taxila pgdm handbook 13-15

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  • 8/13/2019 Taxila Pgdm Handbook 13-15


  • 8/13/2019 Taxila Pgdm Handbook 13-15


    Taxila Business School, PGDM Handbook 2013-15


    1. Preface

    Page Nos.


    2. About the Curriculum 3

    3. Courses & Credits PGDM 39

    4. Scholastic Standards & Evaluation 912

    5. Attendance 12

    6. Standards of Classroom Behaviour 13

    8. Integrity 14

    9. General Behaviour 15

    10. Disciplinary Procedure 15

    11. Award of the Diploma 16

    12. Merit Awards for Students 16

    13. Academic Calendar for PGDM 1(Batch 201315) 16-17

    14. TAXILA Hostel Guidelines 1821

    15. Library Information and Rules 22

    16. Information & Communication Technology 25

    17. Amendment of Information & Rules 27

    18. Appeals 27

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    Taxila Business School, PGDM Handbook 2013-15


    In accordance with the above, Post Graduate Programme is well thought out mix of classroom study

    and experiential/practical training. This is residential program of two years duration. The Program

    involves learning through classroom sessions, discussions and exercises, project assignments with

    organizations, and field based course specific project work. However, the emphasis of the entire

    programme would be on self learning.

    2.1 Class Room Pedagogy (From 09.00 am to Midnight)

    The classroom sessions comprise of six terms spread across two academic years of study. The first

    year (three terms) consists of a rigorous and intensive grounding in basic management functions.

    These courses are compulsory in nature. During the second year (three terms), in addition to

    certain compulsory courses, the student can opt for electives, based on their areas of interest.

    TAXILA offers electives in the areas of Marketing, Finance, Systems, Operations, General

    Management and Human Resource Management. The class room pedagogy ranges across

    traditional class room instruction, simulations, case discussions, role plays, etc. Simulations and

    case discussions are adopted extensively across the curriculum, to supplement class room

    instruction/lecture. Simulations illustrate the complex interplay of variables and replicate real

    situations, and the student can understand or decide on a course of action. Discussion of cases

    based on business situations helps a student connect the theory that s/he is learning with practical

    reality. S/he must understand situations, and may or may not have to decide on a course of action,

    based on the information available. Thus, class room instruction, when supplemented with case

    based discussions and simulations, helps the student in developing a deep and rich understanding

    of business and management.

    2.2 Fieldbased Experiential Learning

    The curriculum places great emphasis on field based experiential learning. Learning in the class

    room must be supplemented with field based learning, to result in an understanding that is

    holistic, and connects theory with practice. The PGDM programme have many components that are

    field-based, such as Management-in-Practice (MIP) for PGDM, Industry Internship (ININ), Outbound

    Programme/ NGO Project, which are important and integral parts of our Program.

    A) NGO Project:

    Keeping in view Taxilas vision statement To create donors for the world an important component

    of the programme that enhances field based experiential learning is the NGO Project. This is to

    enable students to sensitize themselves to issues of social development and social development

    management. Students work with Non-Government Organizations and undertake social and

    community projects to gain an understanding of non-profit service organizations. More

    importantly, by working with and contributing to the management of the NGOs, the students

    develop additional perspectives with respect to role of business in society, which enhances their

    decision taking capabilities.

    Students need to spend 30 days during their first year in an NGO and identify specific project

    to work on for the next two years with the guidance of a faculty member . This long duration work

    would be considered as a Course of Independent Study (CIS) which would earn 2 credits for the

    student. At the end of the project, students are required to meet all the requirements of a

    CIS. The responsibility of identification of an NGO and securing meaningful project rests on the


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    Taxila Business School, PGDM Handbook 2013-15


    The list of courses for the first year and corresponding credits are given below:

    Term 1: July Aug Sep 2013

    S.No Course Name Course Code Credit

    1 Financial Accounting FIAC 3

    2 IT and Computers ITCO 2

    3 Principal and Practices of Management PRPM 2

    4 Marketing Management MKT1 3

    5 Production and Operation Management POM1 3

    6 Organisational Behaviour OBEH 3

    7 Managerial Economics MAEC 3

    8 Business Statistics BSTAT 3

    9 Mancomm1 COM1 2

    Total Credits 24

    Term 2: Oct, Nov, Dec 2013

    S.No Course Name Course Code Credit

    1 Written anal sis communication WAC2 2

    2 Business Taxation BUTA 23 Legal Aspects of Business LABU 2

    4 Management Accounting MNAC 3

    5 Applied Economics APEC 3

    6 Business Research Methods BURM 3

    7 Human Resource Management HRM2 3

    8 Business Consultanc BCON 3

    9 Mancomm2 COM2 2

    Total Credits 23

    NGO PROJECT: Jan 2014

    S.No Course Name Course Code Credit

    1 NGO PROJECT MIP1 3Total Credits 3

    Term 3: Feb, March, April 2014

    S.No Course Name Course Code Credit

    1 Decision Making Model DMMO 2

    2 Corporate Finance CFIN 2

    3 Consumer Behaviour CBEH 2

    4 Strategic Management SMAN 3

    5 International Business Management IBMA 3

    6 Business Research BURE 3

    7 Mancomm3 Com2 2Total Credits 17

    MIP 2: May June 2014

    S.No Course Name Course Code Credit

    1 Internship Project: 60 Days MIP2 5

    Total Credits 5

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    Taxila Business School, PGDM Handbook 2013-15


    3.2 Second Year (48 Credits), Two Majors:

    During the second year of the Programme, there are certain courses that are compulsory in nature.

