technical recommendations for studying the biogeochemical cycle of trace metals

768 E. Biological Oceanography O LR(1985) 32 (9) 85:5263 Laing, I., 1985. Growth response of Clmetoceros ca/citrans (Baclilariophyceae) in batch culture to a range of initial silica concentrations. Mar. Biol., 85(1):37-41. Fish. Exper. Sta., Benarth Rd., Conwy, Gwynedd LL32 8UB, North Wales, UK. 85:5264 Moreira, I.M.V. and H.M. Filho, 1981/82. Contri- bution to the study of Bacillariophyceae (diatoms) in Calobi, Paranl State, Brazil. Acta biol. parana, 10/11:157-197. (In Portuguese.) Dep. Bot. Setor de Cienc. biol. da UFPR. Bolsista do CNPq, Pesquisador, Brazil. 85:5265 Smith-Palmer, T., A.S.W. de Freitas, A.G. McInnes, A. Rogerson, A.W. McCulloch and J. McLach- lan, 1985. A study contr~licting the 'luxury consumption' of silicon by the marine prasino- phycean alga, P/atymonas. Biol. Oceanogr., 3(3): 315-326. Concentrations ranging 1.0 to 230.0/~M Si did not influence growth rates when pH was regulated in laboratory cultures. When pH was not controlled, cultures reached values >9.5 pH and silicate was rapidly and essentially completely removed from the medium; similar removal occurred in cell-free media adjusted to similar pH values. Silicate uptake by these organisms is probably not significant in terms of species competition or ocean silicon cycling. Chem. Dept., St. Francis Xavier Univ., Antigonish, NS B2G 1CO, Canada. (mwf) 85:5266 Veintimilla de Arcos, Teresa, 1982. [Red tides in F.,oladorlan waters (1990--81).] Revta Cienc. Mar Limnol., Guayaquil, 1(2):115-126. (In Spanish, English abstract.) Inst. Nac. de Pesca, Casilla 5918, Guayaquil, Ecuador. F_300. Effects of pollution (also uptake, trace accumulations, etc.; see also B350- Atmospheric pollution, C210-Chemical pol- lution, F250-Waste disposal) 85:5267 Amiard-Triquet, C., C. Metayer and J.C. Amiard, 1984. Te~nicni recommendations for studying the biogeochemical cycle of trace metals. Revu~ int. Oc~anogr. M~d., 73-74:27-34. Analysis of whole body samples may lead to overestimation of trace metal concentration as these data include easily purgeable contaminants found in the digestive tract. Specifically cited as examples of significant error are reported concentrations of Pb and Cd in benthic-feeding worms and fishes, and Cu in benthic- and plankton-feeding fishes. Centre de Dosage des Elements Traces, Univ. de Nantes, 1, rue Gaston Veil, 44035 Nantes Cedex, France. (bwt) 85:5268 Beg, M.A.A., Najma Basit, Farzana Siddiqui, Ismat Mahmood and M.A. Siddiqui, 1984. Studies on the biological contamination of the coastal envi- ronment of Karachi [Paldstan]. Pakistan J. scient. ind. Res., 27(4):206-210. PCSIR Labs., Karachi- 39, Pakistan. 85:5269 Chassard-Bouchard, Colette, Pierre Galle and Fran~oise Escaig, 1985. Silver and lead con- tamination of the oyster Onssostrea g/gas and the mussel Myffhts edu//s in French coastal waters: a secondary ion emission microonalyticai study. C. r. Acad. Sci., Paris, (S6r. III)300(1):3-8. (In French, English abstract.) Lab. de Biol. et Physiol. des Organ. mar., Univ. P. et M. Curie, 4, place Jussieu, 75230 Paris Cedex 05, France. 85:5270 Delmas, Philippe and M.-B. R6gis, 1985. Impact of a massive domestic pollution on the biology and morphometry of the echlnoid Parm~ntroms Iividns: preliminary data. C. r. Acad. Sci., Paris, (S6r. III)300(4):143-146. (In French, English abstract.) Lab. de Zool. mar., Fac. des Sci. et Tech. de Saint-Jerome, rue Henri-Poincare, 13397 Marscille Cedex 13, France. 85:5271 Goede, A.A., 1985. Mercury, selenium, arsenic and zinc in waders from the Dutch Wadden Sea. Environ. Pollut., (A)(4)37:287-309. Res. Inst. for Nature Mgmt., Texel, Netherlands. 85:5272 Goede, A.A. and P. de Voogt, 1985. lead and cadmium in waders from the Dutch Wadden Sea.

