tau mmviii 0723

Codex Taucyr The Complete Guide To The Tau In The Forty First Millennium

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The Complete Guide ToThe Tau

In The Forty First Millennium

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Servants of the Greater Good 07/23/08

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Tau Rules

Mont’ka AttackSpecial Deployment Rule

Cost Varies (See below)The Mont’ka is a unique form of Tau assault, in which most of the units involved are dropped from a Manta Missile Cruiser to deploy on the battlefield. This deployment allows the Tau Commander to readily place units across the battlefield in strategic locations.

To use it, any Fire Warriors not assigned to a Devilfish APC must purchase Drop Troop Harnesses at a cost of +3 points per model. At the Start of the game, all Ethereals, Pathfinders, XV88 Suits, Gue’vesa and Kroot are deployed normally. At the start of the first Movement Phase, all Tau vehicles, drones, any remaining battlesuits, and Fire Warriors are deployed by placing a Target/Direction Counter at the intended drop point for each unit that will be dropped, with the direction arrow facing the flight path of the transport vehicle. These troops may be targeted in the shooting phase; however, the attackers must add 12” to the effective range of the target counter, and suffer a –1 to hit penalty due to the small size of the targets. Drop Troops may not fire while being deployed.

At the start of the Movement Phase in the second turn, the location of first model on the table is determined by rolling a D6 and a scatter die, and using the target counter as the starting point. Each additional model in that unit will land on the table D3” inches away from the first model, following the direction of the arrow on the target counter. Any troops landing on a linear obstacle suffer 1 wound on a 4+ with a normal armor save. Models landing in base to base contact with the enemy are considered to be Charging. Troops not engaged in HtH combat must obey normal unit coherency rules. Continue to resolve each units deployment, until all the Drop Troops have been placed on the board.

Pull Back RuleUnit Retreat Rule

The Tau, as a race, abhor unnecessary loss of life. They see ‘Last Stands” as futile gestures, and are embodiments of the axiom “He who fights, and runs away, lives to fight another day.”

To Reflect this, any Tau unit may ‘tactically retreat’ by leaving the board from the Tau Deployment Zone during the Movement Phase of any turn. Units that do so are not considered broken at the end of the game, but keep whatever status they had at the time that they left; thus, a squad which was reduced to 50% casualties which Pulls Back will only provide the enemy payer with the Victory Points for that status.

Should an Ethereal leave the board, the Tau no longer benefit from his presence, but do not have to make any additional Ld tests for his departure.

Units which leave the board at any other time do not benefit from this rule, and units that are broken and Pull Back cannot rally, and will thus provide the full number of Victory Points to the opposing player. Furthermore, there is no special benefit which allows the units to Pull Back, so units engaged in HtH must follow the normal rules for Breaking Off from Close Combat if they attempt to leave the board.

Once a Unit has chosen to Pull Back, it cannot return to the table.

Tau Battle SuitsAll Tau Battle Suits are considered to be Power Armor, Sealed Suits, with a Tech Rating of 8. All convey statistical bonuses to the wearer (which is figured in to the stats and cost of the wearer). Tau battle suits allow the wearer to carry heavy weapons without penalty, but they do not change the designation of move or fire weapons. Please note that upgrades for the hard points on the battlesuits must be added to the cost of the models!

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All battlesuits are equipped with Scanners. These are used during the Shooting Phase - instead of firing a weapon - by any member of the unit that chooses to do so. Tau Scanners are specifically designed to detect biological signatures, and will locate any living models (including Tyranid models such as the Lictor), which will then be Spotted. Hidden vehicles (with living models in them) and mine fields are also detected normally. However, they will only detect hidden Drones and Necrons on a roll of 5+.

Tau Crisis (Type XV8) and Stealth (both XV15 & XV25) battlesuits possess Jet Packs. These allow the wearer to move up to 18” in the same manner as a Skimmer. If the jet packs are used, the suits need not land at the end of their Movement Phase. If the battlesuit does not land, this must be announced at the end of the model’s movement; ‘hovering’ does not affect unit coherency. Such battlesuits cannot normally be attacked in HtH, and remember to take the model’s elevation into account when determining LOS! Tau battlesuits cannot make pop-up attacks.

XV8 and XV25 Battlesuits may make a limited jet pack move of up to 6" and still fire heavy weapons; a move from 7" to 18" prevents the unit from shooting anything other than a basic weapon. Type XV8 and XV25 Battlesuits may also use their jet packs to move out of Hand to Hand combat without penalty against man sized opponents during the Tau players Movement Phase.

Type XV8 and XV88 battle suits provide the wearer an Armor Save rolled on 2D4, rather than 1D6. They are completely sealed against all environmental effects (gas, bacteria, flamers, etc.).

Type XV8 Crisis Suits have three hard points, which must have a weapon or support system allocated to each of them at the start of the game. Mounting two of the same weapons on the suit effectively twin links them (this still takes two hard points). Weapons may not be “triple linked.”

Type XV15 Stealth suits employ Stealth Field Generators (see below). They also come standard with a Jetpack, Scanner, Target Lock, and Burst Gun, and cannot be upgraded.

Like their smaller predecessors, the Type XV25 Stealth suits also use Stealth Field Generators. They come standard with a Jetpack, Scanner, and Burst Cannon, and have one additional hard point that may take a single non-weapon battlesuit support system.

Type XV88 (‘Broadside’) Battle suits do not possess the jump pack, and are armed with Twin Linked Rail Guns and a Smart Missile System. A Broadside Suit may only be upgraded with a single non-weapon system on its hard point, although the player may choose to replace the Smart Missile System for Twin Linked Plasma Rifles at a reduction of 10 point for the model.

Upgrade CostBlacksun Filter 5Burst Cannon 15

Drone Controller Per DroneFlamer 6

Fusion Blaster 15Missile Pod 20

Multi-Tracker 25Plasma Rifle 10

Shield Generator 15Smart Missile System 15Stabilization System 10

Target Lock 10Targeting Array 5Wargear Options See Rules

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Battle Suit Support SystemsA Tau Battle Suit may choose either a weapon or any of the following systems to mount in each hard point:

Blacksun Filter+5 points

Allows the model to ignore any penalties for firing at night (in normal darkness), and increases the model’s LOS to 2D6x3”.

These benefits only apply to models equipped with the filter, and do not extend to other members of the team who are not so equipped. This will not allow the model to fire at other targets than his squad unless he could otherwise do so.

Drone ControllerCost based on number of drones purchased

This allows the bearer to control one to two drones; note that the controller AND the drones only count as a single war gear choice (for Drones statistics, see below). Note that if a model with a Drone Controller is engaged in HtH Combat, then the Drones are considered to be engaged as well.

Markerlight+10 points (restricted to certain models only; see descriptions, below)

Range - 36"; provides a BS of 6 to the user for the purposes of using the Markerlight only. Each successful Markerlight hit allows one other Tau unit to fire at the marked target with a single type of weapon (twin linked counts as 1 weapon) with a To Hit roll of 2+ (modified by terrain, etc.). Note that units armed with a Markerlight must still follow the standard rules for targeting enemy units!

Multi-Tracker+25 points

Allows a battle suit to fire two weapons in the same turn; twin linked systems only count as one weapon choice when making this determination.

Shield Generator+15 points

This unit creates an energy field around the model which conveys a 4+ Invulnerable save.

Stabilization System+10 points

This unit gyroscopically stabilizes a heavy weapon mounted on a XV8 or XV88 battlesuit, allowing the model to walk and fire a heavy weapon in the same turn. By itself, it does not increase the distance which an XV8 may move via its jetpack, and fire a heavy weapon. This system can compensate for twin linked weapons as well.

If this option is selected, all models in the unit must take this upgrade.

Targeting Array+5 points

This system allows provides a +1 to the models Ballistic Skill.

Target Lock+10 points

This system allows the battlesuit to target a separate enemy unit to that engaged by his squad; all of his weapons systems must still be used against the new target, however.

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Racial AbilitiesBonding

+10 points Bonded units who fail a Leadership Test become Shaken, not Broken. Shaken units may not move towards the enemy but are otherwise unaffected by the initial failed roll. Shaken troops failing another Leadership test will become Broken as normal. Bonding includes the unit leader (if any).

Opportunity Fire+10 points

A Bonded Unit is far less likely to break in the face of an enemy assault. If the Tau player wishes, he may further upgrade the unit to allow them fire at targets of opportunity. These are classified as any enemy units that have closed within 8” of the Bonded Unit during the Movement Phase. Opportunity Fire is considered to be similar to an Overwatch fire, in that it takes place during the Movement Phase, before the charging enemy units have a chance to close into HtH. Unlike Overwatch, however, all of the other standard rules for Shooting at targets apply. Units which fire at targets of opportunity may not fire again in the Shooting Phase, and cannot roll any attack dice if they are successfully charged in HtH.

Kroot ShapingKroot with a Shaper in their squad may be genetically altered to make their hides much more resilient to damage; this provides a basic save of 5+ to each model in the squad and raises the LD score by 1. However, any model that is Shaped MUST devour a fallen foe, as detailed under the Kroot… No save is allowed. The cost for shaping varies, based on the model receiving the benefit. Please note that Kroot are shaped as a Squad, not as individuals!

Model CostKroot Trooper -1Kroot Hound +4

Krootox +2Kroot Shaper Automatic

Stealth Field TechnologyAll shots fired at a stationary model with a Stealth Field Generator are at –1 to hit in addition to other modifiers. If the model Hides, troops that move into a position to see the hiding model—or move within their Initiative distance—will only detect him rather than spot him until he moves or fires.

Infiltrating models with this technology may start the game Hiding without the benefit of cover, although if any such model is located using a scanner, it is automatically Spotted. These rules also apply to any drones controlled by the model.

Basic WeaponsModels picking from this list may select only one item.

Basic Weapons CostBow ½ Crossbow 1Stub Pistol 1Musket 1Stub Gun 1Hand Weapon 1

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Army Organization25%+ Troops Up to 50% Support Up to 25% Characters

Troops: Fire Warriors, Pathfinders, Crisis and Stealth battlesuits, Shas'la, and Shas’ui; Drone Units; Kroot (all), Vespid, and Gue’vesa

Support: Vehicles, Broadside Battlesuits, Heavy Drones, and Great KnarlocsCharacters: Shas’vre (all), Shas'o, Shas'el, and Etherials (Bodyguards are also drawn from this army element)

An army commander must be selected for combats of 1500 points or more.

Tau armies have a Strategy Rating of 1.

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Tau CharactersCharacters <25%

Shas’vre (‘Crisis’ Battlesuit Team Leader)50 points

‘Crisis’ Leader M WS BS S T W I A Ld‘Crisis’ Leader 4 3 5 5 4 2 3 2 8

Crisis Battle Suit (3+ save on 2D4) with 3 hard points. A Team Leader, if desired, may be upgraded to Shas’vre for the listed price.