    The remaining credits and the students must choose from a basket of courses offered by the

    different areas of study at the Institute (viz., MARKETING, FINANCE, SYSTEMS, OPERATIONS,


    elective credits are to the order of around 35, and the total credits thus are 48. The credits for

    electives shall be decided by concerned faculty with the approval of dean IN WRITING.The studentneed to take two Majors from elective streams.

    Students may opt for Auditing of certain elective courses, on a non-credit basis. This will be subject

    to the consent of the respective course faculty. PGDM Schedules will not be altered to facilitate


    Students can also pursue areas of their specific interest through the mechanism of Course of

    Independent Study (CIS). Under the CIS scheme, a maximum of 2 credits worth of work

    (minimum 20 hrs) can be undertaken, Or else Taxila currency can be used to get maximum 2

    credits. Taxila currency to the value of 3000 will be equivalent to one credit. This need to be

    submitted by the student before Feb 2015. From these two options, student needs to opt for one

    scheme only.

    The total credits, the actual electives to be offered and the term in which they are to be offered are

    subject to review at the beginning of the second year. Certain electives may have caps on the

    number of students based on criteria decided by course faculty. It is also a policy of the institute

    that courses with less than 25% registrations are dropped. TAXILA reserves the right to change

    the total credits/courses without prior notice.The content and relevance of a course are assessed

    by the academic areas before a course is offered. An indicative list of courses and credits for

    the second year is given below:

    TERM 4: July Aug Sep 2014

    Completion of MIP 2 is a pre-condition for entering Term 4



    1.New Venture Plannin 2 Strategic Human Resource Management.

    2.Project Management 2 Competency Mapping, Recruitment and

    3. Quality Management and Six Sigma Performance A raisal and Mana ementGreen Belt 2 Organisational Development

    Total: 6 Appreciative Enquiry (Pass/Fail type) 0

    Electives Workshop on Emotional Intelligence(Pass/Fail type) 0


    Sellin Advanced Cor orate FinanceRural Marketing Business Analysis & Valuation

    Retail Management Financial Markets

    SYSTEMS COURSES Futures Markets

    Systems Options & Swaps


    OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT International Trade

    Fundamental of International Business

    GENERAL MANAGEMENT International Business Environment

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    Taxila Business School, PGDM Handbook 2013-15


    TERM 5: Oct Nov Dec 2014


    Manpower Planning

    OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Social Security and Labour WelfareService Operations Management International HRM 0Operations Strategy Advance Industrial Psychology 0

    Product Design and DevelopmentTheory of Constraints


    Sales Channel and Logistics FINANCE COURSES

    Rural Marketing Mergers & AcquisitionsService Marketing Workin Ca ital Mana ement

    Venture Capital

    Financial Services

    SYSTEMS COURSES Financial Engineering

    Human Resource Information System Creating Value through Corporate

    Customer Relationship Management Venture Capital

    Data Mining for Business Intelligence INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS

    Strategic Management in IB

    International Business Law

    International Market Research

    International Operation Management

    BusinessScan: Jan 2015

    S.No Course Name Course Code Credit

    1 BusinessScan Fair MIP3 3

    Total Credits 3


    S.No Course Name Course Code Credit

    1 CIS/TAXILA CURRENCY before Feb 2015 CIST 2

    Total Credits 2

    TERM 6: Feb, March, April 2105


    Business Leadership 2 Personal Policies

    Organisational Effectiveness

    Total 2 Industrial Relations

    Training Development

    Performance And Compensation

    GENERAL MANAGEMENT Applied HRProject Risk Control and QualityManagement of Projects FINANCE COURSES

    Managerial excellence through Indian Management of Banking & Financial

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    Taxila Business School, PGDM Handbook 2013-15


    Entrepreneurial Strategy and VentureCreation

    Capital Market, Security & PortfolioManagement

    OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Cor orate TaxationSimulation Modelling Management Control System

    System Dynamics Direct Tax Planning

    Advanced Inventor and Lean SYSTEMS COURSES

    Project Risk Control and Quality

    Mana ement of Pro ects Enterprise Resource PlanningMARKETING MANAGEMENT E BusinessInternational Marketing INTERNATIONAL BUSINESSProduct & Brand Management International MarketingSales & Distribution Management International Financial Management

    Market Research International HRM

    Advertising Management

    3.3 International Exchange Programs:

    International Exchange Programs would enable our students to gain cross-cultural perspectives,

    and help them relate with a global environment and work force. These are essential in todays

    world, where they have to work in transnational companies, and may be required to be locatedanywhere in the world. Students would also appreciate how India is viewed as a business location

    and a market opportunity, by people from other places.


