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Student’s Booklet

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Student’s Booklet

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© Hellenic American Union 2015

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Terms and Guidelines ...........................................................................................................................................4

2015-2016 Essay Contest Task............................................................................................................7

Useful Links ..............................................................................................................................................................................8

What Plagiarism Is and How to Avoid It....................................................................10

Writing Guidelines ................................................................................................................................................11

Listening Section .....................................................................................................................................................13

Vocabulary Activities ........................................................................................................................................18

ECCE Vocabulary Section .......................................................................................................................20

Grammar Activities ..............................................................................................................................................21

ECCE Grammar Section ................................................................................................................................23

ECCE Reading Section ....................................................................................................................................25

ECCE Speaking Section ................................................................................................................................29

C o n t e n t s

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© 2015 Hellenic American Union. These materials are photocopiable for classroom use.4

Rationale The Hellenic American Union appreciates the importance that students place on using time in the English classroom to prepare for language certification examinations. At the same time we see the process for preparing for examinations as an opportunity for students to enrich their knowledge about important global issues and international concerns.This process of enrichment in turn facilitates learning. We believe that students most effectively develop their language skills within an authentic context and there is no better context than the world in which they live-their urban and natural environment, whether local or global.Apart from preparing candidates to successfully take language tests, we want to use education to help students become responsible, engaged, global citizens. With these educational objectives in mind, we have organized the fifth Essay Contest. This contest is open to all students attending English Language Schools throughout Greece.

Essay Contest ObjectivesThe Hellenic American Union Essay Contest is geared to students of English who are approaching a B2 level. Through the essay contest the Hellenic American Union aims to: help students develop their writing skills help students express their ideas creatively in a

learning context provide teachers of English with an additional teaching

tool that will enhance their students’ knowledge of the English language

help candidates prepare for the University of Michigan Examination for the Certificate of Competency in English (ECCE)

raise awareness of cultural, social and environmental issues of national and global concern

Essay Contest StagesThere are two stages to the annual Essay Contest, the Preliminary stage and the Final stage.

Preliminary stageThe Preliminary stage of the essay contest runs for approximately five months, September to February. During that stage, Language Schools register for the contest and submit entries for their students. After the essay submission deadline the Hellenic American Union Rating Committee selects ten (10) finalists who go through to the Final stage.

Final stageThe Final stage of the Essay Contest is a writing event for the ten finalists selected from the Preliminary stage. The finalists are given a new topic on which they write an original essay of approximately 200-250 words in 30 minutes. The finalists are invited, with their parents and teachers, to the Hellenic American Union in Athens for the final writing event.

EligibilityThe contest is open to students enrolled in Language Schools throughout Greece that have registered with the Hellenic American Union and have been given a School Code. To enter the contest, students from these schools must: NOT possess a B2 level (or above) English language

certificate be preparing for the May 2016 University of Michigan

Examination for the Certificate of Competency in English (ECCE)

fully understand and unconditionally agree to the terms of the contest

The contest is NOT open to: Hellenic American Union employees and their

relatives students who attend any Hellenic American Union

course during the academic year 2015-2016

Contest Requirements At the Preliminary stage essays must be between 200

and 250 words. Those contestants selected for the Final stage will be asked to write an original essay of approximately 250 words on a new topic.

Hellenic AmericAn Union 8tH essAy contest 2015-2016 Healthy food for healthy living: A revolution that starts at school

terms And gUidelines

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Contestants must produce an original essay without any guidance from any other party. All information borrowed from sources in any form must be appropriately documented and acknowledged. Any evidence of plagiarism will result to the immediate disqualification of the submission.

Contestants must write on the official topic of the contest.

Contestants must write on the official writing paper of the contest.

Each contestant must submit only one essay in the contest.

Essays may be word-processed, typewritten or legibly handwritten.

To be awarded their prizes all prize winners must take the University of Michigan Examination for the Certificate of Competency in English (ECCE) that will be held in May 2016.

Contest Policies All entries not in compliance with any one of the

contest requirements will be disqualified. All entries must be submitted by March 1, 2016.

The Hellenic American Union is not responsible for misdirected, lost, late, illegible, or incomplete submissions.

