the african union (1)

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  • 8/20/2019 The African Union (1)


    University of the Western Cape

     MPA 813

    Global, Regional and Doesti! !onte"t ofGovernan!e # P$bli! Adinistration

    Prof % &hopson#Ms &sole'ile De Wet

    Assignent () A !riti!al analysis of the AU

     *ae) +aye

    $rnae) -a!obs

    t$dent n$ber) (./8/3(

  • 8/20/2019 The African Union (1)



     “We are charged with the responsibility to lead our peoples and Continent into the new world of 

    the next century, which must be an African Century – during which all our people will be freed

    of the bitterness born of the marginalisation and degradation of our proud continent of Africa”

     *elson Mandela0


    &he foration of the Afri!an Union AU or 4U depending on the lang$age5 6as heralded as an

    event of great agnit$de for the !ontinent0 n epteber 1..., Afri!an 7eads of tate iss$ed a

    de!laration !alling for the foration of the Afri!an Union0 n -$ly of ((, at the D$rban

    $it, the AU 6as offi!ially la$n!hed and the first Assebly of the 7eads of tate of the

    Afri!an Union 6as !onvened0 &he AU !onsists of /9 Afri!an tates, the e"!eption being

    Moro!!o, 6hi!h de!lined to :oin be!a$se it opposes the ebership of Western ahara ;ade:o,


    A !riti!al analysis of the Afri!an Union AU5 6ill be dis!$ssed, and 6ith this, the ipli!ations of 

    the respe!tive fors of global governan!e relating to the AU on so!iety, providing a brief

    !onte"t$al history of the o$thern Afri!an region0

    &74 $isite for the ipleentation of the developent and integration agenda of the Union0

  • 8/20/2019 The African Union (1)


    Ultiately, the AU is b$ilding to6ards a greater $nity and solidarity bet6een the Afri!an

    !o$ntries and its people0


  • 8/20/2019 The African Union (1)


    o &o proote !o@operation in all fields of h$an a!tivity to raise the living standards of

    Afri!an peoples?

    o &o !oordinate and haroni=e the poli!ies bet6een the e"isting and f$t$re Regional

    4!onoi! Co$nities for the grad$al attainent of the ob:e!tives of the Union?

    o &o advan!e the developent of the !ontinent by prooting resear!h in all fields, in

     parti!$lar s!ien!e and te!hnology?

    o &o 6or' 6ith relevant international partners in the eradi!ation of preventable diseases

    and the prootion of good health on the !ontinent0


    PR*CP%4 4&A;%7*G &74 AU ;ade:o, (850

    overeign e>$ality and interdependen!e aong Meber tates of the Union?

    Respe!t of borders e"isting on a!hieveent of independen!e?

    Parti!ipation of the Afri!an peoples in the a!tivities of the Union?

    4stablishent of a !oon defense poli!y for the Afri!an Continent?

    Pea!ef$l resol$tion of !onfli!ts aong Meber tates of the Union thro$gh s$!h

    appropriate eans as ay de!ide $pon by the Assebly?

    Prohibition of the $se of for!e or threat to $se for!e aong Meber tates of the Union?

     *on@interferen!e by any Meber tate in the internal affairs of another?

    &he right of the Union to intervene if a Meber tate p$rs$ant to a de!ision of the

    Assebly in respe!t of grave !ir!$stan!es, naely) 6ar !ries, geno!ide, and !ries against


  • 8/20/2019 The African Union (1)


    Pea!ef$l !o@e"isten!e of Meber tates and their right to live in pea!e and se!$rity?

    &he right of Meber tates to re>$est intervention fro the Union in order to restore

     pea!e and se!$rity?

    Prootion of self@relian!e 6ithin the frae6or' of the Union?

    Prootion of gender e>$ality?

    Respe!t for deo!rati! prin!iples, h$an rights, the r$le of la6 and good governan!e?

    Prootion of so!ial :$sti!e to ens$re balan!ed e!onoi! developent?

    Respe!t for san!tity of h$an life, !ondenation and re:e!tion of ip$nity and politi!al

    assassination, a!ts of terroris and s$bversive a!tivities?

