teaching english through music - clips

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- Discurso como Prtica Social

- Elementos composicionais do Gnero

- Clips Musicais

Problematizao: Estamos em pleno sculo XXI, e apesar de todo aparato tecnolgico existente nas Escolas, grande parte dos professores da Rede ainda no se sente vontade para utiliz-lo em sua prtica docente. Ser que possvel mudar esta prtica? E o uso da tecnologia poder tornar as aulas mais interessantes estimulando nos alunos o interesse aprenderem uma Lngua Estrangeira?

Descrio da Metodologia:O trabalho com Clips Musicais ser desenvolvido a partir do seguinte encaminhamento:

1 - Warm-up ( introduo temtica, considerando os conhecimentos prvios do aluno);2 - Exerccio de pr-leitura (explanao de diversos gneros musicais);3 - Apresentao do gnero (aspectos composicionais);4 - Apresentao do clip (anlise da imagem, da letra, msica e o contexto);5 - Aspectos lingusticos (a gramtica dentro do texto);6 - Produo final (realizada em grupo pelos alunos).

Why ... Music ...Clips???

A msica possui um diferencial com relao aos textos comumente presentes nos livros didticos, no um material de uso exclusivamente pedaggico, e por ter sido retirado de um contexto social especfico, facilita sua anlise intra e intertextual. Alm disso, as msicas transmitem mensagens e defendem pontos de vistas, podendo ser utilizadas em sala de aula, para promover reflexes e (re) construo de conhecimentos, em conformidade com o que est proposto pela DCE/LEM (2006, p. 34)

importante ressaltar ainda, que segundo Freire, (1974 apud MOITA LOPES, 1996, p.134) o ensino de leitura em lngua estrangeira [...] pode auxiliar no desenvolvimento da capacidade de letramento global do aluno da escola pblica, dando-lhe uma possibilidade a mais de lutar pela transformao social.

Outro aspecto a ser considerado ainda, ao trabalharmos com clips de msica, a oportunidade de explorarmos a riqueza imagtica existente nos mesmos, alm de podermos analisar a relao de tal recurso visual com a letra da msica.




Do you like music?What kind of music do you like? Do you think that it is possible to learn English through music?What musical genre do you consider easier to learn English Language ?

Some Musical Genres!!!2) Lets watch the clips and match the columns: (Choose the correct genre for each song/singer)

Heavy Metal ( ) Back At One - Brian McknightCountry ( ) Flying without wings - WestlifeReggae ( ) frica Unite - Bob MarleySoul R&B ( ) Achy Braky Heart - Billy Ray CyrusRock ( ) Forever - Chris BrownGospel ( ) What a wonderful world - Louis ArmstrongJazz ( ) Different world - Iron MaidenPop ( ) I Believe I can Fly - Yolanda AdamsHip Hop ( ) November in the Rain - Scorpions


Toda msica um texto, e como tal no isento de sentido. As msicas transmitem mensagens e defendem pontos de vista. Elas so carregadas de ideologias, traos pessoais, culturais e sociais de quem as produziu. Por esta razo interessante conhecermos no apenas as letras das msicas, mas todo contexto de sua produo, alm claro, de compreender a mensagem que ela quer passar.

Learning More About Music3). Match the words with their meaning:

(1) refrain ( ) It`s a repetition of identical or similar sounds in two or more different words and is most often used in poetry and songs. It also serves as a powerful mnemonic device, facilitating memorization.(2) verse ( ) It is a group of the verses.(3) strophe ( ) It is generally considered to be a single line in a metrical composition or in poetry. (4) rhyme ( ) From Vulgar latim refringere, "to repeat", and later from Old French refraindre is the line or lines that are repeated in music or in verse; the "chorus" of a song.

Learning About Pop MusicThe best way of you learn about Pop Music is studying the lyrics and the characteristics of a pop music. Then, you go know now a successful Pop Band , the Westlife.

Curiosities Westlife is an Irish pop band that was formed on July 3, 1998. They were born in the Republic of Ireland. Over the years, Westlife's music has evolved from teen pop to an adult contemporary sound, with an emphasis on ballads. Their musical genres are : Pop, Teenpop, Adult Contemporany, Pop Ballad and Big Band. The members of the band are: Kian Egan, Mark Feehily, Shane Filan, Nicky Byrne, e Bryan McFadden (de 1998 a 2004). One of the biggest success of the Band in the country was "Flying Without Wings". "Flying Without Wings" was also included on the soundtrack of the Warner Brothers film, "Pokemon 2000". Fonte: wikipedia.org

4) Reflect and answer these questions about Westlifes a success song, in Portuguese:

A) One of the biggest success this Band is Flying without wings . What can you infer from the title of this song? B) This song says about the differents things that make people happy . What about you? What does it make you happy? Make a list.C)Compare your list with a partner.D)Find in the class the top 10 things

Understanding the Context
through images5) Now, we are going to watch the Flying without wings clip. Pay attention to everything on the clips:Clothes;Gesture;Scenery;People/Relationship.