Decisions of the Hellenic American Union Administration and the Hellenic American Union Rating Committee are final and irrevocable.

Essays will not be rescored on any account and, therefore, rescore requests will not be accepted.

By entering the contest, contestants agree that their essay will become the property of the Hellenic American Union and will not be returned.

The Hellenic American Union reserves the right to print and display the essays and/or photographs of contest winners.

The Hellenic American Union undertakes to cover travel and accommodation costs (one night accommodation and travel for two persons) for all contestants who have been selected to participate in the final writing event with the exception of those living in the prefecture of Attica.

In the event that extraordinary circumstances prevent the Hellenic American Union from holding the

scheduled final writing event, the Hellenic American Union reserves the right to cancel the event or reschedule it at a later date.

Note: Being a finalist or winning the contest does not guarantee success in the ECCE examination.

Assessment and rating criteria All submitted essays will be judged by the Hellenic

American Union Essay Contest Rating Committee. The Rating Committee consists of writing experts and a senior member of the Examinations Services Department serving as Committee Chair.

All essays will be rated according to a rating scale based on a set of designated scoring criteria.

Essays are NOT scored following the ECCE scoring criteria.

Essays are scored by two raters. The scores from both raters are added to give the final score for each candidate.

No essays will be rescored.

Prizes The Hellenic American Union will award the following prizes:

1st Prize: iPhone 5s 2nd – 3rd Prizes: €100 gift voucher 4th – 10th Prizes: Books & Dictionaries

Accepting any of the prizes constitutes permission for the Hellenic American Union to make public and use the winner’s name, photograph, city of residence and submitted work for publicity purposes without further compensation.

Contestants selected to participate in the final stage of the contest who fail to attend the final writing event, will not be entitled to another opportunity to write the final essay and win one of the 1st to 10th Prizes.

Important datesRegistration starts: September 16, 2015Registration deadline: February 1, 2016Essay submission deadline: March 1, 2016

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2015-2016 essAy contest tAsK Healthy food for healthy living: A revolution that starts at school

THE CITY MESSENGERLast week, a spokesperson for the local school and education authorities announced that at the beginning of the new school year in September, schools of the region will offer their students healthy food options. These options will be included in the menus of canteens and restaurants located on school premises. The menus will be specially prepared by a distinguished chef who will be cooperating closely with the local school board, and healthy meals will be available to all students at a low price. The spokesperson said that the objective of the new program is to start a nation-wide campaign promoting a healthy diet for school-age children that will hopefully become a part of their everyday lives.

This year’s Essay Contest is ‘Healthy food for healthy living: A revolution that starts at school’. Working through this booklet will give you ideas and tips for writing the essay. Do the activities over the following pages with your teacher before attempting to write the task below.

Task: EssayMany people believe that healthy nutrition should be a part of everyone’s life from a very early age starting at school. Many schools around the world have started making healthy food available to their students during the school day. What are the reasons for the introduction of healthy foods to school restaurants and canteens? Explain your views giving specific examples.

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Below is a list of web links to videos, web sites, articles, and blogs related to this year’s Essay Contest topic. You can use the information found on these sites as references for your actual essay or as a part of your classroom practice under the guidance of your teacher.


Healthy back to school lunches and after school snack ideas A video on great lunch and snack ideas presented by a high school student

Understanding food and nutrition (part 1 & part 2) Two very informative video ‘lessons’ on the role of food and nutrition in our life

5 healthy back to school lunch ideas! Tips on healthy food ideas shared by an enthusiastic teenager

Food based vs synthetic vitamins An interesting video ‘lesson’ explaining the difference between these two types of vitamins

“Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution” (The unhealthiest city in America...) A short video briefly presenting Jamie Oliver’s ‘revolution’ to save the unhealthiest city in America

The top 5 food mistakes most teens make and how to fix them A video focusing on teen nutrition and teenagers’ most common nutrition mistakes

What is a calorie? A short cartoon-like video explaining what calories are exactly

The big fat truth about low fat foods A 57-minute video with a model, TV presenter and former Miss Northern Ireland revealing how … ‘healthy’ low fat foods are!

