test physio

30) In cardiac muscle, the fast depolarization phase of the action potential is the result of A) increased membrane permeability to sodium ions. B) increased membrane permeability to chloride ions. C) decreased membrane permeability to sodium ions. D) increased membrane permeability to potassium ions. E) decreased membrane permeability to calcium ions. 30) 31) The long plateau phase of the cardiac muscle action potential is due to A) calcium channels remaining open. B) decrease in the amount of calcium diffusing across the membrane. C) movement of fewer sodium ions across the cell membrane. D) increased membrane permeability to potassium ion. E) increased membrane permeability to sodium ions. 31) 5 32) In cardiac muscle A) calcium ions play no role in the process of contraction. B) calcium ions do not bind to troponin molecules. C) calcium ions play an important role in repolarizing the membrane after the depolarization phase. D) calcium ions are not released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. E) at least half of the calcium ion required for contraction comes from outside the cell. 32) 33) The normal pacemaker of the heart is located in the A) Purkinje fibers. B) both the left and right ventricles. C) wall of the left ventricle. D) sinoatrial node. E) atrioventricular node. 33) 34) The following are structural components of the conducting system of the heart. 34) 1. Purkinje fibers 2. AV bundle 3. AV node 4. SA node 5. bundle branches The sequence in which excitation would move through this system is A) 4, 2, 3, 5, 1. B) 3, 2, 4, 5, 1. C) 3, 5, 4, 2, 1. D) 4, 3, 2, 5, 1. E) 1, 4, 3, 2, 5. 35) The P wave of the electrocardiogram is a signal from A) depolarization of the SA node. B) depolarization of the ventricles. C) depolarization of the atria. D) repolarization of the atria. E) depolarization of the AV node. 35)

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Page 1: Test Physio

30) In cardiac muscle, the fast depolarization phase of the action potential is the result of A) increased membrane permeability to sodium ions. B) increased membrane permeability to chloride ions. C) decreased membrane permeability to sodium ions. D) increased membrane permeability to potassium ions. E) decreased membrane permeability to calcium ions. 30)

31) The long plateau phase of the cardiac muscle action potential is due to A) calcium channels remaining open. B) decrease in the amount of calcium diffusing across the membrane. C) movement of fewer sodium ions across the cell membrane. D) increased membrane permeability to potassium ion. E) increased membrane permeability to sodium ions. 31)

5 32) In cardiac muscle A) calcium ions play no role in the process of contraction. B) calcium ions do not bind to troponin molecules. C) calcium ions play an important role in repolarizing the membrane after the depolarization phase. D) calcium ions are not released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. E) at least half of the calcium ion required for contraction comes from outside the cell. 32)

33) The normal pacemaker of the heart is located in the A) Purkinje fibers. B) both the left and right ventricles. C) wall of the left ventricle. D) sinoatrial node. E) atrioventricular node. 33)

34) The following are structural components of the conducting system of the heart. 34) 1. Purkinje fibers 2. AV bundle 3. AV node 4. SA node 5. bundle branches The sequence in which excitation would move through this system is A) 4, 2, 3, 5, 1. B) 3, 2, 4, 5, 1. C) 3, 5, 4, 2, 1. D) 4, 3, 2, 5, 1. E) 1, 4, 3, 2, 5.

35) The P wave of the electrocardiogram is a signal from A) depolarization of the SA node. B) depolarization of the ventricles. C) depolarization of the atria. D) repolarization of the atria. E) depolarization of the AV node. 35)

36) Depolarization of the ventricles is represented on an electrocardiogram by the A) P wave. B) QRS complex. C) T wave. D) S wave. E) PR complex. 36)

37) The T wave on an ECG tracing represents A) atrial repolarization. B) ventricular repolarization. C) ventricular depolarization. D) ventricular contraction. E) atrial depolarization. 37) 6

38) Analysis of the electrocardiogram can reveal all of the following, except the A) effects of drugs and poisons. B) condition of the conducting system. C) duration of the ventricular action potential. D) stroke volume. E) heart rate. 38)

39) The first heart sound is heard when the A) AV valves open. B) semilunar valves close. C) blood enters the aorta. D) AV valves close. E) atria contract. 39)

40) During the isovolumetric phase of ventricular systole, the A) atrioventricular valves and semilunar valves are closed. B) blood is ejected into the great vessels. C) atria are contracting and the ventricles are relaxing. D) all of the above E) B and C only 40)

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41) During the cardiac cycle, the A) second heart sound occurs during atrial systole. B) QRS complex of the ECG precedes the increase in ventricular pressure. C) P wave of the ECG occurs between the first and second heart sounds. D) first heart sound coincides with the QRS complex of the ECG. E) both B and D 41)

42) The volume of blood ejected from each ventricle during a contraction is called the A) cardiac output. B) end- diastolic volume. C) stroke volume. D) cardiac reserve. E) end- systolic volume. 42)

43) Each of the following factors will increase cardiac output, except A) increased venous return. B) increased heart rate. C) increased parasympathetic stimulation. D) increased sympathetic stimulation. E) both A and B 43)

44) "An increase in end- diastolic volume increases the stroke volume" is a way of stating A) Starling's law of the heart. B) Finch's law of the heart. C) Sparrow's law of the heart. D) Hawking's law of the heart. E) Robin's law of the heart. 44)

45) Which of the following would increase heart rate? A) faster depolarization of the pacemaker potential B) increased levels of epinephrine C) decreased parasympathetic stimulation of nodal fibers D) increased sympathetic stimulation of SA node E) all of the above 45)

46) The phase in the cardiac cycle when the mitral valve is closed and the aortic valve is open is the A) early diastolic filling phase. B) late diastolic filling phase. C) atrial systole. D) systolic ejection phase. E) dicrotic phase. 46)

47) Drugs that block the beta- one adrenergic receptors will A) increase heart rate. B) increase cardiac output. C) decrease the end-systolic volume. D) decrease heart rate. E) increase contractility. 47)

48) Artery is to ________ as vein is to ________. A) toward; away B) afferent; away C) afferent; efferent D) efferent; afferent E) none of the above 48)

49) The heart beats approximately ________ times each day. A) 1,000 B) 10,000 C) 100,000 D) 1,000,000 E) 10,000,000 49)

50) The heart pumps approximately ________ liters of blood each day. A) 8,000 B) 15,000 C) 20,000 D) 50,000 50) E) 100,000 51) The heart is roughly the size of A) a thigh. B) a man's clenched fist. C) Texas. D) the hand of a 10-year-old. E) the gallbladder. 51)

52) The wall of the left ventricle is thicker than the right because A) the left ventricle does more work than the right ventricle. B) the left ventricle pumps a greater volume of blood than the right ventricle. C) the left ventricle produces a higher pressure than the right. D) both A and B E) both A and C 52)

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68) A heart murmur might be caused by A) pulmonic valve insufficiency. B) mitral valve insufficiency. C) aortic valve stenosis. D) B or C E) A or B or C 68)

69) A heartbeat lasts A) 5 seconds. B) 3 seconds. C) 100 msec. D) 370 msec. E) none of the above 69)

