the asean and the asean integration[1]

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  • 8/10/2019 The ASEAN and the ASEAN Integration[1]


    Polsci120 (International Relations)

    The ASEAN and the ASEAN integration


    Marie Angelica Margate

    Ray Emerson Marzan

    Russel Harold irot

  • 8/10/2019 The ASEAN and the ASEAN Integration[1]


  • 8/10/2019 The ASEAN and the ASEAN Integration[1]


    Polsci120 (International Relations)

  • 8/10/2019 The ASEAN and the ASEAN Integration[1]


    Polsci120 (International Relations)

    ASEAN Community in figures

  • 8/10/2019 The ASEAN and the ASEAN Integration[1]


  • 8/10/2019 The ASEAN and the ASEAN Integration[1]


    Polsci120 (International Relations)

    identity o, all nations& .*e rig*t o, eery tate to lead its national

    e?istence ,ree ,rom e?ternal inter,erence& suersion or coercion& 5on

    inter,erence in t*e internal aairs o, one anot*er& ettlement o,

    dierences or dis-utes y -eace,ul means& Renunciation o, t*e t*reat or

    use o, ,orce& Eectie coo-eration among t*emseles4

    ASEAN Charter

    .*e AEA5 *arter seres as a 'rm ,oundation in ac*ieing t*e AEA5

    ommunity y -roiding legal status and institutional ,rame/or3 ,or

    AEA54 It also codi'es AEA5 norms& rules and alues@ sets clear targets

    ,or AEA5@ and -resents accountaility and com-liance4 .*e AEA5

    *arter entered into ,orce on 1 ecemer 200"4 A gat*ering o, t*e

    AEA5 +oreign Ministers /as *eld at t*e AEA5 ecretariat in a3arta to

    mar3 t*is ery *istoric occasion ,or AEA54 Cit* t*e entry into ,orce o, t*e

    AEA5 *arter& AEA5 /ill *ence,ort* o-erate under a ne/ legal,rame/or3 and estalis* a numer o, ne/ organs to oost its community

    uilding -rocess4 In eect& t*e AEA5 *arter *as ecome a legally

    inding agreement among t*e 10 AEA5 Memer tates4 It /ill also e

    registered /it* t*e ecretariat o, t*e =nited 5ations& -ursuant to Article

    102& Paragra-* 1 o, t*e *arter o, t*e =nited 5ation (AEA5: *arter o,

    t*e Association o, out*east Asian 5ations)4 .*e o6ecties o, AEA5

    under t*e AEA5 c*a-ter /ere En*ance -eace& security staility& Political&

    security& economic& sociocultural coo-eration& Presere as nuclear

    /ea-ons ,ree zone& Peace /it* t*e /orld& *armonious enironment& inglemar3et and -roduction ase& Alleiate -oerty& narro/ deelo-ment ga-&

    trengt*en democracy& -rotect and -romote *uman rig*ts& Res-ond to

    common t*reats& Promote sustainale deelo-ment& eelo- *uman


    Stages of De7elop$ent in the ASEAN

    In 'rst 10 years o, AEA5 (1#$%1#%$) it /as c*aracterized y t*e

    estalis*ment o, solidarity and dialogue -artners& in t*e 20 years (1#%%1##%) /as t*e e?-ansion o, t*e AEA5& Brunei 6oined in 1#">&

  • 8/10/2019 The ASEAN and the ASEAN Integration[1]


    Polsci120 (International Relations)

    ASEAN Su$$it8 om-rises o, t*e *eads o, state and t*e su-reme -olicy

    ma3ing ody o, t*e AEA54 elierately -roide -olicy guidance and ta3e

    decisions on 3ey issues -ertaining to t*e realization o, t*e o6ecties o,

    AEA54 Instruct t*e releant ministers in eac* o, t*e councils concerned to*old ad *oc interministerial meetings& address im-ortant issues

    concerning AEA5 t*at cut across t*e ommunity ouncils4 Address

    emergency situations aecting AEA5 and a--oint t*e ecretary Deneral

    o, t*e AEA54 .*e AEA5 ummit is also t*e annual meeting *eld y t*e

    memer o, t*e Association o, out*east Asian 5ations in relation to

    economic& and cultural deelo-ment o, out*east Asian countries4 .*e

    AEA5 ummit /as *eld t/ice annually and e *osted y t*e memer

    state *olding t*e AEA5 c*airmans*i-4

    ASEAN Coordinating Council8om-rise t*e AEA5 +oreign Ministers&meet t/ice a year and -re-are ,or t*e meetings o, t*e AEA5 ummit4

