tg»daily standard union: moobsxx. saturday. … 14/brooklyn ny...

Tg»DAILY STANDARD UNION: mOOBSXX. SATURDAY. MARCH 6. 1*K BAPTIST. | Baptist Temple, Third avenue and Kc.hermcrhorn street. The pastor, the llcv. Dr. Cortland Myers, will preich to-morrow evening the first of a aortas of four sermons especially to womt.n. The topic will be^The Modern Btre.' Succeeding themes will be "The Mod- ern Hehecca," "The Modern Delilah" and "The Modern Ruth." Calvary, Fourth avenue and Four- teenth street Morning service to- morrow at 10:80 o'clock. Following the morning service the hand of church fellowship will be extended to new members and the ordinance' of the Lord's Supper win be observed; Even- ing service at 7:45 o'clock, followed fry baptism. Preaching by the Rev. fir. H. Allen Tupper, pastor. On Monday evening, March 8, an illustrated lec- ture will be given in the chapel. <m "The Sea Beach at Low Tide," by John J. Schoonover, M.A. Calvrtry, Fifty-seventh street and Sixth avenue, Manhattan. "The Soul's Ooal" will be Dr. Robert Stuart Mac- Arthur's morning theme, and in' the evening the topic for pre- : i-ntation by the composite preaching of pulpit, organ, soloists, 100-volced <holr and congregation, the new type of popular evening service prepared by I>r. MacArthur and Prof. Bowman, will be "Christ, the Good Shepherd." In his Current Events Class at 10:80 Dr. MacArthur will speak on "Theodore lio.iseveit'a Wonderful Administration." Hanson Place, corner of South Port- land avenue. The pastor, the Rev. W. M. Vines, D.D., will preach at the morn- ing hour on "Malachl's Message to the Church To-day.V The ordinance of the Lord's Supper will be observed at this service. At 7:46 P. M., Lleut.-Col. Alex. M. Damon will deliver his lecture "In Darkest America," Illustrated with 125 stereoptlcon views and songs. The Sun- day school will meet at 2:30 P. M., with superintendent Harvey O. Dobson in charge. , CONGREGATIONAL. , Pilgrim Chapel, Henry and Degraw streets. Bible school at 2:45 to-morrow, Chlrstian Endeavor at 7 and evening service, with sermon by the pastor, the Rev. Charles M. Calderwood, at 7:45. Tompkins Avenue. To-morrow Dr. Waters will preach at both services. In the evening he will preach the second sermon In his series, "Earnest Words to Earnest People," with the special topic, "Finding Goodness Where It Is Least Expected." Men's Class at close of morning service, under leadership of J. C. Oswald; subject, "Foundation of a World Parliament." Open parlia- ment for men at 3 o'clock In the par- lors. J. W. Copman will deliver an ad- dress on "The Progress of Civilisation in the Orient." * Wednesday night at 8 o'clock, the Lenten literary lectures and organ recitals will be continued. Dr. Waters' subject will be "Tennyson." and Mr. Eddy's programme, which lasts from 8 to 8:20, will be In accord with the subject. Bushwlck Avenue, corner Cornelia street. The pastor, the Rev. John Lewis Clark, D.D.. will preach in the morning at 10:30 o'clock on "A Living Sacrifice,' and at 7:30 P. M. on "St. James," In the series "New Testa- ment Writers." Monday evening, monthly teachers' meeting and social it the home of Mr. and Mrs. William .•hell, 34 Cornelia street. Busiiwlii* Congregational League weekly cottage prayer meeting, Tuesday evening, at 48 Eldert street, the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Nagel. On Wednesday evening the Men's Club will be ad- dressed by Edwin R. Jones, vice-presi- dent of the United Men's Clubs of Brooklyn, Protestant Episcopal, Thurs- day evening unton meeting of in- termediate Christian Endeavor So- cieties of the Sixth District. Church of the Pilgrims, corner of Henry and Remsen streets. The pas- tor, the Rev. Marlon LeRoy Burton, Ph.D., will preach to-morrow at ,11 A. M.. upon the subject, "Devotion to Christ." At 4:30 In the afternoon, con- ducted by the pastor, will occur the communion service, with reception of new members, in the evening at 8 o'clock, first service In a new feature of the church's work. Heretofore there has been no evening service upon communion Sundays, but here- after, under the auspices of the Men's Club, there will be a service, as usual, at 8 o'clock on communion Sundays, addressed by prominent speakers of the country. Judge Robert J. Wilkin will speak to-morrow night upon the "Work of Our Children's Court" Dr. Burton has just issued a leaflet de- scriptive of the Lenten services. On Sabbath mornings the general theme is "Christ." On Sabbath evenings the general theme Is "The Holy Spirit," and at the mid-week service the gen- eral theme is "St. John's Portrayal of the Last Day," the meetings being based upon John 14-17. During Holy Week there will be a series of meet- ings from 5 to n In the afternoon, ad-! dressed by Drs. Boynton, Cadmati. Water? and Lyman. The mid-week sri-' i>••• on March IT will be addressed by the Rev. Dr. Hlllls. Central. Hancock street, near Bed- ford avenue. Dr. Cadman wilt preach In the morning at 10:45 upon "A Plain Man and His Bible." In the evening iii" choir will give its usual monthly praise service, and there will be an ad- dress by the pastor upon "A Plea for Books." Tuesday. 6:30 P. M., the men** annual dinner will be held In the lower rooms of the chapeL The Rev. Dr. Fosdlck and the Rev. Dr. Leroy Bur- ton, pastor of the Church of the Pil- grims, will be the principal speakers. Addresses will also be made by the president of the Men's Union, Alfred E. Vass, the pastor and others. Wed- nesday, 8:15 P. M., the regular month- ly meeting of the Central League will be held. A concert will b* given under the direction* of Frederick Preston. r . Flat hush. Dorchester road and East Eighteenth street The pastor, the Rev, I>wls T. Reed; will preach In the morn- ing at 10:45. Sermon Subject, "N*lco- demus' Denial by Equivalents."- Music by quartet and chorus .under the direc- tion of William Edward Taylor,'ehorN master. At noon the Men's Class will consider the subject of "Garden Cities and Model Village as a Remedy for Congestion," In the evening at 8 o'clock Mr. Reed will begin a series of addresses on "Rational Living," at- tempting to show how psychology, by Its discoveries of the methods of opera- tion of the mind, has given us both en- couragement and warnings. The first address will be on "Habit'' Clinton Avenue. To-morrow the Rev. Dr, Boynton will preach at both serv- ice*. The morning subject will be "See,- ing Jesus," and In the evening "The Un- hastlng Believer," At the- midweek service, on Wednesday evening, there will be a conference upon "My Early Religious Training." South, Court and President street, the Rev, Dr. Lyman and Rev. Boyd Ed- ward* pastors. Morning service at It A, M. will be the sacrament service, wlih reception of members. The even- ing service at 7:S0 will be of praise and song. The following special features tire announced for the Lenten time: For the midweek (Wednesday) service* the general theme will be "Christian Rela- tionships," The addresses will be made - alternately by the pastor* on tha themes, "Christ and His Heavenly Fa- ther," "Christ and Hla Friends." "Christ's Friend* a Community," "Christ's Friends and HI* Kingdom." The Women'a chapel service, also In —8— - Jg-ggggMSBjasssg charge of the pastors, will consider tht Women of the gospels at 8:80 P. M. Thursday. f 7 « METHODIST , EPISCOPAL • Warren Street, the R*v. Dr. A. W, Byrt and the Rev. John B. Zelter, pas- tors. To-morrow Mr. Zelter wilt preach both mornlpg and evening. Dr. Byrt will preach in the morning at th* First Place M. E. Church and at night at the South Second Street M. E. Church. Grace (Bay Ridge). Fourth and Ovlngton avenues. Sacrament of Bap- tism, Lord's Supper, reception of mem- bers and address by the paator, the Rev. Dr. George Adams, at 10:80 In the morning. In the evening at 7:80 memo- rial service for the' lata Dr. Theodora L. Cuyler. Jane*, Reld . avenue and Monroe street. In the morning Holy Com- munion and reception of member*. In the evening the pastor, the Rev. Rob- ert Bagnell, D.D., will preach on "Rea- soning Together With God." The even- ing service will be the regular monthly musical service. The choir j with Dr. Browne at the organ, will render spe- cial numbers. On Monday evening the Epworth League will hold. It* regular monthly business meeting* in the par- lor. The Men's League wtll meet Tues- day evening and will be addressed by Dr. E. S. Lewie.. assistant editor of Sunday school literature. - On Thurs- day evening the choir will give a con- cert in the auditorium. York Street, the Rev. E. Cunningham, paator. Morning aervlc* at 10:80 A. M , Holy Communion; evening aervice at 7:30 P. M., pastor's topic, "Dally Bread." DeKalb Avenue, tha Rev. Dr. W. W. W. Wilson, pastor. The sacraments of the Lord's Supper and Baptism will be administered and new members will be received to-morrow morning, and at night the paator will preach on "Prevailing Prayer," another Lenten subject, having preached on "Fasting" the preceding Sabbath. Sunday school at 2:30 P. M.; Epworth League meet- ing at 6:30 P. M.; subject, ''The Soul's Bread;" the Rev. C. P. Corner, leader. Mid-week prayer meeting Wednesday night and classes Sunday morning, Tuesday, and Friday night3. Epworth, DeKalb avenue. Dr. J. S. Chadwlck, Presiding Elder of the Brooklyn North District, will preach to-morrow morning and dedicate the pipe organ recently Installed. Fenlmore Street. To-morrow at 10:30 communion will be administered and new members will be received. Mr. Osmun will give a brief address. Even- ing service at 7:45, with special music by the quartet. The first of a series of sermons will be given on "The Llfa Beyond the Grave," the special theme being "The Certainty of the Life Be- yond." Official board meets Monday at 8 P. M. Girls' Sunshine Society pre- sents "The Bilberry Boy" on Friday evening at 8 o'clock. PRESBYTERIAN. L**M*f} a preacher next Wednesday •van- In* will be the Rev. Arthur B. Howard. The confirmation c |a»s and the Men'a Club will meet on Thursday evening. St. Ann's on the Heights, Clinton, corner Livingston streets, the R*v, C. CapiPhell Walker, rector. Services to- morrow, as follows: 8 A. If., holy com- munion; 11 A. M., Litany, sermon and holy communion; 8 P. M., evening prayer and sermon. Tho rector will preach In the morning, and at I P . M. will preach the first of the Lenten course' Of sermons on "Tha Croaa of Je- sus." Special music will be rendered at this aervice by cello, harp and or- gan--*!'. F. Helnroth, cello; Miss Anto- nla Griffin, harp; William A. Qolda- worthy, organ. Organ, harp and cello recital at the close of service. Dally Lenten services, 8 A. M. and 5 P. M. Frt* organ recital Friday at 4 P. M. Church of the Holy Trinity. To-mor- row, celebration of the holy commun- ion at 8:80 A. M., with short address. Morning prayer, sermon and second celebration at 11, when the ReY. J. Howard Melish will preach, and even- ing prayer and sermon by the Rev. Clifton H. Brewer at 8. There will be the usual noonday services next week, with short addresses by the following preachers, dally 12:00 to 12:30: Monday, the Kev. Charles C. Harriman. rector Of St Ann's Church, Morrisanla, N. Y.; Tuesday, the Rev. Wllford L. Bobbins, Dean of the General Theological Sem- inary, New York; Wednesday, the Rev. Thomas J. Lacey rector Church of the Redeemer; Thursday, the Rev. Camp- bell C. Walker, rector St. Ann's Church, and Friday, the Rev. Hugh Birchhead, rector St. George's Church, Manhattan. There will also be a -daily service in this church at 5 o'clock, and on Wed- nesday nights-at 8. Monday evenings during March there will be organ re- citals at 8 o'clock by one of the organ- ists of the church. Next Monday Sam- uel A. Baldwin will give the recital. Church of the Nativity, Kenilworth place, near Avenue F and Flatbush avenue. The Rev. Andrew Fleming, rector, will preach at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. to-morrow. The holy communion will be celebrated at the morning ser- vice. The special preacher on Thursday evening. March 11. will be the Rev. Wlnfield S. Baer. rector of St. George's Church. Christ Church, Bedford avenue. The preacher at 11 A. M. will be the Rev. William Sheafe Chase, and at the evening at 7:45 tho Rev. Spencer S. Roche, D.D., rector of St. Mark's Church, on Adelphl street, The preacher on Wednesday night will be the Rev. W. S. Baer, of St. George's Church. At the service at 5 P. M. on Monday the Rov. R. H. Scott will give the sec- ond of the series of sermons upon "Evolution and the Bible," having for his topic, "The Doctrine of Sin." On Tuesday, at 5 P. M., the Rev. William Sheafe Chase will give the second of the series of sermons upon "Religion and Health," having for his topic, "How to Overcome the Fear that Brings Disease." On Thursday, a t 5 P. M., the sermon by Canon Chase will be on "What Do the Various Part* of tha Church Building Mean?" On Sat- urday, at 5 P. M., hfe will give a talk illustrated by the stereoptlcon, on "The Prodigal Son." w^mammm FLORIDA SPRING. TOUR VIA PEMMSYLVAHIAR.R. Leave New York March 9, 1909 Round $ 5 0 Tri ' SPECIAL PULUAN TRAIN For particular! consult C. Studda, E. P. A 203 Fifth Avenue, New York Ctty. Classon Avenue. To-morrow In the absence of Dr. Burrell, the morning and evening services will be conducted by the Rev. George William Knox. D.D., LL.D., formerly professor In the Im- perial University of Toklo, now pro- fessor of philosophy of religion In Union Theological Seminary. New York. Dr. Knox Is the author of several Impor- tant works and has been decorated late- ly by the Emperor of Japan. Thurs- day night, ladles' night of the Men's League. Dr. Ramon Reyes Lala. of aMnlla, will give a stereoptlcon lecture on the Philippines. Lafayette Avenue. The Rev. Cleland B. McAfee, D.D., will preach in the morning on "The Life and Character of Dr; Cuyler," and the hymns will .all be old favorites of his. In the even- ing the Rev. Allyn K. Foster, M.A, will preach. Bedford. Nostrand avenue and Dean street. "Blessed Is Pain, or the Mis- sion of Suffering," will be the Rev. Dr. E. Edward Young's subject to-morrow, at 10:46 A. M. and his evening sub- ject, at 7:46 o'clock, will be "How to Live Perfectly One Day." The Men's Club of the church will hold Its mock trial on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Attorney Llewellyn A. Wray presiding as Judge, and Prof. E. W. Falrley and Chester D Griesemer be- ing chief attorneys. "The- Bible Men and Women Adapted to the Twentieth Century" is the subject of the new se- ries of the Friday night Bibl* studies conducted by the pastor- First Henry street near Clark. Ser- vice to-morrow, with preaching by the Rev. Dr. L Mason Clarke, minister, at 11 A, M. and 4 P. M. The theme of the afternoon sermon will be th« third study In "What I Believe." "What I Believe? Jesus." Th* men's associa- tion of the church will meet in the upper conference room on Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. Dr. Clarke will lead. Midweek service. In the lecture room on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Dr. Clarke" will be In charge- Subject, "Jesus at the Feast of the Tabernacle*," * Well* Memorial, - Foster avenue and East Thirteenth street. The paator. the Rev. William Bishop Gates, will preach- morning and evening. In the morning his subject will be "A Ker- nel of Life," and in tha evening will be given the fourth In a.series of store- optlcon sermons, which continue up to Easter time. • On Friday, March 12, tho anniversary of th* great bllssard Of IMS will be a strawberry festival In tha church. The new officers of th* Christian Endeavor Boeiety have Just bean elected and wllLtee Installed morrow evening. Currey: Vice-President Langenbacher; Correapoi tary. Miss Rose Koch; EC retary.MJss Helen Polhemua; Treasurer, George Langenbacher. Last week th* pastor declined a call to the assistant pastorate of ops of the largest churches In New Jersey. PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL. St. James, Lafayette avenue, corner St James place. The rector, the Rev. Charles W. Neumann, will' preach at the morning service, and In the even- Ing the Rev. George Thomas Dowllng. D.D., formerly rector of St. James, will preach- Dally Lenten services are being held* in this church at 5 o'clock, and every Wednesday noonday service for students and dtho/s, beginning at 13:30 and ending promptly at 11:80. On Wednesday of this week the apeeker Wlil be the Rev. -Spencer 8, Roche, D.D., rector-of St. Mark's Church. Church Of S t Matthew. McDonough street and Tompkins avenue, the Rev. Frederic W. Norrfa rector. The service to-morrow morning at 11 o'clock will Include a celebration mt holy commun- ion, the Litany "«d a sermon by the rector. At 7:80 o'clock there Will he so evening prayer<aj*rvIce, with a sermon by the Rev. Samuel H. Job* on the "Academic and Legal Healer." This la the fifth In the series which Is being given by this clergyman each Sunday evening. At I A. M. there will also be a celebration of holy communion. During Lent the following weekday evening prayer services are held: On Tuesday at 4, Wednesday at I. Thurs- day at 4 and Friday st 8 p. M Calvary, Bushwiek avenue, below Gates, the Rsv. .John wiuiams rector, service* to-morrow: 8 A u.. holy com- munion; 10:41 A M . holy communion and sermon by the pastor: 2:45 P. M. Sunday •chool; 7*« P. M.. evening prayer and sermon by th* Rev Thomas Davlea, of Manhattan The special wsgmBBEmmmmemKmmmmgmmmtmmmm preaches a short sermon, the general subject being "The Spiritual Life." The special subject announced for next Wednesday evening is " 'Watch, As God's Athlete.' " The Wordsworth Club, composed of young people con- nected with the church, will have a meeting on Monday evening at the home of the minister. The subject to be considered Is "The Problem of Be- ing." The services at the Moravian Church. Jay street, near Myrtle avenue, the Rev. Paul M. Orelder, pastor, will be as follows to-morrow: 10:45 A. M., Lenten litany and sermon; subject, "Self Sacrifice," followed by the Lord's Supper. 