summer 2003 transforming lives newsletter, gospel rescue ministries

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  • 8/8/2019 Summer 2003 Transforming Lives Newsletter, Gospel Rescue Ministries


    Gospel Rescue/l,linistriesWashingtott, DC

    - in' -l'our ncts ofgenerwity throughout the school yeal aere uery much appreciated. Ve cannot thanh you enough for\a .rltat yur orga,nization did for our studtnts and community. b is our hipe that we can continae our'parmurfi;p 7o,tl.tis upro*,rf trrool year and hoh forutard to u.,orhing uith yu. If I can assist you with anything pbase do noihirl-dlte to corlt4ct meOz. :1,

  • 8/8/2019 Summer 2003 Transforming Lives Newsletter, Gospel Rescue Ministries


    Bnbffia:t Sq, Arntrer'TruplrJ ofMlt CrrAre"E ot 18 years I had been on the streets ofl' \Washington, caught up in mv addic-tion. I did not know how to find mv rvay ofTthe streets or how to stop using drugs. Afterso many years, I was so worn out and tired ofusing until I didn't want to live anymore. Ieventually attempted suicide by settingmyself on fire. \Well...God had other plans!Six years later, here I am with a story to tell.I didn't really know God and didn't knor.'how to pray. Even though as a child mymom kept me in church but never really

    Please Pray for our New TLM and Fulton House Program Memberstfr hank you for conrinuing ro supporr our effort to "seek the lost, bring back rhe scattered, bind up the broken, andI srrengrhen rhe sick" (Ezekiel 34:16). Ve are excited about our new group of men and women who are experiencingGodt healing mercy and saving grace in our one-year residentia.l program. We want to give much love, compassion and 'to all of them and ask each GRM partner tojoin with us in praying for one or more of these men and rvomen. If fou --so inclined, please consider writing a personal note ofencouragement ro one of the members belo*'. It is tremendously impor-tant for them to know that there are people who reallv care fbr them and are praling ibr theml Thank rou!

    Dana Debra Ester

    talked to me about God. I didn't learn verymuch. I onlv knes'hou' to call on Him intime of need.Norv I am seven months clean and sober,living in a very spiritual home where I

    became saved and found the Lord. My lifenow is wonderful. I'm clean and have Godin my life every day! I was homeless when Ientered the Fulton House of Hope. Norv*'herr I le.rr-e . I ri'il1 hlr.: nlr- (r\\'n 'l.r,-r.,-:tlti:t:to go to! I have God and the people ot theprogram to thank!


    Brenda Jacquelin Teresa

  • 8/8/2019 Summer 2003 Transforming Lives Newsletter, Gospel Rescue Ministries


    5th Street Renovations Begin!\\ff. have srrrrted rhe renovarion work for the interiorW and erte rior oi GR\l's 5th Street faciliry. Thanks tothc help oil'-i:iJignr C.-,:r:f ruction (-or-r-rpanr', who is build-:rc.r n:g: r:se ep.lrtnr-ni aonrple\;.lcross the street, and a

    The i:re:ior renovation ri.ork. ri.hich includes nes-bathroonr and shos'er facili-rres on rhe hrsr and rhird floors, neu'ilooring on the third floor and several oth-er repair projects, rvill be handled by Home Builders Care Foundation of Silverrottp

  • 8/8/2019 Summer 2003 Transforming Lives Newsletter, Gospel Rescue Ministries


    Testimonies of Transformed Lives

    t ,f y name is James Johnson and I'm a member of theIYlft"nsforming Lives Ministry at Gospel Rescue Min-istries. I had been a drug addict and alcoholic since the age of13. I had been actively using for over 19 vears. I was a thiefand would lie to all those around me to get mv drugs. OnNovember 18 of last year I came to Gospel Rescue l\4inisrries.My life immediatelv began to chanse. I qave m' life ro Christand was saved on April 17 of this vear. It has been great eversince! Thank you Lord, and thank vou GR\ll

    RICY DIGGSf n 1936 I was convicted and incarcerated for rwo yearsI L."rr.nworth Federal Prison for drug distribution inU.S. Army. After being released, I immediately went backthe distribution. 17 yearc later, I lost everything I accoplished and gained through marriage and kids, becausedrug selling and use.Being in the streets for a few lveeks, I came to "the crossroadin my life and no longer desired to live. An older woman abus srop one dar-c.ur of rhe blue rold n-re. "COD has pl,rnsyou and to go to the church up the street . Ther- ln tureferred me to GRM.After finding CHRIST and getting saved, I now love othand myself as GOD would have me to. Here I can helpSamaritans and my program brothers by sharing what Ilearned about CHzuST while loving life again. I now standPhilippians 4:13 and Psalms 62:I-2 for my daily walkCHRIST. Y

