was en -

tranced by this un known man but de cided to squash that feel ing. He

sounded very sure of him self. She did n’t re ally want to get in volved

with just any one. Mon day would be early enough to re ply. Ing rid

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was more in trigued by the next e–mail, which sud denly ap pearedwith the ti tle of ‘Sound.’<Kitty, if you have the de sire and the in tent tofully awaken, then you were born to em body yourtrue self; to re-learn how to think and how to know your own thoughts. Re mem ber as you think in yourheart, so it is with you. Add this fol low ing ex -cerpt to your jour nal.>


The Awakening Clan

Programme...Planet Earth

Sound & Col ourYour phys i cal planet is built up of thou sandsof dif fer ing rates of vi bra tions. These dif -fer ent wave lengths of sounds form a three–di -men sional plan e tary ho lo gram that you alsocall Gaia. She is a be ing like you.

Man is also a three–di men sional ho lo gram and is al lot ted a cer tain amount of en ergy ev eryday, de ter mined by the num ber of heart beatsthat pass through the phys i cal body. That en -ergy in stantly cre ates your soul/as tral bodyor, when you are al ready en light ened, yourlight body. This soul/as tral body emits a sound and a col our ra di ance, which re flects all thatyou have ac cu mu lated through a range of var i ous ex pe ri ences.

Kitty, you all ex ist in ev ery di men sion si -mul ta neously, but your level of soul aware nessde ter mines what form (den sity) you ex pe ri ence.

Di men sions are realms of con scious ness thatde fine through what vi bra tional fre quencyrange and na ture of form, or ab sence of form,your soul can pro ject into men tally.

The hu man soul/mind uti lises this fre quencyrange in or der to evolve. Your Spirit Spark, or life force must be present in or der to pre parethe soul for a phys i cal in car na tion, when sochoosing.

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This third ex cerpt was printed in the same for mat, with the same

watermark as the other two ex cerpts she got through the mail.

Ing rid was amazed at how well she in tu itively un der stood the

mes sage. A deeper part of her was stim u lated by the sub ject mat ter

of the ex cerpt. It still un nerved her that some one, or some thing,

was com mu ni cat ing with her in this way, but for now she would fol -

low her in tu ition. The ref er ence to the men tal ho lo gram that was

full of de cep tions started to give her hope. The world was in such amess. So much sad ness. Rag ing wars and threat en ing de struc tions

cre ated by hu man ity of ten clouded her day.

As she locked up for the week in a happy mood, her phone

rang...should she pick it up? To night they would de code the three

soul cards, so she had to hurry. She guessed in tu itively who it could

be and it was a bit against her prin ci ples to let it ring.“Plea sure........”

“Still on the job are you? Did you get my e–mail?” Good ness,

this man was di rect.

The Sound and Colour of Numbers


It’s this vi bra tional fre quency range thatde ter mines the level of con scious ness that the hu man brain of an un born fe tus re spond to. Itsthe hu man mind that pro jects a hu man body intothe phys i cal realm.

When man wants to at tain a higher state ofaware ness he needs to change its fre quencyrange in or der to make a den sity shift. Onlythen will a change in hu man per cep tion takeplace. This shift will re-ac ti vate a lightbody.

Kitty the de cod ing classes will awaken youto the amaz ing il lu sions that the third di men -sional realm is known for; for, af ter all, youlive in a men tal ho lo gram full of de cep tions.


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“I have just read it Mr. Haardens, but I have to stay on in Am ster -dam. I have a daugh ter liv ing there so I’ll or gan ise my own trans port. Many thanks for the of fer.” She was very proud of her self, think ing soquickly on her feet, and she did want to find out how Sascia was do ing.

“I would still like to meet you be fore the meet ing. Are you free atall this week end?” he per sisted. She couldn’t stop grin ning, hop ing it did not travel over the line.

“Well, ac tu ally, my youn ger daugh ter is ar riv ing this eve ningfrom Utrecht for the week end. This week end is out.” She held herbreath as it re ally sounded as if she was hav ing him on.

“How many chil dren do you have?” he chuck led. This man could very well re spond to her eva sive ness in the wrong way. She re allywas in dif fer ent about see ing him…or was she?…She re luc tantlytold him that she also had a son back pack ing some where. There was a si lence and again she could al most feel an in tense men tal en ergyprob ing her mind. Was she imag in ing this? To be po lite she askedhim if he had re cently moved to Apeldoorn, since he had writ tenthat in his e-mail.

