success-soul ™ living starter · you is...

Success-soul Living Starter Kit

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Page 1: Success-soul ™ Living Starter · you is smart, is almost a guaranteed way for you to get off track. Instead, your soul knows

Success-soul™™ Living Starter Kit

Page 2: Success-soul ™ Living Starter · you is smart, is almost a guaranteed way for you to get off track. Instead, your soul knows page 1|12 2017 Copyright Tangible Concepts LLC

Welcome to Success-soul™ living, where your wildest dreams are manifested, the impossible made possible, and where you can have, be

and do anything that sets your soul on fire.

Are your ready to step into a life filled with joy, Happiness, abundance and health?

Ready to step into your purpose and make a

REAL difference in the world?

Success-soul™Living Starter Kit

Page 3: Success-soul ™ Living Starter · you is smart, is almost a guaranteed way for you to get off track. Instead, your soul knows page 2|12 2017 Copyright Tangible Concepts LLC

Make sure you download your two meditations:

I suggest you start with the excercise in the workboook.

After doing the excercises, I recommend you do the

Success-soul™ Living - heal what’s holding you back meditation

and then you can use the

Success-soul™ Living - visualisation excercise daily.

Warning: The healing meditation is very powerful and I recommend you

drink a lot of water after doing the healing. You may also want to do it on a day

where you don’t have too much going on or over the next few days, as you may

be purging some of the emotions that have been holding you back in order to

release them.

Just like when you’re on a detox, the symptoms can get worse before they get

out of your body, it’s the same when doing this healing. If you feel tired

afterwards, allow yourself to rest and listen to your body.

Feel free to take an epsom salt bath too, to help clear our the energy from your

body. While you only need to do this meditation once, feel free to use it again at

a later time if it feels right.

Here's how to get started.

Page 4: Success-soul ™ Living Starter · you is smart, is almost a guaranteed way for you to get off track. Instead, your soul knows

Listen to the wisdom of your


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We’re working on getting to know your soul. What does your soul crave?

Often, as we grow up and we learn about who we “should” be, we tend to for-

get who we really are. We start to act from a place of programming rather than

from a place of our soul’s calling.

This is what often gets us off track, and it’s also usually a way that doesn’t

work! It can cause frustration, depression, illness and heartache.

But not anymore!

Because when you learn to live from your soul, not only will your soul thank

you, but everything in your life will start to improve. You see, you were never

designed to operate from a place of programming, you were designed to listen

to the beat of your soul and follow your heart’s desires.

But you have been told you can’t do that. That you have to be realistic. That

you can’t have what you want. You have to do what’s smart, right?

Get a good job, work hard, save for retirement and live a “secure” life so that

once you retire, if you’re still alive and healthy, you can start living!

Now, lets get to know the REAL you, shall we?

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The only limitations, are those in your own


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Well, my friend, it’s time to start living now. Following what other people tell

you is smart, is almost a guaranteed way for you to get off track. Instead, your

soul knows exactly what’s right for you, and if you listen, you will find the


Truth is, you can have, be and do anything you want, and if your soul is calling

you to do something, it’s because you are meant to be experience it.

I’ve worked with hundreds of clients who got stuck on the wrong path - and

had to start all over again. So, wherever you are in the process, just allow it to


Life is a journey, and we learn lessons along the way. You are alwyas right

where you’re supposed to be, even if you want to be somewhere else!

So, let’s not get hard on yourself. This excercise is designed to help you live a

life and create a business that nurtures your soul, so you can expand, grow and

be who you came here to be.

To get started, find some quiet time where you will not be disturbed and go

through the following excercises. These exercises will help you gain clarity

about what your soul craves, what’s out of alignment in your life and help you

tune into what your soul really wants and needs to thrive.

You see, you are so much more than your body. And while there are limits in

the physical world, your soul is limitless. And it has unlimited potential.

This is why tuning into your soul is the key to real success and fulfillment.

You will be able to bypass the limitations of the ego, of the three dimensional

world, and start creating what may start to look like heaven on earth.

That is my goal for you.

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Sit down in a comfortable place where you will not be disturbed. Feel free to

light a candle, turn on your favorite relaxing music and make a cup of tea or

your favorite drink. Whatever makes your soul feel at home :-)

1. Grab a notebook or a peice of paper and write down as fast as it comes into

your mind, without censoring your yourself, all the things your soul craves

right now.

Even if it sounds really crazy, please write it down. Nothing is wrong or too out

there! (and make sure you do this in handwriting, not on a computer. There is

a special connection to your subconscious mind when you handwrite


Shall we begin?

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Maybe you want more time, maybe you crave connection with a partner or

your family, maybe you crave traveling or time off. Maybe you want to take a

dance class, take a cooking class, quit your job, leave your partner.

Start a new business, change your business, work less, go on a family vacation,

go jump out of a plane, climb a mountain, go on a yoga retreat, go to a yoga

class, have time to meditate.

Go skiing, go swimming in the ocean, start a charity, volunteer, draw, paint,

sing, knit, run, perform, write, travel to Antarctica or some other distant land,

do karaoke, go on a cruise, take a road trip.

Spend an entire day focusing on pampering yourself, move to another place or

city, have a girls night out, date night with your partner/spouse, day at the spa,

get a massage.

Ride a horse, swim with dolphins, snorkel, go scuba diving, play with your kids,

go flying, garden, create your own homemade beauty products, sew, host a

party, join or start a book-club, go paddle-boarding.

Do acro-yoga, make love, spend time in nature, go for a hike, read, take photos,

explore a new city, sleep, rest, quietness, the beach, snow, fire, do absolutely

nothing...these are just a few examples to get you warmed up.

For example:

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2. Now, let’s figure out what’s not working in your life and/or

business and what’s draining you. Write it down in your notebook without

censoring yourself. And please, do not feel guilty. You need to be honest about

how you feel.

3. Now we’re going to tune into what your ideal life looks like. This is where

you don’t think too much. Just sit down and let your pen do the writing.

Oh, and make sure you do this handwritten as well.

Describe an average day in your ideal life. Write it as if its already happened,

so in the past tense, and write it as if you are so grateful for the fact that it

happened. Take about 20 minutes and without thinking too much, just let your

hand write what comes to you. Don’t focus on grammar or making it pretty.

Just let it flow! And remember, don’t censor yourself!

Let’s continue...

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When writing think about the following:

Where are you based?

Who are you there with?

What are you doing?

What is your lifestyle like?

Where are you working?

What kind of work are you doing?

How much do you work?

How much money do you make?

How do you serve your clients?

What kind of relationships do you have?

What does your spiritual practice look like?

What does your exercise routine look like?

What do you look like?

How do you feel?

What are you eating?

What is the pace of life you are living?

What hobbies do you enjoy?

And anything else that comes to mind!

When you’re done, read over what you’ve written and note if this life is similar

to how you live now or not.

If your life is very different from what your soul craves, don’t panic! Know that no matter where you are today, you can get to the other side. I’ve been there myself and there is nothing you cannot do!

Trust me when I’m saying this!


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My ideal life. page 11|12 2017 Copyright Tangible Concepts LLC

Imagine your ideal life.

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Click here to schedule a call.

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Want more inspiration?

Want to contact me directly? Email me at [email protected]

“When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.”

There is no coincidence that you are here right now reading this.

As a thank you for joining my community, I invite you to schedule your

complimentary Success-soul™ Living Strategy Session here

We will get clear on your vision, what’s holding you back and how to step into

your Success-soul™ life now.

You will leave this session inspired and motivated to move forward!