70) Pacemaker cells in the SA node A) have a well- defined resting potential. B) show a slow spontaneous depolarization. C) are connected by gap junctions to atrial myocytes. D) both B and C E) both A and C 70) 71) The first heart sound ("lub") A) is associated with opening of the mitral valve. B) is associated with atrial systole. C) is associated with closing of the mitral valve. D) is associated with closing of the aortic valve. E) is associated with opening of the aortic valve. 71)

72) Pacemaker cells isolated from the SA node generate action potentials at ________ beats per minute. A) 80100 B) 140180 C) 100140 D) 4060 E) 2040 72)

73) ________ is to slow heart rate as ________ is to fast heart rate. A) Bradycardia; tachycardia B) Tachycardia; bradycardia C) Bradycardia; cardiomyopathy D) Cardiac tamponade; bradycardia E) none of the above 73)

74) Depolarization of the atria corresponds to the EKG's A) QT interval. B) P wave. C) S-T segment. D) QRS complex. E) T wave. 74) 11 75) ________ is to contraction as ________ is to relaxation. A) Systole; diastole B) Filling; relaxing C) Diastole; systole D) Ejection; filling E) both A and D 75) 7

9) Tetanic muscle contractions don't occur in a normal cardiac muscle because A) the refractory period ends before the muscle reaches peak tension. B) potassium channels outnumber sodium channels. C) neural stimulation is lacking. D) cardiac muscle tissue contracts on its own. E) the refractory period lasts until the muscle relaxes. 79)

80) Stroke volume depends on A) the contractility of the ventricle. B) end diastolic volume. C) the pressure required to pump blood into the aorta. D) A and B only E) A, B, and C 80)

81) Which of these comparisons between skeletal and heart muscle is false? A) both trigger contraction by membrane depolarization. B) both have T- tubules. C) both release calcium ion from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. D) both are striated. E) both rely entirely on oxidative metabolism for energy. 81) 12

82) Cardiac output can be increased by all of the following except one. Choose the exception. A) decreasing end systolic volume B) increasing heart rate C) increasing stroke volume D) decreasing ejection fraction E) increasing ejection fraction 82)

83) During ventricular systole, the A) blood is entering the ventricles. B) pressure in the aorta remains constant. C) AV valves are closed. D) pressure in the ventricles remains constant. E) atria are contracting. 83)

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84) When the left ventricle contracts, the distance from the apex to the base A) decreases. B) increases. C) remains unchanged. 84)

85) When the left ventricle contracts, the diameter of the ventricular chamber A) decreases. B) increases. C) remains the same. 85)

86) As a result of the long refractory period in the cardiac action potential, cardiac muscle cannot exhibit A) fatigue. B) recruitment. C) treppe. D) tetany. E) tonus. 86)

87) At a heart rate of 60 beats/minute, a cardiac cycle lasts A) 630 milliseconds. B) 60 seconds. C) 1 second. D) 60 milliseconds. E) 370 milliseconds. 87)

88) Drugs known as calcium channel blockers such as nifedipine can be used to A) decrease the force of cardiac contraction. B) produce a negative inotropic effect. C) dilate the coronary arteries. D) decrease blood pressure. E) all of the above 88)

89) Cardiac cells damaged by infarction will show which of the following? A) switch to anaerobic metabolism. B) release of troponin T and I into the circulation. C) release of enzymes into the circulation. D) release of MB- CK into the circulation. E) all of the above 89)

13 90) When a blood clot forms on a ruptured plaque in a coronary artery, the condition is referred to as a(n) A) coronary spasm. B) coronary thrombosis. C) myocardial infarction. D) angina pectoris. E) pulmonary embolism. 90)

91) An increase in the rate of action potentials from baroreceptors will reflexly lead to A) increase in heart rate. B) decrease in heart rate. C) decrease in blood pressure. D) both B and C E) both A and C 91)

92) AV nodal cells are poorly interconnected compared to contractile cells but they have bigger diameters. A) The first part of the statement is true but the second part is false. B) The first part of the statement is false but the second part is true. C) Both parts of the statement are true. D) Both parts of the statement are false. 92)

93) Which of the following is greater during left ventricular systole? A) the peak pressure in the ventricle B) the peak pressure in the aorta C) Neither is greater. 93)

94) If the connection between the vagus nerve and the heart is cut, which of these changes will occur? A) stroke volume will decrease B) nodal fibers will depolarize more slowly C) cardiac output will decrease D) heart will beat slower E) none of the above 94)

95) Heart rate is controlled by neurons of the cardiovascular center located in the A) hypothalamus. B) higher centers. C) medulla oblongata. D) thalamus. E) pons. 95)

96) Cardiac output is increased by A) more sympathetic stimulation. B) increased end systolic volume. C) increased stroke volume. D) all of the above E) A and C only 96)

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97) Which of the following would be greater? A) the end-diastolic volume when the heart rate is 60 beats/minute B) the end-diastolic volume when the heart rate is 150 beats/minute 97)

14 98) Acetylcholine slows the heart because it A) opens potassium ion channels in SA node cells. B) causes the pacemaker potential to depolarize more slowly. C) causes the pacemaker potential to depolarize more quickly. D) opens sodium- calcium ion channels in SA node cells. E) A and C only 98)

99) Activation of which kind of receptor causes heart rate to increase? A) beta- one receptor B) preganglionic C) muscarinic receptor D) beta- two receptor E) alpha- one receptor 99)

100) Abnormally slow depolarization of the ventricles would most change the shape of the ________ in an ECG tracing. A) P wave B) QRS complex C) P- R interval D) T wave E) R- T interval 100)

101) The cardioacceleratory center activates sympathetic neurons and the cardioinhibitory center controls parasympathetic neurons. A) The first part of the statement is true but the second part is false. B) The first part of the statement is false but the second part is true. C) Both parts of the statement are true. D) Both parts of the statement are false. E) Both parts of the statement are true and relate to brainstem control of heart rate. 101)

102) If the pacemaker cells in the SA node become more permeable to potassium ions, the A) membrane will depolarize. B) heart rate will decrease. C) heart rate will increase. D) membrane will hyperpolarize. E) both B and D 102)

103) If the connection between the SA node and AV node becomes blocked, A) cardiac output will increase. B) the ventricles will beat more slowly. C) the ventricular beat will remain unchanged. D) the ventricles will beat faster. E) both A and D 103)

105) What effect would compressing the inferior vena cava just below the diaphragm have on cardiac function? A) Stroke volume would increase. B) Sympathetic stimulation of the heart would increase. C) Cardiac output would increase. D) all of the above E) A and B only 105)

106) Which of these is true about the atrial reflex? A) triggered by atrial mechanoreceptors B) also called Bainbridge reflex C) triggered by increasing venous return D) depends on sympathetic innervation E) all of the above 106)

107) Which of these would cause stroke volume to increase? A) when venous return is increased B) when venous return is decreased C) when diastolic blood pressure is decreased D) both A and C E) both B and C 107)

108) If a patient's tricuspid valve was leaking during systole, what would happen? A) diastolic murmur B) regurgitation into the right atrium C) regurgitation into the superior vena cava D) A and B only E) A, B, and C 108)

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109) David suffers from a prolapsed mitral valve. This condition would cause A) increased effort by the right ventricle. B) increased effort by the left ventricle. C) systolic murmur. D) both A and C E) both B and C 109)

