the adaptability of plates

THE ADAPTABILITY OF PLATES L.G. Lantukh and A.V. Perel'muter UDC 624.04 The problem of the adaptability of an ideal elastoplastic system occurs when the design under consid- eration is under the action of repeated and varying loads, the change and alternation of which remain ar- bitrary. Under the action of these loads the design may operate only elastically, or fail as the result of low cycle fatigue or as the result of progressive failure of one of its elements, or, having experienced flow in certain areas and having obtained some residual stress and deformation, may adapt to the condition of the latter and then operate only elastically [1, 2]. Consequently, if the design is subjected to the action of repeated and varying loads, it is necessary to check for adaptability in making the elastic and plastic cal- culations. Calculations for adaptability are based on the classic theorems of Blake--Melan and Koiter [1]. The basic theorem states that adaptability occurs if there may be such an independent of time field of fictitious stresses that with any changes in load in specified limits the sum of this field with the field of the momen- tary values of stresses in an ideal elastic body is within safe limits (necessary condition). Let us consider the adaptability of a plate not subjected to stresses. Discreteness according to the method of final differences makes it possible to set a limit by consid- eration of the final number of points and to speak of an end measured concept of the field of stresses forme( by bending and torque which occur at the points of a lattice drawn on the surface of the plate. If at any mo- ment in time at each point of the lattice the forces from the load satisfy the assumed conditions for flow, then the condition for adaptability is fulfilled. In other words, the problem of checking the calculations [3] for plates for adaptability is one of checking the consistency of a system of equations describing the self- stressed condition of the plate and a system of limits imposed by the conditions of flow. The problem of direct projection of a plate of constant thickness taking into account adaptability is formulated in the fol- lowing manner: find the minimum possible thickness of plate for which at each point the forces of the self- stressed condition combined with the forces from the load satisfy the conditions for flow, that is, it is necessary to find the minimum thickness for the limits determined by the self-stressed condition and the conditions for flow. Let us study the problem of direct projection. All of the self-stress conditions of the plate must satisfy a uniform equation for equilibrium 2 0 2 0 2 0 0 M u 0 Mx 2 a A4xu ax" -~ ay, ~=0, (I) ~whieh is true only for points not lying on the supported surface. In the opposite case it would be necessary to consider equilibrium of the moments and the intersecting forces. To Eq. (1) are added the static forces at the edges of the plate [4]. Equation (1) recorded in the final differences for each internal point of the plate together with the edge conditions form a group of linear limiting equalities in the system of limits where the forces of the self-stress at each point of the network and each square of the plate thickness are the unknowns. If we designate Xj (j =1,2,. T +L) as the value of the moment M ~ at the point j (T is the number "'' X of points inside the contour, L is the number of points on the contour); Yj (j = 1, 2 ..... T + L) is the value of the moment M~y at the point j; Aij , Bij, and Cij are the coefficients of the final difference operators for partial derivatives of the second order; then in general form the conditions of the self-stressed conditions are described in the following manner: Central Scientific-Research Institute for the Planning of Steel Construction, Kiev. Translated from Problemy Prochnosti, No. 6, pp. 40-43, June, 1970. Original article submitted January 4, 1970. 1971 Consultants Bureau, a division of Plenum Publishing Corporation, 227 West 17th Street, New York, N. Y. 10011. All rights reserved. This article cannot be reproduced [or any purpose whatsoever without permission o[ the publisher. A copy of this article is available Iron the publisher for $15.00. 544

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Page 1: The adaptability of plates


L.G. Lantukh and A.V. Perel'muter UDC 624.04

The problem of the adaptability of an ideal elastoplast ic sys tem occurs when the design under consid- era t ion is under the action of repeated and varying loads, the change and alternation of which remain a r - b i t ra ry . Under the action of these loads the design may operate only elast ical ly, or fail as the resu l t of low cycle fatigue or as the resu l t of p rogress ive failure of one of its e lements , or , having experienced flow in cer ta in areas and having obtained some residual s t r e s s and deformation, may adapt to the condition of the la t ter and then operate only elast ical ly [1, 2]. Consequently, if the design is subjected to the action of repeated and varying loads, it is neces sa ry to check for adaptability in making the e las t ic and plast ic ca l - culations.

