suspended solids

Assignment Suspended Solids in Seawater Base on: 1, Arkhipov, B. et al. (2003) 2, Bilotta, G.S. and Brazier. R. E. (2008) 3, Bruton, M.N. (1985) 4, Gartner, J. W. (2004) 5, Shin, al. (2000) 6, Suzuki, Y., Maruyama, T. (2002) 7, Weiner. E. R. (2000) 8, Wong, M. S et al. (2007) 9, Zang, M. et al. (2010) Nguyen Hoang Lam Environmental Oceanography, CNU [email protected]

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Page 1: Suspended Solids



Suspended Solids

in Seawater

Base on:

1, Arkhipov, B. et al. (2003)

2, Bilotta, G.S. and Brazier. R. E. (2008)

3, Bruton, M.N. (1985)

4, Gartner, J. W. (2004)

5, Shin, al. (2000)

6, Suzuki, Y., Maruyama, T. (2002)

7, Weiner. E. R. (2000)

8, Wong, M. S et al. (2007)

9, Zang, M. et al. (2010)

Nguyen Hoang Lam

Environmental Oceanography, CNU

[email protected]

Page 2: Suspended Solids



1, Introduction

2, Effects on water quality and aquatic lives

3, Analytical methods

4, Removal method

© Nguyen Hoang Lam 2011

Page 3: Suspended Solids


1, Introduction

Suspended solids (SS) (7)

Insoluble solid or filterable solids

Including organic and mineral particular matters

- Do not pass through a 0.45 μm filter

- With a diameter of less than 62 μm

(Water, 1995; Weiner 2000)

Includes silt, clay, metal oxides, sulfides, algae,

bacteria and fungi

© Nguyen Hoang Lam 2011

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1, Introduction

Suspended solids (SS)

Removed by flocculation and filtering Contributes to turbidity which limits light penetration for photosynthesis and visibility in water

© Nguyen Hoang Lam 2011

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2, Effects on water quality and aquatic lives

Physical alteration (2)

Reduce penetration of light

Temperature changes

Infilling of channels when solids are deposited

Reduce navigability of channels, higher cost

of water treatment

© Nguyen Hoang Lam 2011

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2, Effects on water quality and aquatic lives

Chemical alteration (2)

Release of contaminant (heavy metals and pesticide),

nutrients (phosphorus) from adsorption sediments

Deplete levels of dissolved oxygen in the water

Produce a critical oxygen shortage (kills fish in

low – flow condition)

© Nguyen Hoang Lam 2011

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2, Effects on water quality and aquatic lives

Biological effect (2, 3)

Directly or indirectly through food chains and

energy input to the water column

Fast flows of high level SS can act to scour these

organisms away from streambed substrates

Damaging to the photosynthetic structures of organisms

Indirectly affect the abundance of phytoplankton

and other aquatic life as nutrients or toxic compounds

© Nguyen Hoang Lam 2011

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2, Effects on water quality and aquatic lives (2)

© Nguyen Hoang Lam 2011

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2, Effects on water quality and aquatic lives (2)

© Nguyen Hoang Lam 2011

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2, Effects on water quality and aquatic lives (2)

© Nguyen Hoang Lam 2011

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2, Effects on water quality and aquatic lives (3)

© Nguyen Hoang Lam 2011

1, Reduction in light penetration -> reduced food

availability and plant biomass

2, Reduced visibility of

pelagic food

4, Clogging of gillrakers and gill


3, Reduced visibility of benthic food

(in shallow water)

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2, Effects on water quality and aquatic lives (2)

Factors determining the effects of SS

The concentration of SS

The duration of exposure to SS concentrations

The chemical composition of SS

The particle size distribution of SS

Life stage of aquatic animals (egg, larvae or adult)

© Nguyen Hoang Lam 2011

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2, Effects on water quality and aquatic lives


Most important negative effect: limiting the penetration

of sunlight and reduce the production of sea

(seriously in areas that grow seaweed)

Positive effect: hard water (dissolved Ca and Mg)

can reduce the toxic of heavy metals on aquatic lives

© Nguyen Hoang Lam 2011

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3, Analytical methods (2)

Filter water sample through a dried and pre weighed 0.7 μm

pore size glass fiberfilter (Anon, 1980; Gray et al. , 2000)

This technique are time consuming and must have a large

water size so we use turbidity method (conventional method)

© Nguyen Hoang Lam 2011

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3, Analytical methods (2)

© Nguyen Hoang Lam 2011

Figure 1: A diagram shows the various components that are incorporated when measuring turbidity and SS via the conventional method

