t.52. evolucion historica de los eeuu

UNIT 52: HISTORICAL EVOLUTION OF THE USA: FROM LINCOLN TO ROOSEVELT 1. INTRODUCTION American historians agree that the period between 1865 to the beginning of the 1920s can be called “The Gilded age”. It was an expanding period for the USA not only economically speaking but also from a political point of view. Americans started the TAKE OFF period that would lead the USA to the leadership of the Allies during the Second World War and the period that followed. The USA in only two centuries built twice its country and became an Empire and the most outstanding country in Foreign Policy. However they had to face some problems from the beginning. 2. THE AMERICAN CIVIL WAR In 1856 a new political party appeared in the Union: The Republican Party. It was formed by e-Whigs whose main goals were the abolition of slavery and the defence of individuals. In 1860 the Republican Abraham Lincoln became the President of the Union meeting several problems that led to the Civil War. North and South were divided due to 2 main reasons: slavery and the different economic growth. The States of the North were against slavery and the South states were in favour of it, mainly because slavery was fundamental for their economy. On the other hand, the economic development of the South was inferior to the North so, the interests were different. These factors led the South to break up with the North. The North had developed a drop nationalistic sense and need for unity so rooted that it’s arrived up today. In his investment speech, Lincoln proclaimed his intention for defending the Union at any cost, though didn’t want to fight against the South states. The South States left the Union. They attacked Fort Sumter as they considered the northern troops as invading

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1. INTRODUCTION American historians agree that the period between 1865 to the beginning of the 1920s can be called “The Gilded age”. It was an expanding period for the USA not only economically speaking but also from a political point of view. Americans started the TAKE OFF period that would lead the USA to the leadership of the Allies during the Second World War and the period that followed. The USA in only two centuries built twice its country and became an Empire and the most outstanding country in Foreign Policy. However they had to face some problems from the beginning.

2. THE AMERICAN CIVIL WAR In 1856 a new political party appeared in the Union: The Republican Party. It was formed by e-Whigs whose main goals were the abolition of slavery and the defence of individuals. In 1860 the Republican Abraham Lincoln became the President of the Union meeting several problems that led to the Civil War. North and South were divided due to 2 main reasons: slavery and the different economic growth. The States of the North were against slavery and the South states were in favour of it, mainly because slavery was fundamental for their economy. On the other hand, the economic development of the South was inferior to the North so, the interests were different. These factors led the South to break up with the North. The North had developed a drop nationalistic sense and need for unity so rooted that it’s arrived up today.In his investment speech, Lincoln proclaimed his intention for defending the Union at any cost, though didn’t want to fight against the South states. The South States left the Union. They attacked Fort Sumter as they considered the northern troops as invading their territories. Lincoln had to declare the war on the South to preserve the Union.The North States were superior to the South. They had more population, better bank resources and a better railroad and roads network. The North economy was self sufficient, whereas the South depended on the exportation of their raw material to Europe. However, psychological factor was very important. The South fought for their freedom to create a new country, but the North didn’t have things so clear. Even they would have left the South free to chose to continue with the Union or not, and they would carried out their ideas as well.From the summer of 1863 the superiority of the North was a fact and the Confederate States had some inner problems that led them to their defeat. One of the problems was the Confederation itself: The relation between the Government and the states that formed the Confederation was based on the STATES RIGHT THEORY, which meant that the States could deny help to another states. And so they did. Other problem was the rise of the inflation. Theirs ships couldn’t leave the ports due to the Blockade from the Union. On 9th April 1865 Lee (Confederate) surrended to Grant (Union) at Appomattox. The war was over.

