staff recognition awards - cvuhb€¦ · mike bamber mike meets and greets out-patients and...

STAFF RECOGNITION AWARDS 14 TH MARCH 2014 P a tie n t E x p e rie n c e Q u ality, S ustain a b ility a n d E cie n c y G o in g th e e x tra m ile M e n to r o f th e Y e ar Pla c e m e n t o f th e Y e a r H e a lt h a t W o rk a nd W e llb ein g E q u a lit y, D iv e rsity and H u m a n R ig h ts W els h L a n g u a g e L e a d ers h ip E d u c atio n a n d D e v elo p m e n t V olu n te er of th e Y e ar A w ard M a n a g er o f the Y e ar A w ard R e se arc h a n d D e v elo p m e n t C h air a n d C hief E x e cu tiv es A w a rd

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Page 1: STAFF RECOGNITION AWARDS - CVUHB€¦ · Mike Bamber Mike meets and greets out-patients and visitors who arrive at Barry Hospital, signposting and escorting them to their destination




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Quality, Sustainability and E!ciency

Going the extra mile

Mentor of the Year

Placement of the Year


at W

ork and Wellbeing


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iversity and Human Rights

Welsh Language


Education and Development

Volunteer of the Year Award

Manager of the Year Award

Research and Development

Chair and Chief Executive’s Award

Page 2: STAFF RECOGNITION AWARDS - CVUHB€¦ · Mike Bamber Mike meets and greets out-patients and visitors who arrive at Barry Hospital, signposting and escorting them to their destination

Volunteer of the Year Award

A volunteer or team of volunteers who have made asignificant difference to the patient/client/carer/staffexperience on behalf of the University Health Board.

Mike Bamber

Mike meets and greets out-patients and visitors who arrive at Barry Hospital,signposting and escorting them to their destination. He has a calm andfriendly manner, is punctual, polite, smart and always has a friendly face.Barry Community Hospital is a happier place when he is working.

Runner Up

Mike Williams

A self-taught artist who supports the arts and crafts weekly group forpeople with dementia and their carers. Mike takes peoples abilities intoaccount then engages and develops their artistic skills. People who couldnot normally sit still long enough have become engrossed in art and onecarer said “it’s a new skill – I never knew I could draw!” The Art in Dementiaexhibition in Cardiff Bay was so successful because of this knowledge anddedication in showing the community how art makes a difference.


Macmillan Information and Support Centre, UHW - Volunteers

Louisa Sham – is a second year student at Cardiff University studying Physiology. Louisa has volunteered at the Macmillan Information and Support Centre for over 12 months.

Caroline Read – is a Mum to three children. Caroline also is a full timestudent completing her access to nursing course at the Cardiff and ValeCollege. Caroline has volunteered at the Macmillan Information and Support Centre for over 6 months and her ambition is to be a qualified nurse within Cardiff and Vale University Health Board.

Chris Chiplen – recently retired from nursing after 43 years of service working within CommunityChild Health. Chris has recently joined the team of volunteers at the Macmillan Information andsupport centre and brings with her a wealth of life experiences.

Special Commendation

Awarded by Mr Saleem Kidwai OBEIndependent Member


Michael Bamber, Wendy Bevan, Judith Braeman, Linda Brewer, Carl Palmer MBE, Mike Williams, Macmillan Information and Support Centre, UHW - Volunteers: Louise Sham, Caroline Read, Chris Chiplen


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Research andDevelopment Award

To recognise staff involved in research which has impactedpositively on patient care and the wider community. Thenomination should reflect any publications and presentations aswell as data outcomes.

Awarded by Marcus LongleyVice Chair

Judith White

With a BSc in Genetics and a PhD in Molecular Microbiology and anHonorary Research Fellow at Cardiff University, Judith has built onCardiff’s reputation as a leading centre for NICE commissioned research,with potential direct patient benefits applicable to a wide range and hasundertaken research into a chronic disorder.

Runner Up

Nicki Palmer

Nicki has been a research nurse within the ICU since 2008, working withone of the consultants involved in a national intensive care trial. Sincethen the ICU has been involved in further trials with additional researchnurses now joining the team. She has an international reputation, ispatient centred with direct patient benefit and exemplar of NHS abilitiesto do cutting edge research.



