student elections: why you should run


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Post on 21-Mar-2016




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A guide to assist you with some background information on VUWSA and the positions available. It also provides you with some useful tips leading into the election campaign.


Page 1: Student Elections: Why You Should Run



Everything you need to know about:


Page 2: Student Elections: Why You Should Run







Page 3: Student Elections: Why You Should Run



During the Election period you will have the chance to develop a signifi cant number of skills which, whether you win or lose, will undoubtedly be of value to you in whatever you choose to do for a career.

Running an election campaign involves project management, time management, presentation skills, leadership, assertiveness, problem solving, creativity, personal discipline, and a wide range of other key skills.

How much you take advantage of this opportunity is up to you. It is a fact, however, that no candidate has ever won any election purely by just putting themselves forward, no matter how many friends they might think they have.

Whether you think you are the hot favourite, or have no chance, the reality is that at this stage pretty much everyone is even. Good luck and may the best person win.

In this information pack you will fi nd as much relevant information as we can muster on the VUWSA Elections. There may be some areas we have not mentioned so if you are unsure about anything or need more information then please ask.

It will be assumed, by the Returning Offi cer and VUWSA, that you have read all information within this document before campaigning starts and therefore ignorance of any of the detail will be no excuse if anyone lodges a complaint against you – so please take the time to read all applicable information.


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There are a number of paradoxes which are important to get your head around before you start:

1. It is the job of those running the campaign to make the playing fi eld as level as possible.

2. Every candidate tries to fi nd a way to get advantage over the other candidates.

3. Playing fi elds are never level, no matter what you do.

The Returning Offi cer will always try to ensure that any rulings made consider whether someone has deliberately tried to get unfair advantage in their actions. If this is the case then they will normally take action. This may include anything up to total disqualifi cation from the elections.

If it is the case that someone has a slight advantage, due to something like their current position or their membership of a particular club, then it is unlikely that this fact alone will be considered an unfair advantage.

The golden rule throughout the Elections is that if you are even slightly unsure of anything then please ask. I am here to assist you and to provide you with all the available tools and advice during your campaign. I wish you all the very best.

Good luck and happy campaigning!

Jamie Beckers

VUWSA Returning Offi cer


Page 5: Student Elections: Why You Should Run


The Executive is responsible for the strategic direction and governance of the Victoria University of Wellington Students’ Association (VUWSA). All are student representatives and must further the goals of VUWSA.


You help shape what it is and lead where it goes – and every year the student body at Victoria University of Wellington needs to elect other students to do the work and lead their Association on their behalf.

Whether it is the Clubs, Rep Groups and Societies, Campaigns, Welfare and Support Services or just representing our voice and interests to the Univer sity, the Government, or whoever else – VUWSA and Victoria’s students, really do need you.

They need you to stand up, to stand out and be bold enough to say what you want to happen – and then make it happen. These elections and being at the heart of VUWSA is you’re fi rst step to get there.

This guide will hopefully give you everything you initially need to know, but for more information then head to our website and read VUWSA’s Annual Report and latest Half-Year Report, or pop into our Kelburn offi ce.

It’s your Association– TAKE THE LEAD

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You probably don’t realise from day-to-day, but you benefi t constantly from work done by students and VUWSA.

When you play for a sports team, use a student discount, use the Rec Centre, pick up Salient, get the free bus between campuses, walk through the Student Union Building or use one of its meeting rooms, go to vicbooks, receive a course outline, hanging in the Hunter Lounge - everything has been directly shaped by VUWSA and the student leaders elected by students who lead it.

You will be amazed what a positive effect you can have on other students’ lives and the University.


One thing is true in today’s job market: your degree gets you onto the short list, but it’s your wider experiences that have added value to your education.

Being an elected student representative is the perfect chance to add something unique and meaningful to your CV, which can help impress future employers and help get that graduate job you want.


Budgets, communication, public speaking, fundraising, campaigning, press, politics and lobbying, sport, HR, business, law, volunteering - you name it, there is a useful and employable practical skill that you will learn that you just won’t get from your degree, or from the usual part-time work!

