sumner academy

All Sumner Academy students in the Class of 2000 were involved in college level coursework through the Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate Programs. In addition to receiving their USD 500 Sumner Academy Diploma, eight graduates also completed all of the requirements to receive an International Baccalaureate Diploma. Sumner students were listed among the nation’s finest on college entrance exams. This included 1 National Merit Finalist, 3 National Merit Commended Scholars, 2 National Achievement Finalists and 5 National Achievement Commended Scholars. Over 74% of the Graduating Class of 2000 were recognized for academic achievement through scholarship offers totaling $2.6 million. Sumner Academy’s Academic Decathlon team took third place in the 2000 4-A tournament at Kansas State University in Manhattan. Sumner also had the highest individual scorer in the small school division. Sumner Academy Varsity Boys Basketball Team had another successful year. The team won the Huron League Championship, Kansas 4-A Sub-State Championship and the 4-A Kansas State Championship. In addition, the team also received honors for “Player of the Year” and “Coach of the Year.” Sumner Academy Soccer Team also had an outstanding year. For the first time in the history of the school, the team qualified for the Kansas State Soccer Tournament. Sumner Academy’s debate and forensics programs ranked in the top 5% in the nation. Three students placed 1 st in state competition. Two students qualified for the National Forensics Tournament. Also for the first time in the history of the school, a member of the Sumner debate team qualified for the National Debate Tournament. Music students at Sumner Academy earned numerous awards for outstanding performances. Students in the Vocal Music Department A Cappella Choir received one ratings at the State Music Festival and the American Classic Festival in Ft. Worth, Texas. Students in the Chamber Singers, Ladies Ensemble and several soloists received one ratings at both region and state choral competitions. Sumner Academy of Arts and Science offers a college preparatory curriculum with educational experiences that promote responsibility, adaptability and lifelong learning to its diverse student body. 6XPQHU $FDGHP\RI $UWV6FLHQFH 2000-2001 School Year Dr. Donna E. Severance Principal 1610 N. 8 th Street Kansas City, KS 66101 (913) 627-7200 This building report card is a brief summary of how your school and students are performing and the impact of your local school improvement plan. However, it should not be used as a single source to judge students or school accomplishments. No single report can tell the whole story of a district's or school's educational program. This report card does not provide information about curriculum, teaching methods, special programs, the "climate" of your school or the performance of individual teachers or administrators. In addition, this report card is not a way of "rating" or "ranking" schools. Because of the distinct community and student characteristics, direct comparisons between schools or districts are invalid. Rank-ordering school districts or schools is a clear misuse of the information. Rather, the information should be used to assess local strengths and weaknesses based on past performance and to plan program improvements.

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¾ All Sumner Academy students in the Class of 2000 were involved in college level coursework through the Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate Programs. In addition to receiving their USD 500 Sumner Academy Diploma, eight graduates also completed all of the requirements to receive an International Baccalaureate Diploma.

¾ Sumner students were listed among the nation’s finest on college entrance exams. This included 1 National Merit Finalist, 3 National Merit Commended Scholars, 2 National Achievement Finalists and 5 National Achievement Commended Scholars. Over 74% of the Graduating Class of 2000 were recognized for academic achievement through scholarship offers totaling $2.6 million.

¾ Sumner Academy’s Academic Decathlon team took third place in the 2000 4-A tournament at Kansas State University in Manhattan. Sumner also had the highest individual scorer in the small school division.

¾ Sumner Academy Varsity Boys Basketball Team had another successful year. The team won the Huron League Championship, Kansas 4-A Sub-State Championship and the 4-A Kansas State Championship. In addition, the team also received honors for “Player of the Year” and “Coach of the Year.” Sumner Academy Soccer Team also had an outstanding year. For the first time in the history of the school, the team qualified for the Kansas State Soccer Tournament.

¾ Sumner Academy’s debate and forensics programs ranked in the top 5% in the nation. Three students placed 1st in state competition. Two students qualified for the National Forensics Tournament. Also for the first time in the history of the school, a member of the Sumner debate team qualified for the National Debate Tournament.

¾ Music students at Sumner Academy earned numerous awards for outstanding performances. Students in the Vocal Music Department A Cappella Choir received one ratings at the State Music Festival and the American Classic Festival in Ft. Worth, Texas. Students in the Chamber Singers, Ladies Ensemble and several soloists received one ratings at both region and state choral competitions.


Sumner Academy of Arts and Science offers a college preparatory curriculum with educational experiences that promote responsibility, adaptability and lifelong learning to its diverse student body.




2000-2001 School Year Dr. Donna E. Severance

Principal 1610 N. 8th Street

Kansas City, KS 66101 (913) 627-7200

This building report card is a brief summary of how your school and students are performing and the impact of your local school improvement plan. However, it should not be used as a single source to judge students or school accomplishments. No single report can tell the whole story of a district's or school's educational program. This report card does not provide information about curriculum, teaching methods, special programs, the "climate" of your school or the performance of individual teachers or administrators.

In addition, this report card is not a way of "rating" or "ranking" schools. Because of the distinct community and student characteristics, direct comparisons between schools or districts are invalid. Rank-ordering school districts or schools is a clear misuse of the information. Rather, the information should be used to assess local strengths and weaknesses based on past performance and to plan program improvements.



















Sumner Academy - 10th and 11th

Kansas Reading Kansas MathNumber % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number %

Advanced or Proficient: 87 67.4 Advanced or Proficient: 81 47.9Satisfactory: 28 21.7 Satisfactory: 42 24.9

Basic or Unsatisfactory: 14 10.9 Basic or Unsatisfactory: 46 27.2

MAT7 Reading MAT7 MathNumber % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number %

Upper Quartile: 417 44.5 Upper Quartile:Lower Quartile: 34 3.6 Lower Quartile:

Met Collective Met CollectiveResponsibility Target: Responsibility Target: 797 85

Local Reading Asmt. Local Math Asmt.Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number %

Students at Grade Level: Met standards on ObjectiveMade One Year's Growth: AND on Performance items:

Attendance SuspensionsStudents who met standard Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number %

for attendance (10 or fewer Students with no suspensions:absences per year):

Note: On the Metropolitan Achievement Test (MAT7), about 25% of students in a national sample achieve in the

upper and lower quartiles. The district's Collective Responsibility goal is to have 50% of our students achieveat or above the 55th percentile.

Number and percent of students in important School Improvement categories.

2000-20011999-2000 2001-2002

2000-2001 2001-2002Quartile Distribution Quartile Distribution

1999-2000 2000-2001

2000-2001 2001-2002

1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002

1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002 1999-2000

2001-2002 1999-2000

2000-2001 2001-20021999-2000Performance Categories Performance Categories

1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002

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