    oordinate t*e im-lementation o, agreements and decisions o, t*e AEA5

    ummit and /it* t*e AEA5 ommunity ouncils to en*ance -olicy

    co*erence& eciency and coo-eration among t*em4 onsider as t*e re-ort

    o, t*e ecretaryDeneral on t*e ,unctions and o-erations o, t*e AEA5

    ecretariat and ot*er releant odies4

    A--roe t*e a--ointment and

    termination o, t*e e-uty ecretariesDeneral u-on t*e recommendation

    o, t*e ecretary Deneral4

    ASEAN Co$$unity Councils8om-rises o, t*e AEA5 Politicalecurity

    ommunity ouncil& AEA5 Economic ommunity ouncil& AEA5 ocio

    ultural ommunity ouncil4 Eac* AEA5 ommunity ouncil s*all *ae

    under its -urie/ t*e releant AEA5 ectoral Ministerial Bodies and eac*

    Memer tate s*all designate its national re-resentation ,or eac* AEA5

    ommunity ouncil meeting4

    ASEAN Political8Security Co$$unity Council .*e memers o, t*eommunity -ledge to rely e?clusiely on -eace,ul -rocesses in t*esettlement o, intraregional dierences and regard t*eir security as

    ,undamentally lin3ed to one anot*er and ound y geogra-*ic location&common ision and o6ecties4 It *as t*e ,ollo/ing com-onents: -oliticaldeelo-ment@ s*a-ing and s*aring o, norms@ con9ict -reention@ con9ictresolution@ -ostcon9ict -eace uilding@ and im-lementing mec*anisms4

    ASEAN Econo$ic Co$$unity Council8 Enisages t*e ,ollo/ing 3eyc*aracteristics: a single mar3et and -roduction ase& a *ig*ly com-etitie

  • 8/10/2019 The ASEAN and the ASEAN Integration[1]


    Polsci120 (International Relations)

    economic region& a region o, e8uitale economic deelo-ment& and aregion ,ully integrated into t*e gloal economy4

    ASEAN Socio8Cultural Co$$unity Council8 aims to contriute torealizing an AEA5 ommunity t*at is -eo-leoriented and sociallyres-onsile /it* a ie/ to ac*ieing enduring solidarity and unity among

    t*e -eo-les and Memer tates o, AEA54 It see3s to ,orge a commonidentity and uild a caring and s*aring society /*ic* is inclusie and/*ere t*e /elleing& lieli*ood& and /el,are o, t*e -eo-les are en*anced4

    ASEAN Sectoral 4inisterial #odies *all ,unctions in accordance /it*

    t*eir res-ectie estalis*ed mandates and im-lement t*e agreements and

    decisions o, t*e AEA5 summit under t*eir res-ectie -urie/4 trengt*en

    coo-eration in t*eir res-ectie 'elds in su--orts o, AEA5 integration and

    community uilding and sumit re-orts and recommendations to t*eir

    res-ectie ommunity ouncils4

    ASEAN Secretary General8 A--ointed y t*e AEA5 ummit ,or a non

    rene/ale term o, ,or years and carry out t*e duties and res-onsiilities o,

    t*e oce in accordance /it* t*e AEA5 c*arter4 +acilitate and monitor

    -rogress in t*e im-lementation o, AEA5 agreements and decisions& and sumit

    an annual re-ort and -artici-ate in meetings o, t*e AEA5 ummit& t*e

    AEA5 ommunity ouncils& t*e AEA5 oordinating ouncil and AEA5

    ectoral Ministerial Bodies and ot*er releant meetings4 .*e ec4 Den4 also

    sered as t*e *ie, Administratie !cer o, t*e AEA54

    ASEAN Secretariat8 AE is *eaded y t*e AEA5 ecretaryDeneral&staed y nationals ,rom AEA5 memer states and located in a3arta4

    AE is also res-onsile ,or monitoring im-lementation o, AEA5

    commitments and maintaining t*e organizationFs ocial records4

    Co$$ittee of Per$anent 3epresentati7es8 +or t*e daytoday

    /or3ing leel coordination o, AEA5 actiities& t*e *arter estalis*ed a

    ommittee o, Permanent Re-resentaties (PR) in a3arta& com-rising

    amassadorialleel re-resentaties ,rom t*e memer states4 .*e PR /ill

    ta3e oer t*e /or3 o, t*e AEA5 tanding ommittee& /*ic* /as

    estalis*ed in 1#$% to -er,orm t*e coordinating role ,or AEA54 u--ort

    t*e /or3 o, t*e AEA5 ommunity ouncils and AEA5 ectoral Ministerial

    Bodies and coordinate /it* AEA5 5ational ecretariat and AEA5 ectoral

    Ministerial Bodies4

  • 8/10/2019 The ASEAN and the ASEAN Integration[1]