OptionsShas’vre may possess up to two pieces of War Gear.

Shas’vre (‘Stealth’ Battlesuit Pathfinder Team Leader)70 points

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld‘Stealth’ Leader 4 3 5 5 4 2 3 2 8

XV15 ‘Stealth’ Battlesuit (3+ save). Stealth Battlesuit Team Leaders may Infiltrate. The Team Leader, may, if you wish, be upgraded to Shas’vre for the listed price.

OptionsShas’vre can be equipped with a Markerlight for +10 points, and may have up to two pieces of Wargear.

Shas’vre (‘Stealth’ Battlesuit Team Leader)80 points

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld‘Stealth’ Leader 4 3 5 5 4 2 3 2 8

XV25 ‘Stealth’ Battlesuit (3+ save). Stealth Battlesuit Team Leaders may Infiltrate. The Team Leader, may, if you wish, be upgraded to Shas’vre for the listed price.

OptionsShas’vre can be equipped with a Markerlight for +10 points, and may have up to two pieces of Wargear.

Kroot Shaper64 points

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A LdKroot Shaper 4 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 8

Toughened Hide (5+ save), Kroot Rifle.

Your army may include up to one Kroot Shaper for every Kroot Carnivore squad in the force.

Kroot Shapers Infiltrate, ignore terrain modifiers for movement, have twice the normal LOS when attacking into or from a wood, and receive an additional -1 modifier when in cover.

Shapers passing a fallen enemy or winning in HtH combat must spend the next turn devouring their fallen opponent.

OptionsShapers may replace their rifle for a Pulse Rifle or Carbine for +2 points, and/or may choose an additional Basic Weapon.

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Shas’vre (‘Broadside’ Battlesuit Team Leader)130 points

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A LdXV88 Leader 4 3 5 6 5 2 4 3 8

Broadside Battle Suit (2+ save on 2D4) with 1 hard point for an additional non-weapon system. A Team Leader, if you wish, may be upgraded to Shas’vre for the listed price. Note that a Broadside Shas’vre must be part of a squad to be chosen!

OptionsShas’vre may possess up to two pieces of War Gear.

Shas’vre Bodyguard50 points per member

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A LdShas’vre 4 3 4 5 4 2 3 2 8

The bodyguard consists of 1 to 2 Tau in Crisis Battle Suits (3+ save on 2D4) with 3 hard points.

Shas’vre Bodyguard form a unit with the Army Commander, and follow all of the rules for squads.Options

Each Shas’vre bodyguard may possess up to two pieces of War Gear.

Shas’el65 points

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A LdShas’el 4 4 5 6 5 3 4 3 9

Crisis Battle Suit (3+ save on 2D4); 3 hard points. Shas’el are among the finest the Tau have to offer.

You may include one Shas’el in your army for every full 750 points of your force allocation.Options

Shas’el may take three pieces of Wargear.

Shas’o90 points

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A LdShas’o 4 5 6 6 5 4 5 4 10

Crisis Battle Suit (3+ save on 2D4) with 3 hard points. Shas’o are the Tau leaders on the battlefield.

You may include one Shas’o in your army for every full 1500 points of your force allocation.Options

Shas’o may possess up to three pieces of War Gear.

Mal’Kor’vre (Vespid Strain Leader)30 points

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A LdVespid Leader 3 3 3 3 5 2 5 1 9

Natural Carapace Armor (5+ save), Neutron Blaster.

Your army must include one Mal’Kor’Vrefor every Vespid squad in the force.

Mal’Kor’vre follow all of the rules for Mal’Kor units, but because of their Communion Helmet and increased understanding of the environment do not suffer from Stupidity.


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Aun58 points per Ethereal Caste Member

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A LdAun 4 4 5 5 4 4 3 4 10

Carries Blades of Office.

You may include from1 to 3 Aun in your army for every full 2000 points of your force allocation.

Aun – the Ethereal Caste – are the rulers of the Tau race. Because of the awe these beings inspire, if they are placed on the battlefield, any unit (not including Drones, Kroot, or Vespid) which fails a Ld check may re-roll the save (the second result stands); if an Aun joins any unit, that unit may ignore Break Tests for as long as the Aun is present.

However, any time one is slain, all of the Tau units in the army (but not Drones, Kroot, or Vespid) must pass a leadership roll (check for each unit). Those that fail are broken (even Bonded units). Those who pass the Ld test now have Hatred for the opposing army for the rest of the game.

OptionsAn Aun may replace his Blades of Office with an Honor Blade for +2 points. Each Aun may possess up to three pieces of War Gear.

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Tau SquadsSquads 25%+

Shas’la (Fire Warrior Squad)15 points per Shas’la

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A LdFire Warrior 4 2 3 3 3 1 2 1 7

Fire Warriors are organized into squads of 6 to 12 warriors, with Fire Caste Armor (4+ save), and carrying a Pulse Rifle or Carbine.

OptionsAny model may take Photon Grenades for +2 Points and/or EMP Grenades for +5 points per model. The entire squad may be Bonded for +10 Points for the Squad (this includes a leader model, if any).

Shas’ui (Fire Warrior Squad Leader)25 points per Shas’ui

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A LdSquad Leader 4 2 3 3 3 1 2 2 8

Fire Warrior squad leaders wear Fire Caste Armor (4+ save), and carry a Pulse Rifle or Carbine. Options

A single model from the squad may be upgraded to a Shas’ui. This model may take Photon Grenades for +2 Points and/or EMP Grenades for +5 points, and may also be equipped with a Markerlight for +10 Points for the model. Shas’ui may have one piece of Wargear.

Shas’la (Pathfinder Team)30 points per Shas’la

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A LdPathfinder 4 2 3 3 3 1 2 1 7

Pathfinder teams are organized into squads of 4 to 8 warriors, with Fire Caste Armor (4+ save), and a Pulse Carbine with an under barrel grenade launcher.

All Pathfinders are deployed before the advance on the main body of troops; to represent this, after all of the models on both sides have been deployed, but before any other action takes place in the game, any Pathfinder units may take a free Movement turn (only).

This initial deployment move does not prevent the use of Move and Fire weapons in the 1 st Turn (provided the model does not move again).

This movement bonus may be used by any Devilfish APC’s that are attached to a Pathfinder Squad, as well.

OptionsUp to three models per squad may exchange their Pulse Carbines for Rail Rifles at no additional cost. In addition, any model may take Photon Grenades for +2 Points and/or EMP Grenades for +5 points per model.

The entire squad may be Bonded for +10 Points for the Squad (this includes a leader model, if any).

Shas’ui (Pathfinder Team Leader)40 points per Shas’ui

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A LdTeam Leader 4 2 3 3 3 1 2 2 8

Pathfinder Team leaders wear Fire Caste Armor (4+ save), and carry a Pulse Carbine which replaces the under barrel grenade launcher with a Markerlight.

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OptionsA single model in the squad may be selected to be a team leader. These Shas’ui Follow the standard rules for Pathfinders. He may take Photon Grenades for +2 Points and/or EMP Grenades for +5 points per model, and may have one piece of Wargear.

Shas’ui (‘Crisis’ Battlesuit Team)40 points per Shas’ui

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld‘Crisis’ Warrior 4 2 4 5 4 2 2 2 8

Crisis Battlesuit teams are organized into squads of 1 to 3 warriors, in XV8 ‘Crisis’ Battlesuits (3+ save on 2D4).

OptionsThe entire squad may be Bonded for +10 Points for the Squad (this includes a leader model, if any).

Shas’ui (‘Crisis’ Battlesuit Team Leader)45 points

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld‘Crisis’ Leader 4 2 4 5 4 2 2 2 8

Each Crisis team leaders wears a XV8 ‘Crisis’ Battlesuit (3+ save on 2D4). A single model from each squad may be upgraded to a Team Leader.

OptionsIf one desired, he may have one piece of Wargear.

Shas’ui (‘Stealth’ Battlesuit Pathfinder Team)45 points per Shas’ui

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld‘Stealth’ warrior 4 2 4 4 3 1 2 2 8

Stealth Battlesuit teams use squads of 3 to 6 warriors, in XV15 ‘Stealth’ Battlesuits (3+ save).

Stealth Battlesuit Teams may Infiltrate, but do not use Dispersed Formation.

Stealth Pathfinders may not make a Pre-Game advance.Options

The entire squad may be Bonded for +10 Points for the Squad (this includes a leader model, if any).

Shas’ui (‘Stealth’ Battlesuit Pathfinder Team Leader)50 points

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld‘Stealth’ Leader 4 2 4 4 3 1 2 2 8

Each Stealth team leader uses an XV15 ‘Stealth’ Battlesuit (3+ save).

Stealth Battlesuit Team Leaders may Infiltrate. Options

A single model from the squad may be upgraded to a Team Leader. If so, he can also be equipped with a Markerlight for +10 points, and may have one piece of Wargear.

Kor’vesa (Gun Drone Squadron)30 points per Drone

Gun Drones are small Targets (-1 to hit). A Gun Drone Squadron consists of 4 to 8 drones, equipped with twin linked pulse carbines.

Drone Squadrons require at least four units to operate effectively. If the size of the unit is reduced to less than 4, reduced the LD score to 4 immediately; and the squadron is no longer considered to be able to hold Mission Objectives.

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Drone squadrons may Break, although they are Immune to other Psychology.Options

Photon grenades may be purchased for the Drones at +2 points per model.

Kroot Carnivore Squad15 points per Kroot Hunter

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A LdKroot Warrior 4 4 3 4 3 1 3 1 7

Kroot are organized into squads of 10 to 20 hunters, armed with a Kroot Rifle.

Kroot Infiltrate, ignore terrain modifiers for movement, have twice the normal LOS when attacking into or from a wood, and receive an additional -1 modifier when in cover.

Kroot models passing a fallen enemy or winning in HtH combat must make a LD test, or will spend the next turn devouring their fallen opponent.

OptionsKroot may replace their rifle for a Pulse Rifle or Carbine for +2 points, and/or may choose an additional Basic Weapon.

Kroot Hound Pack18 points per Kroot Hound

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A LdKroot Hound 6 4 0 4 3 1 4 2 7

From 2 to 8 Kroot Hunters per squad may be replaced with Kroot Hounds.

Kroot Hounds Infiltrate, ignore terrain modifiers for movement, have twice the normal LOS when looking a wood, and receive an additional -1 modifier when in cover.

Kroot Packs within charge range of a broken opponent must make a LD check, or immediately charge that foe (they may ignore coherency rules with the main unit until all such enemies are slain); otherwise, they are treated like other Kroot in respect to fallen opponents.

