superintendent, power - js186715

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  • 5/14/2018 Superintendent, Power - Js186715


    2/19/12 Curriculum Vitae - Operation Engineer/Superintendent, Power - js186715

    E nqi neerinq 10 bs Austr It ,engi nee ri ng job poss ib il it ie s


    Curriculum Vitae - Operation 81gineer/Superintendent, PowerRef # JS186715Year of birth 1958Permanent/Home Location/AddressCity or TownStateCountry

    ThanjavurTarril NaduINDIA

    Current Location/AddressStateCountry


    LanguagesPrimary Language81glish

    FluencyRead, w rite and speak fluently

    NationalitiesMain Nationality INDIAExperience ClassificationJob FunctionPower Generation 81gineerIndustryPower

    Years Experience25Years Experience24

    QualificationsHighest Qualifications HNDlDipiomaQualificationHNDlDipioma

    SubjectDiploma In Mechanical81gineering



    other Qualif ications, Memberships, CertificationCertified 'Authorized Person' to issue/cancel perrrits in both Mechanical & Electrical installat ions.

    Computer Skills and Software UsedDiploma in Computer Application. Conversant in MS Office.Work LocationsAre you willing to move or relocate?Yes - I w ill travel domesticallyYes - I w ill relocate domesticallyYes - I w ill travel internationallyYes - I w ill relocate internationallyAvailabilityStart Immediately? Available NowIdeal Next JobLooking for a Power Rant Manager/ Superintendent ! Operat ions Engineer job in a large Diesel power plant anyw here in the world with single status basiRequired Salary & ConditionsUSD 10000 per rrnnth + other allowances.Iw ill consider rrini. Salary of USD 7,500 per rrnnth plus housing and other f ringe benef its.Employment HistoryTotal Years of Work 34~ . . . . . . . . . . . :".. . . . . . . . . .
  • 5/14/2018 Superintendent, Power - Js186715


    2/19/12 Curriculum Vitae - Operation Engineer/Superintendent, Power - js186715~JJ~II t::=II I .It:;;.Commenced Full Time Work:NameJob Title:Duration

    1978Dietsmann Technologies International, SAOperation Engineer/SuperintendentFrom: 2009 To:

    SummaryD A "Performance Driven Professional" with an experience of over 31 years in Project I'vlanagement entailing Operations, I'vlaintenance & Troubleshooting,8"ection & Col1l1'issioning and Team I'vlanagement of large diesel power plants.D Gained proficiency in Operation & I'v laintenance of large HFO/LFO based diesel power plants equipped with 06 x 8.744 MN 18V 32140 MAN B & W DGSets, 6.0 MN -18 V 32-Wartsila diesel engines and different brands of engines of various makes, capacities and models like 6.0 MN - KHD, 6.0 MN -MB16l'vlajor, MAK, SKL, SKODA, CAT, PERKINS,3.0 MN-RUSTON 16 AlXengines.D A keen strategist & implementer aimng at achieving t imely project completion, profit and business grow th objectives & turnaround for increase in top liand bottom line in rapid change environments.D Adept in managing erection & col1l1'issioning activit ies involving resource planning, in-process inspection, team building and co-ordination with internal/external departments.D Expertise in managing various operat ions as per the set parameters & standards as well as experience of developing procedures for operat ionalexcellence.D Integrate easily within an internat ional & nat ional staf f and be able to work within the dynamos of mul ti funct ional & mult i locational environment.D An effective communicator with good skills in building relationships. Possess strong analytical, problem solving and organisational abili ties.Work Experience


