std. x english board question paper: march 2015 · std. x : english board question paper: march...

396 Std. X : English BOARD QUESTION PAPER: MARCH 2015 Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80 SECTION I (Reading Skills, Vocabulary and Grammar) Q.1. (A) Read the following passage carefully and do the following activities: [10 marks] A1. True or False State whether the following statements are True or False. (2) i. This incident took place at night. ii. The men were trying to suffocate Antara’s mother. iii. Antara was out of the house when the four men entered her house. iv. The police station was opposite of the building. At 2:30 in the afternoon, Antara was taking a bath. Suddenly she heard an unusual commotion and came out. The sight that greeted her was that of four men, who had forced their way in, pinning her mother to the ground. They had pulled out guns, knives and choppers and were trying to suffocate her. “They put a gun to her head and were asking for the keys to the locker,” says Antara. Her first reaction was to help her mother. “Then I thought, how can I do that? They are fully armed,” she explains. She tried to retreat quietly to her bedroom and raise an alarm. But just as she was closing her bedroom door, one of the miscreants spotted her. He started hitting the door, trying to break it down. Antara quickly grabbed the phone. She called up the police control room, informed her father, who was away at work, and also rang her neighbours. She then opened the window and shouted for help. The watchman of the building and two constables from the police station right opposite the building, ran to their apartment. A2. Actions Write the following four actions that Antara did to save her mother. (2) i. ___________________. ii. ___________________. iii. ___________________. iv. ___________________. A3. Matching Match the following words with their correct meanings. (2) Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’ i. Commotion a. something that you do or say because of something has happened ii. Robber b. persons who have done something illegal or behaved badly iii. Reaction c. A person who steals from a place or a person iv. Miscreants d. Great noise or excitement A4. Language Study Do as directed. Choose the correct alternative of the following. (2) i. She heard an unusual commotion. (Choose the correct negative form of the above sentence and rewrite) a. She heard usual commotion. b. She heard not an unusual commotion. c. She did not hear an usual commotion. d. She do not heard an unusual commotion.

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Page 1: Std. X English BOARD QUESTION PAPER: MARCH 2015 · Std. X : English BOARD QUESTION PAPER: MARCH 2015 ... Board Question Paper : March 2015 ... Choose the correct alternative from


Std. X : English 

BOARD QUESTION PAPER: MARCH 2015 Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80

SECTION I (Reading Skills, Vocabulary and Grammar)

Q.1. (A) Read the following passage carefully and do the following activities: [10 marks] A1. True or False State whether the following statements are True or False. (2) i. This incident took place at night. ii. The men were trying to suffocate Antara’s mother. iii. Antara was out of the house when the four men entered her house. iv. The police station was opposite of the building. At 2:30 in the afternoon, Antara was taking a bath. Suddenly she heard an unusual

commotion and came out. The sight that greeted her was that of four men, who had forced their way in, pinning her mother to the ground. They had pulled out guns, knives and choppers and were trying to suffocate her. “They put a gun to her head and were asking for the keys to the locker,” says Antara. Her first reaction was to help her mother. “Then I thought, how can I do that? They are fully armed,” she explains. She tried to retreat quietly to her bedroom and raise an alarm. But just as she was closing her bedroom door, one of the miscreants spotted her. He started hitting the door, trying to break it down. Antara quickly grabbed the phone. She called up the police control room, informed her father, who was away at work, and also rang her neighbours. She then opened the window and shouted for help. The watchman of the building and two constables from the police station right opposite the building, ran to their apartment.

A2. Actions Write the following four actions that Antara did to save her mother. (2) i. ___________________. ii. ___________________. iii. ___________________. iv. ___________________. A3. Matching Match the following words with their correct meanings. (2)

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’ i.

Commotion a. something that you do or say because of something has happened

ii. Robber b. persons who have done something illegal or behaved badly

iii. Reaction c. A person who steals from a place or a person

iv. Miscreants d. Great noise or excitement A4. Language Study Do as directed. Choose the correct alternative of the following. (2) i. She heard an unusual commotion. (Choose the correct negative form of the above sentence and rewrite) a. She heard usual commotion. b. She heard not an unusual commotion. c. She did not hear an usual commotion. d. She do not heard an unusual commotion.

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Board Question Paper : March 2015

ii. She was closing her bedroom door, one of the miscreants spotted her. (Choose the proper use of ‘as soon as’ and rewrite)

a. She as soon as was closing her bedroom door one of the miscreants spotted her. b. As soon as she was closing her bedroom, one of the miscreants spotted her. c. She was closing her bedroom as soon as one of the miscreants spotted her. d. As soon as one of the miscreats spotted her, she was closing her bedroom. A5. Personal Response If Antara had called you on the phone what you would have suggested to help her? (2) (B) Read the following passage and do the following activities: [10 marks] B1. Complete Glance through the passage and complete the sentences. (2) i. You can recognize the flowers by _______. ii. You can recognize the birds by _______. iii. The world is like the greatest _______. iv. Children are unaware about the _______. I hope you will be more sensible and open your eyes and ears to this beauty and life

that surrounds you. Can you recognize the flowers by their names and the birds by their singing? How easy it is to make friends with them and everything in nature, if you go to them affectionately and with friendship. You must have read many fairy tales and stories of long ago. But the world itself is the greatest fairy tale and the story of adventure that was ever written. Only we must have eyes to see and ears to hear and a mind that opens out to the life and beauty of the world.

Grown-ups have a strange way of putting themselves in compartments and groups. They build barriers ……. of religion, caste, colour, party, nation, province, language, customs and of rich and poor. Thus they live in prisons of their own making. Fortunately, children do not know much about these barriers, which separate. They play and work with each other and it is only when they grow up that they begin to learn about these barriers from their elders. I hope you will take a long time in growing up…..