Why Should I RUN?

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We’re not kidding. You will govern an organisation with a 111 year old history and employer of nearly twenty staff who work in the best interests of students at Victoria. It is critical the best stand and run for election.

Why Should I RUN?

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The positions & WHAT THEY DO

THE VUWSA EXECUTIVEThe Executive is responsible for the strategic direction and governance of the Victoria University of Wellington Students’ Association (VUWSA). All are student representatives and must further the goals of VUWSA. The Executive holds offi ce for one year from January to December.


These positions are full and part-time and receive a salary (except the Treasurer).


The VUWSA President is the offi cial spokesperson for VUWSA and is responsible for ensuring that its strategic and constitutional goals are met. They represent students on dozens of Victoria University of Wellington committees including the University Council, Academic Board and the Joint Student Union Board, as well as the Government and the wider community. They are responsible to the VUWSA Executive and students for VUWSA’s operations (including Advocacy, Welfare, Representative services, Clubs, events, student media and all services provided by the VUWSA Offi ce).

✓ Full-time 40+ hours per week

✓ Salaried

You should run for this role if you:

• Have strong leadership skills and are able to oversee fellow Executive and Staff members and support their work as well as delivering your own.

• Want to ensure that VUWSA is as relevant and exciting as it can be for current students at Victoria.

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• Feel confi dent in being able to communicate with a range of different people from our students, the Vice-Chancellor and the University, to MPs, and the media.

• Want to take action on a range of issues that affect students at all levels.

• Are interested in making a real difference to Victoria students’ lives through the work of VUWSA.


The Vice-President (Academic) leads the VUWSA Academic Team and is responsible with the President for the strategic direction of VUWSA’s representative services. They advocate on behalf of students to the University on academic issues and represent students on various University committees including the Academic Board and Faculty Boards, and assist in the coordination of the Class Representative and Faculty Delegates systems. They also work closely with Representative Organisations including the Law Students’ Society, VicCom and STUDiO.

✓ Part-time 20 hours per week

✓ Salaried

You should run for this role if you:

• Want to ensure that the VUWSA is as relevant and exciting as it can be for current students at Victoria.

• Want to work closely and empower all student reps across the University including Class Reps, Faculty Board Reps and Academic Board Reps.

• Are able to identify areas of concern in students’ academic lives and take action to make those areas better for students.

• Want to ensure that Victoria is offering the best education that they can to students.

• Are confi dent about communicating to all levels of the University.

• Are interested in making a difference to the academic life of Victoria students.

The positions & WHAT THEY DO

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The Vice-President (Welfare) heads the Welfare Team and is responsible for VUWSA’s support services including the Advocacy Service, the Foodbank, Campus Angels and Free Flu Shots. They advocate on behalf of students to the University about issues relating to student support and welfare and represent students on various University committees including the Hardship Committee, Reduce Harm Committee, and the Student Services Levy Committee. They also work closely with Representative Organisations including UniQ, Can-Do, Women’s Group, and the Pasifi ka Students’ Council.

✓ Part-time 20 hours per week

✓ Salaried

You should run for this role if you:

• Want to ensure that the VUWSA is as relevant and exciting as it can be for current students at Victoria.

• Are interested in making a difference to Victoria students by supporting them through the whole of their University experience.

• Want to run initiatives that inform and support students about issues to do with health, lifestyle, balancing academic and social life and much, much more.

• Feel confi dent supporting students through diffi cult times. Are able to identify areas of concern and take action to make those areas better for students.

• Want to make sure that VUWSA and Victoria operates in an ethical, fair, inclusive and equal manner.


The Treasurer is responsible for the development of the annual VUWSA Budget. They Chair the Audit and Finance Committee which is responsible for the fi nancial oversight of VUWSA. They are tasked to ensure that VUWSA remains effi cient and accountable, through

The positions & WHAT THEY DO

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regular reporting and strong policy. They are also members of the Publications Committee, and the Sports and Cultural Councils, and sit on the VUWSA Trust.