    4.1 Scholastic Standards:

    Every student should meet the minimum prescribed academic requirements at each stage of

    the programme to be eligible for the next stage. Students not fulfilling the minimum

    requirements at the end of any such stage will be asked to withdraw from the programme at

    that stage itself. The minimum requirements for various stages are furnished below in detail

    in the following paragraphs.

    4.2 Evaluation:

    The performance evaluation of students in every course in each term shall be carried out

    through a set of evaluation methods including, but not limited to quizzes (both announced

    and unannounced), assignments, exercises, class participation, presentations, projects, short

    tests, mid-term examination, end-term examination, etc. An a p p r o p r i a t e mix of

    such evaluation methods for each course shall be decided by the respective course faculty.

    The evaluation components shall be arranged in such a way that students get feedback on

    their performance at regular intervals.

    The evaluation and grading of any given course will be in terms of numerical grade points and

    a letter grade. The details of the evaluation method are given in the following section.

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    Taxila Business School, PGDM Handbook 2013-15


    ii. No student can register for more than 4 courses in the Remedial Program at

    a time.

    iii. If a student has less than 5.5 CGPA and more than 6 vulnerable grades, then

    he/ she would be advised to re-register for all the courses where he/she is

    vulnerable, at the next offering, in Trimester 1,2,3,4,5&6 as the case may be.

    The Remedial Program is a short-term program to enable the students on

    the border-line. It is not designed to address the problems of a slow-learner

    or a significantly deficient learner.iv. In the Remedial Program, the registered students will be given coaching and

    evaluation in 3 weeks. The faculty and the Academic Committee will

    deliberate over the performance and assign the Letter-grades of

    commensmate with his/her performance.

    v. After the Remedial Program and after receiving the revised letter-grades and

    GPA, all students who qualify in terms of [a] more than 5.5 CGPA and [b] 2 or

    less vulnerable grades would move towards the next Trimester

    f) Eligibility for award of the PGDM: A student becomes eligible for the award of the PGDM on

    fulfilling the following criteria:

    i. He/she has a CGPA of 5.5 at the end of Trimester-6.

    ii. He/ She does not have more than 4 vulnerable grades.

    iii. He/ She has satisfactorily completed the Internship.

    iv. He/she has fulfilled all the financial obligations like fee and other payments.

    v. There are no restrictive/negative reports/observations on the student from

    the faculty, internship organization or any other source.

    The grading system is based on letter grades, whose numerical values are as below:

    Grade Point Point on Scale Grade Point Point on Scale

    A+ 10.0 C+ 6.0

    A 9.0 C 5.0

    B+ 8.0 D 4.0B 7.0 E 2.0

    5.2 Qualitative Assessment:

    Certain courses may not be evaluated as above. They are evaluated on a cleared/non-cleared

    basis. These will be intimated at the beginning of the term.

    5.3 Absence from Evaluation Component(s):

    Students, who absent themselves from any component of evaluation of a course, will not

    have any chance to write a re-examination or a supplementary examination. They will be

    assigned zero marks for that component. However, the PGDM committee, based on the

    merit of the case, may decide to conduct a re-examination under exceptional circumstances,

    only for midterm and endterm examinations. In such cases the student who is allowed

    to re- write the examination has to pay a re-examination fee of Rs.2000 per subject.

    Completion of MIP is a pre-condition for entering Term 4. A Certificate of Completion

    from the organization must be submitted to TAXILA within fifteen days of joining Term 4,

    for a student to continue and complete Term 4.

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    Taxila Business School, PGDM Handbook 2013-15


    The CGPA is computed using the procedure given below:

    The CGPA for a term is computed by dividing the sum of Standardized GPA by the total number

    of credits in that term. Standardized GPA is calculated by multiplying the GPA secured in a

    course by the credits of that course. The sum of Standardized GPA is the total of Standardized

    GPA for all the courses in the term.

    1 All those students who fail to meet any one or more of the minimum standards

    (GPA and CGPA) will be instructed to withdraw immediately from the Post

    Graduate Programme at that stage itself. Any student who has been asked to

    withdraw from the PGDM may appeal to the Director of the Institute for review of

    his/her case.

    2 The appeal has to be made only after withdrawing from the programme.

    The decision of the Director in all such matters shall be final and binding.

    5.4 Outside Classroom Components:

    PGDM curriculum includes several components involving learning outside the classroom

    like MIP, BusinessScan, Outbound programme, etc. Each component will have pre-assigned

    credits. The design and evaluation methods for each such component will be announced in

    advance by the respective faculty in-charge. The performance of a student in such components

    will be as much a part of the minimum academic standards as explained above.

    5.5 Fee for Duplicate Certificates, Transcripts etc.:

    Students/Alumni who require duplicate certificates/transcripts need to apply formally to the

    Chairperson-PGDM for the same. Fees are chargeable for this service. The fee applicable

    would be intimated on receipt of application at the examination office but it will not be less

    than .05% per transcript of prevailing tuition fee.