Rachel Howell, Nicki Palmer, Judith White, Kathleen Withers


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Quality, Sustainabilityand Efficiency Award

An individual recognised in this category will have generatedeffective ideas for improving efficiency; and/or haveimplemented changes that maintain/improve safety/quality ofpatient care/service delivery whilst improving efficiency andvalue for money.

Awarded by Alison GerrardBoard Secretary

Alice Richards

Alice is a senior respiratory physiotherapist who has been instrumental inthe development of the non-evasive ventilation (NIV) service. The role ofphysiotherapy has been embedded within the service resulting in theprovision of individualised treatment programmes for patients as well asintroducing quality measures resulting in the effective and efficient use ofresources. She has made these changes happen so successfully with her‘can do attitude’ and thirst to improve patient care.

Runner Up

Dr Peter Mullaney

A Consultant Radiologist since 2007, the judges were very impressed with DrPeter Mullaney, his commitment and leadership in developing and deliveringthe MSK sonography service has been exemplary, yielding significant benefitsfor patients, the department and the Health Board. He has furtherdeveloped an innovative training programme to ensure sustainable servicesgoing forward. This work has enthused staff, promoted skills developmentand led the way to enable their professional development.



Dr Peter Mullaney, Karen Ryan, Laura Bliss, Phill Edwards, Ruth Jordan, Sonia Oliver, Alice Richards, Paul Rothwell, Hannah Thomas,Catherine Washbrook, Helen Watkins, Strategic Bed Planning Project Team: Pete Landstrom, Sally Jenkins, Ruth Jordan, Hywel Jones, Shakeel Ahmed


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Patient Experience Award

An individual who has made significant improvement tothe patient/client/carer experience.

Awarded by Ruth WalkerExecutive Director of Nursing

Tracey Maton

Tracey is an Occupational Therapy Technician at HMP Cardiff Mental HealthInreach Service supporting mental health recovery through occupation.

She has taken her background interest in Drama and introduced a dramagroup for her clients in Cardiff prison. Her enthusiasm for her work isdescribed by her colleagues and clients as contagious, motivational andinspirational. She uses her initiative in constructive and creative waysplacing service users at the centre of her planning and action.

Runner Up

Clinical Gerontology – SONAS TMAndrea Clarke and Amanda Spellacey

One is a Health Care Support Worker and part time Receptionist,the other is a physiotherapy technician. Together they haveimplemented Sonas TM for patients. This programme is aneffective evidenced based therapeutic activity for older peoplewho have significant communication impairment, primarily as a result of dementia.



Tracey Maton, Mel Lewis, Pamela Buss, Robert Cooper, Clinical Gerontology - Sonas TM: Andrea Clarke, Amanda Spellacey


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There are many supervisors and managers of all gradesthrough the UHB who add value to the lives of their staff.

Awarded by Charlotte MoarExecutive Director of Finance

Winner Award accepted by Sharon O’Brienon behalf of Jane Murphy

Runner Up Award accepted by Claire Birchallon behalf of Roxanne Hammonds

Roxanne Hammonds

As the manager of SARC, which is a busy and challenging area, she has supported amultidisciplinary team ensuring they remain optimistic, caring and enthusiastic.

Runner Up

Jane Murphy

A Senior Nurse providing Clinical leadership and operationalmanagement for a large team of Nurses within Clinical Gerontology,Jane has led by example, with her support for her ward sisters beingevident and realised through achievement, such as 2 ward sistersachieving RCN Nurse of the Year and Runner Up. Direct benefits of hersupport includes ward sisters and nursing team working hard to maintainand develop standards, which can only be of benefit to patients and theUHB as a whole.



Claire Beattie, Lance Carver, Roxanne Hammonds, Mary Harness, Sharon Matthews, Jane Murphy


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Leadership Award

An individual who has demonstrated a significant difference through their leadership.

NomineesDr Simon Barry, Lisa Cordery, Dr Christina Maciejewksi, Diane Old, Dr Craig Parry, Wendy Rabaiotti, Wendy Simmonds, Mike Spencer, Linda Walker

Awarded by Dr Graham ShortlandExecutive Medical Director

Dr Craig Parry

A consultant radiologistsubspecialising ingastrointestinal imaging,Craig has brought fromoutside Cardiff and Valea vision of how servicescan be improved. He has not faltered fromintroducing changewhich has realised clearbenefits for patients and staff.