✓ Part-time 10+ hours per week

✓ Honoraria

You should run for this role if you:

• Want the VUWSA to grow from strength to strength.

• Are interested in the bigger picture of how organisations work.

• Are interested in the fi nancial, legal and reputational health of the organisation.

• Enjoy communicating and discussing important issues.


All General Executive members are expected to attend Executive Meetings to represent the views of students. All members have shared governance and strategic leadership of VUWSA.

They are expected to attend all VUWSA and University meetings and assist with VUWSA events as required throughout the year, to get involved with VUWSA campaigns and to run their own initiatives with assistance as needed.

✓ Part-time 10+ hours per-week

✓ Honorarium

You should run for one of the roles below if you:

• Want to ensure that the VUWSA is as relevant and exciting as it can be for current students at Victoria.

• Are interested in making a difference to Victoria students by supporting them through the whole of their University experience.

The positions & WHAT THEY DO

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• Are able to identify areas of concern and take action to make those areas better for students.

• Are confi dent about communicating with students, clubs and members of the wider university community.

Education Offi cer

Works with the Vice-President (Academic) regarding matters of academic affairs with the University and VUWSA. They are tasked with supporting the training and support of all student representatives at Victoria and ensuring it provides a quality education for all students.

Welfare Offi cer

Responsible for ensuring that all students have equal access to services, support, academic success and participation opportunities at Victoria University. They assist the Vice-President (Welfare) with running events which promote student support such as the Free Flu Shots and other initiatives.

Activities Offi cer

Helps VUWSA ensure students have an outstanding student experience. They ensure that activities target affi liated student groups and assist and organise activities as delegated by the Executive on all campuses.

Clubs Offi cer

Works to ensure affi liated clubs on campus are well supported and have access to facilities and resources that help develop a vibrant campus culture. They help the Clubs and Events Manager to organise Clubs Week and to maintain contact between Clubs and the Executive.

International Offi cer

Advocates for an equitable University providing barrier-free education - especially for International students. They liaise between the Executive and the International Students’ Council and other cultural groups on and off campus and promote events that

The positions & WHAT THEY DO

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celebrate the international student community and experience at Victoria University.

Campaigns Offi cer

Responsible for ensuring VUWSA runs relevant, current and effective campaigns highlighting important student issues. They also plan and coordinate activities in conjunction with the Education Action Group and organise other forums and events promoting issues on campus.

Queer Offi cer

Works to advance the interests of Queer students both within the University and the wider community through advocating for equity and access. They liaise between the Executive, UniQ, and queer groups on and off campus and help run and assist events that raise awareness of queer issues.

Women’s Offi cer

Works to advance the interests of women both within the University and the wider community. Helps to organise and promote the Women’s Space, Women’s Fest and other campaigns like Thursdays in Black and other issues around equity and access.

Environment Offi cer

Focused on sustainability and providing cost-effective services for students, they also liaise between the Executive, environmental groups on campus and also at a national level. They help organise and promote environmental issues and events within the student community and at Victoria.

The positions & WHAT THEY DO

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PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEETwo students are elected to the Publications Committee which is responsible to the VUWSA Executive and is tasked with the oversight of Salient.

✓ Attend fortnightly meetings during term time

✓ No honoraria

You should run for this role if you:

• Want to oversee student media that engages students with VUWSA, the University and the wider community and see it grow from strength to strength.

• Are interested in the bigger picture of how Salient works.

• Are interested in the fi nancial, legal and reputational health of Salient.

UNIVERSITY COUNCILOne student is elected to the University Council along with the VUWSA President to represent students on the governing body of the University and is responsible for the strategic direction, resourcing and reputation of Victoria University of Wellington.

✓ Attend monthly meetings and workshops ✓ Honorarium

You should run for this role if you:

• Are able to identify areas of concern in students’ academic lives and take action to make those areas better for students.

• Want to ensure that Victoria is offering the best education that they can to students.

• Are confi dent about communicating at the highest level of the University.

• Are interested in making a difference to the academic life of Victoria students.

The positions & WHAT THEY DO

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Level 2, Student Union Building

(04) 463 6716

[email protected]