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3. THE RECONSTRUCTION OF THE SOUTH Lincoln decided to reincorporate the rebel states to the Union under some concealing conditions, although the Republican Party didn’t like the President’s purpose very much. However, Lincoln was murdered and his purposes would be carried out. His successor, A. JOHNSON, had the same conciliating mentality but the Congress didn’t allow him to carry out Lincoln’s plans for the peace. He was accused of impeachment and forced to resign. A new phase in the Reconstruction of the South appeared and it can be considered as the darkest episode in the history of the USA. The congress distrusted the South and sent troops there. Free Negroes, Carpetbaggers and Scalawags, sustained by the troops, practiced a dictatorial policy on the former rebels. From 1869, under GRANT’s government up to 1877 the Union attended an impudent economic exploitation of the southern states. Thus the relationships between the North and the South got worse and even during the period when the northern troops were in the South secret associations appeared to frighten Blacks: the Ku-Klux-Klan created in 1867. When the troops abandoned the South some states created their own government ruled by the BOURBONS, the former aristocracy, who denied the rights that Negroes had had. In 1877 under the government of R: HAYES the last northern troops abandoned the South as a result of the AGRREMENT of 1877. Little by little the south attended an economic improvement due to the development of networks, the rebirth of cotton and manufacturing and the exploitation of iron, coal, and steel with northern capital.The last decades of the 19th century were “Republican” Both partied Republicans and Democrats fought for the vote of the mass, but they had different platforms. The Republicans was the party for individuals whereas the Democrats were the party for the minorities. From 1877 to 1889 4 republican governments succeeded Lincoln’s: HAYES, GARFIELD and ARTHUR. Among the betterments we have the suppression of the Spoils system and the creation of a competitive exam for civil servant in order to void misuse of the position (CIVIL SERVANT ACT 1883)The Democrats reached the Presidency in 1892 with G. CLEVELAND as President of the country. However, under his government great amounts of gold abandoned the country. This led to an inner division of the party and a revolt in the political life of the country. After that, the Democrats presented W.J. BRYAN, for the Presidency. However he was beaten by the Republican MCKINLEY, who became President of the USA in 1896.

4. THE BEGINNING OF AMERICAN IMPERIALISM In 1898 the USA stated their first offensive operation and it was against Spain. As a result the USA expanded their power through the continent by the occupation of Cuba. The main reason for the taking off o fthe Amrican Imperialism was due to 2 reasons: the end of the frontier and the beginning of the expansion; and the belief that they were political and racial superior. So the expansion of the USA, according to A.MAHAN (official of the Navy) was not

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only natural but necessary. They expansion should be a naval one by means of the settlement of naval bases along the commercial routes: development of the Navy. These factors convinced them of the occupation of Cuba and help the Cuban rebels to fight against the Spanish rulers. As a result of this Spain ceased Puerto Rico, The Philippines and Cuba to the USA. This meant the decay of Spain in the International Field and the beginning of the USA as a world power.

5. THE USA: A NEW WORLD POWER 2 main periods can be distinguished during the 1st 40 years of the history of the USA:- From 1898 to 1918 (the First World War)- The period between warsA) The Beginnings of the 20th Century

The beginning of the 20th century meant a period of great expansion for the USA both economically and politically speaking.From an economic point of view their basis for development was a great increase in population, both due to the natural growth and the immigration from Europe, which was restricted in 1917 when the Immigration Laws were passed. During the first decade we found a modernised agriculture and a rapid growth of international trade and industry. We also have to speak about ban consolidation.Politically speaking, the elections of 1896 meant a very deep transformation in the USA policy, emphasizing new interest for welfare and foreboding a full of changes era.Americans historians refer to this decade as “progressist” since the community realised the plan for reformations was necessary: it was not only a political group or a given State ideology, but the whole community who searched for all kinds of transformations. MCKINLEY was President from 1897 to 1901, when he was killed by an anarchist. He took some economic measures which led to a reinforcement of protectionism. T. ROOSEVELT (Republican), was President of the USA from 1901 to 1909. In this period, the USA took part in International Affairs, as the Construction of the Panama Channel (1903). T. R. Adopted economic and social measures as the “Anti- Trust Act” and a Reformist Legislation. W. TAFT (Republican) was President in 1909. Under his rule, the last continental states were incorporated to the Union. W. WILSON (Democrat), became President mainly due to the unpopularity of the Republicans. He enacted a reform legislation regarding economic and social aspects. On foreign policy he developed a great activity mainly due to the IWW and the creation of a project for peace and participation in the creation of the Societé de Nations, confirming the States as centre of World Power.

