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Page 1 Annual Report 2003 - 2004 stanley park eco logy society

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Page 1: stanley park ecology… · "The Stanley Park Ecology Society is a community-based not-for-profit organization

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Annual Report2003 - 2004

stanley park

ecology society

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President’s Message

"The Stanley Park Ecology Society is a community-based not-for-profit organization dedicated to encouraging stewardship of ournatural world through environmental education and action…"

What does stewardship mean to you? That is a question both theboard and staff periodically revisit as we strive to provide the bestmatch of educational programs to meet the needs of our diversecommunity. Webster's dictionary defines stewardship as, "thecareful and responsible management of something entrusted toone's care." More simply put, we take care of our natural world sothat it can take care of us. As you will discover by reading thisannual report, The Stanley Park Ecology Society (SPES) continues toprovide exemplary programs that promote this value we hold dear.

Just as seasons change, change is in the air at SPES. We bid fare-well to our talented and capable Executive Director, Alix Mathias,who returns to the wellness field. We wish her the best and willalways consider her a member of our SPES family. We look forwardto our partnership with Patricia Thomson, our new ExecutiveDirector, who previously was the Director of Operations and Financewith The River League. Her enthusiasm and experience will be anasset to our organization. We also welcome Nicholas Scapillati fromthe Suzuki Foundation as Director of Development and Communi-cations. We are pleased to have such talented individuals join ourteam.

In closing, I'd like to thank our volunteers and funders for theircontinued and valued support.


Judith MacPherson

2003 - 2004Board of Directors

Judith MacPherson (P)Rosalyn Kaardal (VP)Andrew Da Silva (S)

Angela GerstBrian Herrin (PP)

Claudio BianchiniCristina Velez

Danny CattJohn Gray

Peter BromleyRandi Kruse-Ferdinands

Suzanne Shilvock (T)

AdvisorsTodd Croll

Legal AdvisorDaphne Solecki

VNHS BoardTerry Walton

Park Board

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Over the years volunteers have carried out the SPES mission in a variety of ways:creating burrowing owl habitat, giving out endless natural history facts andfigures to park visitors, even driving farm animals around as part of a pet therapyprogram. Some volunteers are with us for a short time, others for many years.Each one adds their thread to the fabric of our organization.

The yThe yThe yThe yThe year 2003ear 2003ear 2003ear 2003ear 2003/////04 ma04 ma04 ma04 ma04 may be ry be ry be ry be ry be rememberememberememberememberemembered as ed as ed as ed as ed as the ythe ythe ythe ythe year ear ear ear ear thathathathathattttt v v v v volunolunolunolunolunteerism ateerism ateerism ateerism ateerism attttt TheTheTheTheTheStanleStanleStanleStanleStanley Py Py Py Py Park Eark Eark Eark Eark Ecccccologologologologology Society made a quany Society made a quany Society made a quany Society made a quany Society made a quantum leaptum leaptum leaptum leaptum leap..... Just a couple of years agowe claimed that people's relationships with parks are changing. We assertedthat people of our community are no longer interested in the passive enjoymentof parks; they want meaningful engagement on a large scale and ‘hands in thedirt' opportunities for volunteerism. We had no idea how right we would turn outto be.

Who could have imagined that over 200 people would sign up to build a cobstructure in Stanley Park? What about the day that over 50 people showed up inthe rain to remove English Ivy from the forest floor? Not to mention the EcoRangers, species monitors, Nature House hosts and children's day camp leaders.This summer we facilitated over 400 volunteers in stewardship. While levels ofvolunteerism continue to decline elsewhere, community engagement in StanleyPark is just starting to take off.

Volunteer - it's in your nature

And so, a great big thank you goes out to each andevery person who contributed to the cause ofstewardship this past year. I look forward to joiningyou now, as a volunteer, as I bid farewell to my roleas an Executive Director. I know the future is verybright for SPES and I do hope you'll hitch your wagonto this shining star.

Alix MathiasExecutive DirectorStanley Park Ecology SocietyAugust 2001-August 2004

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School ProgramsSchool Programs connect students in kindergarten to gr. 7 to tangibleexperiences with nature in Stanley Park and in their own classroom.Through hands-on activities students learn more about the organismsaround them and how to become stewards of the environment.

Urban StewUrban StewUrban StewUrban StewUrban StewararararardsdsdsdsdsTTTTTeachers’eachers’eachers’eachers’eachers’ Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual~knowledge that fosters an understanding of nature & motivates action~

This year SPES launched an extensive manual for grade 4-7 teachers to assist them indelivering an innovative science program for classroom and outdoor use. This 240-page activity-based manual is a collection of 12 lessons that contain simple projectsthat empower students to take stewardship action in their schools and at home.Sample lessons include: ecosystems, habitat, plants, vertebrates, natural resourcesand climate change. A corresponding teacher workshop is also available.

