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  • 5/13/2018 Termeni in Petrol


    GabyjonDescrierea rociJor

    1. Depozlte silicioaseTip CuJoare D imensiunea S fericitate G rad de Sortare M ineraleroca granulelor rotun jire accesorii

    S iltit Transparen t 1- 2 f. grosier E longat Angular Slab B iotit- B ySilt Cenusiu 0,5-1 grosier Subelongat Subangular sortat Muscovit- MsNisip A lb 0,25- 0,5 Subsfer ic Subrotunj it M ediu Feldspat- fldsGresie Maroniu mediu S feric Rotunj it sortat G lauconit- glauGalben 0,125- 0,25 Bine r ot un ji t Bine

    fin sartat0,063- 0,125f. fin0,002- 0,063silt

  • 5/13/2018 Termeni in Petrol


    GabyjonDeterminarea gipsului ~ianhidritutlui

    Metoda Dr. 2D eterrn in area d iferen te i d in te g ip s ~ianhidrit nu este totdeauna posibila, la sonda, dar uneori

    poate fi i nc er c at . Asemanar il e ~id if er en te le s un t:Ca ractertstiei Gips Anhidrit

    Formula CaS04*2H20 CaS04Culoare Alb, gri deschis-gri lnchis, rosu, Alb, gr i deschis, rosualbastru, galben, maroStructura Sticlos, fiii;ii flexibile, structura fibroasa, Fibres, paralel ~i radiar,luciu satinat, perle. granule fine.M asiv, granule fine, subvitros, spongios, Amorf, granule tine, masiv

    alb, soft dar clivabilLuciu Perla, pamantos, subvitros Perla, gras, subvitrosDuritate 1,5-2 in seara lu i Moh s, p oa te fi zgariat 3-3,5 in scara lui M ohs, poatecu unghia fi zgariat cu ac de alam aDeositate 2,3-2,37 g/cm ' 2,9-3 g/crrr'

    P re ze nt a s ul fa ti lo r p oa te ti testata c u HC I. C alc itu l fa ce e fe rv esc en ta iar gipsul ~i a nh id rit ul n u.Confrrmarea poate fi ob tinu ta mojarand 0 p roba u sc at a in 0 pulbere fina, 0 punem in 0 stieta

    de ceas cu Hel ~i0 'inciUzim usor. Pulberea va fi dizolvata , jar cand se va ra d t re pt at , g ip su l ~ianhidritul vor precipita in cristale aciculare pe m arginea sticlei de ceas,B aCh, fo lo sit c u g rija , d et ermin li d e a semen ea p re ze nta su lfa tilo r:I. pun em p ro ba l nt r- un r ec ip ie nt te pr ub et a) ~ic omp le ta rn c u a pa d is ti la ta ,2. Agitam ~iapoi varsam apa, R eum plem ~irepetarn.3 . Umplem eprubeta jumatate cu apa si adaugam 3 picaturi de H CI ~iagitam,4. Adaugam 2 picatur] BaCI2.o perla alba-decolorata confirms prezenta g ip su lu i s au a nh id ri tu lu i.

    Metoda Dr. 2Sf ia u cateva fragmente de proba ~ise pu n intr-un balon de laboratorum plem partial baJonul eu solutie de HCI 10%foloseste plita pentru a lncalzi continutul pand la fierberedupa racire treeem continutul printr-o hiirtie de fihru intr-un test tubeadauga to piciituri de BaCh solutie; forrnarea de precipitat indica prezenta sulfatilord up a d ec an ta re la ss p re cip ita tu l s a se u su ceumple partial un alt lest tub eu Bromoform


  • 5/13/2018 Termeni in Petrol


    GabyjonBHA B ottom h ole a nsemb ly Ansam blu de fundTD T ota l d eQ _ th Ada nc ir ne to ta laTVD T ru e v er ti ca l demh Adancime reala verticalaWODL Wait on day_ light A__leptum ina zileiWOD Wa it o rd er A_1t~t un ordinWOM Wa it o f m ate ria ls f\lt~ rnaterialeDST Drill sistem test Testarea sistemului de foraj_LOG W ireline Iqggin_g_ Carotaj_ cu cablu