“Yes, I travel over seas a lot, and I’ve not set tled in yet so I’m stay -ing with fam ily un til I de cide where to live in Hol land.” “It must be,”Must what? She wanted to ask, but in stead she re plied…

“Oh, and you do land scap ing in other coun tries as well?” Ing ridwas amazed. Some thing about this man was con fus ing, but whatwas it? Did she hear this man think?

“Mmm, yes, you could say that. Ing rid, may I ask what your sur -name is?” What for! Why?

“Barendse,” want ing to add that it was her mar ried name, butdid n’t want to go into any de tail with a man she had never met.

There was a long si lence. Again she could al most in stinc tivelyhear him think: “Well, well, bingo!” She was about to ask why hername was so in ter est ing when she re al ised that it could be her ownimag i na tion that was over ac tive.

“What about Mon day eve ning? I’ll tell you what. I’ll drop into your


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of fice on Mon day af ter noon. Then, over din ner, we can go over the

main te nance pro gram. I would re ally like to get to know you be fore the

meet ing on Thurs day. What time do you usu ally fin ish work?”

Ing rid felt as if she was be ing bull dozed into this ar range ment. He was per sis tent all right. An noy ingly she had to ad mit, she was cu -

ri ous, think ing of the man with the name, ‘Haardens’, that had spo -

ken on the ra dio.

“Mr. Haardens, can I sug gest around five–thirty at my of fice on

Mon day?” She got that across in a very pro fes sional tone. Then he

asked where to book a ta ble! He cer tainly sounded very keen on the

idea of din ner! She told him her din ing pref er ences. It al most felt as

if they were play ing some sort of game! Who was go ing to have the

last word?

“Ing rid, I’ll meet you Mon day af ter noon. Have a good week end

with your daugh ter.” His tone im plied vic tory. Well, was this a date

or what? How had she got in volved in this? And his men tal prob -

ing, as if he were try ing to get into her mind while he was on the line!

Then; “Could it be just a co in ci dence?” jumped into her mind tele path i -

cally. Not that those words had any mean ing for her. Think ing back

to the eve ning when for the first time she heard a voice in her head.

Had she heard the same voice? “Oh, get hold of your self girl!” She

said out loud when Carla walked past, frowning.

“Stay ing over this week end are you?” “Oh, Carla, re mem ber that I gave you that orig i nal DVD? The

one of the ae rial photo of the French build ing site. Did you keep it

in the safe? Is it still there?”

“What! You as well? Piet was af ter that disk this morn ing! He

was quite nasty about it. I’ll have a look.” Carla rushed away while

Ing rid mulled over her date on Mon day.

“I’ve got it. Piet was so un pleas ant this morn ing, I’ll gladly give it

to you in stead but what is so spe cial about the disk?”

“I have no idea, but I’m go ing to in ves ti gate. You go, and I’ll lock

up.” Carla was far ti dier in her ap pear ance than be fore. She al ways

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looked as if she had bor rowed some one else’s clothes that did not fit her. Now she was wear ing some thing that made her far more ap -peal ing. She had told her that she had a new boy friend she was verykeen on with the name Niels. He cer tainly had a good in flu ence.

Sud denly Sascia, her el der daugh ter jumped in her vi sion whenthe phone rang again.

“Hello, Mom, what are you do ing this eve ning?” She told her she would meet Liesbeth.

“I must have picked up your thoughts. Mom, I’ve met a very in -ter est ing guy and we’re at tend ing a lec ture on our sun’s so lar flares incon nec tion with our weather pat terns. Have you heard any thingabout them? I be lieve your friend, Liesbeth, is involved.”

“Re ally? When did you meet this new man?”“Oh, at a friend’s party. Mom, you can’t be lieve it, he’s in ter ested

in all the things the four of us have al ways dis cussed at home. Re -mem ber, only daddy never got in volved......sorry, mom, I said thatwith out think ing. We think about you a lot, you know!”

