statement on the phoebe prince case from former northwestern da elizabeth scheibel

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  • 8/6/2019 Statement on the Phoebe Prince case from former Northwestern DA Elizabeth Scheibel


  • 8/6/2019 Statement on the Phoebe Prince case from former Northwestern DA Elizabeth Scheibel



    Without the initiation of these criminal charges, there would have been no

    accountability or responsibility for the perpetrators wrongdoing.

    As is often the case, in negotiated criminal dispositions, perpetrators are

    allowed to admit to less serious charges. In doing so, the public learns very

    little of the facts giving rise to the charges. Certainly, that is the case here.

    The public may never fully learn of the facts that supported each and every

    charge in these cases.

    Throughout this difficult process, I have kept in touch with the Prince

    family. To some degree, the enormity of their loss has been obscured by the

    media attention and resulting commentary of those unfamiliar with the facts

    of this case. My thoughts remain with Phoebes family, as they remember

    their daughter and sister. They have shared with me many memories of

    Phoebe. I am acutely aware of what Phoebes family and friends must feel

    so profoundly, the senseless loss of this beautiful, unique and gifted person,

    with her loving, idealistic and poetic nature.

    At this time, a measure of justice has been achieved through the conduct of a

    full investigation, appropriate charging and use of the court system, with

    acknowledgements of responsibility and accountability. While this case will

    fade from the publics mind, it will never fade for Phoebes family and

    friends. Let Phoebes death and that of others whose lives have been lost as a

    result of bullying, be the rallying cry to stop these senseless tragedies.

    Bullying is learned behavior that can, and must, change. If there is some

    good that results from this case, let it be that we, as a culture, will no longer

    tolerate bullying.