the appellate record - august 2013

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  • 8/22/2019 The Appellate Record - August 2013


    The Appellate Record, August 2013 Page 1


    August 2013

    FEATURED ARTICLE:2013 Hawaii Bar Convention Preview!

    The Hawaii State Bar Convention will be held this year on Friday,

    September 27, 2013, at the Hilton Hawaiian Village. The Appellate Section has an

    exciting (whether or not youre an appellate nerd) and informative line-up. As a

    follow-up to the Hawaii Appellate Practice Manual published last year by the

    Section (in conjunction with the HSBA), this year the Federal Appellate Practice

    Manual will be unveiled at the convention. Many of the Sections members, and

    experts in their fields, have been working hard to compile a manual thatcompliments the state version by providing information and advice on federal

    appellate practice for Hawaii practitioners, with a special emphasis on practice in

    the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals and the United States Supreme Court.

    Topics discussed in the Federal Appellate Practice Manual include standards

    of review, requisites to filing an appeal, perfecting an appeal and filing the record

    on appeal, the effect of appeal on the lower court proceedings, motions practice,

    2013 HSBA Appellate Section Board:

    Chair: Ms. Rebecca A. Copeland

    Vice Chair: Mr. Mark J. Bennett

    Secretary: Ms. Bethany C.K. Ace

    Treasurer: Mr. Robert Nakatsuji

    HSBA CLE Liaison: Ms. Mitsuko T. Louie

    HAWSCT Liaison: Mr. Matthew Chapman

    ICA Liaison: Mr. Daniel J. Kunkel

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    The Appellate Record, August 2013 Page 2

    appellate and amicus briefing, oral argument, post-decision practice, and obtaining

    attorneys fees and costs. The manual also includes specialty practice areas

    including bankruptcy, criminal, and immigration appeals.

    Here are a few practice pointers from the manual as a preview:

    On appeal, the determination of whether there is substantial evidence

    to support a conclusion must take into account the applicable burden of

    proof at the district court level. For example, differences between the

    preponderance of the evidence and clear and convincing evidence

    burdens of proof are significant and affect the scrutiny with which an

    appellate court reviews a conclusion on appeal. Moreover, appellate

    courts must review the record as a whole, not simply that portion of

    the record supporting the verdict.

    From Standards of Review, by Lisa Bail and Lisa Munger

    In civil appeals, file your notice of appeal as soon as you receive

    authority to do so from the client. There is no penalty for early filing

    and missing the deadline to appeal could be incurable.

    From Requisites to Filing an Appeal, by Bethany C.K. Ace, Mark M. Murakami, and

    E. Kumau Pineda-Akiona

    In cases where the facts involve abbreviations or technical

    nomenclature, it can be helpful to include at a separate Table of

    Abbreviations or a Glossary. Doing so should help the reader keep the

    various terms clear.

    FromAppellate Briefing, by Robert H. Thomas

    Practitioners should note that, unlike in most other circuits, an aliens

    departure from the United States may not automatically terminate

    jurisdiction over his or her petition for review in the Ninth Circuit.

    From Appealing Decisions Issued by the Executive Office for Immigration

    Review, by Brett C. Rowan

    Several of the manuals contributors will be presenting at the AppellateSections portion of the Bar Convention. Join the Section to learn more about

    motions practice, standards of review, how to file your appeal, and oral arguments.

    The Appellate Sections program will also include our popular Appellate

    Panel. This not-to-be-missed event will feature special guests from the Hawaii

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    Supreme Court: Chief Justice Mark E. Recktenwald, Justice Simeon R. Acoba, Jr.,

    Justice Sabrina S. McKenna, and Justice Richard W. Pollack.

    Between the appellate manual presentations and the Appellate Panel,

    attendees of the Appellate Section program will earn 2.0 hours VCLE and 1.0

    MCPE. Keep an eye out for more details from the Section and the HSBA as thedate approaches!

    See you there!

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    The Appellate Record, August 2013 Page 4

    The Appellate Sections Discussion of the United States

    Supreme Courts Decisions in the

    Proposition 8 and DOMA cases

    The legal landscape for same-sex couples is changing! At the July 19, 2013meeting of the HSBA Appellate Section, former Hawaii Supreme Court Justice

    Steven Levinson and Intermediate Court of Appeals Associate Judge Daniel Foley

    spoke to a packed house on the United States Supreme Courts decisions in Dennis

    Hollingsworth, et al., v. Kristin M. Perry, et al., No. 12-144 (Californias Proposition

    8) and United States v. Edith Schlain Windsor, In Her Capacity as Executor of the

    Estate of Thea Clara Spyer, et al., No. 12-307 (Defense of Marriage Act).