    D A "Performance Driven Professional" with an experience of over 31 years in Project I'vlanagement entailing Operations, I'vlaintenance & Troubleshooting,8"ection & Col1l1'issioning and Team I'vlanagement of large diesel power plants.D Gained proficiency in Operation & I'v laintenance of large HFO/LFO based diesel power plants equipped with 06 x 8.744 MN 18V 32140 MAN B & W DGSets, 6.0 MN -18 V 32-Wartsila diesel engines and different brands of engines of various makes, capacities and models like 6.0 MN - KHD, 6.0 MN -MB16l'vlajor, MAK, SKL, SKODA, CAT, PERKINS,3.0 MN-RUSTON 16 AlXengines.D A keen strategist & implementer aimng at achieving t imely project completion, profit and business grow th objectives & turnaround for increase in top liand bottom line in rapid change environments.D Adept in managing erection & col1l1'issioning activit ies involving resource planning, in-process inspection, team building and co-ordination with internal/external departments.D Expertise in managing various operat ions as per the set parameters & standards as well as experience of developing procedures for operat ionalexcellence.D Integrate easily within an internat ional & nat ional staf f and be able to work within the dynamos of mul ti funct ional & mult i locational environment.D An effective communicator with good skills in building relationships. Possess strong analytical, problem solving and organisational abili ties.ORGANISATIONAL SCAN

    Operation 8lgineer/Power Rant I'vlanagerw ith Dietsmann Technologies International SA, WNPOC, Africa (Oil Field Company)Jun '09 to t ill date (0& M of MAN B & W 18 V 32140 engines)Power Rant I'vlanagerw ith Operational 8lergy Group India PIIt. Ltd., Chennai, Tarnl Nadu, Indial'vlay'04- Jun'09 (0& Mof Wartsila 18 V 32LN, 9R& 12 R32 & CAT 3516B engine)Power Station Superintendent w ith Kenana Sugar Mi ls Ltd. , SudanApr'03 - Apr'04 (12 MN HFO based MAN Diesel Power Rant.)Power Rant I'vlanagerw ith Operational 8lergy Group India PIIt. Ltd. Chennai, Tarnl Nadu, India.l'vlay'OOl'vlar'03 (0 & M of Wartsila 18 V 32LN, 9R & 12 R32 & CAT 3516B engine)Lead Mechanical 8lgineer with AI-Afandi Establishment for Trade and contracting Co., Jeddah, Saudi ArabiaAug'98-l'vlar'00 (Team leader-Operation & I'vlaintenance of 03 x 6.0 MN-18 V 32 Wartsila Power Rant)Station 8lgineer with Oman Nat ional Electric Co. (SAOG), Ruw i, Sultanate of OmanOct ' 83- Feb'98 - a leading Power Rant 0& M cont ractor to the Mnistry of Elect ricity & Water and Minist ry of Defense- Engineering Services, Oman-(O &of KHD, MBS K V 16 I'vlajor,MAK, SKL, SKODA, CAT, PERKINS,RUSTON 16 AlX engines)

    Junior 8lgineer with Electrici ty Department (Central Govt. ), Port Blair in Andaman & Nicobar IslandsI'v lay'79- Sep'83 (0 & M of DG Sets of SKL, Skoda, Kirloskar make engines and auxiliaries)Quality control Engineer with Velan Structurals, Tiruchirapally, Tarnl Nadu, India.l'vlay'78- Apr'79
  • 5/14/2018 Superintendent, Power - Js186715


    2/19/12KEY RESULT AREAS:Maintenance / TroubleshootingD Planning and effecting predictive & preventive maintenance schedules for various equipment to increase machine up time & equipment rel iabili ty.D Implement ing maintenance schedules and carrying out periodic checks to ensure performance of equipment and maintaining requisite documents for thsame.D Ident ifying areas of bot tlenecks / breakdow ns and taking steps to recti fy the equipment through appl icat ion of t rouble shooting tools like root causeanalysis.D Maintaining and ensuring str ingent adherence to quali ty standards, norms & pract ices, identifying gaps and taking correct ive act ion.D Monitoring troubleshooting of engine and auxil iary systems and establishing Preventive Maintenance Schedule.D Exposed to DCS Instrumentation, Fire & Gas detection system, identifying & analyzing possible anomalies & defining corrective action for the eff icientoperation of the plants.D Ensuring maintenance of proper documentation for maintaining compliance with statutory and quality requirements.D Pre-planning of spare parts and maintaining computerized inventory control using I \ I1 A M A & AMOSD programming tool.D Ident ifying areas of t roubles/breakdow ns and takes steps to rectify the equipment through applicat ion of t rouble shoot ing tools.D Effecting preventive maintenance / repair / inspect ion schedules of various machines & equipment to increase machine up t ime and equipment rel iabili tAnalyzing operation data and history cards.D Derronstrated a strong corrrri tment to HSEthrough the personal applicat ion of safety norms in an Oil Field environment.