B2. Web Read the passage and complete the following web: (2) B3. Alphabetical Order Arrange the following words in the alphabetical order. (2) Sensible, surrounding, strange, separate.

Grown-upsbarriers about




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Std. X : English 

B4. Language Study i. Choose the correct passive voice from the given alternatives for the following

sentence: (2) You must have read many fairy tales. a. Many fairy tales must have been read by you.

b. Many fairy tales must had been read by you.

c. Many fairy tales must has been read by you.

d. Many fairy tales must be read by you. ii. Choose the correct option of the following: They live in prisons of their own making. (Select the proper question tag and rewrite) a. do they?

b. don’t they?

c. didn’t they? B5. Personal Response How do you react to your parent’s advice and instruction? (2) Q.2. (A) Read the following passage carefully and do the follwing activities: [10 marks] A1. Choose the correct alternative for the following questions: (2) i. How many calories does half of a kilo bananas contain? a. 560 b. 250

c. 300 d. 460 ii. What type of bananas are used in American and Asian kitchens? a. Cooked b. Uncooked

c. Boiled d. Steamed iii. How many varieties of banana are there? a. 200 b. 500

c. 270 d. 325 iv. How many leaves does each banana plant have? a. about 15 b. about 12

c. about 16 d. about 10 Banana is a wholesome food. It is made up of water (75%), sugar (20%), proteins (2%),

fats (1.5%), cellulose (1%), and other substances (1%). It also contains vitamins such as A, C, B1 and B2. It is quite a nourishing and easily digestible fruit. Half a kilo bananas contain 460 calories and are more nourishing than any other fruit. A type of flour is also made of dried banana. In American and Asian kitchens bananas are used uncooked in salads and with ice-creams. In Africa people thatch roofs of their huts with the banana leaves. The plant yields a kind of fibre which is used to make ropes.

There are over 200 varieties of banana belonging to about 30 species. They are never grown from the seed but are produced by planting of rhizome pieces. The new plants grow up amazingly fast from the buds. Its height varies between 5 to 30 ft. Each plant has about 10 large leaves and bears a single bunch of fruit. The banana leaves are about 6 to 7 ft. long and 1 to 2 ft. wide.

Today, the United States is the greatest buyer of bananas, consuming more than 60 million bunches every year.

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Board Question Paper : March 2015

A2. Web Complete the following web. (2) A3. Antonyms Find out opposite words from the passage for the following. (2) i. Slow ii. Uncooked iii. Indigestible iv. Short A4. Language Study (2) Choose the correct positive degree from the following alternatives for the following: i. United States is the greatest buyer. a. No other buyer is as great as United States. b. Very few buyers are as great as United States c. United States is greater than any other buyer. d. United States is a great buyer. ii. Choose the correct ‘Wh’ questions from the alternatives to get the underlined part as an

answer. Each plant has large leaves. a. What does each plant have? b. Why does each plant have? c. Who does each plant have? d. What do each plant have? A5. Personal Response Some people do not like bananas. (2) How would you explain them the usefulness of bananas? (B) Read the following passage carefully and do the following activities. [10 marks] B1. Complete Complete the following table picking answer from the text for the following. (2)

i. Lifeline of an elephant is its _______ _________________________

ii. The tip of the trunk is _______ _________________________ iii. The trunk is flexible and strong

because _______ _________________________ iv. A trunk acts like _______ _________________________

Elephant trunk is very important organ, without which it cannot exist. It may be called

as the lifeline of an elephant. It is as essential for the elephant as the hands are for us. It is an extension of the nose and upper lip. For elephant it performs the functions of hands, nose and lips. They have also developed a heavy head. Since a heavy head cannot be carried on a long neck, so the elephant need long trunks to reach their food. The trunk has about 40,000 muscles. Because of such high number of muscles, it is flexible and strong. It can lift very huge wooden poles with its trunk. The tip of the trunk is just like a finger and is so sensitive

Use ofbananas

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Std. X : English 

that it can even lift a needle. It carries its foods to the mouth with its help. It also drinks water with the help of the trunk. To take bath it fills water in it, curls it up and pours that over its back. Thus, we can see how the trunk is very useful for the elephant.

B2. Give reasons (2) i. An elephant needs a long trunk _______. ii. The trunk can even lift a needle _______. iii. The trunk is a very important organ _______. iv. An elephant fills trunk with water _______. B3. Word Puzzle Find four organs of an elephant from the following word puzzle. (2)


B4. Language Study Choose the correct exclamatory sentence from the alternatives for the following: (2) i. The trunk is very useful. a. How useful the trunk is! b. What useful the trunk is! c. How very useful the trunk is! d. The trunk is how useful! ii. Choose the correct alternative from the following that the underlined verb suggests. An elephant can lift very huge wooden poles with its trunk. a. It is necessary for elephant to lift very huge wooden poles with its trunk. b. It is an elephant’s ability of lifting very huge wooden poles with its trunk. c. An elephant should lift very huge wooden poles with its trunk. d. It is possible for elephant to lift very huge wooden poles with its trunk. B5. Personal Response What, according to you, should the government do to increase the number of elephants in India? (2)

SECTION – II (Poetry)

Q.3. (A) Read the following extract carefully and do the following activities: [5 marks] A1. Complete Choose the correct alternatives and complete the sentences: (2) i. Out world is changing _______. a. fast b. slowly c. constantly d. hurriedly ii. She tries to teach us _______. a. how to speak b. how to try c. how to last d. how to write iii. Mankind is _______. a. so intelligent b. so clever c. so smart d. so dull iv. The thing we leave far behind is _______. a. common sense b. emotions c. awareness d. relations