    NIU (BOP) N!I>_leu1liBOPl Montat_(_BOPlNID{BOP) N ip le d ow n (BOP) Dernontat (BOPl- Cut & SIi_ t)_ Tiiiat_1i scurtat- P it lo se Pierde batal- Pit gain Umple batal

    P/U Pck up -LID Lay down Oat afara din sondaPOOH Pull out of hole E xt ra ge re a g ar ni tu ri iRIH Run in hole I nt ro duc er ea g ar ni tu ri iDOC D rill o ut c em en t Frezarea cimentuluiTo e Top of cem ent Oglinda eimentOE Oppen ended P ra jin i g oa le (neasful!ate la C 3 1 ! 1 \ t )

    LAUNCHER - Daily

    Code 1$1 l ev el a ct iv i!Y_A Moving & Rig Up & R ig d ow n Mutare & instalare & dezinstalareB Skidding Mu ta re (a lu ne ca rf !)_ in sta la lie d e f or ajC W ell Head & B O P C ~ d e so nd a _ jJ? !ev en ito rD C on ducto r P ipe C olo an a d e _ gh id alE Dri iiin_ E ForareF Side-tracking or re-drilling N oua gaura ide la 0 n ou a a da nc im e)G Casing TubareH Cementing CimentareI Coring CarotalJ Logging MasuratoriK Comp le tio n s tr in g Compunerea _g_arnituri i de foraj_L D ec om ple tio n strin g O esco mp unerea garn iturii de fo rajM Mec ha nic al re sto ra tio n a fte r d ec om ple tio n Pr~ i'itirile m ecanice de stl!iit de forajN S an d c on tr ol Con tro lu l n i siQ_u lu i_ im . ab raziv it at e}0 We llb or e tre atm en tP Testing TestareQ Abandonil}g AbandonareR S lik e L in eS C oile d T ub in g Tubi ng f le xi bi lT A rtific ia l lif t Liftare {Punere in productie prin