“Oh, dar ling, you’re right. It did not cap ture his in ter est the way itdid with us. At least he never con demned it ei ther.” Ing rid was get -ting a lump in her throat at Sascia’s sad ness. Yes, she did miss Jan. Thelast few months be fore he had died had been dif fi cult. He had lost the power of speech and he needed a lot of at ten tion phys i cally. She hadtaken time off work to be with him full-time in the last months whenshe prac tised com mu ni cat ing with his higher self men tally, mak ing upall kinds of con ver sa tions. It had helped to fo cus her mind. Cre at ingan af fin ity on an in ti mate men tal level had ful filled a de sire she hadlonged for. She con vinced Sascia that she was do ing very well inApeldoorn while ask ing af ter her twin brother Jeroen.

“No, I have no idea where he is. Mom, don’t worry about him,Jeroen needs time to think out for him self if his fu ture is withgrandpa’s steel busi ness. Now that dad has gone and Un cle Ed livesin Aus tra lia he is the only one left.”

“Yes, I know, and it is his own de ci sion. We can’t help him in that,


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can we? How’s your new job?” Think ing about the ca reer choices,

her chil dren had to make.

“Mom, I hate to be a jour nal ist for this paper in Am ster dam. I

don’t know how long I’m go ing to last. I want to pur sue myphotography work, make real pho tos, not just snap shots for the

daily news. I would love to work free lance but I need more ex pe ri -

ence,” Sascia sighed.

“Sascia, vi su al ise your de sire as if it is al ready hap pen ing ev ery

time you do your work. If you do this, you will man i fest it some day.

But make sure it is re ally what you want!” Ing rid hoped she didn’t

sound too preachy.

“I know what I want to do. Take pho tos of an cient places, but

who’s ever go ing to pay me for that?”

“Sascia, where did you get the idea that you can not get paid for

the things you love do ing?”

“I don’t know. It’s al most as if...I can eas ily ac cept get ting paid for

some thing I hate do ing. Where did that come from Mom?”

“Dar ling, we’re all pro grammed in one way or an other. Daddy

and I were prob a bly re spon si ble for some of that. Or, our ed u ca tion

sys tem is partly to blame, that is, if you need to blame anything.”

“Mom,... how do you know whether the per son you like very

much would be right for you as a part ner?”

Ing rid knew this would not be the man she had just met. Shewould have re acted dif fer ently. But it was not for her to say so she

changed the sub ject.

“Mom, are you ask ing for some thing in your life right now?”

“Be lieve me. I’m work ing on it. I’m learn ing. I play it safe, all that

I’m ask ing is that I live and ex press my self to my full est po ten tial. If

I fail in any way, I try to ex press my grat i tude for an op por tu nity the

next day.” Ing rid was chuck ling at her own words of wisdom.

“Sascia, are you home on Thurs day next week in the af ter noon

and eve ning? I need to at tend a meet ing in Am ster dam on the 24th

in the af ter noon. Can I crash with you for the night?” Sascia loved

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the idea so she could meet Vinny, the new boy friend and hung up. At the last min ute be fore clos ing her of fice she took the disk Piethad been pes ter ing her about. Some thing on that photo started tonag her.

* * *

At the Pannekoek, Liesbeth had al ready or dered and Rich ard wasget ting ready to leave for the classes.

“Ing rid, some one asked about you. A very tall big fel low, verypleas ant but...I got the im pres sion that he...knew you.” Rich ard’seyes looked her over.

“Who? Did he say his name?” Try ing to read Rich ard’s thought’s.“Yes, I think so...Toon...I can’t re call his sur name, he de scribed

you very well so he must know you!”“Re ally?” It could n’t be? Rich ard de scribed a tall man. Was this

Toon the one she bumped into? The name Toon, had she heard itbe fore? Know ing in her heart she hoped it was.

When Liesbeth told her that she needed to pre pare a lec ture onen vi ron men tal is sues that week end Ing rid re mem bered about theweather pat terns Sascia had re ferred to; and the ra dio in ci dent. Sheasked her what she knew about the ef fects of in creased solar activity.

“I know our earth’s weather is af fected by the sun’s so lar flares. It’s cre at ing higher tem per a tures com bined with droughts andflood ing con di tions. Planet Earth’s elec tro mag netic fields are de -clin ing. I did n’t know you were in ter ested in this topic.”

“I heard some thing about it on the ra dio. I might even know theper son that spoke on the pos si bil ity of our be ing with out elec tric ity. What are your thoughts on that?”