110) If there is a complete block between the SA node and the AV node, how would the ECG be affected? A) The P- R interval will be shorter. B) The ventricles will stop beating. C) The QRS duration will be longer. D) There will be much bigger P waves. E) The rate of P waves will be faster than the rate of QRS complexes. 110) her nursing students that it is important to monitor patients' blood pressure when they are receiving verapamil (a calcium channel blocker). Why? 22 171) If a patient's resting cardiac output is 5.6 l/min and on a stress test she elevated her heart rate to a maximum of 176 beats/min with a stroke volume of 115 ml/beat, what is her cardiac reserve? Show your work. 172) A patient's ECG recording shows a very long P- R interval. What is the cause of this abnormal wave pattern? 23 Answer Key Testname: UNTITLED2 1) E ID: fap8m 20.1 -1 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 2) E ID: fap8m 20.1 -2 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 3) B ID: fap8m 20.1 -3 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 4) A ID: fap8m 20.1 -4 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 5) E ID: fap8m 20.1 -5 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 6) E ID: fap8m 20.1 -6 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 7) E ID: fap8m 20.1 -7 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 8) D ID: fap8m 20.1 -8 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 9) E ID: fap8m 20.1 -9 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 10) E ID: fap8m 20.1 -10 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 11) B ID: fap8m 20.1 -11 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 12) D ID: fap8m 20.1 -12 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 24 Answer Key Testname: UNTITLED2 13) A ID: fap8m 20.1 -13 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 14) E ID: fap8m 20.1 -14 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 15) A ID: fap8m 20.1 -15 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 16) E ID: fap8m 20.1 -16 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 17) B ID: fap8m 20.1 -17 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 18) E ID: fap8m 20.1 -18 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 19) B ID: fap8m 20.1 -19 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 20) C ID: fap8m 20.1 -20 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 21) D ID: fap8m 20.1 -21 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 22) A ID: fap8m 20.1 -22 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 23) B ID: fap8m 20.1 -23 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 24) D ID: fap8m 20.1 -24 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 25 Answer Key Testname: UNTITLED2 25) E ID: fap8m 20.1 -25 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 26) B ID: fap8m 20.1 -26 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 27) E ID: fap8m 20.1 -27 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 28) A ID: fap8m 20.1 -28 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 29) C ID: fap8m 20.1 -29 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 30) A ID: fap8m 20.1 -30 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 31) A ID: fap8m 20.1 -31 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 32) E ID: fap8m 20.1 -32 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 33) D ID: fap8m 20.1 -33

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Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 34) D ID: fap8m 20.1 -34 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 35) C ID: fap8m 20.1 -35 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 36) B ID: fap8m 20.1 -36 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 26 Answer Key Testname: UNTITLED2 37) B ID: fap8m 20.1 -37 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 38) D ID: fap8m 20.1 -38 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 39) D ID: fap8m 20.1 -39 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 40) A ID: fap8m 20.1 -40 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 41) E ID: fap8m 20.1 -41 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 42) C ID: fap8m 20.1 -42 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 43) C ID: fap8m 20.1 -43 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 44) A ID: fap8m 20.1 -44 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 45) E ID: fap8m 20.1 -45 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 46) D ID: fap8m 20.1 -46 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 47) D ID: fap8m 20.1 -47 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 48) D ID: fap8m 20.1 -48 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 27 Answer Key Testname: UNTITLED2 49) C ID: fap8m 20.1 -49 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 50) A ID: fap8m 20.1 -50 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 51) B ID: fap8m 20.1 -51 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 52) E ID: fap8m 20.1 -52 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 53) A ID: fap8m 20.1 -53 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 54) E ID: fap8m 20.1 -54 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 55) D ID: fap8m 20.1 -55 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 56) D ID: fap8m 20.1 -56 Diff: 3 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 57) B ID: fap8m 20.1 -57 Diff: 3 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 58) C ID: fap8m 20.1 -58 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 59) E ID: fap8m 20.1 -59 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 60) E ID: fap8m 20.1 -60 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 28 Answer Key Testname: UNTITLED2 61) C ID: fap8m 20.1 -61 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 62) E ID: fap8m 20.1 -62 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 63) A ID: fap8m 20.1 -63 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 64) E ID: fap8m 20.1 -64 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 65) C ID: fap8m 20.1 -65 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 66) E ID: fap8m 20.1 -66 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 67) A ID: fap8m 20.1 -67 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 68) E ID: fap8m 20.1 -68 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 69) D ID: fap8m 20.1 -69 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 70) D ID: fap8m 20.1 -70 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 71) C ID: fap8m 20.1 -71 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 72) A ID: fap8m 20.1 -72 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 29 Answer Key Testname: UNTITLED2 73) A ID: fap8m 20.1 -73 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 74) B ID: fap8m 20.1 -74 Diff: 3 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 75) E ID: fap8m 20.1 -75 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 76) B ID: fap8m 20.1 -76 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 77) C ID: fap8m 20.1 -77 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 78) D ID: fap8m 20.1 -78

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Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 79) E ID: fap8m 20.1 -79 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 80) E ID: fap8m 20.1 -80 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 81) E ID: fap8m 20.1 -81 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 82) D ID: fap8m 20.1 -82 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 83) C ID: fap8m 20.1 -83 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 84) A ID: fap8m 20.1 -84 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 30 Answer Key Testname: UNTITLED2 85) A ID: fap8m 20.1 -85 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 86) D ID: fap8m 20.1 -86 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 87) C ID: fap8m 20.1 -87 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 88) E ID: fap8m 20.1 -88 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 89) E ID: fap8m 20.1 -89 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 90) B ID: fap8m 20.1 -90 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 91) D ID: fap8m 20.1 -91 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 92) A ID: fap8m 20.1 -92 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 93) A ID: fap8m 20.1 -93 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 94) E ID: fap8m 20.1 -94 Diff: 3 Points: 1 Skill: Level 3 Questions: Critical Thinking & Clinical Applications 95) C ID: fap8m 20.1 -95 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 96) E ID: fap8m 20.1 -96 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 31 Answer Key Testname: UNTITLED2 97) A ID: fap8m 20.1 -97 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 98) E ID: fap8m 20.1 -98 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 99) A ID: fap8m 20.1 -99 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 100) B ID: fap8m 20.1 -100 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 101) E ID: fap8m 20.1 -101 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 102) E ID: fap8m 20.1 -102 Diff: 3 Points: 1 Skill: Level 3 Questions: Critical Thinking & Clinical Applications 103) B ID: fap8m 20.1 -103 Diff: 3 Points: 1 Skill: Level 3 Questions: Critical Thinking & Clinical Applications 104) D ID: fap8m 20.1 -104 Diff: 3 Points: 1 Skill: Level 3 Questions: Critical Thinking & Clinical Applications 105) B ID: fap8m 20.1 -105 Diff: 3 Points: 1 Skill: Level 3 Questions: Critical Thinking & Clinical Applications 106) E ID: fap8m 20.1 -106 Diff: 3 Points: 1 Skill: Level 3 Questions: Critical Thinking & Clinical Applications 107) D ID: fap8m 20.1 -107 Diff: 3 Points: 1 Skill: Level 3 Questions: Critical Thinking & Clinical Applications 108) A ID: fap8m 20.1 -108 Diff: 3 Points: 1 Skill: Level 3 Questions: Critical Thinking & Clinical Applications 32 Answer Key Testname: UNTITLED2 109) E ID: fap8m 20.1 -109 Diff: 3 Points: 1 Skill: Level 3 Questions: Critical Thinking & Clinical Applications 110) E ID: fap8m 20.1 -110 Diff: 3 Points: 1 Skill: Level 3 Questions: Critical Thinking & Clinical Applications 111) B ID: fap8m 20.1 -111 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 112) B ID: fap8m 20.1 -112 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 113) A ID: fap8m 20.1 -113 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 114) D ID: fap8m 20.1 -114 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 115) A ID: fap8m 20.1 -115 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 116) D ID: fap8m 20.1 -116 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 117) D ID: fap8m 20.1 -117 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 118) D ID: fap8m 20.1 -118 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 119) C ID: fap8m 20.1 -119 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 120) D ID: fap8m 20.1 -120 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 33 Answer Key Testname: UNTITLED2 121) pericardial cavity ID: fap8m 20.2 -1 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing

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Facts and Terms 122) base ID: fap8m 20.2 -2 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 123) apex ID: fap8m 20.2 -3 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 124) left ID: fap8m 20.2 -4 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 125) visceral pericardium ID: fap8m 20.2 -5 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 126) left ventricle and a small portion of the left atrium ID: fap8m 20.2 -6 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 127) right ventricle ID: fap8m 20.2 -7 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 128) mediastinum ID: fap8m 20.2 -8 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 129) interatrial septum ID: fap8m 20.2 -9 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 130) interventricular septum ID: fap8m 20.2 -10 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 131) trabeculae carneae ID: fap8m 20.2 -11 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 132) pulmonary ID: fap8m 20.2 -12 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 34 Answer Key Testname: UNTITLED2 133) systemic ID: fap8m 20.2 -13 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 134) Arteries ID: fap8m 20.2 -14 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 135) Veins ID: fap8m 20.2 -15 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 136) epicardium ID: fap8m 20.2 -16 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 137) myocardium ID: fap8m 20.2 -17 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 138) endocardium ID: fap8m 20.2 -18 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 139) automaticity ID: fap8m 20.2 -19 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 140) nodal (or pacemaker) ID: fap8m 20.2 -20 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 141) conducting fibers ID: fap8m 20.2 -21 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 142) bradycardia ID: fap8m 20.2 -22 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 143) tachycardia ID: fap8m 20.2 -23 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 144) pulmonary ID: fap8m 20.2 -24 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 35 Answer Key Testname: UNTITLED2 145) systole ID: fap8m 20.2 -25 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 146) diastole ID: fap8m 20.2 -26 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 147) diastole ID: fap8m 20.2 -27 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 148) Murmurs ID: fap8m 20.2 -28 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 149) regurgitation ID: fap8m 20.2 -29 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 150) left ID: fap8m 20.2 -30 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 151) Heart failure ID: fap8m 20.2 -31 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 152) reserve ID: fap8m 20.2 -32 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 153) end- diastolic volume ID: fap8m 20.2 -33 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 154) end- systolic volume ID: fap8m 20.2 -34 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 155) Starling's law of the heart ID: fap8m 20.2 -35 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 156) venous return ID: fap8m 20.2 -36 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 36 Answer Key Testname: UNTITLED2 157) coronary artery disease ID: fap8m 20.2 -37 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 158) end- systolic volume (ESV) ID: fap8m 20.2 -38 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 159) Angina pectoris ID: fap8m 20.2 -39 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 160) angioplasty ID:

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fap8m 20.2 -40 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 161) coronary arterial bypass graft (or, CABG) ID: fap8m 20.2 -41 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 162) systemic ID: fap8m 20.2 -42 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 163) stent ID: fap8m 20.2 -43 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 164) right ventricular cavity ID: fap8m 20.2 -44 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 165) ligamentum arteriosum ID: fap8m 20.2 -45 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 166) atria; ventricles ID: fap8m 20.2 -46 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 167) conducting; contractile ID: fap8m 20.2 -47 Diff: 3 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 168) TRUE ID: fap8m 20.3 -1 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 37 Answer Key Testname: UNTITLED2 169) TRUE ID: fap8m 20.3 -2 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 170) Calcium channel blockers inhibit the movement of calcium ions from the interstitial fluid into cardiac and smooth muscle cells. This would cause a decrease in heart rate, stroke volume, and cardiac output. These in turn would lower blood pressure. In addition, the calcium channel blockers would also inhibit contraction of the smooth muscle in the wall of blood vessels, causing them to get wider and thus also lower blood pressure. Because both heart and smooth muscle cells are inhibited by verapamil, its effects on blood pressure are particularly potent. ID: fap8m 20.4 -1 Diff: 3 Points: 1 Skill: Level 3 Questions: Critical Thinking & Clinical Applications 171) Cardiac reserve equals maximum cardiac output resting cardiac output. Maximum CO = HR x SV = 176 beats/minute x 0.115 liters/beat = 20.2 liters/minute. Cardiac reserve equals 14.6 liters/minute. ID: fap8m 20.4 -2 Diff: 3 Points: 1 Skill: Level 3 Questions: Critical Thinking & Clinical Applications 172) The P wave marks the time of atrial depolarization and the QRS complex signals ventricular depolarization. Between those two events the AV node was excited and the action potential was spread through the conducting tissue to the ventricular myocardium. A prolonged P-R interval signifies an usually slow conduction through the AV node and conducting system, possibly due to insufficient blood flow (ischemia). ID: fap8m 20.4 -3 Diff: 3 Points: 1 Skill: Level 3 Questions: Critical Thinking & Clinical Applications 38

6) Exchange between a blood vessel and the cells that surround it can occur only in A) capillaries. B) arteries. C) veins. D) venules. E) arterioles. 6)

7) Materials can move across capillary walls by A) reabsorption. B) diffusion. C) filtration. D) all of the above E) A and B only 7) 8) Blood flow through a capillary is controlled by the A) precapillary sphincter. B) thoroughfare channel. C) plexus. D) vasa vasorum. E) venule. 8)

9) Blood moves forward through veins because of all of the following, except A) the pressure in the veins is lower than in the arteries. B) the respiratory pump. C) pumping by the smooth muscle in the wall of the vein. D) muscular compression. E) valves in the veins preventing the backward flow of blood. 9)

10) Metabolites exchange by diffusion with tissue cells in which of the following locations? A) capillary B) venule C) artery D) vein E) arteriole 10)

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11) Total peripheral resistance is related to all of the following, except the A) blood vessel diameter. B) blood viscosity. C) length of a blood vessel. D) flow characteristics. E) osmolarity of interstitial fluids. 11)

12) As blood travels from arteries to veins, A) viscosity increases. B) pressure drops. C) flow becomes turbulent. D) diameter of the blood vessels gets progressively smaller. E) pressure builds. 12)

13) Blood flow to a tissue will increase if the A) level of oxygen at the tissue increases. B) arterioles dilate. C) level of carbon dioxide at the tissue decreases. D) veins constrict. E) both C and D 13) 2

14) Blood pressure is determined by A) listening carefully to the pulse. B) measuring the size of the pulse. C) measuring the force of contraction of the left ventricle. D) estimating the pressure needed to close off an artery with an external pressure cuff. E) estimating the degree of turbulence in a partly closed vessel. 14)