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Page 1: Technical recommendations for studying the biogeochemical cycle of trace metals

768 E. Biological Oceanography O LR (1985) 32 (9)

85:5263 Laing, I., 1985. Growth response of Clmetoceros

ca/citrans (Baclilariophyceae) in batch culture to a range of initial silica concentrations. Mar. Biol., 85(1):37-41. Fish. Exper. Sta., Benarth Rd., Conwy, Gwynedd LL32 8UB, North Wales, UK.

85:5264 Moreira, I.M.V. and H.M. Filho, 1981/82. Contri-

bution to the study of Bacillariophyceae (diatoms) in Calobi, Paranl State, Brazil. Acta biol. parana, 10/11:157-197. (In Portuguese.) Dep. Bot. Setor de Cienc. biol. da UFPR. Bolsista do CNPq, Pesquisador, Brazil.

85:5265 Smith-Palmer, T., A.S.W. de Freitas, A.G. McInnes,

A. Rogerson, A.W. McCulloch and J. McLach- lan, 1985. A study contr~licting the 'luxury consumption' of silicon by the marine prasino- phycean alga, P/atymonas. Biol. Oceanogr., 3(3): 315-326.

Concentrations ranging 1.0 to 230.0/~M Si did not influence growth rates when pH was regulated in laboratory cultures. When pH was not controlled, cultures reached values >9.5 pH and silicate was rapidly and essentially completely removed from the medium; similar removal occurred in cell-free media adjusted to similar pH values. Silicate uptake by these organisms is probably not significant in terms of species competition or ocean silicon cycling. Chem. Dept., St. Francis Xavier Univ., Antigonish, NS B2G 1CO, Canada. (mwf)

85:5266 Veintimilla de Arcos, Teresa, 1982. [Red tides in

F.,oladorlan waters (1990--81).] Revta Cienc. Mar Limnol., Guayaquil, 1(2): 115-126. (In Spanish, English abstract.) Inst. Nac. de Pesca, Casilla 5918, Guayaquil, Ecuador.

F_300. Effects of pollution (also uptake, trace accumulations, etc.; see also B350- Atmospheric pollution, C210-Chemical pol- lution, F250-Waste disposal)

85:5267 Amiard-Triquet, C., C. Metayer and J.C. Amiard,

1984. Te~nicni recommendations for studying

the biogeochemical cycle of trace metals. Revu~ int. Oc~anogr. M~d., 73-74:27-34.

Analysis of whole body samples may lead to overestimation of trace metal concentration as these data include easily purgeable contaminants found in the digestive tract. Specifically cited as examples of significant error are reported concentrations of Pb and Cd in benthic-feeding worms and fishes, and Cu in benthic- and plankton-feeding fishes. Centre de Dosage des Elements Traces, Univ. de Nantes, 1, rue Gaston Veil, 44035 Nantes Cedex, France. (bwt)

85:5268 Beg, M.A.A., Najma Basit, Farzana Siddiqui, Ismat

Mahmood and M.A. Siddiqui, 1984. Studies on the biological contamination of the coastal envi- ronment of Karachi [Paldstan]. Pakistan J. scient. ind. Res., 27(4):206-210. PCSIR Labs., Karachi- 39, Pakistan.

85:5269 Chassard-Bouchard, Colette, Pierre Galle and

Fran~oise Escaig, 1985. Silver and lead con- tamination of the oyster Onssostrea g/gas and the mussel Myffhts edu//s in French coastal waters: a secondary ion emission microonalyticai study. C. r. Acad. Sci., Paris, (S6r. III)300(1):3-8. (In French, English abstract.) Lab. de Biol. et Physiol. des Organ. mar., Univ. P. et M. Curie, 4, place Jussieu, 75230 Paris Cedex 05, France.

85:5270 Delmas, Philippe and M.-B. R6gis, 1985. Impact of a

massive domestic pollution on the biology and morphometry of the echlnoid Parm~ntroms Iividns: preliminary data. C. r. Acad. Sci., Paris, (S6r. III)300(4):143-146. (In French, English abstract.) Lab. de Zool. mar., Fac. des Sci. et Tech. de Saint-Jerome, rue Henri-Poincare, 13397 Marscille Cedex 13, France.

85:5271 Goede, A.A., 1985. Mercury, selenium, arsenic and

zinc in waders from the Dutch Wadden Sea. Environ. Pollut., (A)(4)37:287-309. Res. Inst. for Nature Mgmt., Texel, Netherlands.

85:5272 Goede, A.A. and P. de Voogt, 1985. l ead and

cadmium in waders from the Dutch Wadden Sea.