“Well, this is still spec u la tion, some thing to do with the null zone,but no one re ally knows. Higher vi bra tions func tion solely on mag -netic en ergy. It is spec u lated that our whole so lar sys tem will shift toa new po si tion.” Liesbeth waved for Rich ard to come over.

“Our Earth’s global light body is chang ing to the tri ple mag netic


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cir cle pat tern over a time pe riod from now on. That is the start of

the de tox i fy ing of elec tri cal energy.”

“Liesbeth how do you know all that?” Rich ard eyed her.

“One day I’ll share that with you both. I knew that there was go -ing to be a programme on the ra dio some time. I’ll let you both know

when but let’s go now or we’ll be late,” Liesbeth urged.

Class 1De cod ing of the fifth level stands for FREEDOM IN UNITY’

was writ ten on the class room door. All eight of the peo ple who had

been the pre vi ous night were back. Each handed Annelies their in -

for ma tion sheets with the dates of birth, full names at birth, and any

later given names, plus their ad dresses.

Annelies made cop ies and re turned the forms be cause theyneeded them for their de cod ing ex er cises. Then Annelies ex plained

the method of the de cod ing. She walked be hind them to see if they

had done it cor rectly.

“Your nu meral sound mel ody is your high est vi bra tional score

for that par tic u lar card you are work ing with. As we go along, I’ll ex -

plain what is ap pro pri ate at that mo ment.” Annelies held up an in -

ter est ing look ing card. She won dered whose it was.

“You are go ing to ex pe ri ence so much all in a short pe riod of

time, that you must n’t try to grasp all the in for ma tion at once.

Please do ask ques tions.” No body said a word. The still ness elec tri -

fied the en ergy in the room.

“Some of the in for ma tion you will know al ready and some ma te -

rial you have to as sim i late first be fore you can ac cept it. So be gen tle

with your self. Ask al ways for the high est good in all you do.”

“Annelies, how im por tant are nick names?” Think ing about her

nick name ‘Kitty’. Re call ing the mind draw ing course where she used

it in her draw ings.

“They are im por tant as a vi bra tion within your card. The nu meral

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vibe of a nick name shows which Soul Qual ity you have added toyour fre quen cies. When we come to the mak ing of your cards, youwill use them.” All were busy, cal cu lat ing and add ing their names tothe num bers in their ex er cise books.

“The vowel sounds are re lated to our outer aware ness while thecon so nant sounds re late to our in ner aware ness. The most im por -tant nu meral tone is your Soul Pur pose Card vi bra tion. It’s the high -est sound vi bra tion of ac cu mu lated ex pe ri ences you have cho sen tore in car nate with at birth.”

“Annelies, mine is num ber eight which I know is a kar mic num -ber. Does that mean I have asked for the ex pe ri ence of my re la tion -ship?” Ing rid waited for Annelies’ re ply to Yolanda with greatat ten tion. Her Soul Pur pose card was also an eight!

“This is the eighth oc tave of love in the Lan guage of Light to as -sist the soul and the form in re mem ber ing di vine un ion. Di vine un -ion vi bra tions re lease those pat terns that have caused the mas cu lineand fem i nine within to be in con flict.” Annelies re sponded toYolanda’s anx i ety. Ing rid won dered if her re la tion ship with Jan hadmir rored that conflict.

“Be fore one can ex pe ri ence this di vine un ion within, the need forcom pe ti tion be tween men and women over all must cease on the out -side. It also re veals a strong power that was given to you in an other life.Please visit our web site. Take down the fol low ing ad dress. Click on the as cen sion classes link andtype in annelies as your username, and de cod ing as your pass word. Pleaseread your ex tended de cod ing in ter pre ta tions on line.”

Yolanda, who was wear ing a fas ci nat ing out fit that com ple mentedher very long blonde hair, re minded Ing rid of her sis ter Quincy. Couldshe do her de cod ing she won dered.

“Annelies, I have the num ber one! How can that be a highscore?” Zola’s eye brows arched

“Be lieve me, Zola, that is a high score in a vi bra tional sense. Thegift of de ter mi na tion. It makes a lot of sense to me al ready, and it


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will to you as well.” Annelies’ long black hair was held to gether in a

twist with one long wooden pin, en hanc ing her gypsy look.

“Annelies, I was brought up in an or phan age for the first five years.