15) Blood pressure is highest here. A) venule B) artery 15) C) arteriole D) capillary E) vein

16) Blood pressure increases with all of the following, except increased A) cardiac output. B) peripheral resistance. C) parasympathetic innervation. D) blood volume. E) force of cardiac contraction. 16)

17) The difference between the systolic and diastolic pressures is called the ________ pressure. A) pulse B) blood C) mean arterial D) circulatory E) critical closing 17)

18) The blood colloid osmotic pressure mostly depends on the A) concentration of plasma waste products. B) number of red blood cells. C) concentration of plasma proteins. D) concentration of plasma sodium ions. E) concentration of plasma glucose. 18)

19) Which of the following statements is false concerning the movement of fluid between capillaries and interstitial space? A) The net filtration pressure is usually zero. B) The osmotic pressure of the interstitial fluid is less than the blood osmotic pressure. C) Blood osmotic pressure moves fluid from the interstitial space to the capillary. D) Blood hydrostatic pressure forces fluid from the capillary to the interstitial space. E) The hydrostatic pressure of the interstitial fluid is largely unimportant in determining fluid movement. 19)

20) When renin is released from the kidney A) angiotensin I is converted to angiotensin II. B) angiotensin I increases salt reabsorption at the kidneys. C) angiotensinogen is converted into angiotensin I. D) blood flow to the kidneys decreases. E) blood pressure goes down. 20)

3 21) Each of the following will lead to a decrease in blood pressure, except A) increased levels of ANP (atrial natriuretic peptide). B) decrease in blood volume. C) increased levels of aldosterone. D) decreased peripheral resistance. E) release of renin. 21)

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22) Each of the following will cause an increase in blood pressure, except A) increased levels of aldosterone. B) increased blood volume. C) increased levels of angiotensin II. D) increased levels of ADH (antidiuretic hormone). E) increased levels of ANP (atrial natriuretic peptide). 22) 23) Each of the following changes will result in increased blood flow to a tissue, except A) increased hematocrit. B) increased blood pressure. C) decreased peripheral resistance. D) increased vessel diameter. E) relaxation of precapillary sphincters. 23)

24) Pulmonary arteries carry blood to the A) aorta. B) right atrium. C) left atrium. D) systemic circuit. E) lungs. 24)

30) Which of the following are characteristics of cardiovascular regulation? A) blood flow changes to match tissue responses B) blood flow through tissues meets the demand for nutrients C) blood flow through tissues meets the demand for oxygen D) changes occur without drastically altering blood pressure E) all of the above 30)

31) Stimulation of the aortic baroreceptors reflexly results in A) stimulation of the vasoconstrictive center. B) increased sympathetic stimulation of the heart. C) increased activity by the parasympathetic nervous system. D) stimulation of the cardioaccelerator center in the brain. E) increased heart rate. 31)

32) Fear can result in A) increased stimulation of the cardioaccelerator center by higher brain centers. B) increased stimulation of the cardioinhibitory center by higher brain centers. C) increased heart rate. D) decreased blood pressure. E) both B and C 32)

33) During exercise A) venous return increases. B) both cardiac output and stroke volume increase. C) vasodilation occurs at the active skeletal muscles. D) all of the above E) A and C only 33)

34) In response to hemorrhage, there is A) peripheral vasoconstriction. B) increased parasympathetic stimulation of the heart. C) mobilization of the venous reserve. D) all of the above E) A and C only 34) 5

35) The hormone that produces cardiovascular effects similar to activation of the sympathetic nervous system is: A) tachykinin. B) acetylcholine. C) bradykinin. D) epinephrine. E) sympathetic neuropeptide. 35)

36) Homeostatic mechanisms in response to blood loss include all of the following, except A) increased thirst and water intake. B) activation of aldosterone secretion. C) activation of ADH secretion. D) uptake of interstitial fluid due to reduced capillary pressure. E) inhibition of EPO secretion. 36)

37) Branches off the aortic arch include the A) left common carotid artery. B) left subclavian

Elderly individuals usually have A) increased blood pressure. B) stiff inelastic arteries. C) decreased cardiac reserve. D) reduced hematocrits. E) all of the above 68)

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69) Elderly individuals are more prone than are younger individuals to have all of the following, except A) arteriosclerosis. B) venous thrombosis. C) increased elasticity of vessel walls. D) hypertension. E) problems with the conducting system of the heart. 69)

70) Which of the following factors will increase the net filtration pressure to move fluid out of capillaries? A) decreased plasma albumen B) increased blood hydrostatic pressure C) increased tissue hydrostatic pressure D) both A and B E) A, B, and C 70)

10 71) The smallest arterial branches are called the A) precapillary arterioles. B) veins. C) arterioles. D) capillaries. E) venules. 71)

72) The layer between the tunica media and the tunica externa in a large artery is the A) external elastic membrane. B) tunica externa. C) tunica intima. D) internal elastic membrane. E) tunica media. 72)

73) The thoroughfare channel ends at the A) venule. B) artery. 73) C) arteriole. D) capillary. E) vein.

74) Which of the following layers of a vessel contains collagen fibers with scattered bands of elastic fibers? A) tunica externa B) tunica intima C) internal elastic membrane D) tunica media E) external elastic membrane 74)

75) After blood leaves the capillaries, it enters the A) venules. B) capillaries. C) arteries. D) veins. E) arterioles. 75)

76) Which layer of a blood vessel contains concentric sheets of smooth muscle tissue? A) external elastic membrane B) tunica intima C) internal elastic membrane D) tunica media E) tunica externa 76)

77) The large vessels that return blood to the heart are called A) veins. B) capillaries. C) arteries. D) arterioles. E) venules. 77) 11

80) RBCs move single file through this structure. A) artery B) capillary C) vein D) venule E) arteriole 80)

81) The main control of peripheral resistance occurs in the A) artery. B) arteriole. C) vein. D) capillary. E) venule. 81)

82) The common iliac artery is an example of which type of artery? A) elastic B) arteriolar C) muscular D) connective E) vascular 82)

83) Which of the following lumen diameters would be typical of a muscular artery? A) 0.4 mm B) 0.2 mm C) 1.0 cm D) 0.4 cm E) none of the above 83

85) Which vessel is known as a resistance vessel? A) elastic B) muscular C) connective D) arteriole E) venule 85)

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86) Elastic fibers in the walls of these vessels are stretched during systole. A) capillaries B) arterioles C) venules D) arteries 12 86) E) veins

87) Which of the following is most likely to result from an aneurysm in a brain artery? A) hypotension B) myocardial infarction C) stroke D) quadriplegia E) pulmonary embolism 87)

88) Complications related to arteriosclerosis account for roughly ________ percent of deaths in the United States. A) 60 B) 50 C) 30 D) 20 E) 25 88)

89) These vessels hold the largest percentage of the blood supply. A) arteriole B) vein C) capillary 89) D) venule E) artery 90) Arteriosclerosis can lead to A) hypertension. B) coronary artery disease. C) stroke. D) both A and C E) A, B, and C 90)

91) A vein that measures 5 mm would be considered A) a large vein. B) a venous valve. C) an arteriovenule. D) a medium vein. E) a venule. 91)