    Inlocuirea no ro ilui cu aetl_10

  • 5/13/2018 Termeni in Petrol


    Gabyjon G t Q ~ O G./ foraj - drilling - (driling)./ "directional I dirijat" - directional - (direqaniU)./ "de exp lo ra re " -+ explorat ion -+ (exploreisan)./ "de exploat ar e " - exploitation -+ (exploateisan)./ "d ir ect iona l con tro la t" -+ cont ro ll ed / d ir ec ti on a l - ( con tr ol d / d ir ec sa n al )./ f o ra j r o ta ti v -+ r o ta ry d r il li ng -+ ( ro ta r i d r il ing )./ flu id d e fo raj -> d rillin g mud --> (d rilin g m a d)./ f ora j d e a da nc im e --4 de ep d ri ll in g -~ ( d ip d r il ing )./ a frcza ci m ent - to d rill o ut - (tu d ril a ut)./ filtratie -+ filtra te / w a te r lo ss -> (filtreit I u ata r lo s)./ nan~il -+ !lange --> (flenge)./ g arn itu ra d e --> gasket --" (gheschit)./ f la n~a de i nch id e re --+ b la nk fla ng e --> ( ble n c t le nge )./ "narhil '1I -+ blind --" (blaind)./ c u fla ns e --4 t langed --+ (Ilenged)./ "racord" --> lilting - (tiling)./ conexiune --> joint -+ (gioint)./ f u rt un f lex ib i l - f le xib le ho se -+ (f1exibal hos),/ forrnatiune --" formation --" (formeisan)./ "tisurata" --+ faulted - (faultid)./ "dura" --> hard -+ (hard)./ "moale' --+ soft: --" (soft),/ "p roduc ti v a " --> o i l p roduc ing -> ( o il p rod ius ing )./ f or aj ul g au ri i t ij ei d e a n tr en a re - ratholing - (rathol)./ g hid aj ga rn itura d e fo raj -+ p ilo t b it -> ( pa ilo t b it),/ gaur a d evi at a -+ c ro ok ed h ole - (e ru ct h oi)./ g ea la d e fo ra ] --" d ri ll in g j ar -+ ( dr il in g g e ar )./ r ob in et d e ln ch id ere -4 shut in cock - (sut in co c)./ in ce pu tu l p riz ei --" i ni ti al s et -+ ( in i~a l s e t),/ Intretinere -> service-ing --+ (servising),/ in st. d e la g au ra p utulu i -> we ll h ea d a ssemb ly --" (u el h ed e semb li),/ instructaj -> briefing -+ (brifing),/ jilip -~ slide - (staid)./ man so na re a sa pe i -+ b it ba ll ing -+ ( bi t b o lin g )./ rn ufa d in co rp -> f lu sh joi n t -4 (flas gioint)~ m acara d e m an ev ra -+ h ois tin g b lo ck -+ (h ois tin g b lo c),/ a face m ars com plet ell sapa -> to make a trip -> (tu m eic a trip)./ mast --+ mast -+ (mast)./ "ancorat" -4 guyed --" (guid)./ "rabatabil" - . ja ck k nife --" (g ee n aif),/ "po r ta b il" -> portable - (porteibiil)./ "telescopic" -4 telescoping --+ ( telescoping),/ montaj ( in s ta la ti e) --+ rig gin g u p -+ (rig hin g a p)./ mars --> trip - (trip),/ ma te ria l d e in gr eu na re --" we ig htin g ma te ria l - ( uc it in g ma te ria l)./ mate ria l d e b lo ca j -I' s ea li ng ma te ri al s --> ( si l i ng ma t er ia ls )./ g au ra b uc atii d e a va nsa re -+ m ou se ho le -> (maus hoi)./ gaura tijei - k elly h ole --+ ( ch eli h al)./ gau ra n ct ub a ta --" o pen ho le - (o pa n h oi)./ a Inchide un put --+ to close in a w ell -+ (tu cJoz in a uel),/ in el d e b lo ca re -+ c as in g c lamp --+ ( ch es in g c lemp)