No body knew the name given to me at birth so my adopted par entsgave me the name ‘Liesbeth’. Is that valid? And do I use a four or the

twenty-two num ber for my card?” Ing rid sud denly ob served how

Liesbeth re sem bled Annelies! Liesbeth was a lot youn ger but they

could have been sis ters.

“Well well,... let me see. Do you know your date of birth?”

“I was found bun dled up dur ing the month of May, so my nick -

name be came May. They guessed I was one year old so one year was

added to the day of my dis cov ery.”

“Ah! Use the name ‘May’ as a vi bra tion within the card later on.

Use Liesbeth for now and use the date given to you. You are right to

use num ber twenty-two for your soul pur pose card.”

“In ter est ing in deed”

“Re ally, why?” Ing rid was stunned! Did she hear men tal..di a logue?

“Liesbeth, if that vi bra tion of truth is your soul pur pose card,

that means that you will in spire the awak en ing in oth ers who have

been seeded to as cend.” Annelies squeezed Liesbeth’s shoulder.

“We’ll have to talk” Those words! Did she re ally...

As Annelies passed be hind the par tic i pants, she sud denly ex -

claimed: “I see now to my amaze ment that three of you have thesame sur names. Are you aware of that?” Her tone gave away that

she knew some thing they did n't.

“Liesbeth, in which or phan age were you left be hind?” Gerrit

peeked over his glasses.

“The Jaarsma Or phan age. I was named af ter the Or phan age and

was adopted when I was five years old but I kept the sur name.”

Gerrit took his glasses off in re sponse.

“Re ally? Well, so was I, but I lived there un til my eigh teenth

birth day,” his sur prise was heard by all.

“My sur name is Jaarsma be cause my mother was named af ter the

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same or phan age. I must ask her about it,” Niels added cau tiously. “Annelies, are we con nected in any way?”“Gerrit, later in the course I will tell you all about the con nec tion

with this or phan age. It plays a ma jor part in our as cen sion jour ney.But let’s go on. The soul’s mo ti va tional vi bra tion num bers re vealhow oth ers see you!” Annelies was good at keep ing their at ten tion. The de cod ing was quite stren u ous.

“Now that I would like to know! My girl friend is pre par ing sup -per to night. I won der what she sees in me?” Niels voiced histhoughts. Annelies stood be hind him, look ing at his num bers.

“Niels, your girl friend sees in you the pos i tive faith you have inyour own abil i ties. It could mean that that is what she needs to dis -cover within her self.”

“Re ally? You can see all that by just look ing at this num ber? Niel’s as ton ish ment made her grin. Ing rid sud denly had a men talpic ture of Carla in front of her eyes. Could it be? They would makean in ter est ing cou ple. Niels had In do ne sian an ces try. He was notvery tall, but had a strong, solid body. He prob a bly had a ten dency toput on weight like Carla.

Annelies peered over her shoul der at the pa per on which shewas do ing her de cod ing. Her guide num ber was twenty-two.

“Ing rid, this num ber vi bra tion re veals a very pow er ful guide. How do you feel about that?” Annelies winked. Then Ing rid heardsi mul ta neously the fol low ing fur ther thoughts very clearly: “Is itPOWAH, or a mus cu lar po lar ity that is clos ing in on her, I won der?” Whatdid those im pres sions mean? Never had she heard some one else’sthoughts so clearly.

“You are tele pathic, aren’t you? Yet you have not been aware of it be fore,have you?” Was Annelies re ally pro ject ing her thoughts?

“No, I have not!” They all looked at her. Liesbeth just smiled. Had she heard it too?

Non of them needed any coats be cause it was al ready warm weatherfor a spring eve ning. April used to be much colder in the past.


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Annelies re minded them to look on the Internet about the song of

num bers and asked Ing rid to stay be hind. When they all asked for

the Internet ad dress Niels told them that he had found the web site

when he was search ing us ing the words as cen sion top ics. “Ing rid, if ever you want to talk, call me dur ing the week. I’ll wait

for you to make the first move.”

I have a lot of ques tions,” Ing rid mur mured. Annelies seemed to

know her dif fi culty in shar ing her thoughts with oth ers. Sud denly

her hand felt some thing wet and cold. She al most jumped, when she

looked down into the spar kling brown eyes of a young Lab ra dor

that wagged his tail.

“And who might you be?” strok ing his ears.