92) The vascular pressure that declines from roughly 35 mm Hg to about 18 mm Hg is the A) pulse pressure. B) diastolic pressure. C) capillary hydrostatic pressure. D) venous pressure. E) peripheral pressure. 92)

95) Clinically, the term blood pressure usually refers to A) arterial pressure. B) arteriovenous pressure. C) peripheral pressure. D) capillary hydrostatic pressure. E) pulse pressure 95)

96) Venous valves are responsible for A) preventing anterograde flow. B) channeling blood toward the heart. C) channeling blood away from the heart. D) both A and B E) both A and C 96)

97) Venoconstriction ________ the amount of blood within the venous system, which ________ the volume in the arterial and capillary systems. A) decreases; doubles B) reduces; increases C) increases; reduces D) doubles; decreases E) none of the above 97)

98) Averaged over a few heartbeats, venous return is ________ cardiac output. A) much higher than B) somewhat higher than C) equal to D) somewhat lower than E) much lower than 98)

99) Blood pressure is lowest in the A) capillaries B) veins 99) C) venules D) arteries E) arterioles

100) Which of the following affects blood flow through the body? A) vessel diameter B) blood viscosity C) vascular resistance D) turbulence E) all of the above 100) \

104) To defend blood volume against dehydration, the body A) experiences a recall of interstitial fluids. B) accelerates reabsorption of water at the kidneys. C) experiences an increase in the blood colloidal osmotic pressure. D) increases water intake. E) all of the above 104)

105) Elevated levels of the hormones ANP and BNP will produce increased A) venous return and preload. B) salt and water loss through the kidneys. C) blood volume. D) sodium ion levels in blood. E) both B and D 105)

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109) Factors that increase the risk of atherosclerosis include which of the following? A) lack of exercise B) obesity C) high cholesterol D) smoking E) all of the above 109)

110) These vessels may be continuous or fenestrated. A) arteries B) arterioles C) veins 110) 15 D) venules E) capillaries

111) When carotid and aortic baroreceptors slow their discharge, A) heart rate increases. B) heart rate decreases. C) stroke volume increases. D) both A and C E) both B and C 111)

112) Which of the following would have the greater effect on vascular resistance? A) doubling the length of a blood vessel B) decreasing the diameter of a blood vessel by C) neither would be greater 112)

113) If blood pressure doubled, the blood flow through a vessel would be A) 1/4 as much. B) doubled. C) unchanged. D) four times greater. E) halved. 113)

114) In which of the following would the resistance be greater? A) a vessel 10 microns in diameter B) a vessel 1 mm in diameter 114)

115) In which of the following would the blood flow be highest? A) a vessel 1.0 cm in diameter and 2 meters long B) a vessel 1.0 cm in diameter and 10 meters long C) a vessel 0.5 cm in diameter and 2 meters long D) a vessel 0.5 cm in diameter and 4 meters long 115)

116) Which of the following changes doesn't occur during exercise compared to rest? A) Heart blood flow is higher. B) Abdominal viscera blood flow is lower. C) Kidney blood flow is lower. D) Skin blood flow is lower. E) Cardiac output is higher. 116)

117) Each of the following factors would increase peripheral resistance, except A) elevated levels of epinephrine. B) increased sympathetic stimulation. C) irregularities in the vessel walls caused by plaques. D) elevated hematocrit. E) vasodilation. 117)

118) Each of the following factors would increase cardiac output, except A) increased sympathetic stimulation of the heart. B) increased venous return. C) stimulation of the heart by epinephrine. D) increased blood concentration of glucose. E) decreased parasympathetic stimulation of the heart. 118) 16

119) In comparing a trained athlete to a nonathlete, which of these comparisons is false? A) The athlete has a lower resting heart rate. B) The athlete has a higher exercise stroke volume. C) The athlete has a higher exercise cardiac output. D) The athlete has a higher resting stroke volume. E) Both hearts weigh about the same. 119)

120) Turbulent blood flow occurs A) when there are sudden changes in vessel diameter. B) at high flow rates. C) when there are irregularities in the vessel wall. D) A and C only E) A, B, and C 120)

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121) If a person has a blood pressure of 120/90, his mean arterial pressure would be ________ mm Hg. A) 93 B) 100 C) 210 D) 105 E) none of the above 121)

122) The continual movement of fluid through the interstitial spaces produced by capillary filtration serves which of the following functions? A) accelerates the distribution of nutrients and hormones B) flushes hormones and wastes from the interstitial spaces C) assists the transport of insoluble substances that cannot enter the capillaries D) helps carry toxins and bacteria to cells of the immune system E) all of the above 122)

125) Which of the following is greater? A) stroke volume during circulatory shock B) normal stroke volume C) Both are about the same. 125)

126) When will the blood pressure is greater? A) when the peripheral vessels dilate B) when the peripheral vessels constrict C) Neither is greater. 126) 17

127) Increased levels of carbon dioxide in the blood will result in decreased A) heart rate. B) blood flow to the lungs. C) parasympathetic stimulation of the heart. D) cardiac output. E) none of the above 127)

128) When a person rises quickly from a sitting position, A) venous return is decreased. B) heart rate is reflexly elevated. C) reflex vasoconstriction of peripheral blood vessels occurs. D) the carotid baroreceptors become less active. E) all of the above 128)

129) Vickie has a tumor that secretes excess amounts of the hormone aldosterone. Because of the elevated level of hormone, she exhibits A) polycythemia. B) increased blood pressure. C) increased body stores of sodium ion. D) decreased blood volume. E) both B and C 129)

130) Venoconstriction reduces the diameter of which vessel? A) artery B) capillary C) vein 130) D) arteriole E) venule

131) Which of the following would you expect to have the lowest resting heart rate? A) a teenager with a sedentary lifestyle B) an 80- year- old woman C) a person with heart failure D) an unconditioned adult E) a trained athlete 131)

132) After losing 25 percent of blood volume in a motorcycle accident, which of the following compensatory responses would occur? A) venoconstriction of skin vessels B) increase of contractility C) increased heart rate D) vasoconstriction of the body wall E) all of the above 132)

133) Paul has a horrible chainsaw accident and cuts several major blood vessels in his head and neck. As a result of this injury, you would expect to observe all of the following, except a(n) A) increased heart rate. B) increase in cardiac output. C) increased total peripheral resistance. D) increased secretion of renin by the kidneys. E) cold, clammy skin. 133) 18 134) Which of the following conditions is Answer Key Testname: UNTITLED3 1) D ID: fap8m 21.1 -1 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 2) B ID: fap8m 21.1 -2 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 3) C ID: fap8m 21.1 -3 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 4) A ID: fap8m 21.1 -4 Diff: 1