    Condenation and re:e!tion of $n!onstit$tional !hanges of governent0

    &74 AU C2*& 2+ &74 +2%%2W*G 2RGA* )

    &he Assebly

    Coposed of 7eads of tate and Governent or their d$ly a!!redited representatives0 &he

    Assebly of 7eads of tate and Governent is the s$pree organ of the Union ;ade:o, (850

    &he 4"e!$tive Co$n!il

    Coposed of Ministers or A$thorities designated by the Governents of Mebers tates0 &he

    4"e!$tive Co$n!il is responsible to the Assebly ;ade:o, (850

    &he Peranent Representatives Coittee

    Coposed of Peranent Representatives of Meber tates a!!redited to the Union0 &he

    Peranent Representatives Coittee is !harged 6ith the responsibility of preparing the 6or'

    of the 4"e!$tive Co$n!il ;ade:o, (850

  • 8/20/2019 The African Union (1)


    &he !o$rt of :$sti!e

    A Co$rt of -$sti!e of the Union shall be established0 &he stat$tes defining the !oposition and

    f$n!tions of the Co$rt of -$sti!e have been prepared and 6ill be s$bitted to the Assebly in

    Map$to ;ade:o, (850

    Pea!e and e!$rity Co$n!il PC5

    ;y de!ision of the $it of %$sa'a, -$ly (1, a de!ision 6as ade for the !reation 6ithin the

    Afri!an Union of the Pea!e and e!$rity Co$n!il0 &he Proto!ol establishing the PC is in the

     pro!ess of ratifi!ation ;ade:o, (850

    Pan@Afri!an Parliaent

    A Pan@Afri!an parliaent and organ to ens$re the f$ll parti!ipation of Afri!an peoples in

    governan!e, developent and e!onoi! integration of the Continent0 &he proto!ol relating to the

    !oposition, po6ers, f$n!tions and organi=ation of the Pan@Afri!an Parliaent has been signed

     by Meber tates and is in the pro!ess of ratifi!ation ;ade:o, (850

    &he 4!onoi!, o!ial and C$lt$ral Co$n!il 4C22CC5

    &his is an advisory organ !oposed of different so!ial and professional gro$ps of the Mebertates of the Union0 &he stat$tes deterining the f$n!tions, po6ers, !oposition and

    organi=ation of the 4!onoi!, o!ial and C$lt$ral Co$n!il have been prepared and 6ill be

    s$bitted to Map$to $it ;ade:o, (850

    &74 AU C2MM2*

    &he Coission is the 'ey organ playing a !entral role in the day@to@day anageent of the

    Afri!an Union0 Aong others, it represents the Union and defends its interests? t elaborates draft!oon positions of the Union? t prepares strategi! plans and st$dies for the !onsideration of

    the 4"e!$tive Co$n!il? t elaborates, prootes, !oordinates and haroni=es the prograes and

     poli!ies of the Union 6ith those of the R4Cs? & ens$res the ainstreaing of gender in all

     prograes and a!tivities of the Union ;ade:o, (850

  • 8/20/2019 The African Union (1)


    &RUC&UR4 2+ &74 AU)

    n str$!t$re, the 2AU began as one entity, 6hereas the AU, integrating itself 6ith the Afri!an

    4!onoi! Co$nity and b$ilding other str$!t$res, !onsists of) the Assebly deterines

    !oon poli!ies5? the 4"e!$tive Co$n!il !oordinates and a'es de!isions on !oon

     poli!ies5? the Pan@Afri!an Parliaent ipleents poli!ies5? the Co$rt of -$sti!e ens$res

    !oplian!e 6ith the la65? the Coission the se!retariat5? the Peranent Representatives

    Coittee assists the 4"e!$tive Co$n!il5? the pe!iali=ed &e!hni!al Coittees assist the

    4"e!$tive Co$n!il in s$bstantive atters5? the 4!onoi!, o!ial and C$lt$ral Co$n!il? the Pea!e

    and e!$rity Co$n!il a'es de!isions on prevention, anageent and resol$tion of !onfli!ts5?

    and the +inan!ial nstit$tions !onsisting of the Afri!an Central ;an', the Afri!an Monetary