Krootox58 points per Krootox

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A LdKrootox 5 4 3 6 3 3 3 2 7

Up to three Kroot Hunters in a squad may be replaced with Krootox. These are not cavalry models; the Krootox are separate targets from the riders. Krootox come with a rider, who fires the Kroot Gun.

Krootox Infiltrate, ignore terrain modifiers for movement, have twice the normal LOS when attacking into or from a wood, and receive an additional -1 modifier when in cover. Krootox Riders must pass an Ld check to engage in HtH; if the test fails, the Krootox will hold its ground, but will not initiate combat; if engaged, it will defend itself, but no hits are score if the Krootox wins (the round is considered a tie).

Gue’vesa13 points

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A LdHuman Soldier 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 2 7

Gue’vesa are organized into squads of 6 to 12 warriors, in Tau Armor (5+ save), with Lasguns.

A Tau Army may not purchase more than 1 Gue’vesa squad per Fire Warriors Squad.

All Imperial Units have Hatred for the Gue’vesa.

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OptionsUp to two Gue’vesa in a Squad may replace their lasguns with either pulse Rifles or Carbines for (+5 points); the entire team may be equipped with EMP grenades for +5 points, and/or may choose a Basic Weapon as well.

Gue’vesa’ui23 points

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A LdHuman Trooper 4 4 4 3 3 1 3 2 8

Human leaders wear Tau Armor (5+ save), and employ a Lasgun. One model per Gue’vesa squad may be upgraded to a Gue’vesa’ui.

All Imperial Units have Hatred for the Gue’vesa.Options

This model may take one piece of Wargear, and may purchase a Basic Weapon and/or a Markerlight for an additional 10 points as well. If the squad has EMP grenades, these must be purchased for the Gue’vesa’ui as well.

Mal’Kor (Vespid Stingwing)20 points

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A LdVespid Trooper 3 3 3 3 4 1 5 1 6

Vespid Stingwings are organized into groups of 3 to 10 warriors, in Natural Carapace Armor (5+ save), and armed with a Neutron Blaster.

During the Movement Phase, Mal’Kor can fly up to 20”; this movement ignores terrain penalties and obstacle height; however, they do not receive a 4” Charge Bonus, and may not make a 2” Follow-up Move if they win a round of HtH combat.

If they pass over an enemy unit, they may fire down at them as they pass using their Neutron Blaster. If they do so, they may not fire their weapons again in the Shooting Phase (but may make use of them if engaged in HtH combat). Mal’Kor who fire from above on their opponents cannot also initiate HtH combat at the end of their flight.

The Mal’Kor do not view the environment in the same was as normal races, and need a Strain Leader on the board to coordinate their actions. If all of the Strain Leaders on the board are killed or incapacitated, then any remaining Mal’Kor units act with Stupidity for the rest of the game.


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Tau Support

Support <50%Shas’ui (‘Broadside’ Battlesuit Team)

120 points per Shas’ui Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld

XV88 Warrior 4 3 4 5 4 2 3 2 8Braodside teams are organized into squads of 1 to 3 warriors, in XV88 ‘Broadside’ Battlesuit (2+ save on 2D4).

OptionsThe entire squad may be Bonded for +10 Points for the Squad (this includes a leader model, if any).

The player may choose to replace the Smart Missile System for Twin Linked Plasma Rifles at a reduction of 10 point for the model.

Shas’ui (‘Broadside’ Battlesuit Team Leader)125 points

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A LdXV88 Leader 4 3 4 5 4 2 3 2 8

Braodside team leaders also wear XV88 ‘Broadside’ Battlesuits (2+ save on 2D4). Options

A single model from the squad may be upgraded to a Team Leader. If so, he may have one piece of Wargear.

Sniper Drone Team200 points per Team

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld‘Stealth’ warrior 4 2 4 4 3 1 2 2 8Gun Drone 8 2 3 3 - 2 4 1 7

Consists of one Shas’ui and three Sniper Drones. The Shas’ui has a Pulse Pistol and Fire Caste Armor (4+ save). He is also equipped with Sniper Drone controller, with a Networked Markerlight.

You may include one team of Sniper Drones in you army for every 1000 points of force allocation.

The unit also employs a powerful Stealth Field generator, which adds a D6 to the deviation of any applicable attack against any member of the Team, in addition to its normal affects.

The Sniper Drones must maintain unit coherency with the Shas’ui, but may use Dispersed Formation.

The Team may advance with Pathfinders in Pre-Turn Movement, if desired.Options

None; the Shas’ui may not take any Wargear.

Shas’ui (‘Stealth’ Battlesuit Team)60 points per Shas’ui

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld‘Stealth’ warrior 4 2 4 4 3 1 2 2 8

Advanced Stealth teams are organized into squads of 1 to 3 warriors, in XV25 ‘Stealth’ Battlesuit ( 3+ save).

Stealth Battlesuit Teams may Infiltrate, and may use Dispersed Formation.Options

The entire squad may be Bonded for +10 Points for the Squad (this includes a leader model, if any). Up to two models may replace their Burst Cannon with twin linked Fusion Blasters, if desired.

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Shas’ui (‘Stealth’ Battlesuit Team Leader)65 points

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld‘Stealth’ Leader 4 2 4 4 3 1 2 2 8

Advanced Stealth team leaders also are given the XV25 ‘Stealth’ Battlesuit (3+ save).

Stealth Battlesuit Team Leaders may Infiltrate and use Dispersed Formation. Options

A single model from the squad may be upgraded to a Team Leader. If one is selected, he can also be equipped with a Markerlight for +10 points, and may have one piece of Wargear.

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Tau Vehicles

Vehicles As SupportDevilfish

150 points

Crew Type M WS BS S T W I A LdFire Warrior 4 2 3 3 3 1 2 1 7

Ram Number of Speed MovementStir Dig Save Crew Passengers Slow Combat Fast Type8 D12 -5 3 12* 8” 18” 24” Skimmer

*Cannot transport troops in Batttlesuits; one pair of Drones count as one model carried in the APC.The Devilfish is armed with a Burst Cannon with a 270 arc of fire (90 to either side and 90 to the front); all Devilfish are equipped with a pair of Gun Drones (and may not take this as a Wargear option). Devilfish cannot make pop-up attacks.

ArmorD6 Location Front Side/Rear1-2 Grav Motor 18 203-6 Hull 18 18

D6 Grav Engine Damage Table

1-4The Gravitic motor is damaged... The Tank only moves at slow speed for the rest of the game.

5-6 The engine is destroyed. The vehicle crashes to the ground, as per the Skimmer rules.

D6 Hull Damage Table

1The closest Drone to the attacker is hit. Resolve the strike normally. If the Drones have been released, then treat as #2 (below).

2 The Burst Cannon is ripped off the nose of the Devilfish, and is destroyed.

3-4The explosion rips through a door into the Transportation Hold. Any non-crew model on board is killed on a roll of 4+.

5A criticality in the power cells causes the vehicle to burst into flames. It crashes, and all models on board are killed. Any model within 3” of the point where it stops will be hit as if by a heavy flamer.

6The ammunition explodes. The tank is torn apart in mid-air; any model within 3” of the point where it blows will be hit by D6 S-10 hits with a -3 save.

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Hammerhead Gunship90 points+Weapons

Crew Type M WS BS S T W I A LdFire Warrior 4 2 3 (4) 3 3 1 2 1 7

Ram Number of Speed MovementStr Dmg Save Crew Passengers Slow Combat Fast Type8 D12 -5 1 0 8” 18” 24” Skimmer

The Hammerhead must be armed with either a Heavy Railgun and Sub-Munitions (+125), a Multi-Melta (+90), or an Ion Cannon (+60) in the turret, with a 360 arc of fire. It must also take either two Burst Cannon (+30 for the pair) or a Smart Missile System (+20); either will have a 270 arc of fire (90 to the front, side, and rear of the vehicle); note that these auxiliary weapons are NOT twin linked. All Hammerheads are equipped with a targeting array for any of the weapons systems which make use of one. Hammerheads cannot make pop-up attacks.

ArmorD6 Location Front Side/Rear1-2 Grav Motor 18 203-5 Hull 20 186 Turret 21 20

D6 Grav Engine Damage Table

1-4The Gravitic motor is damaged... The Tank only moves at slow speed for the rest of the game.

5-6 The engine is destroyed. The vehicle crashes to the ground, as per the Skimmer rules.

D6 Hull Damage Table1 The closest nose mounted weapon to the attacker is destroyed.

2-3The explosion tears through the crew compartment. Each crewmen on board is killed on a roll of 4+.

4The engine explodes. All models on board are killed, and the tank is spun to face a random direction and then crashes.

5A criticality in the power cells causes the vehicle to burst into flames. It crashes, and the crew is killed. Any model within 3” of the point where it stops will be hit as if by a heavy flamer.

6The ammunition explodes. The tank is torn apart in mid-air; any model within 3” of the point where it blows will be hit by D6 S-10 hits with a -3 save.

D6 Turret Damage Table1 The turret weapons are damaged, and may only fire on a roll of 4+ (check each turn).2 The main gun is destroyed and may not be used for the rest of the game.3 The turret is jammed, and must fire from its current position for the rest of the game.


The turret ammunition feeds are penetrated, and a violent explosion consumes the Hammerhead in a series of explosions. The tank crashes to the ground and the turret is torn off, flying 2D6” in a random direction. Any models struck by either take D6 S-9 hits with a -6 save modifier.

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Piranha85 points

Crew Type M WS BS S T W I A LdFire Warrior 4 2 3 3 3 1 2 1 7

Ram Number of Speed MovementStir Dig Save Crew Passengers Slow Combat Fast Type8 D12 -5 2 0 10” 20” 30” Skimmer

The Piranha is armed with a Burst Cannon with a 90 arc of fire to the front; all Piranha are equipped with a pair of Gun Drones (and may not take this as a Wargear option). A Piranha may replace its Burst Cannon for a Fusion Blaster; this reduces the cost of the model by 10 points.

ArmorD6 Location Front Side/Rear1-2 Grav Motor 12 153-5 Hull 15 126 Crew See Below

D6 Grav Engine Damage Table

1-4The Gravitic motor is damaged... The vehicle only moves at slow speed for the rest of the game, and may not conduct any pop-up attacks.

5-6 The engine is destroyed. The vehicle crashes to the ground, as per the Skimmer rules.

D6 Hull Damage Table1 The nose weapon is damaged, and may only fire on a roll of 4+.

2-3The control surfaces are damaged; in the Random Movement Phase, the vehicle will go out of control on a roll of 4+ (check each turn).

4 The nose weapon is destroyed, and the Piranha may no longer shoot.

5A criticality in the power cells causes the vehicle to burst into flames. It crashes, and all models on board are killed. Any model within 3” of the point where it stops will be hit as if by a heavy flamer.