Calculations for adaptability are based on the c lass ic theo rems of Blake--Melan and Koiter [1]. The basic theorem states that adaptability occurs if there may be such an independent of t ime field of fictit ious s t r e s s e s that with any changes in load in specified l imits the sum of this field with the field of the momen- t a ry values of s t r e s se s in an ideal elast ic body is within safe l imits (necessary condition). Let us consider the adaptability of a plate not subjected to s t r e s ses .

Discre teness according to the method of final differences makes it possible to set a l imit by consid- erat ion of the final number of points and to speak of an end measured concept of the field of s t r e s s e s forme( by bending and torque which occur at the points of a lattice drawn on the surface of the plate. If at any mo- ment in t ime at each point of the lattice the fo rces f rom the load sat isfy the assumed conditions for flow, then the condition for adaptability is fulfilled. In other words , the problem of checking the calculations [3] for plates for adaptability is one of checking the consis tency of a sys tem of equations descr ibing the self - s t r e s sed condition of the plate and a sys tem of l imits imposed by the conditions of flow. The problem of d i rec t project ion of a plate of constant thickness taking into account adaptability is formulated in the fol- lowing manner : find the minimum possible thickness of plate for which at each point the fo rces of the se l f - s t r e s sed condition combined with the fo rces f rom the load sat isfy the conditions for flow, that is , it is neces sa ry to find the minimum thickness for the l imits determined by the s e l f - s t r e s s e d condition and the conditions for flow. Let us study the problem of di rect project ion.

All of the s e l f - s t r e s s conditions of the plate must sat isfy a uniform equation for equil ibrium

2 0 2 0 2 0 0 M u 0 M x 2 a A4xu ax" -~ ay, ~ = 0 , (I)

~whieh is true only for points not lying on the supported surface. In the opposite case i t would be necessary to consider equil ibrium of the moments and the intersecting forces. To Eq. (1) are added the static forces at the edges of the plate [4]. Equation (1) recorded in the final differences for each internal point of the plate together with the edge conditions fo rm a group of l inear l imiting equalit ies in the sys tem of l imits where the forces of the s e l f - s t r e s s at each point of the network and each square of the plate thickness are the unknowns.

If we designate Xj (j = 1 , 2 , . T +L) as the value of the moment M ~ at the point j (T is the number " ' ' X

of points inside the contour, L is the number of points on the contour); Yj (j = 1, 2 . . . . . T + L) is the value of the moment M~y at the point j; Aij , Bij, and Cij a re the coefficients of the final difference opera tors for par t ia l der ivat ives of the second order; then in genera l fo rm the conditions of the s e l f - s t r e s s e d conditions are descr ibed in the following manner:

Central Scient i f ic-Research Institute for the Planning of Steel Construct ion, Kiev. Trans la ted f rom Prob lemy Prochnost i , No. 6, pp. 40-43, June, 1970. Original ar t ic le submitted January 4, 1970.

�9 1971 Consultants Bureau, a division of Plenum Publishing Corporation, 227 West 17th Street, New York, N. Y. 10011. All rights reserved. This article cannot be reproduced [or any purpose whatsoever without permission o[ the publisher. A copy of this article is available Iron the publisher for $15.00.


Page 2: The adaptability of plates

where Mx, constant.

Tq-L T-I-l. T-{-L In = ~. ,4uX 1 + ~. BaZj + ~.. CuYi : 0

J= J ' J=~ (2)

( i = 1,2 . . . . . T).

Contour conditions, as a rule, requi re one or another force equal to zero [4], which reduces the num- ber of unknowns, and only in the case of a f ree contour is added the group of conditions

T+L T+L t, = ~ a,,xl + ~ b,/zl = 0 (3)

j--t i =t

( k = l . 2 . . . . . =),

appearing as the resul t of the end dif ference approximation of the condition

Q , - - oM~ = 0. 0y

In Eq. (3) a is the number of points on the contour free of support.

The system of ecluattons (2) and (3) must be taken into consideration together with the system of l im- i ts imposed by the conditions of flow.

If we accept as the condition of flow the l inear ized condition of flow of T r e s c a [3, 5], then the p rob- lem becomes a p roblem of l inear p rogramming , which may be solved by a s implex method.