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Board Question Paper : March 2015

Our world is always changing, Constantly re-arranging. From ocean depths to mountain peaks, Mother Nature moves and speaks. While telling stories of our past She tries to teach us how to last. Mankind, so smart, sometimes blind, Leaves common sense far behind. We’re moving fast and leaving large, Forgetting she’s the one in charge. A2. What does Mother Nature speak about? (2) A3. Choose the rhyming words for the following from the stanzas. (1) i. mind _______ ii. cheeks _______ (B) Read the following extract carefully and do the following activities: [5 marks] B1. Matching Match the incomplete sentences in column A with appropriate words in coloum B. (2)

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’ i. The Rainbow gave birth to a. Peacocks ii. Her mother’s name b. The bird (thee) iii. The bird keeps company with c. Tears iv. The poet suggests her to live with d. Trees

It was the Rainbow gave thee birth And left thee all her lovely hues; And, as her mother’s name was Tears, So runs it in my blood to choose For haunts the lonely pools, and keep In company with trees that weep. Go you and, with such glorious hues, Live with proud Peacocks in green parks; On lawns as smooth as shining glass, Let every feather show its marks. B2. Who gave the colour to the bird? What does she haunt for? (2) B3. Choose the correct describing words from the poem for the following. (1) i. park ii. peacock

SECTION – III (Rapid Reading)

Q.4. Read the extract and do the following activities: [5 marks] A1. Complete Complete the following sentences choosing the correct part of the sentence from the passage. i. Famous items of Ramanna’s hotel _______. ii. The grand hotel will bring in _______. Shastri : Cool down, Ramanna. Your dosas and idlis are unbeatable. Your coffee and tea

are famous in this village and beyond. I certainly don’t think we need fancy multi-storeyed hotel to complete with your tea shop. (Ramanna looks around, proud and happy)

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Std. X : English 

Kannan : Umm…… This tea shop is fine for me. But if someone wants to build a grand hotel, I don’t see any harm. It will bring in tourists. Tourists mean money and who does not need money?

Shastri : Kannan, you are wrong. A multi-storeyed hotel can never come up on Dharmagiri. Narayan : (Puzzled) What do you mean, never? Mr. Sagar told me that lorries and trucks

will start arriving tommorrow. The foundation will be laid soon. Shastri : We have got to stop it? We cannot allow thoughtless people to ruin our beautiful

mountain. There is another, more urgent reason. Dharmagiri cannot support a building that big. It is dangerous.

Shastri : My grandfather told me when we were going up Dharmagiri to the temple once. When the temple was built three hundred years ago, they realized that the earth there cannot hold a structure taller than thirty feet. It will be dangerous to dig too deep for foundation.

A2. What did Shastri’s grandfather tell him? (2) A3. Personal Response Would you like to have multistoreyed hotel in your village? Give two reasons to support your

answer. (2)

SECTION IV (Writing Skills)

Q.5. (A) A1 or A2. Do any one of the following activities: [5 marks]


Computer courses for school students.

Features Courses Offered Adjustable fees * MH–CIT Adjustable timing * MS-Office Concession for groups * Tally Interactive learning * Photoshop Lot of practicals * Internet Search * Typing Tutor Contact: The Director COMPU CLUB 2nd Floor, A1, Prince Market, Aurangabad

Look at the followingadvertisement. Write a letterto your father telling himabout the course and yourdesire to join it.

Look at the followingadvertisement. Write a letterto the Director of the courseenquiring about the detailslike fees, venue, time,holidays and certificate.

A1. Letter A2. Letter OR

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Board Question Paper : March 2015

(B) B1 or B2. Do any one of the following activities: [5 marks]


Hurry up ! Hurry up !! Hurry up !!!

Silk and Cotton Designer Kurti

Price – Rs. 1000 – ‘Sale’ Price Rs. 590 only.

Varieties – Chanderi Silk Kurti Bangal Silk Kurti Khadi Silk Kurti Cotton Silk Kurti Long Printed Kurti

Time 9.00 a.m. to 9.00 pm

Q.6. (A) A1 or A2. Do any one of the following activities: [5 marks] Dahi-handi under the rule of Supreme Court New Delhi, In a recent dramatic decision the Supreme

Court issued a ban on Dahi-handi of more than 20 feet. Moreover, the age of Govinda is restricted to not less than eighteen. The decision is taken in the light of recent fatal accidents.

A1. Report Read the news and prepare a report on how Dahi-handi was celebrated in your area. Make use

of the points from the news.

OR A2. Dialogue Write a dialogue between your friend Pranav and you on the celebration of Dahi-handi in

your area. Use the points given in the news.


You have recently visited thesale advertised here. Narrateyour experience in about 100words.

B2. Visit to the sale

You have recetly visited thesale advertised here. Describethe sale in about 100 words.

B1. Describing the sale

Only on21, 22, 23Feb. 2015

Venue: Municipal

Ground Near Bus

Stop, Pune.

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Std. X : English 

(B) B1 or B2. Do any one of the following activities: [5 marks] B1. The table given below gives the information about the awards that the students have received.

Write a short paragraph using the information. Name Abhiman Sanjana Age 18 Years 15 Years School Higher Secondary Secondary School Award Bravery Award Bal Puraskar Date 26th Jan. 2013 26th Jan. 2013 At the hands of Collector Tahasildar Place District Tahasil


B2. Information Read the following paragraph and complete the tree-diagram putting the correct information. There are different kinds of fuels. Broadly they can be divided as solid, liquid and

gasseous fuels. Solid fuels include substances such as wood, coal and coke. Most liquid fuels are obtained from petroleum which is obtained form oil wells sunk deep into the earth. Petrol, kerosene and diesel are all separated from petroleum. The most important gaseous fuels are natural gas coal and water gas. Natural gas is a fuel that is widely used for cooking and heating.