What not to eat, bad food & healthy alternative foods | PsycheTruth weight loss & nutrition A video on the kind of food we should avoid and the various alternative options we have


thisHealthy schools Why good nutrition at school seems to be today more important than ever

Schools - supporting healthy eating in schools canteens and other school food services are an essential part of the school environment

Dangerous having food in NTU canteen (blog) A blog written by a student who worries about her school canteen

School canteens still selling banned soft drinks and fried food An article about some school canteens selling banned food

Your diet, your health About the connection between what we eat and how we feel

10 benefits of eating healthy The importance of eating healthy food on a regular basis

Nutrition: how to make healthier food choices A number of ways to make healthier food choices

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Smart snacking Healthy eating for teenagers … pressured by their hectic schedule

The top 10 healthy foods The top ten foods considered to be the best for your health

Healthy food IS more expensive. So now what? Why eating a healthy diet could mean lower health care costs

Why healthy eating causes that uncomfortable feeling Why a drastic change in diet can lead to short-term discomfort

‘Water enhancers’ don’t live up to name About how unhealthy and ‘fake’ water enhancers may be

Overview of food ingredients, additives & colors About the various types of ingredients added to the food we consume

Vitamins and minerals About why vitamins and minerals are essential nutrients your body needs


Quiz: Test Your Nutrition IQ nutrition quiz providing you with useful information on nutrition

Healthy eating quiz multiple choice quiz checking how much you know about healthy eating

Vocabulary exercise: food vocabulary vocabulary quiz on the food we consume with visuals to be labelled, words to be unscrambled and foods to be categorised

Grammar – Food quantifiers of food quantifiers followed by a grammar quiz

Online English vocabulary exercise: Food/Cooking 5 brief exercise on vocabulary related to food and cooking

Adjectives for describing food – Vocabulary and grammar useful list with examples of adjectives used to describe the taste and texture of food

Upper intermediate listening – How to eat a healthier diet lesson about healthy eating: a warm up stage with personal questions, a listening stage based on a short video and a post-listening stage with reflection and evaluation questions

The great British menu: fish and chips – Listening comprehension short listening comprehension task based on a short video on ‘fish and chips’

Adjectives for describing food preparation and cooking useful list of adjectives with examples for talking about preparing and cooking food

Food adjectives – Vocabulary and example sentences useful list of food adjectives with examples to describe the taste, condition and other properties of food

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WHAt plAgiArism is And HoW to Avoid itWhat is plagiarism?

1. The unauthorized or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one’s own original work.

2. Something used and represented in this manner.

Why is avoiding plagiarism important?

When we write we come across other people’s ideas: we read them in texts, discuss them in class, and sometimes we wish to put these ideas into our own writing. As a result, it is very important that we tell our readers where we found these ideas. Plagiarism is using other people’s ideas and words without clearly informing your reader about the source of that information.

Some terms you need to know

Common knowledge: Facts that can be found in numerous places and are likely to be known by a lot of people.

Summarizing: Taking a lot of information and presenting it in fewer words using only the main points of the original text.

Paraphrasing: Using someone’s ideas, but putting them in your own words. Although you use your own words to paraphrase, you must still ‘acknowledge’ the source of the information.

Acknowledging information sources: Providing the link you used to get the information you included in your essay.

How can you avoid plagiarism? Use your own words and original ideas in your essay. Collect information, if you wish, on the topic by reading various articles and other publications but DO NOT

copy any of this information in your essay without properly summarizing or paraphrasing it. Acknowledge the source where you found the information by putting the link you used at the end of your

essay. DO NOT present another person’s essay written on the same topic as yours. Work closely with your teacher in the classroom on how to produce an original essay.

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Writing gUidelinesGeneral Guidelines

Contestants must write on the official topic, prompt, and task of the contest. Contestants must write on the official writing paper of the contest. Essays must be word-processed or legibly handwritten.

Writing Tips

Read the prompt very carefully and underline key words that will help with the understanding of the topic and the context.

Read the task very carefully, relate it to the prompt and understand its requirements. Brainstorm for ideas, examples, and organization. Follow a logical order of development (position/claim,

reasons/points, examples). Do not copy or use language directly from the prompt. Paraphrase or think of synonyms of key words and

expressions. Use a mixture of both simple and complex sentences. Express yourself clearly avoiding translation from your mother tongue. Use appropriate connectors and linking devices to ensure the smooth flow of the essay.