6The ammunition explodes. The vehicle is torn apart in mid-air; any model within 3” of the point where it blows will be hit by D6 S-8 hits with a -2 save.

Crew Damage TableWound the crew using the normal shooting rules, rolling to wound the crewman nearest to the attacker. He is wounded normally; each is equipped with Fire Warrior Armor (4+ save). If the pilot is slain, the Piranha moves out of control, and continues to move in this manner until it moves off the table, has a collision, or the gunner takes control of the vehicle. If the gunner is killed (or takes control of the vehicle), then the he cannot fire the nose weapon.

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Skyray Missile Defense Gunship220 points+Weapons

Crew Type M WS BS S T W I A LdFire Warrior 4 2 3 (4) 3 3 1 2 1 7

Ram Number of Speed MovementStr Dmg Save Crew Passengers Slow Combat Fast Type8 D12 -5 1 0 8” 18” 24” Skimmer

The Skyray is armed with six Seeker Missiles in the turret, with a 360 arc of fire, and is equipped with a Networked Markerlight System which the tank may use to fire its own missiles (these missiles fire individually, but may be directed at two different targets by the tank per turn) if desired. It must also take either two Burst Cannon (+30 for the pair) or a Smart Missile System (+20); either will have a 270 arc of fire (90 to the front, side, and rear of the vehicle); note that these auxiliary weapons are NOT twin linked.

ArmorD6 Location Front Side/Rear1-2 Grav Motor 18 203-5 Hull 20 186 Turret 21 20

D6 Grav Engine Damage Table

1-4The Gravitic motor is damaged... The Tank only moves at slow speed for the rest of the game, and may not conduct any pop-up attacks.

5-6 The engine is destroyed. The vehicle crashes to the ground, as per the Skimmer rules.

D6 Hull Damage Table1 The closest nose mounted weapon to the attacker is destroyed.

2-3The explosion tears through the crew compartment. Each crewmen on board is killed on a roll of 4+.

4The engine explodes. All models on board are killed, and the tank is spun to face a random direction and then crashes.

5A criticality in the power cells causes the vehicle to burst into flames. It crashes, and the crew is killed. Any model within 3” of the point where it stops will be hit as if by a heavy flamer.

6The ammunition explodes. The tank is torn apart in mid-air; any model within 3” of the point where it blows will be hit by D6 S-10 hits with a -3 save.

D6 Turret Damage Table

1The Seeker Missile Racks closest to the attacker are damaged, and may only fire on a roll of 4+ (check each turn).

2 The Networked Markerlight is destroyed and may not be used for the rest of the game.

3The turret receiver is destroyed, and incoming Markerlight information from outside the Skyray can no longer be received.


The Seeker Missiles explode on the turret, destroying it and killing the crew. Any model within 1” of the tank takes a number of hits equal to the remaining missiles on a 4+ as the vehicle crashes to the ground. The turret is torn off, flying 2D6” in a random direction. Any models struck by either take D6 S-9 hits with a -6 save modifier.

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Tetra80 points

Crew Type M WS BS S T W I A LdPathfinder 4 2 3 3 3 1 2 1 7

Ram Number of Speed MovementStir Dig Save Crew Passengers Slow Combat Fast Type8 D12 -5 2 0 10” 20” 30” Skimmer

The Tetra is a modified Piranha carrying with a Markerlight with a 360 arc of fire. all Tetra are equipped with a pair of Markerlight Drones (and may not take Gun Drones as a Wargear option). Tetras may utilize the Pathfinder pre-game movement ability.

ArmorD6 Location Front Side/Rear1-2 Grav Motor 12 153-5 Hull 15 126 Crew* See Below*Side attacks only; the crew cannot be hit from the front.

D6 Grav Engine Damage Table

1-4The Gravitic motor is damaged... The vehicle only moves at slow speed for the rest of the game, and may not conduct any pop-up attacks.

5-6 The engine is destroyed. The vehicle crashes to the ground, as per the Skimmer rules.

D6 Hull Damage Table1 The Markerlight is damaged, and may only fire on a roll of 4+.

2-3The control surfaces are damaged; in the Random Movement Phase, the vehicle will go out of control on a roll of 4+ (check each turn).

4 The Markerlight is destroyed, and the Tetra may no longer target enemy units.

5A criticality in the power cells causes the vehicle to burst into flames. It crashes, and all models on board are killed. Any model within 3” of the point where it stops will be hit as if by a heavy flamer.

6The ammunition explodes. The vehicle is torn apart in mid-air; any model within 3” of the point where it blows will be hit by D6 S-8 hits with a -2 save.

Crew Damage TableWound the crew using the normal shooting rules, rolling to wound the crewman nearest to the attacker. He is wounded normally; each is equipped with Fire Warrior Armor (4+ save). If the pilot is slain, the Tetra moves out of control, and continues to move in this manner until it moves off the table, has a collision, or the gunner takes control of the vehicle. If the gunner is killed (or takes control of the vehicle), then the he cannot fire the nose weapon.

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Tau Drones

Drones As ListedBet’la (Shield Drone)

35 points per Drone (1-2x Controller)


Difficult Target (-1 to hit). A Shield Drone is equipped with an Energy Shield, providing a 4+ Invulnerable Save. Bet’la are Remote Controlled.

D6 Location1-3 System Damage4-5 Systems Manager6 Programs

D6 Systems Damage Table

1The Controller signal antenna is hit. Each turn, the Drone moves randomly on a roll 4+; if it loses coherency, it automatically shuts down until coherency is restored.

2-3 The graviton generator is hit; reduce the Drone’s move by D4”.4-5 The Shield generator is damaged, and only works on a roll of 4+.6 The Shield generator is destroyed.

D6 Systems Manager Damage Table1 The shot damages the Drone’s coaxial units, rendering it unable to Jump.

2The Drone’s Shield processor is damaged; the Drone ‘s armor save is now a standard (modified) save.

3 The Drone’s core processor is damaged; the Drone ‘s statistics are now reduced to 1.

4-5The engine’s directional interface is fused; roll a scatter die and move the Drone 2D4” in that direction in each Random Movement Phase. The Drone cannot move in the Drone phase, but is otherwise unaffected.

6 The logic control interface is shot loose, and the Drone falls inertly to the ground.

D6 Programs Damage Table

1-4The Drone’s control stack is damaged in the attack. Roll D6 after each action made by the Drone; if the result is 5+, then the Drone ends its turn immediately.

5The Drone’s control stack is critically damaged in the attack. Roll D6 after each action made by the Drone; if the result is 6, the system overloads and the Drone shuts down.


Electricity dances over the Drone as a power surge wipes its memory. It assumes a mission complete posture, turns to face its Deployment Zone and will move once per turn in that direction. Once it arrives, it will power down, and await transport home. The Drone can take not other actions for the rest of the game.

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A LdGun Drone 8 2 - 3 - 2 4 1 7

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Kor’la (Gun Drone)30 points per Drone (1-2x Controller)


Difficult Target (-1 to hit). A Gun Drone is equipped with twin linked pulse carbines with a 90 arc of fire to the front. Photon grenades may be purchased for +2 points. Kor’la are Remote Controlled.

D6 Location1-3 System Damage4 Systems Manager5 Programs6 Targeter

D6 Systems Damage Table

1The Controller signal antenna is hit. Each turn, the Drone moves randomly on a roll 4+; if it loses coherency, it automatically shuts down until coherency is restored.

2-3 The graviton generator is hit; reduce the Drone’s move by D4”.4-5 The Pulse Carbines are damaged, and only work on a roll of 4+.6 The Pulse Carbines are destroyed.

D6 Systems Manager Damage Table1 The shot damages the Drone’s coaxial units, rendering it unable to Jump.

2The Drone’s IFF (Identify Friend/Foe) system is fused; the Drone will now treat all friendly models as the enemy, and visa-versa!

3The Drone’s IFF (Identify Friend/Foe) system is fused; the Drone will now treat all non-Drones as belonging to the enemy!

4-5The engine’s directional interface is fused; roll a scatter die and move the Drone 2D4” in that direction in each Random Movement Phase. The Drone cannot move in the Drone phase, but is otherwise unaffected.

6 The logic control interface is shot loose, and the Drone falls inertly to the ground.

D6 Programs Damage Table

1-4The Drone’s control stack is damaged in the attack. Roll D6 after each action made by the Drone; if the result is 5+, then the Drone ends its turn immediately.

5The Drone’s control stack is critically damaged in the attack. Roll D6 after each action made by the Drone; if the result is 6, the system overloads and the Drone shuts down.


Electricity dances over the Drone as a power surge wipes its memory. It assumes a mission complete posture, turns to face its Deployment Zone and will move once per turn in that direction. Once it arrives, it will power down, and await transport home. The Drone can take not other actions for the rest of the game.

D6 Targeter Damage Table1 The Drone’s range finder is badly damaged. Subtract D4 from the BS of the Drone.

2The target discriminators are shot away; the Drone can no longer identify target that are man sized or smaller.

3 The targeter is knocked loose. All shots from the Drone automatically deviate 2D6”.

4-5The shot triggers a systems fault in the Drones’s target acquisition system. It now registers any model fired upon as destroyed, and attempts to acquire a new one.

6 A targeter is blown off; and the Pulse Carbines may no longer fire.

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A LdGun Drone 8 2 2 3 - 2 4 1 7

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Kor’vesa (Gun Drone Squadron)30 points per Drone (4-8x)


Difficult Target (-1 to hit). A Gun Drone is equipped with twin linked pulse carbines with a 90 arc of fire to the front. Photon grenades may be purchased for +4 points. Drone Squadrons require at least 4 units to operate effectively. If the unit is reduced to less than 4, the LD score drops to 4 immediately.

D6 Location1-3 System Damage4 Systems Manager5 Programs6 Targeter

D6 Systems Damage Table

1The unit coherency modulator is hit. Each turn, the Drone moves randomly on a roll 4+; if it loses coherency, it automatically shuts down until coherency is restored.

2-3 The graviton generator is hit; reduce the Drone’s move by D4”.4-5 The Pulse Carbines are damaged, and only work on a roll of 4+.6 The Pulse Carbines are destroyed.

D6 Systems Manager Damage Table1 The Drone’s armor casing is knocked loose. Reduce the AV by 1.

2The Drone’s IFF (Identify Friend/Foe) system is fused; the Drone will now treat all friendly models as the enemy, and visa-versa!

3The Drone’s IFF (Identify Friend/Foe) system is fused; the Drone will now treat all non-Drones as belonging to the enemy!

4-5The engine’s directional interface is fused; roll a scatter die and move the Drone 2D4” in that direction in each Random Movement Phase. The Drone cannot move in the Drone phase, but is otherwise unaffected.