    +$nd, and the Afri!an nvestent ;an'5 ;ade:o,(850

    &74 %*B ;4&W44* &74 AU A*D &74 U*

    A!!ording to ;ond (15, there has been an in!reased deand for pea!e operations 6orld6ide,

    in!l$ding large and !ople" issions led by $ltinational !oalitions? attention has fo!$sed on

    the ability of the United *ations and Afri!an organi=ations to respond to !rises and to anage

     pea!e'eeping operations effe!tively0

    +$eled by abitio$s leadership and propted by $ltiple !onfli!ts, the Afri!an Union AU5 and

    the 4!onoi! Co$nity of West Afri!an tates 4C2WA5 are developing ore !apa!ity to

    ta!'le regional pea!e and se!$rity >$estions0 &he AU and 4C2WA s$!!essf$lly deployed

    troops and led re!ent operations in Cte dvoire, ;$r$ndi, %iberia and $dan0 Donor

    governents are offering s$pport bilaterally, thro$gh regional ven$es, and via the Gro$p of 8

    G85, to leverage Afri!an national, s$b@regional and !ontinent@6ide !apa!ities for s$!h efforts

    ;ond, (150

    Eears after the R6andan geno!ide, the horrifi! !risis in $dan f$rther heightens international

    attention on >$estions of intervention and pea!e operations0 Whi!h Afri!an gro$ps have the 6ill

    and e!haniss to plan, deploy, anage, and s$stain pea!e operationsF What is the United

     *ations relationship 6ith the AU and 4C2WAF What are their !apa!ities for pea!e operations

    and ho6 do they or !an they 6or' together 6ith the United *ationsF Where are pea!e'eepers

    deployed in Afri!aF

  • 8/20/2019 The African Union (1)


    Pea!e'eepers in Afri!a are tas'ed 6ith in!reasingly broad andates, in!l$ding !ivilian

     prote!tion, !o$nterterror, and !o$nterins$rgen!y operations, and operations in!reasingly depend

    on partnerships bet6een the United *ations and Afri!an Union0 Pea!e operations !an be

    iportant for aintaining stability and safeg$arding deo!rati! transitions, e"perts say0

    7o6ever, $ltilateral instit$tions that deploy troops fa!e !hallenges related to !o$ntry

    !ontrib$tions, training, and relations 6ith host governents 7olt, haanah, (/50

    A!!ording to ;ond (15 as of May (1/, there have been nine U* pea!e'eeping issions in

    Afri!a s$pported by ore than eighty tho$sand troops 8 per!ent of all U* pea!e'eepers 6ere

    deployed in Afri!a and fifteen tho$sand !ivilians0 &he largest issions are in the Deo!rati!

    Rep$bli! of Congo DRC5, Darf$r :ointly adinistered 6ith the AU5, o$th $dan, and Mali0

    Mean6hile, the AU leads a pea!e'eeping ission of ore than t6enty@t6o tho$sand troops and

     poli!e in oalia, 'no6n as AM2M0 &he 4!onoi! Co$nity of West Afri!an tates

    4C2WA5, a blo! of fifteen !o$ntries, has a sall U*@re!ogni=ed ission in G$inea ;issa$

    ;ond, (150

    &74 %*B ;4&W44* &74 AU A*D R4G2*A% 2RGA*A&2*W&7* &74

    C2*&4& &2 G2$arters staff and pea!e'eeping for!es in

    !on!ert 6ith their eber states, the international !o$nity, and the United *ations 7olt, et

    al, (/50 n other s$b@regions, a!!ording to 7olt (/5 Afri!an organi=ations that traditionally

    fo!$sed on developent and e!onoi! agendas have oved to6ards addressing pea!e and

    se!$rity iss$es, in!l$ding the o$thern Afri!an Developent Co$nity ADC5 is fo!$sed on

    a parti!$lar !onte"t of Afri!a, as 6ell as the global instit$tional !onte"t0 ADCs involveent in

    %esotho and the Deo!rati! Rep$bli! of Congo has been !ontroversial and s$b:e!t to disp$te by

    its ebers0

    A H+G7&I +2R A+RCA 2U%

  • 8/20/2019 The African Union (1)


    A!!ording to 7olt and haanah (/5, there has been an in!reased deand for pea!e operations

