synergistic stabilization of perfluorocarbon-pluronic f-68 emulsion by perfluoroalkylated...

1849 BIODEGRADABILITYOF ALKYLBENZENE SULFONATES often be obseFced by measuring the dissolved oxygen con- tent. If it is low because of the effect of a heavy sewage load, neither BAS nor LAS will degrade. Therefore, in this quadrant, BAS is still acceptable for use because the sew- age itself is the overriding pollution problem. Only in the upper right quadrant, where the sewage is receiving adequate treatment, is LAS needed. This quad- rant corresponds to the situation in parts of the United States, Europe, and Japan. Despite the logic of Figure 3, some developing countries have required the use of LAS simply because the indus- trialized countries require it. The more intelligent approach has been to study the local situation to see if any serious problem exists with the use of BAS and to decide whether switching from BAS to LAS would pro- duce any observable benefit. For example, studies have been made in Indonesia, India, Malaysia, Mexico, the Phi- lippines, and Thailand (37-39). In many countries, the conclusion was to continue BAS use. Apparently, BAS has cost and/or property advantages over LAS. There is a corollary to the finding that it is appropriate to use BAS in many countries. If, in the future, the situa- tion in a given country moves toward the upper right quadrant of Figure 3,that country could decide that the level of biodegradability required for the ABS does not need to equal that for countries which are well into the quadrant. That is to say, they could opt for a BAS/LAS mixture or for some other ABS product not quite equal to LAS in biodegradability. REFERENCES I. Swisher, R.D., Surfactant Biode4rradatic% First Edition, Marcel Dekker, i970; Second Edition, 1987. 2. Brenner, T.E., J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 45:433, 1968. 3. Anon.,Chem. and Eng. News, February 27, 1967, p. 20. 4. Hester, R.E., Editor, U~derstanding Our Environment, Royal Society of Chemistry, 1986. 5. Cahn, A., J.L. L~m, Kirk-Othmer Encycl. of Chem. Tech., Third Edition, Volume 22, John Wiley and Sons, New York, p. 425, 1983. 6. Suffet, I.H., M. Malaiyandi, Editors, Organic Pollutants in Water, American Chemical Society, 1987. 7. Hires, R.A., S.J. Eisenreich, Editors, Sources and Fates of Aquatic Pollutants, American Chemical Society, 1987. 8. Menzer, R.E, J.O. Nelson, Chapter 26, Casarett and Doull's Tox- icology, Third Edition, Macmillan, New York, 1986. 9. Anon., New Sc~ientist, May 21, 1987, p. 28. i0. Divo, C., G. Cardini, Tenside 17:30, 1980. 11. Robeck, G.G., J.M. Cohen, W. T. Sayers, and R.L. Woodward, Water Poll. Cont. Fed. 35:1225, 1963. 12. Sweeney, W.A., J.K. Foote, Ibid., 36:14, 1964. 13. Technical Advisory Council, The Soap and Detergent Associa- tion, Synthetic Detergents in Perspective, 1962. 14. Anon. Chem. and Eng. News, March 18, 1963, p. 102. 15. Swisher, R.D.,Arch. Environ. Health 17".232, 1968. 16. Charlesworth, F.A. Fd. Cosmet. Toxicol. 14:152, 1976. 17. Hopkins, O.C., O. Gullans, "New USPHS Standards," J.A.W.W.A. 52:1161, 1960. 18. Walton, G., Ibid. 52:1354, 1960. 19. Justice, J.D., Review of 1959 AASGP Research Investigations Related to Detergents in Water aud Sewage Treatment, pres ented to AASGP Annual Convention, January 20, 1960. 20. Berth, P., W.K. Fischer, and C. Gloxhuber. Tenside 9:260, 1972. 21. Abel, P.D., J. Fish Biol. 6:279, 1974. 22. Lopez-Zavala,A., A.S. de Aluja, L.B. Elias, L. Manjarrez, A. Buch- mann, L. Mercado, and S. Caltenco, Prog. Water Tech. 7.'73, 1975. 23. The Standing Technical Committee on Synthetic Detergents, "Twentieth and Final Report," HMSO, London, p. 9, 1980. 24. Sweeney, W.A., Soap and Chemical Specialties. 30 (3) 45, 1964. 25. Swisher, R.D., Surfactant Biodegradation, Second Edition, p. 297, 1987. 26. American Society for Testing and Materials, "Standard Test Method for Biodegradability of Alkylbenzene Sulfonates," D 2667-82, Philadelphia, 1982. 27. "Wastewater Treatment Systems, Performance and Cost," Roy F. Weston, Inc., West Chester, Pennsylvania, 1977. 28. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, "Innovative and Alter- native Technology Assessment Manual," Office of Water Pro- gram Operations, Washington D.C., EPA-430/9-78-009, 1978. 29. Davidson, A.S., B., Milwidsky, "Synthetic Detergents," Seventh Edition, Longman Scientific and Technical, p. 5, 1987. 30. Sharman, S.H., Nature 201:705, 1964. 31. Sharman, S.H.,D. Kyriacou, W. R. Schuett, W.A. Sweeney, "Foam Recycle: A Method for Improved Removal of Detergents from Sewage," Presented at the American Chemical Society Meeting, April 5, 1964, and in part to the American Water Works Associ- ation, October 28, 1962. 32. Hartmann, L., Biotech. and Bioeng. 5:331, 1963. 33. Sweeney, W.A.,J. WaterPoll. Cont. Fed. 38:1023, 1966. 34. Ramanathan, M., Kirk-Othmer Encyclo. of CtteTn. Tech., Third Edition, Volume 24, John Wiley and Sons, p. 295, 1984. 35. Swisher, R.D.,Surfavtant Biodegradation, Second Ed., Chapter 6. 36. Swisher, R.D., Ibid., Second Ed., p. 27. 37. Sekaran, A.S., H.F. Ludwig, and J.W. Evans, "Evaluation and Recommendations Relating to Use of Anionic Detergents in Malaysia," Interim Technical report, Engineering aild Environ- mental Consultants, Kuala Lumpur and Seatec International, Bangkok, August 1984. 38. Sweatman, T.R., and R. Harjoko, "l'he Jakarta River System - An Environmental Study with Particular Reference to Synthetic Detergents," Technical report, SUCOFINDO (Superintending Company of Indonesia), Jakarta, 1978. 39. Ludwig, H.F., and J.W. Evans (Seatec International/Thorani Tech. Co. Ltd.) "Evaluation and Recommendations Relating to Use of Anionic Detergents in Thailand." Technical report, National Environment Board, Thailand, June 1984. lReceived April 4, 1988; accepted May 15, 1989] IJSD 5436] ERRATUM In the article, "Synergistic Stabilization of Perfluoro- carbon-Pluronic F-68 Emulsion by Perfluoroalkylated Polyhydroxylated Surfactants," which appeared in the October 1989 issue of JAOCS (pp. 1515-1523} the trade- mark appeared without the accompanying company iden- tification of "a product of BSAF, Wyandotte, Michigan." JAOCS, Vol. 66, no. 12 (December 1989)