6 The logic control interface is shot loose, and the Drone falls inertly to the ground.

D6 Programs Damage Table

1The Drone’s logic possessors are blocked as the Drone is spun 180 by the force of the hit. It is assigned a random Mission (from the cards) and will execute this new assignment to the best of its ability.

2-4The Drone’s control stack is damaged in the attack. Roll D6 after each action made by the Drone; if the result is 5+, then the Drone ends its turn immediately.

5The Drone’s control stack is critically damaged in the attack. Roll D6 after each action made by the Drone; if the result is 6, the system overloads and the Drone shuts down.


Electricity dances over the Drone as a power surge wipes its memory. It assumes a mission complete posture, turns to face its Deployment Zone and will move once per turn in that direction. Once it arrives, it will power down, and await transport home. The Drone can take not other actions for the rest of the game.

D6 Targeter Damage Table1 The Drone’s range finder is badly damaged. Subtract D4 from the BS of the Drone.

2The target discriminators are shot away; the Drone can no longer identify target that are man sized or smaller.

3 The targeter is knocked loose. All shots from the Drone automatically deviate 2D6”.4-5 The shot triggers a systems fault in the Drones’s target acquisition system. It now

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A LdGun Drone 8 2 3 3 - 2 4 1 7

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registers any model fired upon as destroyed, and attempts to acquire a new one.6 A targeter is blown off; and the Pulse Carbines may no longer fire.

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Mon’vesa (Sniper Drone)50 points per Drone (3x; See Support section for full rules)


Difficult Target (-1 to hit). A Gun Drone is equipped with a rail rifle with a 90 arc of fire to the front, with a Targeting Array (this weapon is still Move or Fire). Sniper Drones have Stealth Field generators, and do not require a minimum of units to operate effectively.

D6 Location1-3 System Damage4 Systems Manager5 Programs6 Targeter

D6 Systems Damage Table1 The Target Lock is destroyed, reducing the Drone’s BS to 2.

2-3 The graviton generator is hit; reduce the Drone’s move by D4”.

4-5The gravitic stabilizer is hit. Any time the Rail Rifle is fired, the Drone is moved D4” in the opposite direction, and is considered to have rammed any surface it hits (S-3, no Armor Modifier, 1 wound).

6 The Rail Rifle is destroyed.

D6 Systems Manager Damage Table1 The Drone’s armor casing is knocked loose. Reduce the AV by 1.

2The Drone’s IFF (Identify Friend/Foe) system is damaged; the drone must roll a 4+ to acquire/use a Markerlight signal.

3The Drone’s IFF (Identify Friend/Foe) system is off line; the drone may only fire at targets designated by the Networked Markerlight.

4-5The engine’s directional interface is fused; roll a scatter die and move the Drone 2D4” in that direction in each Random Movement Phase. The Drone cannot move in the Drone phase, but is otherwise unaffected.

6 The logic control interface is shot loose, and the Drone falls inertly to the ground.

D6 Programs Damage Table

1The Drone’s logic possessors are blocked as the Drone is spun 180 by the force of the hit. It must roll a 4+ before taking any actions in the following turn.

2-4The Drone’s control stack is damaged in the attack. Roll D6 after each action made by the Drone; if the result is 5+, then the Drone ends its turn immediately.

5The Drone’s control stack is critically damaged in the attack. Roll D6 after each action made by the Drone; if the result is 6, the system overloads and the Drone shuts down.


Electricity dances over the Drone as a power surge wipes its memory. It assumes a mission complete posture, turns to face its Deployment Zone and will move once per turn in that direction. Once it arrives, it will power down, and await transport home. The Drone can take not other actions for the rest of the game.

D6 Targeter Damage Table1 The Drone’s range finder is badly damaged. Subtract D4 from the BS of the Drone.

2The target discriminators are shot away; the Drone can no longer identify target that are man sized or smaller.

3 The targeter is knocked loose. All shots from the Drone automatically deviate 2D6”.4-5 The shot triggers a systems fault in the Drones’s target acquisition system. It registers

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A LdGun Drone 8 2 3 3 - 2 4 1 7

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any model fired upon in the previous turn as destroyed, and will not fire on it again.6 A targeter is blown off; and the Rail Rifle may no longer fire.

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Vet’vesa (Markerlight Drone)25 points per Drone (1-2x)


Difficult Target (-1 to hit). A Markerlight Drone is equipped with a Networked Markerlight, with a 90 arc of fire to the front.

D6 Location1-3 System Damage4 Systems Manager5 Programs6 Targeter

D6 Systems Damage Table

1The unit coherency modulator is hit. Each turn, the Drone moves randomly on a roll 4+; if it loses coherency, it automatically shuts down until coherency is restored.

2-3 The graviton generator is hit; reduce the Drone’s move by D4”.4-5 The Markerlight is damaged, and only work on a roll of 4+.6 The Markerlight is destroyed.

D6 Systems Manager Damage Table1 The Drone’s armor casing is knocked loose. Reduce the AV by 1.

2The Drone’s IFF (Identify Friend/Foe) system is fused; the Drone will now treat all friendly models as the enemy, and visa-versa!

3The Drone’s IFF (Identify Friend/Foe) system is fused; the Drone will now treat all non-Drones as belonging to the enemy!

4-5The engine’s directional interface is fused; roll a scatter die and move the Drone 2D4” in that direction in each Random Movement Phase. The Drone cannot move in the Drone phase, but is otherwise unaffected.

6 The logic control interface is shot loose, and the Drone falls inertly to the ground.

D6 Programs Damage Table

1-4The Drone’s control stack is damaged in the attack. Roll D6 after each action made by the Drone; if the result is 5+, then the Drone ends its turn immediately.

5The Drone’s control stack is critically damaged in the attack. Roll D6 after each action made by the Drone; if the result is 6, the system overloads and the Drone shuts down.


Electricity dances over the Drone as a power surge wipes its memory. It assumes a mission complete posture, turns to face its Deployment Zone and will move once per turn in that direction. Once it arrives, it will power down, and await transport home. The Drone can take not other actions for the rest of the game.

D6 Sensors Systems Damage Table1-2 The Drone’s sensors are knocked out of alignment; reduce the LOS to 4D6”.3 The shot blinds the sensors entirely, dropping LOS to 2D6”, checked each turn.

4-5The Drone’s sensor interpreters are shot up, and it may no longer discriminate between models and terrain. It can no longer target models in any kind of cover.

6The explosion scrambles the Drone’s sensors for an instant; as they come back on line, it locks onto the largest model within 2D6”, and requests fire. If no model is within range the Drone targets itself, as the sensors identify fading ghost images as the enemy!

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A LdGun Drone 8 2 3 3 - 3 4 1 7

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Vor’la (Heavy Gun Drone)60 points per Drone (1-3x)


The Heavy Gun Drone is equipped with either a Marker Light and a Burst Cannon, or twin linked Burst Cannon with a 90 arc of fire to the front. Vor’la also utilize the standard Tau shield (4+ Invulnerable save), and can Jump up to 18”. Vor’la may function independently, or as a squadron.

D6 Location1-3 System Damage4 Systems Manager5 Programs6 Targeter

D6 Systems Damage Table

1The Controller signal antenna leads are hit. At the start of each turn, the Drone will move randomly on a roll of 4+.

2-3 The graviton generator is hit; reduce the Drone’s move by D4”.4-5 The weapons linkages are damaged, and only work on a roll of 4+.6 The weapons linkages are torn away, rendering the offensive systems useless.

D6 Systems Manager Damage Table1 The shot damages the Drone’s power feeds, taking the Shield generator off line.

2The Drone’s IFF (Identify Friend/Foe) system is fused; the Drone will now treat all friendly models as the enemy, and visa-versa!

3The Drone’s IFF (Identify Friend/Foe) system is fused; the Drone will now treat all non-Drones as belonging to the enemy!

4-5The engine’s directional interface is fused; roll a scatter die and move the Drone 3D6” in that direction in each Random Movement Phase. The Drone cannot move in the Drone phase, but is otherwise unaffected (although a jump of 7”+ prevents shooting).

6 The logic control interface is shot loose, and the Drone falls inertly to the ground.

D6 Programs Damage Table

1The Drone’s logic possessors are blocked as the Drone is spun 180 by the force of the hit. It adopts a random Mission (from the cards) and will execute this new assignment to the best of its ability.

2-4The Drone’s control stack is damaged in the attack. Roll D6 after each action made by the Drone; if the result is 5+, then the Drone ends its turn immediately.

5The Drone’s control stack is critically damaged in the attack. Roll D6 after each action made by the Drone; if the result is 6, the system overloads and the Drone shuts down.


Electricity dances over the Drone as a power surge wipes its memory. It assumes a mission complete posture, turns to face its Deployment Zone and will move once per turn in that direction. Once it arrives, it will power down, and await transport home. The Drone can take not other actions for the rest of the game.

D6 Targeter Damage Table1 The Drone’s range finder is badly damaged. Subtract D4 from the BS of the Drone.

2The target discriminators are shot away; the Drone can no longer identify target that are man sized or smaller.

3 The targeter is knocked loose. All shots from the Drone automatically deviate 2D6”.

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A LdGun Drone 18 2 4 3 - 3 4 1 7

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4-5The shot triggers a systems fault in the Drone’s target acquisition system. It now registers any model fired upon as destroyed, and attempts to acquire a new one.

6 A targeter is blown off; and the weapons may no longer fire.

Kroot SupportKroot Support

The Great Knarloc (Domesticated)60 points per Knarloc (1-3x)

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A LdKnarloc 4 6 0 8 5 5 3 3 7

Large Target (+1 to hit). From one to three Great Knarlocs may be purchased per herd. Like all Kroot, Great Knarlocs may ignore terrain modifiers for movement, have twice the normal LOS when in a wood, and receive an additional -1 modifier when in cover. However, Great Knarlocs may not infiltrate. An army must have at least one squad of Kroot carnivores in order to take any Knarlocs.

Knarlocs must be accompanied by Goaders, who guide the beast into battle. If these Goaders are killed, then the Knarloc must pass an LD check each turn; once it fails, it will retreat from the battlefield, and is considered Broken for the rest of the game. A Knarloc with no Goaders cannot achieve mission objectives. The Knarloc and the Goaders are considered a single unit if fired upon, although attackers may choose between the Knarloc and the Goads if firing at Short Range.

Goads may force the Knarloc to Charge into enemy ranks; to do this, they must make a successful LD check. This will allow the Knarloc to charge up to 16” to engage the foe! However, the Goads cannot match the Knarloc’s speed, and must regain unit coherency in the following turn.