    6orld6ide, in!l$ding large and !ople" issions led by $ltinational !oalitions? the attention

    has been shifted to6ards the ability of the United *ations and Afri!an Union and organi=ations,

    yet, 6hen one ta'es a fe6 steps ba!' and !riti!ally loo' at 6hat ;ond refers to as Hthe as'ing

    of neo!olonial relationsI thro$gh the APRM re>$ires reinding o$rselves of ho6 $!h

    ideologi!al daage has re!ently been done to neoliberalis, even before its (8 finan!ial

    eltdo6n in the *orth0

    C2*&RADC&2*) +*D*G A+RCA D4*&&E

     &he AU, 6hi!h s$!!eeded the 2rganisation for Afri!an Unity 2AU5 in ((, !an in any 6ays

     be portrayed as a !opy of the 4U Ma'inda # 2'$$, (J50

    +irst there is the obvio$s siilarity in the nae 6ith the $se of H$nionI0 e!ondly, the

    instit$tional set$p reinds at irrors that of the 4U0 +or e"aple the AU has a Pan@Afri!an

    Parliaent, an 4"e!$tive Afri!an Coission, and an Afri!an Co$rt of -$sti!e, an 4"e!$tive

    Co$n!il irroring the 4Us Co$n!il of Ministers5 and finally the Assebly of the Afri!an

    Union, gro$ping its leaders at s$its to at!h the 4$ropean Co$n!il5 Ma'inda # 2'$$,


    &hirdly, the f$t$re plans of the AU in!l$de f$rther parallels 6ith the 4U0 2ne e"aple is the plan

    to fo$nd an Afri!an Central ;an'0 &hese siilarities indi!ate that the AU is loo'ing at the 4U as

    a role odel for ho6 to organise a transnational !ooperation, yet if 6e loo' beneath the s$rfa!e,

    there are s$bstantial differen!es bet6een the t6o organisations Ma'inda # 2'$$, (J50

    W72 R4A%%E HCA%%I &74 72&F

    A (19 internal revie6 of pea!e'eeping pra!ti!es related to !ivilian prote!tion e"posed soe of

    these tensions0 Resear!hers fo$nd that pea!e'eepers failed to prote!t !ivilians on several

    o!!asions0 Co$ntries that f$nd the ann$al U* pea!e'eeping  b$dget of nearly K8 billion 6ere

    angered by the findings, 6hile troop Contrib$ting Co$ntries &CCs5 deanded raises to the

    reib$rseent rates their soldiers re!eive for serving in U* issions, rates 6hi!h had not

    in!reased in ore than a de!ade &ie'$,(950

  • 8/20/2019 The African Union (1)


    %eaders in Afri!a and 6ithin the U* have !alled for Afri!an for!es to play a larger role in

    se!$ring pea!e and stability on the !ontinent, b$t b$dget !onstraints persist0 While the U* has a

    reg$lar pea!e'eeping b$dget, the AU $st !ontin$ally see' o$t donors, s$!h as the U*, the 4U,

    and the United tates, to f$nd its issions0 2nly (03 per!ent of the AUs b$dget !oes fro AU

    eber states Ma'inda # 2'$$, (J50

    “Countries with more developed military capabilities countries from the OC! need to come

    bac" into peace"eeping in a way they haven#t been in recent years” $%ruce &ones, %roo"ings


    A!!ording to Willias !ited by Ma'inda # 2'$$, (J5 HWhen the AU deploys a ission, it

    al6ays needs to find e"ternal assistan!e,I Willias goes on to state that as a res$lt, the AU

    !annot >$i!'ly deploy or s$stain troops in the field0 H&he la!' of indigeno$s so$r!es of finan!e

    also $nderines the AUs !redibility as a leading player in pea!e and se!$rity iss$es on the

    !ontinent and red$!es its ability to e"er!ise o6nership of parti!$lar initiativesI Ma'inda #

    2'$$, (J50

    A+RCA* 2%U&2* +2R A+RCA* PR2;%4MF

    Despite the fe6 s$!!esses the AU has led, not $!h !an be said abo$t the !redibility and

    s$stainability of the U*, espe!ially no6 6ith the death of forer Colonel Gadaffi, 6ho 6as the

    AUs Hfinan!ialI $s!le, sadly, the AU is rife 6ith !ontradi!tions, as their !onstit$tive poli!y