    In a nutshell, the Perry decision held that the proponents of Prop. 8 did not

    have standing to appeal the district court's order that Prop. 8 was

    unconstitutional. Standing in this case was a question of federal, not state law.Thus, the California Supreme Court's decision that the petitioners had standing

    could not contravene federal law to the contrary. According to the court, the

    petitioners did not have standing because they had no role in the enforcement of

    Prop. 8 and had no personal stake in defending its enforcement. The opinion was

    written by Chief Justice Roberts.

    The Windsor decision held that the portions of the Defense of Marriage Act is

    unconstitutional. According to the court, certain provisions in the act constitute a

    deprivation of equal liberty protected by the Fifth Amendment. By defining

    marriage as only between one man and one woman, the Act injured a class of people

    that New York (in recognizing valid same-sex marriages) sought to protect whichviolated basic due process and equal protection principles. The court further

    recognized that DOMA's principal effect is to identify and make unequal a subset of

    state-sanctioned marriages, and forces couples to live as married for state purposes

    but unmarried for federal purposes. The opinion was written by Justice Kennedy.

    At the Appellate Section meeting, Judge Foley provided interesting insight

    into the two opinions through his background representing same-sex couples before

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    he became a judge. As the author of the HAWSCT opinion inBaehr v. Lewin the

    case that started it all Justice Levinson added unique insight into the SCOTUS


    As the judges noted, that the effect of both decisions will continue to be felt

    for some time. For Perry, many same-sex couples will now be allowed to marry especially given that California is the most populous state in the nation. As for the

    after-effects of the Windsor decision, the decision has far-reaching consequences in

    many areas of federal law, including federal income tax and immigration. As

    recently as last week United States Secretary of State John Kerry stated that the

    United States will begin issuing immigrant visas to same-sex couples.

    Mahalo to Justice Levinson and Judge Foley for being our guests!

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    This Month in Appellate History

    The following United States Supreme Court Justices assumed office inAugust: Thomas Johnson, Robert Cooper Grier, James Clark McReynolds,

    Hugo Black, Tom C. Clark, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, Sonia

    Sotomayor, and Elena Kagan.

    On August 6, 2012, Richard W. Pollack was sworn in as an Associate Justiceof the Hawaii Supreme Court.

    JEFS E-Filing Tip of the Month

    When initiating a case in JEFS, the program requires certain fields to beentered, including the mailing address and email of the parties. For partiesrepresented by counsel, it is not necessary to enter these two fields because

    the parties attorneys will receive service on behalf of the parties. For parties

    appearingpro se, all of the information must be included.

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    The Appellate Record, August 2013 Page 7

    July Published Appellate OpinionsIn July, the Hawaii Supreme Court issued two published opinions (not counting the

    one amended opinion) and the Intermediate Court of Appeals issued one. Below is a

    brief synopsis of each:

    In Heather R. Winfrey v. GGP Ala Moana LLC dba Ala Moana Center , SCWC

    30589 (July 18, 2013), the HAWSCT held in favor of GGP on its general premises

    liability claims because GGP could not have reasonably anticipated the woman

    would be on the rooftop or in the exhaust vent (where she died), however the court

    held that genuine issues of material fact precluded summary judgment on other tort

    liability claims. The court reversed summary judgment because genuine issues of

    material fact existed as to whether GGP breached duties related to its immediate

    control over a force to which [the woman] was in dangerous proximity and her

    entry onto the property in response to Ala Moanas invitation to the public.

    In Bert Villon and Mark Apana v. Marriott Hotel Services, Inc. dba Wailea

    Marriott Resort, and Reneldo Rodriguez and Johnson Basler v. Starwood Hotels &

    Resorts Worldwide, Inc. dba Westin Maui Resort & Spa,SCCQ-11-0000747 (July 15,

    2013), the HAWSCT answered a certified question and held that a hotel or

    restaurant applying a service charge for the sale of food or beverage services

    allegedly violates [Hawaii statutory law] by not distributing the full service charge

    directly to its employees as tip income (in other words, as wages and tips of

    employees), and (2) by failing to disclose this practice to the purchaser of the

    services, the employees may bring an action [against the employer under relevantHawaii statutes] to enforce the employees rights and seek remedies.