2:30 P. M., Sunday school; 8 P. M., gospel service. Every day at 4:30 P. M., prayer service. Friday, 8 P. M., Christian Endeavor and Sunday- school lesson study, At the Welcome Primitive Methodist Church, classon avenue, near Lafay- ette avenue, the pastor, the Rev. John J. Loekett. will preach to-morrow at 10:45 A. M. on "Uncertainty and Op- portunity," and at 7:45 P. M., on "With Long Life Will I Bless Thee," in mem- ory of the Rev. Dr. Cuyler. At a pub- lic meeting at 2:30 P. M.. at which dis- cussion is allowed, Thomaa W. Leon- ard will speak on "Causes of Political Corruption." Alderman Daniel R. Cole- man will preside. The Rev. A. B. Hubley, of Montreal, Canada, wil preach to-morrow In the Reformed Episcopal Church of the Reconciliation, Nostrand and Jefferson avenues. Church of the New Jerusalem, Mon- roe Place and Clark street. Services at 10:45 A. M. to-morrow. The Rev. Arthur Mercer will preach. Subject, "A Hard Road to Happiness." Free li- brary and reading room, 98 South El- liott place. New Thought services in Aurora Grata Cathedral at 3:30 P. M. Caroline S. F. March, speaker. Holy Communion will be celebrated and new members received in the Si- loam Presbyterian congregation to-mor- row at 3 P. M., In the auditorium of the A. M. E. Z. Memorial Church. Bridge street, between Willoughby street and Myrtle avenue. eervlce during; Lent in the Church of' Our I>ady of Lourdes, Broadway and Aberdeen stret In the Church of S t John the Bap- tist, Lewis and Willoughby avenues, the following sermons will be delivered during tho week: At the last mass on Sunday "Confirmation," by Father Judgf, C.M.; at the vesper service, the sermon will be on "Impurity," delivered j by a visiting missionary; on Tuesday ; evening, the sermon will be "Our j Faith and Its Practices," by Dr. Men- nls, CM. On Sunday evening. In the Church of the Visitation on Richards street, the second of the series of sermons on "Christian Marriage" will be preached. f >n Wednesday evening tire, preacher will b«< the Rev. John Wilson, of St. Patrick's. The Paullst Fathers, under the di- rection of Father Conway, C.S.P., will •<;.!. a four week*' mission in the Church of St. Augustine, on Sixth avenue, at the last mass to-morrow. The services during the coming week ! will be for the married women. The Fathers of the Precious Blood will open a two weeks' mission on March 21 In the Church of St. Boniface on Duffield street. The first week the services will be conducted in the Ger- man tongue and the second week will be devoted to the English-speaking members of the congregation. On Sunday afternoon the Vincentian Fathers will conclude the mission for the married women of the Church of St. Vincent de Paul on North Sixth street, in the evening they will open a mission for the single women of the parish. The Ladies' Auxiliary of the St. Vin- cent de Paul Society will hold Its an- nual retreat at the Convent of the French Nursing Sisters, on Henry street, during the coming week. It will be conducted by Dr. McGlnnis, president of the International Catholic Truth Society. THIS SHWS] OUR FINE GIFT FORK Wouldn't von like to have This Beaatifiil Teaspoon silver plated, in this artistic and exclusive rose pattern, tike the latest solid silver; finished in French gray, the newest fashionable style, suita- ble for every occasion, and to the best society ; and made and warrantedby Wm. Rogers& Son ? It is of full size without a suggestion of advertising on it It Is Yours A if ron will icnd only tea cent* to pay for expenses, and the top of a jar of V IPPir Company's .WmaWaDAVf Extract ol Bcel The genuine has the signature in blue across the I label, and we want you to know by actual trial that j It i* the moat delicious, wholesome and far-going I beef extract: K tesspooniul makes o cup of the finest beef tea and it ia just as economical lor cooking. You can get as many spoons this way as you want, or if you will send 20 cents and a Liebig top we will I aend the fork, full size, same pattern and finish. Addreaa. CORNKIt.LK DAVID * CO.. Dept, 8, . 120 Hudson St.. New York. I The pictures gi ve only a suggestion of the beauty of the article* WE GIVE YOU THIS TU- LSP00N PASTOR RUSSELL WILL PREACH HERE T0-M0RR0W. Pastor C. T. Russell, who Sunday before last attracted a larger audience to the Brooklyn Academy of Music by his famous discourse on "Where Catholic l^eu)s To-morrow is tho j>-cond Sunday of Lent. The Forty Hours* Devotion Is scheduled to take place in the Church of St. Vincent de Paul, on North Sixth street; in the Church of the Visitation, on Richards street, and in the Church of St. Anne, on Gold street. During the coming week the follow- ing feasts will be observed: Sunday. St, Thomas Aquinas; Monday, St, John of God: Tuesday. St. Francis of Rome; Wednesday, the Forty Martyrs; Thurs- day, St. Eulogius; Friday, Spear and Nails; Saturday, St. Gerald. ^ Father Brady, of tbe Church of St Teresa, has been sent to* the Church of St. Monica, at Jamaica, to assist there during the illness of Father Matthews, the pastor. There will be an important meeting of, the Bx'Miuttve Committee of the Diocesan Union of Holy Name Societies in the parish hall of tne Church of the Holy Family, on Thirteenth street, on Sunday afternoon. The meeting i* cail"d for 3 o'clock. Much business of importance wOl be transacted at the meeting of the St. Vincent de Paul Society next Thurs- day evening at St. Vincent's Home on Boerum place. T h e n e w Church of the Holy Inno- cents, Beverley road and East Seven- teenth street REFORMED. Reformed on the Heights, Plerre- pont street. The pastor wlU preach to-morrow morning, subject, "Work- ers with God." At 4 o'clock the choir, under the direction of Clifford Demarest, organist, will give a Men- delssohn afternoon, with address by the pastor. Bouth Bushwlck (White Church). The Lord's Supper will be served at the morning service. During March the Parmenas class for men •will take as Its theme "Civic Corruption," tak- ing as their topic for discussion this Sunday afternoon "The Extent of Corruption." The class holds Its ses- sions at 3 P. M. every Sunday. The pastor has been delegated to conduct services at the "Hague" this summer and leaves with his family for Holland on the Holland American liner Noor- dam, June 22. He will be away about three months, sailing for home Sept. 11, on the American liner St. Louis, First, Seventh avenue and Carroll street. Dr. Farrar, the minister, will make an address to-morrow evening oh "The Life of Wagner," in connec- tion with the "Richard Wagner Ser- vice" to be given by the choir with so- loists. T. M. C. A, Dr. Cadman will speak at the Bed- ford Branch Y. M. C. A,, Bedford ave- nue and Monroe street, every Sunday afternoon this month. To-morrow he will begin a series of Lenten lectures. The special subject for the first address will be "The Plain Man and His Bible." Dr. Cadman will follow his usual cus- tom of answering questions sent In from the audience. The special feature of this service will Include "Songs In the Dark," with the singing led by Harper G. Smyth. Charles Wold will give several selections on the musical glasses. The Rev. Theodore S. Henderson, the new pastor of Hanson Place Methodist Church, is to speak at the Central T. M. C. A., Fulton and Bond streets, to- morroay afternoon at 8:30. The music for this aervice will be furnished by th* choir of the Church of the Recon- ciliation. MISCELLANEOUS. Dr. Madison C. Peters will preach, to-morrow In the Old Bushwlck Re- formed Church, corner Conselyea and Humboldt streets, the Rev. J. J. Munro, minister. At 10:4* Dr. Peters* subject will be. "The Evolution of the Back- slider"; at 4 o'clock, "The Kind of a Church that Will Get the People," and at 7:46, "Popular Cloaks for Sin." Leslie Willi* Bprague will speak on "Moral Scepticism and Its Cure" before the Ethical Society at Carnegie Hall. Manhattan, to-morrow morning. Mr. Sprague Is leader of the Brooklyn So- ciety for Ethical Culture and t» one of Dr. Felix Adler s associates In the loadership of the New York Ethical Society. It I* the first time this year that Mr. Sprague has occupied the plat- form at Cunsgie Hal). At Unity Church to-morrow morn- Ins; the subject of Dr. Bondage's ser- mon will be "The Greatest of Greek Heroes; Thnoleon." At the Fourth Unitarian Church, Beverly road, and East Nineteenth street," Flatbush, the minister, the Rev. I* A. Harvey, will exchange with Rev. A. C Nlckerson, of Plalnfleld, N. J. Service at 11 A. M. Brother Corner, of the DeKalb Ave- nue M. E. Church, will have charge of the communion services to be held at th* In-As-Much Home to-morrow at 3:So P. M. Before the People's Forum to-mor- row, at 3 P. M, at Hart's Hall, Gates avenue and Broadway, ex-Assembly- man Barttey J. Wright will speak on "The .Qomper* Contempt Proceedings" and resolutions wilt be presented for | HU theme en Sunday adoption protesting against the recent | pany Keeping." decision of Federal Court Justice Wright. The Socialist Educational Club announce* at Its lecturer for to- morrow,, at 3 P. M.. at It* rooms, 635 Graham avenue, < near Engert street. Robert Baker, who will apeak on "The Battle for Freedom." The lecturer at the Worklngmen'a Educstlonal Club to-morrow, « P. M„ will be James F. Morton. Jr. His subject Is "The Nest Step In Social Evolution - Faith Chapel, 126 Neaeaa avenue. W. H. Crlddls. superintendent. Eve- ning service to-morrow at P. M. Kvsngeli«t Clifton will hold revival services at the Faith Chanel beginning to-morrow, and an March I, I. IA, ll, U, Meetmft every evening at 7:H. In the Second Unitarian Church, Clinton and Congress streets, the min- ister, the Rsv. Caleb fl. fl. Dntton, will SUi.dayHSclTOol Lessor First Quarter. March 7,1909. tOOPTKIOHT, DAVIS W. OUUUC> Lesson X. Acts viii. 26. Philip and the Ethiopian. The chariot ride toward Gaza la a scenic Incident. Here comes the glitter- ing cavalcade—the avant-courier with van and rear-guard and baggage-train. Center of it all is this elegant, embossed, Egyptian car. with its rider, so noble and pensive. In striking contrast to* this brave array is the solitary footman on the by-path that intersects the highway. If onf: could have a bird'a-eye view, he would see that the conjunction between the caravan and the single traveler is going to be accurate. It will occur just a.s the nobleman lays his finger upon that passage of the Old Testament which, more than any other, contains the heart of the New. How comes this dusky prince to be a proselyte? Perhaps some first- century' Rothschild, intent upon doing good as well as getting the highest pos- r'.ble rate of interest for his money, as he talked over bonds and consols with 'his treasurer in the far-away empire, coveted him for God. Or, t h e motivo may have been as evil as that which received Jesus' severest stricture. At all events, the genuineness of the conversion of the Numidian prince can not be discounted. It is evidenced by his long, expensive .and toilsome journey to the seat of his newly-espoused faith, and by his purchase and perusal of the Bible. To those who have, more shall be given. Philip's call away from Samaria is inexplicable to him. The revival is at its height. Who can shepherd the converts like himself? Then, too, ordered to a place where there are no people to preach to. Who can understand it? But the evangelist is the very incarnation of obedience. He stops not "to** reason why," rhuch less "to make reply." His compliance is instantaneous, implicit. He works with God. Who shall measure the results? Another Spirit-uttered order rings in his heart, "Go, join this chariot." It matters not that the rider Is evidently a prince and a foreigner. Philip is at the chariot-wheel in a moment. He uses a witty jingle of words to attract the reader's attention, and a moment later is seated beside him upon the gorgeous upholstery', while together they bend over the yellow scroll of the prophet. The upshot of It is that the "man of Ethiopia" is converted, and the evangelist finds that he was called trom a city to convert an empire. For that chariot is transmuted into a car of salvation. With its load, more precious han the ivory or gold of a continent, it rolled a thousand miles up the Nile Into the very heart of Nubia. The Teacher's Lantern. Are the Dead? gathered there, and who last Sunday spoke to a similarly large assembly In the largest auditorium at Wat.