    !ontradi!ts the fa!t that any of these eber states, are r$n $nder di!tatorship r$ling, hen!e the

    !onnotation of Ha !l$b of di!tatorsI, the AU has failed any states, hen!e the t$rn to the Western

    6orld, 6hi!h does not say $!h abo$t their H$nited states of Afri!aI goal0

    When 6e !riti!ally loo' at the Hrelationship the AU has 6ith the U*, and ba!' step, sadly Afri!a

    is b$t a p$ppet to the West, d$e to !apa!ity iss$es 6hi!h involve internal violent !ivil 6ars,

    n the Arti!le by 7ope (15, sin!e the 1.8s, any Afri!an states have been in the pro!ess of

    reforing their !ivil servi!es, as part of the pro!ess of state redesign, as a res$lt of the 6hole

    approa!h of the prin!iples g$iding the ne6 p$bli! anageent, 6hi!h pressed 6ith iss$es of

    international, politi!al, e!onoi! and instit$tion press$res, 6as press$red to adopt these refors0

    &he arti!le paints this pi!t$re that the appli!ation of the ne6 p$bli! anageent has in the vie6

    of the a$thor, been Hostly s$!!essf$lI0

  • 8/20/2019 The African Union (1)


     Unfort$nately these refors had liited s$!!ess, d$e to the fa$lty diagnosis and prognosis of

    !$rrent and f$t$re iss$es ipa!ting on Afri!an states0 &his has therefore led to these states failing

    to ta!'le the a:or !hallenges !onfronting the Afri!an states !ivil servi!es 7ope, (150

    &herefore, post@independent !o$ntries in Afri!a, as s$ggested 6ithin the arti!le by 7ope (15

    Afri!an states have been en!o$raged to adopt odels of state adinistration and anageent

    6hi!h 6as advo!ated by the West, in order to effe!tively and effi!iently serve the interest of the

    !iti=ens by !reating ore open systes, therefore shifting a6ay fro the traditional b$rea$!rati!

    approa!h, &h$s, fro the 1.Ls, post@independen!e, the prin!iples adopted 6ere aligned to the

     prin!iples of the ne6 p$bli! anageent, one of these prin!iples in!l$ded p$bli!@private

     partnerships 6hi!h the a$thor ephasi=es as a s$!!ess 6ithin the Afri!an !onte"t s$!h as donor

    agen!ies 6hi!h drive privati=ation, !oer!iali=ation, !o@ prod$!tion and de@reg$lation, 6ith

    the ai of affording !iti=ens opport$nities to iprove a!!ess to servi!es, therefore in!l$ding ne6

    anageent ideas 7ope, (150 &his vie6 ho6ever does not spea' to the iss$e of the !onditions

     pla!ed of donor states to Afri!an states0

    A!!ording to 7ope (15 attepts to advan!e that refor has been in soe !ir!$stan!es

    s$!!essf$l, yet 6hen Afri!an governents bo$ght into the prin!iples of the ne6 p$bli!

    anageent, their efforts a!!ording to 7ope (15 6as !entrali=ed aro$nd p$bli! servi!e

    refor by eans of !oprehensive strategies, 6hi!h in!l$ded e!onoi! liberali=ation, 6hi!h

    !ontrasts sharply 6hen loo'ing at ho6 Afri!a iplanted this, 6hi!h ironi!ally, one !annot spea'

    abo$t He!onoi! liberalisI, 6hen eleents of neo@ !olonialis 6as prevalent, as seen 6ith the

    Hfa!ilitationI of the Western 6orld, thro$gh agen!ies s$!h as the M+, therefore Afri!a,

    !onsidering the histori!al $nderpinning, 6as $nable to develop effe!tive p$bli! servi!es and have

    th$s failed to address the !hallenges inherited fro !olonialis of 6hi!h the arti!le does not


    &he reasons behind the fail$res of these refors, in!l$ded the probles 6hi!h 6ere bro$ght

    abo$t by the bal'ani=ation division of Afri!a into barriers5 of Afri!an states, !a$sed by the

    s!rable of Afri!a, 6hi!h ignored the ethni! and !$lt$ral fa!tors as noted by another a$thor