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3, Analytical methods (7)

© Nguyen Hoang Lam 2011

Table 4: Total suspended solids concentration estimated from the turbidity measurement

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3, Analytical methods (2)

The disadvantages of turbidity method

Measure of only one of many effect of SS

(the light penetration)

Responds to many factors than SS concentration

(the particle size and shape of SS, the presence

of phytoplankton, dissolved humic substances

and dissolved mineral substances

© Nguyen Hoang Lam 2011

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3, Analytical methods (8)

MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer)

or MODIS spectral imagine method is used to measure SS

Case study: use MODIS to measure SS in Hong Kong

© Nguyen Hoang Lam 2011

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3, Analytical methods (8, 9)

Case study: use MODIS to measure SS in Hong Kong

Using images from NASA Aqua/ MODIS satellite (250 and

500 m) and 49 ‘in-situ’ samples in 10 clear sky days

Data from MODIS satellite are supported from 7 different bands

Analysis method using 3 different models such as linear,

multiple regression and Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

Finding the best correlation constant in models between

the SS in satellite and ‘in – situ ‘ samples

© Nguyen Hoang Lam 2011

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3, Analytical methods (8)

Case study: use MODIS to measure SS in Hong Kong

© Nguyen Hoang Lam 2011

Table 5: MODIS chanels on 250m and 500m images and their potential applications (adopted: Cited: Wong, M. S. et al. (2007))

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3, Analytical methods (8)

Case study: use MODIS to measure SS in Hong Kong

© Nguyen Hoang Lam 2011

Best modes: SS (mg/l) = 94.095 x Band 1 – 2.787 SS (mg/l) = 97.085 x Band 4 – 5.821 SS (mg/l) = -4.281 + 23. 628 x Band1 – 15.675 x Band 2 – 14.653 x Band 3 + 79.251 x Band 4 + 21.303 x Band 5 + 9.709 x Band 6 + 10.963 x Band 7 SS (mg/l) = - 3.683 + 120.966 x Band 1 – 24. 282 x Band 2

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3, Analytical methods (8)

Case study: use MODIS to

measure SS in Hong Kong


The best imagines that have

high correlation constant

(R > 0.82) from 250 m pixel

resolution with wavelenghts

at 650 nm and 859 nm

© Nguyen Hoang Lam 2011

Figure 2: Suspended solids in Hong Kong

Page 23: Suspended Solids


4, Removal method (6)


Coagulation and foam separation using surface – active protein

Using coagulation foam separation with FeCl3 and casein

The removal efficiency of SS was over 98% (FeCl3: 20 mg/l

, casein dosage 3 mg/l, pH 5 – 6)

© Nguyen Hoang Lam 2011

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4, Removal method (6)

© Nguyen Hoang Lam 2011

Figure 3: Schematic diagram of batch foam seperating system (not to scale)

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1, Arkhipov, B. et al. (2003). Calculation of suspended solids dispersion in the sea environment. Proceedings of the fifth Ocean Mining Symposium Tsukuba, Japan, September 15 -19, 2003. ISBN 1-880653-61-3. 2, Bilotta, G.S., Brazier. R. E. ( 2008). Understanding the influence of suspended solids on water quality and aquatic biota. Water research (42): 2849 – 2861. 3, Bruton, M.N. (1985). The effects of suspensoids on fish. Hydrobiologia 125, pp. 221 – 241. 4, Gartner, J. W. (2004). Estimating suspended solids concentrations from backscatter intensity measured by acoustic Doppler current profiler in San Francisco Bay, California. Marine Geology 211, pp. 169 – 187 5, Shin, P.K.S., Yau, F.N., Chow, S.H. and Cheung, S.G. (2000). Responses of the green mussel Perna viridis (L.) to suspended solids. Marine Pollution Buletin 45, pp. 157 – 162. 6, Suzuki, Y., Maruyama, T. (2002). Removal of suspended solids by coagulation and foam separation using surface – active protein. Water Research 36, pp. 2195 – 2204. 7, Weiner. E. R. (2000). Applications of environmental aquatic chemistry: a practical guide. 2 rd Ed., CRC press . 8, Wong, M. S et al. (2007). Modeling of suspended solids and sea surface salinity in Hong Kong using Aqua/ MODIS satellite Images. Korean Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 161 – 169 9, Zang, M. et al. (2010). Retrieval of total suspended matter concentration in the Yellow and East China Seas from MODIS imagery. Remote Sensing of Environment 114, pp. 392 – 403.

© Nguyen Hoang Lam 2011

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© Nguyen Hoang Lam 2011