SECTION V (Translation)

Q.7. Translation [5 marks] Translate the following information into your mother-tongue for your younger brother. 1. Trees are our best friends. 2. They provide us with medicines, fruits, flowers etc. 3. Deforestation imbalances the environment. 4. It is the need of an hour to plant and grow more and more trees. 6. Save trees save life to make the world beautiful

Kinds of Fuel

[Included substances] [Three kinds] [Three kinds]

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Board Question Paper : July 2015

BOARD QUESTION PAPER: JULY 2015 Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80


SECTION I (Reading Skills, Vocabulary and Grammar)

Q.1. (A) Read the following passage carefully and do the following activities: [10 marks] A1. True or False State whether the following statements are ‘True’ or ‘False’. (2) i. King Krishnadeva Raya stopped taking regular exercise. ii. Tenali Raman cautioned the king against the ill effects. iii. The king started leading a sedentary life. iv. Tenali Raman was a doctor. King Krishnadeva Raya would perform heavy exercises every morning. He regularly

applied oil on his body and thereafter worked out till all the oil came out with the sweat. This was followed by a long ride on his horse. Once the king started leading a sedentary lifestyle, he stopped exercising. He no longer went horse-riding either. The King overate and as a result, grew fat and heavy. The king’s temperament also underwent a sea change.

Noticing this, the royal physicians cautioned the king against the ill effects of overeating and explained to him the risks posed by obesity. They advised the king to regulate his diet, exercise and take care of his health. The repeated advice he got from the physicians to eat less made him so angry that one day he announced a reward for anyone who could find him an easy cure. But there was one condition: those who failed would have their heads cut off. None dared to advise the king in this regard. The situation became precarious and as usual, Tenali Raman was approached by the courtiers for a remedy.

A2. Complete Complete the following table about king Krishnadeva Raya’s exercise. (2)

Activities the king did Effects of stopping exercise

A3. Give one word Choose and write one word for the following from the passage: (2) i. One who examines and treats patients. ii. Something given as a prize. iii. A person who is a member of the court of a king or a queen. iv. An unsafe and dangerous condition. A4. Language Study Choose the correct alternative from those given below: (2) i. Rewrite the following sentence using ‘used to’: King Krishnadeva Raya would perform heavy exercises every morning. ii The king’s temperament also underwent a sea change. (Select the correct use of a question tag) a. The king’s temperament also underwent a sea change, didn’t it? b. The king’s temperament also underwent a sea change, didn’t he? c. The king’s temperament also underwent a sea change, didn’t they? d. The king’s temperament also underwent a sea change, did he?

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Std. X : English 

A5. Personal Response What would you do if you were in the place of king Krishnadeva Raya? (2) (B) Read the following passage carefully and do the activities: [10 marks] B1. Order Read the text and arrange the sentences in the correct sequence: (2) i. The anti-plastic movement is gaining stream in the cities. ii. The government proposed a complete ban on plastics. iii. Mahabaleshwar recently issued a blanket ban on plastic usage in the hill station. iv. Thin plastic bags choked the drains. The menace of plastic in the state truly came to the fore when thin plastic bags choked

the drains and caused water logging during the 2005 floods in Mumbai. In the aftermath of the incident, the government proposed a complete ban on plastics but later decided to ban only bags of thickness less than 50 microns. Plastic degrades slowly which means it remains in the environment for a long time and is known to release toxic substances. However, it may be a long time before plastic is completely banned in the state due to its widespread utility. But the anti-plastic movement is gaining stream in cities such as Mumbai, Pune and Nagpur where ‘Say no to plastic’ campaigns have led to various citizens carrying cloth or paper bags for grocery and general shopping, while at the policy level, Mahabaleshwar recently issued a blanket ban on plastic usage in the hill station.

B2. Find and Complete Read the text and complete the following: (2) i. Disadvantages of plastic: a. _______ b. _______ ii. Efforts done by anti-plastic movement: a. _______ b. _______ B3. Phrases Choose the correct phrases from the brackets and fill in the blanks. (2) (for a long time, came to the fore, due to, blanket ban) i. Farmers suffered a heavy loss _______ heavy rains. ii. India has been struggling _______ to solve the social issues. iii. There should be a _______ on smoking at public places. iv. The evil effects of overuse of plastic _______ only after the flood. B4. Language Study Choose the correct ‘wh’ question from the alternatives given for the following

underlined words: (2) i. The government proposed a complete ban on plastic. a. why did the government propose? b. what did the government propose? c. when did the government propose? d. where did the government propose? ii. Choose the correct verb form the brackets to change the sentence into a

continuous future tense: The anti-plastic movement is gaining stream in cities. (will gain, will be gaining, will gaining) B5. Personal Response What can we do to avoid the adverse effect of plastic? (2)

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Board Question Paper : July 2015

Q.2. (A) Read the following passage carefully and do the activities: [10 marks] A1. MCQ: (2) i. What is a video-game controlled by? a. a player b. a TV c. a microprocessor d. a mouse ii. What does a cartridge provide? a. programme b. function c. ROM d. sound iii. What do the video-games mainly consist of? a. a mouse b. a microprocessor c. a keyboard d. a joystick iv. Where are the instructions of the game stored? a. RAM b. Computer c. ROM d. Circuits Most video games present changing colourful visual effects and complicated sound

effects. A video game is controlled by a microprocessor. All video games have a programme. They are connected to viewing screen or video screen, that is why these games are called video games.

Video games are of two types, namely arcade games and home games. Arcade games are designed to play one kind of game while home games are programmable, i.e. they can be programmed to play different kinds of games.

