
SBS (Super Bio Slender)

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Post on 14-Jan-2015



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Goodlife Testimonials


Page 1: Testimonials

SBS (Super Bio Slender)

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I ordered for the first time, SBS, two years ago. That time I was in really bad shape. Not only was I suffering from Diabetes 2 but I also had high cholesterol, triglycerides, and high blood pressure. Everyday life was very hard. I could barely walk and my eyes were starting to go. The worst part of my life was the gout attacks which came frequently. My Uric Acid levels were high and were causing the gout attacks and my heart started to feel the pressure. I know this is hard to believe but last January I went to see my lifetime doctor and he told me that except for the liver test all came in as normal. My uric acid was stabilized. I have not had any gout attacks since and for my age I feel wonderful! I am no longer taking the dreaded medicines. I am truly happy. I would truly like to recommend this product to the whole world

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Eighteen years ago when my daughter was 7 months old I suddenly became very sick and was diagnosed with an acute pancreas disease. The doctor immediately put me on medicine and injections. I can say that all of that was very expensive and most of all the prescribed medicines were making me sicker. I had high blood pressure, intestinal bleeding, bloating, constipation, and the list continues. After 18 years my life was miserable! At first I decided to stop taking all the prescribed medicines and follow a natural lifestyle eating only good foods and follow a healthy diet. The progress was very slow. I lost my energy, could not cook, clean, or do any house chores. My husband became shocked! I even began to worry that I would not see my daughters 20th birthday or even get to see her married. Approximately 7 months ago my friend introduced this unique product to me and asked me to read Mr. Guterman short book on fermented herbs and foods. I found it fascinating but I was not sure it would work. After all I tried everything in 18 years to gain my life back. As soon as I started taking I realized the changes. I looked in the mirror everyday and saw my color coming back. After two months I went to the doctor for regular check up and exams. The doctor came out and hugged me. He announced that all my lab reports were normal. I was a normal 60 year old woman. Wow what a miracle! Now I feel reborn and my entire family has high regards for Good Life Science. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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Still Pending

I am now 50 and I would like to tell you about this wonderful product called SBS. Over the last years I have been on every diet. I lost weight and gained twice back. I became unhealthy. I started to develop other health problems as well. Now I was middle aged and weight over 85 kilos. I was distraught. I had heard about Mr. Guterman work and novel explaining how fermentation, herbs, and natural food powers could help make people healthier and slim. I look up on the internet and studied right a way. After on month on the product I lost 5 kilo and am now losing 1-2 kilos a month.

The amazing part is that I do not feel I am on a diet. I feel great, energetic, and I am alive!

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For the last ten years I have had high blood pressure, 165/90 and also my cholesterol was very high. I have been on so many kinds of prescriptions that my medicine chest looks like a store. Not to also mention the side effects have been terrible. A few months ago I ran into an old classmate of mind. I was surprised to see how beautiful and vibrant she looked. I asked her what she was doing and she explained about SBS (Fermentation Science). To tell you honestly I was very skeptical. But I decided to try. What can I say, after 4 months, Halleluiah! I had my medical checkup and everything, the blood pressure, cholesterol; all the ill feelings were all gone. I have stopped taking all my medicines and I feel great! Shortly thereafter my son who also lives with me started to complain about being light headed so I started to share my portion of the product with him. In 9 days all his health issues disappeared. My son never believed in health supplements. Well, now he is a believer. He will continue taking the product for ever. Thank you very much.

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In a party last year I met with my girlfriend who just looked great! She told me frankly that if I wanted to look prettier and thinner I had to try this product. At first I did not believe her. But then I thought maybe it is true because others around were have such great results. To tell the truth I have been suffering from headaches, and constipation. The moment I started on this SBS lifestyle I could see the changes. I can tell you I have had no more headache. My constipation problems are gone. This year I have not even caught the common cold. Now I can smile all day and night! My life is happy..

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There is so much I want to say but I feel embarrassed to say all. My daughter was born retarded. I have been taking care of her for over 20 years. It has been hard. Last year at this time I was diagnosed with Diabetes 2 , cholesterol was 320,heart problems, and a brain clotting problem also started.You see I have been going to the doctor every week for over 20 years . I decided that I must live to take care of my daughter. So I made a decision to start taking SBS . I have been using the product for just under a year. Last April 7, I received my lab results. My diabetes became normal, my blood count normal, and my doctor told me not to come back until next year. Thank you so much !

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One of my close friends had purchased the product and given it to me as a gift. I had heard how wonderful it was but still could not believe. I starting taking the product from last October. One morning I realized that my grey tone hair was now turning black. I was so excited. I have always worked the night shift. I used to come home and go straight to sleep. No I feel so much energy and want to do more when I come home. I am so excited and want to tell all of you to please try this great product !.

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I ordered the product just over a year ago . The reason I started taking this product is that I began to have terrible back pain, ulcer issues, and general muscle aches. In the first 3 months I could not tell any changes. But suddenly one day I woke up feeling invigorated.

I used to hate to go outside but now I enjoy the outdoors everyday. If I had not tried this product my life would never have changed. I will continue for the rest of my life...

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Firstly, I wish to thank Goodlife Sciences for all the support and great service they have given me. I have two daughters. After my second daughter was born I started to have hormone problems. I truly thought I would not make it. My skin started to turn dark and my moods were very volatile. I had heard about this old fashioned fermentation product that was helping others so I ordered it. From the moment I started taking it I noticed the difference right a way. In a month my face had become normal again. Now I have started cooking classes and am enjoying my new life.Thank you Good life Sciences

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Two years ago I was diagnosed with Hepatitis C. Then shortly after it became liver cancer. I was in the hospital for two years. I was operated on last year. What can I say I thought I would never enjoy a normal life again. This year April my daughter-in-lay introduced the SBS product to me. I had heard many good things. Since I started taking this product my life changed for the better in 4 months. My doctor did a hepatitis lab check and my liver count was reduced by 50%. They have taken me off the daily shots. This product is a godsend. Thank you.