    InPatrick M. McGrail v. Administrative Director of the Courts, State of Haw.,

    30605 (July 17, 2013), the ICA held that in an administrative revocation of drivers

    license hearing, the hearing office is not permitted to consider the unsworn

    statements of the officer who made the initial traffic stop, statements that were

    included in the sworn police report, of the arresting officer, to make a determination

    of whether the police had probable suspicion to support the stop.

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    The Appellate Record, August 2013 Page 8

    Upcoming Events:

    August Appellate Section MeetingPlease join the HSBA Appellate Section for its regular monthly meeting on

    Monday, August 19, 2013, from noon to 1:00 p.m., at the HSBA Large

    Conference Room.

    Our guests will be Intermediate Court of Appeals Associate Judges Lawrence

    M. Reifurth and Lisa M. Ginoza. The topic is Transitioning from Trial to Appeal,

    and has been approved for 1.0 MCPE.

    RSVP to the Appellate Sections Secretary, Bethany C.K. Ace, at

    [email protected].

    2013 HSBA Bar ConventionPlease sign-up to join the HSBA Appellate Section at this years HSBA Bar

    Convention to be held on Friday, September 27, 2013, at the Hilton Hawaiian

    Village. The Appellate Sections time will be from 8:30 to Noon.

    Our line-up will consist of discussions on federal and state appellate practice

    including: state and federal motions practice, federal standards of review,

    bankruptcy appeals, federal criminal appeals, and oral argument.

    The section will also reprise the popular Appellate Panel with distinguished

    guests Chief Justice Mark E. Recktenwald, Justice Simeon R. Acoba, Jr., Justice

    Sabrina S. McKenna, and Justice Richard W. Pollack.

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    Coming Soon:FEDERAL APPELLATE PRACTICE MANUAL: The Appellate Section is

    pleased to announce that it will publish another appellate manual in conjunction

    with the Hawaii State Bar Association. This years manual will be entitiled

    Federal Appellate Practice Manual. The manual will provide valuable

    information and insight into practicing appeals in the federal arena, with special

    emphasis on the United States Supreme Court and United States Court of Appeals

    for the Ninth Circuit. Our contributors and/or editors include: Rebecca

    A. Copeland, G. Richard Morry (editor), Marissa Luning (editor), Mitsuko Louie

    (editor and contributor). Ninth Circuit Judge Richard Clifton, Christphoer Goodin,

    Doug Fredrick, John Duchemin, Monica Suematsu, Kimberly Asano, Cal Chipchase,

    Elijah Yip, Robert Thomas, Mark Murakami, Steven Gray, Johnathan Bolton, Lisa

    Munger, Lisa Bail, Trent Kakuda, Bethany C.K. Ace, and Brett Rowan.


    Motions Practice a suplement to the 2012 Hawaii Appellate Practice Manual, will

    be available for the first time at the 2013 Bar Convention. The Supplement will

    offer insight and practice tips into state appellate motions practice, and include

    additional forms.

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    The Appellate Record, August 2013 Page 10

    Useful Appellate Links:The Hawaii Judiciary:

    United District Court for the District of Hawaii:

    United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit:

    United States Supreme Court:

    Hawaii State Bar Association:

    Blogs by our (by our Member Louise Ing) (by our Member Mark M. Murakami) (by our Member Ben Lowenthal) (by our Member Tred R. Eyerly) (by our Member Robert H. Thomas) (by our Member Charley Foster) (by our Chair Rebecca A. Copeland)

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    Appellate Section Website:

    The Appellate Sections website includes useful appellate resources, includinghandouts from prior monthly meetings, copies of this newsletter, and power point

    presentations from the Appellate Sections program at the 2012 HSBA Bar


    Hawaii Appellate Practice Manual:

    The Hawaii Appellate Practice Manual includes information you need to know for

    filing appeals in Hawaii, including how to e-file documents on the Judiciarys E-

    Filing System, how to supercede a judgment, and how to brief and argue cases. The

    manual also includes useful appellate forms. The Manual was co-sponsored by the

    Appellate Section and the Hawaii State Bar Association, and is available for

    purchase at the link below.


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    Stay tuned for the September 2013 edition ofThe Appellate Record!

    If you are interested in contributing to our newsletter in any way, please contact the

    Sections Chair Rebecca A. Copeland at [email protected]

    The Appellate Record is presented

    as a courtesy to the Members of the

    Hawaii State Bar Associations

    Appellate Section by its Board.

    Mahalo and enjoy!