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Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 5) A ID: fap8m 21.1 -5 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 6) A ID: fap8m 21.1 -6 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 7) D ID: fap8m 21.1 -7 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 8) A ID: fap8m 21.1 -8 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 9) C ID: fap8m 21.1 -9 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 10) A ID: fap8m 21.1 -10 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 11) E ID: fap8m 21.1 -11 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 12) B ID: fap8m 21.1 -12 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 28 Answer Key Testname: UNTITLED3 13) B ID: fap8m 21.1 -13 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 14) D ID: fap8m 21.1 -14 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 15) B ID: fap8m 21.1 -15 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 16) C ID: fap8m 21.1 -16 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 17) A ID: fap8m 21.1 -17 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 18) C ID: fap8m 21.1 -18 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 19) A ID: fap8m 21.1 -19 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 20) C ID: fap8m 21.1 -20 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 21) E ID: fap8m 21.1 -21 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 22) E ID: fap8m 21.1 -22 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 23) A ID: fap8m 21.1 -23 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 24) E ID: fap8m 21.1 -24 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 29 Answer Key Testname: UNTITLED3 25) A ID: fap8m 21.1 -25 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 26) C ID: fap8m 21.1 -26 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 27) D ID: fap8m 21.1 -27 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 28) E ID: fap8m 21.1 -28 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 29) D ID: fap8m 21.1 -29 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 30) E ID: fap8m 21.1 -30 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 31) C ID: fap8m 21.1 -31 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 32) A ID: fap8m 21.1 -32 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 33) D ID: fap8m 21.1 -33 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 34) E ID: fap8m 21.1 -34 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 35) D ID: fap8m 21.1 -35 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 36) E ID: fap8m 21.1 -36 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 30 Answer Key Testname: UNTITLED3 37) D ID: fap8m 21.1 -37 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 38) A ID: fap8m 21.1 -38 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 39) A ID: fap8m 21.1 -39 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 40) E ID: fap8m 21.1 -40 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 41) E ID: fap8m 21.1 -41 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 42) D ID: fap8m 21.1 -42 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 43) A ID: fap8m 21.1 -43 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 44) C ID: fap8m 21.1 -44 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 45) E ID: fap8m 21.1 -45 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 46) B ID: fap8m 21.1 -46 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 47) D ID: fap8m 21.1 -47 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 48) A ID: fap8m 21.1 -48 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 31 Answer Key

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Testname: UNTITLED3 49) B ID: fap8m 21.1 -49 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 50) C ID: fap8m 21.1 -50 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 51) E ID: fap8m 21.1 -51 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 52) D ID: fap8m 21.1 -52 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 53) C ID: fap8m 21.1 -53 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 54) E ID: fap8m 21.1 -54 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 55) A ID: fap8m 21.1 -55 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 56) C ID: fap8m 21.1 -56 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 57) A ID: fap8m 21.1 -57 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 58) D ID: fap8m 21.1 -58 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 59) D ID: fap8m 21.1 -59 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 60) B ID: fap8m 21.1 -60 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 32 Answer Key Testname: UNTITLED3 61) D ID: fap8m 21.1 -61 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 62) A ID: fap8m 21.1 -62 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 63) D ID: fap8m 21.1 -63 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 64) A ID: fap8m 21.1 -64 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 65) D ID: fap8m 21.1 -65 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 66) C ID: fap8m 21.1 -66 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 67) B ID: fap8m 21.1 -67 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 68) E ID: fap8m 21.1 -68 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 69) C ID: fap8m 21.1 -69 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 70) D ID: fap8m 21.1 -70 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 71) A ID: fap8m 21.1 -71 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 72) A ID: fap8m 21.1 -72 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 33 Answer Key Testname: UNTITLED3 73) A ID: fap8m 21.1 -73 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 74) A ID: fap8m 21.1 -74 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 75) A ID: fap8m 21.1 -75 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 76) D ID: fap8m 21.1 -76 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 77) A ID: fap8m 21.1 -77 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 78) C ID: fap8m 21.1 -78 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 79) D ID: fap8m 21.1 -79 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 80) B ID: fap8m 21.1 -80 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 81) B ID: fap8m 21.1 -81 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 82) A ID: fap8m 21.1 -82 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 83) D ID: fap8m 21.1 -83 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 84) B ID: fap8m 21.1 -84 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 34 Answer Key Testname: UNTITLED3 85) D ID: fap8m 21.1 -85 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 86) D ID: fap8m 21.1 -86 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 87) C ID: fap8m 21.1 -87 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 88) B ID: fap8m 21.1 -88 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 89) B ID: fap8m 21.1 -89 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 90) E ID: fap8m 21.1 -90 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 91) D ID: fap8m 21.1 -91 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 92) C ID: fap8m 21.1 -92 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 93) C ID: fap8m 21.1 -93 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1

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Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 94) A ID: fap8m 21.1 -94 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 95) A ID: fap8m 21.1 -95 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 96) B ID: fap8m 21.1 -96 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 35 Answer Key Testname: UNTITLED3 97) B ID: fap8m 21.1 -97 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 98) C ID: fap8m 21.1 -98 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 99) B ID: fap8m 21.1 -99 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 100) E ID: fap8m 21.1 -100 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 101) B ID: fap8m 21.1 -101 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 102) E ID: fap8m 21.1 -102 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 103) C ID: fap8m 21.1 -103 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 104) E ID: fap8m 21.1 -104 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 105) B ID: fap8m 21.1 -105 Diff: 3 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 106) E ID: fap8m 21.1 -106 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 107) E ID: fap8m 21.1 -107 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 108) E ID: fap8m 21.1 -108 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 36 Answer Key Testname: UNTITLED3 109) E ID: fap8m 21.1 -109 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 110) E ID: fap8m 21.1 -110 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 111) D ID: fap8m 21.1 -111 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 112) B ID: fap8m 21.1 -112 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 113) B ID: fap8m 21.1 -113 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 114) A ID: fap8m 21.1 -114 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 115) A ID: fap8m 21.1 -115 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 116) D ID: fap8m 21.1 -116 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 117) E ID: fap8m 21.1 -117 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 118) D ID: fap8m 21.1 -118 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 119) E ID: fap8m 21.1 -119 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 120) E ID: fap8m 21.1 -120 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 37 Answer Key Testname: UNTITLED3 121) A ID: fap8m 21.1 -121 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 122) E ID: fap8m 21.1 -122 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 123) E ID: fap8m 21.1 -123 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 124) B ID: fap8m 21.1 -124 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 125) B ID: fap8m 21.1 -125 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 126) B ID: fap8m 21.1 -126 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 127) C ID: fap8m 21.1 -127 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 128) E ID: fap8m 21.1 -128 Diff: 3 Points: 1 Skill: Level 3 Questions: Critical Thinking & Clinical Applications 129) E ID: fap8m 21.1 -129 Diff: 3 Points: 1 Skill: Level 3 Questions: Critical Thinking & Clinical Applications 130) C ID: fap8m 21.1 -130 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 131) E ID: fap8m 21.1 -131 Diff: 3 Points: 1 Skill: Level 3 Questions: Critical Thinking & Clinical Applications 132) E ID: fap8m 21.1 -132 Diff: 3 Points: 1 Skill: Level 3 Questions: Critical Thinking & Clinical Applications 38 Answer Key Testname: UNTITLED3 133) B ID: fap8m 21.1 -133 Diff: 3 Points: 1 Skill: Level 3 Questions: Critical Thinking & Clinical Applications 134) C ID: fap8m 21.1 -134 Diff: 3 Points: 1 Skill: Level 3 Questions: Critical Thinking & Clinical Applications 135) C ID: fap8m 21.1 -135 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 136) C ID: fap8m 21.1 -136 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 137) C ID: fap8m 21.1 -137