    Curriculum Vitae - Operation Engineer/Superintendent , Power - js186715

    Project ManagementD Managing activit ies right from the conceptualisation stage to the execution; involving finalization of technical specifications, store management & invencontrol, scheduling, progress rronitoring, site management and manpower planning, bar chart preparation, etc.D Establishing project review, rronitoring and status report ing procedures to accurately report progress of the project to the stakeholders and end userclients.D Coordinating projects for the set up standards with accountabi li ty for strategic ut il isat ion & deployment of available resources to achieve organisat ionaobjectives.D Monitoring the act iv ity at sites and review of project schedule, ensuring cost control within budget , planning for cash f low requirements, etc . .D Working in close relation wi th consul tants, vendors & contractors for srrooth operat ions.Installation & CorrrrissioningD Instal lation and corrrrissioning of equipment as well as conduct ing tests & inspect ions to ensure operat ional ef fect iveness of plant & uti li ties.D Review ing engineering draw ings, layouts, diagrams, technical specif icat ions, cost estimates for erect ion & corrrrission of the plant . Carrying outoverhauling work of equipment w ith rrodif icat ions, and major repairs to improve equipment eff ic iency by fault finding.D Involved in installat ion, alignment, f lushing, rotation checks, vibration performance trials, system layouts and checks of main and auxil iary machineriespreparing documents for the same.Process EnhancementsD Identifying scope for:- Planning, implementing & rronitoring of technological changes to enhance productivity.- Modif icat ions in equipments, process f low, working pract ices, consumables, power, etc. forcontrol ling & reducing conversion cost per unit produced.- Fire Protection System.D Implement ing various techniques for cycle t ime reduction, entai ling ident if icat ion of opportuni ties, energy audi ts, analysis of data, conduction of tests aimplementation & post audits.D Ensuring maintenance of proper documentation for maintaining compliance with statutory and quality requirements.Team ManagementD Leading, mentoring & rronitoring the performance of the team members to ensure ef fic iency in process operat ions and meet ing of individual & grouptargets.D Creating and sustaining a dynarric environment that fosters development opportunities and rrotivates high performance arrongst team members.

    SIGNIFICANT HIGHLIGHTS:With Operational Energy GroupD Accomplished operation & maintenance of HFO based 03 x 6.0 M IV -18 V 32LN Wartsila diesel engines at various sites.D Stel lar in executing cost saving and energy saving techniques/measures and rrodi fications to achieve substantial reduct ion in expendi tures and workwithin the budget.D Exposed to synchronization and parallel operation of high capacity alternators.D Played a pivotal role in get ting ISO 9001:2000 certif icat ions for one of our site and became site MR(Management Representat ive).With Kenana Sugar MilsD Supervised 0& M o f HFO based 03 x 4.0 M IV MBS K8 Major-MK I I DG Sets.D Efficiently looked after troubleshooting, operation & maintenance of engines / auxil iaries including PLC automated LOPx and FOPX Separators.D Inspite of having tai lor made AMOSD computerized inventory control no one was using it and no control over the inventory. Reinstated and sfrearrf inedsystem with proper accountability.

    With AI-Afandi EstablishmentD Managed operat ion & maintenance of 03 x 6.0 M IV - 18 V 32 Wartsila DG sets.D Effic ient ly executed cost saving and energy saving techniques/measures and rrodif icat ions to achieve substant ial reduction in expenditures and workwithin the budget.D Ensured continuous availabil ity of power and other facil it ies. Maintained good liaison with contractors.D Exposed to Computerized Maintenance system ' 1 \ I 1 A 1 \ I 1 A ' for Wartsila Ilesel Generators.D Reviewed SOP and derived Major Checklist for day to day usage and made the operators pro-act ive which reduced PM'CM rat io.
  • 5/14/2018 Superintendent, Power - Js186715