    Polsci120 (International Relations)

  • 8/10/2019 The ASEAN and the ASEAN Integration[1]


    Polsci120 (International Relations)

  • 8/10/2019 The ASEAN and the ASEAN Integration[1]


  • 8/10/2019 The ASEAN and the ASEAN Integration[1]


    Polsci120 (International Relations)

    ASEAN Econo$ic #lueprints

    a single mar3et and -roduction ase&

    a *ig*ly com-etitie economic region&

    a region o, e8uitale economic deelo-ment& and

    a region ,ully integrated into t*e gloal economy

    Priority Integration ectors: agroased -roducts@ air trael@ automoties@

    eAEA5@ electronics@ 's*eries@ *ealt*care@ ruerased -roducts@te?tiles and a--arels@ tourism@ /oodased -roducts@ and logistics(additional sector as may e identi'ed y t*e Ministers a,ter t*eagreement)

    ASEAN Socio Cultural #lueprints

    -romotion o, *uman deelo-ment and security

    narro/ing t*e deelo-ment ga-

    ensuring enironmental sustainaility

    uilding an AEA5 identity

  • 8/10/2019 The ASEAN and the ASEAN Integration[1]


    Polsci120 (International Relations)

    Cide coerage o, issues: Poerty& Healt*& isaster Management& Education&+ood security& ocial im-act o, integration& Enironmental sustainaility&Migrant laor& Comen and c*ildrenFs rig*ts& cience and .ec*nology

    Political Security #lueprints

    +rame/or3 is ased on -olitical and security coo-eration /*ere

    countries lie at -eace /it* one anot*er& and t*e AEA5& /it* t*e /orld at


    Princi-les are non-interference, consensus, national and regional

    resilience, and respect for sovereignty4

    Elements o, t*e Blue-rint: -olitical deelo-ment& s*a-ing and s*aring

    o, norms on counter terrorism and nuclear ,ree zones& interstate con9ict

    -reention and -ostcon9ict -eaceuilding@ comating terrorism

  • 8/10/2019 The ASEAN and the ASEAN Integration[1]


    Polsci120 (International Relations)

  • 8/10/2019 The ASEAN and the ASEAN Integration[1]


    Polsci120 (International Relations)

    The ASEAN 6ree Trade Agree$ent

    .*e agreement antici-ated a '?ed -eriod o, do/n/ard -re,erential tari

    among t*e memers until t*ose taris ecame zero4 Cill ta3e -lace on 201 and

    /as signed among t*e memer countries on 1##24 A,ta /as motiated y t/o

    eorts and t*ese /ere t*e Increase t*e AseanFs com-etitie -osition as-roduction ase in t*e /orld mar3et t*roug* t*e elimination /it*in t*e grou- o,

    tari and non tari arriers and encourage more ,oreign direct inestments to t*e

    AEA54 C*en ac*ieed& ot* o6ecties /ould ,urt*er stimulate regional

    economic gro/t* and conse8uently& raise -er ca-ita incomes and liing

    standards among t*e constituent nations (icat)4

    2$$ediate 2$pact of Afta

    C*en a ,ree trade agreement is ,orged& countries ,orming t*e region e?tend

    t*eir economic mar3et reac* y t*e creation o, a single collectie mar3et4 It is

    deried ,rom an enlarged ,ree trade area@ a ma6or mind set c*ange is re8uired ,ora country egins ,rom a ac3ground o, -rotectionism and *ig* tari and non tari

    regimes (icat)4

    Signatories of A6TA

    Brunei& Indonesia& Malaysia& P*ili--ines& inga-ore& and .*ailand4

  • 8/10/2019 The ASEAN and the ASEAN Integration[1]


    Polsci120 (International Relations)

    #i1liographyAEA5 Economic ommunity 201: A real o--ortunity t*at s*ould not e

    oer*y-ed4 (201>)4

    ASEAN: Charter of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations4 (n4d4)4

    Retrieed August 1%& 201>& ,rom AEA5 Ce site:


    ASEAN: History4 (n4d4)4 Retrieed August 1%& 201>& ,rom AEA5 Ce site:


    icat& D4 (n4d4)4 PH in A,ta: Moing ,or/ard in 2014 Philippine daily inquirer4

    Ca*yuningrum& J4 (200#)4 Understanding ASEAN: its Systes ! Structures"