    6.1 Requirements:

    a) TAXILA students are deemed to have agreed to offer unconditional commitment to

    their learning process during the two years of their study at the Institute. Therefore,

    the residential programme expects their uninterrupted presence at the campus. It is

    mandatory for all the students to maintain 90% attendance in class sessions. Absence

    from classroom sessions and from other academic activities will be regarded as an act

    of wilful indiscipline. Unauthorized abse nce from class sessions will result in severefinancial penalty that may be minimum Rs.2000/ per course (Threshold attendance is 75%

    ie students with less than 75% attendance will at no cost be permitted ), otherwise s/he

    may be asked to withdraw from the programme.

    b) Any student who is absent continuously for more than 13 calendar days in a term due

    to domestic or health or any other non-institutional reasons will have to withdraw from

    the programme or re- register by paying re- registration fee of Rs10,000/-.

    c) Attendance during outside classroom components of PGDM such as MIP shall be as

    per the rules of respective organizations to which the student is attached and as may

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    Taxila Business School, PGDM Handbook 2013-15


    7.3 Usage of mobile phones:

    Usage of mobile phone is strictly prohibited inside the classrooms. Students are required to

    keep their mobile phones in switched off mode in the basket kept in the classrooms. If any

    mobile is found ringing (including the alarm ring) the owner of the instrument will have to

    pay penalty up to Rs.5000/-.


    8.1 Academic Integrity:

    All students are expected to maintain integrity and honesty in all their academic work

    (assignments, reports, examinations, quizzes, project work, etc.). The act of submitting work

    for evaluation or to meet a requirement is regarded as assurance that the work is the result

    of the student's own thought and study, produced without assistance, and stated in that

    student's own words, except matter within quotation marks, references, or footnotes which

    acknowledge the use of other sources. If a student is in doubt regarding any matter relating

    to the standards of academic integrity in a given course or on a given assignment, thatstudent shall consult the faculty in charge of the course before presenting the work.

    Students who violate academic integrity and honesty shall be liable for disciplinary action. A

    student shall be deemed to have violated academic integrity if he or she:

    (a) Represents the work of others as his or her own (plagiarism);

    (b) Obtains assistance in any academic work from another individual in a situation in which

    the student is expected to perform independently;

    (c) Offers false data in support of laboratory or field work;

    (d) Intentionally impedes or damages the academic work of others;

    (e) Engages in conduct aimed at making false representation of a student's academicperformance;

    (f) Forges or falsifies academic documents or records; and

    (g) Assists other students in any of these acts.

    Examples include but are not limited to: cutting and pasting text from the web without

    quotation marks or proper citation; paraphrasing from the web without crediting the source;

    using notes or a programmable calculator in an exam when such use is not allowed; using

    another person's ideas, words, or research and presenting it as one's own by not properly

    crediting the originator; stealing examination or course materials; changing or creating data

    in a lab experiment; altering a transcript; signing another person's name to an attendance

    sheet; hiding a book knowing that another student needs it to prepare an assignment;

    collaboration that is contrary to the stated rules of the course, or tampering with a lab

    experiment or computer program of another student; using SMS through cell phones to

    communicate answers to questions in quizzes/exams. This list is only indicative and is not


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    Taxila Business School, PGDM Handbook 2013-15


    8.2 Examination Rules

    Last 10 days of the term are reserved for end term examination. Midterm shall be at the

    discretion of the faculty concerned.

    All students are communicated the examination rules at the time of joining the institute and

    at regular intervals. Violation of the norms regarding behavior in the examination hall will

    attract severe penalty. Students found copying in the examination halls will be asked towithdraw from the programme immediately.

    8.3 General Integrity:

    During the entire 2-year post-graduate programme at TAXILA, every student implicitly agrees

    to abide by the rules, values and culture of the Institute. A student is an ambassador of the

    Institute and hence is expected to adhere to high standards of moral values. Therefore, if a

    student is found to have acted in a manner that is tantamount to cheating-whether another

    individual or the Institute - such an act, without consideration of the quantum of monetary

    value involved, will attract the severest punishment, which may include being asked to

    withdraw from the program. This rule will cover all walks of life of a student during the 2-

    year stay at TAXILA.


    9.1 Students are admitted to the PGDM in good faith, based on the belief that their claims to

    fulfillment of eligibility supported by documents are genuine. This also includes their

    affirmation that they have completed all academic formalities of the qualifying

    examination prior to joining the Post Graduate program of TAXILA. However, if it comes

    to be known that a student did not complete such formalities prior to joining the

    Institute and / or has completed the same after joining the Institute without the

    knowledge of the Chairperson-PGDM, it will be deemed that the student has committed amajor felony of misrepresenting the truth and the student shall be asked to withdraw

    from the program.

    9.2 Ragging is considered an offence. Any student indulging in such activity - be it in the

    Institutes premises or hostels or outside-shall be considered having committed serious

    breach of discipline and shall be asked to withdraw from the programme. Each student is

    required submit an affidavit in the prescribed format at the time of joining. This is a

    mandatory requirement.