Equipment for typical video game consists basically of a microprocessor module connected to a television set. A cartridge inserted into the module provides the programme for the games action. The cartridge contains a ROM chip. This chip has all the game console. A keyboard, keypad, rotary knob or joystick control the action. A home computer can also be used for playing these games.

A2. Tree-diagram Complete the following diagram choosing the correct answer from the text: (2) A3. Matching Match words with their meanings. (2)

A B a. complicated i. joined or linked b. inserted ii. designed to happen c. programmed iii. placed into d. connected iv. difficult to understand

A4. Language Study (2) Begin your sentence with - i. A video game is controlled by a microprocessor. Begin your sentence with ‘A microprocessor _______ ’. ii. Video games are connected to video screen. Begin your sentence with ‘We _______ ’.

Types of Video games

designed to programmed to

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Std. X : English 

A5. Personal Response Do you like playing video games? Why? Give two reasons. (2) (B) Read the following passage carefully and do the activities. [10 marks] B1. Fill in the blanks Fill in the blanks choosing the correct words from the passage. (2) i. _______ generates stress in our body. ii. _______ diet is preferable.. iii. _______ with one or two food items are advisable. iv. To serve fruits with food is _______. We are what we eat. The type of food we eat has both immediate and long term effect

on us, at all the three levels – the body, the mind, and the spirit. Food which is tamsik (i.e. stale or leftover) in nature is bound to generate stress as it tends to upset the normal functioning of the human body. Fresh food, whenever available, must be preferred. Excessive use of condiments should be avoided. Taking piping hot/tea/milk or steaming hot food also distrubs one’s usually calm attitude. Further, it is a mistaken belief that smoking and drinking, even in moderation, relieves stress. Simple meals with one or two food items, rather than too many dishes, are advisable. Thus, a vegetarian diet is preferable. Although it is customary to serve fruits with food, it is not the right thing to do. This is because different kind of digestive secretions are produced by the stomach for variant foods. Mixing up too many varieties of food items at one meal creates unavoidable problems for the digestive system.

B2. Do’s and Don’ts (2) i. Do’s a. _______ b. _______ ii. Don’ts a. _______ b. _______ B3. Autonyms Find the opposite meaning words of the following from the passage: (2) i. fresh ii. wrong iii. unavoidable iv. cold B4. Language Study Choose the correct alternative for the following: (2) i. It is not the right thing to do. (Select and rewrite the correct affirmative sentence for the given one) a. It is the wrong thing to do. b. It is not the wrong thing to do. c. It was the wrong thing to do. d. It was correct thing to do. ii. Excessive use of condiments should be avoided The underlined phrase suggests: a. necessity b. possibility c. advice d. ability B5. Personal Response What type of food do you like, vegetarian or non-vegetarian? Why? (2)

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Board Question Paper : July 2015

SECTION – II (Poetry)

Q.3. (A) Read the following extract of a poem and complete the activities: [5 marks] A1. Web Complete the following web: (2) For nothing in life that is worthy Is ever too hard to achieve If you have the courage to try it, And you have the faith to believe. For faith is a force that is greater Than knowledge or power or skill, And many defeats turn to triumph If you trust in God’s wisdom and will. A2. How can faith help your dream come true? (2) A3. Find the opposite words from extract: (1) i. ignorance ii. victories (B) Read the following extract of a poem and complete the activities: B1. Matching Match column A with coloum B. (2)

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’ i. Poet’s heart a. Came from ancestors ii. Poet’s soul b. Is always ready to adorn iii. Poet’s life c. Fills with anguish iv. Poet’s home d. Leaps with joy

My India, I’m proud to be thy son; “My heart With joy leaps for being here born; “My soul With anguish fills for havoc done; “If country needs my life, let me adorn.” “This is my land beloved, my Motherland, “This is my home, my ancestors came from, “Even an inch of it, I cannot hand, Nor spare It to an alien for a sum.” B2. Why is the poet not ready to give an inch of land? (2) B3. Find and write down from the extract the words that describe the following. (1) i. Situation in which a lot of damage, destruction, etc. happens ii. Coming from a different country, race or group.

Qualities to reach to dream

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Std. X : English 

SECTION – III (Rapid Reading)

Q.4. (A) Read the following extract and do the activities given below: [5 marks] A1. Choose the correct words from the brackets and fill in the blanks: (1) i. Arun was _______ boy. (a smart / a hard-working) ii. _______ was seven years old. (Arun / Arun’s sister) Nearly everyone who knew eleven-year old Arun thought that he was a smart boy. He

was sociable, good at his school work and good at sports too. But there was one thing about him that no one knew no one but his mother, father and little sister. Arun was afraid of the dark ! Yes ! Arun was afraid of dimly-lit rooms, dark corner and most of all, Arun was afraid of the night !

It was illogical, and Arun could not really explain why he was afraid of the dark. No one else around him seemed to find it so scary. But to Arun, the inky blackness of the night was terrifying, filled with frightening noises and mysterious, shadowy shapes.

So, though Arun had a nice room of his own, at night he shared a room with his seven-year-old sister and the night light shone brightly in one corner. Arun never went into a dark room where there was no light on.

A2. Who did Arun share a room with? Why? (2) A3. Reaction Are you afraid of the dark? Give reasons. (2)

SECTION IV (Writing Skills)

Q.5. (A) A1 or A2. Do any one of the following activities: [5 marks]

(B) B1 or B2. Do any one of the following activities: [5 marks]

Look at the followingadvertisement. Write a letterto your friend telling him/herabout the details of the postadvertised.

A1. Letter

Write a letter to the managerasking for more informationabout the post, like timing,nature of work, salary, otherfacilities, etc.