Greater Knarlocs who win in HtH combat must make a LD test, or will spend the next turn devouring their fallen opponent; however, this only cost the Knarloc an attack die to do in the next round of HtH. Knarlocs are prone to feeding frenzy in combat. In any round of HtH in which the Knarloc rolls more ones than 6’s, it frenzies, and devours one of its Goads! Remove one Goad from the table immediately as a casualty (this should be a model which has not yet attacked in HtH, if possible). Because of its size, a Greater Knarloc may leave HtH without penalty, although the Goaders must follow all of the standard rules concerning both HtH combat, and Kroot.

Kroot Knarloc Goads10 points per Kroot Warrior

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A LdKroot Warrior 4 4 3 4 3 1 3 1 6

Each Knarloc must be accompanied by 4 to 8 herders, armed with a Kroot Rifle. Kroot Goads infiltrate, ignore terrain modifiers for movement, have twice the normal LOS when attacking into or from a wood, and receive an additional -1 modifier when in cover. Kroot passing a fallen enemy or winning in HtH combat must make a LD test, or spend the next turn eating their fallen opponent. Goads may choose an additional Hand Weapon (Basic) for +2 pts per model.

Goads utilize special prods and pheromone dispensers to herd the Great Knarlocs, and so may use the rules for Dispersed Formation within their unit. However, should the Great Knarloc be slain, the Goads must then maintain 2” between models, like normal troops. Furthermore, their LD scores are reduced by 2 because of the loss of their Knarloc!

Up to one model may be upgraded to A Kroot Shaper for the normal cost. This model is part of the herd, and cannot leave it. Otherwise, they may employ all of the usual rules for characters. Goaders may also be Shaped for the normal cost, if desired. The Greater Knarlocs may be Shaped for an additional 4 points per model. This gives them a modified save of 4+, and adds +1 to the Knarloc’s Ld score.

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A Knarloc may be mounted by up to five Kroot, who may use it to engage opponents in HtH, or may be mounted with up to two Kroot Guns with a 180 front arc of fire for +15 points per gun. Goaders may not ride the Knarloc.

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Tau Psyker Abilities

The Tau do not possess any known Psyker powers. However, they are naturally resilient as a race to the effects of the warp. Because of this, a Nullify Card which is used by the Tau player in the Psychic Phase will succeed on a roll of 4+.

Furthermore, any Tau unit within 12” of an Ethereal receives an additional +1 to the roll, effectively allowing the unit to Nullify Psychic Powers on a roll of 3+. This bonus includes the Ethereal model as well.

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Tau Special CharactersSpecial Characters <25%

Aun’shi, Master of the Blade154 points

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A LdAun 4 7 6 4 4 4 6 5 10

Aun’shi carries an Honor Blade, EMP and Photon Grenades, and Hard Wired Shield Generator.

Because of his incredible skill with the Honor Blade, Aun’shi may parry a number of attacks up to his A score. He may also substitute the successes from a successful critical hit for a single attack which ignores the opponent’s armor save entirely!

Like the rest of the Aun, if he is placed on the battlefield, any unit (not including Drones or Vespid, although it does include Kroot with LOS to the Aun) which fails a Ld check may re-roll it (the second result stands). If Aun’shi joins any unit, that unit ignores moral checks for as long as the he is present.

If Aun’shi slain, all of the Tau units in the army (but not Drones, Kroot, or Vespid) must pass an Ld roll (check for each unit). Those that fail are broken (even Bonded units). Those who pass the Ld test now have Hatred for the opposing army for the rest of the game.

OptionsNone. Aun’shi may not possess additional pieces of War Gear.

Aun’va, Master of the Undying Spirit185 points

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A LdAun 4 1 3 2 3+2 4 1 1 10Honor Guard 4 4 4 3+2 3+2 2 3 3 10

Aun’va will only join a force of 2500 points or larger. He carries the Paradox of Duality, and has 2 Honor Guards who each carry an Honor Blade. The effects of the Paradox are already added to the unit’s statistics, and it provides the unit with a 2+ Unmodified save, against any attack.

The Honor Guard always strikes first in HtH combat; there is no bonus for Charging them.

Like the rest of the Aun, if he is placed on the battlefield, any unit (not including Drones, Kroot, or Vespid) which fails a Ld check may re-roll the save (the second result stands). Furthermore, if any unit has LOS to him, it is Immune to Psychology.

If Aun’va slain, all of the Tau units in the army (but not Drones, Kroot, or Vespid) must pass an Ld roll (check for each unit). All of those that fail are Broken; they must immediately retreat from the board, and will only fight the enemy if they have rallied, and if the enemy engages them in HtH combat. The Tau who pass the Ld test now have Hatred for the opposing army for the rest of the game – And those with LOS to the Aun when he is killed become Frenzied, as well.

OptionsNone. Aun’va may not possess additional pieces of War Gear.

Mon’Kaun’el, the Great Hunter of Dal’yth250 points

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A LdShas’o 4 5 6 6 5 4 5 4 10

Mon’Kaun’el uses a specially designed Crisis Suit (3+ save on 2D4), which allows him to employ a heavily modified hard point mounting a Broadside Railgun. His Crisis Suit also mounts twin linked Smart Missiles. He possesses a Hard Wired Darksun Filter and Drone Controller, with two Shield Drones.

OptionsNone. Mon’Kaun’el may not possess any other Wargear choices.

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O’Shovah (Commander Farsight)162 points

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A LdShas’o 4 7 7 6 5 4 5 4 10

O’Shovah wears a Crisis Battle Suit (3+ save on 2D4) with Shield Generator, Plasma Rifle, and Dawn Blade.

O’Shovah’s fame was won battling against Orks, and he has denounced the normal Tau philosophy of using ranged weapons to the exclusion of almost all else. Fire caste warriors of the Farsight enclave train heavily in hand to hand combat. Any Tau army lead by O’Shovah must be Bonded, and must improve both their WS and I characteristics by 1 (+4 points per model AND +10 points per squad).

However, because O’Shovah and his followers have chosen to separate themselves from the Tau Empire, their resources are limited and their forces are generally less well equipped. As such, the following units are not available to an army led by O’Shovah: Ethereal caste members, Gun Drone squadrons, Kroot, or Vespid. Furthermore, Stealth and Pathfinder Teams are also considered to come from the Support section of the army list, and the army may contain only one vehicle (other than Devilfish transports) or Broadside Battlesuit team per 1000 points.

If O’Shovah is accompanied by a bodyguard, they are given the characteristic increases described above. He may have a bodyguard of up to 7 warriors in XV8 battlesuits.

O’Shovah must be the commander of any army in which he is present, and so will not serve with O’Shaserra, or any other Shas’o.

OptionsCommander Farsight may take up to two additional pieces of Wargear.

O’Shaserra (Commander Shadowsun)250 points

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A LdShas’o 4 5 6 6 5 4 2 4 10

O’Shaserra wears a XV22 Battleuit (3+ Save), with 2 Fusion Blasters.

O’Shaserra also has a Hard Wired Drone Controller with 2 Shield Drones, and the Command Drone.

She is considered to be a Bonded Warrior, but - besides her drones - always operates Independently on the battlefield.

O’Shaserra must be the commander of any army in which she is fielded; if another Shas’o is present, he will defer to her authority. O’Shaserra despises O’Shovah’s betrayal of the Greater Good, and so will not serve with the renegade Commander.

OptionsNone. O’Shaserra may not take any additional Wargear.

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Tau WeaponsHand to Hand & Close Combat Weapons

Blades of OfficeSave Armor

Str Dmg Mod Pen SpecialUser 1 User S+D6 Close combat

These are always paired weapons, and as such add +1 to the attacker’s A score.

Dawn BladeSave Armor

Str Dmg Mod Pen SpecialUser D6 * S+2D6 Close combat

No Armor Saves of any type are permitted against this weapon.

Hand WeaponSave Armor

Str Dmg Mod Pen SpecialUser 1 0 D6+STR Close combat

Honor BladeSave Armor

Str Dmg Mod Pen SpecialUser 1 User S+2+D6 Close combat

This weapon must be wielded in two hands (the attacker is not permitted a second weapon bonus). It adds +2 to the user’s strength when inflicting wounds in close combat.

Cyclonic Ion BlasterRange To Hit Save Armor

Short Long Short Long Str Dmg Mod Pen Special0-8 8-18 +2 - D3+3 1 * D6+S 3 Shots per turn

This weapon allows the character to fire up to three times in the Shooting Phase. Each hit must have the S randomly determined, with an Armor Penetration based on its Strength, +2. It counts as a second weapon in HtH, but only three hits can be made by the Ion Blaster; the remaining hits are based on the S of the model. If not mounted on a Battlesuit, the Ion Blaster is treated as a Heavy Weapon.

Kroot RifleRange To Hit Save Armor

Short Long ShortLon

g Str Dmg Mod Pen Special0-12 12-24 - - 4 1 -1 D6+4

Close Combat User 1 -2 S+D6 Close combat; adds 1 A die

Kroot Rifles cannot shoot into HtH, but are fitted with blades so they be used as hand to hand weapons.

Pulse PistolRange To Hit Save Armor

Short Long Short Long Str Dmg Mod Pen Special0-8 8-16 +1 - 5 1 -1 D6+5 Close Combat

Stub PistolRange To Hit Save Armor

Short Long Short Long Str Dmg Mod Pen Special0-8 8-16 - -1 3 1 - D6+3 Close combat

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Vespid Neutron BlasterRange To Hit Save Armor

Short Long Short Long Str Dmg Mod Pen Special0-6 6-12 +1 - 5 1 -3 D6+5 Close Combat

This weapon may only be used by the Vespid.

Basic WeaponsBow

Range To Hit Save ArmorShort Long Short Long Str Dmg Mod Pen Special0-12 12-24 - -1 3 1 - D6

Any target with an armor save of 4+ or better automatically has its saving throw reduced to 2+ when hit by an arrow from a Bow.

CrossbowRange To Hit Save Armor

Short Long Short Long Str Dmg Mod Pen Special0-16 16-32 - -1 4 1 - D6

Move or fire for foot troops. Any target with an armor save of 4+ or better automatically has its saving throw reduced to 2+ when hit by an bolt from a Crossbow.

Burst GunRange To Hit Save Armor

Short Long Short Long Str Dmg Mod Pen Special0-8 8-18 +1 - 5 1 -2 D6+5 Sustained Fire -1

Fusion BlasterRange To Hit Save Armor

Short Long Short Long Str Dmg Mod Pen Special0-8 8-16 +1 - 8 D12 -4 D6+D12+8 Single Fire0-8 8-16 +1 - 8 2D12 -4 D6+D12+8 Combined Fire

Twin linked versions of this weapon can either fire two separate rolls or a single combined shot.

MusketRange To Hit Save Armor

Short Long Short Long Str Dmg Mod Pen Special0-6 6-24 - -1 3 1 -1 D6+3 Move or Fire

Photon Grenade LauncherRange To Hit Save Armor

Short Long Short Long Str Dmg Mod Pen Special0-6 6-16 - -1 - - - - As Photon Grenade

Plasma RifleRange To Hit Save Armor

Short Long Short Long Str Dmg Mod Pen Special0-12 12-24 - - 6 1 -2 D6+6 Sustained Fire -1

This weapon may be fitted with a Markerlight (although it must be paid for separately).