    The PGDM Committee and/or the Disciplinary Committee shall be the authority for all matters

    pertaining to student discipline. If the student is found guilty of the alleged misconduct

    including hostel indiscipline, the PGDM Committee and/or the Disciplinary Committee

    may impose a penalty appropriate to the nature and severity of the misconduct. As

    mentioned In Para 7.1 and 7.2, dishonesty in any form irrespective of the magnitude of the

    monetary value involved will result in the severest punishment. Such penalties shall

    include (but not restricted to) imposition of fines, suspension from a course/term, being

    asked to withdraw from the programme, etc.

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    Taxila Business School, PGDM Handbook 2013-15


    TAXILA has staff quarters and guest houses within the campus and in view of movement of

    children of employees, family members, visitors and guests attending various executive

    education programmes, is expected that students maintain disciplinary norms follow decent

    dress codes etc.


    To qualify for the award of the PG Diploma, a student should have met all the minimum

    scholastic standards specified in this document. Convocation for the graduating batch is

    normally held in the months of March/April at the end of the two year program.


    The Institute encourages and recognizes meritorious academic and all round performance by

    its students. Avenues for merit recognition have been made available in the form of awards

    that have been instituted from time to time, by well wishers and stake holders of the


    The following awards are announced and handed over to the meritorious students during


    TheTAXILA Achiever of the Year Award is given for exceptional performance in addition to

    academics. These include contribution to the image of the Institute by winning awards and

    prizes in competitions at Institutions of repute, publishing in prestigious journals, taking part

    in prestigious projects outside the curriculum which are nationally or internationally

    recognized, contribution to Institution Building by being a member of Committees or Fora at

    TAXILA, and contributions to local community.

    The Institute also recognizes the top three academic performers of the graduating batchduring convocation.

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    Taxila Business School, PGDM Handbook 2013-15



    TERM 1

    Start Date 16 July 2013

    TERM 2

    Start Date 3rd Oct 2013

    End Term Exams 21st

    December, 2013


    Ngo Project 3rd Jan to 31st Jan 2014

    Presentation of NGO Project 3rd

    Feb 2014

    TERM 3

    Start Date 5th January, 2014End Term Exams 21

    stApril 2014


    Internship 1st May to 30 June 2014

    Presentation on MIP 4th

    and 5th

    July 2014

    TERM 4

    Start Date 7th Sep 2014

    End Term Exams 21 Sep to 30 Sept 2014

    TERM 5

    Start Date 3rd Oct, 2014

    End Term Exams 21st

    Dec, 2014

    Business Scan

    Business Scan 3rd

    Jan to 31st

    Jan 2015

    Presentation 2nd Feb 2015

    TERM 6

    Start Date 5rd

    Feb, 2015

    End Term Exams 15th

    April 2015

    *Academic Calendar subject to change by the PGDM Office/Admin from time to

    timebased onrequirements.

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    Taxila Business School, PGDM Handbook 2013-15



    The following guidelines are purported to make hostel-stay safe and pleasant for all TAXILA

    students. These guidelines are not meant to harm and limit any freedom, but to safeguard the

    liberty and protection of all residents as well as to create a positive and conducive learning

    environment. Please read the guidelines carefully. The students residing in TAXILA Hostels,

    hereafter addressed as residents, are required to comply with the following Hostel guidelines.

    14.1 Conditions of Allotment

    1. TAXILA is a residential institute and hence all students are required to reside in the hostels

    or else permitted otherwise.

    2. At the time of admission of a student in the hostel or at the beginning of every year, each

    resident is required to submit a duly completed personal data form to the Caretaker. A

    passport size photograph is to be affixed in the personal data form and the telephone number

    of the parents or guardians must be provided. Any changes in the contact particulars must be

    communicated on occurrence to the caretaker.

    3. Rooms once allotted to the residents for an academic year will not be changed.

    4. Residents are to occupy only the rooms allotted to them by the Warden. Mutual exchange of

    rooms is permitted under exceptional circumstances, only with the Warden's permission.

    5. Maintenance of rooms allotted to each student is his / her personal responsibility. He/she

    should see to the upkeep of his / her room, hostel and its environment. Cleaning of hostel

    rooms is done by housekeeping staff in the evening hours and weekends. The residents should

    make themselves present during the cleaning hours.

    7. The main Gate of the TAXILA Campus is closed at10.0 p.m. every day. The security staff at the

    Main Gate has been directed not to allow entry to residents later than 10 p.m. Studentsfound trying to enter the premises after 10.0pm will be reported to the Hostel Warden for

    disciplinary action.