  • 5/13/2018 Termeni in Petrol


    Gabyjon G t9 LOG./ a va ns a utom at - a utom atic fe ed - ( au tom atic f id )./ a gita to r d e n oro i - mud ag it at or -I> (mad agit ei ta r )./ ancora - anchor - - . . . (ensuar)./ amnar - b it b re a ke r -, ( b it b r ei ca r )./ ap asa re p e sap a ----> b it we igh t -10 ( bi t u e ig t)of ansam blu de fund - - - - > b ottom h ole a ssemb ly --+ (b atam hoI e sa rn bli)~ amortizor --+ bufferlbumper/dampner - - - - > (bafi ir /bampar/dempnar)./ amo rt oz or pn euma ti c --+ a ir cushioning - - . . . (er chesioningj./ ad anc imea s abo tu lu i -, c as in g d ep th --+ ( ch es in g d ep t)./ a ga ta to r c ol. tu ba j --+ c asin g g ra b --+ ( ch es in g g re b)./ a coper is f lo ta n t -I> f lo a ti ng r oo f -I> ( fl ot in g r uf )./ agatlltor - - - - > hanger --+ (hengar)./ a rg il a ma rn oa ss -I> ma rl c la y -10 (m ar l c le i)./ a a se za b urla ne le - - - - > to s et c asin g - . (t u se t chesing)./ blocaj - clog -+ (clog)vi ' b urla n d e g hid aj - conduct or p ip e /c a si ng ---+ (candactar paip/chesing)./ b urlan d e tu baj -10 casing -+ (chesing)./ b ro asc a cu p en e p t. b urlan e -10 c as ing s pi de r - ( ch e si ng s pa id a r)./ b nlta ra d e c ab lu --+ d ri ll in g c lamp -I> ( dr il in g c lemp )./ ba raca sondor il o r - d og h ou se ---+ (d og h au s)./ broasca -~ spider --+ (spaidar~./ bolt - pin --+ (pin)' " a bate cu geaJa - - - - > to ja r ---+ (tu g ea r)./ blinds - - - + capping - - - + (cheping)./ b ac ur i, p en e _ , . slip I dogs -> (slip s / d og s)of bacur i p r even it o r --+ rams --+ (rerns). ' " hucaljj -+ single ---+ (singal)of contrapresiune -+ ba ck p re ss ur e -+ ( be e p re sa r)' " calibru -> bit gauge / gage -10 (b it g au ge / g he ig e)./ cfrrlig instrurnentatie - b it h oo k --+ (b it h ue )./ cap caro t ie ra --+ co re b it --+ (c ore b it)./ co runca cu pene -+ bull dog type / slip sock et -+ (b ul d og ta ip /slip so ch et)./ cu rg e re i nv e rs a -> b ac k flo w -> (b ee flo u)-v c ap d e c olo an a -+ c as in g h ea d --+ (e he sin g h ed )./ cimentare - cementing --+ (cimenting)./ i nel op r it o r I de r et in e re ---+ collar --+ (colar)./ "cap d e" ---+ head - - - - > (hed)./ "Iurtun de" -+ hose - - - + (hos)./ "dop de" --> plug -+ (plag)./ "s ab ot d e" -+ shoe -10 (~u)./ " co lo a na d e" -+ string -+ (string)./ "in m ai m uJte faze" -+ multistage -I> (rnultisteige)./ " sub p re si un e " --> squeeze --+ (squizi)~ corun 1 , ' ; 1 -> overshot ---+ (ovarsor)./ carota --+ core -+ (cor)./ carotiera -+ c or e b ar re l -I> (c or b er al)./ c ap d e c ar otie ra -+ c ore b it/c ore c utte r h ea d -> (co r b it/c or cata r b ed )./ cutit - - - + cutter - - - . ) 0 (catar)./ centrori -+ casi ng cen tr al iz e rs --> (chesing centralaizar).;' c oru nc a d e b urla ne --+ c asin g d og --+ (chesing dog)./ cab lu d e m an ev ra -+ casing Iilie -I> (c hc sin g ! aip )


  • 5/13/2018 Termeni in Petrol


    Gabyjon G E q L O G,f' Greu ta tc s p ec if ic a ---> m ud w eith ---> MW,f' T en siu ne d e fo rfe ca re -> yield point - - - + yp,f' Vascozitate plastics -+ p las ti c vascos it y -+ VP,f' Va sc oz ita te M a rs h -+ Ma rs h v as co si ty -+ VM,f' Clor -+ cloride -+ CI./ C on tin ut ac tiv d e a rg ile -+ m eth ylen e b lu e te st -+ MBT,f' C on tin ut ac tiv d e a rg ile - s o li d c ont en t - Solids,f' Filtrat ---> filtrate - HTHP,f' R eziste nta d e g el -+ ge l s tr enght -+ Gels