"Urban Stewards is a highlyengaging environmentalprogram that will be of greatbenefit to students andteachers. It not only promotesenvironmental stewardshipthrough active learning but alsomeshes it with good Scienceteaching." John Price, VancouverSchool Board, Curriculumconsultant and teacher"The manual is a great resource.The lessons are easy to followwith background information forthe non-science teacher! Itmakes science fun for the kidsand the teacher. " Kelly Quinlan,teacher and volunteer workingcommittee

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Park and ClassPark and ClassPark and ClassPark and ClassPark and ClassProgramsProgramsProgramsProgramsProgramsChildren explore with a naturalist for1.5-2 hours in a wetland, rainforest orbeach ecosystem. Investigatinginsects, identifying crabs or discoveringthe plants and animals of therainforest are some of the manyactivities.

• 2234 children serviced through98 park and class programs

One of our most popular programs, Urban Camping offers children in grades 5-7 two full days ofenvironmental education and an overnight camping experience in Stanley Park. Students exploreforest and aquatic ecosystems and gain camping skills with the help of staff, teachers & volunteers.

• 438 children serviced through 17 programs

• 35% from inner city schools

"I am writing to thank you for the great experience I had at Stanley Park. I loved looking for bugs inBeaver Lake. I also enjoyed cooking pasta. I found setting up tents extremely fun!! In all, I thoughtUrban Camping was great. I hope that lots of kids get to go, too. " Sophie, Grade 7, Strathcona Elem.

Urban CampingUrban CampingUrban CampingUrban CampingUrban Camping

"An excellent introduction tooutdoor activities and greathands-on activities from doingtheir own dishes to setting upa tent to ecosystemawareness. Thanks foranother wonderfulexperience! It was my thirdtime!" S. Maracle, Teacher, SirWilliam MacDonald Elem.

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Public Programs

NaNaNaNaNaturturturturture Housee Housee Housee Housee House

Our Public Programs such as Ivy Busters, Eco Rangers, Discovery Walks andthe Native Plant Demonstration Garden foster a love for our natural andcultural environment. They also provide a sense of responsibility,encouraging and motivating all to be involved in park stewardship.

Vancouver's only ecology centre is looking even better!After a 2-month renovation, more space and interactivedisplays have been created for our visitors.

A gateway for nature interpretation and park exploration,the Nature House is SPES’s public presence in the parkand the meeting ground for our public programs. It is alsoa place for volunteers and visitors alike to develop skillsand learn how to make valuable contributions to ourcommunities.

"Great displays. What an amazing place!" visitor fromIreland

Victor Cottingham - 12 years of volunteerism with SPESVictor Cottingham - 12 years of volunteerism with SPESVictor Cottingham - 12 years of volunteerism with SPESVictor Cottingham - 12 years of volunteerism with SPESVictor Cottingham - 12 years of volunteerism with SPES

A true community project, The StanleyPark Earthen Architecture project wasconstructed in the summer of 2004 by200 eager volunteers and staff with thematerial support of many local individu-als, businesses and organizations.

Its high traffic location in the MiniatureRailway Plaza ensures that it will be seenby 1000’s of visitors annually, providingan unique opportunity to raise aware-ness of sustainable natural building.

Constructed of cob (a durable mixtureof sand, clay and straw), it features a na-tive plant-covered living roof and replacesthe old SPES fundraising popcorn stand.Built by hand using very little machinery,it is as sustainable as it is beautiful andfunctional. The building will last for hun-dreds of years as an enduring legacy toSPES's success in connecting people withnature. (cover page photo)

CCCCCob Prob Prob Prob Prob Projecojecojecojecojecttttt

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EEEEEccccco Ro Ro Ro Ro RangersangersangersangersangersEco Rangers are volunteer nature inter-Eco Rangers are volunteer nature inter-Eco Rangers are volunteer nature inter-Eco Rangers are volunteer nature inter-Eco Rangers are volunteer nature inter-preters. preters. preters. preters. preters. Equipped with vests full of propsand resources, they talked to thousands ofpeople this summer .

• 'Raccoon Rangers' patrolled ProspectPoint with squirt guns of vinegar-waterdissuading raccoons from approachingpeople.

• Highly praised Eco Tours at featurelocations in the park

• Interactive games and props helped usmeet and talk to over 140 people over 140 people over 140 people over 140 people over 140 people atatatatatthe Celebration of Light fireworks.the Celebration of Light fireworks.the Celebration of Light fireworks.the Celebration of Light fireworks.the Celebration of Light fireworks.

