swimming pool presentation

Swimming Pool A pool expert often refers to the perfectly calm pool as a “quiescent pool.” But in reality, whether busy or slow in terms of swimmers, a swimming pool is a dynamic system of moving water that continually flows from the pool for treatment and returns cleaned, heated, and sanitized. Outdoor Pool Indoor Pool

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Design of Swimming pool


Page 1: Swimming Pool Presentation

Swimming PoolA pool expert often refers to the perfectly calm pool as a “quiescent pool.”

But in reality, whether busy or slow in terms of swimmers, a swimming pool is a dynamic system of moving water that continually flows from the pool for treatment and returns cleaned, heated, and sanitized.

Outdoor Pool Indoor Pool

Page 2: Swimming Pool Presentation

Swimming PoolHistory of Swimming Pools Swimming as an organized activity goes

back as far as 2500 B.C. in ancient Egypt and later in ancient Greece, Rome, and Assyria. In Rome and Greece, swimming was part of the education of elementary age boys and the Romans built the first swimming pools (separate from bathing pools). The first heated swimming pool was built by Gaius Maecenas of Rome in the first century BC. Gaius Maecenas was a rich Roman lord and considered one of the first patron of arts. Swimming pools did not became popular until the middle of the 19th century. By 1837, six indoor pools with diving boards were built in London, England. After the modern Olympic Games began in 1896 and swimming races were among the original events, the popularity of swimming pools began to spread.


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Swimming PoolGeneral Classification Of Swimming Pools

1. Public Pool2. Semi-public Pool, and 3. Private Pool

Public Pools :A public pool is usually a larger pool (more than 1800 square feet) that is owned or operated by some legal entity and is made available to anyone who pays a small entry fee.Semi-public Pool :This pool is similar to the public pool but has specific entry restrictions like that of a fitness center, country club, or hotel/motel pool. Members must qualify and often pay to join before entry into the swimming complex.Private / Residential Pools :Residential pools are not intended for commercial use and are not owned by more than three families. Public and semi-public pools are usually inspected by a health official, whereas residential pools are not.

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Swimming PoolClassification Of Swimming Pools According To Shapes

1. Rectangular shape

2. Circular shape3. L – shape4. T - shape5. Z – shape, and6. Organic shape

Z - shape T-shape L-shape Rectangular shape

Classification Of Swimming Pools According To Usage With Respect To Age Group :

1. Wadding pool ( < 6 years )

2. Children’s pool ( 6 to 12 years )

3. General pool ( >12 years )

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Swimming Pool

Layers of protection

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Swimming Pool

Circulation system and its components

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Swimming Pool

Circulation system and its components

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Swimming PoolCirculation system and its components

Skimmer Boxes Every pool needs a method by which

the water leaves to be sent to the pump & filter, which is done through a Skimmer Box which is mounted in the side of the pool with its mouth centered on water level. (usually 100-150mm(4-6") below the top of the pool).

The skimmer usually has a 50mm(2") connection to go to the Pump & and another 40mm(1.5") connection to go to the drain in the deepest point of the pool.

The skimmer should be located such that normal pravailing winds blow debri on the water's surface into the skimmer.

Normally one skimmer box will handle up to 60SqM (616 SqFt) of pool surface area. (after that use two skimmers) or 250 litres/minute (62.5 USG/Min)of pool water.

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Swimming PoolCirculation system and its components

Main Drains The main drain is located

at the deepest point of the pool & incorporates:

1. Connection to the skimmer box for drawing water from the base of the pool

2. A Hydrostatic Valve in its base which is connected to an open tube below the pool floor. This allows any excess water pressure out side the pool to be released if the pool is emptied at any time.

The valve is one way & wont let water leak from the pool. (unless it is fitted incorrectly or has rubbish in it or is deterioated).

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Swimming Pool

The strainer basket sits right in front of the pump.

Pipes from the main drain, skimmer and vacuum ports lead to the pumping system.

Pumping SystemCirculation system and its components

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Swimming Pool

Sand filters are predominant, the best, easy to operate, a relitavely low operating cost, the easiest to look after.

They consist of a tank with a specially screened sand inside & a multi port valve which allows you to control the water flow through the tank.