Imperialism in the 10s and the 20s Their international expansion began in 1898 and continued throughout the 20th c. In their previous expansion the USA moved for

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economic reasons. But from 1898 onwards other reasons lead the USA to their expansion: the frontier was reached and they had settled bases in other countries as far as the development of the Monroe’s Doctrine.It appeared a nationalistic exaltation, a rise of capitalism and imperialism at 3 levels: Overseas, demographic and biological (superiority of the Anglo-Saxon race). The most outstanding figure was T. ROOSEVELT, under whose rule the USA expands in 2 closely related areas: the Caribbean, Central America and the Pacific. He justified their presence in those areas appealing to the idea of Pan-Americanism, whose roots are found in Monroe’s Doctrine: AMERICA FOR THE AMERICANS (1823). According to his ideas it was forbidden to the European States to establish colonies in the New World or take part in American maters. In 1889 the 1st

International North-American Conference was held to encourage the continental union and promote the neutrality in events regarding European States. But the USA was really looking for their supremacy on Central America and in 1915 it was a fact.

B) The USA between WarsDuring the IWW W. WILSON (Democrat) was the President of the Nation. At first they decide to be neutral but they entered the conflict and declared war on Germany in 1917. The conference for Peace was dominated by Wilson’s principles and as a matter of fact, in 1918 he proclaimed the “Fourteen Points” for the peace, which were widely accepted. However, things at home didn’t go so well for Wilson. People preferred a President concerned in domestic affairs. Cox (Democrat) was defeated by HARDING (Republican) who declared himself in favour of isolationism under the slogan “America First”. From 1929 to 1921, America lived a period of prosperity with 3 different republican Presidents: HARDING, COOLIF¡DGE & HOOVER. The country underwent an increase in industrial production, organization of work (Taylorism). From a social point of view, the new acts of immigration were passes, prohibition of selling alcoholic drinks and the KU-KLUX-KLAN reappeared in scene almost at the same time as a reaction against Bolshevism growth in favour of an Americanism based on the most puritan tradition.

The Crisis of 1929 The Crisis of 1929 is a cyclic phenomenon of capitalism for ones and an isolated event for others. It started as an American crisis, although Hoover made the Americans belied that it was a European crisis that expanded to America. FD ROOSEVELT claimed that is was the result of wrong economic policy. It began as a stock-exchange crisis. During the 20s many factors directly originated the crisis: financial unbalance brought about the war, the breaking of the Monetary System...The Crack of the Stock Exchange provoked a chain

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reaction, mainly due to psychological factors which led to worldwide crisis: close factories---unemployment----delinquency. Hoover trued to solve the crisis: he asked the employers to keep salaries to stabilise employment and to increase their production. He create the Federal farm Board for the development of agriculture and the Reconstruction Finance. The result was that he had spent the national Funds and led the country to a deeper crisis.

The NEW DEAL F.D. ROOSEVELT became the President of the USA in 1932 and with his programme “The New Deal” promised measures to take the country out of the crisis. The first one was that each country should tackle the problems on its own (new period of isolationism began). The First New Deal included a reduction in imports and the withdrawal of American capital from Europe (crisis in European countries). He proposed a number of economic measures: Banking Act, the Agricultural Adjustment Act and the National Industry Recovery Act, as well as social measures as regards unemployment. The Second New Deal (1935) looked for the recovery of the nation and it was concerned mainly with social aspects. He created the Work Progress Administration and the Wagner Act, both concerning to work conflicts and the Social Security Act. The crisis finally ended in 1939 and the USA started selling arms to Europe.With the beginning of the IIWW, the USA posed from isolation to a period of interventionism: neutrality is progressively abandoned mainly due to 2 reasons: the benefits they got from selling arms to the Allies and the rejection of fascists and Nazi ideologies. In 1941 the USA declared the war on Germany.

6. IMMIGRATION FROM 1907 THE American Government started to passed immigration Laws and in 1908 the Gentlemen’s Agreement restrained the entrance of Asiatic immigrants. Between 1921 and 1924 the free entrance of European immigrants ended. In 1920 the Congress prepared a number of Acts to retrain immigration from South and Eastern Europe. In 1921 the Congress passed an Act by which only the 3% of the total population of that nationality (according to the census of 1910) would be admitted. In 1924, that 3% was reduced to the 2%. This quite excluded the immigrants from Canada and South America. In 1929 Japanese immigration was totally forbidden. There were other laws to diminish immigration: to pass writing and reading test to enter the USA (South and Central Americans had to smuggle)