• The newly built puppetpuppetpuppetpuppetpuppet theatheatheatheatheaterterterterter had itspremiere of 'The Hungry Duckling' atthe children's water park.


IvIvIvIvIvy Bustersy Bustersy Bustersy Bustersy BustersIvy Busters began in May 2004 as a public stewardship project of the Stanley Park EcologySociety. Its objective is to remove invasive English Ivy from the forest floor in order to allowthe native flora to regenerate, thus restoring habitat for the park's native fauna. To date,Ivy Busters has held 7 Ivy pulls with a total of 200 volunteers resulting in over 10,000square meters of ivy-free forest. This project relies on volunteers and we always welcomemore hands.

"What wonderful workis being done here. I will

definitely come back!" - Marianne Jensen

Ivy Busters volunteer"Great fun. An experience

that all can enjoy. A goodproject for youth groups."

-Sandra SharpIvy Busters volunteer

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Urban Wildlife

Co-Existing with Coyotes continues to be recognized as amodel urban wildlife program. Established partnershipswith the Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection and theCities of Vancouver and Surrey have enabled Co-Existingwith Coyotes to pass the following milestones.

Since the program began in February 2001 we have:

Co-Existing with CoyotesCo-Existing with CoyotesCo-Existing with CoyotesCo-Existing with CoyotesCo-Existing with Coyotes teaches communities how to minimizecoyote attractants and the possibilities of conflict with pets and kids,and what to do in a coyote encounter.

Species MonitoringSpecies MonitoringSpecies MonitoringSpecies MonitoringSpecies MonitoringThe Ecology Society has also expanded our urban wildlifework to monitor species of interest in Vancouver.

Volunteers spent more than 400 hours with their "headsup" this year monitoring the Stanley Park Heronry and6 Bald Eagle nests in the City of Vancouver.

The Heron monitoring was part of a larger ProvincialGovernment study. All information is provided to BirdStudies Canada and to the Vancouver Park Board.

Eco Rangers were active at Prospect Point in a VancouverPark Board "Stop the raccoon feeding / bites" initiative.

• engaged 32,000 elementary school students inour coyote awareness presentations

• distributed 50,000 brochures• fielded 2100 phone calls

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Expenditures by Category

Sources of Revenue

The Stanley Park EcologySociety draws its financial

support from a diverse group offunding sources and in recent

years has received increasedsupport from Corporate Donors.Attention on Corporate Respon-sibility has led many companiesto work towards protecting theinterests of local communities

and the environment. Bysupporting grassroots organiza-

tions and charitable causes,corporations aim to create

positive change. By recogniz-ing their contribution we

provide companies with theincentive to improve their social

performance beyond the normand so build the social value of

their company.Under Sources of Revenue you

will see Corporate Donationsfor the first time. AlthoughCorporate Donations havealways been important in

helping SPES deliver programswe are expanding our efforts to

involve and recognize thecorporate sector for their

contribution to the environ-ment and community. We hope

to continue to work with andexpand our relationships with

responsible donors to help SPEScontinue to offer new and

exciting programs.


CoExisting with Coyotes18%

Earthen Architecture3%

Public Programs &Nature House


Park & ClassPrograms


Urban Camping13%

Urban Stewards9%


Federal Grants12%

IndividualDonations &


Foundation &Corporate Donations

21%Municipal Grants


Provincial Grants15%

Program Fees &Sales22%

*Audited financial statements available by request


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Thank You

VVVVVancancancancancouvouvouvouvouver Boarer Boarer Boarer Boarer Board od od od od of Pf Pf Pf Pf Parkarkarkarkarks and Rs and Rs and Rs and Rs and Recrecrecrecrecreaeaeaeaeationtiontiontiontion – SPES Facilities, Co-Existing withCoyotes, School Programs, Eco Rangers, Cob Project

BC Gaming Commission – BC Gaming Commission – BC Gaming Commission – BC Gaming Commission – BC Gaming Commission – OperationsNSERC PromoScience – NSERC PromoScience – NSERC PromoScience – NSERC PromoScience – NSERC PromoScience – Park and ClassRRRRRBC FBC FBC FBC FBC Foundaoundaoundaoundaoundationtiontiontiontion at RRRRRoooooyyyyyal Bank oal Bank oal Bank oal Bank oal Bank of Cf Cf Cf Cf Canadaanadaanadaanadaanada – Urban CampingVVVVVancancancancancouvouvouvouvouver Fer Fer Fer Fer Foundaoundaoundaoundaoundation tion tion tion tion – Urban StewardsMinistrMinistrMinistrMinistrMinistry oy oy oy oy of f f f f WWWWWaaaaaterterterterter,,,,, Land and Air Pr Land and Air Pr Land and Air Pr Land and Air Pr Land and Air Protecotecotecotecotectiontiontiontiontion – Co-Existing with Coyotes