    D IF ER IT I A L T I TERMENI./ e le va to r p t. t ub in g -+ t ub in g e le v at or -+ (tiubing eleveitar),f' elcvatorpt, lUa de pomparc _- , S li k er r od s e le v at or -+ ( sa ca r r od t e le ve ita r),f' c le stc p l. tu bi ng -+ tu bi ng t on g I snap on -> ( ti ub in g t on g I snepon),f' chei pl . Ije -+ s uk erro ds w re nc he s -+ ( sa ca r r od t r en cis ); .. dirlig 1 ' 1 . tijc pornpare -> p ro du ctio n h oo k --> (p ra da es an h ue ),f' driig m acara -> h oo k b lo ck - (h ue b lo c)./ macara -+ t ra ve lin g b lo ck -+ (trcvfding bloc)./ geamblac -+ cro wn b lo ck -+ ( cr au n b lo c);- - c ab lu m a ca ra -+ h ois tin g li ne -> ( ho is tin g la in );- turla -+ derrick -> (deric)~ mast -+ mast ---> (mast),f' substructura --+ substructure -> (sabstractar);r granlc de manevra -> drawwork -+ (drauorc)7 tije d e pompare -+ s uc ke r ro ds -> (sacar rodt)./ p re ve nito r d e e ru pti e -+ b lo w ou t p re ve nte r -+ ( bl au au t p ri ve n ta r)./ v en til d e s ig ur an !a -+ k el ly c oc k -+ ( ch eli c oc )./ m an ifo ld d e p re siu ne -> flo w ch ok es an d m an ifo ld -+ (fla u c io cs e nd m an ifo ld )./ s ep ar at or d e g az e- ti te i -+ o il a nd g as s ep ara to r -> ( oi l e nd gh l! /, s cp a re it ar )./ c lav ia tur a separa toa re lor -+ s ep a ra to r man if ol d --+ ( se p ar ei ta r man if ol d)7 duza rcglabilii - a dj us ta bl e c ho k e -+ ( u c h . ! i a : > t i b M cine);- c ap d e e ru ptie -+ c ris t m a s tr ee -+ (cristmas tri)7 conducts de eruptie -+ blo wout line -+ (b la u au t la in )./ c o nd u ct s d e a li m e n ta r e -+ s up ply in g p ip e lin e -+ (sa pla in g p aip la in )' " c on du cta d e in alta p re siu ne -+ h ig h p re ssu re p ip e lin e - (h ai p resar p aip lain )./ conduct s a p ii -t it ci -> w ater and oil pipe line - (uatar end oil paip lain),f' c on du cta d e e va cu ate -+ d is ch arg e (o utle t) p ip e lin e -+ (d is cia rg i p aip la in )./ c on du cts d e a sp ira tie -+ in le t p ip e lin e -> (in le t p aip la in )./ rezervor de !i!d -+ o il ta nk - ( oi l te ne ),f' d em on ta t c ap e ru ptie - c ri str na s tr ee d ism ou nt -+ ( cr is tm a s tr i d ism au nt)( te ar d own ) ( li ar d a un ),f' monlat prevcnitor cruptie -+ BOP m ou ntin g - (B O P m au ntin g)~ extras tubingul cu ... -+ pull out tubing w ith .. _ - (pul aut tiubing uit .. . )' " i ntr od us s ap a Cll role - run in tubing 00 ... - . (ran in tiubing O D . _.with bit O J) .. , uit bit OD ... ),f' fre:tA -+ m il li ng t oo l -> (m il in g tu l)' " frezat dop cim ent in col 7" .- d rilled cem en tin g p lu g in -+ (drilid cirnenting plag int:casing ( sevan i nc i ches ing )