Suggested Development

Contestants may develop their essays using the following suggested structure:

Introduction (1 paragraph) • Introduce the topic – general reference to issue • Refer to specific issue under discussion • Make a specific claim/position/thesis on the issue

Main body (2-3 paragraphs) • Write 2-3 paragraphs each developing one of the main points included in the claim/position/thesis • Begin each body paragraph with a topic sentence referring to the particular argument under discussion • Link the main body paragraphs using appropriate transitional devices • Use specific examples to illustrate the arguments developed in each main body paragraph

Conclusion (1 paragraph) • Restate claim/position/thesis • Summarize main points – the causes – developed in the main body

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© 2015 Hellenic American Union. These materials are photocopiable for classroom use. 13

listening sectionDo not begin this section until the examiner has played the recording of these instructions and example.

LISTENING TEST, PART 1This is a test of your ability to understand spoken English. You will hear short conversations. After you hear each conversation, you will be asked a question about what you heard. The answer choices in your test booklet are shown as pictures.

Here is an example:



The correct answer is B.

You will hear each conversation only once; the conversations will not be repeated. Please be very quiet and listen carefully. You should mark A, B, or C. There are 10 questions in Part 1.

Do you have any questions before you begin?

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listening section, pArt 1

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listening section, pArt 1

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In this part of the test, you will hear two short talks. After each talk, you will hear some questions about it. Before each talk begins, you will have time to preview the questions that are printed in the booklet.

• Read the questions silently.• Then listen to the talk. You can take notes in the booklet.• Then listen to each question and choose the best answer from the answer choices.• You should mark A, B, C, or D.

There are a total of ten questions about the two talks.

Questions 1-5

Look at the questions. Then listen to a speaker talking about ‘Healthy eating and what teenagers need to remember’.

1. For the speaker, what is the main benefit of healthy eating?

a. It usually helps the human body to grow properly b. It is associated with the quantity of food we consume c. It is closely related to our current lifestyle d. It is a prerequisite for developing properly

2. When referring to ‘starchy food’, what does the speaker stress?

a. That it should make up approximately one third of our daily meals

b. That it helps us to be healthy and lose weight c. That it makes our meals tastier d. That it helps us to fight off diseases

3. What does the speaker mean when he says: The speaker means that protein, vitamins and minerals …

a. are all vital for the human body b. may prove helpful to recover from diseases c. help the human body recover sooner from various diseases d. can affect our health if not balanced in our daily meals

4. According to the speaker, when is a diet ‘healthy’?

a. When it is varied and based on fresh food b. When it is varied and high in vitamins c. When it is balanced and high in calories d. When it is balanced and based on a number of food groups

5. What is the purpose of this talk?

a. to inform its listeners about recent scientific findings on ‘healthy eating’

b. to highlight the short-term consequences of ‘healthy eating’ c. to persuade even more teenagers to turn to ‘healthy eating’ d. to encourage teenagers to consume more food


listening section, pArt 2

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Questions 6-10

Look at the questions. Then listen to an expert talking about our nutrition and how dangerous too much salt may be.

6. According to the speaker, why do some people seem to like salt?

a. It is available in many different types nowadays b. It can be found almost everywhere c. It is recommended by chefs worldwide d. It adds flavor to food

7. Why shouldn’t people overdo it with salt, based on the expert’s talk?

a. It can cause high or low blood pressure b. The food we consume does not need salt c. Only a quarter of the food we consume daily needs salt d. A quarter of the types of salt available is not healthy or safe

8. What health complications can too much salt cause, according to experts?

a. Complications to different parts of the body b. Complications to the stomach and heart c. Complications to the heart and kidneys d. Complications to the kidneys

9. Which of the following have experts found to be very high in salt?

a. Canned food b. Canned fish c. Smoked meat d. Processed food

10. What does the speaker suggest about food high in salt?

a. That it is as unhealthy as the food we sprinkle salt over b. That it is a little healthier than the food we sprinkle salt over c. That it goes bad sooner than other kinds of food d. That it may be more difficult to conserve


listening section, pArt 2

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Activity 1Instructions: Write the correct word in the space before its definition. There may be more than one definition for each word.