-f- bury. Conn., where standing room was at a premium, is to be h"re again to- morrow and 'conduct services in the Broolyn Tabernacle, Hicks street, near Fulton (the old Plymouth BeiJt*! of Henry Ward Beecher fame). At 11 o'clock Pastor Russell will preach on "Baptism from th« Bible Standpoint and Its Import." while at 3 P. M. the topic will be "In the Cross of Christ We Glory," based on the text found in Corinthians, I:IS: "The preaching of the cross Is to th«n that perish fool- ishness, but unto us that are saved it is the Power of God." At 7 o'clock In the evening there will be a praise service and half an hour later a ques- tion meeting, at which Bible inquiries from the public will he answered. The historical accuracy of the narrative has incidental proof in that we know from other sources that there were at this period many Jews in Ethiopia. Also, B. C. 22. a queen, called Candace, was forced by the prefect of Egypt to accept terms of peace. W W In the Mosaic ritual, the priest put a drop of blood on the tip of each horn of the altar. Incongruous, do you say? A horned altar, and blood on the •Think a moment. The altar stood four-square. A horn p o i n t e d t<> quarter of the globe. In th* language of the Lord's kindergarten. t« or * ! meant that the atonement was to be carried everywhere, bo Paul, later, i carried it northwest Into Asia Minor and beyond, and In this instance the j Ethiopian carried it southwest into Africa. W W ( The phenomenal nineteenth-century missionary movement is the perpetua- tion and extension of'Philip's work. It transmutes the chariots of commerce i.tto cars of salvation, and sends them rolling toward the hearts of continents^ . * * * # * A summer shower drove some pious students of Williams College to shelter of a haystack. One suggested prayer for the heathen world. From such an -vpnt rose the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Mission*. John Stewart, a wayfaring man. converted at Marietta, Ohio, felt prompted to start northward to tell some one of his conversion. He entered the reservation of the Wyandot Indians. The. tribe was converted. Fr#Jm"tbis circumstance rose the Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church. A pair of em- broidered slippers, admired by a native of rank In India, opened his house to the wife of a missionary, that she might teach his wives the art. Thus * woman's needle opened the zenanas. Does not the Providence which brought Philip and the eunuch together still order events for the spread of the cospel? W. C. T. U. NOTES. The Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Kings County is to hold a series of meetings under the leader- ship of Mrs. Mary Harris Armor, State president of Georgia W. C. T. U. The will he readv for oicu-I me * Un * s l0 be addressed by Mrs, Ar- ..v., JzU re y iT= mor will be as follows: Monday pancy within the next two weeks. I March 8 , 8 P. M„ Bedford Presbyter- Father Chidwick .the former naval ia n church. Nostrand avenue, chaplain, will lecture In St. Michael's Dean street; Tuesday, March 9, 8 P, Church on March 14. A sacred con-j M., Greenpoint Tabernacle, Manhat- tan avenue, corner Noble stnse*; Wednesday, March IS, IP.JL, Edgo- SUMMOXS NOTICES. C A S T O R I A flflslistlsSaCsstsa, Tht Klsd Yoa Haw Alwifi BMgkt cert will precede the lecture. Workmen are making great progress on the basement of the new Redemp-i torlst Church. Fifth avenue and Fifty- ninth street, and the new edifice is ex- pected to be ready for dedication at Easter. The new school of the Holy Family. on Thirteenth street. Is about ready for dedication. Another new church ready for blessing is that of St. Thomas at Forest Park South. In the Church of St. James, on Jay street, a solemn month's mind mass was offered up this morning for the re- pose of the soul of the late Father Mc- Keon. In the Church of St. Casimlr, on Greehe avenue, there will be a solemn observance of the titular feast to-mor- row by Father Malowskl. This Is the pioneer Polish parish, end Poles Tare expected to attend the service not only from Brooklyn but from outside the borough. Father Tork, pastor of St Patrick's Church at Huntington, has sailed for Europe, and will present Marchion*** McLaughlin to th* Pope. In the Church of Our Lady of An- gels, Fourth avenue and Seventy-fourth street, the Lenten service* for the week will Include a sermon at tha last mass on Sunday by Dr. Dovie on "The City of Confusion." At the vesper .iervlce in the evening a sermon by Father Gor- man, of St. John's Seminary. On Thursday evening a sermon by Father Walah. SJ.. of Brooklyn College. On Friday eventnfa lecture will be deliv- ered by Prof. Walsh of Fordham Uni- versity «i "Mow They Educated the Mind." In the Church of the Presentation on Uockaway avenue. Dr. Mennls, C.H, of Pt. John's College, will preach on Sun- day evening the second of his course of sermons on "Christian Marriage." will be "Com- At noon n««t Wednesday, Father Donnelly, of Centre Moriches, irtl de- liver a wrrrsTA In the Church of Our I/ady of Mercy on Sehermerhom strffi. His subject will he "Christ In tha Home,** Father Parker, S.P.M., the eloquent Father of Mercy, la preaching a course of Lenten sermon* in the Church of St. Hrlgid, on Linden street, on the Tit--- day evening* of Lent. Father O art land, of Union Hill. K J . la the preacher at th* Sunday evening I wood Reformed Church, Fifty-thltd street and Fourteenth avenue; Thurs- day, Mnroh 11, 8 P. M.: Hanson Place M. E. Church, corner St. Felix street; Friday, March 12, S P. M., Marcy Avfe- ttue Baptist Chnroh. corner Putnam raided la th« complaint.—Dated January 14. ISO*. WHtTMEt. H. SMITH, Attorney for Plain- tiff; OfOca ana l\ O. Addreaa, 315 Mon- tague street. Brooklyn. S. T. To defendant Jalla Knapp McCarthy: The foregoing summons la served upon you by publication puissant to an order of the Ho-, Edward B. Thomaa, a Justice of tne Supreme. Court of the State at Haw Tori, dated February nth. liWfl. and tiled oa February 13. ICOS. with a cosy of tna . amended complaint in tha offfc* of the corner | Cler* of tha County of Klasa In tha Hall of Records Is tbe Borough of Brooklyn, City .. iff New York, which amended complaint was originally filed la the office of tha rirrk at tha County of Kings en January 14, ISO*.—Dated BrooklvB. NT T., Feb. IS, 18**- _ Voura, e t c WHITMKt, H. SMITH. At tome*- for Plain- tiff; Office and P O. Addreaa, 215 Mon- tague street. Brooklyn. K. T. 2 1 J-S-« ^'PRJBMB COtTCT, KINO** COCNTT.— Julia M Dupell. plaintiff, against Syndicate --_ , *. w :. .» «. * w i Construction Company. Th* l*st*S Realty avenue; Sunday, March 14, 10:» A. M., tcompany. Jolhr, Knapp McCarthy.^ Wataon * Concord Baptist, Duffield Street, near i Pittingar' fa cor»erstien>. IforTts OoMman, Myrtle avenue; Sunday, March 14, 3:45 }*,"•*&£ Praaatoger. Brrro. a OotlBar. Rob- P. M., Hanson Place Bactist, comer of South Portland avenue; Sunday. March 14, 7:S0 P. M., Greenwood Bap- tist Church, Seventh avenue and Sl*tn street, Kings County W. C T. U. wUl bold its executive meeting March t at % P. M. in th* lecture room of the T. tL C. A.. Fulton and*Bond streets, Mr. Waterman win lead the meeting of the Mary Hartt Vnktn to-morrow at 4 I'. M. at 580 Gates avenue A newly organised !<oyal Temperance Legion ha* an unheard of aucces*. Last Tuesday evening the room? of thef Grernwood Heights Reformed Church were packed to the doors, when at the Invitation of the Sunset Park L. T. I* more than two hundred men, women an J children gathered to see the very fine' steredtttSeon views and listen to Mi of alcohol upon the human body, and of th? horror* of Intemperance gener •rt Ward. Herman Danker and Benny Jacob, Henrv >{. Maras. John F. Lawrence. Frances F. Riegm. J*an O. Amos and Mary B. Ouid. Charles A._Fuller, George M. Aeklom, Stuart old*. Floreaoa Wlsalow, tbe. nam* "Jatta" .laatag John" D. fictitious. BAsiey. defend- ant's real name being unknown to plaintiff, defendants-To, th* above named defendants and each of them: Tou are hereby summon- ed to answer tha complaint in this acton. and to serve a cony of your answer on tbe atalntlffa attorneys within twenty dava after the service of this lumwni, exclusive of the day of service; and In ease of your tall- er* to appear, or answer. Judgment will be taken against yoa by default tut th* relief demanded la the complaint.—Dated January Ilth. ISO*. PICKarrT * MnX.BR. Att*rn#ya for Plain- tiff, Offlee and P. O, Address. SIS Mon- taaae St . Brooklyn. N T. T» Julia Knapp McCarthy: Th* forego- lag summons la served apon you by publica- tion pursuant to an order of tha Hen, Ed- ward B Thomas, a Justice of ths Supreme Court »f the Stat* of Mew Tork. dated February llth. ISO*, and filed on Febru- ary tSlh, 1*0*. with * copy of th* complaint in the office of the Clark^of th* County of ^ ^ ^ ^ _ ^ , Klnga Js th* Hall of Retorts In the Borough - K_ C R s v Meak unon th«» effect« ' °* Bruolstfn, Ctty of New Tork. which «ni- '.*"-.' •ZZ2L w ¥z?\} l ?¥l ,n * i ** T * cl! * plaint was originally filed In th* office of ------- of King* on Janu- ^. .. * lya. S. T.. Feb rusry l*rt*j, !*•*, ToOre, sea, PICKETT * Mtt.UER Attorneys for Plain tiff. Office and P. o Addreaa 3)6 Men tagw* St.. Brooklyn, N. T. 2-13-a-s SOdMONS NOTICES. 67'woodrno.i.ali Wf fjflbart. Oeorge R**^4& l ?* 4 f&— B * leo * **" Ior ** »«a»b*r SUPREME COCRT, COUXTT OF KINGS. —John Park Robinson, plaintiff, against Samuel Horowitz. Roale Horowitz. Emma E. f 'etit. William W. Thomas, Chart** K. uckley. Jacob Lavingson, Jacob Schwartz. Malachv Schwartz, Jacob Grossman, Annie Grossman, Morris Kronenberg, Reberra Kronenberg. Forrest 8. Chilton, Mendel Gel- fond, '"Mary" Gelfond, wife of Mendel Gal- fond, the said name "Mary" being fictitious. tbe true Christian name of tha defendant being unknown to plaintiff; City of New York, Gustav Radar Company, Hy-man Bar- Isb. Morris Posner. Crescent Chemical Man- ufacturing Company. Ctaudl.. Goon aa true- tee in bankruptcy of the W, J. Schmidt as Co ; KHas N. Pitser. Rubin Muslcont, Samuel Cantor. Isldor Braverman. J. C Turner Lumbar Co., Gabriel Isaacs, David Isaacs, Carlo Rosea, Anna Rosea, Morris Slegel, Esther Sieget, Bfrmim Carotes, Max Wil- liams Mary K McConneii. Sam Cohen, Isldor Schwartz. Jacob Goldstein, Sam Olatetn, Ahy Sakrai*. David Nowak. Morris Durotf, Ell Sikal. Haskel Schwartz, defendants—To th* above named defendants and each of them: Tou are hereby summoned to answer th* complaint ia this action, and to serve a copy of your answer on the Plaintiffs Attorney* within twenty days after th* aervice of tbi* summons, exclusive of the day of service; and In case of your failure to appose, or answer. Judgment will be taken against yen by default for th* relief demanded Is th* mplalnt—Dated. New Tork, Frances E. WlDard Union win hold a gospel temperance meeting to-morrow at 4 P. X., T. S, QreawoM. leader, chil- dren'* meeting every Wednecday at J » 1*. M i the Clark of tb* County ary llth, IsO*.-—Dated Brooklyn, COt'NTT COURT. KINGS COCNTT. John E Andrua. plaintiff, against Charles Bucaoaam and MM. Charles Buchbaum. hi* wife. If any. Philip Oreetitwrg, Herman Ros- eiiihal Sidn*y H. Resjoathal, Leon Pruslln. Kslmao Aitman, Frank Nudslman. Samuel S K«san Herman Berner. Samuel Solomon. Hvman Treedmaa, Max Mliiman. or Max nil'man rauiino Cehea. Henry Davidasn. David Strauss. Iseas H. Radford, L, 1. Ess WILLIAMS, FOLSOM A STROU8E, Attor- neys for Plaintiff: Office A Post Office Address, 111 Nassau "freet. Borough of Manhattan, New Tork CWy, To tbe defendants Jacob Goldstein, Jacob Levlngsost Carlo Ross*. Anna Rosea. Mortis sieges. Father Siege!, Mendel Gelfond, "Mary" Gelfond. wife of Mendel Gelfond, th* said name "Mary" being fictitious, tha true Christian name of defendant being un- known to plaintiff. Sam Olatetn and Mary McConBelt: Tbe foregoing summons la served upon you by publication and pursu- ant t* an order of Hon, Edward B. Thomaa. one of tbe Justice* of the Supreme Court of the State of New Tork, dated th* sth day of February, IMS. and filed with tb* complaint in the office of the Clerk of King* County at tb* County Court House, In ihe Borough of Brooklyn, Ctty of New Tork. count v of Klnga and State of New Tork, en the Sth day of February, ISO*—Dated, New Tork, February «, IPOT WILLIAMS, FOLSOM * STROCBE. Attor. neya for Plaintiff; Office A Post Office Address, lit Nassau street. New' Tork Ctty. *•-«-*.• preach to-rnotrew morning; subject, •Th* Otwfi IHrwer of J*o*f.** The special Wednesday evening gorrtces wtll be continued until April 7. They are conducted by th* minister, who IF YOU UK k TWFIE SENSITIVE Mrs. Helen t., Bullock, national or- ganiser and national superintendent of the department of mothers' meeting* for National Woman's Christian Tem- perance Union*. Will speak under the auspice* of the flatbush Union at the Flatbush <'on«TT*jgatlo»al Church, cor- ner of Bast Eighteenth street and Dor- ehestr-r road, Sunday evening, March 14, H«r topic wfll be "Voices." sagM^ I Will llllllMWasgBzg-je-13a*saE» si MMOX8 NOTH K8. "st-PRKSIR COURT. KINGS COUNTY. — !*•—-••• U l.vnch, ptaiatlff, against Syadl- i ess*. Conatrwetlea Compaay, Tb* Lotus October 27th. ISO*. __ __ Rea'tr i-imr'W, Julia K. McCarthy. Watson EDWIN KEMrTON Plaintiff t Attcrnei ; I * PHiimter. a domeatie corporation Morris office and Pest Office Address, <TS R#m- (ioldmaii, Austin B, Preaalnger. Michael sen street. Brooklyn. N*» Tork City u«iW. also krwwn as *Wk* Boal, Brvla R. To the ostondanls Charles Buchbaum and fi.v o«-r Aimi* Guides*, composing the firm Mr*. Charles Boehhaum, hla wife. If any: I of lalvero. Guldera A Company Robert Samuel Solomon Hyman Freedmaa, Pauline i Wa'rt Herman Denker, sjMany Jacob. Orrla | Cohen and Isaac H Radferd: The foregoing FORECLOSUItEaV COCNTT COURT. KINC.B fX>TJ?r*rT— George Cooper, plslntlff. against Morris Manson, and others, defendants.—In pur- suance of a Judgment of foreclosure and aale duty made and entered In the abore-entttlect i action, and bearing date the llth day of J February, I BOB, I. the undersigned, the ref- i eree in aald judgment named, win sell at i public auction to the highest bidder, hy [William H. Smith, auctioneer, at the Brook. Ilyn Real Kstate Ifttcbange, No, 1«|» Montagu* _ .. „ -_ I street. In the Borough of Brooklyn, County .off Real Estate Company, M*sw«ll B. j of Kings, on th* llth day of Mareh, ISO* -* Mannes Jacob Wolf snrt Arm** Wolf, bfs wife,* Albert W Brown. Hagj-O. Currajfi, defendants Actio No. 3 Summons. - T.i th* above named defendante and eaeh of ihsm You* are hereby summoned to answer the e*a»pl*int m this action, and to s#f*e a cony of your answer on the Planttlfr* Attor- ney within twenty days after tbe service of this aummona. exclusive of th* day of ser- vice, and i* case of your failure to appear, or answer. Judgment will b* taken against i you by default, for th* relief demanded in the complaint—Dated Broohlya, N. T. City. Bird, "William Trelour, Jt Q. Krake. A, A. Surer Christine Bonher, g. F, I.ySter, B. O. _. —«. _ g i^_^^B^^_^ K L«rT - smith! ".iohn" Ourd, "•dward" «*ow, th* About th* Ma* #c »«ar shoes It's i*t«e satis- i :,,, ntn * defendants being tenant*, defend- fscttsn to kaaw that many people ran «-e»r : ..,,« Amended summons—To th* abov* shnea a sue smaller by sprinkling Allen's ..^med defendants an* eaeh of them: You Foot-sjas* late thesa. Just th* thins f.>t •'• ~. T * berebv summoned to answer the amend, liaacing Cerise*. I*al»at Leather Shoei! ar.i ,,t , omoialnt In thla actio*, and to str** a for breaking In New*. Whoa rubbers j ro py of your answer on tb* Plaintiffs At- or overshoe* ***£*•*• nsejuary and v.... ,,„ B wl-hin twenty days after the service shoes »meh, _AU*sya s*wSMtsam gtraa Instant ; o( lh !s summons, exclusive of th* day of ??:L- 9M Z£*V 1 ld!!*J l &- wasBpeaFRKK lUrvice. and in case of your fallal* I* Addreaa, Alien ft OlaSSta*. l a K o x N. T J r , r or answer, Jud.. n***| swept •*» st** w * l Kslnst v«i by dtrfauh of gear failure to ap- isment wtll b* taken tilt for th* relief «* r*g* of 1 summens la served upon you and eaeh ol y#* ov publication, pursuant to an erd»r made bv Hon Lewis L Fawcetl, »n* of in* County Judges of Kins* County, dated tte twenty- nf»* day of February. ISO*, and flled ia the ..fflc* of th* Cl*r» *f th* County of Kings ,m th**t»*nty-«tsth day of February. 1*0*, ith th* complaint, and you will farther take notice that the Suntmona and Com - , Rro*kf y r lnt in the *b*v*-*ntliled action were filed lya, N the office of the Clsrk of the County of Kings on the 2Tt " - - - f-St-dd twelve o'clock noon, tbe premises directed by said Judgment to be sold, and therein described a* follows: All that certain lot piece er parcel of land, with tb* building and Improvements thereon erected, situate, lying sod being In th* liorougb of Brooklyn of the City of New Tork, County of King* and state of New Tork, bounded and eie- acrlbed aa follows, to wit: Beginning at m point on the southerly eldo of Melrose atrset distant four hundred fifty f4SO*i feet east- erly from th* corner formed by the Inter- section of tbe southerly side Of M»lr,»e* street with th* easterty side of KjsiokSF- bocker avenue, running thence southerly parallel with Knickerbocker avenue and part of ths distance through a party wall to th* center tht* of the block between Metros* and Jefferson streets one' hundred riOo*) feet: thetie* easterly along said center tin* of the block and parallel with Melrose street twenty-ftv* <»'> feet: thence northerly' again parallel with Knickerbocker arena* one hundred (lofvi feet to the southerly eld* of Melrose street sssrt thence westerly al.»ng th* southerly aid* of Meime* street twenty- five r'V* feet to the point or pis*** of be- ginning Said premises being also known " « 4 Mel and by No^ irose street Ctty of New York "•»% Uth. ion* IAM I.IKBBRMANM Borons Dated Ilr h of rook- the Tlerk of t h. County of WILLIAM l.tBBERMANW. R*f*r*a. *• ' e f . w ^ ^ s i M ' i V r ^ N 1 ' A ni." •*« H, ..e T a?£kho.m r ..K:,"gwtV*2?! ^•.^ntirrTOora,, K»SZ.?Z " T t ~ ,lh0,m •"•*•«' ,?ipf%' s^ataae- •f Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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Page 1: Tg»DAILY STANDARD UNION: mOOBSXX. SATURDAY. … 14/Brooklyn NY Standard...Lewis Clark, D.D.. will preach in the morning at 10:30 o'clock on "A Living Sacrifice,