    Ayee, (8) (83, !ited in 7ope, (1050

    &hese divisions res$lted in pop$lations of less than / illion, 6hi!h had vast ipli!ations 6ith

    res$lt to trade relations and 6ith this the $ne>$al ters of trade, 6hi!h HdieI to the already

  • 8/20/2019 The African Union (1)


    established trading blo!s, f$rther !hallenges in!l$ded the poor infrastr$!t$re left behind by

    !olonialis, liited s'illed offi!ials, la!' of politi!al 6ill and !orr$ption, f$rther adding to the

    iss$es, in!l$de these states 6hi!h 6ere t$rned into ono@!rop or single prod$!ing e!onoies,

    dependent on the Western 6orld0 &his $ltiately led to poor e!onoi! gro6th and liited

     poverty red$!tion, as so!io@e!onoi! gro6th 6as th$s and still is $neven Ayee, (8) (89 !ited

    in 7ope, (15, h$gely adding to the do$ble barrel b$rden of not only global governan!e, b$t on

    good governan!e as 6ell0

    nternational donor agen!ies for adinistrative refors a!ross Afri!an states be!ae a fo!al

     point0 7ope (15 states that tates that adopted these str$!t$ral ad:$stent progras aid as one

    of the refors, fails to ention that it has done little to alleviate poverty and in any instan!es

    6orsened it, Afri!an states have been en!o$raged to adopt a s$!!essor of ne6 odels, to enhan!e

     perforan!e of their p$bli! se!tors, b$t the pivotal iss$e of good governan!e and aongst other

    fa!tors, have been less tho$ght thro$gh, as seen in Afri!a and !an be even seen in the arti!le,

    6ith this, the developent of adinistrative odels, 6hi!h again, has not been 6ell tho$ght

    thro$gh, espe!ially 6ith referen!e to the !onte"t of Afri!a, as it fa!es the ipli!ations of the

    vario$s fors of globali=ation and global governan!e, at a regional, national and global level0

    Challenges 6hi!h the arti!le does not a'e ention is that there has been the !onf$sion by soe

    Afri!an states, in the $nderstanding as to 6hat the !ivil servi!e !onstit$tes and 6ith this, the

    relevan!e it has to national developent, th$s a!!ording to other a$thors s$!h as 7ope (15,

    has been at the heart of poli!y errors 6ithin the !ivil servi!e refors designs, 6ith Afri!a, as

    these states la!' !oparative data to dra6 fro0

    Post ndependent states, 6hi!h are not entioned in the arti!le, in!l$ded a 6ea' private se!tor0

    Civil servi!e refors have also been largely dis!onne!ted fro other politi!al and e!onoi!

    refors ta'ing pla!e in other !o$ntries, f$rther arginali=ing !ertain Afri!an states0 Criti!al

     p$bli! se!tor refors as entioned in the arti!le, s$!h as de!entrali=ation, strengtheninga!!o$ntability and iproving infrastr$!t$re and transparen!y, are all !ornerstones of refors in

    e!onoi! and politi!al reals, of 6hi!h 6hen refle!ting on Afri!a, it sho$ld be noted that not all

    these types of refors introd$!ed have s$!!eeded, only a sele!t fe6, d$e to !hallenges fa!ing

    these tates0

  • 8/20/2019 The African Union (1)


    n Afri!a, as driven by the need to refor p$bli! se!tor instit$tions has largely been infl$en!ed

     by the 6orld 6ide de!line in p$bli! finan!es, 6ith the need to get ore for less, this res$lting in

    large s!ale borro6ing, $npre!edented p$bli! debt, high rates of inflation, fre>$ent !$rren!y

    deval$ation and harsh poli!ies iposed $nder the press$res of the M+ and 6orld ban', 6hi!h

    7ope (15 highlights as an a!hieveent0 &herefore, the role of the p$bli! se!tor in national and

    regional developent !annot be ade>$ately dis!$ssed 6itho$t referen!e to the ipa!t of