• pomegranate • grain • artichoke • dill • nut • eggplant • legume • lettuce • pear • antioxidant • cereal • additive • cauliflower • garlic • yolk • cabbage • poultry • ginger • preservative • liver

1. A substance used to keep foods from going bad or spoiling.

2. Any of the family of plants that grow their seeds and fruit in pods such as beans and peas.

3. A sweet, juicy fruit that is shaped like a bell.

4. A plant with large, crisp leaves that can be eaten.

5. A plant grown for its dark purple, oval fruit, which is eaten as a vegetable.

6. A vegetable with large green or purple leaves that form a round head.

7. A large, reddish brown organ in the body that has many functions. The cleans the blood, stores energy and nutrients, and helps the body digest fats. It is found at the top of the abdomen.

8. A substance added to another substance in small amounts to change or improve it.

9. A plant whose grains are used for food, such as wheat, oats, rice, or rye.

10. A plant with a flower-head head, made up of thick leaves. The head of the is eaten as a vegetable.

11. Chickens, turkeys, and other birds that are raised for their meat and eggs.

12. An aromatic herb of the celery family, or its fine leaves or seeds used as flavoring or medicine.

13. The root of a tropical plant, used as a spice to flavor food.

14. A red fruit with many seeds. The seeds are in a juicy pulp and can be eaten.

15. A substance that prevents or slows down oxidation, sometimes used to combat the deterioration of rubber or soaps.

16. The small hard seeds of cereal plants such as wheat or rice. is used for food and often ground into flour.

17. A strong smelling plant related to the onion. Its bulbs are used for seasoning.

18. A dry seed or fruit made up of a kernel or meat contained in a hard, tough shell. The kernel or meat of a is often used as food.

19. The yellow part of an egg. The feeds the baby bird until it is hatched. People use egg in many food dishes.

20. A plant that bears a large head of firm white flowers that can be eaten. is related to the cabbage plant.

vocABUlAry Activities

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vocABUlAry ActivitiesActivity 2Fill in the gaps using the most suitable word from the list below.

1. a. stir b. cut c. toss d. mix

2. a. whole b. full c. straight d. cut

3. a. flour b. oil c. vinegar d. juice

4. a. pinch b. portion b. piece d. part

5. a. complex b. ready c. unique d. simple

6. a. board b. wood c. plate d. utensil

7. a. seeds b. stones c. pips d. skin

8. a. liquid b. juice c. water d. fluid

9. a. apart b. over c. into d. out

10. a. greens b. leaves c. plants d. roots

Evolution Tomato Salad Simple steps

Step 1: Cut the tomatoes into fairly even-sized chunks on a chopping board – (1) the larger tomatoes into wedges, big cherry tomatoes in half and leave the little ones (2) .

Step 2: Place the tomatoes in a mixing bowl.

Step 3: Add the extra virgin olive oil, balsamic (3) , and a tiny (4) of salt and pepper.

Step 4: Stir together to coat, then either skip straight to step 9 for a (5) tomato salad, or continue on to step 5 to evolve the salad further.

Step 5: Place the olives onto a chopping (6) , squash them with the heel of your hand, pull out and discard the(7) , then roughly chop them and add them to the bowl.

Step 6: Drain the cannellini beans in a sieve over the sink (save the rest for another recipe), rinse under cold (8) , shake dry and add to the salad.

Step 7: Toss everything together well.

Step 8: Drain the tuna in a sieve over the sink, then flake it (9) with a fork and scatter over the salad.

Step 9: Pick the basil (10) , discarding the stalks, tear them over the salad, then serve.