Mike Spencer

As Assistant Director ofPatient Experience, Mikeprovides value basedleadership within his ownteam, organisation wideand National groups. His leadership style is towork consultatively across different disciplinesacross the organisation to ensure his vision isrealised.

Joint Runners Up

Wendy Rabaiotti

Wendy specialises in the assessment and rehabilitation of children with complexneeds and paediatric cochlear implants. She demonstrates a determination andhas an upbeat, can do attitude. She values her workforce, taking them withher in achieving significant change, which is recognised as a flagship service forits consistently good outcomes across Wales against National Standards.

She has been in post since October 1979. She has headed Audiology since 1990.She specialises in the assessment and rehabilitation of children with complexneeds and paediatric cochlear implants.

She led her team of 33 staff for the last two years, to achieve the highest scorein Wales for both Adult Rehabilitation Hearing Services Standards and QualityStandards for Paediatric Audiology (Wales).


Dr Simon Barry

Dr Simon Barry is a strong advocate for making changes to the system for patients benefit. He isdelivering change in a difficult area using a clear evidence base. A Consultant in RespiratoryMedicine and, since 2012, has been one of the Clinical Directors for Integrated Medicine. He is adynamic and enthusiastic clinician, who is keen to drive service change and modernisation. Hisdrive and enthusiasm have been instrumental in establishing a Medical Decisions Unit at UHW.

Special Commendation


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Health at Work and Wellbeing award

An individual who has made significant changes to theirlife style in order to improve their health and/or has gonebeyond their work role in order to promote a healthyworking environment for their colleagues.


Trina Nealon, Occupational Health: Nicola Bevan, Meg Williams, Allison McMurray, Gayle Farrell, Cerys Edwards

Awarded by Dr Sharon HopkinsExecutive Director of Public Health

Occupational Health Team

Nicky, Meg, Allison and Cerys are part of the OH nursing team whodeliver the seasonal flu vaccination campaign across the UHB eachyear. These health nominees consistently volunteered to do extraclinics during the flu campaign and worked tirelessly to increaseopportunity and availability of the flu vaccine to Cardiff and Valeemployees, including shift and night workers. They aimed tomaximise uptake rate to benefit all Cardiff and Vale patients andvisitors and reduce costs associated with sickness absence due toflu and reduce associated winter pressures.

Runner Up

Trina Nealon

Trina leads the tobacco control work for Cardiff and Vale UHB and the widercommunity. She has few direct resources other than herself to persuade,cajole and influence. She has displayed amazing personal commitment andresilience and has never lost her sense of humour. She’s worked withnumerous partners, including negotiating the removal of the “Daffodil”wallscape at UHW, replacing it with a no smoking dragon. Thanks to heractions smoking across our health care sites is decreasing and pre-operativesmoking support is growing to optimise health outcomes.



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Going the Extra MileAward

An individual or team who has contributed in such a way as tohave brought that extra special something to patients,colleagues or the University Health Board.

Awarded by Abigail HarrisExecutive Director of Planning

Stephen Edwards

In his 28th working year, he and his team; Tom Roberts, Sarah Kelly andKeith Stimpson, produce and distribute 5 million printed copies a year.Stephen works diligently and demonstrates going the extra mile throughhis role by working over and beyond his job in the print room, this hasoften led to the Health Board saving money and time in reproducing publicpapers.

Joint Runner Up

Edward Daw

Edward is an amazing individual who goes the extra mile supportingpeople with mental health and complex needs, this includes supportingpeople at court hearings. He began his career with the Mental HealthAssertive Outreach Service as Senior Support Time and Recovery Worker inNovember 2011. His experience and knowledge of working with peoplewith housing or drug and alcohol issues has been invaluable to both theservice and the service users. An exceptional staff member who showscompassion, empathy and willingness to help at all times, he is a shiningstar within the organisation.

Sarah Fogarasy

Sarah demonstrates a passion for her role and going the extra mile, it isevident through her vision and drive, in liaising with national and localbusinesses to donate items and equipment to improve the PaediatricEmergency environment. She is always looking to go the extra mile forher patients seeking out opportunities to improve their experience of theemergency unit. She has an amazing ability to put her patients at easeand is a pleasure to have as part of the team.

