stress distribution in soils under static loading

SOIL MECIIANIC3 STRESS DISTRIBUTION IN SOILS UNDEI~ 3TATtC LOADING L. T, Abramov, I. M. Kryzhanovsk//, and A. G. Petrova UDC e24.131.52Z Although the problem of stress distribution in ~cils has been subject to an extensive theoretical and experimental study it cannot be considered solved as the resets obtained so far are rather contradictory, At the V. V. Kuibyshev Moscow "Order ot Banner o~ Lar-or - t~tvt| Engineering tnstttute, D. ~. Bara- r~ov, under direction of Prof. N. A. Tsttovich, made studies for stress measurement in s~ils and for the development of new strain gages, which allowed D. S. Baranov and L. M. Bobylev to devise a new strain gauge wlth hydraulic transformer. The strain gauges of this ~'pe allow measuring stresses insoils with nn accuracy of 5-7~, At the Soyuzdornli the authors performed experimen~l studies for stress measurements In soil. The coll. The soil trench where the tests were made was 4.5 m wide and 3 rn deep over a length of 24 m. "the floor of the trench consisted era naturally compacted sandy loam layer of more than 10 m thick and the walh, were built of concrete. T~.~ trench was filled with a sandy loam which had a grain size distribution as shown in T~ble I, The stresses in soil were determined under absolutely rigid bearing plates measuring 250, 358, 506, 716, 873, 1009, 1128, and 13~2 mm in diameter. The experi~e_,~ts were conducted by gradu:~lly increasing the loads from 0.2 to 2-4 kg/cm ~ in increments of 0.2 kg/cm :. "l'be load on a p~te was applied by a hydrau- llc Jack placed at the center of the plate with its ram pressL~g o~ a bearing frame of special c~nstructlon. The stresses in soil were measuredalongthepla~e axis at depths of 0.05, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0,9, 1.0, 1.2, and IA m from the bottom of the rigid plate. The strain g-~es were p!aced hurizontally, checked with a spirit level and connected to an automatic recorder AI-1; ~eir location in depth ~s determined by levelling. Before the tests all strain gauges were calibrated in a special calibrating tank and tn a press following a procedure suggested by D, S. Baranov. A curve ~as plotted for each strain gauge showing O,.erelationship between stress and At, where A/represented the difference bet'~*een the zero reading according to AI-I and TABLE I G,+t__.__~n .z__u ,, m.,__.~m -,,__+ ,m+.__r ,+i,,,,,+.b,,.,,ti.__._.._~ t.3+" ~r+___e,! l ll,S-- It,2:,...- O.O* -- ee'2 I ,-+ l.-+.l.+ I... I.+:_°I_. _+.o,1 o:,I:,:+I fABLE 2 +- : ,.,, 1.11 I.~ ." 1++:+ -. . ,,. De e,t o.4 t.e I,I~ O.~O l.el 1,01 O,~l 0,~41 I , ~ O.tll It.el 1,0+'I O,Se~ O.t,l 1,3] 1.311 1.01 1,:14 1,31 I.~ l+¢J I.PII l.l~ I.II I.~' II.M e.J I.e t.t [ 1,4 [ O.el, O.,~ -- m IIi. tso 0.41+ O.~ O.W + O.'It[ -- B.(4 0.7'qt; 0.41+ 0 O.~l, O,PS 0,+, 0,I? @,M -- 0,4~ O,l+ 41oi,) iO,+~l 0.4, 0,|9 I i I Fig. 1. Diagram showing position d strain gauges during calibration in the trench. w Tr~s~*.ed from Osnovaaiya, Fund3,menty i Mek~anika Grlmtov, No. 6, pp. I-3, November-Dc~.mber, 389

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Page 1: Stress distribution in soils under static loading




L . T, A b r a m o v , I . M. K r y z h a n o v s k / / , and A . G . P e t r o v a

UDC e24.131.52Z

Although the problem of s t r e s s distribution in ~cils has been subject to an extensive theoretical and exper imental study it cannot be considered solved as the r e s e t s obtained so far a re ra ther contradictory,

At the V. V. Kuibyshev Moscow "Order ot Banner o~ Lar-or - t~tvt| Engineering tnstttute, D. ~. Bara- r~ov, under direct ion of Prof . N. A. Tsttovich, made studies for s t r e s s measurement in s~ils and for the development of new strain gages, which allowed D. S. Baranov and L. M. Bobylev to devise a new strain gauge wlth hydraulic t r ans fo rmer . The s t ra in gauges of this ~'pe allow measuring s t r e s se s inso i l s with nn accuracy of 5 -7~ ,

