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Name: María Pérez. Cuento sobre Simple and Continuous Tenses.

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Post on 11-Feb-2017




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Name: María Pérez.

Cuento sobre Simple and Continuous Tenses.

The unexpected trip that makes Jenny's life fun.

• Jenny is a very successful journalist today. She is working on a newspaper. Doing the work of two people, picks up the phone, receives a news in which they inform him that his grandmother is in delicate health. Jenny lives in new york and her grandmother in los Angeles, jenny will leave in the next hours to the airport to be able to meet her family.

• She is very worried because she knows that her grandmother is old. He has his apartment to pack to leave on the last flight to los Angeles. When arriving at the airport does not find a flight that leaves at once, the flight leaves two hours later, buys his ticket and sits waiting for the time when he meets a childhood friend named Mac who just goes on The same flight that corresponds to Jenny, during the course of those two hours they drink a coffee and talk about what has happened to each other's lives.

• Mac tells him that he studied civil engineering and is residing in Los Angeles he was passing through New York visiting his family Mac tells Jenny that he always reads his column in New York Times she is impressed and tells him how it seems to you, I love and I do not even like reading much and your column entertained me since I was little I knew that you would be a very enterprising woman.

• She smiles and says I'm very happy that you like my column, I cost a lot to get there, I did not know that you were an engineer, yes and I really like my career, I live with my dog paco, Jenny tells you that chance also live with me Dog is called mickey. Mac asks Jenny why you are going to the angels, Jenny tells him that his grandmother is sick, I'm sorry Jenny that terrible news, if very bad, look at Mac and we're here to talk, Let's sit together to continue talking on the way

• When arriving at the Angeles Mac tells Jenny not to worry that he takes it to his grandmother's house, Jenny very distressed but grateful tells him that if, upon arriving at his grandmother's house, the lady gets up to see Jenny already Who was 4 years that did not see, mac says goodbye and Jenny says stay with us to dinner with us jenny was more calm to see his grandmother better to finish eating, Jenny out to eat an ice cream with Mac laughed, exchanged numbers And just before leaving, they kissed. Jenny was very happy that her grandmother was better and to be reunited with Mac.