Pulse RifleRange To Hit Save Armor

Short Long Short Long Str Dmg Mod Pen Special0-12 12-30 +1 +1 5 1 -1 D6+5

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Pulse CarbineRange To Hit Save Armor

Short Long Short Long Str Dmg Mod Pen Special0-8 8-16 +1 - 5 1 -1 D6+5

This weapon mounts an under-barrel Photon Grenade Launcher.

Stub GunRange To Hit Save Armor

Short Long Short Long Str Dmg Mod Pen Special0-12 12-32 +1 - 3 1 - D6+3

Heavy WeaponsAirbursting Fragmentation Projector

Range To Hit Save ArmorShort Long Short Long Str Dmg Mod Pen Special

0-8 8-18 +1 - 4 1 -1 D6+5 3” Blast MarkerThis weapon is not Move or Fire if mounted on a XV8 or XV88 Battlesuit. This system is designed to allow the model to fire on an enemy without the target with or without LOS. The shooting player must guess the range to the target. If the guess results in the target falling under the template, then he may make an unmodified To Hit roll against it. If the guess results in hit no hit being possible, the system will not fire that round since it failed to achieve a target lock.

Burst CannonRange To Hit Save Armor

Short Long Short Long Str Dmg Mod Pen Special0-8 8-18 +1 - 5 1 -2 D6+5 Sustained Fire -3

Move or Fire.

Kroot GunRange To Hit Save Armor

Short Long Short Long Str Dmg Mod Pen Special0-20 20-48 - - 7 D4 -2 D6+D4+7 Sustained Fire -1

This weapon cannot be fired by a foot model.

Missile PodRange To Hit Save Armor

Short Long Short Long Str Dmg Mod Pen Special0-12 12-36 - - 8 D6 -3 2D6+8 Move or Fire

Rail RifleRange To Hit Save Armor

Short Long Short Long Str Dmg Mod Pen Special0-20 20-60 - - 6 D6 -3 2D6+6 Move or Fire

Railgun, BroadsideRange To Hit Save Armor

Short Long Short Long Str Dmg Mod Pen Special0-40 40-72 - - 10 2D8 -4 D6+2D8+10 Move or Fire

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Smart Missile SystemRange To Hit Save Armor

Short Long Short Long Str Dmg Mod Pen Special0-12 12-24 - - 5 1 -2 D6+5 2” Blast Marker

Move or Fire. This weapon is most often employed the second of a two element system. A Markerlight is used to paint the target for the system before it is fired. Once the target is painted, the system only requires a 2+ to hit, and does not require LOS. The Smart Missile system can also be used for direct fire purposes without a Markerlight, but is targeted normally in this case. A gunner may attempt to employ the system without a the target being painted OR without LOS, but at an additional penalty of -2, in addition to any normal modifiers; if this results in a hit not being possible, the system will not fire that round as it attempts to achieve a target lock.

Support WeaponsIon Cannon

Range To Hit Save ArmorShort Long Short Long Str Dmg Mod Pen Special0-20 20-60 - - 7 D6 -3 3D6+7 2” Blast Marker

Only roll to wound Vulnerable and Effected Troops (see below). This weapon rolls +1D6 to penetrate armor due to the particle intrusion on the atomic level; however, only roll for armor penetration in the first location hit. Once the armor penetration (or damage results for vulnerable and effected foot models) result has been determined, roll D6 on the following table for any models remaining under the Blast Marker:

No Effect Dazzled BlindedEffected Units 1-3 4-5 6Vulnerable Units 1-4 5 6Safe Troops 1-5 6 -

Safe Troops: Kroot, Orks, Gretchin, Tau, Tyranids, Snotlings, Wyches on foot.Vulnerable Units: Imperial Guard, all Eldar, Squats, Space Marine Scouts.Effected Units: Space Marines, Terminators, Dreadnoughts, Necrons, and vehicles.

Dazzled troops have their WS and BS reduced to 1 for the remainder of the current turn. Dazzled vehicles move out of control, and may not fire in the following turn.Blinded troops may move, but in a random direction at half normal move rate; they may not shoot, but may fight in close combat with a WS of 1. Blinded vehicles move out of control, and may not fire while blinded. Blinded units are blind for the remainder of this turn and the entirety of the next turn. At the start of the next turn, roll a D6 for each blinded model and vehicle – on a 3+, sight is recovered immediately.

Multi-MeltaRange To Hit Save Armor

Short Long Short Long Str Dmg Mod Pen Special0-12 12-24 +1 - 8 2D12 -4 D6+2D12+8 2” Blast Template

Railgun, HeavyRange To Hit Save Armor

Short Long Short Long Str Dmg Mod Pen Special0-40 40-72 - - 10 2D8 -4 D6+2D8+10

Railgun Sub-munitionsRange To Hit Save Armor

Short Long Short Long Str Dmg Mod Pen Special0-40 40-72 - - 6 D4 -2 D6+D4+6 Sustained Fire -2

This weapon is actually fired over a unit, and then detonates, showering the enemy with hundreds of little bomblets. Roll 2 sustained fire dice to determine the number of hits inflicted by this weapon. Each jam indicates that one of the delivery units failed to activate (no wounds are inflicted for that die), but does not otherwise effect the Railgun. Note that only Heavy Railguns may fire sub-munitions.

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Seeker MissileRange To Hit Save Armor

Short Long Short Long Str Dmg Mod Pen Special0-20 20-110 - - 8 D20 -3 D6+D20+8

This weapon is employed the second of a two element system. A Markerlight is used to paint the target for the system before it is fired. Once the target is painted, the system only requires a 2+ to hit, and does not need LOS.

GrenadesRange To Hit Save Armor

Short Long Short Long Str Dmg Mod Pen Special- S x 2 - - As grenade type; see below

Type Str DmgSave Mod

Armor Pen Special

EMP - - - - Anti-Vehicle weapon (can be thrown)Photon Flare - - - - 2” blast; see below

EMPNo Blast Template, temporary. All effected models must roll D6 on the following chart:

No Effect Dazzled BlindedEffected Units 1-3 4-5 6Vulnerable Units 1-4 5 6Safe Units 1-5 6 -

Safe Units: Kroot, Orks, Gretchin, Tau, Tyranids, Snotlings, Wyches on foot.Vulnerable Units: Imperial Guard, Eldar, Squats, Space Marine Scouts, Tau BattlesuitsEffected Units: Space Marines, Terminators, Dreadnoughts, Necrons, enclosed vehicles.

Dazzled troops have their WS and BS reduced to 1 for the remainder of the current turn. Dazzled vehicles move out of control, and may not fire in the following turn.Blinded troops may move, but in a random direction at half normal move rate; they may not shoot, but may fight in close combat with a WS of 1. Blinded vehicles move out of control, and may not fire while blinded. Blinded units are blind for the remainder of this turn and the entirety of the next turn. At the start of the next turn, roll a D6 for each blinded model and vehicle – on a 3+, sight is recovered immediately.

Titans and super heavy vehicles are not effected by EMP grenades.

Photon Flash Flare2” Blast Template, temporary. Models must roll D6 on the following chart:

No Effect Dazzled BlindedUnprotected Troops - 1 2+Troops w/Visors 1-3 4-5 6Troops w/AutoSenses 1-5 6 -

Unprotected Troops: Kroot, Orks, Gretchin, Tyranids, Snotlings.Troops w/Visors: Imperial Guard, Eldar, Tau Infantry, Squats, Space Marine Scouts, Necrons.Troops w/AutoSenses: Space Marines, Tau Battlesuits, Dreadnoughts, enclosed vehicles.

Dazzled troops have their WS and BS reduced to 1 for the remainder of the current turn.Blinded troops may move, but in a random direction at half normal move rate. Blinded troops may not shoot, but may fight in close combat with a WS of 1. Blinded troops are blind for the remainder of this turn and the entirety of the next turn. After that, roll a D6 for each blinded model—on a 5+, sight is recovered immediately. Note that the Tau version of this grenade has a 2” Blast Marker.

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Tau Wargear

The Tau may take Wargear from their Racial List normally. Should the Tau player choose to take any Wargear from the standard list, those items are considered to be one category higher in Frequency (i.e. Uncommon becomes Rare, Rare becomes Unique, etc.), and they cost 25% more than the listed price, rounded up.

Airbursting Fragmentation Projector Rare+10 points (Tau battlesuit characters only)

See the weapon description for full details.

Blacksun Generator (Hard Wired) Common+5 points (Tau characters only)

Allows the model to ignore any penalties for firing at night (in normal darkness), and increases the model’s LOS to 2D6x3”.

Command and Control Node Rare+10 points (Tau battlesuit characters only)

This system allows most Tau units within 12” of the model to use his Ld score when making any Ld checks.

Drones, Kroot, (and Vespid if they are no longer led by their Purestrain Leader) do not benefit from this system.

Command Drone Unique+35 points (Commander O’Shaserra only)

This special drone has been modified to provide command and control elements to O’Shaserra. It allows any Tau unit other than Kroot to use her Ld of 10 when making any Ld checks if they are within 18” of her location.

Cyclic Ion Blaster Rare+10 points (Tau battlesuit characters only)

See the weapon description for full details.

Dawn Blade Unique+12 points (Commander O’Shovah only)

See the weapon description for full details.

Drone Controller (Hard Wired) Common+25 pts Markerlight Drone/+30 pts per Gun Drone/+35 pts per Shield Drone (Tau characters only)

This allows the bearer to control one to two drones; the controller AND the drones only count as a single war gear choice. Note that if a model with a Drone Controller is engaged in HtH Combat, then the Drones are considered to be engaged as well.

Tau Drones, like Eldar Wraithguard, are sufficiently advanced machines that they are treated as regular models, and not as robots. Thus, they move in the standard Turn format. Tau Drones that are employed separate from a controller may not ‘run (double their M score).’

Drones have a small jetpack, which enables the units to move about. Drones under the command of a Controller have the same Move score and Psychology as the person with the unit. If he Breaks or is killed, the Drones act accordingly. Controlled Drones count as part of the unit they are in for distributing hits, but do not count towards the moral of the unit.

All Tau drones are a Difficult Target (-1 to hit, in addition to other modifiers).

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A Gun Drone is equipped with twin linked pulse carbines. If the Controller has photon grenades, then each drone may fire once (with two grenades) over the course of the battle; alternately, photon grenades may be purchased for the Drone at +4 points per Drone; this will effectively provide it with a sufficient number of grenades to last for the duration of the fight.