B A P T I S T . |

Baptist T e m p l e , Third avenue and Kc.hermcrhorn street . The pastor, the l lcv . Dr. Cort land Myers, will p r e i c h t o - m o r r o w e v e n i n g t h e first of a aortas of four s e r m o n s especial ly to womt.n. T h e topic wil l b e ^ T h e Modern Btre.' Succeed ing t h e m e s wil l be "The Mod­ern Hehecca ," "The Modern Del i lah" a n d "The M o d e r n Ruth ."

Calvary, F o u r t h avenue and F o u r ­teenth s t r e e t Morning service to ­morrow a t 10:80 o'clock. Fo l lowing the m o r n i n g serv ice the hand of c h u r c h f e l l o w s h i p will be extended to n e w m e m b e r s and the ord inance ' of the Lord's Supper w i n be observed; E v e n ­ing service a t 7:45 o'clock, fol lowed fry bapt i sm. P r e a c h i n g by the Rev . fir. H . Al len Tupper , pastor. On Monday evening , March 8, an i l lustrated l ec ­ture wil l be g i v e n in the chapel . <m "The S e a B e a c h at Low Tide," by J o h n J. Schoonover , M.A.

Calvrtry, F i f ty - s eventh street and Sixth avenue, Manhattan. "The Soul's Ooal" will be Dr. Robert Stuart Mac-Arthur's morning theme, and in' the even ing the topic for pre-: i-ntation by the composite preaching of pulpit, organ, soloists, 100-volced <holr and congregat ion, the new type of popular e v e n i n g service prepared by I>r. MacArthur and Prof. Bowman, wil l b e "Christ, t h e Good Shepherd." In h i s Current E v e n t s Class a t 10:80 Dr. MacArthur wi l l speak on "Theodore lio.iseveit'a Wonderful Administration."

H a n s o n Place , corner of South P o r t ­land avenue . T h e pastor, the Rev . W . M. Vines, D.D. , wil l preach a t the morn­ing hour on "Malachl's Message to the Church To-day.V The ordinance of the Lord's Supper wil l b e observed a t th i s service . A t 7:46 P . M., Lleut.-Col. Alex. M. D a m o n wil l deliver his lecture "In Darkest America," Illustrated with 125 stereoptlcon v i e w s and songs. The S u n ­day school will m e e t at 2:30 P. M., w i t h s u p e r i n t e n d e n t Harvey O. Dobson in charge. ,


Pilgrim Chapel, Henry and D e g r a w streets . Bible school at 2:45 to-morrow, Chlrstian Endeavor at 7 and evening service, with sermon by the pastor, the Rev. Charles M. Calderwood, a t 7:45.

Tompkins Avenue . To-morrow Dr. W a t e r s wil l preach at both services . I n the e v e n i n g he wil l preach the second sermon In his series, "Earnest W o r d s to Earnes t People ," with the special topic, "F ind ing Goodness Where It Is Leas t Expected ." Men's Class at close of morning service , under leadership of J. C. Oswald; subject, "Foundation of a World Parl iament ." Open parlia­ment for men a t 3 o'clock In the par­lors. J. W. Copman will deliver an ad­dress on "The Progress of Civil isation in the Orient." * Wednesday night at 8 o'clock, the Lenten literary lectures and organ recitals will be continued. Dr. Waters ' subjec t will be "Tennyson." and Mr. E ddy ' s programme, which lasts from 8 t o 8:20, will be In accord with the subject .

