study guide exam 2 cmst 300

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  • 8/7/2019 Study Guide Exam 2 CMST 300



    Define conceptualization: the process of defining the agreed meaning of the terms used in a study

    Indicators identified to mark the presence or absence of a concept

    Dimensions subcategories of a concept

    Interchangeability of indicators if several indicators represent the same concept, they should

    behave in the same way as the concept

    Define operationalization: one step beyond conceptualization, the process of developing operational


    Operational definition is created to define the procedures or steps used in the measuring of a

    concept it must be specific and unambiguous.

    Levels of Measurement (N.O.I.R.)

    Nominal: - variables only have attributes that are mutually exclusive and exhaustive

    - names/labels are offered for the attributes characteristics

    - measured by counting the frequencies of each attribute

    ex| Male/Female, hair color, birthplace

    Ordinal: - rank ordered attributes

    - distance between order is irrelevant (i.e. cant almost be a sophomore, your still a


    ex | class standing, formal education, social class

    Interval: - rank ordered attributes

    - distance between order is relevant and standard

    - NO true zero

    ex | opinions (strongly agree thru strongly disagree), IQ, temperature

    Ratio: - rank ordered attributes

    - distance between order is relevant and standard

    - measures are based on a true zero point

    ex | Age, number of children, income

  • 8/7/2019 Study Guide Exam 2 CMST 300


    Reliability: an instrument consistently measures the variable of interest.Do we get the same

    results each time?

    Methods of Measurement Reliability

    - Test-Retest Method: make the same measurement more than once; you should expect the same

    response both times

    - Alternative-Form Method: develop two different forms or versions of the same measure from the

    same pool of measurement items

    - Internal Consistency Method: the various items in a given measure should correlate positively with

    one another

    Split-half reliability creating two sets of equal measures, in order to be reliable the two sets

    would correlate highly with each other

    Item-total reliability used with questionnaire measures, measuring each item with the total


    - Use Established Measures: using measures that have proven their reliability in previous research

    -Assessing Reliability of Research Workers: verification of information, replication of codes by several

    coders, inter-observer or inter-coder agreement

    - Reliability coefficients: statistical comparison, reliability coefficient can range from a value of 0 to 1.00;

    researchers hope to produce reliability coefficients as close to 1.00

    Validity: -does the empirical measure observe what it purports to observe?

    -Are we measuring what we say were measuring?

    -Does the measure appropriately (adequately and accurately)reflect the meaning of the concept?

    Methods of Measurement Validity

    Content Validity -how well a measure covers the range of meanings or dimensions included

    within the concept

    -it is addressed in two ways:

    - Face Validity does it work with our common agreements?

    ex. | the number or grievances filed, we agree that has to do with

    morale; but the number of library booked checked out, we cannot agree

    that has to do with morale

    - Expert Panel Validity a group of experts in the area evaluates a

    measures adequacy

  • 8/7/2019 Study Guide Exam 2 CMST 300


    Criterion Validity -how well a measure relates to some external criterion

    - it is addressed in two ways:

    -Predictive Validity a measure must demonstrate that it predicts

    future behavior; does it actually predict?

    -Concurrent Validity comparison to an established measure

    Construct Validity -based on the logical relationships among variables

    -Convergent Construct Validity measure correlates positively with

    measure of theoretically related variable

    -Discriminant Validity measure correlated negatively with related


    Representational Validity - are the categories meaningful to those being studied?

    How are reliability and validity related?

    In order for an instrument to be valid, it must also be reliablebut A reliable instrument is not necessarily valid.