  • 5/13/2018 Termeni in Petrol


    Gabyjon./ Ma ns oa ne c au ciu c --> r ubbe r p r o te c to r s -+ ( r uba r p r ote cta rs )./ Dr il co la r amagn e ti c - nonmagne ti c d ri ll co ll ar - ( no nmagn et ic d ri lc ol ar )./ G eala de foraj -. d ri ll in g j ar -. ( dr il in g g ea r)./ P as d e p rajin i _ _ , . d ri ll p ip e s ta nd -> (d ril p aip s te nd )./ Ra rn p a p rs ji ni - p ip e r ac k - - . ( pa ip r ec )./ Pene --> slips --> (slips)./ Clesti - tongs --> ( tongs)./ Cleste automat - p ow e r to ng s --> ( pa ua r t on gs )./ Elevator - elevator -+ (eleveitar)./ P at ra ti i m a ri --> r ot ar y t ab le b us hi ng s -+ ( ro ta ri t ei ba l b us in gs )./ Patratii mici -+ k e ll y b u sh in g s _,. ( ch el i b u si ng s)./ Oala -> b e ll n ip p le -+ ( be l n ip l)./ Marita --> mud sav er b uck et --> (m ad se iv ar b ac he t)./ DlBA - kelly spinner --> ( che li s pain li r)./ Cioara --> c as in g d ri ft --> ( ch es in g d ri ft )./ C le st e m sur ub a t- _ _ , . i ro n r ou ghn ec k --> ( ai ro n r ug n ec )- de su ru b at p n iji ni./ D isp ozitiv stran s - - - - e zy to rq ue --> ( ez i to re )- sl ab it m a te ri al tu bu la r./ Piston --> piston --> (pistan)./ Lant _ _ , . chain --> (cein)./ Lan t t ran smis ie _ _ , . d ri vi ng c h ai n --> ( dr ai vin g e ein )./ Ca rn as a p is to n ul ui --> p um p lin er _ _ , . ( pamp la in ar )./ Cheie --> wrench --> (scriu)./ Piuli~a --> nut --> (nat)./ Rola -+ sheave --> (~iv)./ Panou -+ panel _, . (pene!)./ Sarcina -+ load --+ (Iliud)./ Echipament --> equipment --> (echipmant)./ Adancime -+ depth --> (dept)./ f nr eg is tr ato r d e g re ut ate - . we ig h t i nd ic at or -+ ( u ei t indiche i ta r )./ I nr eg is tr ato r p ar ame tr i fo ra ] --> d ri ll in g r ec or de r --> ( dr il ing r ico rda r).,/ Detritus --> deb ri s, c u tt ing s --> ( d eb r i, e a tings )./ Ga ur a t ije i p at ra te -+ rathole -+ (rathol)./ G au ra d e du blu -+ mo use h ole - . ( rn au s h oi )


    ./ Motorina --> g as o il, d iesel oil -+ ( gh es o il, d iz el o il)./ U le i m o to r _,. e ng in e o il - - ( en gi n o il)./ Sarita --> baryte -+ (bar it)./ Bentonite --> bentonite - (bentonit)./ CMC v asc oz ita te in altii -+ CMC h ig h v isc osity -> (hai viscoziti)./ CMC vascozitate scazuta _ _ , . CMC lo w v isco sity --> (Iou viscoziti)./ Soda c au st ic s -+ c au sti c s od a --> ( ca us tic s od a)./ Polimer --> polymer - (polimer)./ Spuma -+ foam --> (fom)./ Antispumant -> ant i foam -+ (antifom)./ Mica -+ mica _,. (mica)2