Source: 702/FV_32_Tomatoes.pdf

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1. I really like working out with Tim. He always me when I feel that I cannot make it.

a. urges b. recommends c. encourages d. attempts

2. I’m very thirsty after all the work I’ve done in the school cafeteria today. May I have some more


a. juice b. juices c. refreshment d. fluid

3. I’d like to have this birthday cake to this address by 7 p.m. tonight.

a. delivered b. provided c. supplied d. introduced

4. He always changes recipes because he’s a very cook.

a. approximate b. creative c. characteristic d. illustrated

5. I worked out a lot today. I’m .

a. worn out b. tied up c. shut off d. hung up

6. He complained about the money he was charged to join the gym, but his health is really much more.

a. possible b. assured c. certain d. worth

7. Susan wouldn’t take sides in the argument. She just remained .

a. widespread b. neutral c. proportional d. accurate

8. Ashley’s upside-down pineapple cake was the winning of the food contest.

a. prescription b. receipt c. recipe d. reception

9. Before you add the onion, make sure it’s cut in very small pieces and the frying pan is heated.

a. skin b. chopped c. trimmed d. peel

10. Anna’s cheesecake is made with low-fat cheese and added yogurt instead of fresh crème. It’s definitely a healthier .

a. helping b. portion c. preference d. choice

ecce vocABUlAry sectionChoose the correct answer a, b, c or d.

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Activity 1: Text EditingYou’ve been asked to work in groups and edit an article about the Internet for your school electronic newspaper. Your task is to find and correct the 15 grammar mistakes and then submit it to the chief editor.

grAmmAr Activities

It’s almost that time of year again to don your apron and affect change through food. That’s right, Food Revolution Day, Jamie global day of action, is coming up in May 15, and this year it’s all about getting practical food education on the school curriculum. The day is a celebration to food education, focused on teaching kids about where their food come from, how to cook it, and how it effects their bodies.

With the fourth annual Food Revolution Day, Jamie is taking his day of action one step further by launch his biggest campaign ever – a global petition to include practical food education in the school curriculum.

At March 29th, Jamie launched the petition with to persuade governments of G20 countries to provide their nations’ child with the basic ‘human right’ of food education at school.

On the petition launch at the Sydney Opera House following his Revolution LIVE event, Jamie said: “I’ve been campaigning in different countries for a while now and we’ve began to see real change in some countries with cook lessons in schools, but now I’m taking it global.”

“Obesity is preventable and I believe that by educate our children about food and where it comes from and how cook it and how to shop, we can turn the tide on the obesity epidemic that affects most of the world on 2015.”

Speaking about his global petition, Jamie said: “This petition is a way to give a voice to everyone who care about the future health of our children.”

Activity1b: Parts of Speech. The words in the table below are taken from the text you have just read. Can you now find the corresponding parts of speech (if applicable)?




preventable -revolution -

- epidemic

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Activity 2 Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition. Some prepositions can be used more than once.

• to • of (x2) • for (x3) • in (x2) • on (x2)

Early consequences of teen eating disorders

Signs and symptoms vary, depending (1) the type

(2) eating disorder. Be alert (3) eating patterns and

beliefs that might signal unhealthy behavior, as well as peer pressure that may

cause eating disorders. Some red flags that might indicate an eating disorder


• Skipping meals, making excuses (4) not eating or eating in


• Excessive focus (5) food and healthy eating

• Persistent worry or complaining about being fat and talk (6)

losing weight

• Frequent checking (7) the mirror for perceived flaws

• Repeatedly eating large amounts of sweets or high-fat foods

• Use of dietary supplements, laxatives or herbal products (8)

weight loss

• Excessive exercise

• Regularly going (9) the bathroom after eating

• Eating much more food in a meal or snack than is considered normal

• Expressing depression, disgust, shame or guilt (10) eating


grAmmAr Activities

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1. Students how to use the vending machine at the school cafeteria must ask for help.

a. who do not know b. whose knowledge of c. which have not known d. that have no knowledge

2. My teachers were excited because an old student of was coming to school to talk to us about nutrition.

a. their b. they c. them d. theirs

3. I wouldn’t have come to the school cafeteria yesterday if I there would be no vegetarian choice on the menu.

a. knew b. had known c. would know d. were knowing

4. There are a lot of restaurants in California be interesting to visit while on our school trip.

a. would b. which would c. which they would d. they would

5. Our school dietitian in October.

a. is her book published b. her book is to publish c. book will be published d. had her book published

6. I tried to tell her why I dislike vegetables, but she wouldn’t listen .

a. of my explaining b. to my explanation c. to my explain d. for my explanation

7. A balanced with regular exercise could be extremely effective if you want to lose weight.

a. combination b. combined c. combining d. combine

8. his inexperience in preparing healthy meals, his application was not successful.

a. Because of b. Without c. In spite of d. Although

9. My cousin must stop full-fat milk because it makes him sick.

a. to drink b. drinks c. he drinks d. drinking

10. I would have preferred to visit the Natural History museum after lunch.

a. having eating b. having eaten c. had eaten d. eaten

ecce grAmmAr sectionChoose the correct answer a, b, c or d.