A Shield Drone is equipped with an Energy Shield, providing a 4+ Invulnerable Save. Models in Base to Base contact with both the Shield Drone and another model must attack the Shield Drone first, as it automatically intercedes and moves between the attacker and the defending model.

Drop Harness, Tau Common3 points per Model (Special: Mont’ka Deployments only)

Models using a Drop Troop Harness are deployed in the Movement Phase of the first turn by placing a Target/Direction Counter at the intended drop point for each unit that will be dropped, with the direction arrow facing the flight path of the transport vehicle. These troops may be targeted in the shooting phase; however, the attackers must add 12” to the effective range of the target counter, and suffer a –1 to hit penalty due to the small size of the targets. Drop Troops may not fire while being deployed.

At the start of the Movement Phase in the second turn, the location of first model on the table is determined by rolling a D6 and a scatter die, and using the target counter as the starting point. Each additional model in that unit will land on the table D3” inches away from the first model, following the direction of the arrow on the target counter. Any troops landing on a linear obstacle suffer 1 wound on a 4+. Models landing in base to base contact with the enemy are considered to be Charging. Troops not engaged in HtH combat must obey normal unit coherency rules. Continue to resolve any further unit deployments, until all the units using Drop Troop Harnesses have been placed on the board.

Ejection System Rare+10 points (Tau XV8 and XV88 battlesuit characters only)

The battlesuit has been fitted with an ejection system for the pilot. Rather than lose his last wound to an attack (if it does not automatically destroy the model), the battlesuit is replaced with a model of the pilot. He has his statistics are reduced by -2 S, -1 T, -1 W, and he has no Armor Save. He is armed with a Pulse Pistol only. This system can only be taken by an Independent Model.

Failsafe Override Detonator Rare+10 points (Tau XV8/XV88 battlesuit characters only)

This ‘system’ is more of a manual override than an actual device. If the character’s team is engaged by overwhelming numbers in HtH combat, he may override the failsafe on the plasma core in his battlesuit, flooding the area with lethal radiation.

If the unit is in HtH and Breaks in the Rally Phase, the character sets off the reaction, BEFORE the unit falls back. Place a 3” blast marker centered on the battlesuit. Any model touched by the template takes a S-8 hit, with no armor save modifier. (Enclosed vehicles, and models such as Terminators, XV8/XV88 battlesuits, Eldar Avatars, etc. are not effected). This template remains, and any model entering the area will be similarly affected. The character that activated the Failsafe is, of course, killed in doing so.

As the characters that employ this option see it as the ultimate manifestation of the Greater Good, they will NEVER employ it if any Tau or allied models will be under the Template when the failsafe detonator is used. In the same vein, this option is NEVER taken by an Independent Character.

Honor Blade Uncommon+5 points (Tau Etherials only)

See the weapon description for full details.

Iridium Armor Rare+20 points (Tau battlesuit characters only)

This system augments the models Armor Save by +1. However, the models M score is reduced by 1, it looses the 4” Charge bonus, and jet pack movement is reduced to 3D6”.

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Markerlight Common+10 points (restricted to certain Tau models only)

Range - 36"; provides a BS of 6 to the user for the purposes of using the Markerlight only. Each successful Markerlight hit allows one other Tau unit to fire at the marked target with a single type of weapon (twin linked counts as 1 weapon) with a To Hit roll of 2+ (modified by terrain, etc.). Note that units armed with a Markerlight must still follow the standard rules for targeting enemy units!

Markerlight, Networked CommonCost N/A (restricted to certain Tau models only)

This system uses the same rules as the standard Markerlight, but is designed to be used by the unit with the Networked Markerlight, rather than other units. In the Shooting Phase, the Networked Markerlights results are resolved first; if the hit is successful, then the rest of the squad may fire their weapons at the designated target.

This system may still direct Smart and Seeker missiles, but no other unit may benefit from it.

Other Markerlights cannot be used in conjunction with a Networked Markerlight.

Multi-Tracker (Hard Wired) Uncommon+25 points (Tau characters only)

This allows a model to fire two weapons in the same turn.

Paradox of Duality Unique+50 points (Aun’va only)

This artifact adds +2 to Aun’va and his Honor Guard’s Toughness, and provides each model with a 2+ Invulnerable save against all attacks. It also counts as a basic HtH weapon.

Positional Relay Uncommon+25 points (Tau battlesuit characters only)

This command and control system allows the Tau player to place a unit of his choice in Reserve at the start of the game. In the Movement Phase of the second (or any subsequent) turn, the player may make a roll to overcome the Battlefield Interference Level. If he is successful the unit may enter the board from any table edge that does not contain an enemy Deployment Zone.

If the unit in Reserve is a vehicle, it may enter the board at any speed.

Stimulant Injector Rare10 points (Tau battlesuit characters only)At the end of the HtH phase, the stimulant injector may be used to do one of the following:• Restore 1 Wound to the model.• Restore a model reduced to 0 Wounds to 1 Wound on a roll of 5+ on D6.• Negate any psychological effects in a model.

Target Lock (Hard Wired) Uncommon+10 points (Tau characters only)

This system allows the bearer to target a separate enemy unit than that engaged by his squad.

Vectored Retro-Thrusters Rare+10 points (Tau battlesuit characters only)

This system modifies the jet packs of a XV8, XV15, or XV25 Battlesuit. It is designed to allow them a greater possibility to avoid HtH combat. If the model is Charged by enemy units, it may make an immediate move of 6” away from the enemy models, in an attempt to escape them. This occurs before HtH is initiated, and so the Tau model need not make an Ld check, and does not suffer any blows from the enemy as he jets away from them.

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The enemy models do not ‘loose ground’ if the model evades them, but may continue to move their full charge distance towards the battlesuit as it tries to escape their attack. The Charging models must pursue that model, and may not opt to attack another target.

This device cannot be used if the model is part of a team, or if the model has any Drones.

XV22 Battlesuit Unique+100 points (Commander O’Shaserra only)

This Tau Battle Suits are considered to be a Sealed Suit of Power Armor (3+ Save) with a Tech Rating of 9. Like all battlesuits, it conveys statistical bonuses to the wearer (which is figured in to the stats and cost of the wearer). This battlesuit allows the wearer to carry heavy weapons without penalty, but does not change the designation of move or fire weapons. It is equipped with a Tau Scanner, Jet Pack, Stealth Field Generator, Shield Generator (4+ Unmodified Save), and an Advanced Multi-Lock that allows the model to fire twice in the same turn at two different targets, of desired.

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Tau Vehicle Modifications

Additional WargearThese modifications may be added to any Tau vehicle with a Datafax. There is no limit to the number of modifications that can be made to a single vehicle, nor to the number of instances of the same modification that may be made; however, may each ‘complete’ modification only be applied to a particular vehicle once unless it is deployed as a squadron. This means that although all four of your tanks may have reinforced armor, if that is their only modification, then they must all be deployed as part of a single unit. Otherwise, other Wargear must be applied to each vehicle, until they no longer match.

Note that the Tau may only take modifications from their Racial List; no other Wargear is allowed for their vehicles from the General category from the Wargear Lists.

Modifications for TauBlacksun Filter

+5 points per weaponThis is a hardware version of the Wargear Card. It allows the gunner to ignore the normal penalties for darkness, and increases his LOS to 4D6x3” under those conditions.

It also allows the Gunner to observe and shoot at targets 2D6” into a wood.

Decoy Launchers+15 points

Decoy launchers are mounted near the engines of Tau skimmers to protect the vulnerable thruster arrays. When the vehicle comes under enemy fire, the pilot may activate them, and launch clouds of tiny reflective strips and emitter drones into the air to protect the thrusters. These can be activated by the player at the start of any Shooting Phase, and will last for the duration of that turn. The Decoy Launchers effectively negate bonuses for targeters and for the size of the vehicle. A Decoy Launcher may only fire twice in over the course of the game.

Disruption Pod+25 points

Disruption Pods throw out distorting images in both the visual and magnetic spectra, making the hard to target the vehicle. This effect provides a -1 to hit the vehicle at Slow speed, -2 at Combat, and -3 at Fast speed.

Flechette Discharger+25 points

Powerful clusters of reactive charges are attached to the prow of the vehicle. If enemy models move within 2”, they fire off vicious clouds of high velocity flechettes. Each enemy model must immediately roll an unmodified Armor Save. If it fails, then the model suffers one Wound, regardless of its Toughness.

Multi-Tracker+50% of the Weapon Upgraded

This unit allows the vehicle to fire a specified weapon twice at the same target (it effectively makes the gun a twin linked weapon). It is not compatible with the Seeker Missile upgrade.

Pair of Gun Drones+40 points

The vehicle is equipped with two Gun Drones. Until they are deployed, the drones move with the vehicle, safely contained in specially constructed recesses. While nested, they may fire their weapons in a 270 arc of fire (180 to the side and 90 to the front), using their own Ballistic Skill. They count as Exposed Passengers for the purposes of resolving damage to the vehicle.

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During any Tau Movement Phase, the Drones may disengage and dismount; the speed of the vehicle is not a factor for this operation. When this occurs, the Drones are then considered an independent Drone Squadron. Because of the power of the Drone Controller on the vehicle, this Squadron will always have an Ld of 8, regardless of the number of Drones in the unit.

Seeker Missiles+50 points per missile

Seeker Missile arrays are provided to allow the Tau infantry to immediately obtain fire support. Any model equipped with a Markerlight may request a single missile to be launched if they score a hit with the Markerlight.

Up to two missiles may be fitted to a single vehicle and launched in a single turn if desired, although each must be guided by a separate Markerlight. Each Missile is a one shot weapon.

The missiles do not require LOS from the vehicle, and is assumed to travel in a straight line over intervening terrain towards the target for the purposes of determining facing. They missile will strike the target on a roll of 2+. If the missile hits, work out damage as normal using the following profile:

Strength Damage Save Mod Armor Pen.8 1D20 -2 8+1D20+D6

Note that the vehicle carrying the missiles has no control over them. They may only be activated by a model in the field with a Markerlight, after he has successfully marked a target.

Sensor Spines+5 points

Sensor arrays are placed along the vehicle to allow it to detect a range of hazards. These sensors effectively give the vehicle the same abilities as a Scanner (allow the vehicle to Spot hidden models, or detect those concealed by Chameoline of the equivalent). It also reduces any chance of the vehicle setting off a mine to a roll of 6.

Targeting Array+5 points per weapon

Targeting Arrays assist the gunner’s aim by reducing the chance of hitting a target based on the range and speed. This effectively adds +1 to the gunner’s BS.

Target Lock+20 points per weapon

This targeting array allows the gunner to ignore the standard target selection rules when firing. Although it will not allow the vehicle to target individual characters that could not otherwise be targeted, the gunners may select any squad or vehicle they wish when they fire, provided that the unit is within range.