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Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 138) E ID: fap8m 21.1 -138 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 139) B ID: fap8m 21.1 -139 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 140) B ID: fap8m 21.1 -140 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 141) C ID: fap8m 21.1 -141 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 142) E ID: fap8m 21.1 -142 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 143) E ID: fap8m 21.1 -143 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 144) B ID: fap8m 21.1 -144 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 39 Answer Key Testname: UNTITLED3 145) vasa vasorum ID: fap8m 21.2 -1 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 146) venous reserve ID: fap8m 21.2 -2 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 147) vasomotion ID: fap8m 21.2 -3 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 148) Autoregulation ID: fap8m 21.2 -4 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 149) Collaterals ID: fap8m 21.2 -5 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 150) anastomosis ID: fap8m 21.2 -6 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 151) arteriovenous anastomosis ID: fap8m 21.2 -7 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 152) precapillary arteriole ID: fap8m 21.2 -8 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 153) circulatory pressure ID: fap8m 21.2 -9 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 154) blood pressure ID: fap8m 21.2 -10 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 155) Total peripheral resistance ID: fap8m 21.2 -11 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 156) arteriosclerosis ID: fap8m 21.2 -12 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 40 Answer Key Testname: UNTITLED3 157) atherosclerosis ID: fap8m 21.2 -13 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 158) Sounds of Korotkoff ID: fap8m 21.2 -14 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 159) pressure points ID: fap8m 21.2 -15 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 160) vasoconstriction ID: fap8m 21.2 -16 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 161) Lymphatic vessels ID: fap8m 21.2 -17 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 162) subclavian artery ID: fap8m 21.2 -18 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 163) common carotid artery ID: fap8m 21.2 -19 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 164) brachiocephalic artery ID: fap8m 21.2 -20 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 165) internal thoracic artery ID: fap8m 21.2 -21 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 166) basilar artery ID: fap8m 21.2 -22 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 167) brachial artery ID: fap8m 21.2 -23 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 168) diaphragm ID: fap8m 21.2 -24 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 41 Answer Key Testname: UNTITLED3 169) celiac artery ID: fap8m 21.2 -25 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 170) superior mesenteric artery ID: fap8m 21.2 -26 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 171) internal carotid artery ID: fap8m 21.2 -27 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 172) renal ID: fap8m 21.2 -28 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 173) external carotid artery ID: fap8m 21.2 -29 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 174) thoracic aorta ID: fap8m 21.2 -30 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 175) mediastinal arteries ID: fap8m 21.2 -31 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 176) internal; external

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ID: fap8m 21.2 -32 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 177) hepatic portal vein ID: fap8m 21.2 -33 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 178) superior mesenteric artery ID: fap8m 21.2 -34 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 179) inferior mesenteric artery ID: fap8m 21.2 -35 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 180) gonadal arteries ID: fap8m 21.2 -36 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 42 Answer Key Testname: UNTITLED3 181) suprarenal arteries ID: fap8m 21.2 -37 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 182) fenestrated ID: fap8m 21.2 -38 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 183) lumbar artery ID: fap8m 21.2 -39 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 184) external iliac artery ID: fap8m 21.2 -40 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 185) internal iliac artery ID: fap8m 21.2 -41 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 186) dorsalis pedis ID: fap8m 21.2 -42 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 187) tibial ID: fap8m 21.2 -43 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 188) external jugular vein ID: fap8m 21.2 -44 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 189) vertebral vein ID: fap8m 21.2 -45 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 190) internal jugular vein ID: fap8m 21.2 -46 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 191) median cubital vein ID: fap8m 21.2 -47 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 192) basilic ID: fap8m 21.2 -48 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 43 Answer Key Testname: UNTITLED3 193) cephalic ID: fap8m 21.2 -49 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 194) renal vein ID: fap8m 21.2 -50 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 195) suprarenal vein ID: fap8m 21.2 -51 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 196) gonadal veins ID: fap8m 21.2 -52 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 197) hepatic vein ID: fap8m 21.2 -53 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 198) phrenic vein ID: fap8m 21.2 -54 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 199) cystic vein ID: fap8m 21.2 -55 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 200) gastric vein ID: fap8m 21.2 -56 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 201) inferior mesenteric vein ID: fap8m 21.2 -57 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 202) splenic vein ID: fap8m 21.2 -58 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 203) superior mesenteric vein ID: fap8m 21.2 -59 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 204) mesenteric ID: fap8m 21.2 -60 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 44 Answer Key Testname: UNTITLED3 205) capillaries ID: fap8m 21.2 -61 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 206) aneurysm ID: fap8m 21.2 -62 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 207) Sinusoids ID: fap8m 21.2 -63 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 208) total peripheral pressure ID: fap8m 21.2 -64 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 209) Capillaries ID: fap8m 21.2 -65 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 210) veins ID: fap8m 21.2 -66 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 2 Questions: Reviewing Concepts 211) thoroughfare channel ID: fap8m 21.2 -67 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 212) FALSE ID: fap8m 21.3 -1 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 213) TRUE ID: fap8m 21.3 -2 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 214)

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TRUE ID: fap8m 21.3 -3 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 215) TRUE ID: fap8m 21.3 -4 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 216) TRUE ID: fap8m 21.3 -5 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 45 Answer Key Testname: UNTITLED3 217) TRUE ID: fap8m 21.3 -6 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 218) TRUE ID: fap8m 21.3 -7 Diff: 2 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 219) TRUE ID: fap8m 21.3 -8 Diff: 1 Points: 1 Skill: Level 1 Questions: Reviewing Facts and Terms 220) When a skeletal muscle becomes more active, it consumes oxygen and nutrients and releases carbon dioxide, waste products, and potassium ion. One effect of reduced oxygen is to cause the smooth muscle cells that block capillary blood flowthe precapillary sphinctersto relax. As it relaxes, the capillary opens and plasma and red cells can perfuse the active tissue. After recovery from exercise is complete, gases and metabolites return to normal and blood flow returns to its resting value. This local mechanism works along with central control of vasodilation by the sympathetic vasodilator fibers that appear to utilize nitric oxide (NO) as the transmitter substance. ID: fap8m 21.4 -1 Diff: 3 Points: 1 Skill: Level 3 Questions: Critical Thinking & Clinical Applications 221) Acutely, the autonomic nervous system undergoes sympathetic activation. Epinephrine from the suprarenal medulla supports the neural mechanisms. Heart rate and contractility are increased from trying to maintain cardiac output. Vasoconstriction increases peripheral resistance, raising blood pressure and redirecting flow to vital internal organs. Simultaneously, venoconstriction occurs, increasing venous return and forcing extra blood from the venous to the arterial side of the circulation. The endocrine system releases ADH, angiotensin II, and aldosterone, which act together to raise blood volume by reducing fluid loss at the kidney. ID: fap8m 21.4 -2 Diff: 3 Points: 1 Skill: Level 3 Questions: Critical Thinking & Clinical Applications 222) The athlete's heart will be more massive, and will have a higher resting stroke volume and a lower resting heart rate. During maximum activity, stroke volume will be much greater for the athlete, and cardiac output of the athlete may approach 30 liters/minute compared to 20 liters/minute of the nonathlete. Maximum heart rates will be about the same despite the much larger cardiac output, due to the larger stroke volume. ID: fap8m 21.4 -3 Diff: 3 Points: 1 Skill: Level 3 Questions: Critical Thinking & Clinical Applications 46