“Joris Good blood.” Annelies chuck led. Ing rid won der ed if

Annelies had a hus band.

* * *

Rich ard gave them a lift back to the Pannekoek. When Liesbeth

told them that she would take on the fourth level as her as sign ment.

She and Rich ard were not sur prised. Rich ard had been given the sec -

ond level as his home work“Did she say who’s writ ing the third and the fifth level?” Ing rid

was glad to be writ ing about the first level. The sec ond level in volved their per son al i ties and the left and right hemi spheres of the brain. Rich ard must have a flair for that! But the fourth!

“Annelies her self is writ ing the third level which is the most dif fi -

cult one, I think. Even she’s not aware who’s writ ing the fifth level.

“Ing rid can you hear my thoughts?”

“Yes, Yes, I do, what about Rich ard?”

“Mmm, no not yet I think” Rich ard was ob vi ously un aware of their

tele pathic di a logue.

“Ing rid, I re mem bered that later this eve ning there is some one

speak ing over ra dio Apeldoorn 87.9 FM about the so lar flares you

asked me about. The speaker is an Egyptologist or a Me te o rol o gist but I

The Sound and Colour of Numbers


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for got his name. Rich ard, you should lis ten : It’s right up your alley.” “Thanks for tell ing us.” Rich ard dropped them off at the park ing

bay be hind the cof fee shop.

Since Ing rid had some spare time be fore fetch ing Deb bie from thesta tion, she switched on her car ra dio. She was cu ri ous to learnwhether she would hear Mr. Haardens’s voice again when her cellphone rang, show ing her that it was Deb bie. Her free week end waspost poned. She had to take on a friend’s shift who had lost herbrother in a mo tor ac ci dent that af ter noon. Deb bie sounded verysad and dis ap pointed.

“Mom, I can’t even at tend her brother’s fu neral for I have takenover her thea tre duty, but I want to do this. I hope the weather willstill be nice next week end. See you then!”

Well, that was it. She would be alone this week end. She couldhave ac cepted Mr. Haardens’ in vi ta tion af ter all.

On the way home the ra dio an nouncer in tro duc ed a Mr.TrevorZwiegelaar, which was Annelies’ sur name!

“Mr Zwiegelaar is an Egyptologist, a Me te o rol o gist and a mem -

ber of the World Health Or gani sa tion. That’s quite a mouth ful.” thein ter viewer com mented.

“Mr Zwiegelaar what's your re sponse to the let ters and phonecalls? We have re ceived hun dreds af ter Mr. Haardens spoke on thepos si bil ity of an elec tric ity black out. Peo ple are start ing to panic.”

“Mr. Haardens may have sounded like an alarm ist, which he isnot, but in or der to sur vive the global changes, we need to co-op er -ate in un prec e dented ways.

The ra dio in ter viewer asked if Mr. Haardens had spoken out ofturn, since he was no sci en tist.

“His in ter est lies with the build ing of com mu ni ties where peo ple can be re lo cated to. Many have to be re ad justed to liv ing with out

the tech nol ogy on which we’re all so de pend ent.” Mr. Zwiegelaarre plied with a au thor i ta tive voice, which re minded her of Mr.Haardens.


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“So he is a mod ern Noah, pre par ing the peo ple on our planet

for dras tic changes?” The in ter viewer gasped at his sud den in -sight.

“Yes, you could say that; and I can just see his face when he is

called that, but why not?” Mr. Zwiegelaar re plied with laugh ter.

“Are all the many pre dic tions that started dur ing a mil len nium years ago truly happening?”

“First of all, I would like to point out that I’m not pre dict ing any -thing. Nor am I talk ing about the end of the world. The sci en tificdata on our weather pat terns hap pens to co in cide with tales fromthe past. They all re fer to events we know to day, might have been shift ing of the earths po lar caps, cli mate changes or even alien in -va sions.Our re search team is busy trans lated pic to graphicscripts from an cient slates as I speak.

“By tales you mean myths?”

“An cient knowl edge has of ten been trans lated as a myth. Agood ex am ple is the cre ative work of J.J. Tolkien. “The Lord ofthe Rings” He must have un der stood the sci ence be hind the roleof evil in hu man evo lu tion, in or der to trans late it so well. Newlyfound pic to graphic scripts, dat ing back to be fore the Sumer iantimes all men tion that so lar sys tems change, and that they havehap pened to other civili sa tions in the past.They left us with warn -ings be cause they them selves were not well pre pared.”

