texts:literary adventures and english

I Semester B.A./B.Sc./B.Sc.(H.Sc.)/B.C.A./B.S.A./B.S.W. B.Sc.(Hospitality) Degree Examination, November/December 2019 (CBCS 2016-17 - New Syllabus) ENGLISH LANGUAGE - I Texts:Literary Adventures and English Language Practice - I Max. Marks : 80 Time 3 Hours SECTION - A (Prose) 1. Answer any four of the following in a word, phrase or a sentence each: 4x 1 4) According to Bacon, what are the 3 benefits of studies? Where did Martin Luther king's massive demonstration take place? How does Kalam describe Mental infrastructure? 1. 2. 3. 3. 4. What do we call as 'enlightened sage? Which are the two languages the beautiful lady can speak with excellence? 5. 6. Mention any three elements that constitute a nation according to Kalam. (2x 3 = 6 I. Write brief notes on any two of the following: Beautiful Lady and the Blue Donkey. Meditation and Memory. Dream of Martin Luther King. 1. 2 3. 1

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I Semester B.A./B.Sc./B.Sc.(H.Sc.)/B.C.A./B.S.A./B.S.W.

B.Sc.(Hospitality) Degree Examination, November/December 2019

(CBCS 2016-17 - New Syllabus)


Texts:Literary Adventures and English Language Practice - I

Max. Marks : 80 Time 3 Hours



1. Answer any four of the following in a word, phrase or a sentence each:

4x 1 4)

According to Bacon, what are the 3 benefits of studies?

Where did Martin Luther king's massive demonstration take place?

How does Kalam describe Mental infrastructure?



3. 3.

4. What do we call as 'enlightened sage?

Which are the two languages the beautiful lady can speak with



6. Mention any three elements that constitute a nation according to Kalam.

(2x 3 = 6 I. Write brief notes on any two of the following:

Beautiful Lady and the Blue Donkey.

Meditation and Memory.

Dream of Martin Luther King.





11108 (2

How han the art of memory bcen handed down to us from the t of the past? ive cxamples,

Anmwer any two of the following in about 2 pages cach:


In the context of the nufferings of the African Americans, how

Cnvinage his dreams? 2

Narrate the sequence of adventures that the Blue Donkey had, 3



IV Annotate any two of the following

1. Her left eye, lid open but light slapped away,

The price for a taste of that -

- touchable water.

2 And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow, Dropping from the veils of the Morning to where the cricket sings. And the villages dirty and -

- charging high prices A hard time we had of it.


V. Answer any two in about 2 pages each 1. Bring out the innocence of the girl in contrast to the world

in the poem One - Eyed. Show how the villagers react to the bite of the scorpion. What are the things the poet wants to do in Innisfree? Expla





(Language Skills and Grammar)

Read thhe tollowing passage carefully and answer the questions set on it in a word. phrase or in a serntence each

Defestation is the cutting down of the trees in the forest in a large number aw s een a threat to our environnent. Deforestation is causing eologoal imbaiance environment. Deforestation is causing

The man purpose of deforestation is to increase the land area which is used farming. housing, industrialization and urbanization. Land areas are used tset up new ndustres. As the population increases demand for products also mreases which leads businessmen to set new industries to increase heir profit.

The harmful efect of deforestation is of soil erosion. When trees are removed om the upper layer of the soil, wind and water carry the soil away. The Giobal Forest Resources Assessment (GFRA) says that we have ruined 3% of otal torest between 1990 to 2015.

carry the soil away. The

Deforestation is a great threat to wild life also. Many animals like Dodo, Sabre toothed cat. Tasmania Tiger are extinct because they have lost their habitat. The negative effect of the Deforestation is on climate. beodivers1tv. whole at 1S on climate

The harmful

eflect of deforestation

is of soil erosion

-True or


Menton 3 animals

which are

cxtinct due to


ow can we avert the damage of deforestation?


What is the main




Mention the negative effects of


What does deforestation lead to increase

Expand GFRA.

10 Why is forest necessary for us?

4x1 VIl Rewrite as directed

1. Karan has purchased a expensive mobile phone.

(Write the synonym to the underlined word)

the dustbin Please fill the dishwasher and

(Write the antonym of the underlined word) 2. 2.

Sindu was qualified for the football competition but Neha was

(Fill in the blank by adding a prefix to the underlined word) 3.

Suma is an English Teacher, students like her

(Fill in the blank with the appropriate form of the underlined wor

4. method.

VIII. (A) Fill in the blanks with the suitable forms of verbs given in b=

(3 1.



Visitors welcomed to my house. (am, is, are)

Arun no table manners. (have, has, had) Even though Tomn

(do, does, did) something bad, he will never


DIanks With the suitable forms of verbs B (2 x 1 = 2

1. Antony 18 the football. (throw, throws, throwing)

2 Mala her dinner quickly. (eat, eats, eating)

(1x 1 1. He works on Sundays. IX.

(Change the following into negative sentence)

(1 x 1 = 2 She lives in Canada.

(Change the following into interrogative sentence)

(5x 1 =F X. Rewrite as directed:

1. He wants to be an engineer. 1.

(Change into simple past tense)

2 The river flows under the bridge.

(Change the tense into present continuous tense)

3. They planted some roses in the garden.

(Change into present perfect tense)

She writes stories for kids.

(Change the tense into simple future tense)

5. The girls are learning the poem.

(Change the tense into past continuous tense)