    !olonialis, as ention in the above te"ts0 At the adinistrative and politi!al level, !olonial

     poli!y has left a lega!y that !reated !onditions to foster developent of highly personali=ed and

    leadership dependent politi!al systes, 6hi!h are present in Afri!a0 &he res$lt of !olonialis,

    has led to so!ial and ethni! fragentation, 6hi!h s$bse>$ently has led to these internal !onfli!ts,

    all 6ea'ening the state, and res$lting in the $nder@developent, e!onoi!ally and international

    v$lnerability, !olonialis f$rther reinfor!ed elitis, th$s repla!ing !opetitive politi!s by one or 

    no part syste, 6ith the relian!e on $nified b$rea$!rati! str$!t$res, therefore !entrali=ing po6er0

    &he iss$es s$!h as state b$ilding and !onstr$!ting effe!tive p$bli! a$thorities, attaining se!$rity,

    and aintaining !onfli!t, !annot be overloo'ed, as it is an integral feat$re of state !onsolidation,

    the !hallenge of nation b$ilding d$e to the bal'ani=ation, 6hi!h !a$sed ethni! and !$lt$ral

    fragentation0 ss$es steing fro gro6th and str$!t$ral transforation of the lo6@in!oe

    agrarian e!onoies, d$e to !olonial po6ers !reated single ar'et e!onoies0 Challenges of

    te!hnology and nnovation and the relevan!y of adopting a Western neo@liberal ar'et orientated

    ideology, based on the *e6 P$bli! Manageent prin!iples, has been a a:or !hallenge 6hen

    refle!ting on the histori!al !onte"t of these Afri!an tates, even 6ith the debatable introd$!tion

    of the Afri!an Developent ;an', 6hi!h !ontrasts 6ith 7opes (15 stan!e0 &he effe!t is

    therefore arbitrary, as it didnt lead to greater effi!ien!y and the iss$e of good governan!e as a

    !ondition for donor aid, as iposed by the World ;an' and M+, and 6ith this the ideals of *e6

    P$bli! Manageent, as being HidealI in Afri!a is !on!eived by needing a !ertain state, of 6hi!h

    ost Afri!an states are 6ea', th$s there are soe a$thors that arg$e that aybe 6ith the ideals of 

     *e6 P$bli! Manageent being advo!ated to an already 6ea' state, 6as in fa!t less daaging as

    it ightve been anti!ipated and highlights the s$itability of an approa!h in relation the !onte"t0

    +UR&74R C7A%%4*G4 +AC4D ;E &74 AU

  • 8/20/2019 The African Union (1)


    &he AU, is an organi=ation slo6ly 6ithering a6ay in the international arena, an organi=ation

     plag$ed 6ith inter and intra@regional !hallenges, ranging fro the do$ble prin!iples of 6hen and

    6hy to intervene, 6ith referen!e to ;$r'ino +aso and not *igeria, 6hi!h is 6orsened by

    !onfli!ts of interests, naely) prooting diploa!y and intervention in eber states seated in

    the AU, of 6hi!h any are Presidents of di!tatorship regies, of 6hi!h are gross h$an rights

    violators and the d$al press$re of the global 6orld0

    When !riti!ally analy=ing the !hallenges fa!ing the AU, the list is endless, 6ith referen!e to

    global governan!e and globali=ation, the AUs str$!t$res and f$n!tions ae far too any, leaving

    one to >$estion as to H6ho does 6hatI, !o$pled 6ith 6ay too $!h b$rea$!ra!y top do6n

     pro!esses5 of 6hi!h soe prin!iples overlap, b$t the tr$e lit$s test of the AU, is the andate of

    the respe!tive regional organi=ations, and 6ith this, their behavior 6hen it !oes to $pholding

    the prin!iples of good governan!e0


    ;ade:o, D0 %0 (850 (he African )nion0 nfobase P$blishing0

  • 8/20/2019 The African Union (1)


    ;ond, P0 (150 *emoving +eocolonialisms A-*. .as"/ A Criti0ue of the African -eer

     *eview .echanism0 Afri!a nstit$te of o$th Afri!a AA50

    Ma'inda, 0 M0, # 2'$$, +0 W0 (J50 (he African )nion/ challenges of globali1ation,

     security, and governance0 Ro$tledge0

    &ie'$, &0 B0 (950 4"plaining the !lash and a!!oodation of interests of a:or a!tors in the

    !reation of the Afri!an Union0 African Affairs, 234911