    Tears of Joy Flow at June Graduation Celebration

    f n early June, another grouP of men and women celebrat-l.d their graduation from GRM's one-year residentialdrug recovery program. Over 150 family members andfriends of GRM gathered to show love and support for thegraduates and others who are progressing toward gradua-tion. It was a special time of smiles, laughter, applause, hugsand tears of joy. Five men and three women proudly received

    their graduation certificates and gave testimony of what Gowas doing in their lives. There were words of thanks, encouragement and challenge for the future.With evervone qivine God all the honor. it s'as a time trefect on the struggles and tests oi the past year and texpress thanks for the goodness of God and all the victoriewon. Men and women in the first three phases of the program also received certificates of achievement for coursecompleted in GRM's School of Tomorrow and for variouspiritual and clinical classes attended.

    A SPECIAL INVITHIIONIf you want to feel the heartbeat of the work at GRM,please join with us on Saturday, September 6th (10:00AM) for our next graduadon. 'We guarantee that you wil

    come away with a renewed heart for the recovery minisat GRM. \fle encourage you to experience the life-chang

    ing work at GRM on a first-hand basis!


  • 8/8/2019 Summer 2003 Transforming Lives Newsletter, Gospel Rescue Ministries



  • 8/8/2019 Summer 2003 Transforming Lives Newsletter, Gospel Rescue Ministries


    Sdrool ofTomorrowl-aunches "Leatn Sc Earn Program"f n keeping with the School of Tomorrowt creative approach to computer classes, a newlB-week course called "Learn and Earn" has been introduced for the summer months. Thiscourse is available to program men and women as well as the'S7ashington D.C. Communi-ry. Participants p^y a nominal tuition fee and have a computer assigned to them. Each per-son successfully completing the course gets to keep his or her computer. Several companies,including Fairchild Corporation and Cable & \Wireless, have donated computers to GRM.\We will continue to solicit companies fiat might have excess computers to donate so we c:rn con-tinue fie lrarn and Earn Program.

    f RM's partnership with the Doe Fund of New York Ciry is now about six\f-onths old and great strides have been made in organizing and implement-ing a Ready, \X/illing & Able program as part of GRM's overall service offerings.\With 15 men residing on the fifth floor of the GRM faciliry, a newly hired staff ofsupervisors and a one-year contract rvith the newly formed Business ImprovementDistrict (BID) of Capirol Hill, the Pennst'lvania Avenue corridor in S.E.'Washington has never looked nicer as the men keep the streets, parks and publicareas clean, trash-free and in good cosmetic condition.The new BID has expressed its appreciation for the hard work given to date by theR\f&A ream as evidenced by a note to GRM that read, "Thanks for the contin-ued good work". The men in this program have blended in well at GRM andmany will be taking advantage of the school and other services offered by GRM.\7e expect the R\f&A program to be a long-term partnership berrveen the DoeFund and GRM.

    "Each personsuccessfullycompleting the

    course gets tokeep his or hercomputer!"

    & 4h{

    -',ryililF\/" t,ff---'Executiae Director Steue Burger & Cal Thomas

    If you or you cornpany can prooid.e compater bardutarefor this excirtngnew progra.m, please c4ll Marjoyie Edmonds-Lloyd: 202-798-1810

    GRM-Doe Fund Partnership \U7or[s! ?AdrA,,Read?,

    "The Pennslyuania Auenue corridorin S.E, Washington has neuer lookednicer ... Thanhs for ilte conrtnucdgood tuorh".

    f t was a real privilege to co-host the 90th Annual Convention ofIthe Association of Gospel Rescue Missions over Memorial Dayweekend. Representatives of Rescue Missions from around thecountry joined together in \Washington D.C. to share informationabout various mission programs and to celebrate the change in thelives of thousands of men and women. GRM hosted a number ofworkshops and presented a special program on GRM'spartnerships with the'World Bank (A Chance to'Work Program)and Fannie Mae (Help the Homeless Program). GRM also hostan open house at its faciliry and many of the convention attendevisited to get a first-hand look at GRMt programs.