Joint Winners


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Physiotherapy Department

They provide physiotherapy services to inpatients,outpatients and patients in the community. There are 69physiotherapists and support staff providing primary,secondary and tertiary services based within the hospitaland community. Following the sad death of a colleague thedepartment promoted, collected and distributed presentsover the Christmas period to elderly patients, as “Sal’s Gift”.This is now planned to become an annual event.

Joint Runner Up

Operational Services and Estates – cleaning andmaintenance staff

On Monday, 5th August 2013, a torrential downpour of rainoverloaded the drainage system on the roof of the newChildren’s Hospital. This resulted in flooding of clinical areas.The Operational Services Team worked quickly to clear theflood water from the children’s wards, and also cleaned andprepared a vacant ward so that children could be temporarilyevacuated. The nominees ensured that an exceptionalemergency situation was dealt with quickly, professionallyand with as little disruption as possible to patient care.

Special Commendation


Pamela Buss, Edward Daw, Stephen Edwards, Sarah Fogarasy, Jean Hazelwood, Sarah Kirtland, Nuala Mahon, William McLaughlin, Ian McMullin,Joanne Morris, Gail Pickford, Ben Rees, Shirley Rees, Sian Tracey, Alan Tyler, Jane Rowlands-Mellor,, Kay Holton, Michelle Fowler, Nigel Hughes,Sue Llewelyn, Sue Barrow, Tony Patel, Yvonne Hyde, Amelia Jukes, Orla Morgan, Emma Golding, Chris Beynon, Patricia Camillerie, Leigh Collier,Sarah Reece, Hanna-Wyn Humphreys, Angie Williams, Kate Williams, Beverly Pretty, Cherie Rogers, Beth Seaton, Mandy Rees-Jones, Steve Hendrickson, Jane Roberts, Lorraine Osbourne, Kirstie McNaughton, Peter Meades, Julie Dorey, Jane Burgoyne, Shirley Hann, CatherineDimopoulos, Georgina Pepper, Jackie Thomas, Dr Jane Boyd, Margaret Boddy, Rosemary Reeves, Tomy Pratheesh, Catherine FrostAlicia Chlebowzka-Donczew, Paulette Palmer, Sarla Patel, Heather Hancock, Caroline Kirwan, Ben Player, Dr Annie Procter, Lawrence King,Alison May, Dr Phil Connor, Dr Wahlid Bashi, Sarah Galliford, Ffion Jones, Mark Mapstone, Natalie Pinch, Amelia Jukes, Rebecca Vaughan-Roberts, Susan Sainty, Shirley Canavan, Cynthia Richardson, Sandra Gonzalez, Joel Centeno, Vanessa Powderhill, Michelle Salter, Valerie Fish, YeseniaDe Jesus Gomes, Rattana Jones, Maria Sandra Di Palma, Joseph Massari, Kenneth Oro, Reginald Edwards, Samantha Anne Jenkins, Shelby Murdie,Leo Asa, John Anthony Tapia, Joel Pilapil, Natalia Adamow, Angela Morgan, James Tylke, Therese Smith, Alison Richards, Robert Addicott, GarethEvans, Huw Jarrett, Philip Jones, Nigel Evans, Christopher Hale, Gavin Buse, Robert Arthur, Paul Newbury, Physiotherapy Department, Llandough


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Margaret McLaughlin

Margaret is commended for her senior leadership in promoting Equality,Diversity and Human Rights. She has personally led by example in thework to launch the national accessible healthcare standards of sensory loss.She is an ambassador for equality. Her personal commitment to Equalitycomes through at the highest level in the organisation, ensuring that allstrategies, policies and plans are minded to include robust assessment ofEquality, Diversity and Human Rights.

Runner Up

Equality, Diversity andHuman Rights award

An individual who has recognised the individual needs ofpatients/colleagues and taken action to value diversity andpromote equality and human rights.

