“terrifying majesty”: the french absolutist...

“Terrifying Majesty”: The French Absolutist State Foundations of European Absolutism Absolutism Monopolize state sovereignty Goal? Methods of Compulsion Foreshadows 20th C Totalitarianism Henry IV ( r. 1589 - 1610 ) Bourbon “Chicken in every pot” Duke of Sully Edict of Nantes ( 1598 ) Paulette Cardinal Richelieu “Reasons of State” Foundations of French Absolutism

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Page 1: “Terrifying Majesty”: The French Absolutist Statefairbanksonline.net/Fairbanks_Online/ID_-_Notes_files/"Terrifying... · “Terrifying Majesty”: The French Absolutist State

“Terrifying Majesty”: The French Absolutist State

Foundations of European Absolutism

Absolutism Monopolize state sovereignty Goal? Methods of Compulsion Foreshadows 20th C Totalitarianism

Henry IV (r. 1589-1610) Bourbon “Chicken in every pot” — Duke of Sully Edict of Nantes (1598) Paulette

Cardinal Richelieu “Reasons of State”

Foundations of French Absolutism

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Louis XIV, throne at 5 yrs. old Cardinal Mazarin Fronde (1648-53) Results

Govt. will have to compromise with bureaucracy Economy = badly disrupted Political education of Louis XIV

Foundations of French Absolutism

The “Sun King” RisesLouis XIV (r. 1643-1715) Background

“Sun King” “Age of Louis XIV” Bishop Bossuet Divine Right of Kings Effects of the Fronde “I shall see”

“Terrifying Majesty” “every moment and every inch a king” Estates General never called Secret police, informers, opening letters

Contemporary Thoughts on Louis XIV’s Absolutism

One of Louis XIV’s biggest critics, Saint-Simone, wrote, “[louis XIV] reduced everyone to subjugation, and brought to his court those very persons he cared least about. Whoever was old enough to serve did not dare demur. It was still another device to ruin the nobles by accustoming them to equality and forcing them to mingle with everyone indiscriminately… Louis XIV took great pains to inform himself on what was happening everywhere, in public places, private homes, and even on the international scene… Spies and informers of all kinds were numberless… But the King’s most vicious method of securing information was opening letters.”

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Economic & Domestic PolicyTax System Jean Baptist Colbert Mercantilism Revocation of Edict of Nantes (1685)

Required Cath. baptism, closure of churches/schools 800,000+ Huguenots emigrate Economy?

Louis XIV’s Wars33 of 54 years at war

Expansion of military, increase in costs Professional army = soldiers employed/directed by the state (Louvois) Recruitment:

conscription lottery dragooning

Louis XIV’s Wars

Netherlands (1667-78): Mercantilism

Page 4: “Terrifying Majesty”: The French Absolutist Statefairbanksonline.net/Fairbanks_Online/ID_-_Notes_files/"Terrifying... · “Terrifying Majesty”: The French Absolutist State

Louis XIV’s Wars

Problems: Financially exhausting Sale of offices, titles Nation’s silver Taxation of Peasants = REVOLT!

Bad harvests 1688 & 1694 1/10 pop dies

War of the League of Augsburg (1688-97):

Louis XIV’s Wars

Issue: Charles II will -- Phil of Anjou (Louis’ grandson) Balance of Power: “What rapture, the Pyrannees no longer exist!” Grand Alliance

Eugene (Prince of Savoy) & Duke of Marlborough

War of the Spanish Succession (1701-1713):

Peace of Utrecht (1713): Phil = King... BUT no French-Spanish union Spanish Empire declines British Empire vastly expanded French aggressive foreign policy ends

Court Society/CultureVersailles = model for most of Europe

largest building in Europe Louis = rock star for 50 years Cultural Program (Peter Burke) Domestication of the Nobles

L’etat c’est moi (“I am the state”)Apres moi, le deluge (“After me, the flood”)

Question to Ask: How does the King want to be represented?