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This passage is about the impact of a chef on people’s nutrition and school canteens.

Students and their parents are usually grateful to teachers. This time they are grateful to a chef, Jamie Oliver, the young Essex-born chef, who was ridiculed on television a few years ago when he announced that he would transform people’s health. No one took him seriously then and everyone made fun of him when he later added that he would even introduce ‘healthy food’ to school canteens in the UK.

A few years have passed ever since, and quite a few things have happened: Jamie’s menus have been introduced to a great number of schools, the number of students eating canteen meals has increased in spite of the rise in the price of school lunches, national standards for meals have been introduced, junk food has been banned from vending machines, salt has been removed from canteen tables, and the use of butter for sandwiches has been reduced to a minimum. More importantly, in these schools the number of days students were off sick has been reduced by approximately 15%, cases of absenteeism have fallen, and students’ test results have improved. Sheer coincidence?

Jamie believes that healthy food has a long-lasting impact on all of us and directly affects our quality of life and productive capacity. That is why he intends to continue his healthy food campaign for better school food. He seems to have convinced the people around him: more than 100,000 supporters have already agreed to stand by him by signing a petition and some months ago more than 7.5 million viewers watched his food show on television…

A round of applause for Jamie? Well done, Jamie, and keep it up!

1. What is the main purpose of the text?

a. To inform the reader about Jamie’s achievements

b. To convince the reader to support Jamie Oliver c. To warn the reader about unhealthy food d. To advertise certain schools in the UK

2. What does the word ‘banned’ in the second paragraph, line 4, mean?

a. Bought b. Removed c. Prohibited d. Exported

3. What is inferred by the last sentence of the second paragraph?

a. That the results were not as successful as planned

b. That the results were not due to chance only c. That the results were not final at that stage d. That the results were not encouraging

4. What is TRUE about Jamie’s campaign?

a. It has affected all UK schools b. It has greatly improved quality of life in the UK c. It has improved food standards in all UK

canteens d. It seems to have more and more supporters

5. What does the last sentence of the text suggest?

a. That the author of the text supports Jamie’s efforts

b. That the author of the text partly supports Jamie’s efforts

c. That the author of the text thinks Jamie needs to try harder

d. That the author of the text thinks Jamie needs to approach more people

ecce reAding section, pArt 1

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Food additives‘Food additives’ are designed to preserve foods, make them safer, and even enhance their taste and appearance. Interestingly, as official statistics from the United Nations highlight, without the use of food additives, half of the food produced worldwide would be lost.

However, additives have even more benefits: they also reduce the need for land, water and energy, for instance while transporting food from place to place or storing food in warehouses.

Among the most common additives appearing on canned food labels are ‘food colorings’ which add color to food or make food more attractive, ‘flavors’ that give a particular taste or smell to food, ‘preservatives’ that prevent spoilage of food, and ‘stabilizers’ that give food a ‘firmer’ aspect.

Sadly enough, food additives have proved not to be as safe as claimed, and international government officials still have a long way to go to regulate their use.

What are we waiting for?As a parent, I am concerned about a recent report from nutrition experts. Last week, an Australian team of experts reconfirmed (once more, it’s not the first time!) that healthy school meals -i.e. fresh, organic food meals- do help students to be even more alert and active in class, concentrate much more easily for longer periods of time, and be less hyperactive. Such meals, according to the same experts, also provide students with an increased capacity to learn, something that seems to be the main reason why those particular students perform better at school.