“Are you talking about the ancient days of the Atlanteantimes?”

“It could be. We are pre par ing a So lar website with de tailed in -for ma tion. It will mainly be about how to go about mak ing some

ba sic phys i cal prep a ra tions” Mr. Zwiegelaar re minded the lis ten -ers.

“How are we as humans affected by these…changes? Apartfrom having to do without electricity.”

“There are many planes of re al i ties, likewise dif fer ent peo plewill be af fected in dif fer ent ways. There is even some spec u la tionthat hu man ity is go ing through a cel lu lar trans mu ta tion....but soare the plant, an i mal and min eral kingdoms.”

“You mean that our human body is changing?’

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“Yes, just as crea tures that have evolved be fore. This in for ma tion is all found on our web site. These changes are not any thing to bealarmed about; they pre pare us for our re birth into an other age. Many re li gious in sti tu tions have spec u lated in dif fer ent ways as tohow it will come about. Some re gret fully chose to spread fear aboutthese nat u ral phe nom ena as a form of con trol, but, it’s ev ery one’sfree choice to act ac cord ing to their own per cep tions.”

“Are you giv ing more lec tures on these sub jects? The tele -phones have not stopped ring ing in our stu dio.”

When Trevor re plied say ing that there were plans for reg u larlec tures sched uled in July, the in ter viewer con cluded the in ter viewwith the words:

“We found it ap pro pri ate to play the pop u lar song ‘Are youAwake?’ from the new CD called ‘The awakening’ I wish my lis ten -ers good night. I’m Roger from City Ra dio, Apeldoorn.”

As the mu sic washed over her, Ing rid felt that her life had startedto take on a com pletely new mean ing the mo ment that voice said:“Kitty! Be still and lis ten.”a few days be fore. She was surg ing with newfound en ergy. Her mind was full of ques tions and thoughts criss -cross ing like a traf fic grid as she switched off the ra dio. She keptsee ing those eyes of the man she had bumped into...


The Awakening Clan

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All my books are also avalable on the kin dle and other ereaders.

The Sound and Colour of Numbers

Page 66: The Awakening Clan


The sub ject of im mor tal ity has gripped my at ten tion for thelast thirty years and many names are writ ten in my heart who haveshared and still share this awak en ing jour ney with me. Writ ing about philo soph i cal top ics in a fu tur is tic com mer cial novel can be prob -lem atic. To write about any spir i tu ally/ philo soph i cal top ics cre -atively, and then sim plify it, might of fend peo ple con ver sant inthose sub jects; which has never been my in tent. Added to that, towrite a ro man tic novel where a male and fe male be come as one wasdone on pur pose. Our dif fer ent hor mones and anat o mies re sultedin the de vel op ment of dif fer ent psy ches. The male and fe male, theYin and Yang of con scious ness must merge as one, which can neverbe rec on ciled by evolution. Each must un der stand and awaken theun der de vel oped ‘other’ within, in or der to fully evolve.

The theme of the nov els is cen tred at the gate way to our hearts,(The Eye of the Be holder) await ing us to re lease the il lu sions thatbind us prior to pass ing through the pil lars and to en tering into ahigher realm.

I trust that the read ers use this novel as an ex er cise of the mind,and not judge too harshly ei ther way.

Be fore I start on my ac knowl edge ment list, I must thank RobinBeck for his sup port, his be lief in me and for his love. In him Ifound my soul part ner who made it pos si ble that my vi sions for theJaarsma Clan se ries be came a re al ity.

To my chil dren San dra and Den nis, I thank them for al low ing meto be my self. They showed me their cour age in step ping into theworld by leav ing our home to be come in de pend ent world cit i zens.

To their fa ther, who al though he could not share my vi sion be -came my best teacher in un der stand ing that truth can be ex pe ri enced


The Awakening Clan

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in many dif fer ent ways.

To my sis ter Margreet and Roland, her hus band. You both gave

me the op por tu nity to build a pri vate space, a loft room, a hide away

where I could be truly cre ative and sep a rate my self from the pub -lish ing world of Kima Global Pub lish ers.

Through out one’s jour ney the right teach ers are al ways there giv -

ing in ner guid ance; show ing me that the con cept of im mor tal ity had

to be re-pub lished as vi sion ary/fan tasy fic tion.