However, l inear izat ion of the conditions of flow of T r e s c a makes it nece s sa ry to descr ibe each unit of the network in groups of six two-s ided l inear l imits , significantly increas ing the volume of original in- format ion and sharply reducing the possibi l i ty of a p r o g r a m suitable for solution of the problem on the com- puter . For example, for adaptability calculat ions for a square plate supported on the whole contour with a 5 x by the use of modified simplex method p rog ram would requi re holding in the memory of the machine a volume of information approaching 29,000 units, which in prac t ice el iminates the possibil i ty of solving the problem. Consequently, it is n e c e s s a r y to sea rch for other means of solving the sys tem of l im- i ts which do not requi re maintaining in the m e m o r y of the machine all of the ma t r i ces of the l imits or to deviate f rom the idea of l inear izat ion of the conditions of flow, which leads to a nonlinear problem. Togeth- er with reducing the requi red volume of information, the second method el iminates the introduction of ad- ditional inaccurac ies appearing as the resu l t of l inearizat ion.

On the nonlinear conditions of flow, the mos t useful is the condition of Von Mieses, consist ing of only one l imit

M~-F M~-- M, Mv -P 3M2 < H, ('4) My, and M are the moments occur r ing in the plate at any moment in t ime, and H is the plastic

For our problem condition (4) is wri t ten in the fo rm fit" h~

- (M ~ + M ' ) 2 - - ( ~ + .M") ~ + (M ~ + M') ( ~ + M v) - - 3 (~ , + M') ~ + ~ > o,

or for the j -point of the lat t ice o r h s

qi ---- - - (Xt q- M~ ")2 - - (YJ -I- M~') 2 a t- (X{ -[- M~) (}"i -[- M~) ~ 3 (Z i + M~) 2 -f- ~ > 0 (5)

(]: 1,2 ..... T--b L).

Here and are the ,, ues of the ben ng and torsio moments occ rri at j-point

of the plate during a repea ted changing load. They a re re la ted by the conditions

= x M+ u -


qvi - - M~ q- M + , = = . = ( y ) j ;~ 0; ~,~ = M s - - (MT) j ;~ 0; q, j - - M ; + (M.~)j > 0.

where (M~)j, (M~)j, and (M~)j are the lower values of the boundary lines of the moments , constructed on


Page 3: The adaptability of plates



2 0 I9 18 17


f 4 '7 16

5 8 15 "<

dll p,r tt Itz ,t3 '<

Jk t. ~" t. ~" L ~" L. I "1 "1

Fig. 1. Calculation plan of the plate.


m a x tit J n n l i n 3:0 5 0,450 6 1,162

10 0,084 11 0,130

0,098 0,327 0,186 0,030 0,057


m a x r a i n m a x

i,450 0,'098 0,069 O, 327 ] 0 0,157[0

0,503 0,18610 0,777 0,36010

the assumption of ideal e las t ic operat ion of the plate, and (Mx+)j, (My+)j, and (l~z)j a re the upper values of the same curves .

Present ing the conditions of flow in the fo rm of the Von Mieses conditions makes it possible for the example p resen ted above to reduce the volume of s tored information to l e s s than a fourth. The use of special methods not requir ing holding in the mem o ry all of the tables of l imi ts makes i t possible to solve the problem of the adaptabili ty of a plate with the use of a f iner la t t ice .

The re fo re , le t us approach the prob lem of nonlinear p rogramming with a composi te sys tem of l imits and l inear functions of the end.

Rewri t ing the prob lem in compact form:

min {H/qi (X, Y, Z, M x, M u, M ~, H) :~ 0

( ] = 1 , 2 . . . . . T + L ) , h t ( X , Y , Z ) = O

(i -= 1, 2 . . . . . T), t~ (X, Y, Z) = 0

(k= I, 2 . . . . . = ) , G. (M*) > o,

% (M') > o, f~ (M ~) ~ o,

% (M ~) > O, f,~ (M') > O,

qzj(M')>~0 ( j = l , 2 . . . . . T + L ) } .