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often be obseFced by m e a s u r i n g the d isso lved oxygen con- tent . I f it is low because of the effect of a heavy sewage load, n e i t h e r BAS nor LAS will degrade . Therefore , in th is q u a d r a n t , BAS is st i l l a c c e p t a b l e for use b e c a u s e the sew- age i tself is t he ove r r id ing po l lu t ion p rob lem.

Only in t he u p p e r r ight q u a d r a n t , w h e r e the sewage is receiving a d e q u a t e t r e a t m e n t , is LAS needed . This quad - r a n t c o r r e s p o n d s to t h e s i t ua t ion in p a r t s of the Uni ted States , Europe , a n d J a p a n .

Despi te t he logic of F igure 3, some deve lop ing coun t r i e s have r equ i r ed the use of LAS s imply because the indus - t r ia l ized coun t r i e s r equ i r e it. The more in te l l igent a p p r o a c h has been to s t u d y the local s i t ua t i on to see if a n y se r ious p r o b l e m exis t s wi th t h e use of BAS a n d to dec ide w h e t h e r swi tch ing f rom BAS to LAS wou ld p ro - duce a n y obse rvab le benefi t . F o r example , s tud ies have been m a d e in Indones ia , India , Malaysia, Mexico, the Phi- l ippines , a n d T h a i l a n d (37-39) . In m a n y count r ies , t he conc lus ion was to c o n t i n u e BAS use. A p p a r e n t l y , BAS has cos t a n d / o r p r o p e r t y a d v a n t a g e s over LAS.

There is a co ro l l a ry to the f inding t h a t it is a p p r o p r i a t e to use BAS in m a n y count r ies . If, in t he fu ture , the s i tua - t ion in a given c o u n t r y moves t o w a r d the u p p e r r ight q u a d r a n t of F igure 3 , tha t c o u n t r y could dec ide t h a t t he level of b i o d e g r a d a b i l i t y r equ i r ed for t he ABS does no t need to equa l t h a t for c o u n t r i e s which a r e well in to t h e q u a d r a n t . Tha t is to say, t h e y could o p t for a BAS/LAS m i x t u r e or for some o t h e r ABS p r o d u c t no t qui te equal to LAS in b iodegradab i l i ty .


I. Swisher, R.D., Surfactant Biode4rradatic% First Edition, Marcel Dekker, i970; Second Edition, 1987.

2. Brenner, T.E., J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 45:433, 1968. 3. Anon.,Chem. and Eng. News, February 27, 1967, p. 20. 4. Hester, R.E., Editor, U~derstanding Our Environment, Royal

Society of Chemistry, 1986. 5. Cahn, A., J.L. L~m, Kirk-Othmer Encycl. of Chem. Tech., Third

Edition, Volume 22, John Wiley and Sons, New York, p. 425, 1983.