  • 5/13/2018 Termeni in Petrol


    6EOlOG Y iNRJf2MItTl(7N . - I/'IFlJkJvIAT/1 .CPE(i t OGICt:-Fok!MATlOI'I - FOI2I'/}/tnLJI'IP Gt:T1l0C7/C~TOP Mf:J - LiMIT7t SUPFRio/172f/TO MIJ ~ LiM/m 1'tIF-PRIO~LIT/fOLoey - L/TZ7LOo~it .PORE PRESS. - Pf2ES/UfJE PORIF?AC Gl2ft.l~ - GI?/t/j PRf5;UHc(_A5T DEVi,-}170N SUk?VEy - ULTlM.A OEv//rnr I>1A5U/?/rl7jN6/"'" A'{}.+Nql-"'1E.ItNGI..E .,.. INCLII'//Jj2F?rZiMun-l .. 17?IMUTG.4S l t V 6!2ILLING MU!J % A COI'lTlrlur tJE G/rt.F IN NOm;ACTUItL I0Ii2fCnON IN FOf2M/tIjON - .o j f2EC17A .rtCTU/JUj/::j1 'SPL/tCE71EH T ~ l'JEP(_!jS/tRENE;XT .TitR 6EI - 77f.J77I (c.r. 80 ~/oo 4.1/242 - 26,? ' 7 r . LA 1301.1.1) .bJREcnOH .. Dif;2fC'j7A GR.Pf? fOR II'1FOk}JV7ArlON - IMFO~/Y l 11 T T l " IMj)(),QT/JI'IFFT1M E FR -OM .... T / f V 1 P 6c Lr4 .OPEf?AT!DN SUMIrRy - OPERfJn/ t:~ECUTIJ1F 1QPEPAnON Fi?OM M iGN /6H-T - oP. EXc-cuTIt7? II'/~- O~t:Ll:: 24 - 5'.FO!2ECAS T - Uk?MATVR'ul. i :> /J06M MgENA12k. . ~J ~ 0/3"5El2v/tn(}-1ATFRiltt. CON 50 M pn'oN 5 - cO l-1 5UMUR ( IJE MI'rTERJIJC&-r;yuANT .... C/}f'lT7~7It7CP 1 2 iC 't~ - PRE 7 -COS T - cOS7VLCO~.,-pACTOf)S -. coHTl!AC7Z?RitAi ty COST - .COST ZiLI'I1 CCOSr CUML/{./ti7VE -- COST ('-UMUL/}rivf : . : ,1f?FCriOf. lA(_ apE 12A T7 L7 /'j.s - QOEk>A17 i lJ E iJ/~!J!ri?f:'-6r::ilLiNG -- oPt::RItR.E

  • 5/13/2018 Termeni in Petrol


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  • 5/13/2018 Termeni in Petrol


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  • 5/13/2018 Termeni in Petrol


    Denumirel Traducere in Translate intoAbreviere lb. romana English languageAGP asigural gura putului make well in safety mod (close the well to be safety)DGP desasigurat gura putului open the wellCN control nivel check levelDIP demonta! instalatie pistona! r_i_9_own swabbiQ9_ plantM IM manta! instalatie manevra rig up hook blockDe E demontat cap eruptie rig down christmas treeTp total produs/pistona! total swabblingIH instalatie hidraulica hydraulic plantPUA lpornit unitate antrenare start up driving gearSPA s pa la t c u a va nsa re advanced with circulation ( with flushing out)DTMtM deplasat Troliu montat instalat ie manevra move hoist and rig up hook blockTD !roliu defect hoist faultDCP cernontat cap pompare rig down pumping headTLC Tip pompa :TlC type of pump: TLCRLAC niplu nippleT6 Tip pompa T6 type of pump:TBMR masa rotary Rotary TableFR tara rezultat without resultAT apa tehnologica technological waterLEA linie electrica aenana air electrical lineLES linie electric a subterana underground electr ical lineIF instalatie frezare milling plan!DICS demonta! IC5 rig down IC5MISP monlat instalatle spalare rig up Circulation plantCSP cimenlarea sub presiune squeeze cementingPET proba e!ansare tubing tubing lest sealingPUP porn it unitate pomp are started up pumping unitNp nu produce no flowing J without resultCp control pislon checking pistonRr rezolvat ruptura fracture/crack/fissure solvedN nivel level

    col. colo ana casing I casing Siringogl. oglinda top of cimentperl. perforaturl perforationsfil. f i r t r u filterCO control oglinda checking top of cimenldr. dreapta rightstg. stanga leftfez. rezultat Iproductl resultp ro proba testeire. clrculat circulationrecept, receptillitate receptivitypis!. pistona! swabblingintr introdus run in hole RIHext extras pull out of hole POOHInl inlocuire bucata sparta change! replace the broken jointtbg tubing tubingmas masura masuresabl sablonare calibration drift.inga.s. apa sarata sail' water ( sw )conf confeclionat manufacturedel electnca electricalbuc bucata piece I jointfz freza millcont continua g o onrot rotatie rotationeire. circulatie circulation