A2. LetterOR


A Leading Construction Company requires a computer operator. He/she must be MS-CIT,having experience of 5 to 7 years. Mastery over English and Marathi essential. Office Address The Manager, ABC Constructions, Dharampeth, Nagpur


You have recetly visited theexhibition advertised here.Describe the exhibition inabout 100 words.

B1. Describing You have recently visited the exhibition advertised here. Narrate your experience in about 100 words.

B2. Narrating

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Board Question Paper : July 2015

Q.6. (A) A1 or A2. Do any one of the following activities: [5 marks]

OR (B) B1 or B2. Do any one of the following activities: [5 marks] B1. Information Transfer (Non-verbal to Verbal): The Pie-chart below shows the percentage of the following people in India watching TV

programmes. Write a short paragraph using the information

Women 50% Family Serials

Students 30% Cricket Films Discovery Channel

India Satellite enters Mars’ orbit New Delhi: India celebrates the inspiring achievement of the scientists to take India to Mars. Schools organised exhibitions, speeches and quiz competitions to mark the historical occasion.

A1. Report Various similar programmes were also held in your school to celebrate the occasion.

Prepare a report with details of the programmes.

A2. Dialogue Write a dialogue between you and your friend about various programmes to be

organised in your school to celebrate the achievement.


Anand Mela Visit different stalls of Arts and Crafts,

Handlooms, Khadi, Toys and much morePlay challenging games Enjoy delicious foods.

Come with family and friends Parking and Entry free

Municipal Ground Alibag

Time 6.30 a.m. to 10.00 pm

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Std. X : English 

OR B2. Information Transfer (Verbal to Non-verbal) Read the following paragraph and complete the table by using the information given in

the passage: Laurel, whose real name was Arthur Jefferson, was born in 1890. He was an English

comedian. As a stage actor, in most of his performances, he played such roles which typically exhibited in a combination of dances, music and clowning. He subsequently travelled to America and started appearing in American films since 1917. Similarly, Hardy came from Georgia USA. He was born in the year 1892. He first appeared on stage at the age of 8 only. He started film acting in 1914. Both appeared in dozens of silent films before they began their successful partnership in 1927 in a silent comedy Putting Pants on Philip. In the next thirty years, they made talking pictures and achieved great success with films like Sons of the Desert (1934), Way Out West (1937) and Blockheads (1938).

Points Laurel Hardy

Year of birth _____________ _____________ Profession _____________ _____________ Started acting in film (year) _____________ _____________ Name of their combine films _____________ _____________

SECTION V (Translation)

Q.7. Translation [5 marks] Your mother cannot understand the instructions in the hospital, translate them for her into

your mother-tongue.

Notice 1. Keep your mobile on silent mode. 2. Smoking is strictly prohibited. 3. Keep the hospital premises clean. 4. Keep silence. Do not speak loud. 5. Avoid outside eatables.

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Board Question Paper : March 2016

BOARD QUESTION PAPER: MARCH 2016 Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80


SECTION I (Reading Skills, Vocabulary and Grammar)

Q.1. (A) Read the passage carefully and do the following activities: [10 marks] A1. True or False Glance through the text and say whether the following statements are ‘True’ or ‘False’. (2) i. The students refused to study under the new teacher. ii. At Adkhola station an elderly gentleman boarded the train. iii. He had with him a sack and an umbrella. iv. Mr. Kalikumar Tarkalankar was the new Geography teacher. “It’s so unfair!” said the boys. “We refuse to study under the new teacher.” The new

Sanskrit teacher who was coming was called Kalikumar Tarkalankar. The vacation was over and the boys were returning to school by train. A naughty boy had already changed the name of the teacher and made up a rhyme called, “The sacrifice of the Black Pumpkin’ which they were repeating aloud in chorus.

At Adkhola station an elderly gentleman boarded the train. He had with him a bedroll, two or three earthen pots, their tops covered with cloth, a tin trunk and a few bundles. A rowdy boy, whom everyone called Bichkun shouted at him, “No room here, Mr. Dundle Head, go to another compartment.”

The old man said, “The whole train is packed, there’s no room anywhere. I’ll sit in this corner and settled down.

A2. Complete the web (2) A3. Matching Match the following words with their correct meanings. (2)

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’

i. naughty a. gentleman

ii. elderly b. boy

iii. Earthen c. pumpkin

iv. a black d. pots A4. Language Study Choose the correct alternative (voice): (2) i He vacated the seat. a. The seat is vacated by him. b. The seat was vacated by him. c. The seat will be vacated by him.

An elderly gentleman had with him.

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Std. X : English 

ii “It’s so unfair !” said the boys. (Write the sentence selecting the correct option.) a. The boys exclaimed that it was very unfair. b. The boys exclaimed that it is very unfair. c. The boys said that, that was very unfair. A5. Personal Response How will you react when a new teacher arrives? (2) (B) Read the passage and do the following activities: [10 marks] B1. Complete Glance through the text and complete the following sentences: (2) i. Dairy milk comes in _______ packs. ii. _______ is a healthy option. iii. _______ methods of cooking are better than packaged or processed food. iv. _______ is a healthier option. A large number of people are consuming packaged food because it has become a matter

of convenience, please the taste buds and fills your stomach. Also, it is important to note the quality of packaging used for these products and whether additives are used or not to increase their shelf-life. For example, dairy products like milk that come in tetra packs come without any additives and due to no contact with air, it remains fresh for a long period of time. The ready-to-eat food products are specially laden with preservatives and can have excess oil in form of trans fats, which can be a threat to health. I don’t really advocate bakery products whether they are packaged or not. The problem with canned or processed food is that they have excessive salt or sugar. Cooking at home is always a healthy option. For example, even simply eating dal-chawal is healthier option over junk food. What one needs to do is a little bit of time management and planning. We should stick to those food items that we are genetically used to such as Indian food cooked by traditional methods.