6. Suffet, I.H., M. Malaiyandi, Editors, Organic Pollutants in Water, American Chemical Society, 1987.

7. Hires, R.A., S.J. Eisenreich, Editors, Sources and Fates of Aquatic Pollutants, American Chemical Society, 1987.

8. Menzer, R.E, J.O. Nelson, Chapter 26, Casarett and Doull's Tox- icology, Third Edition, Macmillan, New York, 1986.

9. Anon., New Sc~ientist, May 21, 1987, p. 28. i0. Divo, C., G. Cardini, Tenside 17:30, 1980. 11. Robeck, G.G., J.M. Cohen, W. T. Sayers, and R.L. Woodward,

Water Poll. Cont. Fed. 35:1225, 1963. 12. Sweeney, W.A., J.K. Foote, Ibid., 36:14, 1964. 13. Technical Advisory Council, The Soap and Detergent Associa-

tion, Synthetic Detergents in Perspective, 1962.

14. Anon. Chem. and Eng. News, March 18, 1963, p. 102. 15. Swisher, R.D.,Arch. Environ. Health 17".232, 1968. 16. Charlesworth, F.A. Fd. Cosmet. Toxicol. 14:152, 1976. 17. Hopkins, O.C., O. Gullans, "New USPHS Standards," J.A.W.W.A.

52:1161, 1960. 18. Walton, G., Ibid. 52:1354, 1960. 19. Justice, J.D., Review of 1959 AASGP Research Investigations

Related to Detergents in Water aud Sewage Treatment, pres ented to AASGP Annual Convention, January 20, 1960.

20. Berth, P., W.K. Fischer, and C. Gloxhuber. Tenside 9:260, 1972. 21. Abel, P.D., J. Fish Biol. 6:279, 1974. 22. Lopez-Zavala, A., A.S. de Aluja, L.B. Elias, L. Manjarrez, A. Buch-

mann, L. Mercado, and S. Caltenco, Prog. Water Tech. 7.'73, 1975.

23. The Standing Technical Committee on Synthetic Detergents, "Twentieth and Final Report," HMSO, London, p. 9, 1980.

24. Sweeney, W.A., Soap and Chemical Specialties. 30 (3) 45, 1964. 25. Swisher, R.D., Surfactant Biodegradation, Second Edition, p.

297, 1987. 26. American Society for Testing and Materials, "Standard Test

Method for Biodegradability of Alkylbenzene Sulfonates," D 2667-82, Philadelphia, 1982.

27. "Wastewater Treatment Systems, Performance and Cost," Roy F. Weston, Inc., West Chester, Pennsylvania, 1977.

28. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, "Innovative and Alter- native Technology Assessment Manual," Office of Water Pro- gram Operations, Washington D.C., EPA-430/9-78-009, 1978.

29. Davidson, A.S., B., Milwidsky, "Synthetic Detergents," Seventh Edition, Longman Scientific and Technical, p. 5, 1987.

30. Sharman, S.H., Nature 201:705, 1964. 31. Sharman, S.H., D. Kyriacou, W. R. Schuett, W.A. Sweeney, "Foam

Recycle: A Method for Improved Removal of Detergents from Sewage," Presented at the American Chemical Society Meeting, April 5, 1964, and in part to the American Water Works Associ- ation, October 28, 1962.

32. Hartmann, L., Biotech. and Bioeng. 5:331, 1963. 33. Sweeney, W.A., J. WaterPoll. Cont. Fed. 38:1023, 1966. 34. Ramanathan, M., Kirk-Othmer Encyclo. of CtteTn. Tech., Third

Edition, Volume 24, John Wiley and Sons, p. 295, 1984. 35. Swisher, R.D., Surfavtant Biodegradation, Second Ed., Chapter

6. 36. Swisher, R.D., Ibid., Second Ed., p. 27. 37. Sekaran, A.S., H.F. Ludwig, and J.W. Evans, "Evaluation and

Recommendations Relating to Use of Anionic Detergents in Malaysia," Interim Technical report, Engineering aild Environ- mental Consultants, Kuala Lumpur and Seatec International, Bangkok, August 1984.

38. Sweatman, T.R., and R. Harjoko, "l'he Jakarta River System - An Environmental Study with Particular Reference to Synthetic Detergents," Technical report, SUCOFINDO (Superintending Company of Indonesia), Jakarta, 1978.

39. Ludwig, H.F., and J.W. Evans (Seatec International/Thorani Tech. Co. Ltd.) "Evaluation and Recommendations Relating to Use of Anionic Detergents in Thailand." Technical report, National Environment Board, Thailand, June 1984.

lReceived April 4, 1988; accepted May 15, 1989] IJSD 5436]


In the ar t ic le , " S y n e r g i s t i c S t a b i l i z a t i o n of Per f luoro- c a rbon -P lu ron i c F-68 E m u l s i o n by P e r f l u o r o a l k y l a t e d P o l y h y d r o x y l a t e d S u r f a c t a n t s , " which a p p e a r e d in the O c t o b e r 1989 i s sue of J A O C S (pp. 1515-1523} the t rade- m a r k a p p e a r e d wi thou t the a c c o m p a n y i n g c o m p a n y iden- t i f ica t ion of " a p r o d u c t of B S A F , W y a n d o t t e , Mich igan . "

JAOCS, Vol. 66, no. 12 (December 1989)