B u s h w l c k A v e n u e , corner Cornel ia street. T h e pastor , the Rev. J o h n Lewis Clark, D .D . . will preach in the m o r n i n g at 10:30 o'clock on "A Living Sacr i f i ce , ' and at 7:30 P. M. on "St. J a m e s , " In t h e ser ies "New Tes ta ­m e n t Wri ters ." Monday evening, m o n t h l y teachers ' meet ing and social it the h o m e of Mr. and Mrs. Wi l l iam .•hell, 34 Corne l ia street. Busi iwl i i*

Congregat ional L e a g u e week ly co t tage prayer m e e t i n g , Tuesday evening, at 48 Eldert s treet , the home of Mr. a n d Mrs. Wi l l i am N a g e l . On Wednesday even ing the Men' s Club will be a d ­dressed by E d w i n R. Jones, v ice-pres i ­dent of the Uni ted Men's Clubs of Brooklyn , P r o t e s t a n t Episcopal , T h u r s ­d a y e v e n i n g unton mee t ing of i n ­t ermedia te Christ ian Endeavor So ­ciet ies of the S i x t h District.

Church o f t h e Pi lgr ims , corner of Henry and R e m s e n streets. The p a s ­tor, the Rev . Marlon L e R o y Burton, Ph .D. , will p r e a c h to -morrow at ,11 A. M.. u p o n t h e subject , "Devot ion to Christ." At 4:30 In the afternoon, c o n ­ducted by t h e pastor, will occur the c o m m u n i o n serv ice , with reception of new m e m b e r s , in the even ing at 8 o'clock, first s erv ice In a n e w fea ture of the c h u r c h ' s work. Hereto fore there h a s b e e n no evening service upon c o m m u n i o n Sundays, but h e r e ­after, under t h e auspices of the Men's Club, there wi l l be a service, as usual , at 8 o'clock on communion Sundays , addressed by prominent speakers of the country . J u d g e Robert J. Wi lk in will speak t o - m o r r o w night u p o n t h e "Work of Our Children's C o u r t " Dr. Burton has jus t issued a leaf let d e ­script ive of t h e Lenten services . On Sabbath m o r n i n g s the general t h e m e is "Christ." On Sabbath even ings t h e general t h e m e Is "The Holy Spirit ," and at the m i d - w e e k service the g e n ­eral t h e m e is "St. John's Portraya l of the Last D a y , " the mee t ings be ing based upon J o h n 14-17. D u r i n g H o l y W e e k t h e r e wil l be a series of m e e t ­ings from 5 t o n In the af ternoon, a d - ! dressed by Drs . Boynton, Cadmati . Water? and L y m a n . The m i d - w e e k sri-' i>••• on March IT will be addressed by the Rev . Dr. Hll l ls .

Central. Hancock street , near Bed­ford avenue . Dr. Cadman wilt preach In the morning a t 10:45 upon "A P l a i n Man and H i s Bible." In the e v e n i n g iii" choir will g ive its usual monthly praise service, and there will be a n a d ­dress by the pastor upon "A P l e a for Books." T u e s d a y . 6:30 P. M., the men** annual dinner will be held In the lower rooms of the chapeL The Rev . Dr . Fosdlck and the Rev. Dr. Leroy B u r ­ton, pastor of the Church of the P i l ­grims, will be the principal speakers . Addresses wil l a lso be made by the president of the Men's Union, Al fred E. Vass , the pastor and others. W e d ­nesday, 8:15 P. M., the regular month­ly meet ing of the Central League will be held. A concert will b* given under the direction* of Frederick Preston. r .

Flat hush. Dorchester road and E a s t Eighteenth s t r e e t The pastor, the R e v , I > w l s T. Reed; will preach In the morn­ing at 10:45. Sermon Subject, "N*lco-demus' Denial by Equivalents ."- Music by quartet a n d chorus .under the direc­tion o f Wi l l iam Edward Taylor, 'ehorN master. At noon the Men's Class will consider the subject of "Garden Cities and Model Vi l lage as a Remedy for Congest ion," In the even ing a t 8 o'clock Mr. Reed will begin a series of addresses on "Rational Living," a t ­tempt ing to show how psychology, by Its d iscover ies of the methods of opera­tion of the mind, has given us both en­couragement and warnings. The first address will be on "Habi t ' '

Clinton A v e n u e . To-morrow the Rev . Dr, Boynton will preach at both serv­ice*. The morn ing subjec t will be "See,-ing Jesus ," and In the evening "The U n -hast lng Bel iever," At the- midweek service, on Wednesday evening, there will be a conference upon "My Early Rel igious Training."

South, Court and President street , the Rev, Dr. L y m a n and Rev. Boyd Ed­ward* pastors . Morning service a t It A, M. will be the sacrament service, wl ih reception of members. The even­ing service a t 7:S0 will be of praise and song. The fol lowing special features tire announced for the Lenten t ime: For the m i d w e e k (Wednesday) service* the general t h e m e will be "Christian Rela­t ionships ," The addresses will be made

- alternately by the pastor* on tha themes , "Christ and His Heavenly F a ­ther," "Christ and Hla Friends ." "Christ's Fr iend* a Community ," "Christ's Fr iends and HI* Kingdom." The Women'a chapel service, a lso In

— 8 — - Jg-ggggMSBjasssg

charge of the pastors, will consider t h t Women of the gospe ls a t 8:80 P. M. Thursday. • f 7 «

M E T H O D I S T , E P I S C O P A L •

W a r r e n Street, the R*v. Dr. A. W , Byrt and the Rev . John B. Zelter, p a s ­tors. To-morrow Mr. Zelter wilt preach both mornlpg a n d evening . Dr. B y r t will preach in the morning at t h * F i r s t Place M. E. Church and at n ight a t the South Second Street M. E. Church.

Grace ( B a y Ridge) . Fourth a n d Ovlngton avenues . Sacrament of B a p ­tism, Lord's Supper, reception of m e m ­bers and address by the paator, the Rev. Dr. George Adams, a t 10:80 In the morning. In the evening at 7:80 m e m o ­rial service for the' lata Dr. Theodora L. Cuyler.

Jane*, Reld . avenue and Monroe street. In the morning Holy C o m ­munion and reception of member*. I n the e v e n i n g the pastor, the Rev . R o b ­ert Bagnell , D.D., will preach o n "Rea­soning Together With God." The e v e n ­ing service will be the regular month ly musical service. The choirj with Dr. Browne at the organ, will render spe­cial numbers . On Monday evening the Epworth League will hold. It* regular monthly business meet ing* in the par­lor. The Men's L e a g u e wtll meet T u e s ­day even ing and will be addressed by Dr. E . S. Lewie . . a s s i s t a n t editor of Sunday school l i terature. - On T h u r s ­day even ing the choir wil l g ive a con­cert in the auditorium.

York Street, the Rev . E . Cunningham, paator. Morning aervlc* a t 10:80 A. M , Holy Communion; even ing aervice a t 7:30 P. M., pastor's topic, "Dal ly Bread."

D e K a l b Avenue , t h a R e v . Dr. W. W . W. Wilson, pastor. T h e s a c r a m e n t s of the Lord's Supper a n d B a p t i s m wil l be adminis tered a n d n e w m e m b e r s wi l l be received t o - m o r r o w morning , and at n ight the paator wil l preach o n "Prevai l ing Prayer ," another L e n t e n subject , h a v i n g preached on " F a s t i n g " the preced ing Sabbath . Sunday schoo l at 2:30 P. M.; E p w o r t h L e a g u e m e e t ­ing at 6:30 P . M.; subject , ' 'The Soul ' s B r e a d ; " t h e Rev . C. P. Corner, l eader . Mid-week prayer m e e t i n g W e d n e s d a y n ight and c lasses Sunday m o r n i n g , Tuesday, and Fr iday night3.

Epworth , D e K a l b avenue. Dr. J. S. Chadwlck, Pres id ing Elder of t h e Brooklyn North District , will preach to-morrow morning and dedicate t h e pipe organ recently Installed.

Fenlmore Street. To-morrow at 10:30 communion will be adminis tered a n d n e w members will be received. Mr. O s m u n will g ive a brief address. E v e n ­ing service at 7:45, w i t h special mus ic by the quartet. The first of a ser ie s of sermons will be g i v e n on "The L l fa Beyond the Grave," the special t h e m e being "The Certainty of the Life B e ­yond." Official board meets Monday at 8 P. M. Girls' Sunshine Society pre­sents "The Bilberry Boy" on F r i d a y even ing at 8 o'clock.

P R E S B Y T E R I A N .

L**M*f}a preacher next W e d n e s d a y • v a n -In* wil l be the Rev. Arthur B. H o w a r d . T h e confirmation c | a » s a n d the Men'a Club will meet on Thursday e v e n i n g .

St . Ann's on the He ights , Clinton, corner Livingston streets, the R*v, C. CapiPhell Walker, rector. Services to ­morrow, a s follows: 8 A. If., ho ly c o m ­munion; 11 A. M., Litany, sermon and holy communion; 8 P. M., even ing prayer and sermon. T h o rector will preach In the morning, and a t I P . M. wil l preach the first of the Lenten course' Of sermons on "Tha Croaa of J e ­s u s . " Special music will be rendered a t th i s aervice by cello, harp a n d or­gan--*!'. F . Helnroth, cello; Miss Anto -nla Griffin, harp; Wil l iam A. Qolda-worthy , organ. Organ, harp and cello recital a t the close of service . Dally Lenten services, 8 A. M. and 5 P. M. F r t * organ recital Friday at 4 P . M.

Church of the Holy Trinity. To-mor­row, celebration of the holy c o m m u n ­ion a t 8:80 A. M., with short address . Morn ing prayer, sermon and second celebrat ion at 11, when the ReY. J. H o w a r d Melish will preach, a n d e v e n ­i n g prayer and sermon by the Rev. Clifton H. Brewer at 8. There wil l be the usua l noonday services next week, wi th short addresses by the fol lowing preachers , dally 12:00 to 12:30: Monday, the Kev . Charles C. Harriman. rector Of S t Ann's Church, Morrisanla, N. Y.; T u e s d a y , the Rev . Wllford L. Bobbins, D e a n of the General Theological Sem­inary, N e w York; Wednesday, the Rev. T h o m a s J. Lacey rector Church of the Redeemer; Thursday, the Rev. Camp­bell C. Walker, rector St. Ann's Church, and Friday, the Rev. H u g h Birchhead, rector St. George's Church, Manhattan. There will a l so be a -daily service in t h i s church a t 5 o'clock, and on Wed­n e s d a y n i g h t s - a t 8. Monday evenings dur ing March there wil l be organ re­c i ta l s at 8 o'clock by one of the organ­i s t s of the church. N e x t Monday Sam­uel A. Baldwin will g i v e t h e recital.

Church of the Nat iv i ty , Keni lworth place, near Avenue F and Flatbush avenue . The Rev. A n d r e w Fleming, rector, wil l preach at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. to-morrow. The holy communion will be celebrated at the morning ser­vice. The special preacher on Thursday evening . March 11. wil l be the Rev. Wlnf ie ld S. Baer. rector o f St. George's Church.

Christ Church, Bedford avenue . The preacher a t 11 A. M. will be the Rev. Wi l l i am Sheafe Chase, and at the e v e n i n g at 7:45 tho Rev . Spencer S. Roche, D.D., rector of St. Mark's Church, on Adelphl street, The preacher on Wednesday night wil l be the Rev. W . S. Baer, of St. George's Church. A t the service a t 5 P . M. on Monday the Rov. R. H. Scott will g ive the sec­ond of the series of sermons upon "Evolut ion and the Bible ," h a v i n g for his topic, "The Doctrine of Sin." On Tuesday , a t 5 P. M., the R e v . Wi l l iam Sheafe Chase wil l g ive the second of the series of sermons upon "Religion a n d Health," h a v i n g for his topic, " H o w to Overcome the F e a r that B r i n g s Disease." On Thursday, a t 5 P . M., the sermon by Canon Chase will be on "What Do the Var ious Part* of tha Church Building Mean?" On Sat­urday, a t 5 P. M., hfe wil l g ive a talk i l lustrated by the stereoptlcon, on "The Prodigal Son."




PEMMSYLVAHIAR.R. L e a v e N e w York

March 9, 1909

Round $ 5 0 Tri' SPECIAL PULUAN TRAIN For particular! consult C. Studda, E. P. A

203 Fifth Avenue, New York Ctty.

Classon Avenue. To-morrow In the absence of Dr. Burrell, the morn ing a n d evening services wil l be conducted by the Rev. George Wi l l i am Knox . D .D. , LL.D. , formerly professor In the I m ­perial Univers i ty of Toklo, n o w pro­fessor of phi losophy of religion In U n i o n Theological Seminary. N e w York. Dr. Knox Is the author of several Impor­tant works and has been decorated l a t e ­ly b y the Emperor of Japan. T h u r s ­day night, ladles' n ight of the Men's League. Dr. R a m o n R e y e s La la . of aMnlla, will g ive a stereoptlcon lecture on the Phil ippines.

Lafayet te Avenue. The Rev . Cleland B. McAfee, D.D. , wi l l preach in t h e morning on "The L i f e and Character of Dr; Cuyler," and the h y m n s will .all be old favori tes of his . In t h e e v e n ­ing the Rev . Al lyn K. Foster , M . A , wil l preach.