    8. Residents shall always carry their student ID cards when going out of the Campus.

    9. The Warden (or the Caretaker) may take a roll call at any time after the prescribed hours as

    indicated above. Any unauthorized absence from the hostel is considered as an act of


    10. Students have to get inside hostelby 10pm, when the hostel gates are closed.

    11. The residents are required to leave behind keys to their rooms to the Caretaker when they

    leave hostel during vacation. Personal belongings of first year students may be left in their

    hostel rooms till their return from the vacation. All such articles have to be packed and labelled


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    12. Any student who is asked to vacate the hostel on account of disciplinary proceeding is deemed

    to have been suspended from the programme automatically subject to the revision, if any, of

    the decision by the competent authority. In the event of no revision of such suspension, the

    student is automatically deemed to have been removed from the programme of the Institute.

    14.2 Code of Conduct

    1. The residents shall not remove any fittings from any other room and get them fitted in his / her


    2. The resident(s) of a room will be held responsible for any damage to the property in the room

    during his / her occupancy.

    3. The residents shall not draw graffiti inside or outside the occupied rooms, nor drill any holes for


    4. All residents are required to maintain proper sense of decorum that is befitting to the students

    of higher academic institution of the level of TAXILA. They are expected to conduct fairly and

    courteously with every one, both inside and outside the campus.

    5. Certain behaviors, such as, ragging and harassment of fellow students, altercation and physical

    fighting, noisy and unruly acts, and use of abusive languages towards fellow residents are

    counterproductive to the intellectual development of the residents and are considered serious

    disciplinary offences.

    6. Smoking, consumption of alcoholic drinks and/or narcotic drugs in the Hostels as well as inside

    the Campus are strictly prohibited. Students should not enter the Campus premises in

    intoxicated state. Violation of these norms will be deemed as an offense, necessary action will

    be taken

    7. Activities of any nature (like playing loud music) which may cause disturbance to theroommates or neighbours should not be carried out in the hostel rooms.

    8. Male residents are not allowed in Ladies Hostel and vice versa.

    9. No student shall leave the hostel or stay away from his/ her room during the nights except with

    the written permission of the Warden. If any student wishes to be away from the hostel during

    weekend, holidays or any other time, he/she must take prior permission from the Warden.

    10. If any resident wishes to leave the station in case of emergency, he/she should get the prior

    permission from the Associate Dean Administration in writing through a letter, pro-forma of

    which is available with the Caretaker/ Wardens office or Hostel Supervisor.

    14.3 Guests and Visitors

    1. All visitors and friends shall be received first at the Office of the Caretaker before allowing

    them in the Hostel.

    2. All visitors to the hostel will have to make necessary entries in the visitors book available at the

    hostel entrance from the Caretaker.

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    3. Parents/guardians, and siblings and friends of same gender are permitted to visit the resident

    in his/her room. Siblings of opposite gender are allowed only up to the common room. All

    visitors and non-residents must leave the hostel premises by 9:00 p.m. No overnight guest is

    permitted in a residents room.

    4. Under special circumstances, depending on the availability of a room, parents or siblings may

    be entertained for overnight stay in the guest house with prior permission from the Warden,

    on a payment basis. In case of sickness, a resident may be permitted to stay with his/her

    parents in the guest house.

    5. Welcoming unauthorized guests in the Hostel will subject residents to disciplinary action. All

    residents are advised to extend their fullest co-operation to see that no unauthorized person

    enters the Hostel premises. If they happen to find any such person, the matter should be

    brought immediately to the attention of the Warden/Caretaker.

    6. People visiting regularly to deliver newspapers, mail and laundry will be allowed to enter the

    hostel premises only with the permission of the Caretaker.

    14.4 Use of Appliances

    1. Use of immersion rod in the room is a serious contender for fire hazard. Private cooking in the

    hostel / resident's room is strictly forbidden.

    2. Electricity consumption charges will have to be paid by each resident on the basis of his/her

    consumption units as recorded by separate energy meters for each room.

    3. When the residents go out of their room they should turn off all faucets and the electrical /

    electronic appliances.

    4. The residents of the hostel are responsible for the safe - keeping of their personal belongings.

    They are advised to keep under lock all valuable items such as lap-top, mobile phone, credit

    cards, ornaments, etc.Please lock the room when you are out even for a short period.

    5. Residents are advised in their own interest not to keep money or other valuables in their

    rooms. They may deposit all such money etc., which is not immediately required by them in

    the local branch of any bank or lockers. The Hostel authorities do not hold themselves

    responsible for any loss of private property belonging to the residents.

    14.5 Community Responsibilities

    1. Residents should not indulge in practices / activities, which may endanger their own personal

    safety as well or others.

    2. Residents are to pay attention to the surrounding in which they live by keeping it clean, healthy

    and presentable. All the residents are equally responsible for keeping an eye on maintenance

    of hygiene in the rooms and premises by the employed Staff.

    3. Residents are not to arrange any picnics, functions, or meetings both within the hostel and/or

    inside the campus without getting permission from the Warden / Concerned Authorities.

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    4. The cost of any damage of the hostel properties due to negligent or deliberate act will be borne

    collectively by all residents unless the resident responsible for the damage is identified.

    5. Residents shall shoulder the responsibility in managing the general upkeep of common rooms

    and electronic or other equipments therein. They should not meddle with the TVs and PCs kept

    at the common room, if any.