At the Soyuzdornli the authors pe r fo rmed exper imen~l studies for s t ress measurements In soil. The coll. The soil trench where the tests were made was 4.5 m wide and 3 rn deep over a length of 24 m. "the f loor of the trench consisted era natural ly compacted sandy loam layer of more than 10 m thick and the walh, were built of concrete. T~.~ trench was filled with a sandy loam which had a grain size distribution as shown in T~ble I ,

The s t r e s s e s in soil were determined under absolutely rigid bearing plates measuring 250, 358, 506, 716, 873, 1009, 1128, and 13~2 mm in diameter. The experi~e_,~ts were conducted by gradu:~lly increasing the loads from 0.2 to 2-4 kg/cm ~ in increments of 0.2 kg/cm :. "l'be load on a p~te was applied by a hydrau- llc Jack placed at the center of the plate with its ram pressL~g o~ a bearing frame of special c~nstructlon.

The s t r e s s e s in soil were measuredalongthepla~e axis at depths of 0.05, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0,9, 1.0, 1.2, and IA m f rom the bottom of the rigid plate. The st ra in g - ~ e s were p!aced hurizontally, checked with a spi r i t level and connected to an automatic r e c o r d e r AI-1; ~ e i r location in depth ~ s determined by levelling. Before the tes ts all s t ra in gauges were cal ibrated in a special calibrating tank and tn a p ress following a procedure suggested by D, S. Baranov. A curve ~as plotted for each strain gauge showing O,.e relationship between stress and At, where A/represented the difference bet'~*een the zero reading according to AI-I and


G,+t__.__~n .z__u , , m.,__.~m -,,__+ ,m+.__r ,+i,,,,,+.b,,.,,ti.__._.._~ t..3+" ~r+___e,! l

• ll,S-- It,2:,...- O.O* -- ee'2 I ,-+ l.-+.l.+ I... I.+:_°I_. _+.o,1 o:,I:,:+I


+- : ,.,, 1.11 I .~ ." 1++:+

-. . ,,.


e,t o.4 t.e

I,I~ O.~O l .e l 1,01 O,~l 0,~41 I , ~ O.tll I t .el 1,0+'I O,Se~ O.t,l 1,3] 1.311 1.01 1,:14 1,31 I . ~ l+¢J I.PII l.l~ I.II I.~' II.M

e.J I .e t . t [ 1,4 [

O.el, O. ,~ - - m IIi. tso 0.41+ O.~ O.W + O.'It[ -- B.(4 0.7'qt; 0.41+ 0 O.~l, O, PS 0,+, 0,I? @,M - - 0,4~ O, l+ 41oi,) iO,+~l 0.4, 0, |9




Fig. 1. Diagram showing position d s t ra in gauges during calibration in the t rench.


T r ~ s ~ * . e d f r o m O s n o v a a i y a , F u n d 3 , m e n t y i M e k ~ a n i k a G r l m t o v , N o . 6 , p p . I-3, November-Dc~.mber,


Page 2: Stress distribution in soils under static loading

a} b) S e* O ~ ~J ~'lPkg/cm t

Fig. 2. Stress distribution in sandy loam, a) in relation to specific p r e s su re on plate, b) on different depths for plate d iameters des ig- nated as follows: x for 250 ram; A) 358 ram; O) 500 ram; A) 716 rara~ II) 873 ram; O) 1009 ram; @) 1128 rata; O) 1382 ram;

@ • •

o ...... L J

L j _ i : N T ~ : I I , ; ; j



the reading of the s t ra in gauge taken af ter a specific loading cycle . A di - rec t reLntionship between the loading and the s train gauge membrane de- formation was established on the basis of these c~xves. ? J t e r each se r i e s of tests an intermediate calibration of s train gauges was made. Moreover , the s train gauges were calibrated direct ly in the trench before eve ry tes t in accordance ~ t h the following procedure . The gauges were placed oa soil surface (Fig. 1) and covered with a 5 cra thick layer of sandy loafs consolidated by a v ibra tor . The plates with diameter ranging f re t s 506 to 716 mrs were careful ly g.-'ound into the tamped and straightened soil s u r - face and were loaded in s~ges increasing the p res su re f rom 0.5 to 3 kg/cm z in increments of 0.5 kg/tcra ~. The average ~ d r a t l e deviation of ca~brat lon data fr~ra ~ e computed s t r e s se s at the depth of 0.05 ra is

ce~ -- * ~ - - * L01%.

It was shown by experiments that for fine dusty sands with density ranging within 0.95 to 1.05 of the s tandard*, the repeated compression of soils under the plate had no effect on ei ther magnitude or t~:pe of s t r e s s d!strib~tion.