Bedford. Nos trand avenue and D e a n street. "Blessed I s Pain , or the M i s ­sion of Suffering," wi l l be the R e v . Dr. E. E d w a r d Young's s u b j e c t t o - m o r r o w , a t 10:46 A. M. and h i s e v e n i n g s u b ­ject, a t 7:46 o'clock, will be " H o w t o Live Perfect ly One Day ." The Men's Club of the church will hold Its mock trial on W e d n e s d a y evening a t 8 o'clock. At torney L lewe l lyn A . W r a y presiding a s Judge, and Prof. E . W . Falr ley and Chester D Griesemer b e ­ing chief at torneys . "The- Bible Men and W o m e n Adapted to the T w e n t i e t h Century" i s the subject of the n e w s e ­ries of the Fr iday n ight Bibl* s tud ies conducted by the pastor-

F i r s t Henry street near Clark. Ser ­vice to-morrow, w i t h preaching b y the Rev . Dr. L Mason Clarke, minister , a t 11 A, M. and 4 P. M. The theme of the afternoon sermon will be th« third s tudy In "What I Bel ieve." "What I Be l ieve? Jesus ." T h * men's a s s o c i a ­tion of the church wi l l meet in the upper conference room on T u e s d a y evening at 8 o'clock. Dr. Clarke wil l lead. Midweek service. In the lecture room on W e d n e s d a y evening a t 8 o'clock. Dr. Clarke" wi l l be In charge-Subject , "Jesus a t the F e a s t of the Tabernacle*," *

Wel l* Memorial , - Fos t er avenue a n d E a s t Thirteenth s treet . The paator. the Rev . Wil l iam Bishop Gates , wi l l preach- morning and evening. In the morning h i s subject wil l be "A K e r ­nel of Life," and in tha e v e n i n g wi l l be g iven the fourth In a . ser ies of s tore -optlcon sermons, wh ich cont inue u p to E a s t e r t ime. • On Friday, March 12, tho anniversary of th* great b l l s sard Of IMS will be a s trawberry fest ival In tha church. The n e w officers of th* Christ ian E n d e a v o r Boeiety h a v e Just bean elected and wllLtee Installed morrow evening . Currey: V i c e - P r e s i d e n t Langenbacher; Correapoi tary. Miss R o s e K o c h ; EC retary.MJss Helen Polhemua; Treasurer , George Langenbacher . L a s t w e e k t h * pastor declined a call to the a s s i s t a n t pastorate of ops of the largest churches In N e w Jersey.

P R O T E S T A N T E P I S C O P A L .

St. James , L a f a y e t t e avenue , corner S t J a m e s place. T h e rector, the R e v . Charles W. N e u m a n n , will' preach a t the morn ing service, and In the e v e n -Ing the Rev. George T h o m a s Dowl lng . D.D. , formerly rector o f St. J a m e s , wil l preach- Dal ly Lenten services are be ing held* in th i s church at 5 o'clock, and every W e d n e s d a y noonday service for s tudents and dtho/s , beginning at 13:30 and ending promptly at 11:80. On W e d n e s d a y of this week the apeeker Wlil be the Rev . -Spencer 8, Roche , D.D. , rector-of St. Mark's Church.

Church Of S t Matthew. McDonough street and Tompkins avenue, the Rev . Frederic W . Norrfa rector. The service to-morrow morning a t 11 o'clock will Include a celebration mt holy c o m m u n ­ion, the Li tany "«d a sermon by the rector. At 7:80 o'clock there Will he s o evening prayer<aj*rvIce, with a sermon by the Rev. Samuel H. Job* o n the "Academic and Legal Healer ." This la the fifth In the ser ies which Is be ing given by this c l ergyman each S u n d a y evening. At I A. M. there will a l so be a ce lebrat ion of ho ly communion.

Dur ing Lent the fol lowing w e e k d a y evening prayer services are he ld: On Tuesday at 4, Wednesday at I. T h u r s ­day at 4 and Fr iday s t 8 p . M

Calvary, Bushwiek avenue, be low Gates, the Rsv . .John w i u i a m s rector , serv ice* to-morrow: 8 A u.. holy c o m ­munion; 10:41 A M . holy c o m m u n i o n and sermon by the pastor: 2:45 P. M . Sunday •chool; 7 * « P. M.. e v e n i n g prayer and sermon by th* R e v T h o m a s Davlea, of Manhattan T h e special


preaches a short sermon, the general subject being "The Spiritual Life." The special subject announced for next Wednesday e v e n i n g is " 'Watch, As God's Athlete.' " The Wordsworth Club, composed of young people con­nected with the church, will have a meet ing on Monday e v e n i n g at the home of the minister . The subject to be considered Is "The Problem of Be­ing."

The services a t the Moravian Church. Jay street , near Myrt le avenue, the Rev. Paul M. Orelder, pastor, will be as fol lows to-morrow: 10:45 A. M., Lenten l i tany and sermon; subject, "Self Sacrifice," fol lowed by the Lord's Supper. 2:30 P. M., Sunday school; 8 P. M., gospel service . Every d a y at 4:30 P. M., prayer service. Friday, 8 P. M., Christian Endeavor and Sunday-school lesson s tudy,

At the Welcome Primit ive Methodist Church, c l a s s o n avenue, near Lafay ­ette avenue, the pastor, the Rev. John J. Loekett. will preach to-morrow at 10:45 A. M. on "Uncerta inty and Op­portunity," and at 7:45 P. M., on "With Long Life Will I B les s Thee," in m e m ­ory of the Rev. Dr. Cuyler. At a pub­lic meeting at 2:30 P. M.. at which dis­cussion is al lowed, Thomaa W. Leon­ard will speak on "Causes of Political Corruption." Alderman Daniel R. Cole­man will preside.

The Rev. A. B. Hubley, of Montreal, Canada, wil preach to-morrow In the Reformed Episcopal Church of the Reconciliation, Nostrand and Jefferson avenues .

Church of the N e w Jerusalem, Mon­roe Place and Clark street. Services at 10:45 A. M. to-morrow. The Rev. Arthur Mercer will preach. Subject, "A Hard Road to Happiness ." Free li­brary and reading room, 98 South El ­liott place.

N e w Thought services in Aurora Grata Cathedral a t 3:30 P. M. Caroline S. F. March, speaker.

Holy Communion will be celebrated and new members received in the Si-loam Presbyter ian congregation to-mor­row at 3 P. M., In the auditorium of the A. M. E . Z. Memorial Church. Bridge street, between Wil loughby street and Myrtle avenue.

eervlce during; Lent i n the Church of' Our I>ady of Lourdes , Broadway and Aberdeen s t r e t

In the Church of S t John the B a p ­tist, Lewis and Wi l l oughby avenues , the fol lowing sermons will be delivered during tho week: A t the last m a s s on Sunday "Confirmation," by Father Judgf, C.M.; a t the v e s p e r service, the sermon will be on "Impurity," delivered

j by a vis i t ing miss ionary; on Tuesday ; evening, the sermon will be "Our j Faith and I t s Pract ices ," by Dr. Men-

nls, C M . On Sunday evening . In the Church of

the Visitation on Richards street, the second of the ser ies of sermons on "Christian Marriage" wil l be preached. f>n Wednesday e v e n i n g tire, preacher will b«< the Rev. John Wilson, of St. Patrick's.

The Paul ls t F a t h e r s , under the di­rection of F a t h e r C o n w a y , C.S.P., will •<;.!. a four week*' miss ion in the Church of St. A u g u s t i n e , on Sixth avenue, at the last m a s s to-morrow. The services dur ing the c o m i n g w e e k !

will be for the m a r r i e d women . The Fathers of the Prec ious Blood

will open a two w e e k s ' mission on March 21 In the C h u r c h of St. Boniface on Duffield street. T h e first week the services will be c o n d u c t e d in the Ger­man tongue and the second week will be devoted to the E n g l i s h - s p e a k i n g members of the c o n g r e g a t i o n .

On Sunday af ternoon the Vincent ian Fathers will conc lude the mission for the married w o m e n of the Church of St. Vincent de Pau l on North S ixth street, in the even ing t h e y will open a mission for the s ingle w o m e n of the parish.

The Ladies ' Auxi l iary of the St. V i n ­cent de Paul Society will hold Its a n ­nual retreat at the Convent of the French Nurs ing Sisters, on H e n r y street, during the c o m i n g week. It will be conducted by Dr. McGlnnis, president of the Internat ional Cathol ic Truth Society.


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Pas tor C. T. Russe l l , who S u n d a y before last attracted a larger aud ience to the Brooklyn A c a d e m y of Music by his f a m o u s d i scourse on "Where

Cathol ic l^eu)s To-morrow is tho j>-cond Sunday of

Lent . The F o r t y Hours* Devotion Is scheduled to t a k e place in the Church of St. Vincent de Paul, on North Sixth street; in the Church of the Visitation, on Richards street, and in the Church of St. Anne, on Gold street.

During the coming week the follow­ing feasts will be observed: Sunday. St, T h o m a s Aquinas ; Monday, St , John of God: Tuesday . St. Franc i s of R o m e ; Wednesday, the F o r t y Martyrs; Thurs ­day, St . Eu log ius ; Friday, Spear and N a i l s ; Saturday, St. Gerald. ^

Father Brady, of tbe Church of S t Teresa, h a s been sent to* the Church of St. Monica, a t Jamaica , t o ass i s t there during the i l lness of F a t h e r Matthews , the pastor.

There will be an important meet ing of, the Bx'Miuttve Committee of the Diocesan Union of Holy N a m e Societies in the parish hall of tne Church of the Holy Fami ly , on Thirteenth street, on Sunday afternoon. The meet ing i* cail"d for 3 o'clock.

Much bus iness o f importance wOl b e transacted at the meet ing of the St . Vincent de P a u l Society next Thurs ­day evening a t St . Vincent's H o m e on Boerum place.

The n e w Church of the H o l y Inno­cents, Bever ley road and East Seven­teenth s treet

R E F O R M E D .

R e f o r m e d on the H e i g h t s , Plerre-p o n t street. The pas tor wlU preach t o - m o r r o w morning, subject , "Work­e r s w i t h God." At 4 o'c lock the choir , under the direct ion of Clifford D e m a r e s t , organist, wi l l g ive a Men­d e l s s o h n afternoon, w i t h a d d r e s s by the pastor.

Bouth Bushwlck ( W h i t e Church) . T h e Lord's Supper wil l be served at t h e m o r n i n g service. D u r i n g March t h e P a r m e n a s c lass f o r m e n •will take a s Its t h e m e "Civic Corrupt ion," tak­i n g a s their topic for d iscuss ion th i s S u n d a y afternoon "The E x t e n t of Corruption." The c lass ho lds Its s e s ­s i o n s a t 3 P. M. every Sunday . T h e pas tor has been delegated to conduct s e r v i c e s at the "Hague" th i s s u m m e r a n d l e a v e s w i t h h i s f a m i l y for Hol land on t h e Holland Amer ican l iner N o o r -d a m , J u n e 22. H e wil l be a w a y about three months , sa i l ing f o r h o m e Sept. 11, o n the American l iner St. Louis ,

F irs t , Seventh avenue and Carroll s treet . Dr. Farrar, the minister , will m a k e an address to -morrow evening oh "The Life of Wagner ," in connec­t ion wi th the "Richard W a g n e r Ser­v i ce" to be given by t h e choir wi th so­lo is ts .

T. M. C. A ,

Dr . Cadman will speak at the Bed­ford Branch Y. M. C. A,, Bedford a v e ­n u e and Monroe street, e v e r y Sunday afternoon this month. To-morrow he wil l begin a series of Lenten lectures. T h e special subject for the first address will be "The Plain Man and H i s Bible." Dr. Cadman will follow his usual c u s ­t o m of answering ques t ions sent In from the audience. T h e specia l feature of th i s service will Include "Songs In the Dark," with the s ing ing led by H a r p e r G. Smyth. Charles Wold will g i v e several select ions on the musical g l a s s e s .

T h e Rev . Theodore S. Henderson, the new pastor of Hanson P l a c e Methodist Church, i s to speak a t the Central T. M. C. A., Ful ton and Bond streets , to -morroay afternoon a t 8:30. T h e music for th i s aervice will be furnished by t h * choir o f the Church of the Recon­cil iation.

M I S C E L L A N E O U S .

Dr. Madison C. P e t e r s wil l preach, to-morrow In the Old B u s h w l c k Re­formed Church, corner Conse lyea and Humboldt streets , the Rev. J. J . Munro, minister. At 10:4* Dr. Peters* subject wil l be. "The Evolut ion o f t h e Back­slider"; at 4 o'clock, "The Kind of a Church that Wil l Get the People ," and a t 7:46, "Popular Cloaks for Sin."

Lesl ie Wil l i* Bprague wil l speak o n "Moral Scepticism and I t s Cure" before the Ethical Society at Carnegie Hall . Manhattan, to-morrow morning. Mr. Sprague Is leader of the Brooklyn So­c i e t y for Ethical Culture a n d t» one o f Dr. Fel ix Adler s a s soc ia t e s In the loadership of the N e w York Ethical Society . It I* the first t i m e this year that Mr. Sprague has occupied the plat­form a t C u n s g i e Hal) .

At Uni ty Church t o - m o r r o w m o r n -Ins; the subject of Dr. B o n d a g e ' s ser­m o n will be "The Greates t o f Greek H e r o e s ; Thnoleon."

At the Fourth Uni tar ian Church, Bever ly road, and East N i n e t e e n t h street," Flatbush, the minis ter , the Rev. I* A. Harvey, will e x c h a n g e w i t h Rev. A. C Nlckerson, of P la lnf le ld , N. J. Serv ice at 11 A . M.

Brother Corner, of t h e D e K a l b Ave­n u e M. E . Church, wi l l h a v e charge o f t h e communion serv ices to be he ld a t t h * In-As-Much H o m e to -morrow a t 3:So P. M.