  • 8/8/2019 Summer 2003 Transforming Lives Newsletter, Gospel Rescue Ministries


    TLM umni: Shini.g Bright in New PositionsiOt e are pleased to have six graduates of GRM's one-yearVY residential program currently on staff at GRM, either as

    part-time or full-time workers. At the Fulton House of Hope,Robyn Ball-Harris is there on a full-time basis after working atthe \il7orld Bank for over one year. Brad Lassiter, who hasworked at the World Bank for almost five years, is the part-timeDirector of the Barnabas House, GRM"s transitional livingfaciliry.Donald Briscoe has been the full-time Administrative Assistantat the School ofTomorrow for over 18 months. Carlton Whiteed GRM as full-drne Assisrant Director of the

    F,Mii#&Brad Joe RobynDonald Carhon John

    Tiansforming Lives Ministry after working at the World Bank for almost one year. John Pendleron, another full-timeemployee at the \Zorld Bank for over 3 years, recently took on weekend evening dury at GRM for the TLM andSamaritan programs. Joseph Harris, also a World Bank employee for about one year, recendy joined the GRM sraff forpart-time weekend day dury for Tiansforming Lives Ministry program.

    Welcome to New GRM StaffKaren -n racey Meller was recently hired as Volunteer Coordinator at GRMI and works about 20 hours per week, reporring to David George.Karen Banks recently joined GRM as full-time Office Manager andAdministrative Assistant, reporting ro Don Melvin. Dwayne Johnsonrecently joined GRMt Ready, Willing & Able program as full-timeDirector and has overall responsibiliry for the day-to-day operarions of the

    program. \7e welcome Tiacey, Karen and Dwayne ro the GRM family.Tracey'W'elcome our Neu Boardof Tiustee Membersoard & Staff Reaffirm Commitment to Senre

    *usteesand staff of GRM met for a one day retreat\-, at Cherrydale Baptist Church . This annual event allows the Board to heardetailed, first-hand reports of current programs and to ask quesrions about thegoals in each program area for the remainder of the year. Each staff memberreported on key developments in the first half of the year and highlighted areasof challenge for the remainder of the year. The Board and staff restated itscommitment to reach out even more to needy men and women with God's heal-ing mercy and saving grace and to provide the needed social services to help themreturn to the mainstream of life.

    Please consider d,onating your used aehicle to help GRMIf$Vrtgfu Leesa Wbn

    You'll get a great tas breah,,,Our mm (y u)ornen will be blcssed!

  • 8/8/2019 Summer 2003 Transforming Lives Newsletter, Gospel Rescue Ministries


    "Closine Thoughts"from John [ack-sonExecutiue DirectorDear Friends and Partners of Gospel Rescue Ministries:As we approach another Fall season at GRM, we are stepping out in faith ina numbei of areas. First, we are commencing extensive exterior and interiorrenovation work. Although there will be some temporary disruption at our5th Street faciliry, the end result will be a major improvement in the servicesprovided ro our residential guests. 'We are thankful for the widespread helpthat we are receiving for these projects.Secondly, we are planning a number _of special events over the next sixmonths'that will enhan.. ih. qualiry of our programs and provide the nec-essary support and communiry partnerships.tWe often ask for your prayer, volunteer and financial support but wouldwelcome one additjonal for- of support---that being encouragement. \We allneed encouragement and we all should be encouragers. To encourage is tostre ngthen.The Bible teaches us ro encourage and build up one another. Barnabas wascalled the Son of Encour"g.meni. He encouraged the Christians at Antiochwith a resolute heart to remain true to the Lord. He had earlier encouragedPaul by standing with him u'hen Paul first met the church leaders inJerusalem after his conversion. Clearly, God uses the strength in oneperson's heart to strengthen another person's heart.Speaking for the staff here at GRM, our hearts rejoice ald are strengthened*h.n wE receive encouragement. The work here can often be discouragingand disappointing. In Romans, God is described as one who givesperseverance and .ncour"gement and I believe that He often uses people toaccomplish this.It is thrilling when friends of GRM send notes of encouragement. Otherscall with words of encouragement. I recently had a couple from NorthernIreland stay in my home and they visited_ GRM. They were welcomed by thestaff and residents in a special way. They later gave me strong encouragementand a wonderful love giit for GRM. They are praying for us all the way fromNorthern Ireland.From your hearts to our hearts, we welcome you! encouragement. \fepromise to continue being faithful and obedient to God as we serve needymen, women and children in \Washington, D.C.

    In His Service

    Gospnr Rrscus MnusrrunsofVahingnn, D.C.810 5rH SrnrEr, N.\(1 . lJfasulNcToN, D.C. 20001

    (202)842-1731 . (202) 898-0285 (FAX)www.$ . director@grm,org

    Volume 4, Issue 3 - Summer 2003Executive DirectorJoho Jackson

    Donald MelvinlresaWon

    \TISIT OUR \TEBSITE\iV\/V\/V gr|l 0r0

    you are welcome tocommunicate with us throughthis e-mail address at any [email protected]