So, what are we waiting for? Hasn’t the time come for school canteens and school restaurants to reconsider their menus and get rid of their unhealthy, sugary and fatty foods? Why doesn’t the local government do something about the poor quality of food in our schools? How about introducing some guidelines on healthy food and nutrition so that students do not end up obese and with related diseases?

A concerned parent

Dear Mrs Watson,

I would like to thank you for your kind words in Saint Elisabeth’s School newsletter recently. Let me assure you that we have always done our best to meet the very best standards for food preparation, storage and hygiene. Clearly, our ambition is to satisfy absolutely everyone, students and school staff alike.

As you have been informed, our canteen sells nothing but healthy food, ranging from low-fat milk and fruit juices to fruit salad, yoghurt with berries, vegetable sticks and whole grain bread.

Just like you, we believe that school canteens should play a major role in the life of school students as they reinforce their healthy eating and lifestyle behaviors. It is indeed excellent news that a few local schools are now following our steps.

A sincere thank you for publicly acknowledging our efforts and for your support.

Peter Borrow, Saint Elisabeth’s School Canteen Manager

ecce reAding section, pArt 2

Dear Northside School students!Remember our canteen offers

a wide variety of snacks prepared every day for your morning break

and a variety of hot and cold meals for your lunch break.

Remember, we support healthy eating and prepare delicious,

nutrition-rich foodat low prices.

We can send you our weekly menu every single week.

(contact Mrs Laura Grimsley if you are interested).

Our menus are reviewed monthly by an external agency

responsible for the food and drinks offered.

We look forward to serving you!

The canteen staff

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Question 6 refers to section A on page 26.

6. What is the main purpose of this text?

a. To convince students not to consume junk food b. To warn students about some canteen menu

changes c. To inform students about the low prices of the

canteen d. To advertise the food options of the canteen and

its services

Questions 7-8 refer to section B on page 26.

7. According to the text, what is NOT true about ‘food additives’?

a. They are used internationally for very valid reasons

b. They are used to make food taste ‘softer’ c. They make food look more beautiful d. They almost never appear on can labels

8. What does the last sentence of the text suggest? That international government officials …

a. are thinking of soon banning food additives b. are still doing experiments with food additives c. are worrying about the side effects of food

additives d. have not finalized any official documents on the

use of food additives

Questions 9-10 refer to section C on page 26.

9. What can be inferred from the above email?

a. That Peter Borrow seems to be paying attention to the image of his canteen

b. That Peter Borrow seems to be on good terms with the school principal

c. That Peter Borrow’s canteen is most probably brand new

d. That Peter Borrow knows Mrs Watson fairly well

10. What is TRUE about Saint Elisabeth’s School canteen?

a. It usually gives priority to healthy food b. It cooperates with an external agency c. It sells all sorts of foods d. It sells healthy food only

Questions 11-13 refer to section D on page 26.

11. In the second sentence of the first paragraph, what does the word ‘alert’ mean?

a. quiet b. positive c. cooperative d. ready to act

12. According to the writer, what should the local government do?

a. fund schools as soon as possible b. be the one to buy the foods for the canteens c. produce leaflets on nutrition, obesity and related

diseases d. issue helpful information on healthy eating

13. Which of the following reflects how the author of the blog probably feels?

a. at a loss b. hopeless c. worried d. optimistic

Questions 14-15 refer to sections A, B, C, or D.

14. Which sections reveal people preoccupied with healthy nutrition in their town or region?

a. Sections A and D b. Sections B and D c. Sections A, B and C d. Sections A, C and D

15. Which sections refer to the state and its duty to inform and protect the public?

a. Sections A and D b. Sections B and D c. Sections A and B d. Sections B, C and D

ecce reAding section, pArt 2

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SituationI am your friend and I have a problem. Find out what myproblem is and offer me some good advice.

First You should look at the pictures below and ask: • What is the problem? • What are some possible solutions to the problem? • What are the disadvantages of each solution?

ThenWhen you have all the information you need, explain which solution you think is best and why. You can create your own solution to the problem if you want. Be ready to explain why you didn’t choose the other solution. Remember to use information you learn from asking questions to explain your final choice.

Finally After you have shared your advice, you will be asked more questions about the topic.

ecce speAKing section

Option 1 Option 2

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