My grat i tude will al ways be to the Source of ‘All That Is’ for the

op por tu nity to be come a hu man chan nel through which this first

awak en ing novel came alive.

Nadine May


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The Awakening Clan

The As tral Ex plorer and The Cos mic Trav el ler

By Nadine May

The As tral Ex plorer and The Cos mic Trav el ler was firstpub lished un der the ti tle of: Or phan age of Soulmates - Rich ard'sjour nal. These sec ond and third spec u la tive fic tion nov els in theas cen sion se ries about the Jaarsma Clan is a nat u ral con tin u a tion in the story of The Awak en ing Clan.

The main char ac ter Rich ard is both an Egyptologist and amas ter as tral trav el ler. Hu man des tiny is not cast in stone as re -vealed by the mys ter ies of the sphinx, but these set off a chain ofevents in the lives of the Jaarsma clan.

An cient tun nels are ex posed through an ex plo sion un der thecon struc tion site at the Val ley of the Gods re sort in France. Em -bed ded in the rock walls are ‘pictograms’ that fore tell a fu turethat seems to have hap pened in the past.

Rich ard learns on the as tral plane that self-mas tery can not beex pressed in words or pic tures, but that it can awaken at greatcost to our ma te rial re al ity.

ISBN 978-0-9802561-6-1 ISBN out in May 2008

Avail able from our on line Book store

Page 69: The Awakening Clan



The Lan guage Of Light

By Nadine May

This cre ative work book ex plains the chak ra sys tem and how itres o nates to our thought-pat terns in a new and thought-pro vok ingway. The book is full of mind-draw ing ex er cises that will guide thereader into their own in ner worlds. The char ac ter Tieneke, is the nar -ra tor of this work book. In Nadine’s first awak en ing novel Tieneketeaches these art-an a logue mind-draw ing classes in or der to ac ti vatethe lan guage of the soul. Nadine May has successfully com binedtruth with vi sion ary sym bolic art tech niques.

Re view: “This un usual work book is one of its kind by the way the Lan guage of

Light is ex plained. The many il lus tra tions and cre ative for mats that helpone to cre ate their own Lan guage of Light cards is phe nom e nal. Itsmethod is a break through from the point of bring ing into per spec tive howeach one of us can em body more psy chic en ergy. The mind-draw ing ac -tiv i ties with each ex er cise was truly a cre ative med i ta tion in it self.  

I have used some of the ex er cises in my own work shops and they trulywork.”  

Sue Barker Acad emy for Art Ther apy & The power of the mind. ISBN 095843591 Avail able from our on line Book store.

With an ac com pa ny ing Med -i ta tion pocket book on the Qual -i ties of our Soul en ergy










Page 70: The Awakening Clan


The Awakening Clan

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Van ish ing Worlds

in print by 2009

By Nadine May


Van ish ing Worlds - LETTING GO OF

THE OLDAnnelies’ jour nal is rid dled with magic

from Hid den Worlds where our thoughtforms be come real.

By now the Jaarsma Clan’s group soulen ergy has to con front its own ‘karma’ inor der to carry on the evo lu tion path to wardsen light en ment. The in di vid u als who are, ‘on a soul level’, be long ing to the Jaarsmagroup-soul vi bra tion, have a hard time ad -just ing to the new in com ing fre quen cies, but there is hope for the hu man race.

The crys tal skull art ist shows Annelieshow the world as she knows it will soon van -ish, but be fore that hap pens she learns howto re turn to the right fre quen cies for the hu -man body to over come the ag ing anddis-ease syn drome - in or der to as cend.

This aware ness must spread through -out the world in or der for hu man ity tomake the tran si tion to a higher di men sion.

The Body Codes of Light

in print by Jan 2009

By Nadine May


The Body Codes of Light - de -cod ing of your orig i nal blue print

This de cod ing work book is fullof ex er cises in or der for the readerto un der stand why ev ery atomicpar ti cle, ev ery mol e cule and our cel lu lar mem ory pro gram is re -spon si ble for our phys i cal hu manform. In or der to man i fest our body codes of light, we need to re storeour cel lu lar mem ory back to theright fre quen cies .

The char ac ter Annelies (from the as cen sion nov els) is the nar ra tor ofthis de cod ing work book.

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The Awakening Clan