Before the People ' s F o r u m to -mor-row, at 3 P. M , a t Hart ' s Ha l l , Gates a v e n u e and Broadway , e x - A s s e m b l y ­m a n Barttey J. Wright will s p e a k on "The .Qomper* Contempt Proceed ings" and resolutions wilt be presented for | HU theme e n Sunday adopt ion protes t ing aga ins t t h e recent | pany Keeping ." dec i s ion of Federal Court Just ice Wright . The Social ist Educat iona l C l u b announce* at Its l ec turer for to­morrow,, at 3 P. M.. at It* rooms , 635 G r a h a m avenue, < near E n g e r t street. Robert Baker, who will apeak on "The Bat t l e for F r e e d o m . " T h e lec turer a t the Worklngmen'a E d u c s t l o n a l Club to-morrow, « P. M„ will be J a m e s F. Morton. Jr. Hi s subject Is "The N e s t Step In Social Evolut ion -

F a i t h Chapel, 126 N e a e a a avenue . W. H. Crlddls. super in tendent . E v e ­n i n g service t o - m o r r o w a t • P . M. Kvsngeli«t Clifton will h o l d revival services at the Fa i th Chane l beg inning to-morrow, and an M a r c h I, I. IA, l l , U , M e e t m f t every even ing a t 7:H.

In the Second Uni tar ian Church, Clinton and Congress s treets , the min­ister, the Rsv . Caleb fl. fl. Dnt ton , will

SUi.dayHSclTOol L e s s o r

First Quarter. March 7,1909.


Lesson X.

Acts viii. 26.

Philip and the Ethiopian. T h e c h a r i o t ride toward Gaza la a scenic Incident. H e r e comes t h e g l i t t e r ­

ing cava lcade—the avant -cour ier wi th van and rear -guard and b a g g a g e - t r a i n . Center of it all is this e legant , embossed , Egypt ian car. wi th its rider, so n o b l e and pens ive . In s tr iking contrast to* th i s brave array is the solitary f o o t m a n on the b y - p a t h that intersects the h ighway . If onf: could have a bird'a-eye view, h e w o u l d see that the c o n j u n c t i o n between t h e caravan and t h e s i n g l e trave ler is go ing to be accurate . It wil l occur just a.s the nobleman lays h i s f inger u p o n that passage of the Old T e s t a m e n t w h i c h , more than a n y o t h e r , conta ins t h e heart of the N e w .

H o w c o m e s this d u s k y pr ince to be a prose lyte? Perhaps s o m e f i r s t -century' R o t h s c h i l d , intent u p o n d o i n g good a s well as ge t t ing the h i g h e s t p o s -r'.ble rate of interest for h i s money , as he talked over bonds and c o n s o l s w i t h ' h i s t reasurer in the f a r - a w a y empire , coveted h i m for God. Or, t h e m o t i v o m a y h a v e been as evil as that wh ich received Jesus ' severest stricture.

At all events , the g e n u i n e n e s s of the convers ion of the Numid ian p r i n c e can not be discounted. I t i s ev idenced by h i s long , expensive .and t o i l s o m e j o u r n e y to the seat of h i s n e w l y - e s p o u s e d faith, and by his purchase a n d perusal of the Bible . To t h o s e w h o have , more sha l l be given.

Ph i l ip ' s call a w a y from S a m a r i a is inexpl icable to h im. The revival i s a t its h e i g h t . W h o can s h e p h e r d the converts like h i m s e l f ? Then, too , ordered to a p l a c e where there are no peop le to preach to . W h o can unders tand i t? But t h e evange l i s t is the v e r y incarnat ion of obedience . He s tops not "to** reason w h y , " rhuch less "to m a k e reply." His c o m p l i a n c e is in s tantaneous , implici t . H e w o r k s wi th God. W h o shal l measure the results?

A n o t h e r Spir i t -uttered order r ings in his heart , "Go, join this char io t ." It m a t t e r s not that the r ider Is ev ident ly a prince and a foreigner. P h i l i p is at t h e char io t -whee l in a m o m e n t . H e uses a wi t ty jingle of w o r d s to at tract t h e reader's a t tent ion , and a m o m e n t later is seated beside h i m u p o n the g o r g e o u s upholstery', w h i l e t o g e t h e r t h e y bend over the ye l low scrol l of the prophet . The upshot of It is that the "man of Eth iop ia" is converted , a n d the evange l i s t f inds that he w a s cal led t rom a c i ty to convert an empire . F o r that c h a r i o t is t ransmuted into a car of salvation. W i t h its load, m o r e p r e c i o u s han t h e ivory or gold of a cont inent , it rolled a t h o u s a n d miles u p t h e N i l e

Into t h e v e r y heart of Nub ia .

The Teacher's Lantern.

Are the D e a d ? gathered there, and w h o last Sunday spoke to a s imi lar ly large a s s e m b l y In the largest audi tor ium at Wat.-f-bury. Conn., w h e r e s tanding room was at a p r e m i u m , is to be h"re a g a i n to­morrow and 'conduct services in the Broo lyn Tabernac le , H i c k s street, near F u l t o n ( the old P l y m o u t h BeiJt*! of H e n r y Ward B e e c h e r f a m e ) . A t 11 o'c lock P a s t o r R u s s e l l wi l l p r e a c h on " B a p t i s m f r o m th« Bib le S tandpoint and I ts Import ." w h i l e a t 3 P. M. the topic wil l be "In t h e Cross o f Christ W e Glory," based o n t h e t e x t f o u n d i n Corinthians , I:IS: "The p r e a c h i n g o f t h e c r o s s Is to t h « n t h a t perish foo l ­i shness , but unto u s that are saved it is the Power of God." At 7 o'clock In t h e e v e n i n g there will b e a pra i se serv ice a n d half a n hour later a q u e s ­t ion meet ing , a t w h i c h Bible inquir ies f rom the publ ic w i l l he answered .

T h e historical accuracy of the narrat ive has incidental proof in t h a t w e k n o w from other sources t h a t there were at this period m a n y Jews in E t h i o p i a . Also , B. C. 22. a queen, cal led Candace , was forced by t h e prefect of E g y p t t o accept t e r m s of peace.

• • • • W W In t h e Mosaic ritual, the pr ies t put a drop of b lood on the tip of e a c h h o r n

of t h e altar. Incongruous , do you s a y ? A horned altar, and b lood o n t h e •Think a m o m e n t . T h e altar stood four-square . A horn pointed t<>

q u a r t e r o f t h e g lobe . I n t h * l a n g u a g e of t h e Lord's k indergarten . t« o r * ! meant t h a t the a t o n e m e n t w a s to b e carried e v e r y w h e r e , bo Pau l , la ter ,

i carried it n o r t h w e s t Into As ia Minor and beyond, and In this i n s t a n c e t h e j E t h i o p i a n carried it s o u t h w e s t into Africa.

• • • W W • ( T h e p h e n o m e n a l n i n e t e e n t h - c e n t u r y miss ionary m o v e m e n t is the p e r p e t u a ­

t ion and ex tens ion o f ' P h i l i p ' s work. It t ransmutes the chariots of c o m m e r c e i.tto c a r s of sa lvat ion, and s e n d s t h e m rol l ing t o w a r d the hearts of cont inents^ .

• * * * # * A s u m m e r s h o w e r drove s o m e p ious s tudent s o f Wi l l iams Col lege t o s h e l t e r

o f a hays tack . One s u g g e s t e d prayer for t h e h e a t h e n world. F r o m s u c h a n -vpnt rose t h e A m e r i c a n B o a r d o f C o m m i s s i o n e r s for Fore ign Mission*. J o h n S t e w a r t , a wayfar ing m a n . conver ted a t Marietta, Ohio , felt prompted t o s t a r t n o r t h w a r d to tell s o m e o n e o f his convers ion . H e entered the r e s e r v a t i o n o f t h e W y a n d o t Indians . T h e . tr ibe w a s converted. Fr#Jm"tbis c i r c u m s t a n c e rose t h e Miss ionary Society o f t h e M e t h o d i s t Ep i scopa l Church . A pa ir o f e m ­broidered s l ippers , admired b y a nat ive of rank In India , opened h i s h o u s e t o the w i f e of a miss ionary , t h a t s h e m i g h t t e a c h h i s w i v e s the art . T h u s * w o m a n ' s n e e d l e o p e n e d t h e zenanas . D o e s not t h e Prov idence w h i c h b r o u g h t P h i l i p a n d t h e e u n u c h t o g e t h e r sti l l order e v e n t s f o r the spread o f t h e c o s p e l ?

W. C. T. U. NOTES. T h e W o m a n ' s Chris t ian T e m p e r a n c e

Union of K ings C o u n t y i s to hold a ser ies of m e e t i n g s under the l eader ­s h i p o f Mrs. Mary H a r r i s Armor, S t a t e pres ident of G e o r g i a W. C. T. U. T h e

wil l he readv for o i c u - I m e * U n * s l 0 b e a d d r e s s e d by Mrs, A r -..v., J z U • re y iT= m o r wi l l be a s fo l lows: Monday

pancy within the n e x t t w o weeks. I March 8 , 8 P . M„ Bedford P r e s b y t e r -Father Chidwick . the former naval i a n c h u r c h . N o s t r a n d avenue,

chaplain, wil l lecture In St. Michael's Dean s treet ; T u e s d a y , March 9, 8 P, Church on March 14. A sacred c o n - j M., Greenpoint Tabernac le , M a n h a t ­

t a n a v e n u e , c o r n e r N o b l e stnse*; W e d n e s d a y , M a r c h IS, I P . J L , E d g o -

S U M M O X S N O T I C E S .

C A S T O R I A flflslistlsSaCsstsa,

Tht Klsd Yoa Haw Alwifi BMgkt

cert will precede t h e lecture. Workmen are m a k i n g great progress

on the basement of the new Redemp-i torlst Church. F i f t h avenue and F i f ty -ninth street , and the new edifice is e x ­pected to b e ready for dedication a t Easter .

The new school of the Holy F a m i l y . on Thirteenth street. Is about ready for dedication. Another new church ready for blessing is that of St. Thomas at Forest P a r k South.

In the Church of St. James , on J a y street, a so lemn month's mind m a s s w a s offered u p th i s morning for the re­pose of the soul of the late Father Mc-Keon.

In the Church of St. Casimlr, on Greehe avenue , there will be a solemn observance of the titular feast to -mor­row by F a t h e r Malowskl. This Is the pioneer Pol ish parish, end Poles Tare expected to a t t e n d the service not only from Brooklyn but from outside the borough.

Father Tork, pastor of S t Patrick's Church at Hunt ington , has sailed for Europe, a n d will present Marchion*** McLaughl in t o t h * Pope.

In the Church of Our Lady of A n ­gels , Fourth a v e n u e and Seventy-fourth street, the L e n t e n service* for the week will Include a sermon a t tha last m a s s on S u n d a y b y Dr. Dov ie on "The City of Confusion." At the vesper .iervlce in the e v e n i n g a sermon by Father Gor­man, of St . John's Seminary. On Thursday e v e n i n g a sermon by Father Walah. S J . . o f Brooklyn College. On Friday e v e n t n f a lecture will be deliv­ered b y Prof. W a l s h of Fordham Uni­vers i ty « i "Mow T h e y Educated the Mind."

In the Church o f the Presentation on Uockaway a v e n u e . Dr . Mennls, C . H , of Pt. John's Col lege, will preach on Sun­day evening the second of his course of sermons o n "Christian Marriage."

will be "Com-

At noon n « « t Wednesday , Father Donnelly, of Centre Moriches, i r t l de­liver a wrrrsTA In the Church of Our I/ady of Mercy on Sehermerhom strffi . His subject wil l he "Christ In tha Home,**

Father Parker , S.P.M., the eloquent Father of Mercy, la preaching a course of Lenten sermon* in the Church of St. Hrlgid, on Linden street , on the Tit---day evening* o f Lent.

Father O art land, o f Union Hil l . K J . la the preacher at th* Sunday evening


w o o d R e f o r m e d Church , F i f ty - th l td s treet a n d F o u r t e e n t h a v e n u e ; T h u r s ­day, Mnroh 11, 8 P. M.: Hanson P l a c e M. E. Church , corner St. F e l i x s t r e e t ; Fr iday , March 12, S P . M., Marcy Avfe-ttue Bapt i s t C h n r o h . c o r n e r P u t n a m

r a i d e d la th« complaint.—Dated January 14. ISO*. WHtTMEt. H. SMITH, Attorney for Plain­

tiff; Of Oca ana l \ O. Addreaa, 315 Mon­tague street. Brooklyn. S. T. To defendant Jalla Knapp McCarthy: The

foregoing summons la served upon you by publication puissant to an order of the Ho-, Edward B. Thomaa, a Justice of tne Supreme. Court of the State at Haw Tori, dated February nth . liWfl. and tiled oa February 13. ICOS. with a cosy of tna

. amended complaint in tha offfc* of the corner | Cler* of tha County of Klasa In tha Hall of

Records Is tbe Borough of Brooklyn, City . . i f f New York, which amended complaint

was originally filed la the office of tha rirrk at tha County of Kings en January 14, ISO*.—Dated BrooklvB. NT T., Feb. IS, 18**- _ Voura, e t c WHITMKt, H. SMITH. At tome*- for Plain­

tiff; Office and P O. Addreaa, 215 Mon­tague street. Brooklyn. K. T. 2 1 J-S-«

^ 'PRJBMB COtTCT, KINO** COCNTT.— Julia M Dupell. plaintiff, against Syndicate

--_ , * . w : . .» « . * w i Construction Company. Th* l*st*S Realty a v e n u e ; Sunday, March 14, 1 0 : » A. M., tcompany. Jolhr, Knapp McCarthy.^ Wataon * Concord Baptis t , Duff ie ld Street, n e a r i Pittingar' fa cor»erstien>. IforTts OoMman, Myrtle a v e n u e ; S u n d a y , March 14, 3:45 } * , " • * & £ Praaatoger. Brrro. a OotlBar. Rob-P . M., H a n s o n P l a c e Bac t i s t , c o m e r of S o u t h Por t land a v e n u e ; Sunday . March 14, 7:S0 P. M., Greenwood B a p ­tist C h u r c h , S e v e n t h a v e n u e a n d S l* tn street ,

Kings County W . C T. U. wUl bold its e x e c u t i v e m e e t i n g March t a t % P. M. in th* lec ture room of the T . t L C. A.. F u l t o n and*Bond streets ,

Mr. W a t e r m a n w i n lead the m e e t i n g of the M a r y Hart t Vnktn to-morrow a t 4 I'. M. a t 580 G a t e s a v e n u e

A n e w l y organised !<oyal Temperance Legion h a * an unheard of aucces*. L a s t T u e s d a y e v e n i n g the room? of t h e f Grernwood H e i g h t s Reformed Church were packed t o t h e doors, when at t h e Invitation of the S u n s e t Park L. T. I* more t h a n t w o hundred men, women an J children ga thered to see the very f ine ' steredtttSeon v i e w s and listen to Mi of alcohol upon t h e human body, and of th? horror* o f Intemperance gener

•rt Ward. Herman Danker and Benny Jacob, Henrv >{. Mar as. John F. Lawrence. Frances F. Riegm. J*an O. Amos and Mary B. Ouid. Charles A._Fuller, George M. Aeklom, Stuart

old*. Floreaoa Wlsalow, tbe. nam* "Jatta" .laatag

John" D. fictitious.