B2. Web Complete the following web choosing appropriate information, from the extract: (2) 1. 2. 3. 4. B3. Matching Match the words in column ‘A’ with the Column ‘B’ (2)

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’ i. stale a. healthy ii. unhealthy b. increase iii. decrease c. long iv. short d. fresh

B4. Language Activity Frame a ‘wh’ question to get the underlined as a part of the answer: (2) i. People are consuming packaged food. ii. One needs to do a little bit of time management and planning.

Information about food items.

People use packaged food because _______

Dairy products like milk in tetra packs remain _______

The ready-to-eat food products have _______

The problem with canned or processed food is that _______

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Board Question Paper : March 2016

B5. Personal Response What kind to food do you prefer? Why? (2) Q.2. (A) Read the passage and do the following activities: [10 marks] A1. Complete (2) i. You should recycle paper because _______ ii. You can reduce paper waste by half if you _______ iii. You can save trees if you _______ iv. While purchasing we should look whether _______ Common sense use of paper, if practised by majority of people, will save immense

forests from needless cutting. Use paper carefully. If, in writing, you use both sides of the paper, you reduce waste by 50 percent. Old envelopes, old bills, etc. make good memo paper. Do not discard a memo sheet until it is full. Don’t burn discarded paper. Better to have it converted to pulp and composting it. Be thoughtful about paper. Be conscious of how much you throw away that could be put to other uses. You can save eight to ten trees per year if you see that reusable paper is returned for recycling. Stack newspapers in bundles and save them for return to the paper and pulp industries. Look for those products which contain the most reused paper. Some products features completely recycled paper. Encourage recycling by buying such products. A ton of paper saved or recycled saves seventeen trees your family uses that much or more each year.

A2. Table Complete the following table: (2)

Conserving and Recycling Paper Dos Don’ts

i. ii.

i. ii.

A3. Similar meaning words Read the extract and find the similar meaning words: (2) i. throw away ii. change into something iii. a pile or heap iv. decaying of plants A4. Language Study Complete the following sentences by using passive voice: (2) i. You can save eight to ten trees every year. Eight to ten trees _______. ii. Your family uses a ton of paper every year. A ton of paper _______. A5. Personal Response How could you help to save the trees from cutting? (2) (B) Read the Passage and do the following activities: [10 marks] B1. Alternatives Read the following passage and choose the correct alternatives: (2) i. Pullela Gopi Chand is _______ year old. a. thirty nine b. thirty five c. thirty one ii. P.V. Sindhu won bronze in 2013 _______. a. in China b. in India c. in Japan

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Std. X : English 

iii. Saina Nehwal won _______ in 2012. a. Gold Medal b. Bronze Medal c. Silver medal iv. Subash Chandra and Subbaravamma are Pullela Gopi Chand’s _______. a. teachers b. neighbours c. parents He sounded very emotional, but at the same time he expressed immense satisfaction

over the performances of his players. India’s chief national coach Pullela Gopi Chand believes that he could not have asked for more from his trainees who brought laurels to the nation by winning medals at the Olympics. Saina Nehwal won bronze 2012 London and the World Championship. P.V. Sindhu won bronze in 2013 at Guangzhou, China.

“Honestly, I am not surprised with these results. Firstly, the credit goes to these champion players and the kind of commitment shown by the support staff at the academy (Gopi Chand’s academy). Whatever training you give, it is ultimately the players who will have to deliver out there, execute the game-plan according to the given situation,” says Gopi Chand.

“These medals, won by Saina and Sindhu are bigger than any other award I got; They are the reflection of real hard work despite facing all odds. I must thank my father and mother Subash Chandra and Subbaravamma who sacrificed so much and showed great commitment in helping me out,” says the 39 year old Dronacharya Award Winner, struggling to control his emotions.

B2. Complete : (2) Complete the following statements: i. Gopi Chand’s reaction over the performances of his plays was _______. ii. Reason for the success of players was _______. iii. Players got the medals because of their _______. iv. Gopi chand thanks his parents for _______. B3. Select Select proper words from the extract and complete: (2) i. We won the match but of course the _______ is of the whole team. ii. For the success in any game you must have _______ towards the game. B4. Language Study (2) i. These medals are bigger than any other awards.

(Begin the sentence with “ No other award _______”) ii. I’m not surprised with these results. (Frame a tag question) B5. Personal Response Which game do you like most? How is it played? (2)

SECTION – II (Poetry)

Q.3. (A) Read the following extract and do the activities: [5 marks] A1. Select Read the extract and select the alternative: (2) i. God destroys our sorrow by _______. a. saving us from sorrow b. giving us strength c. giving us His joy ii. God becomes a small infant because _______. a. He likes to become an infant b. He wants to feel its sorrow c. He needs a change

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Board Question Paper : March 2016

He doth give His joy to all, He becomes an infant small, He becomes a man of woe, He doth feel the sorrow too. Think not thou canst sigh a sigh And thy Maker is not by; Think not thou canst weep a tear, And thy Maker is not near. O! He gives to us His joy That our grief He may destroy; Till our grief is fled and gone He doth sit by us and moan. A2. How does the Maker help us to come out of sorrow? (2) A3. Pick out any two pairs of rhyming words and write. (1) (B) Read the extract and do the following activities: B1. Read the poem and find the correct alternatives to complete the following sentences: (2) i. We have _______ a. many tasks b. less tasks c. none tasks ii. Insurmountable means _______ a. easy to deal with b. difficult to deal with c. happy to deal with iii. We must have _______ a. courage and faith b. aim and ambition c. interest and time iv. You should always _______ the high aims ahead. a. remember b. forget c. imagine Often your tasks will be many. And more than you think you can do. Often the road will be rugged; Add the hills insurmountable too. But always remember, The hills ahead Are never as steep as they seem. And with Faith in your heart. Start upward And climb’til you reach your dream, For nothing in life that is worthy Is ever too hard to achieve If you have the courage to try it. and you have the faith to believe. B2. The poet advises us _______. (2) i. _______ ii. _______ B3. Find and write down from the extract the words that describe the following. (1) i. impossible to solve or get control of ii. rough and uneven.

