statement by the heads of state of kenya, uganda, ethiopia and south sudan on the lamu port southern...

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  • 8/12/2019 Statement by the Heads of State of Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia and South Sudan on the Lamu Port Southern Sudan


    STATEMENT BY THE HEADS OF STATE OF KENYA, UGANDA, ETHIOPIAAND SOUTH SUDAN ON THE LAMU PORT SOUTHERN SUDAN-ETHIOPIATRANSPORT (LAPSSET) CORRIDOR PROJECTToday, we held a Summit of Heads of State and Government at State House,Nairobi to explore joint nancing options for the amu !ort Southern Sudan"

    #thiopia Transport $%!SS#T& 'orridor !roject( ) was joined by H(#( *oweri+aguta useveni, !resident of the -epublic of .ganda/ H(#( Hailemariam0esalegn, !rime inister of the 1ederal 0emocratic -epublic of #thiopia/ andH(#( Salva +iir ayardit, !resident of the -epublic of South Sudan(2ur meeting was the latest chapter in a deepening integration agenda that isfocused on opening up the region to trade and investment and ensuring that itsenterprises are globally competitive( %!SS#T is an integrated andtransformative infrastructure project that will provide regional economicintegration and interconnectivity that generates the investment and trade3ows that are so crucial to ensuring that the region is able to deliver the sharedprosperity that is the 4ey to decent livelihoods and sustained peace andsecurity(The seven project components of the project re5uire an estimated budget of678(9 :illion $+shs( 7 Trillion&( amu !ort alone with its ;7 projected berthsalone will cost 6;(< :illion(=ith the large sums involved, it was clear to us that a joint approach that isinnovative will be re5uired for implementation( %t length, we explored thecomplexities of shortening the period between project conceptuali>ation and

    the reali>ation of a sustainable nancial model that will deliver implementation(=e sought to learn from the %frican 0evelopment :an4?s %frica9@)nfrastructure 1und approach, and how our joint eAorts can help ma4e acompelling business case to private sector players(2ur discussion was especially informed by the upcoming %frica".S% Summit on8"B %ugust 7@