The valve has a FILTER cycle which allows the dirty pool water to enter the top of the tank & pass through the sand, leaving behind the dirt & then the water passes back through the valve & back to the eyeballs in the pool.

The Valve connects to the pump outlet & the water goes down through the sand in the filter cycle.

The rubbish is collected in the sand & the clean water passes through the base laterals & back up the center pipe to the valve & back to the pool.

Circulation system and its components Sand Filter

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Swimming Pool

These filters are not as popular as they used to be & old fashioned & using decomposed fossils as the filter medium, but they are the finest pool filter units available.

The DE filter consists of a tank with cloth pads inside & a multiport valve which allows you to control the flow of water through the filter tank & pads.

The DE powder is added to the skimmer box & flows through to coat the cloth pads in the tank. (THE PADS ARE NOT THE FILTER, THE POWDER IS).

The DE collects the dirt from the water & when it has collected all it can hold, the earth & dirt combined are backwashed to waste, after which new DE powder is added.

Although DE filters are a little more work when cleaning is required, if sized correctly & operated correctly they will run a lot longer between cleans than a sand filter.

Circulation system and its components

Diatomaceous Earth Filter

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Swimming Pool

to redirect the water flow for backwash, the custodian turns large handles to adjust plumbing valves.

Circulation system and its components

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Swimming Pool

There are a number of different types of feeders feeding various products & they fall in to the following catagorys:




feeder hooked into the pump and filter system

Circulation system and its components

Chemical Feeders

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Swimming Poolconstruction sequence


FITTING INCORPORATED ITEMS1. Skimmer boxes2. Main drains3. Return pipes4. Light conduits5. Overflow gutters

Return Port

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Swimming Poolconstruction sequence Formwork & Steelwork

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Swimming Poolconstruction sequence


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Swimming Poolconstruction sequence

Internal Finishes – Tiling ; Coping; Decking


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Swimming Pool

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Swimming Pool

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Swimming PoolPOOL FINISHES:INTERNALTILES: These are the most expensive but do give the longest lasting finish if applied correctly & the correct tiles chosen for the paticular application. There are now a number of different types of material for tiles used in pools: Ceramic Tiles Either 150x150mm or 100x100mm 0r 75x75mm plain colour or pattened, or Moasic tiles on sheets in plain or pattened colours, Glass Moasic Tiles which can provide a very expensive look to the pool. Plastik: Tiles These are a plastic extruded tile which is laid as tiles were many years ago where in the adhesive (white cement or colored CTF) is placed on the back of the tile & then the tile set in place, the adhesive also acts as the grout.PEBBLE The use of small evenly colored pebble set in white or grey cement has become a very much used system in the last 10 years. Its predominance has been brought about by the want for the "Natural Look" pool. The use of pebble is much less costly but the upkeep is greater because of its uneven textured surface.

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Swimming PoolMARBLESHEEN - MARCITE A Mixture of marble dust & white cement, the system has been used for many years to provide a long term medium cost attractive finish to hundreds of thousands of pools around the world. It has lost fasion over the last five years due to the lower cost of the pebble finish, however I beliebve it is far superior to pebble finish. It does tale more of a tradesman to apply the Marblesheen than it does the pebble. The finish is a beautiful pristine white which gives bright blue looking water.PLASTER & PAINT Plastering- Renering the interior surface of a pool to a beautiful smooth finish & then applying a number of coats of either, Epoxy of Chlorinated Rubber Paint , has been the choise of thousands of pool owners. The system is very efficent but does not last as long as Marble sheen or Pebbling. The repaint will need to be done each 4-5 years. Paint can be used to give some brillant effects in pools using many different colors.FIBREGLASS AS AN INTERNAL FINISH Many pools are first plastered- Rendered & the four or five layers of fibreglass mat of variying thicknesses are laid over the plaster to give a smooth inpervious finish. The Fibreglass can be coloured to many beautiful shades. A bit cheaper than tiling but about the same life expectancy.VINYL AS AN INTERNAL FINISH There are thousands of pools each year built with Vinyl as the final waterproof finish inside. In many cases of areas of bad earth movement & freezing of the water, The manufacturers claim that the Vinyl stands up better over a long period of time. The Vinyl comes in many colors & is quite cost effective. It can be used as a finish on a concrete constructed pool or on a specially built frame of metal or timber.