6) Answers these questions with your own words in Portuguese:a. O clip inicia com todos de preto caminhando por um corredor, iluminado por estreitas frestas na parede, e aps a metade da msica o cenrio muda completamente. Voc acredita que tal mudana representa algum tipo de mudana na vida daquelas pessoas? Quais? O que as cores das roupas e a iluminao do cenrio demonstram?

b. Ainda no incio do clip tem um menino sentado sozinho, surge ento uma figura feminina (aparecem apenas as pernas) que oferece a mo para a criana, quando esta se levanta ocorre uma mudana. Que mudana esta? O que esta cena representa no contexto da msica?

c. Aparece novamente uma criana sozinha, logo a seguir surge uma figura feminina completa . Voc acredita que seja a mesma criana ou so crianas diferentes em contextos diferentes?

d. No final, algumas pessoas comeam a flutuar, isso no ocorre ao mesmo tempo para todas e nem com todas as pessoas que esto no ambiente. Por que voc acredita que isto ocorra?

7) The words below are from the song Flying without wings. Match the words with their corresponding translations.Legends

(v.)-verb (adj.)-adjective (n.)-noun
1. deny ( v.) ( ) comear2. sharing (v.) ( ) alegria, prazer3. deepest (adj.) ( ) partilhando , dividindo4. cherish (v.) ( ) riso, gargalhada, rir5. sunrise (n.) ( ) negar6. joy (s.) ( ) nascer do sol7. begin (v.) ( ) mais profundo8. laugh (n.) ( ) acariciar, querer bem

8) Now, watch the clip again , to complete the blanks.


What do You
Think? 9) Answer this questions: A.Which strophe(s) better describes what make the singer happy? Why? B.Did you find any of the things pointed out in your list? What? C.Does happiness exist ? What is it?

Which statements best describes the message of this song?a- Happiness can be found everywhere. It depends on you.b- Finding a true love is the only way to be happy.c- Not everybody can find happiness.Do you believe that its possible to be happy alone? Why?


O uso do ing no final do verbo pode ter mltiplas aplicaes. Um uso comum quando um verbo colocado depois de uma preposioEx:She was accused of stealing (Ela foi acusada de roubo)H tambm verbos que obrigam o uso do ing no verbo Ex. He enjoys dancing (Ele adora danar).Outro uso comum no present continuous. Ex: He is dancing (Ele est danando)

Present x Present Continuous

The Present Continuous is used to express:

An activity happening now . Ex.: Theyre playing football in the garden. An activity happening around now, but perhaps not at moment of speaking.

Ex.:Shes studying maths at university. A planned future arrangement. Ex Im meeting Jane at 10 a.m. tomorrow. Pode ser usado com : now, at this moment, at present (time adverbs)Geralmente is verbos no sofrem modificaes ao receber a terminao ing. Ex. work - workingSe os verbos terminam em um nico e, perdem o e ao receber a terminao ing.

Ex. love - lovingVerbos terminados em ie, mudam o ie para y ao receber a terminao ing..

Ex. die - dyingSe os verbos terminam em Consoante + vogal + consoante, dobra-se a ltima consoante e acrescenta-se ing se a ltima slaba for tnica.

Ex: swim - swimming

Forms : Afirmmative - Dad is working in his office at this moment.Negative - My computer is not working now.Interrogative - Are the boys running? Yes, they are/ No they aren t.Contractec forms: isn t ( is not), aren t (are not).

10) What are the tenses in these two sentences? What is the difference between them?Everybody's looking for that something One thing that makes it all complete.

11) Complete the phrases using verbs in the parentheses in the correct verb tense:

Virginy _____________ _____(smoke) too much. Kian ____________(play) guitar every day. Marcy________________(play) violin now. We ________________(wake) up late every Sunday. My computer ______________(work negative) at the moment. I___________________ (begin) a new course in March.

9) Final Production :Discuss the sentence below with your classmates, in Portuguese:

Probably, conditions for happiness have not been the same at all times and at all places.

b- In groups of four or five students make the activities about the topic below to present the conclusion in a Seminary in Portuguese:

1- Research the music genre and subgenres (each group will choose only one genre, without repeat );2 -Interview neighbors, friends and relative about preferred genre music;3- Elaborate a graphic about musical preferences researched;4-Prepare a video clip with the preferred music of the group (didactic video) You can research material at home, but the video will be prepared at the Laboratory, at school. Dont forget !!! The images need to refer itselves the music and it will have English legends.5- Watch the film Walk to Remember at home, Compare the film and the clip about that. After that make a commentary about that.