    2/19/12 Curriculum Vitae - Operation Engineer/Superintendent, Power - js186715With Oman Nat ional 8ectr ic Co.o Prof icient ly administered 0& M of:o HFO/LFO based diesel engines in various rural power plants with instal led capacity ranging from 10 MN -70 MN diesel power plants.008 x 6.0 MN MBS KV 16 Major, DUETZ-KHD-04 x 6.0 MN, SKL, Ruston -2 x 3.0 MN, MAK, CAT, Curmins & Perkins engines of various capacit ies / rroand led a team of skil led Mechanical Technicians in Oman.o Effic ient ly coordinated with SCADA Control centre for load dist ribut ion, arranging shut dow n in a work permt systemo Cert if ied Authorised Person to issue & cancel Mechanical & 8ectrical WPT etc.o Effic ient ly solved the persisting high Lube Oil consumption problem (400 Ltrs in place of 80 Ltrs) of an already overhauled 3.0 MN engine, in less thanan hour where rrost of the senior engineers could not even identify the trouble spot for r rore than 20 days and in the mean t ime all pistons were pulled ofor second time to check the rings position and honing of all liners were also done again.o Carried out Major Overhauling of 03 x MBS ESL8 engines independently with bear rnnlrrum staff at defence power plant .o Received best Station Award with cash prize from the General Manager.KNOWLEDGE PURVIEWAuxiliary equipment handled:o Lube. Oil Separators - Westphalia, Alfa Laval Alcap-707, Lopx 705 - EPC400 P L C l D C S automated.o HFO Separators - West faliah & Alfa Laval Fopx-605 - EP C 400 P L C l D C S automated.o Alfa Laval Viscochief, Turbocharger-ABB makes VTR- 254,354, TP L 65 & MAN T/C-NR34/S101o Air compressors, Screw compressors of Sperre, Ingresoll Rand, J.P.SAUER& SOHN make etc.,o Various types of pumps (IMO Screw pumps, Al lweiler AG, Grundfos), valves, Deluge valves, Bladder/foam tanks and emergency 00 sets used in FireProtection System.o Perkins 00 set of 2000 series - Black start 00.o CAT 00 sets of 3516B, 3406C, 3306, 3208, 3204, 3412B and 0399 series.o Dorman Smith 6LE 11-UK make black start 00.TRAININGS ATTENDED

    o 3 x 6.0 MN -18 V 32 Wartsila diesel power plants in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia by Wartsi la NSD, Finland.ACADEMIC

    1978 DMEfromValivalam Desikar Rllytechnic College, Nagapattinam, Tarnl Nadu, India. Secured First aass.rr PROFICIENCY: M S Office applicat ion such as Word, Excel , Rlw erRlint and &Mail /lnternet Applicat ions.


    Languages know n : English, Taml, Malayalam, Hindi & UrduDriving License: Rlssessing Omani Driving License -Four Wheels {Light)-Expired.Current Salary: USD 400 per day worked in a 5 weeks on & off cycleNotice period: 10 days. (I can join even at short notice)Expected salary: NegotiableAvailabil ity: Avai lable at any given t ime.Wi ll ing to relocate: Yes, ready to relocate anyw here.Comments/ Hobbies/Interests etc:Seeking assignments with a grow th-oriented organizat ion of repute like yours, Iwould like to work for you and plan to contr ibute rTleadership,interpersonal, and technical ski lls in the form of adapt ing rTself to the new situation quickly wi th accumulated wisdom spanning for rrore than 25 yearswhich 19 years in abroad in the f ield of Operat ion & Maintenance.Hobbies: Reading/Music.

    Last Updated on 04-Jan-12

    -- End of CV/Resume--
  • 5/14/2018 Superintendent, Power - Js186715


    2/19/12 Curriculum Vitae - Operation Engineer/Superintendent, Power - js186715Full CV/Resume available to paid companies/recruiters as an attachmentIf you would like to contact this person, you will need to purchase

    access to our CV/Resume database.Please contact our sales department for pricing

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