    14.6 Cafeteria

    1. All residents are required to enrol themselves as cafeteria members.

    2. Cafeteria bill will be worked out based on variable cost and operating overheads of the Caterer,

    and it will be scrutinized by Hostel Committee and Dean - Administration and Accounts Section.

    Final recommendation for cafeteria bill fixation will be considered and approved by the


    3. The residents will have to adhere to the following time schedule for their breakfast, lunch,

    evening tea and dinner at the Hostel Cafeteria.

    Breakfast : 8:00 a.m. to 9.00 a.m.

    Lunch : 1.00 p.m. to 2.00 p.m.

    Dinner : 8 .30 p.m. to 9.30 p.m.

    4. Cafeteria members will have to co-operate with the Caterer and his staff in their efforts.

    Complaints regarding cafeteria arrangements and facilities will be intimated to the Care Taker

    or Warden for any corrective action.

    14.7 In Case of Emergency

    1. Any emergency situation must be immediately reported to Caretaker/ Warden.

    2. First Aid Box is kept at all times with the Caretaker.

    3. In case of fire hazard, use fire extinguisher if fire is manageable, otherwise the residents have

    to leave the rooms immediately. They are also required to warn the fellow residents, avoid

    using elevator, and assemble in front of the hostel building.

    4. For any medical emergency, Caretaker and Welfare Com/Warden are to be contacted for

    further instructions.

    14.8 Rights of the Hostel Management Committee

    Any breach of these rules will invite an enquiry by the Hostel Management. If the resident is

    found guilty, then the Hostel Management will take disciplinary action that it deems fit. The

    Hostel Management reserves its right to change the rules from time to time keeping the

    students informed through general circulars displayed on the Hostel Notice Board.

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    TAXILA Library- the left wing of Knowledge Centre is a reservoir of knowledge holding

    excellent print and electronic resources for the benefit of its users. The resources are

    well supported by dedicated library staff.


    The library firmly believes in service to users. It will make all efforts to facilitate

    academic activities of the institute. It attempts to realize Dr. S R Ranganathan's

    (father of library science) fourth law of Library science ("Save the Time of Reader"). The

    library facilities and services provided to users are given below.

    1] Borrowing Facility:

    Books/ Periodicals Borrowing: Books in lending section are available for home

    reading for the period of one week (for students). Similarly, the back issues of

    current periodicals and their bound back volumes are available for borrowingOvernight Borrowing: In addition lending books, students can borrow one to two

    textbooks in the reference section for overnight reading, which needs to be returned

    next day morning.CDs/Videos Borrowing: The users can borrow CDs/VCDs and Video

    cassettes available in the library for short period.

    Reference Books like dictionaries and encyclopedias are to be referred in the

    library only

    2] Reading /Reference Facilities & Services:

    The library has individual cubicles for personal concentrated reading. About 100

    students can use the library at a time. The cubicles are fitted with power cables for

    charging laptops. Subject and general Dictionaries and encyclopedias, Handbooks,

    industrial Directories,

    Training kits/manuals, Data books, Govt. of India Publications, Census reports, and year

    books are available in the library for ready reference.

    2.1 The primary members of the library can borrow books, periodicals, CDs, VCs

    and newspapers for home reading and viewing purposes. The Textbooks and some

    reference books in reference book can also be borrowed for overnight reading.

    The bar-coded Library Identity cards will be issued to all the members of the library,

    which needs to be produced while borrowing books and other materials.

    2.2 For PGDM Students the Identity card will remain effective for the duration

    of the programme.

    2.3 In case of loss, a duplicate library Identity card will be issued after


    3] Loan Privileges: For Students:

    3.1 Five books in lending section can be borrowed for the period of one


    3.2 Text books in Reference section can be borrowed for overnight

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    3.3 Two back issues of current periodicals can be borrowed for two


    3.4 The Bound Back volumes of periodicals are treated as books and they can be

    borrowed as lending books

    3.5 CDs/DVDs and VCs can be borrowed for short

    period.3.6 Project Reports and company annual reports are meant for reference only. However,

    they can be issues on special permissions.

    3.7 The reference books like encyclopedias and dictionaries are for reference only and

    cannot be issued.

    For faculty/staff Members and administrators:

    The faculty and other staff members can borrow more books and other materials for

    longer period. They can also borrow the books and magazines in children section for

    their children.

    4] Issue/Return Timings:

    4.1 Books will be issued only against the Borrower's IDENTITY


    4.2 The text books for overnight reading are issued during closing hours and they need

    to be returned by next day morning.

    4.4 New additions to the library will be issued to the users only after complete

    processing isdone.

    4.5 Renewal of issued books is not allowed. However, books can be reissued only if

    there is no demand from other users. However, the book(s) should be brought to

    the library for the purpose.4.6 Issues of books for vacations and project works will be considered on special


    4.7 The library can recall the books issued to the user at any time, if required. (However,

    if a book is issued to a Faculty Member, the priority will be given to the

    Faculty's requirement).

