task one reserch company

Alice Mutch

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Post on 30-Jul-2015




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Alice Mutch


The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)is a British public service broadcasting corporation.

The main objective of the BBC is to provide independent public service broadcasting in the United Kingdom.

The BBC is the largest broadcaster in the world by number of employees, with about 23,000 staff.

The BBC is a semi-autonomous public service broadcaster and a Licence and Agreement from the Home Secretary. Within the United Kingdom its work is funded principally by an ‘annual television licence fee’.

John Peel is the founder of the BBC corporation which was established in 1922.

Case Study: BBC

BBC: Operating Model

As one of the main television stations watched in the UK, the BBC is a allied-Related operating model.

An allied related operating model is when a company owns and links together closely related business.

The BBC produces all it’s production it’s self and each one is closely related through media, such as the BBC radio, BBC one, World news…

BBC: Subsidiary Companies

The BBC produced a wide range of media products in television and radio, such as;

Children’s Comedy DramaEntertainmentFactual Learning Music NewsReligion and ethicsSport Weather

BBC: Products

The BBC produce a lot of well known media product, for example;

BBC Competition

The bbc is one of the most watched tv company’s in the UK, but there are other tv stations that they compete with such as:

ITV Channel 4 Channel 5