Visionary (more than $10 000)

Sustainer ($5000 to $10 000)

Labatt People in Action – Labatt People in Action – Labatt People in Action – Labatt People in Action – Labatt People in Action – Ivy Busters, Cob, Native Plant Demonstration GardenTTTTTD FD FD FD FD Friends oriends oriends oriends oriends of f f f f the Enthe Enthe Enthe Enthe Envirvirvirvirvironmenonmenonmenonmenonmenttttt F F F F Foundaoundaoundaoundaoundation tion tion tion tion – Urban StewardsBusiness ObjectsBusiness ObjectsBusiness ObjectsBusiness ObjectsBusiness Objects – Urban Stewards

Supporter (less than $5000)

FFFFFuturuturuturuturutureWeWeWeWeWorkorkorkorkorks s s s s TTTTTrrrrraining – aining – aining – aining – aining – Public ProgramsHuman Resources Development Canada – Human Resources Development Canada – Human Resources Development Canada – Human Resources Development Canada – Human Resources Development Canada – School

ProgramsJust Singin’ Round – Just Singin’ Round – Just Singin’ Round – Just Singin’ Round – Just Singin’ Round – Public ProgramsKKKKKeith Leith Leith Leith Leith Lororororord Spord Spord Spord Spord Sports Fts Fts Fts Fts Fdddddn an an an an attttt VVVVVancancancancancouvouvouvouvouver Fer Fer Fer Fer Fdn dn dn dn dn – Urban CampingVVVVVanCity SaanCity SaanCity SaanCity SaanCity Savings Crvings Crvings Crvings Crvings Crediteditediteditedit Union Union Union Union Union – Eco Rangers, Cob ProjectLower Mainland Christmas BureauLower Mainland Christmas BureauLower Mainland Christmas BureauLower Mainland Christmas BureauLower Mainland Christmas Bureau – Urban CampingCapers Community Markets Capers Community Markets Capers Community Markets Capers Community Markets Capers Community Markets – Public Programs, CobMountain Equipment CoopMountain Equipment CoopMountain Equipment CoopMountain Equipment CoopMountain Equipment Coop – Cob Project

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Individual Donors

Victoria GarlandAnne DoyleFlo FitzgeraldJoslin KobylkaJudith MacPhersonRoger SextonRosalyn KaardalShona LamJenny ChenDiane UrbanMargaret DresenLynn VardemanDiane LepawskyRob & Diane MilneHillary HagganPeter M. Da SilvaGillian WoolfsonDan & Jan PhelpsBernard GessieCecilia Stoll

Victor CottinghamCristina VelezVernon BrinkStephen SilbernagelWendy BidgoodMary LandellShirley ReesAlix MathiasChristine SpinderGerry CirencioneSusan ShaverMelissa BoyerIsabel ChenSusan GordonPhilippa MennellKristine LampaCathy O'Connor-MorrisJoyce PriorDoug WilsonKelly QuinlanJerry Miehm

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Stanley Park Ecology SocietyThe StanleThe StanleThe StanleThe StanleThe Stanley Py Py Py Py Park Eark Eark Eark Eark Ecccccologologologologology Society ency Society ency Society ency Society ency Society encourourourourouragagagagagesesesesesstestestestestewwwwwararararardship odship odship odship odship of our naf our naf our naf our naf our naturturturturtural wal wal wal wal world orld orld orld orld thrthrthrthrthroughoughoughoughoughenenenenenvirvirvirvirvironmenonmenonmenonmenonmental educatal educatal educatal educatal education and action and action and action and action and action andtion andtion andtion andtion andbuilds abuilds abuilds abuilds abuilds awwwwwararararareness oeness oeness oeness oeness of f f f f the frthe frthe frthe frthe fragile balancagile balancagile balancagile balancagile balanceeeeebetween urban populations and nature.between urban populations and nature.between urban populations and nature.between urban populations and nature.between urban populations and nature.

StanleStanleStanleStanleStanley Py Py Py Py Park Eark Eark Eark Eark Ecccccologologologologology Societyy Societyy Societyy Societyy SocietyStanley Park Dining Pavilion, 2nd FloorStanley Park Dining Pavilion, 2nd FloorStanley Park Dining Pavilion, 2nd FloorStanley Park Dining Pavilion, 2nd FloorStanley Park Dining Pavilion, 2nd Floor

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