Awarded by Adam CairnsChief Executive

Reginald Fish

Above and beyond his core role as a renal systems analyst, Reg has takenon the role of chair of the UHB Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and TransgenderRainbow network. Through his chairmanship, LGBT issues have beendriven forward with patients and colleagues, raising awareness throughconsultations, discussions and focus groups. With his involvement, passionand drive, Cardiff and Vale has moved up over 100 places in the UKStonewalls Workplace Equality Index. It is apparent that his outstandingcontribution has been instrumental to this improved position for the UHB.



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Education andDevelopment Award

An individual who has attained academic achievement;formal personal development; has had their work publishedor presented nationally or who has gone over and above tosupport education and development.

Awarded by Tracy MyhillExecutive Director of Workforce and Organisational

Development / Deputy Chief ExecutiveWinner Award accepted by Peryn Morgan

on behalf of Dr Neil Frude

Lisa Williams

As a registered dietician with 22 years experience in the NHS including 11 years specializing in public health, she holds a Masters degree in PostCompulsory Education and Training and has extensive experience ofimplementing nutrition training. Lisa has developed a brand to improve thenutrition skills across Wales which equips staff, volunteers and others with theskills and knowledge to support and strengthen community food andnutrition input into areas of health inadequacy. She has enhanced theevaluation of the programme and introduced methods of reportingoutcomes and benefits to the population. She has secured additional allWales funding and extended training to the midwifery curriculum andpharmacy technicians. The work supports the prevention of obesity in the 0-25 year olds and management of malnutrition in the older population –two of our greatest areas of health need.

Runner Up

Dr Neil Frude

A clinical psychologist and External Professor in the University of South Wales.He is also a Fellow of the British Psychological Society. Neil has developed theAction for Living large group intervention programme. These 2 hour sessionsprovide the UHB with an ideal way to provide effective therapy in an efficientmanner to large numbers of people in the community who might be termed a“less severe” mental health problem who might not normally be able to accessmore specialist mental health services. UHB staff have also attended thegroups and are able to learn about this therapeutic approach and gain sometherapeutic benefit themselves.



Gaynor Chase, Janelle Courtney, Dr Neil Frude, Rachel Hart, Lesley Jones, Andrew Meates, Sarah Taylor, Lisa Williams, Dr Amos Wong,Occupational Health: Susan Murphy and Denise Zeinali


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Dr Victor Sim

A Consultant Physician with a specialist interest in Heart Failure, Dr Simprovides acute medical cover at UHL. He works as Clinical lead at theLlandough Day Hospital which provides a Medications Titration service andHeart Failure exercise programme. He has weekly follow up clinics inLlandough and Barry for patients with chronic heart failure. His nomineewrites "he is truly an unsung hero because of his modest, unassuming natureand consistently positive attitude and commitment to his client group hecares for, it's great to see elderly patients having the best of care".

Runner Up

Chair and ChiefExecutive Award

Caring for people and keeping them well – to recognise anindividual who, day in day out, demonstrates the UHBs corevalues of kindness, care, honesty, integrity, respect andpersonal responsibility. An award specifically for our UnsungHeroes.

Awarded by Maria BattleChair

Fiona Hall

Fiona commenced her physiotherapy experience in Wales in 1984 in whatwas then ‘South Glamorgan Health Authority based at the UHW. However,she took on her current position on the Haemophilia Unit in 1993. Sincethis time she has been the clinical lead for Physiotherapy providing anunfaltering continuous service to the Haemophilia Unit, to include regularout of hours service on evenings and weekend. Her visual impairment istotally eclipsed by her incredible insight for the needs of her patients andher support and empathy for Physiotherapists in the same situation. She isheld in the highest esteem by both patients and staff alike. I am sure,without doubt, she is absolutely and wonderfully unique!



Avril Dafydd-Lewis, Fiona Hall, Primrose Horwood, Jocelyn Navarro, Dean Rimron-White, Dr Victor Sim


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Helen Marshall

Helen is recognised for her ambition, knowledge and dedication to her rolewithin the team. She provides the best possible experience to placementsand helps to increase individual’s confidence. She provides a learningexperience adapted to needs, identifying what the learner wants to achieveand setting up a structured learning programme with clear aims andobjectives. She provides ongoing mentorship beyond the period of theplacement; ensuring students have the highest standard of training possible.