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Std. X : English 

SECTION – III (Rapid Reading)

Q.4. (A) Read the following passage and do the activities: [5 marks] A1. True or False: (1) State whether the following sentences are true or false: i. Ranjan was in no mood to slow down. ii. Ranjan stopped his bike after hitting an old woman. “Ready?” Ranjan yelled over the roar of the engine. “Yeah. What are you waiting

for?” We were off. The road was nearly empty and after a wobbly start, the bike steadied and we were moving smoothly. We reached the corner house and swerved right onto Crescent Road. I leaned forward, hand on my knee and peered at the speedometer-30 kmph, 40, 60 Super!

We neared the traffic lights which had changed to yellow but Ranjan was in no mood to slow down. The light had already changed to red when he cleared the crossing. I heard a shrill police whistle but was too scared to turn around and look. We sped on full speed and I heard Ranjan laugh aloud.

Ranjan raced down Crescent Road, and turned at the corner. He saw, seconds too late, the old woman in his path. He stepped on the brakes and the bike screeched to a halt. In a daze I saw the old woman sprawled on the road, her bag of onions, potatoes and tomatoes scattered about.

Ranjan panicked. He opened the throttle and in seconds we were speeding along. It took me a few minutes to realize what was happening.

“Hey, Ranjan stop !” I yelled, gripping his shoulders. He strugged off my hands. “Don’t be a mutt,” he said. “I don’t want to end up in

jail.” A2. Describe the scene on Crescent Road after the accident. (2) A3. Mention the qualities of Ranjan as seen through this passage. (2)

SECTION IV (Writing Skills)

Q.5. (A) A1 or A2. Do any one of the following activities: [5 marks]

OR Look at the advertisement and

Write a letter to your fatherasking permission to join thetrip. Make use of the pointsgiven in the advertisement. Youmay add your own points.

A1. Informal Letter Look at the advertisement. Write a

letter to the Office Incharge,Tourism Development Corporationof Mahabaleshwar asking forconcession in entry fees,accommodation, food and otherdetails.

A2. Formal Letter

Visit Unexplored Beauty : Mahabaleshwar

Enjoy the famous hill point and natural beauty. A living paradise on the earth-visit theSunset point, Wilson point, Eco-point, Bombay point, etc. experience boating and watersports comfortable stay and enjoyable natural beauty. Contact The Incharge, Tourism Department Mahabaleshwar, Dist. Satara

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Board Question Paper : March 2016

(B) B1 or B2. Do any one of the following activities: [5 marks]

Q.6. (A) A1 or A2. Do any one of the following activities: [5 marks]


You have recently visited thefurnishing mall, advertisedhere. Describe the furnishingmall in about 100 words. Youmay add your own points

OR B1. Describing

10% to 70% Discount MONSOONOFFER



Ground Level Mattresses Level-1 : Home linen Level-2 : Sofa-cloth and curtain-cloth. Level-3 : Carpet, curtains and wallpapers. Furnishing Mall, Near A.B.C. Jewellers, Paud Rd. Kothrud No entry fee, Parking free, gift vouchers and many more offers

You have recently visited the furnishing mall, advertised here. Narrate your experience in about 100 words. You may add your own points

B2. Narrating

A1. Report Writing Your school had arranged for ‘Keep Class Clean Competition’. Using the points

given in the leaflet prepare a report for the school magazine. Add your own points.

A2. Speech Your school has arranged for ‘Keep Class Clean Competition’. Being the

monitor of your class prepare a speech in about 100 words motivating the students to maintain cleanliness. Use the points from the leaflet and add your own points.

Keep Class Clean Competition * Participate and win prizes for your class * Separate dry and wet waste. * Dry garbage : Paper, glass, plastic, etc. * Wet garbage : Kitchen waste, leftovers, etc. * Think of recycling the garbage. * Keep your surrounding clean and hygienic. * Unclean surrounding creates health problems.

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Std. X : English 

(B) B1 or B2. Information Transfer Do any one of the following activities: [5 marks] B1. The pie-chart below shows the percentage of Smartphone market share in India. Write a short paragraph using the information: B2. Read the following paragraph and complete the table by putting correct information: One medium baked Potato of a little more than 6 gms in weight, without salt, is rich in

proteins. It contains about 49% i.e. about 300 mg. of proteins. It also contains about 39% of fibre that helps in digestion. Besides these nourishing substances, it consists of 10% Potassium (K) 1% of its contents include other minerals such as Mg, Ca, Na, Fe, Se, Zn and few others. Only one percent of the potato contains vitamins and substances called folate. Thus the potato is high on proteins but very low on vitamins.

Clues Information/Percentage

1. Proteins

2. Fibre

3. Potassium

4. Vitamins

5. Other minerals Q.7 Traslate the following sentences into your mother-tongue for your brother who doesn’t know English. [5 marks]

* Health is Wealth * * Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits everyday. * Ensure Moderate use of edible oil. * Avoid overeating and do exercise regularly. * Drink plenty of water. * Eat balanced diet to keep yourself fit.

26% Samsung

22% Micromax

13% Karbon

29% Others

5% Sony

5% Nokia


++++ ++++++ + ++