Zero readings were t ~ e n before loading the plate and the ~ubsequent

Fig. 3. S t ress distribution In homogeneous sell l~Ifsp~ce.

readings were taken five minutes niter each loading cycle , At the end of experiment the plate was completely unloaded and the last readings were taken which were e i ther equal or near to zero .

Altogether, fifty tests were ; ,erformed to study the pat tern of s t r e s s distribution in a s ingle- layer s y | - tern tinder the rigid pla tes .

~'Standard density Is the maximum density determined by the standard consolidation apparatws at the opti- mum water content of soi l ,

~ t i m u m water content is such at which the maximum density of soil is obtained with the leas t effort fo r consolidation.


Page 3: Stress distribution in soils under static loading

Fig. 4o Stress distribution In sandy Ioam un- der a layer of crushed limestone measuring 25-70 xnm (tests No. 261, 262, 265, 266, DtS 50 Cm)o 1) Theoretical curves according to Korsunskli; 2) measured stresse~.


I .X


US_= -=- %~

Fig. 5. Diagram showir~g equal v e ~ - cal s t resses ,

The tests were repeated from 3 to 16 times for each strain gauge depth, pressure , a~d plate diameter. The average s t ress values ¢ for dlffere~t depths were computed accordingly. T*ne values d a" for a bearing plate 1128 mm in diameter are given In Table 2,

The stress distribution curves in relati~)n to depth, specific pressure or dimes,stem d plate L,'ansmitt- Lug the pressure were pl~tted using the aterage values (Fig, 2).

To determLqe a general relationship of stress distr ibution in home~eneous halfsp~ce ~,e stresses ¢ , corresponding to certain relative depths h/R, were computed in percentage of specific pre~stn'e on plate

The th~.'~oretfcal curve for stress distrltmtion or, corresponding to h/R and plotted accord~r,~ to l~',e data of ~,L B. Korsunskll for a homogeneous haffspace* is shown on Fig. 3. Tl~e e x i ~ r i m e ~ l results (points) eharacterlz|ng the stress distribution at various depths which are close eno~_gh to Me ~retic~l eta're are also sho~'n on this d~agram. In this connection, it is possiblu to f.xmclude that, in gener-,~I, ~ e pattern of s t ress dlstributlon for varying depths in a homogeneous sandy loam coincides with ~ e s~re~s d ~ s t r ~ t l o s Ls aa el~stle homogeneous hal~spaeeo

To Investigate the pattern of stress distribution in a heterogeneous medium, layersolf crus~ed stone were placed over ~e sandy soil: selected granite crushed stone measuring from 5 to 15 mrn in layers elf 20, 30, 40,50, .~nd 60 era, crttshed limestone measuring up to 2,5 ram, and crushed Iimcstc~.e in grain s i~cs from 25 to 70 mm In a layer 1,5 cm thick, The strain g~ugcs were placed in the s:ndy soil a t depths of 0.05, 0,2, 0.4, 0,6, 0,8, 1,0, 1,2, and 1.4 m from the bottom of crushed stone la£ers ,

The stresses were measured under the 340, 358, `500 and 716 mm diameter pL~tt-ao TEe test results were processcd In the same way as those for single-layer systems.

The tests have shown that for the two--layer systems with the top layer consisting ¢& fine crushed s~ne , the stress distribution at various depths follows the same law as for a single-layer sys~era. A ce r - eals s tress conccntration was observed in the ccx',rse crushed stone measuring 25-70 mm ~ r the .~enter of the plate (Fig. 4).

In order to study the stress distribution beyond the limits of the plate in the b o m ~ ~ halfsp~Ceo • e plate, after the stresses were measured along the ~ l s , was moved to a new/x~si~o~ La s ~ h a way that Ra cen ter shifted 10 em from the verticaY where the strain gauges were placed° In this ca.~¢ ~ e stress* measurements were taken at 20, 30, 40 and 50 cm from the center of the plate. The maximum distance was assumed to be not less than the plate diameter,

• Computation of stresses and displacemenh~ at ~ho footing of the structure, cax~sing tm~orm vertit~a! pres- sure In soil ou circular area, Collection He. 55 Nil |om~datlons. Stroiizdat, Ie.GG4.


Page 4: Stress distribution in soils under static loading

The eu~'es ~in!ng potnt~ with equal stresses were plotted for the homogeneous half apace on the basis of t~st re:,ults (Fig. 5).

The following conclusions were re~tched on the ba~Is of performed tests=

I , The vertical stress distribution pattern arrived at ~ a result of experimeuts in the homogeneotm sand)' soil coincides with the theoretlcel stress dtstrlbutioa for elastic homogeneous hail'space.

2, The crushed stone layers o; two-layer syetemsandeoi1[s have the same distributing ability.