Prob lem (7) may be conveniently solved by a "penalty function n method [6], which is convenient since ~n calculations on the computer it does not r equ i re m e m o r y of the whole table of the coeff icients of the sys - tem of l imits , ' but s tores in the memory of the computer e i ther only the value of the coeff icient of the table or only the ~tle for i ts construct ion.

To use the "penalty function" method we introduce the functional

T+L r T+L r+L

FI = H + ~- X 6i (qi) [q~]' + --~ ~, [h,f A- -~- .~ [tkf 4- 6j. (f~)If.,]' j=l I~l k=l J~l

T+L T+L T+L ~ts ~ P's �9 "~ Ixs 2 + y ~ 6s (qx) [Gj] + T V 6i (fy)[/ui]" + -2- ~,, 8j (qu)[qvi ]

j ~ l j ~ l j - ~ l

T + L T + L + V-s 2 its 2

T ~ ~Jq.)ILd +-~ Y, 8;(%)[q.l, (8) j = l j = l

where #s > 0;

0, ff f >i0; 6 ( f ) = 1, ~f f < o .


Page 4: The adaptability of plates

It has been proven [7] that under cer ta in conditions which are fulfilled for a given problem there ex- i s t s a s t r ic t ly monotonic ser ies {#s} which genera tes a se r ies of values {U(#s)} appearing as points of the absolute minimum of the function {II(X, Y, Z, M x, MY, M z, H, ps)}, and then at s = 1,2 . . . . ~ ~Ps -~ 0, U(#s) ~ U* and {II(X, Y, Z, M x, MY, M z, H, #s)} converge to an optimum value of the function H (U* is the vector on which a solution to problem (7) is reached}.

The minimum 1I at each #s may be obtained by a gradient method. Relational use of the method of combined gradients [8] for each has shown convergence in the genera l case of the nonlinear functional with the rate of geomet r ic p rogress ion .

Let us show in a simple example how to set up a full sys tem of l imits for a problem of optimum pro - jection of a rec tangular plate taking into account adaptability. The plate , shown in Fig. 1, is loaded by two fo rms of conflicting loads, a uniformly distr ibuted one over the whole surface of the plate with the value q and one directed f rom bottom to top concentrated at point 5 with a value of 3qX 2, but directed in the oppo- site direct ion to the f i r s t load. As a resu l t of s y m m e t r y we need consider only 1/8 of the plate. The val- ues of the envelope, const ructed on the bas is of e last ic calculations taking into account symmet ry and con- tour conditions, a re shown in Table 1.

Let us substitute the known values in (7). Let us find the minimum H at the l imits

4X3 + X6 + Y6 + Xlo + Y,o ~ O; - - 4X 5 + 2X 6 + 2Y o - - Z 3 ~- O; - - 2X 6 --2Y o + 2X~ + X 5 + YH ~ O;

(X 3 + M~) ~ - - 3 (Z a -I- M')23 + H ~ 0; - - (X 5 q- M~)~+ H ~ 0; - - (X o -I- X~) ~ -- (Yo -[- Mg) 2 + (X6 + M~) (Yo -]- Mg}

-]- H ~ 0; - - (X n -{- M~,) 2 - - (YII -[- Mfl)~ "{- (Xll -~ g~,) (Y,l -[- M~,) ~- H > 0; "-- (X,o -]- Mfo)~ -- (Y1o -~ M~o)~

+(X I -[-M x)(Y -4-Mf)+H:~0; --0.098~M~0; 0~M]~ 0,069: 0 10 10 ' 0

-- 0.327 ~ M~ ..< 0,450; ~ O. 186 ..< Mg ~. O. 162; - - O. 157 ~: M~ ..< O; - - 0.030 ~ g~o ~ 0.084;

0.186 ~ M~o ~ 0.503; - - 0.057 ~ M~, ~ 0.130; ~ 0.360 ~< M~ ~< 0.777.

Solution of the problem gives the value H = 0.453 qX 2, f rom which hminadapt = 1.386 }" xfq-~T"


1. V .T . Koiter , General Theorems of Elastoplast ic Media [in Russian], Fizmatgiz, Moscow (1961}. 2. A.R. Rzhanitsyn, Calculating Designs Taking into Account the Plas t ic P roper t i e s of Materials [in

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