BAsiey. defend­

ant's real name being unknown to plaintiff, defendants-To, th* above named defendants and each of them: Tou are hereby summon­ed to answer tha complaint in this acton. and to serve a cony of your answer on tbe atalntlffa attorneys within twenty dava after the service of this l u m w n i , exclusive of the day of service; and In ease of your tall­er* to appear, or answer. Judgment will be taken against yoa by default tut th* relief demanded la the complaint.—Dated January Ilth. ISO*. PICKarrT * MnX.BR. Att*rn#ya for Plain­

tiff, Offlee and P. O, Address. SIS Mon-taaae St . Brooklyn. N T. T» Julia Knapp McCarthy: Th* forego-

lag summons la served apon you by publica­tion pursuant to an order of tha Hen, Ed­ward B Thomas, a Justice of ths Supreme Court »f the Stat* of Mew Tork. dated February l l th. ISO*, and filed on Febru­ary tSlh, 1*0*. with * copy of th* complaint in the office of the Clark^of th* County of

^ ^ ^ ^ _ ^ , Klnga Js th* Hall of Retorts In the Borough - K_ C R s v M e a k unon th«» effect« ' °* Bruolstfn, Ctty of New Tork. which « n i -' . * " - . ' •ZZ2Lw¥z?\}l?¥l , n * i ** T * c l ! * plaint was originally filed In th* office of

- - - - - - - of King* on Janu-^ . . . * lya. S . T.. Feb

rusry l*rt*j, !*•*, ToOre, sea, PICKETT * Mtt.UER Attorneys for Plain

tiff. Office and P. o Addreaa 3)6 Men tagw* St.. Brooklyn, N. T. 2-13-a-s


67'woodrno. i .a l i Wf fjflbart. Oeorge R * * ^ 4 & l ? * 4 f & — B * l e o * **" I o r * * » « a » b * r

SUPREME COCRT, COUXTT OF KINGS. —John Park Robinson, plaintiff, against Samuel Horowitz. Roale Horowitz. Emma E.

f 'etit. William W. Thomas, Chart** K. uckley. Jacob Lavingson, Jacob Schwartz.

Malachv Schwartz, Jacob Grossman, Annie Grossman, Morris Kronenberg, Reberra Kronenberg. Forrest 8. Chilton, Mendel Gel-fond, '"Mary" Gelfond, wife of Mendel Gal-fond, the said name "Mary" being fictitious. tbe true Christian name of tha defendant being unknown to plaintiff; City of New York, Gustav Radar Company, Hy-man Bar-Isb. Morris Posner. Crescent Chemical Man­ufacturing Company. Ctaudl.. Goon aa true-tee in bankruptcy of the W, J. Schmidt as Co ; KHas N. Pitser. Rubin Muslcont, Samuel Cantor. Isldor Braverman. J. C Turner Lumbar Co., Gabriel Isaacs, David Isaacs, Carlo Rosea, Anna Rosea, Morris Slegel, Esther Sieget, Bfrmim Carotes, Max Wil­liams Mary K McConneii. Sam Cohen, Isldor Schwartz. Jacob Goldstein, Sam Olatetn, Ahy Sakrai*. David Nowak. Morris Durotf, Ell Sikal. Haskel Schwartz, defendants—To th* above named defendants and each of them: Tou are hereby summoned to answer th* complaint ia this action, and to serve a copy of your answer on the Plaintiffs Attorney* within twenty days after th* aervice of tbi* summons, exclusive of the day of service; and In case of your failure to appose, or answer. Judgment will be taken against yen by default for th* relief demanded Is th*

mplalnt—Dated. New Tork,

Frances E . WlDard Union win hold a gospel temperance mee t ing to-morrow at 4 P. X . , T. S , QreawoM. leader, ch i l ­dren'* meet ing e v e r y Wednecday a t J » 1*. M i

the Clark of tb* County ary l l th , IsO*.-—Dated Brooklyn,

COt'NTT COURT. KINGS COCNTT. — John E Andrua. plaintiff, against Charles Bucaoaam and MM. Charles Buchbaum. hi* wife. If any. Philip Oreetitwrg, Herman Ros-eiiihal Sidn*y H. Resjoathal, Leon Pruslln. Kslmao Aitman, Frank Nudslman. Samuel S K«san Herman Berner. Samuel Solomon. Hvman Treedmaa, Max Mliiman. or Max nil'man rauiino Cehea. Henry Davidasn. David Strauss. Iseas H. Radford, L, 1. Ess

WILLIAMS, FOLSOM A STROU8E, Attor­neys for Plaintiff: Office A Post Office Address, 111 Nassau "freet. Borough of Manhattan, New Tork CWy, To tbe defendants Jacob Goldstein, Jacob

Levlngsost Carlo Ross*. Anna Rosea. Mortis sieges. Father Siege!, Mendel Gelfond, "Mary" Gelfond. wife of Mendel Gelfond, th* said name "Mary" being fictitious, tha true Christian name of defendant being un­known to plaintiff. Sam Olatetn and Mary McConBelt: Tbe foregoing summons la served upon you by publication and pursu­ant t* an order of Hon, Edward B. Thomaa. one of tbe Justice* of the Supreme Court of the State of New Tork, dated th* sth day of February, IMS. and filed with tb* complaint in the office of the Clerk of King* County at tb* County Court House, In ihe Borough of Brooklyn, Ctty of New Tork. count v of Klnga and State of New Tork, en the Sth day of February, ISO*—Dated, New Tork, February «, IPOT WILLIAMS, FOLSOM * STROCBE. Attor.

neya for Plaintiff; Office A Post Office Address, l i t Nassau street. New' Tork Ctty. *•-«-*.•

preach to-rnotrew morning; subject, • T h * Otwfi IHrwer o f J*o*f.** T h e special Wednesday evening gorr tces wtll be continued until April 7. They are conducted by th* minister, who


Mrs. He len t., Bul lock, national or­ganiser and n a t i o n a l superintendent of the department o f mothers' m e e t i n g * for National W o m a n ' s Christian T e m ­perance Union*. Will speak under t h e auspice* of t h e f l a t b u s h Union a t t h e Flatbush <'on«TT*jgatlo»al Church, cor­ner of Bast E i g h t e e n t h street and Dor-ehestr-r road, S u n d a y evening, March 14, H«r topic wfll be "Voices." sagM^ I Will llllllMWasgBzg-je-13a*saE»

s i M M O X 8 N O T H K8.

"st-PRKSIR COURT. KINGS COUNTY. — !*•—-••• U l.vnch, ptaiatlff, against Syadl-

i ess*. Conatrwetlea Compaay, Tb* Lotus October 27th. ISO*. __ __ Rea'tr i-imr'W, Julia K. McCarthy. Watson EDWIN KEMrTON Plaintiff t Attcrnei ;

I * PHiimter. a domeatie corporation Morris office and Pest Office Address, <TS R#m-(ioldmaii, Austin B, Preaalnger. Michael sen street. Brooklyn. N*» Tork City u«iW. also krwwn as *Wk* Boal, Brvla R. To the ostondanls Charles Buchbaum and fi.v o«-r Aimi* Guides*, composing the firm Mr*. Charles Boehhaum, hla wife. If any:

I of lalvero. Guldera A Company Robert Samuel Solomon Hyman Freedmaa, Pauline i Wa'rt Herman Denker, sjMany Jacob. Orrla | Cohen and Isaac H Radferd: The foregoing


COCNTT COURT. KINC.B fX>TJ?r*rT— George Cooper, plslntlff. against Morris Manson, and others, defendants.—In pur­suance of a Judgment of foreclosure and aale duty made and entered In the abore-entttlect

i action, and bearing date the l l th day of J February, I BOB, I. the undersigned, the ref-i eree in aald judgment named, win sell a t i public auction to the highest bidder, hy [William H. Smith, auctioneer, at the Brook. Ilyn Real Kstate Ifttcbange, No, 1«|» Montagu*

_ . . „ -_ I street. In the Borough of Brooklyn, County .off Real Estate Company, M*sw«ll B. j o f Kings, on th* l l th day of Mareh, ISO* -* Mannes Jacob Wolf snrt Arm** Wolf, bfs wife,* Albert W Brown. Hagj -O . Currajfi, defendants Act io No. 3 — Summons. - T.i th* above named defendante and eaeh of ihsm You* are hereby summoned to answer the e*a»pl*int m this action, and to s#f*e a cony of your answer on the Planttlfr* Attor­ney within twenty days after tbe service of this aummona. exclusive of th* day of ser­vice, and i* case of your failure to appear, or answer. Judgment will b* taken against

i you by default, for th* relief demanded in the complaint—Dated Broohlya, N. T. City.

Bird, "William Trelour, Jt Q. Krake. A, A. Surer Christine Bonher, g . F, I.ySter, B. O.

„ _. —«. _ g i ^ _ ^ ^ B ^ ^ _ ^ K L « r T — - smith! ".iohn" Ourd, "•dward" «*ow, th* About th* Ma* #c »«ar shoes It's i*t«e satis- i : , , , n t n * defendants being tenant*, defend-fscttsn to kaaw that many people ran «-e»r : ..,,« Amended summons—To th* abov* shnea a sue smaller by sprinkling Allen's ..^med defendants an* eaeh of them: You Foot-sjas* late thesa. Just th* thins f.>t•'• ~.T* berebv summoned to answer the amend, liaacing Cerise*. I*al»at Leather Shoei! ar.i ,,t , omoialnt In thla actio*, and to str** a for breaking In New*. Whoa rubbers j ropy of your answer on tb* Plaintiffs At-or overshoe* ***£*•*• nsejuary and v.... , , „ B „ wl-hin twenty days after the service shoes »meh, _AU*sya s*wSMtsam gtraa Instant ; o ( l h!s summons, exclusive of th* day of ??:L-9MZ£*V1ld!!*Jl&- wasBpeaFRKK lUrvice. and in case of your fallal* I* Addreaa, Alien ft OlaSSta*. l a K o x N. T J „ r , r or answer, Jud.. n***| swept • * » st** w * l Kslnst v«i by dtrfauh

of gear failure to ap-isment wtll b* taken tilt for th* relief «*

r*g* of 1 summens la served upon you and eaeh ol y#*

ov publication, pursuant to an erd»r made bv Hon Lewis L Fawcetl, »n* of in* County Judges of Kins* County, dated t te twenty-nf»* day of February. ISO*, and flled ia the ..fflc* of th* Cl*r» *f th* County of Kings ,m th**t»*nty-«tsth day of February. 1*0*,

ith th* complaint, and you will farther take notice that the Suntmona and Com - , Rro*kf y rlnt in the *b*v*-*ntliled action were filed lya, N

the office of the Clsrk of the County of Kings on the 2Tt " - - -

f -St -dd

twelve o'clock noon, tbe premises directed by said Judgment to be sold, and therein described a* follows: All that certain lot piece er parcel of land, with tb* building and Improvements thereon erected, situate, lying sod being In th* liorougb of Brooklyn of the City of New Tork, County of King* and state of New Tork, bounded and eie-acrlbed aa follows, to wit: Beginning at m point on the southerly eldo of Melrose atrset distant four hundred fifty f4SO*i feet east­erly from th* corner formed by the Inter­section of tbe southerly side Of M»lr,»e* street with th* easterty side of KjsiokSF-bocker avenue, running thence southerly parallel with Knickerbocker avenue and part of ths distance through a party wall to th* center tht* of the block between Metros* and Jefferson streets one' hundred riOo*) feet: thetie* easterly along said center tin* of the block and parallel with Melrose street twenty-ftv* <»'> feet: thence northerly' again parallel with Knickerbocker arena* one hundred (lofvi feet to the southerly eld* of Melrose street sssrt thence westerly al.»ng th* southerly aid* of Meime* street twenty-five r'V* feet to the point or pis*** of be­ginning Said premises being also known

" « 4 Mel and by No^ irose street Ctty of New York "•»% Uth. ion*


Borons Dated Ilr

h of rook-

the Tlerk of t h. County of WILLIAM l.tBBERMANW. R*f*r*a. *• ' e f .w^^s iM' iVr^N 1 ' A n i ." •*«H,..eTa?£ . . K : , " g w t V * 2 ? !

^ • . ^ n t i r r T O o r a , , K»SZ.?Z " Tt ~ , l h 0 , m •"•*•«' , ? i p f % '


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