    5 Overdue Charges:

    The user should return the books on or before the due date. Books can be reissued

    only if there is no demand from other users. If a book is not returned on the due date,

    the user need to pay the Over Due Charges (ODC) as per the following rates. Since theODC calculation is software driven, the fine will be added to individuals account and the

    cumulative amount will be adjusted in their textbook deposit at the end of year.

    Category Of Documents Fine Per Book

    Lending Books Rs.1 per day /book

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    Overnight issues

    (reference books and back issues of journals) Rs.5/- per day

    6] GENERAL:

    7.1 Personal belongings such as bags, briefcases, umbrellas, opaque covers etc., are

    not allowed inside the library and they have to be deposited at the pigeonholed

    racks kept at the entrance of the library.

    7.2 Users need to produce library Identity card in person while barrowing books and

    othermaterials from the library

    7.3 Users leaving the library should allow the staff at the counter to examine their


    7.4 Users are requested maintain silence within the library premises.

    7.5 Smoking and eatables are not permitted inside the library.

    7.6 The orderliness of furniture inside the library needs to be maintained.

    7.7 Users will be responsible for the materials borrowed from the library. Borrower

    will be charged for any loss damage to the material(s), by way of mutilation and

    disfiguring of pages, by either asking for a replacement of the document. Incase of out of print documents, the member will have to pay the cost of

    photocopying the same and also pay a fine equal to the cost of document.

    7.8 Users are requested to ensure that all the documents taken out of the library are



    The following will be treated as misconduct and they will be reported to the

    authorities and respective heads of departments for further section.

    8.1 Unauthorized removal of library documents.8.2 Mutilation and disfiguring of library documents.

    8.3 Non-response to the intimations of library for return of documents.

    8.4 Misbehavior with the library staff on duty.


    16.1 IT Infrastructure

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    not cause disturbance/discomfort to others.

    Violation of the above rules will invite penalty.

    During working hours the IT staffs in charge of the facilities are there to help you and

    provide support; their guidance and decision shall be followed by the users.

    16.5 Computer Accounts

    1] Any student who gets admitted to TAXILA is eligible for student account identified by

    the name.batch (Ex: a student of batch 18 will have name.18 as ID) and this will be

    continued until the student leaves the Institute.

    2] A computer user account that is given to a student is for her/his exclusive use. Each

    student should protect her/his account with a password. Accounts found to be not

    protected will be withdrawn and such students will lose their privilege of using an

    independent account until the end of the term in which the lapse had occurred.

    3] A student shall not disclose her/his password to anybody else.

    4] An unprotected account status cannot be given as an excuse for plagiarism, or for your

    work being stolen or lost.

    16.4 Facilities Usage

    1] No student shall service any computer or peripherals. All breakdowns should be

    brought to the notice of IT staff. Trying to service/repair any computer or other

    equipments by student is tantamount to tampering; and s/he will have to bear the cost

    of the repair and s/he may be debarred from using TAXILA computer facilities for a

    period determined by the IT Committee.

    2] At any given point in time only one student is allowed to work on a terminal. Whenever

    there is a group task, the group may be allowed to work on the terminal provided the

    concerned faculty member or the IT staff accords the permission.

    3] Network Laser Printers are provided in all the labs and it is chargeable.

    4] Bit map printing utility should not be used for internal communication purposes.

    Those who are found violating this rule will be fined.

    5] The downloading and browsing via Wi-Fi facility provided are primarily for academic use.

    While utilizing the bandwidth for non-academic purposes , say to listen to music forinstance, is not banned in the campus, we would like to rely on the thoughtful utilization

    of the finite resource on the basis of the communitys self-restraint and understanding,

    rather than on the basis of rules and regulations. We look forward to having your full

    hearted co-operation in this regard.

    16.5 General Rules

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    1] The facilities in the Labs are intended for academic purpose only.

    2] Students must get the prior permission of the IT staff before bringing outsiders into the


    3] Students upon completion of using the computers may log out of the system and


    4] Students will have to pay for the repair charges if they cause damage to the furniture,

    equipment, and other property in the Lab.

    5] Students have to take full responsibility of their laptops and accessories.

    6] We are taking all necessary steps aimed at securing information and maintaining the

    health of the network. Your active support and cooperation is crucial in making this a


    16.6 Misconduct

    Any violation of the above mentioned norms shall be treated as Misconduct and shall

    be referred to the IT Committee.


    The information provided above may require amendment from time to time, based on

    change of circumstances. The rules/provisions/guidelines with respect to academic and

    administrative matters may also need amendment from time to time, bases on need. TAXILA

    reserves the right to add / alter / delete / modify any of the above provisions based on

    general exigencies or changes in policies.

    18. Penalties for misconduct:

    Cell phone ringing/usage in classroom Rs.5000/-

    Found chatting/misusing internet during lecture Rs.500/-

    Not in uniform includes shoes and tie Rs.100/-

    Refraining away from events/Guest lecture Rs.100/- per event.

    19. APPEALS

    The Director of the Institute is the Appellate Authority for all matters pertaining to

    academics and administration. The decision of the Director on the appeal shall be final and
