the augsburg confession

The Augsburg Confession Martin Luther Phillip Melancthon

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The Augsburg Confession

Martin Luther Phillip Melancthon

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What Is a Confession?

� There is a need for us to declare what we believe� “If anyone is ashamed of me and my words in this

adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when he comes in his Father's glory with the holy angels.” Mark 8:38

� We need to make sure that we believe correctly� Orthodox- ortho = correct, dox = belief

� But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them—bringing swift destruction on themselves. 2 Peter 2:1

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Historic Confessions

� First Confession was “Jesus is Lord”� If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,”

and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9

� Apostle’s Creed: 3rd Century

� Nicene Creed: Council of Constantinople 381 AD

� Athanasian Creed: 5th Century

� These creeds excluded Arianism, a heresy in which Jesus is not considered divine

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The Book of Concord

� Compiled in 1581 to be a rule of the doctrine of the Lutheran Churches in Germany post Luther

� Solidify beliefs once Reformed/Calvinists appeared.

� Said to be the “NormedNorm”� Rules and doctrines based

off of Scripture, the “Norming Norm”

� All Lutheran Pastors agree to abide by it at ordination

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Table of Contents

� Three Ecumenical Creeds� Augsburg Confession 1530

� The Apology (Defense) of the Augsburg Confession 1531

� Smalcald Articles 1537

� Treatise on the Power and the Primacy of the Pope 1537

� Small Catechism 1529

� Large Catechism 1530� Epitome (Reader’s Digest Version) of the Formula

of Concord 1576

� Solid Declaration (Long Version) of the Formula of Concord 1576

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Why Do We Care?

� All Churches formally or informally confess their beliefs

� The Book of Concord is our confession� St. John’s Lutheran Church Statement of faith 2.03-2.06

� We can know who we are in fellowship with as a church� “One in faith and doctrine with all that likewise accept…”

� Not all Lutheran church bodies “likewise” accept it. Other church bodies accept it in different ways- leading to different Lutheran denominations

� Acceptance of the Augsburg Confession and the Small Catechism is seen as the benchmark for “who is Lutheran?”

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Europe in 1517

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Pounding on Doors…

� In 1517 Martin Luther, a priest, monk, and theology professor posted his 95 objections to Roman Catholic beliefs and practices, especially indulgences, igniting the Reformation.

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Here I Stand!

� Diet (Assembly) of Worms 1521

� Chance for Luther to explain himself

� Told to take back what he said

� “Unless I am convinced by the testimony of the Scriptures or by clear reason, I am bound by the Scriptures I have quoted and my conscience is captive to the Word of God. I cannot and will not recant anything, since it is neither safe nor right to go against conscience. Here I stand, I can do no other. May God help me. Amen.”

� Luther was declared a heretic

� From Luther (2003) YouTube

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So What Do You All Believe?

� The Ottoman Empire was invading Europe, attacking Vienna, Austria

� The Emperor wanted to consolidate power by uniting under a common faith so he could fight the Ottomans

� Luther’s opponent, John Eck, lumped all heretics and emerging Protestants together.

� Lutheran theologians needed to define what they believed in order to preserve peace.

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The Augsburg Confession� Written in 1530 by Phillip

Melancthon, Luther’s colleague and friend

� Luther was still an outlaw

� Defined Lutheranism in terms of orthodoxy (“right belief”), not only corrected abuses of the church

� Signed by powerful German nobles who could protect them

� Find it online for free at

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Articles 1-3: God

� God is Trinity- Three in One� Father, Son, and Holy


� Humanity is born into sin and cannot know God by their own means and deserve punishment

� Jesus is the Son of God and suffered, died, and rose for us

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Article 4: Being Good With God

� We cannot do anything to obtain God’s grace or favor on our own.

� We receive forgiveness of sins when we believe Jesus suffered and died for us.

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Articles 5-8 The Christian Life

� God instituted the Pastor’s office so we can receive faith through Word and Sacrament

� Holy Spirit produces faith through these when He wants to

� We cannot choose to believe in Jesus

� We do good deeds because God commanded us, not because they make us good

� Church ceremonies don’t need to be the same everywhere. Word and Sacrament done right is enough

� Christians are simultaneously saints and sinners, including clergy

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Articles 9-10 Sacraments

� Grace is offered to us by

God through baptism. It is

not our work.

� That is why we baptize


� The true body and blood

of Jesus are truly present

in Holy Communion

� It is NOT simply a

remembrance or memorial

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Articles 11-13 Forgiveness

� We do private confession too!

� Repentance is being sorry for sins. We get forgiveness through faith in Christ. We have to do this a lot!

� We do not do anything to earn this forgiveness

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Articles 14-15 The Church

� No one should preach or preside at Sacraments without a “valid call”� Lutherans differ on

what this means

� Church rules made by humans are made to keep order. They are not meant to be treated as God’s Law

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Article 16 Secular Government

� Rightful governments are instituted by God to keep order and justice

� Christians can and should fully participate in all aspects of civic life. This includes� Commerce, serve in political office, possess

property, serve in the military, take oaths and vows for court, offices, etc.

� Obey secular authority, unless obedience causes sin.� “We must obey God rather than human beings”

Acts 5:29

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Articles 17-19 Faith and Sin

� Christ will return to judge the living and the


� Universalism (the belief that everyone goes to

heaven) is rejected

� We can choose what to do, but we cannot

choose to believe. Belief comes from the

Holy Spirit.

� This distorted will is the cause of sin and evil

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Article 20: Faith and Deeds

� Piety, joining convents or monasteries, and good works do not make us right before God.

� “Justification through Faith Alone”� “For it is by grace you have been saved,

through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9 not by works, so that no one can boast.”Ephesians 2:8-9

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Article 21-27: Things That Were


� No prayers to saints. They are examples only

� Both body and blood given in Communion

� Clergy can get married

� Worship and communion are not sacrifices

� We keep confession, but do not burden consciences. Confession must occur before communion

� Fasts are not required, but are good for personal piety

� Monastic vows are abolished

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Article 28: Power of the Church

� Separation of secular and church authority

� Bishops are to teach, preach, administer sacraments, and lead the church in good order

� When bishops act contrary to the Gospel, they can be done without

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All Done!

� ??Questions??