Mentor Runner Up

Mentor and Placementof the Year Awards

There are many supervisors and mentors of all clinicalstaff throughout the UHB, an individual who hasdemonstrated a significant difference through theirmentorship.

Awarded by Fiona JenkinsExecutive Director of Therapies and Health Sciences

Karen Bonham

Despite being a busy clinician, Karen makes time to help those shementors. She somehow manages to get to the heart of the issue withoutpeople feeling negative about themselves. Above all she makes others feelconfident to discuss any problems. The sharing of her extensive mentoringexperience means that her legacy of high standards will be reflected andduplicated within teams across the UHB.

Mentor Winner


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MEAU Llandough

The nominee wrote “this department gives exceptional care topatients and welcomes students, and makes them feel part of theteam. During my time on this placement I observed thatalthough the unit was extremely busy every staff memberworked together. The UHB should be proud of the work the staff do.

Runner Up of Placement of the Year

GA Theatre Team Dental

The nominee wrote “this placement has by far beenone of the best I have ever been on. All the staff were so supportive and nothing I asked was to muchtrouble. The learning opportunities are endless andthere was always something new to learn. I madegood working relationships with all the staff and I feltlike a real part of the team. The care and time thatgoes into ensuring each patient has a pleasantexperience is fantastic. All the staff accommodate thepatients, wherever appropriate, and family centredcare is clearly visible. I appreciated all the time andplanning that went into ensuring that I got the best out of my placement. The staff really lookedafter each other and there is a great team spirit even in challenging times. I was so grateful tobe part of that”.

Over the past 12 months this team has gone through a very difficult period due to seriousillnesses and bereavements, despite this, they have worked together to ensure that all studentnurses on their placement have continued to receive a high standard of individualised teachingand support.

Winner of Placement of the Year


Karen Bonham, Robert Foley, Jacqueline Hall, Siân Kurukchi, Helen Marshall, Sharon Matthews, Julia Charles, Jayne Kemp, Beverley Lewis,Cheryl McCormick, Jacqueline Hall, Sarah Daw, Novelita Alzate, Clare Sharp, Dorothy Lynch, Rachel Howell, Sonia Smith, Laura Bliss, RebeccaDruce, Jane Hicks, Janet Digby, Angela Criddle, Ellen Apologista, Joanne Davies, Evangeline Belarmino, Grettel Belarmino, Ann Brown, Debra Callaghan, Katherina Caoili, Abigail Corpuz, Caru Davies, Emma Davies, Sharon Dodson, Kathryn Elston, Rafaelito Enriquez, Julia Evans, Robert Foley,Carly Grant, Rhian Hathway, Paul Harris-Dack, Claire Hobbs, Emily Hunter, James Hughes, Josh James, Betty James, Sarah John, Hannah Keeble,Nicola Lane, Rachael Maiden, Helen McKillen, Melissa Morgan, Harriet Morris, Sophie Nicol, Marilyn Obrien, Eleanor Peckham, Josephine Pioquid,David Pitchforth, Shelley Potter, Nicola Powell, Mathew Price, Ceri Richards-Taylor, Delyth, Rogers, Kevin Ryan, Reggie Sanejo, Wendi Saunders,Chantelle Southam, Rosemarie Schembri, Malcolm Smith, Anthony Taylor, Aleyamma Thomas


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Rebecca Vaughan-Roberts

Rebecca has improved the patient experience by actively offering apaediatric examination through the medium of Welsh. For some childrenthis is their first and only language option. She also translates informationfor patients within the department.

Runner Up

Welsh Language award

An individual who has provided quality bilingualhealthcare or has developed an idea to improve thequality of bilingual health for Welsh speaking patients.

Awarded by Margaret McLaughlinIndependent Member

Winner Award accepted by Judyth Jenkinson behalf of Siân Gruffudd

Siân Gruffudd

Siân is an outstanding specialist dietician, offering nutrition advice to patients with spinal andhead injuries in Rookwood Hospital. She has shown a willingness to commit and improve thepatient information in the department, thereby, supporting her colleagues to improve the patientexperience. She has achieved all these improvements whilst maintaining a complex caseload.


A big thank you to everyone who took part and congratulations to all nominees


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The Staff Recognition Awards have been brought to you bythe Learning, Education and Development Department.